Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/24/20

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/24/20


Episode #11998 ~ Victor tries to stop Adam from self-destructing; Sally makes her mark in Genoa City; Abby faces a tough decision.

Provided By Suzanne

Mariah: Hey! Thank you so much for asking me to meet you. With tessa being gone, I've kind of become like a hermit. I'm completely cooped up in our place, so it's nice to just get out.

Devon: You texted me.

Mariah: I don't think so.

Devon: Yeah, you -- you said it right here. You said, "meet me at society in 15 minutes or else you're a chump."

Mariah: Does that really sound like me? Okay, fine! Fine! I am lonely without tessa. But it's more satisfying if somebody invites me to do something. So I'm kind of playing a trick on my brain. I'm doing some emotional jujitsu using your positive energy to make me feel better about myself. So just please play along with it.

Devon: I appreciate you meeting me. Thank you.

Mariah: Oh, my god. It's no big deal. You're welcome.

[ Both chuckle ]

Devon: Here I thought you were trying to check up on me.

Mariah: Are you okay? How are you?

Devon: I'm -- I'm doing my best. Uh, nate's hand may not fully recover.

Mariah: Well, it's not like you meant to injure him on purpose.

Devon: I didn't mean to ruin his career.

Mariah: Look, I'm sure everything is gonna work itself out.

Devon: I keep trying to figure out who's to blame for everything. Is it him? Is it elena? Is it me? The truth is... no one's solely responsible. It's just life happens.

Mariah: Wow. That is an incredibly evolved way to look at it. Good for you.

[ Cellphone pings ]

Devon: Ah, hey, you're gonna be happy about this.

Mariah: What?

Devon: I'll give you a hint. I've just recently had some power vested in me.

Chance: Hey. My mom says she's gonna be able to take care of all the flowers.

Abby: Ah, that's amazing. Thank her for me. And please tell her to coordinate the details with my mom.

Chance: Everything's falling into place. This is actually easier than i thought.

Abby: Okay, speak for yourself. I still have a hundred things to do.

Chance: Like what?

Abby: Like finding a dress, for one.

Chance: I thought you had the fancy new york designer lined up.

Abby: I did, but she overcommitted, and so she won't be able to finish the dress on time, and now I am scrambling to find one.

Chance: Well, you could wear what you have on right now and you would still be the most beautiful bride ever.

Abby: Mm. I am definitely keeping you. But our wedding is so simple. I-I want the dress to at least be amazing.

[ Knock on door ] Hi. Who are you?

Sally: A miracle worker. I'm sally spectra, lauren's new assistant. My boss heard that there was a wedding-dress emergency and sent me here with instructions to, and I quote, "tell abby i wouldn't let her get married without the perfect dress."

Billy: A gun registered to me was found dismantled and just dropped in a dumpster behind a building at chanccomm?

Rey: Mm-hmm. So, you own a gun?

Billy: Yeah, I do. Um, but I'm not a weapons specialist. I don't know how to dismantle a gun.

Rey: When was the last time you saw the gun?

Billy: It's been years. When I moved out of victoria's house, I left it in a lockbox in her closet for her safety.

Rey: So, how did it end up in a dumpster?

Billy: It's a good question, detective. I don't know.

Rey: The lab ran a ballistics test. The bullet that they pulled out of chance -- the one meant for adam -- it looks like it was fired from...

Billy: My gun.

Rey: That's right.

Billy: Okay, well, thank you very much for the information. Sorry I can't be more help. Let me know if you learn anything else.

Victoria: So, what time are we eating? Okay. Are you making one turkey or -- mom, um, that's billy on the other line. I'll talk to you later. Hi.

Billy: Vick, have you seen my gun lately?

Victoria: That's the oddest question that I've had today.

Billy: I left it with you in a lockbox in the closet.

Victoria: Yes. Okay. But I haven't even thought about it in years. Why are you asking me this?

Billy: That gun fired a bullet that hit a police detective.

Victoria: Chance? Oh, my god. Billy...

Billy: Do you remember weeks ago when your alarm went off like there was a break-in? They must have stolen it then.

Victoria: Yeah, but we didn't find anything missing.

Billy: I know, but we didn't look for the gun, did we? Now rey is gonna ask you some questions, and when he does, you tell him...

Victoria: Oh, great. Okay. Thank you.

Victor: What was that all about? Some people say for great skin

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Abby: Oh!

[ Chuckles ] This one is so 2007! Oh, no.

[ Gasps ] Oh, my gosh! This is it. Oh, I love it.

Sally: That's the one lauren said you'd want. She said is was "so abby."

Abby: Well, she knows my taste so well.

Sally: I will see how quickly we can make that one.

Abby: And I will keep my fingers crossed.

Sally: You do that, and i will pressure the suppliers and the seamstress. I'll call you for a fitting, and we can make some adjustments then. I don't really want to change any of the lines, but maybe we could play with the length? And you have a lovely neck, if you don't mind me saying. We could maybe go more dramatic with a "v" instead of a scoop. Just something to think about.

Abby: Well, I am so excited to work with you and lauren.

Sally: I admire her so much. I'm so excited to be working at fenmore's, especially since they've acquired jabot collective. That is why I came to genoa city.

Chance: Well, I may not know a lot about fashion, but I can tell you, you're gonna go far here.

Sally: [ Chuckles ] Well, thank you. I will leave the samples with you, and if you have any questions at all, feel free to call me anytime, even on thanksgiving.

Abby: Thank you so much.

Sally: Yeah. You're welcome. Bye.

Abby: What a relief. I cannot thank lauren enough. Now I only have 199 things left to do.

Chance: No, you don'T.

Abby: Uh, there are a lot of details left in planning our blessed day.

Chance: Whatever happens on that day, it's gonna be awesome. We are just gonna focus on what matters most -- love, family, and the future that we're making together.

Abby: Mm.

[ Cellphone pings ] Oh.

Chance: I'm gonna go for a short walk, per the doctor's orders.

Abby: Alright, I'll join you. I'm gonna meet devon and mariah to figure out what this text message means. "I have been vested with power by the state of wisconsin." Hmm.

Victoria: So that gun was used in the shooting that put chance in the hospital.

Victor: Hmm. So we think it was stolen?

Victoria: A few weeks ago, the alarm was tripped at my house, as if there was a break-in. But there was no sign of burglary. However, I didn't check the lockbox with the gun. At the time, billy and i suspected adam.

Victor: I see.

Victoria: Well, I mean, come on, it's not that far of a reach to think he would do something like this. I thought he was coming after me because of my role in the exposé. But maybe that was just all part of a plan to set up billy.

Victor: Let me get this straight. You think adam went to your house, broke in, found a lockbox, and he opened it and took out the gun, right? Then he hires someone to shoot him, to make it look as if billy had shot him. Is that your story?

Victoria: He has concocted elaborate schemes before. This isn't outside the realm of possibility.

Victor: This is nonsense. The reality is staring you in the face.

Victoria: And what is that?

Victor: Billy hates adam. Went to the house, got his own gun, would have shot him, except chance came in and intervened and got shot instead.

Victoria: Oh, of course, of course, 'cause adam could never be responsible. He would never do anything sneaky or nefarious.

Victor: Let's not discuss this any further. I have some news about adam.

Victoria: [ Scoffs ] What now?

Victor: He was committed to a psychiatric institution to get the help he needs.

Victoria: Oh. I can't imagine him seeking treatment voluntarily.

Victor: This is for his own good.

Victoria: Daddy, you had committed? Oh, my gosh. That must have been very hard for you. I can't say that it's gonna do any good, but I respect that you realize that he is a real danger.

Victor: I'm trying to help him... as I would help any of my children.

Adam: [ Bangs door ]

[ Bangs ]

Young adam: It's better not to fight this.

Adam: I don't deserve to be locked up here. You know that. I don't need to be cured. Okay? Everything that I have done, i was driven to. They forced my hand.

Young adam: They did this to you? You sure?

Adam: I can't stay here. Okay? It's making things worse.

Young adam: Because you're fighting it. Deep down, you know you need this. You've known since you were me, at 11. You were so mad at dad for not getting you help. Now he's doing it.

Adam: This isn't help.

Young adam: It is. It's the way out. The chance to finally get rid of the monster. Isn't that what you want? I have been suffering with migraine for years.

Mariah: Hey.

Devon: Hey. You got my text?

Abby: You have been vested in power? What does that mean?

Devon: It's good news.

Mariah: Okay, what can you not get married without?

Abby: I know what I can live without -- riddles.

Devon: You know how you need someone authorized by the state to marry you?

Abby: You've been ordained? It's official?

Devon: I've been ordained.

Abby: Oh! Oh, my gosh! That's amazing! I love it!

Mariah: Isn't it great? And, uh, raise your hand if it was your idea.

Abby: And it was your idea, but you said it as a joke.

Mariah: I say everything as a joke. It's just this time, devon took me seriously.

Devon: Yes.

Abby: Thank you both so much.

Devon: Yeah, of course. It's gonna be a lot of fun.

Abby: Everything is coming together.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Telephone buzzes ] Yes? Send him in. Hi, rey. What can I do for you?

Rey: I have a few questions related to chance's shooting. Billy said he left a gun at your home. Is that true?

Victoria: Yes. I mean, it's been locked away in the closet for years. So, obviously, it was stolen by the gunman.

Rey: Stolen?

Victoria: We had a break-in at our house.

Rey: When was this?

Victoria: About six weeks ago. It was right after the exposé came out.

Rey: Well, I'll check the police report to find the exact date.

Victoria: No, I didn't report it.

Rey: Why is that?

Victoria: Well, there were no signs of a break-in, other than the alarm. We thought that maybe it was malfunctioning. But the security company couldn't find anything wrong. We just suspected that it was adam retaliating for the exposé.

Rey: So someone may or may not have broken into your home, and nothing was stolen, as far as you could tell, and your mind immediately jumps to adam.

Victoria: Well, you know what adam's capable of.

Rey: But you didn't report a burglary.

Victoria: Well, we just didn't think it was necessary. There was nothing missing. However, I did update my security system.

Rey: Did billy ever confront adam about the burglary?

Adam: Are you willing to be in this room with me? Alone? After that stunt you pulled. That's very brave.

Victor: It's not a stunt, son.

Adam: [ Scoffs ] You -- just -- just drop the look of fatherly concern, alright? It's just you and me here. You don't have to put on a show for anyone.

Victor: Have you ever known me to put on a show? I'm genuinely concerned about you, son. I'm worried about you.

Adam: And where was all that concern when I needed it all those years ago? I know why you put me in here. And using sharon -- that was inspired!

Victor: Now, wait a minute.

Adam: It was good.

Victor: Sharon really deeply cares about you. I went to her for help because I was desperate.

Adam: You were really desperate to lock me up.

Victor: No, son. I'm desperately trying to help you and save you.

Adam: Why do you think that i need to be saved?

Victor: You do.

Adam: [ Exhales sharply ]

[ Chuckling ] I sound crazy because I'm in here. Okay? I need to leave. Get me out of here.

Victor: I can't do that.

Adam: [ Exhales sharply ] You can do anything. You're victor damn newman! All of us -- we're just pawns in your game!

Victor: Son, will you calm down?

Adam: Fine. Okay? I'll disappear, alright? You'll never see me again. I'll sign the paper. I'll renounce every claim that i have to newman, and you'll get what you want, alright? You'll get me gone! Just let me out of here!

Victor: Calm down now.

Adam: [ Pounds object ] (Phone rings) it's your grandma and grandpa!

Victor: Son, listen to me. I don't want to drive you away. Asking you to sign that document, where you waive any claim on newman, I mean, that's not my idea. That was victoria's idea.

Adam: You didn't know a thing about it?

Victor: No. I did not know anything about it until after I had seen you. Now, let's get you help and get out of here.

Adam: You mean sane.

Victor: No, son. I mean "healed."

Adam: What will heal me --

Victor: Listen to me. You must know that something is not right in your mind.

Adam: It's working just fine for me. What will heal me, dad, is to get away from you and your need to control everything. I was 11 years old. I was responsible for a man's death. You tried to control the whole situation!

Victor: Son, we have been through this before.

Adam: You're trying to control my whole life!

Victor: Your mother and i made mistakes. There's nothing with control. I'm trying to help you now.

Adam: Yeah, I made a plan to end your control, but I did not go through with it, and that should be proof that I am sane, okay? But what is insane is for me to care about a father who doesn't give a damn. I just wanted his approval.

Victor: What do you mean, your father doesn't give a damn?! I've never thought of that.

Adam: Really? 'Cause you locked me up -- locked me up. That's the choice of a father that thinks his son is a mistake. Why don't you just admit it?

Victor: Son, please. I have never thought that. I don't think that now.

Adam: Really? 11 years old, and you just had to control the situation!

Victor: Don't you accuse me of that! I don't think of that now!

Young adam: Stop blaming him. You're not helping yourself.

Adam: Shut up.

Victor: Son, just calm down now, okay?

Young adam: You're making things worse.

Adam: Look, he could have done the right thing when I was your age, but he didn't do that.

Victor: Just calm down now. Take a deep breath.

Young adam: He could help you.

Young adam: He doesn't -- he doesn't care.

Victor: Just relax.

Young adam: Listen to him, or you'll be locked up in here forever.

Adam: Do -- do you ever shut up?

Young adam: Just listen to him. You can die here.

Adam: Shut up! Shut up! Just shut up!

[ Object clatters ] Shut up. Shut up.

Victor: Orderly.

Adam: We don't need the orderly. S-shut up.

[ Sniffles ]

Victoria: You know, adam is the one that you should be focused on. He's the dangerous one. Even my father, who has forgiven him all of his indiscretions, would agree with that. You know, dad just had him committed.

Rey: I heard. That's got to be hard.

Victoria: Yes, I'm sure it was. But that's not my point. Adam is the troubled one. Billy is in a really good place right now. He's got his life back on track. I was there with billy when he was at his lowest, when adam completely crushed him.

Rey: When his daughter was killed.

Victoria: Yes. And to be honest with you, there were times that I was worried about him, but not anymore. He wouldn't risk everything to shoot adam. He's innocent.

Billy: Detective.

Rey: Billy. Thank you for your time, victoria.

Victoria: Of course.

Rey: I appreciate it.

Billy: If you were convinced I was guilty, you would have arrested me by now.

Rey: I may have some more questions for you both, so don't leave town.

Abby: How do they inform you that you've been ordained? Is it like a hand-delivered scroll?

Devon: No! No. It's just an e-mail.

Abby: That works, too.

Devon: [ Chuckles ]

Abby: I'm just really happy that you can do it.

Devon: Yeah, me too. I'm honored to marry you guys.

Abby: You know, chance and i were just talking about how we don't want to stress the small things about our wedding. We just want to focus on what really matters -- love and family and friends and the life that we're gonna build together.

Devon: Are you telling me all of this 'cause you want me to include it in my speech I give before you guys say your vows?

Abby: Hey, I'm not gonna push you, but maybe just gently steer you in that direction.

Devon: I was going there anyway. I was, 'cause you're right. Those are the things that matter, for sure. And I know how tough it can be when you lose those things, so...

Mariah: Hey, well, I've got some great news, as well.

Abby: What is it?

Mariah: You are looking at jabot's newest employee.

Devon: What?!

Abby: Get out!

Mariah: Yeah, it's true. Kyle offered me the job running marketing, and the timing is perfect. You know, sharon's out of danger, and I couldn't be more ready to take this position on.

Abby: Wow! That's great! I would love to be there on your first day, just to be a fly on the wall to see what happens.

[ Chuckles ]

Mariah: Why? Is there something I should be nervous about? Something kyle didn't tell me about jabot?

Abby: It's just the abbotts and the boardroom -- it can get pretty intense.

Mariah: Okay. Okay. But you know what? I am ready for that challenge. And, as a bonus, you know how all of the abbotts always smell so good? Like, you and your mom and jack and kyle. Well, I want in on that. I do. And I bet you that the secret is in that building.

Abby: You do know we all just wear jabot perfume and cologne, right?

Mariah: I knew that.

Abby: [ Laughs ] You should take advantage of that employee discount.

Mariah: You know what? I'm gonna get the full product line once I get my first paycheck. Oh, my god. It's gonna be so nice to be making money again. I'm serious. I mean, as nice as it was being -- what's the phrase? Stay-at-home girlfriend? Kept woman? Come on. Help me out here.

[ Laughter ]

Because your eye health and

safety is our top priority.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Chance: Looking at vacation photos?

Rey: I wish.

Rey: Oh! Look at you out and about. How you feeling?

Chance: Oh, like I'm in slow motion. That's better than no motion at all. So, what are you looking at?

Rey: Evidence. Your shooting.

Chance: Yeah?

Rey: Mm-hmm.

Chance: Any progress?

Rey: Yeah, one step forward, two steps back.

Chance: I know the feeling.

Rey: You look you're making some progress.

Chance: Well, I was able to walk all the way here, but i might have to call a cab to get me back to the grand phoenix.

[ Chuckles ] I'm trying to get in some sort of shape so I can carry my bride across the threshold in a few days.

Rey: And I thought sharon and I were pushing it. We're at least waiting till new year'S. And, plus, you're getting married so soon after everything you've been through.

Chance: Well, it's because of what I've been through. I don't want to waste any time.

Abby: You two better not make me laugh during my wedding.

Mariah: Dang it.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Mariah: I was so looking forward to debuting my stand-up routine. And you've got the minister jokes that we practiced, right?

Devon: Oh, yes, I do.

Mariah: Okay.

Abby: Okay, okay. Stop it. Look, I know you two are gonna make my wedding day even more special. But I just cannot believe the way that everything is coming together. When I got that call that chance had been shot, I just thought that everything we had together was gone, that all of that love had been lost. I mean, you have no idea what that feels like. Devon, I am so sorry.

Devon: Don't be sorry at all, abby. You're 100% right. It's like your whole world is taken away.

Abby: I didn't mean to remind you of hilary.

Devon: It's okay. It's really okay. It's -- it is one of the main reasons why I even wanted to be a part of your wedding. I think it's really important to celebrate the kind of love that you guys have. It's rare -- once in a lifetime -- and you have to make the most of it 'cause you never know when it's gonna be gone.

Abby: Well, it'll come around again for you.

Devon: Maybe. Maybe. But I don't want you to worry about bringing up hilary or neil 'cause they're a part of who I am. I don't hide from remembering them. And -- plus, I'm a man of the cloth now, so I want you to speak candidly today.

[ Laughter ] I'm serious. I'm serious. I want to know what you and chance are planning. Are you guys gonna have kids or...

Abby: Yeah.

Devon: Yeah?

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Devon: How many kids pare you gonna have?

Abby: Three sounds like a good number.

Mariah: Wow. Three little chances and abbys running around. That's gonna be adorable.

Devon: Oh, yeah. Little newman, abbott, chancellor royalty running around the house.

Abby: Well, that's actually the opposite of how I want them to see themselves. I just -- I want to share the world with them. I want them to see parks and zoos and museums. I want to find out what they love, all of their interests and nourish that. And I just -- I can't wait to see the warm, loving father that chance is gonna be.

Mariah: You guys are gonna have a wonderful family.

Abby: And you both are gonna be a part of that. You're gonna see it happen. I mean, everything that you have done to make this wedding happen, it means so much to me.

Billy: I appreciate you saying all those things to rey.

Victoria: Well, you know, it's true. You are more thoughtful, responsible, and aware than you have been in a very long time. I can't see you risking all that to shoot adam in broad daylight.

Billy: Right. I would have done it properly and waited till the middle of the night. I'm kidding. Bad joke.

Victoria: Really? It's a joke?

Billy: Come on, vick. Look, I hate adam more than anything else in the world. And, like I said to rey, i wouldn't have lost sleep if that bullet would have found its mark.

Victoria: You said that to him?

Billy: Yes.

Victoria: The guy investigating you? Why?

Billy: I was being honest.

Victoria: Well, maybe don't be so open with a homicide detective.

Billy: Well, that's who I am, vick. Everybody knows that, okay? Just like everybody knows that i don't need a bullet to cause any damage. Chanccomm's a much more lethal weapon.

Victoria: As long as you're aiming it in the right direction.

Billy: You and the newman empire don't have to worry about me right now. I have stepped down.

Victoria: Really?

Billy: Temporarily, just until this blows over. And once it does, I'll be back to running things. Just another innocent man running a multimillion-dollar media juggernaut.

[ Sighs ]

Victoria: Why do you sound so nervous? It's not like you.

Billy: Because I can't help but feel that adam is manipulating this behind the scenes. And I'm sure he is happy as a clam right now.

Victoria: No. He's not.

Adam: Now, get away from me! Get away! Get your -- get your hands off of me! Get away. Victor, are you out there?! Are you out there?! Is this what you wanted?! Are you happy now?! Do you feel like you've won?!

Colgate optic white renewal

Rey: So the weapon belonged to billy. He's got no concrete alibi. He's got an ugly history with adam, which was resurrected with this exposé. Means, opportunity, motive.

Chance: It's a pretty neat package.

Rey: Maybe too neat. Billy and victoria thinks he broke into her house and stole his gun.

Chance: Why?

Rey: To set up billy somehow.

Chance: So -- so he steals the gun and has someone shoot him? Look, I know adam, okay? He's a smart guy, and that is a stupid, stupid plan.

Rey: I agree.

Chance: But the gun ending up in a dumpster outside billy's office is also pretty dumb.

Rey: Yeah, that's a panic move not made by a professional killer.

Chance: You know, with all the evidence you have, you could bring billy in.

Rey: I think you're right.

Chance: So why don't you?

Rey: Because I'm being thorough. When I do bring somebody in, it's because I'm positive I got the right guy.

Chance: And this thoroughness, that -- that doesn't have anything to do with your negative feelings toward adam?

Rey: Just the opposite. I want everything on this case to be on the up-and-up. Not even a whiff of bias. When I do find the guy who shot you, this case is gonna stick.

Chance: Well, I appreciate that. Have you spoken to adam?

Rey: No. His father had him committed.

Chance: That's -- that's too bad. But maybe it's for the best. I mean, adam's been a little unhinged for a while now.

Rey: Unhinged enough to have someone shoot him to set up billy?

Chance: Like I said, that is a stupid plan, but, under the circumstances, it is not out of the realm of possibility.

Billy: Victor had adam committed to a psych ward? I never thought he'd admit his son was a psychotic.

Victoria: Well, dad has finally recognized that adam is a danger, not just to the company but to all of us personally.

Billy: Yeah, maybe.

Victoria: Maybe?

Billy: I've, uh, learned not to take anything your father says at face value. What he's saying out loud is that he's afraid of what adam might do. But what if he's trying to protect him from what he's already done?

Victoria: I don't think that's the case.

Billy: If victor thinks that adam is guilty, then this stops him from getting investigated, okay? If rey tries to arrest him, it's easy. Built-in defense. He's in a mental hospital. There's one thing we're missing. If adam is really trying to frame me, that means he breaks into my house, he steals my gun, and then he hires someone to shoot him, and that -- that doesn't make sense.

Victoria: That is what my dad said.

Billy: Yeah? What else did your old man say? Who does he think the culprit is? Me. That's a simple answer, I guess.

Victoria: You hate adam. It was your gun.

Billy: And if you put it that way, it's a closed case. I didn't do this, vick.

Victoria: I didn't say that you did.

Billy: But you're not 100% convinced of my innocence, and that's okay. I get that. The evidence is mounting, and you'd be a fool not to consider it. And you're not a fool.

Victoria: Billy, I do. I...

Billy: It's okay. I'll figure this out. I'll prove my innocence, and I'll get the proof.

Victoria: How are you gonna do that?

Billy: I'm gonna have to get inside of the head of the person who framed me. And if that is adam... that's a scary place to be.

Victor: I-I heard you shouting. You're angry, my boy, and i don't blame you. And you probably feel very alone, and... I will not abandon you. Okay? You're my son. And I'm gonna help you whether you like it or not. There's so much left to live, son. You have your own boy -- connor -- who needs you. And you have a woman who loves you. So let's get you healthy, get you out of here. You can reunite with connor and chelsea. What do you think?

Because your eye health and

safety is our top priority.

Billy: Well, thank you very much for the escort.

Victoria: Well, you're welcome. I just wanted to make sure that you didn't get into any trouble on your 10-minute walk.

Billy: Thank you for everything you did for me today. You really had my back.

Victoria: Well, I know that you would do the same thing for me.

Billy: Oh, yeah. For sure. The next time you're a suspect in the shooting of a police officer, you -- you let me know.

Victoria: I'm serious, billy. You're gonna need all the help that you can get. So if there's anything that i can do, all you have to do is ask.

Billy: I'm not dragging you any deeper into this.

Victoria: Well, I don't want to have to bring our kids to visit you in prison.

Billy: That's not gonna happen. You know me. I always land on my feet.

Rey: I spoke with both of them. Victoria made an impassioned defense of billy. But when I asked her if billy confronted adam about the break-in, she avoided the question. Yeah, I think there's something there, paul. And I think there's a part of victoria that thinks that billy is able to do something like this. No. I agree. Look, I'm not counting adam out of this at all. I'm just going wherever the evidence takes me. And I think it's gonna take me to an answer soon. Yeah. Okay. I'll check in a little later.

Chelsea: Let's get out of here.

Adam: Chelsea...

Chelsea: Connor's waiting for us. We both love you so much, adam. Come home.

Sally: Honestly, I don't know if you'd like it here, coco. The winters are a little too cold for you, but for me, it's a dream. Yeah. People have been so nice here. I know. I know. I wish I could come back for thanksgiving. I miss you so much. But we've just been really busy at work. I mean, this job at fenmore's is challenging, but I love it. I'm making some real progress.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Yeah. Hopefully it all works out and we can meet up at christmas, 'cause I would love to see you. Um, oh, hold on one second. Someone is calling me from down the hall.

[ Clears throat ]& I'll be right there! I have to go. But I will talk to you soon. I love you, too. Okay. Bye.

Abby: Do you want to go over the menu options again?

Chance: Oh, I just need to rest for a bit. That took more out of me than i thought. For some reason, going there and back, both ways were uphill. Is that even possible?

Abby: [ Chuckles ] No. But you're doing great. You're way far ahead of where the doctors thought you'd be.

Chance: Well, it doesn't feel like it.

Abby: Chance, you just had a bullet taken out of you. That's a big deal.

Chance: Yeah. Somebody should go to jail for that. The question is who.

Abby: Okay, let's not worry about that right now. Let's talk about more pleasant things. Like, can you believe devon got ordained so he could marry us?

Chance: That is pretty cool. We should get him a gift for helping us out. What does one get a billionaire?

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

[ Cellphone pings ] Oh, my gosh! This is amazing. Lauren said the dress is gonna be great and it is gonna be done in time for the wedding. Now all we have to do is show up, profess our love for each other in front of all our friends and our family.

Abby: I can do that. And I can't wait.

Chance: [ Chuckles ]

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