Y&R Transcript Friday 11/20/20

Y&R Transcript Friday 11/20/20


Episode #11996 ~ Elena is torn between Devon and Nate; Chloe gives Chelsea an ultimatum; Adam gets a reality check from Victor.

Provided By Suzanne

Chloe: Why am I so exhausted?

Chelsea: Maybe -- maybe 'cause of little miles crying all night.

Chloe: Well, babies are like emotional sponges, right? They just pick up on everything. You're all smiles, they're really happy. And when you're not, they run the tears. Um, look, I'm sorry about yesterday. I really hate fighting with you.

Chelsea: Me too.

Chloe: But when you said that you were going to see adam, i just lost it. So, did you go see him?

Chelsea: I did.

Chloe: Did he beg your forgiveness, because he just can't live without you?

Chelsea: Chloe --

Chloe: I-I know. I'm sorry. I'm tired. What did you say?

Chelsea: I told him I needed more time.

Chloe: [ Exhales deeply ] Thank god.

Adam: Don't you think it's a little presumptuous to suggest i get psychiatric help?

Victor: Son, I'm not suggesting. I am insisting.

Adam: Okay, well, you're wasting your time. I mean, maybe when I was 11, you should have insisted, but I can take care of myself.

Victor: When you were 11 years old, I failed you.

Adam: It's too late now. I'm leaving town -- with chelsea. We're gonna find a house near connor's school, and we're gonna lead a peaceful life away from this toxic town.

Victor: I'm telling you, you can't run away from your problems.

Adam: Well, watch me.

Victor: You will carry them with you until you resolve them.

Adam: Look, I don't -- i don't need your advice. Hell, I don't need anything from you -- including your name. And maybe one day, if you're lucky, you'll get a christmas card from the wilson family, with no return address.

Victor: Son, I hope nothing more fervently that for you to find the kind of peace and happiness that you were describing, okay? And for that to happen, you're gonna have to make peace with the past.

Adam: I have.

Victor: But it will take more than just saying, "I'm going to be happy." It'll take more than just walking away from the things and the people that bother you, that upset you. It'll take intensive therapy. And I've arranged for you to receive that.

Adam: And I'm telling you that I'm not interested in that.

Victor: Wait a minute. I'm not talking about fairview. I'm talking about a place that I found. The people are very nice, very comforting, and they have an excellent medical staff.

Adam: Okay, you're not listening to me. I am leaving, with chelsea.

Victor: It's no longer your decision to make.

Adam: What are you talking about?

Victor: [ Exhales deeply ] I want you to read this.

Adam: What the hell is this?

Victor: Read it.

Adam: "The state concurs with the assessment: The subject needs to be evaluated by professionals to determine if he is a danger to himself and others." What have you done now?! What have you done?

Victor: It's a court order. It's compelling you to undergo a serious mental evaluation at the very place that I talked about. The court order was granted this morning. You're having me committed?

Victor: Trust me, it's for the best. And I'm not the only that thinks so. Read on.

Adam: Oh, my god. What the hell did you do to get sharon to go along with this?

Rey: So, what kind of request did victor make? Let me guess. He wants you to start counseling adam again?

Sharon: No. Actually, victor believes that adam needs a lot more than outpatient care.

Rey: What does that mean?

Sharon: He wanted me to support this petition to have adam involuntarily committed to a psychiatric ward.

Rey: Damn. Really?

Sharon: At first, I thought that it was just a power play in their feud, so I refused to go along with it.

Rey: What changed your mind.

Sharon: Something victor said.

Victor: Now, sharon, I've got to tell you something that i have difficulty admitting to myself, okay? I've not talked to anyone about this. Adam's condition has deteriorated to such a degree that he needs help desperately.

Sharon: Has something happened?

Victor: He was plotting to kill me... and perhaps the entire family.

Sharon: Who told you that?

Victor: Chelsea.

Sharon: And you believed her?

Victor: Yeah.

Sharon: The last time I spoke to him, he did tell me that... he almost went to a place that he couldn't come back from.

Victor: And you know, after he told you that, that he needs all the help we can give him -- help that I should have given him when he was a little boy.

Sharon: Victor is also concerned that the shooter is still on the loose, and with adam in the hospital, he would be protected.

Rey: Yeah, from the shooter, and himself.

Sharon: I told him that i understand how he felt but i couldn't base my decision on that. It wouldn't be ethical for me to deprive adam of his freedom unless I really believed that he was a danger to himself or others.

Rey: And you do?

Sharon: Yes.

Rey: So you signed victor's petition to the court?

Sharon: And I'm fairly certain that adam is never going to forgive me. New advil dual action

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Elena: Devon. What are you --

Devon: I couldn't wait another second. I had to see you. I miss you.

Elena: I miss you, too.

Devon: Come home with me.

Elena: You mean it?

Devon: Of course I mean it. And I still love you.

Elena: You have no idea how sorry I am --

Devon: No more apologies, okay? It's in the past. But you can tell me everything about your future with a kiss.

Elena: Mm.

[ Chuckles ] It feels so right -- being back home. I almost lost hope that I'd ever be here again.

Devon: Mnh-mnh. This is exactly where you belong, honey. Right here in my arms.

Elena: I -- [ Gasps ]

Nate: What are you doing? Come back. This is where you belong.

Elena: No!

Nate: Where you going?

Elena: Devon! He'll be back. He can't find us like this. He'll hate me. He'll never trust me again. I'm sorry I'm late.

Devon: Oh, I'd wait forever for you.

Elena: You're so good to me.

Devon: Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? This whole place could be full of people, you'd still be the only one I'd see. You know you never needed to worry about me and amanda. I'm yours, and you're mine. And no one -- no one -- will ever come between us again. Who invited him?

Elena: I didn't tell him to come here, I swear. What are you doing here?! You're gonna ruin everything! Devon?! Why are you doing this to me?

Nate: You already know the answer. It's time to be honest with yourself.

Rey: I'm proud of you.

Sharon: Yeah?

Rey: You did the right thing.

Sharon: I'm sure adam won't see it that way.

[ Cellphone pings ] Victor's petition has been approved. They're issuing a court order.

Rey: That was fast. I shouldn't be surprised. Victor's got the power to grease the wheels of justice.

Sharon: You've been involved with cases like this before. How long before it's enforceable?

Rey: It's hard to say. I mean, adam could be finding out about it right now.

Sharon: I have to go.

Rey: To adam's? No, please. Let -- let victor handle it, sharon.

Sharon: No, he'll never believe that I took sides with victor unless he hears it from me. He'll fight this every step of the way.

Rey: Well, what if he hasn't heard yet? Nobody knows how he's gonna react, sharon. You don't want to be the messenger.

Sharon: I helped set this in motion. I have got to be there.

Rey: Sharon --

Sharon: I will be safe. I promise. Love you.

Adam: You think I'm the crazy one? You're the one who coerced a woman who is recovering from cancer to sign that order.

Victor: She wasn't coerced. She signed it of her own free will. I don't believe you.

Victor: Listen to me. She cares about you. We all care about you. She wants you to get help.

Adam: No. She couldn'T. She wouldn't, okay? I will find her, and I'll figure out how this really went down, alright?

Victor: We all want what's best for you.

Chelsea: I am not going to discuss adam with you unless you at least try to hold your tongue.

Chloe: I tried, okay? I-I-I tried. But when you say that you're thinking about getting back together with the guy that drugged and kidnapped you, what do you expect me to do? Pop a bottle of champagne and wish you well? How do you not realize how risky it is getting back with him?

Chelsea: I haven't made any decisions yet.

Chloe: [ Sighs ] Okay, yesterday, you were dead set against a reconciliation, and today you're on the fence. So I really don't need to be a math wizard to know what happens next.

Chelsea: I have to do what's best for me and connor.

Chloe: Agreed. But there is no version of this movie where adam is the best choice. You, my friend, are the most beautiful, talented, insightful woman I know. You are risking your entire future for someone who is undeserving and destructive.

Chelsea: I don't see him that way.

Chloe: Because you don't see the real adam at all! And I'm sorry, but I cannot take a front-row seat, because I know how this ends.

[ Sighs ] I-I hate to say it, but if you reconcile with that guy... our friendship is over. Dry, distressed skin that struggles?

Chelsea: You would actually cut me out of your life for making a choice you don't approve of?

Chloe: I can't sit by and watch this slow-motion disaster play out right in front of me.

Chelsea: [ Scoffs ] Well, you won't have to. Because no matter what I decide about adam, there's nothing left for me here in genoa city.

Chloe: Meaning?

Chelsea: I'm leaving. For good.

Lola: Hey. You're up.

Elena: Yeah. Hey. I -- after a long day at the hospital, I guess I just sat down and crashed. You covered me up.

Lola: Yeah. What are roommates for? Although it didn't seem like you slept well, 'cause you were kind of grumbling.

Elena: Oh. You weren't able to make out anything I was saying, were you?

Lola: No, not for the lack of trying.

Elena: [ Chuckles ]

Lola: I am kidding. What were you dreaming about? Work?

Elena: No. Devon.

Lola: Was he giving you hell about nate?

Elena: No. Actually he took me back. And we were together again, and he was basically telling me everything I wanted to hear. He was talking about how much he loved me and the perfect future we were gonna have together. And then nate appeared.

Lola: Dreams. Wow.

Elena: Yeah, and it kept happening over and over again, and it ruined everything. And then devon disappeared.

Lola: Oh, and were you just left with nate?

Elena: Yeah. It's like some kind of punishment. Every time I close my eyes, I'm doomed to repeat the same mistake I made, over and over again.

Lola: Maybe there's another way to look at it.

Elena: Which is?

Lola: Maybe your subconscious is trying to tell you something through your dreams. I mean, what if what happened between you and nate was more than a mistake?

Adam: So this is your brilliant solution? You're just gonna lock me away and pretend like I never existed?

Victor: Son, I will never forget about you.

Adam: God, I would be -- i would be so much better off if you had.

Victor: This is only temporary.

Adam: [ Chuckling ] Yeah. You're saying that now. The next thing I know, I'm gonna be spending the rest of my life in a padded cell.

Victor: Listen to me. I am doing this for your safety. I don't want you to do something that you will regret.

Adam: Why don't we not talk about regrets, okay?

Victor: You have become your own worst enemy. What if something tragic had happened to chelsea? What if you had followed through on your plan to hurt me and the family? You wouldn't be able to live with yourself from now on.

Adam: You don't know me as well as you think you do.

Victor: You're on the verge of crossing a line from which you will never return. I want you to live a fulfilled and happy and healthy life.

Adam: When was I healthy?

Victor: I will never give up on you. I wouldn't know how.

Adam: You let go, okay? Like I have.

Victor: And I will tell you i will never let go. You're my son. Don't you think this breaks my heart? I will always stand by you.

Chelsea: Just one room, for tonight. Thank you, rodney. I miss you. It'll be nice to see some familiar faces at the hotel. Great. Okay, thank you.

Chloe: Stay.

Chelsea: I can'T.

Chloe: Please.

Chelsea: I have to think things through, and I can't do that here because you're -- you're putting all this pressure on me.

Chloe: It is not pressure. It's love. And if you were making the right decision, going back to adam, you would know if your heart that you shouldn't be running off to the grand phoenix to sulk over it. Don't go.

Chelsea: I have to go.

Chloe: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: And you can't even leave town if you wanted to. Because you're still a suspect in that murder investigation, remember? Thanks to adam hiding you away near the scene of a crime.

Chelsea: Stop blaming everything on him.- You're forgetting that he was the initial target of the shooting.

Chloe: Oh, sorry. Poor adam. I know that you're afraid that something is going to happen to him, but I have no doubt in my mind that he is milking that for all it's worth.

Chelsea: I am very aware of who he is, chloe.

Chloe: It's like you have a weakness. You're addicted to him.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Chloe: And you know what? I'm finally seeing the method to his madness. Because if -- if I thought it would do any good, I would actually -- I would actually kidnap you myself, except i would put you in a five-star hotel with an amazing restaurant and a spa until this self-destructive urge of yours wears off.

Chelsea: I don't need you or anybody else making decisions for me. I'm gonna do what's right for my family. And if the price I have to pay for that is my friendship with you... then so be it.

Chloe: [ Sighs ]

Sharon: I need to talk with adam alone.

Victor: I don't think that's a good idea.

Adam: Why? Because you don't want her to tell me how you forced her to go along with your plan.

Sharon: Victor, please. He's not gonna hurt me.

Victor: You shout out if you need anything, okay? I'll give you five minutes.

Adam: What did he do? I know he did something. What did he do? Did he threaten you? Did he lie to you to get you to go along with this ridiculous court order?

Sharon: No. He didn'T.

Adam: Then how?

Sharon: He told me what's been going on with you?

Adam: [ Exhales sharply ]

Sharon: He told me how you've been struggling. He's afraid that somebody's going to get hurt.

Adam: No, no.

Sharon: Is he wrong, adam?! I mean, can you honestly step outside of yourself and look at the choices you've been making and say you're happy with that?

Adam: I'm fine. Okay? Thing got out of control for a while.

Sharon: No, I think maybe you got out of control.

Adam: Nothing happened sharon.

Sharon: How can you say that?

Adam: That's the truth.

Sharon: The day that faith confronted you, you looked her in the eye and you asked her for forgiveness.

Adam: And I meant every word of that.

Sharon: You were actively planning an attack against your family at the very same moment. Do you deny that?

Adam: Who told you that? Did victor tell you that?

Sharon: You told me.

Adam: What? When?

Sharon: You told me that you pulled yourself back at the last minute but that you were on the brink of doing something unforgivable.

Adam: What? No, you're -- you're twisting my words, sharon. I mean, I thought you, of all people, would understand that.

Sharon: I do!

Adam: I was confiding in you, sharon. I was sharing my darkest thoughts.

Sharon: Yes.

Adam: Wow, I didn't think -- think you, of all people, would use that against me.

Sharon: I'm not using it against you. I'm trying to give you the help that you asked me for not that long ago.

Adam: I think you were helping me.

Sharon: Yes.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: I was helping you, and we were -- we were too close, adam. This way, you're gonna have 24-hour care. You're gonna have great doctors that have a lot more experience than me. And you know what? If you don't need to have in-patient -- in-patient care, they're just gonna -- they're gonna make an evaluation, and they're gonna release you. If I'm wrong, that's what'll happen. But I don't think I'm wrong.

Rey: Victor.

Victor: Detective.

Rey: What's up, mullins?

Victor: Are you here in an official capacity?

Rey: Do I need to be? Where's sharon?

Officer: Inside.

Rey: Alone? W-with adam, you allowed her to be in there?

Victor: Slow down. She's safe. Unless, of course, you let him know that you're here. Then things will change.

Adam: H-how do you figure?

Victor: Because he thinks that you organized all this in order to pry her away from him.

Rey: Well, let him think what he wants. I don't give a damn. I want her out of there -- now.

Victor: But I'm telling you officer mullins will take care of things.

Rey: You got this? If anything happens to her --

Victor: You don't worry. Everything is all right.

[ Elevator door closes ]

Because your eye health and

safety is our top priority.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Adam: There was a time when the shoe was on the other foot. After the fire at the ranch... I brought a doctor to you. I got you the help that you needed. I didn't lock you up like some kind of animal.

Sharon: Adam, you are not going to be locked up like an animal, okay? This is [Sniffles] It's a comfortable facility, okay? It's a friendly environment. You're going to be safe. You have to get better for the sake of your family!

Adam: No. No. What I need is to get out of genoa city with my family. That is what's gonna make me heal, okay? Or call the judge, okay? Call the judge. Tell him you've made a mistake. Tell him that you saw me, you've spent time with me, and you've realized that you made a mistake, okay? If I ever meant anything to you, sharon, fix this, fix this. Okay? Save me.

Sharon: I can'T. You know that. You know that.

Chloe: You're all packed up.

Chelsea: I'll come by for the rest of it tomorrow, before I leave town.

Chloe: So you're really going through with this.

Chelsea: And don't worry. I'll talk to rey, work something out so he doesn't think I'm evading the law.

Chloe: Looks like you got it all figured out.

Chelsea: I know you mean well, but you can't live my life for me.

Chloe: Well, if I could, you would have an amazing fashion line and you would be spending all of your time with me and the kids. And if you were making the right decision, you'd be happy... and I would be really happy for you. But I haven't seen you smile in ages, because you know this is wrong.

Chelsea: Chloe, just because it's not what you would do doesn't mean it's wrong. Are you not even gonna wish me well?

Chloe: If you walk out that door, I can't protect you anymore. And I know you're gonna do it anyway. So, um, just be careful. And if you don't do it for me... do it for connor.

Lola: Hey. How are you feeling? Any better?

Elena: Much.

Lola: Was I out of line, suggesting that your subconscious was sending you a message through your dreams?

Elena: It's fine. Don't worry about it.

Lola: Are you sure? Because the way that you fled this room --

Elena: I know. I'm not comfortable talking about what happened still. I mean, I still can't believe i did something so impulsive and selfish. It's just not like me.

Lola: Well...

Elena: Oh, my gosh. Spill it.

Lola: Okay. So what if what happened between you and nate was more than just A...spur-of-the-moment impulse? I mean, what if in the dark recesses of your mind, you thought that nate was pretty amazing? And, hey, listen, I love devon. I think he's incredible. Without him, I would still be selling sandwiches out of my food truck. Incredible sandwiches, by the way.

Elena: I get it.

[ Chuckles ]

Lola: My point is, is that as incredible as devon is --

Elena: No! Nate and I have never been more than close friends.

Lola: So you've never thought that nate was attractive? I mean his smile, his sexy eyes, his divine bedside manner.

Elena: You're bad.

Lola: Hey, I'm biased. I mean, the guy saved my life. You know, they say that the only way to get rid of an impulse is to give into it.

Elena: I did. It ruined my life.

Lola: But what if you did it in a very careful and measured way? Baby steps.

Elena: I can'T.

Lola: Why not?

Elena: Because it would ruin my chances of working things out with devon.

Lola: You know, I hate to say this, but I don't think that there's any going backward. And if you keep pushing nate away, then one day, there won't be any moving forward, and you're just gonna be left there feeling stuck and full of regrets.

Devon: So, how long is your hand supposed to be this for?

Nate: A few more weeks. There's a chance the damage is permanent. I might not be able to operate again.

Devon: So is this where you'd expect us to both say we took things too far?

Nate: An apology isn't gonna make this go away.

Devon: You are right about that. It's not gonna change what you did with elena, either. You took the first swing, nate. All I did --

Nate: What? Even the score? I didn't attack you.

Devon: What would you call what you did to me?

Nate: It was wrong, and it shouldn't have happened, but it did. Because, to tell you the truth, devon -- never mind. Your dry skin story changes

Elena: I'm gonna go grab some some tea downstairs. You want anything?

Lola: I'm good. Thank you, though.

Elena: Okay. See you later.

Lola: Have fun.

[ Door closes ]

Devon: Well, don't hold back now, nate. Tell me what you were gonna say. Did you have real feelings for elena? Are you trying to turn what you did into something special?

Nate: It definitely wasn't that, alright? The whole situation is a mess. Elena never felt anything for me. It was just one night.

Devon: For you, it was just one night. It's the rest of my life. 'Cause elena was my future, and now she's gone, just like that. So if you want to try and minimize what you did to make yourself feel better, 'cause it's easier for you, then be my guest.

Nate: That is not it.

Devon: Enlighten me then. You're a smart guy. Make it make sense to me.

Nate: I'm not sure it makes sense to me.

Devon: Okay.

Nate: I guess what I'm trying to say --

Devon: You know what nate? I actually don't give a damn what you have to say.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Lola: What are you doing here?

Rey: I was gonna get a cup of coffee, but I thought I'd drop in to see my sister.

Lola: Alright. Is everything okay? Is everything okay with sharon?

Rey: Yeah, she's -- she's doing great.

Lola: Good. Then...

Rey: It's the newmans. And it's going down right now.

Lola: Which newman? Alright. Well, from what I can gather from abby, the newman family dramas usually center around adam.

Rey: I can neither confirm nor deny.

Lola: Oh, come on. What am I gonna do? Run to billy and give him the scoop of the century? Only one thing can get you this bent out of shape. Is adam involving sharon in all of this?

Rey: Actually no. Sharon's finally drawn the line. She told them that she can no longer be the one that he turns to in a time of crisis.

Lola: So, why don't you seem happier about that?

Rey: Because we can't kid ourselves. Adam's gonna see this as the ultimate betrayal, and he's not gonna take it well.

Lola: What do you think he's gonna do?

Rey: I have no idea. Adam's the kind of guy that divides people into people he can use and enemies. Right now, sharon's gone from one category to another.

Lola: Well, if he has any sense, he would focus on the fact that somebody tried to kill him and they might do it again.

Rey: Yeah. Adam's got a whole host of problems that he's brought mostly upon himself. I just need to make sure that nothing he does affects sharon.

Adam: How many times has victor used you like a pawn? And you keep falling for it.

Sharon: No, listen. I know that it doesn't feel like it right now, but he really does have your interest at heart. You know, this not unlike vegas, when he found you there. He asked me to help you then, too.

Adam: Oh, vegas? Okay, but this time, I'm not coming home, sharon. You're teaming up to get rid of me, okay?

Sharon: No, that's not true! No!

Adam: You're throwing me out like a piece of trash.

Sharon: No.

Adam: Okay, this guy, he failed as a father, sharon! He failed! And I'm the one that suffers.

Victor: It's time, son.

Adam: Why?

Sharon: Adam...just try to remain calm, okay? Okay, we're gonna talk more later. Just be calm. Adam! Get off of me! Ow! Get your hands off of me! Let me go! Get your hands off of me! I'm not kidding! Get your hands off of me!

Sharon: [ Crying softly ]

Adam: No!

Nate: Hey.

Elena: Hey.

Nate: Mind if I, uh, join you?

Elena: No. You know, it's actually really weird running into you today. Lola and I were just talking about you. So this wasn't a coincidence at all. Lola told you I was here.

Nate: Yeah. She, uh, sent me a text saying you might like some company. But if you'd rather be alone, I can...

Elena: No. I'm glad you're here.

Nate: Yeah?

Elena: Yeah. I think I have been oversharing a bit with lola, and she's probably sick to death listening to me talk about how confused i am about practically every aspect of my life. She probably wanted you to come here so that we could hash this out.

Nate: Alright.

Elena: [ Clears throat ] Yeah, this isn't easy for me. Take your time. I don't want to give you the wrong impression, and i don't -- I don't know where this is going. I don't even know where I want this to go. But I think I should find out.

Nate: I'm not following.

Elena: I'm saying... if you were to ask me out... I wouldn't say no.

Sharon: Victor told me that you were at the penthouse.

Rey: I was worried about you.

Sharon: Best fiancé ever.

Rey: [ Chuckling ] Yeah. I try.

Sharon: No, you are, especially the way that you cleared out of there when victor asked you to, because if you had witnessed that, it just would have added another layer to the humiliation in the whole experience for adam.

Rey: Well, he's got plenty of people looking out for him. I was only worried about you. How'd it go?

Sharon: It was awful. Adam accused me of having all kinds of ulterior motives and conspiring against him with victor.

Rey: Do you regret your decision?

Sharon: I suppose the way he reacted, it just proves that he's in a desperate place. I've done everything I can to help him, and it's all up to the doctors now.

Chelsea: Adam? Adam?!

Adam: [ Groans softly ]

[ Breathing heavily ] Oh, no.

[ Gasps ]

[ Mutters ] No. Hello? Hello!

Next week on

"the young and the restless."

Sharon: After the way that we lost cassie, you really decided to keep this from me?

Faith: Dad! How could you?

Lily: I'm so glad you could make it.

Nate: That makes one of you, right?

Rey: The bullet that they pulled out of chance, the one meant for adam, it looks like it was fired from...

Billy: My gun.

Kyle: What the hell?

Jack: Theo is suing us for dina's entire estate.

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