Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/19/20

Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/19/20


Episode #11995 ~ Victor seeks help from Sharon; Paul uncovers new evidence; Billy defends himself.

Provided By Suzanne

Rey: Thank you, but I can't stick around this morning. As soon as paul shows up, we're heading out.

Sharon: Are you two investigating the shooting?

Rey: It's gonna be a busy day.

Sharon: And a hard one, too, it seems, the way you were tossing and turning all night.

Rey: There is a potential killer out there. The target may have been adam, but chance was the victim. Nobody's gonna rest until we figure out who it was.

Paul: Hi, sharon.

Sharon: Hi.

Paul: Rey.

Rey: Yeah. I gotta go.

Sharon: Um, I suppose it wouldn't do me any good to ask where you're going.

Rey: Hey, chief.

Paul: Hey, there. I think we might have caught a break.

Rey: What do you got?

Paul: Forensics found a single earbud at the crime scene. Dark blue. It didn't look weathered, which means it hasn't been in the location that long.

Rey: Mm. So the shooter may have dropped it while taking aim at adam.

Paul: That's the theory. There may be some dna we can use. The lab results are still pending. Now, I know it's not definitive evidence, but I'll take what i can get right now.

Rey: Now I know why you wanted to come along this morning.

Paul: Chance is not only the newest member of the gcpd, he's nina's son. I have known him since before he could walk. And he took a bullet that was intended for victor's son. That makes it personal for me. If we can connect someone to this shooting, I want to be absolutely sure the case is airtight.

Abby: Can I get you anything? Are you hungry?

Chance: Sweetheart, I'm fine. Really, I don't want you to go to any trouble.

Abby: It's no trouble at all.

Chance: You spoil me.

Abby: Well, you deserve to be spoiled. And, hey, I am just taking my cues from that nurse who kept coming in your room, wanting to freshen it up.

Chance: Which nurse was that?

Abby: The one that giggled every time you asked for something.

Chance: Oh, her. I barely noticed.

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Chance: Are you jealous?

Abby: I am not jealous at all. Because nurses may come and nurses may go, but I will be here forever.

Chance: I'm counting on it. So now that I'm finally sprung from the hospital, you and i have some serious wedding planning to do. Are you up for that?

Abby: I can't wait.

Nikki: You barely touched your food.

Victor: I'm not very hungry.

Nikki: You can't get your mind off of adam.

Victor: [ Sighs ] Why in the world did victoria have to give him that document?

Nikki: Well, she was calling his bluff, trying to get him to follow through on his vow to renounce all things newman, which was an empty promise, seeing as he ripped the document in half.

Victor: It wasn't just a document. It was an ultimatum. And no one likes an ultimatum. I'm convinced that adam never really wanted to divorce himself from this family.

Nikki: No, apparently he wanted to do away with it, or do away with you at the very least. Victoria only wanted to prove that adam has been lying to us again. She has plenty of reason to believe the things she does. We all do, except for you.

Victor: I know you all think I've been too forgiving. I'm his father, alright? Perhaps I have been too forgiving. But this is different. This man is an emotional wreck. He's become dangerous and unpredictable. And I'm going to say something that you will not like. I think we have to acknowledge as a family that we all contributed somehow to him becoming this way.

Adam: I, uh, wasn't sure that you would come.

Chelsea: I'm here to listen to what you have to say. That's all I can commit to right now.

Adam: I understand. And I am grateful. All I want is a chance to tell you how much I love you, chelsea, and I need you. And I want our family back together again.

Chelsea: And I will give you an opportunity to say that, adam, but I don't know if it's gonna be enough.

Amanda: So there are a few things that I want you to sign off on.

Lily: Oh, we can do that later.

Amanda: Well, aren't we working?

Lily: No, we can work when we get to the office.

Amanda: Okay.

Lily: So, how was your dinner with devon?

Amanda: How did you find out about that?

Lily: I mean, he told me that you two had plans.

Amanda: Pretty sneaky, lily. Calling an early breakfast meeting with ulterior motives.

Lily: Well, what can I say? I'm a glutton for information.

[ Chuckles ]

Amanda: Okay. You first.

Lily: Me first...what?

Amanda: Why don't you tell me about your romantic life? Or are we pretending that you don't want one still?

Lily: Oh, my gosh. You do not give up, do you?

Amanda: What can I do? You know, every time I bring up the subject, you want to talk about something else.

Billy: Gentlemen. Can I help you?

Rey: Just had a few follow-up questions about chance's shooting.

Billy: For me?

Rey: Yeah.

Billy: Sure. Go ahead.

Rey: There's this one thing i can't wrap my head around, billy, and I was hoping you could clear it up for me.

Billy: Well, I'll give it a try.

Rey: You said you immediately to the hospital after you heard chance was shot, correct?

Billy: He's family. I was concerned.

Rey: That's the thing. I did some digging. From what I gather, you and chance were never particularly close. And the fact that you used your media outlet to implicate him in a crime in las vegas, well, you really don't leave me much of a choice, billy.

Billy: About what?

Rey: Whether to believe your intentions were good or not. I'm leaning heavily toward not.

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Chance: It's official. I'm home from the hospital.

Jill: Well, that's wonderful. Have you talked to nina?

Abby: We tried her this morning, but she was out.

Chance: And we'll try her again later on.

Jill: Well, I'm sure she'll be as thrilled as I am to know that you're back home. You look very good, by the way.

Chance: Thank you, grandma.

Jill: No, a lot, lot better than you did yesterday. I think getting out of the hospital must agree with you. And, abby, I hope you're doing all the necessary hovering over our patient to make sure he does as he's told during my temporary absence.

Abby: I'm hovering away.

Jill: Well, that's good, because once the wedding rolls around, I will more than make up for lost time. What?

Chance: Abby and I -- we have news and a request. Which one would you like first? Okay. Let's go with request.

Abby: So, chance and I, we're talking about where we would like to get married. And we decided that the chancellor mansion would be the perfect location, but we wouldn't dream of doing it without your blessing.

Jill: Are you kidding me? I'm delighted! I am delighted. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna call my decorator right after we get off the phone to set up a meeting.

Abby: That's great. Thank you so much.

Jill: So, now that I've said yes...

Abby: Our news.

Chance: What are the chances that your decorator can...work fast?

Abby: Like faster than fast. Because we're getting married next week.

Jill: Excuse me? Excuse me, did you say next week?

Abby: That's right.

Jill: Mm-hmm. As in the week after this week?

Chance: Abby and I, we don't want to wait. After what just happened, we're anxious to start the rest of our lives together. And we're eager to commit to one another in front of our families.

Jill: Okay. I guess if god made the world in seven days, I can make you a wedding.

[ Chance and abby chuckle ]

Lily: I'm sorry. I forgot I was talking to a lawyer.

Amanda: Well, I am not asking as a lawyer or a colleague. I'm asking as a friend. Do you want someone in your life?

Lily: Um... no.

Amanda: Well, that's definitive.

Lily: No, I mean, I was dating casually before I moved back to genoa city. But I'm just not ready for anything big or complicated right now. I had that, and it nearly gutted me.

Amanda: Are you talking about cane, your ex?

Lily: Yeah. He -- he broke my heart. And, you know, I made mistakes, too. And we'll always be parents together. But I still carry a lot of heartache over the way things ended between us.

Amanda: So you are treading carefully?

Lily: Oh, know, I'm more like tiptoeing through the mine field.

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] So, how does billy feel about all of this?

Lily: [ Sighs ] I don't know what's going on with me and billy. I -- all I know is that if I'm gonna have any romance in my life, it's gonna have to be on my terms, which is simple, clean, and drama-free.

Amanda: And that describes billy to a "t"?

Lily: Oh, yeah, yeah. In an alternate universe, you know?

Amanda: I get it. You know, you have a lot going on and trying to mend a broken heart.

Lily: Well, I feel like you know about that.

Amanda: Me? Well, if you're talking about nate, no. We never got that far. And ripley -- that is just a whole other story. But I am impressed by your low-key stress-free approach to romance.

Lily: Speaking of which...

Amanda: Yes, my dinner with devon.

Lily: Yes. I think we avoided the subject long enough.

Amanda: Well, I hate to disappoint, but it was as simple as it gets. I mean, we -- we were gonna go to a fancy restaurant, but we ended up just ordering chinese. We just sat around, munching on egg rolls and talking. Just two friends being normal and enjoying each other's company.

Lily: Oh! I think it sounds perfect.

Billy: I should have known i can't get anything past you two. I didn't want to look bad.

Paul: [ Chuckles ] So, you want to add any details to that?

Billy: I was concerned about chance when I heard he was shot. I was also concerned about abby. But the main reason why I went to the hospital was to find out what went down. I had a hunch that adam was involved, and I wanted to gather information to get the truth out there in a second article.

Paul: Hmm. A sequel to, uh, your adam exposé?

Billy: Oh, you can ask around the office. I've been pushing for it ever since the first one came out.

Rey: But you're not a reporter, are you?

Billy: No, I'm not.

Rey: So, why didn't you send one?

Billy: I wanted to hear it from chance himself. Although he was unconscious while I was there.

Rey: Yeah, that would make sense, given that you have a vested interest in knowing exactly who or what chance saw when the shot was fired.

Billy: Detective, are you asking me questions, or are you questioning me? Because it's starting to sound like you're insinuating I was the one that took the shot.

Paul: If you prefer, I'll ask you straight out. Did you do it?

Billy: Your answer is no, chief. And you two better keep on hunting, because I'm not your guy. Although I'm gonna assume that the one that did take the shot was justified.

Rey: See, it sounds like you're describing yourself. So how about we take a look around your office?

Billy: I'm pretty sure you're gonna need a warrant for that kind of thing.

Paul: Yeah, I'm pretty sure you do.

Adam: If I knew what to say to make you feel better and make everything between us okay, i would do it. I would do it just like that.

Chelsea: Oh. I wish that that had been your priority about a week ago.

Adam: Okay. I-I deserve that. And I am so, so sorry about everything.

Chelsea: What do you want me to say? That I forgive you? I mean, even if that were true, it doesn't mean we have a future. I still have so many questions.

Adam: Okay. You can ask me anything.

Chelsea: How about, um, were you trying to kill your family?

Adam: Victor was the only target.

Chelsea: Oh, okay. Oh, well, that's encouraging. What about everybody else that was in the tower? Nick, victoria, nikki, abby?

Adam: I didn't know. I didn't know. And -- and I'm not trying to make an excuse for what I did or justify it in any way. I was here, alone, with nothing but my thoughts bouncing off the walls. Disturbing thoughts. And I've had hard times before, but this was different. I thought I was in control, but, the truth is, I was anything but. That damned article pushed me over the edge.

Chelsea: Don't blame billy. You were already there. You had been there since you heard the truth about A.J., About his death. That's what turned you upside down, and I warned you about it. I told you not to pursue it.

Adam: And I remember.

Chelsea: But you had to know. And the more I tried to pull you back, the harder you pushed me away. So here we are now, adam. You want me back. I mean, how am I supposed to know something like that won't happen again?

Adam: Because I swear I won't let it.

Chelsea: What happened to you was horrible. It was -- it was unthinkable. But it made you forget your priorities, adam. Your family took a back seat to something more important to you. The thing that woke you up in the mornings, the thing that drove you all day long -- revenge. I-I see your struggles. I see how much pain you're in. But now -- now you're trying to tell me the pain's just disappeared? And I'm supposed to trust that you've got your priorities straight again?

Abby: I was just thinking about our wedding, and -- chance.

[ Chuckles ] Do you have any idea why I love you so much? It's the way you make me feel. I had pretty much given up on this kind of happiness. But now look at us. We are so close to having everything we've ever wanted. You are the love of my life. And I am never gonna take this second chance we've been given for granted.

Billy: You know this is a colossal waste of time, don't you?

Paul: Well, we shall see.

Billy: [ Scoffs ] Paul, I'm gonna assume that you followed rey here, because you're smarter than this.

Paul: You've got nerve, billy. I'll give you that. You pretend it's outrageous that we even consider you as a suspect when you tick off more boxes than anyone.

Billy: Well, I don't know about that. Look at victor. He barely survived adam changing his medication and almost killing him. Or nick, who got his business swept from underneath him by his own brother. Or chelsea, who's got more reasons than anyone to take a shot at adam. And I could keep going.

Paul: We're looking at everybody, so...

Billy: Let me tell you this. Adam is my meal ticket. I like him alive. He just keeps generating material for blockbuster articles. But your partner over there, rey, doesn't seem to understand that.

Paul: You know, trashing my lead detective isn't the smartest play.

Billy: What are you doing with my briefcase?

Rey: Uh, there's a few things we want to have a look at down at the station.

Billy: Okay, you show me one thing in there that ties me to a shooting, detective!

Rey: Take it easy, billy. This is all gonna be returned back to you once we've gone over it. It looks like this is missing its twin.

Billy: It's an earbud. I lose them all the time, which is why I buy blue ones. They're easy to spot.

Rey: Yeah. They sure are.

Nikki: Victor, blaming the family for adam's troubles is not a good idea. All you'll do is push away your other children even more.

Victor: Sweetheart, he needs our help.

Nikki: No. He needs to be out of our lives. Now, if you want to have some sort of a relationship with him, I suppose that's your business. But you would do well to always remember he has already tried to kill you twice.

Victor: And I remember it well.

Nikki: Well, then why do you keep trying to explain away his psychosis?

Victor: I'm not trying to explain away a damn thing. I'm trying to find a solution so we can all live with each other, for heaven's sake. I'm his father. I'm gonna see this through to the end.

Nikki: See what through?

Victor: Look, I was perfectly willing to let adam go to the grave without ever remembering what happened that fateful night when he killed A.J. Montalvo, alright? But you and victoria forced me to reawaken that in him. Now he needs our help. And I'm gonna see to it that he damn well gets that help.

Nikki: And how exactly are you planning to do that?

Adam: Everything you're saying is true. And there's a lot more that you could criticize me for. And, trust me, I will not stop you. But I want to hear this. I want to hear everything that you're feeling, because it is the only way that we're gonna be able to fix this.

Chelsea: If we can fix this.

Adam: I have hope. It's practically all I have. You know, I've -- I've lost my focus, chelsea. I've lost my sense of direction, and I am working hard to try to get it back. I am afraid that I can --

Chelsea: Afraid what? You can't do it alone? Is that what you were gonna say?

[ Exhales sharply ] It wouldn't be the first time. Do you even realize how manipulative that is?

Adam: I'm not trying to be manipulative. But I'm not gonna sit here and lie to you. I need your help to get there. And I know that I shouldn't even ask you after everything I put you through, but I'm gonna ask anyway, because I have no choice. None.

Lily: Hey. We just got your text. What's wrong?

Billy: [ Sighs ] The police were just here, and they seemed pretty determined to make a case against me for the shooting. Do you remember when I said i might need a lawyer? The time's come.

At the home depot,

Ashley: So, tell me, how's chance doing?

Abby: He's doing so much better. He's sleeping right now, which is why I stepped away for a while so we could catch up.

Ashley: You must be so relieved that he's out of the hospital.

Abby: Relieved and excited, yes.

Ashley: Well, of course, you're excited! You're about to be a beautiful bride!

Abby: Which is what I wanted to talk to you about.

Ashley: Why? If this about me helping you plan, you know I'll help you 100%

Abby: Yes. And I am gonna need your help next week.

Ashley: Are you saying what i think you're saying?

Abby: That's when we're getting married.

Ashley: [ Gasps ]

Lily: So, why do the police suspect you?

Billy: It's a joke. I didn't try to kill adam, but they're gung ho to pin it on me, so I got to take it seriously.

Lily: Okay, well, I don't think amanda is the right person to help you.

Billy: Amanda's the best lawyer in town.

Lily: No, I know. I'm not denying her talent, but she's corporate. You need a criminal lawyer.

Billy: I need a lawyer that i can trust.

Amanda: Please, keep talking like I'm not in the room. You guys are handling this just fine.

Billy: Look, I understand that amanda's job is to protect chanccomm, but can we not agree that helping me helps the company?

Lily: Yes. But...

Billy: You think I did it.

Lily: No. No. I never said that.

Billy: But it's in the back of your mind. Look, I get it. The police came here because adam and I have a dark past. And I am not gonna blame anyone for thinking that I might have had something to do with it. And the truth is, I still mourn my daughter. And there was a time where i thought the only way that I was gonna over the pain was to take that son of a bitch out. But that time has passed. I am not that man anymore. And I promise both of you, I did not try and shoot adam.

Lily: I believe you.

Billy: Good. Now we just have to get the police to do the same.

Chelsea: I don't know if we can ever get back to what we had. But I do still love you. You're the father of my son. You're the man I mourned when i thought you were gone from my life forever. The man I thought I almost lost again just a few days ago. But if I take you back, I worry that I will always be looking over my shoulder, wondering if you're gonna have another breakdown or, worse, you're gonna hurt somebody, do something terrible. And what if it's not me next time? What if it's connor?

Adam: I would never hurt him.

Chelsea: Yeah, but don't you understand why I would think that?

Adam: Look, all that -- all that I can offer you is the love that I feel for you both. And it kills me that it might not be enough. But that's all I have left. Okay, I'll go anywhere. I'll leave this town, and I will never look back, if you come with me.

If you have postmenopausal


"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Billy: I apologize. I, uh -- I'm just assuming that you would take me on as a client before I even ask.

Amanda: No, there's no need. Actually, I think it's kind of fun watching the two of you go at it.

Lily: Huh. Fun for you, maybe.

Amanda: Well, if you're interested in my opinion, I am more than up to the challenge of defending billy.

Lily: Have you actually practiced criminal law?

Amanda: Well, I trained for it. It was the direction that i wanted to take when I got out of law school.

Lily: Yeah, I appreciate that, but it's a little different when you're going against michael baldwin in court.

Amanda: Well, I was just offering it as an option.

Lily: Well, about your work here?

Amanda: We have a great team backing me up. I'll be more than capable of handling billy's case and supervising.

Lily: Yeah, I don't -- I don't know.

Amanda: This will be in your best interest, too, lily. Billy is a key player in this company. Whatever happens to him affects everything.

Chelsea: Did you mean what you just said? You'd be willing to leave genoa city with connor and me?

Adam: With all my heart.

Chelsea: Don't just say it because you think it's what i want to hear.

Adam: I'm saying it because it's what i want. It's what I desperately need.

Chelsea: You would really commit to moving? For better or worse, genoa city is your home. Your family is here. You would really turn your back on them and your claim to newman enterprises?

Adam: I already told you that I would.

Chelsea: Well, back then, you were just playing games with your family. You weren't serious about leaving. It was different.

Adam: And so am I. You were right, that I was just messing with my family when i was talking about walking away at first. But now I realize just how far that they have pushed me away. Nothing good has ever come from me being a part of that family. Since the minute I showed up& here, all of them -- they just worked overtime to try to make sure that I never truly felt welcome. Well, I'm finally taking a hint. So pick a direction. Name a place. We can leave first thing in the morning. And all I need is your forgiveness.

Sharon: Victor. This is a rare visit.

Victor: [ Sighs ] This is about adam.

Sharon: Victor... I don't know what it is about, but just ask someone else.

Victor: No, sharon, he needs your help. There's no one else he can talk to.

Advanced non-small cell lung

cancer can take away so much.

Ashley: Honey, I understand that you and chance want to get married as soon as possible, but do you really think you can pull it together by next week?

Abby: Well, chance and I, we decided on a date last night before they moved him from the icu. And, I don't know, when you know something's right, why wait? I almost lost him, right after losing dina. Life is too short to postpone the things that really matter.

Ashley: Okay. Whether it's next week or it's in the next hour, I'm completely in. I am yours, available to help you get this done.

Abby: Thank you. That means a lot to me. And I love your idea of incorporating mementos from dina's memory box into the wedding. I think it's a nice way to honor her.

Abby: And we're also gonna include the newman side of my family. Do you know that chance summoned dad to his hospital room to ask for his blessing?

Ashley: That is so sweet. He really did that?

Abby: He is pretty sweet isn't he? What is it?

Ashley: You turned out so well.

Abby: You sound surprised.

Ashley: I am a little surprised. I'm sorry. I'm so incredibly proud of you, honey.

Abby: Thank you. Well, I had a pretty amazing role model.

Ashley: No, you didn'T. I don't think I was really the best example in the romance department, let's be honest.

Abby: Well, hey, there's still time. We have a week. Maybe we can make it a double wedding.

Ashley: Oh, yeah. Well, I have to find a fiancé.

Abby: [ Laughs ] There is that. There is that.

Ashley: If there's one thing I learned in my very long -- long -- complicated romantic life it's that you don't build a good relationship on luck. I mean, you know this. It takes a lot of hard work. Of course, communication and commitment and chemistry are so important. But I really think the most important thing is choosing the right partner. From what I can tell, you've chosen very wisely, and I can't wait to watch my gorgeous daughter walk down the aisle.

Abby: You know, I think this wedding is gonna be very therapeutic for our family. And one day down the road when I have a baby, that'll be another healing moment.

Ashley: Nothing cures a heartache like seeing you as happy as you are today.

Lily: Well, I mean, if it turns out that you need a lawyer, I can't really think of a better choice than amanda.

Billy: Great. Then it's settled.

Amanda: As long as you agree to use your personal funds to pay my retainer. The company should not be paying for your criminal defense.

Billy: Done.

Lily: Well, not quite.

Billy: What do you mean?

Lily: If the police find the actual shooter, then this all will be moot.

Billy: But?

Lily: They were here serving a search warrant, billy. That news is gonna leak before the day is out.

Billy: Well, lucky chanccomm has a good lawyer, too.

Lily: No, we -- we need to do more than that, okay? We have to proactive. I think that you should step away from the company. You can't take us down with you.

Chelsea: This is harder than I expected. I was warned I shouldn't even come here. I mean, a good argument can be made that maybe it's time for me to cut my losses.

Adam: It doesn't sound to me like that's what you want to do.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Chelsea: Seriously?!

Adam: What? Chelsea, w-wait. Please!

Chelsea: Why should I wait, adam? I heard you telling rey. Your sharon's one true love, right? So you should answer her phone call.

Adam: Okay, will you please not go there, alright? What I'm saying today is what counts. I have no idea why sharon is calling me. And it doesn't matter. I get why she pushes a button for you, and I take full responsibility for making you doubt my feelings for you. But believe me when I say you are the woman that I love... and I will love forever.

Chelsea: I'm sorry. I-I need some time to think about all this. I understand.

[ Door closes ] Sweetie, I am sorry I missed your game.

Abby: Chance, what is this?

Chance: I'm pretty sure they call this "lunch."&

Abby: How long have you been up?

Chance: I don't know. Probably right after you left.

Abby: You are very sneaky.

Chance: I just wanted to surprise my bride-to-be.

Abby: Well, guess what? I wanted to surprise my husband-to-be with some takeout from society.

[ Chuckles ]

Chance: Like minded.

Abby: You know, with all this food, it's a shame I'm not eating for two.

Chance: Soon. Very soon.

Lily: Okay. Great. Yeah, I just needed to get your feedback on this, so thank you. Okay. Our pr director agrees with me that, given the circumstances, it wold be best if you temporarily step aside from chanccomm. I know that it's not what you want to hear.

Billy: How'd you guess?

Amanda: I'm gonna let the two of you hash this out.

[ Footsteps depart ]

Lily: Listen, billy, we can talk about this, but I do think it's the right move. And who knows? We could possibly spin it in our favor.

Billy: Don't bother.

Lily: Okay, can you at least hear me out, please?

Billy: You don't have to say anything... because I agree with you. It's the right thing to do.

Lily: Well, that's very mature of you.

Billy: Don't get me wrong. I'm not gonna be happy sitting on the sidelines. I love this job.

Lily: I know you do.

Billy: I'm especially gonna miss the perks.

Lily: Such as?

Billy: Seeing you. Being in the same room as you. Arguing with you. I find it hot in its own way and last but not least... wondering exactly how and when you are gonna kiss me again. Anyway, I'm gonna go pack some things before I leave.

[ Keys clank ]

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Rey: Hey. What's going on?

Sharon: Um, nothing. How did things go with you and paul?

Rey: It went fine. But I can see something's up with you. Talk to me.

Sharon: Um... victor was here.

Rey: Oh?

Sharon: Yeah, he told me that adam was plotting against the family before the shooting, but I'm sure you already knew about that.

Rey: Sharon, we don't need to discuss it. It doesn't affect you.

Sharon: Well, that's the thing. It kind of does now, because victor made a request. And after I thought about it, I said yes.

Adam: So, what are you doing here?

Victor: [ Exhales deeply ] I've come here to tell you something in person.

Adam: Okay. Well, I just have to say, whatever you're gonna say, I'm not interested.

Victor: Just listen to me. Please listen to me. It became clearer to me by the day...that you need professional help.

Adam: I-I think it's a little late for that.

Victor: No, adam, it's not. I will no longer stand by and watch you destroy yourself.

Adam: Well, then, don't watch.

Victor: Son... what has happened to you? Look at the point you have arrived at now. You need help. Don't make this any harder than it already is.

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