Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/18/20

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/18/20


Episode #11994 ~ Nick and Phyllis find common ground; Victoria pushes Adam's buttons; Amanda navigates her friendship with Devon.

Provided By Suzanne

Rey: Thank you for meeting me here.

Victoria: Neutral territory?

Rey: Something like that.

Victoria: I wonder what's keeping dad.

Nick: You want to tell us what this is about?

Rey: Yeah. I wanted to go over the sweep of newman tower -- see if your security team came up with anything.

Victoria: What sweep? What are you talking about?

Rey: I received a tip implying that there was a threat to at least one member of your family, if not all of you. Adam allegedly obtained a set of schematics for newman tower, which, given his history, would give anyone pause.

Nick: Where'd this tip come from?

Rey: I briefed paul. He informed victor. I just assumed he explained the situation to the rest of you.

Victoria: No. No. This is the first we've heard of it.

Nick: How could you keep this from us?

Adam: Hi. I wasn't sure if you'd pick up.

Chelsea: What do you want?

Adam: I-I was hoping you would agree to come over and talk, possibly even stay for dinner. There's just -- there's so much that I need to say to you. Listen, I-I know that you are furious, and you have every reason not to trust me. And -- and maybe you've given up on us. But can I try to explain where my heart is now? And then if you want to walk away from me forever, I will accept it. But at least, for connor's sake, will you just give me this one last chance?

Chelsea: I need to think about it.

Adam: I'll be here... waiting for you.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Um, victoria's claiming that, um... that I made a move I wasn't supposed to make without consulting her.

Amanda: What did you do?

Phyllis: Nothing. I-I just created a couples' retreat, you know, essentially doubling our business.

Amanda: That's it?

Phyllis: Is she right? Can she terminate our partnership and get me fired from the grand phoenix?

Amanda: It seems a little extreme.

Phyllis: Yeah! It's payback. But -- but I-is she right? Can she terminate me? I mean, I can't have that happen. This is my hotel. I've worked so hard.

[ Voice breaking ] I've worked so hard to make this hotel successful.

Amanda: Phyllis, stop. Stop. Take a breath, okay? I will help you -- off the record.

Phyllis: Ohh. Amanda, really? I won't tell anyone. I promise.

Amanda: Just send me a copy of your contract. I will take a look, and we'll talk.

Phyllis: Really? I love you. I owe you big-time. Thank you.

Amanda: It's okay. Alright. So, you told me that you had two emergencies. What's the second one?

Phyllis: Ohh. It's nick. You know, we had a horrendous fight.

Amanda: Oh, no. I did warn you not to involve him in your dispute with his sister.

Phyllis: Yeah, it's about something else entirely. It has nothing to do with the hotel. But it's bad.

Amanda: You and nick -- yeah. You got into an argument. But you two are crazy in love.

Phyllis: Yeah, like all the other times we've crashed and burned.

Victor: I didn't inform the two of you because I knew how you would react, so I tried to get answers myself.

Rey: We had our surveillance specialist go over every inch of newman tower with your staff. There was no evidence of a planned attack.

Victoria: Why would adam have pulled the blueprint?

Victor: That's a moot point right now. Building is safe. There's nothing to worry about.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Rey: It's paul. I got to take this.

Nick: Just because there's no sign of a threat doesn't mean there wasn't one before.

Victor: That's speculation.

Victoria: You told me that adam was cleared of the shooting, but you failed to mention all of this? I am the C.E.O. Of newman enterprises. I'm responsible for what goes on in that building.

Victor: The building is safe, okay? Fortunately, nothing happened.

Nick: Maybe adam failed. Maybe he had a change of heart. But the mere fact that he had the blueprints of the structure lets me know he was planning to do something terrible. Dad, how many times is it gonna take you to open your eyes?

Victoria: I mean, come on, dad. This surely has to be the tipping point. Adam's claims about not wanting to be a part of this family anymore and wanting to start fresh -- it's all just an act to o. I know this is painful for you, but you have to see that he still hates you. And because of that, he's always gonna be a threat.

Victor: We have been through all this before, okay?

Victoria: Well, if you're not willing to let go of adam, then maybe it's time this family let go of you.

Victor: What did you just say?

[ Footsteps approach ]

Abby: Good. You're awake. I have a surprise for you.

Nina: Hi, sweetheart.

Chance: Mom! Oh, my god!

Jill: Hi! I'm here, too! At least I think I am.

Abby: We can see and hear you both just fine.

Jill: Yay for technology.

Chance: How are you, grandma?

Jill: Oh, I'm better now, now that I can see your handsome face.

Nina: Jill's right. As big of a relief as it was to hear your voice on the phone yesterday, it is wonderful to actually lay eyes on you.

Chance: Right back at you, ma.

Nina: How you feeling today?

Chance: Surprisingly okay.

Nina: Well, good. You actually look a little pale, though.

Jill: Nina, oh, lord. The man was shot, okay? And -- and then he developed an infection. From where I'm sitting, he looks pretty fabulous.

Abby: I'm in the room with him, and I second that.

Jill: I wish I could have flown in, sweetheart, but all the flights were canceled with this weather we're having.

Nina: Hey, don't feel bad. My son actually ordered me not to come. I suppose he doesn't want me hovering like a mother hen.

Chance: [ Laughing ] Hey, I didn't put it quite that way. Look, I appreciate you both wanting to make the trip, but i know how busy you are. Besides, I would rather you take the time off and come into genoa city later... for the wedding. Abby and I are getting married.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Jill: [ Laughs ]

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Jill: A wedding? What wonderful news! Congratulations to both of you!

Abby: Thank you, jill.

Jill: Does phillip know?

Chance: I called dad earlier, and he gave me the thumbs up. You okay over there, mom? You look a little shell-shocked.

Nina: I just need a minute to catch up. I wasn't expecting this. I mean, don't get me wrong. It's wonderful news -- delightful.

Chance: I know that this may seem fast to you, but it doesn't to me. I've known that my future was gonna be with abby for a long time now. And since she said yes, I want to make it happen as quick as possible.

Abby: So, do we have your blessing?

Jill: Oh, you absolutely do.

Nina: 100%.

[ All chuckle ]

Chance: Mom and grandma... thank you. This means the world to me.

Abby: And me.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Chelsea: Everything right now, it -- it just feels so... right.

Adam: Well, I'm gonna make sure it stays that way. I'm ready to take the vow to make it official.

Chelsea: What are you saying?

Adam: [ Exhales sharply ]

Chelsea: What are you --

[ Both chuckle ]

Adam: Chelsea lawson... will you marry me?

Adam: Look, I don't think i could do this without you.

Chelsea: Look at everything we've been through. We're unstoppable.

Chelsea: Do you know what that felt like, listening to you talk about another woman like that?!

[ Sighs ] You made me realize I'll always be second place, won't I, after everything I have done for you?

Adam: Chelsea, come on. You -- you can't leave.

Chelsea: Try and stop me. This is goodbye, adam. I am officially and forever... done.

Chelsea: I was nothing but supportive of you! All I said to you, over and over, is that I want to be a team, let's work together! But you didn't want to hear it! So you're the one that pushed me away.

Adam: Alright, and I take responsibility. I take responsibility for everything. I'm just hoping that, somehow, chelsea, that we can find our way back from this.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Rey: I gave paul the security update. There's another matter to discuss -- uh...the attempt on adam's life that sent chance to the hospital and who was responsible.

Nick: Any theories?

Rey: We're still investigating. I need to know your whereabouts around the time of the shooting.

Victor: Oh, wait a minute, now. You can't honestly think we're all suspects in the shooting.

Rey: Just doing my job, covering the bases.

Victoria: Well, fortunately for us, the three of us, including my mother and my sister, abby -- we were at the C.E.O. Office at newman.

Nick: I did leave very briefly to go talk to sharon at crimson lights, but I was back in the office at the time the shooting occurred.

Victor: Unless you're willing to accuse us all of hiring a hit man, this is the last I want to hear of this.

Rey: I will be checking the security footage from newman to verify your alibis.

Victor: You do that. Let me understand this. You want to cut me out of my own family? Is that it? Good luck to you. Good luck to you. Ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete,

Phyllis: You know, I have raised two children, one with nick. I do know how challenging it can be to raise a teenager. But...I-I just didn't appreciate the position that I was put in by one of his children, but...

[Sighs] I was gonna tell him what happened. I got sidetracked. But did he care about that? No.

Amanda: I don't know all of the details, but it does sound like you have very strong feelings about the situation, and you made that clear to nick, so...

Phyllis: Yeah. I'm not really one to hold back. You know... I have really changed... and I've really worked on that... for nick... for us. But it's like nick gives me no credit for the person I am now. I don't know how I'm gonna react when I see him again. I don't know if I'm gonna explode.

Amanda: You sound frustrated. You sound hurt.

Phyllis: Yeah. Why do I bother, right?

Amanda: Okay. You asked for my advice, so here it is. Going off on nick again -- it's not gonna solve anything. It's probably just gonna push him further away. You can't just tell nick that he's wrong about you. You're gonna have to prove it.

Nick: Dad, vick is just trying to make a point. Adam's a threat. Even you acknowledge that. And like all of us, she is willing to do whatever it takes to protect this family.

Victoria: I wasn't intending for you to take my words literally, dad. I was just looking out for the business and the family and, most of all, for you, dad.

Victor: Let's get real for a moment, okay? You're holding on to power. That's what you want to do. And I'm warning you. Your sister's making an egregious mistake... and you better think twice before you blindly follow her.

Nick: I mean, it was a little harsh.

Victoria: Oh, really? So, you're okay with dad holding on to the hope that adam can be redeemed? Because you know that's what this was really about.

Nick: There has to be a way to get adam out of our lives without alienating dad and destroying this family in the process.

Victoria: We are past the point of subtle tactics. Dad's obsession with adam has to end, and if he can't acknowledge that coddling adam is dangerous, then that's it. That's it, nick. We have to think about cutting ties.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Chloe: You heading out?

Chelsea: Yeah. I just have to run a few errands.

Chloe: Oh.

Chelsea: What? Is there a problem?

Chloe: Well, normally, I would ask you to grab something for me, but, um... you're not running errands. You're going to see adam, aren't you? If you're on medicare, remember,

[ Doorbell rings ]

Adam: Alright. I, uh --

Chelsea: I am going to see adam. But I don't want to discuss it with you.

Chloe: What can I do... to stop you from leaving?

Chelsea: Chloe...

[ Sighs ]

Chloe: Wait. Wait, wait. I-I know exactly what to say. How 'bout I remind you of your very own words -- what you said...

Chelsea: Chloe, this is --

Chloe: ...About how you know that you should avoid adam, how loving him scares you to death. I-I think that is a solid argument from staying away, don't you?

Chelsea: If it helps, I am not going over there to reconcile with him. He just wants to talk. So I'm gonna go, listen, and then I'll come back, safe and sound.

Chloe: And what if you don't?

Chelsea: If I don't, then you win and you can tell everybody that you were right and I was wrong.

Chloe: Chelsea, it's really not funny.

Chelsea: I want you to understand why I need to speak to him. After everything that's happened, it's important for adam and me to clear the air.

Chloe: About what? About how he's the reason for chance almost dying? For kidnapping you? Or how about now that you are a suspect because the cops wonder if maybe you were trying to retaliate by shooting at him.

Chelsea: If they're looking for someone with a motive, you might be on that list, too, chloe, with the way that you're acting, okay? It seems like you might have been the one that pulled the trigger, and let's be honest -- it wouldn't be the first time.

Chloe: I am not that person anymore, and you know it.

Chelsea: Do I?

Chloe: Will you stop and think? You really want to go down that road? Because if you do, god knows what's gonna happen to your son.

Phyllis: I don't know why i have to make the first move. Nick should apologize for the things that he said to me.

Amanda: Well, nothing is gonna change unless someone makes the first move.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Phyllis: [ Sighs ]

Amanda: Hey, devon. What's up? Uh, yes, yes. We are still on for dinner tonight. Drinks at your place? Sounds good. Okay. I'll see you soon. Bye.

Phyllis: Oh. You're going on a date with devon?

Amanda: We are friends.

Phyllis: Right. Um, drinks... at his penthouse before dinner sounds like a lot more than friends. Just saying. Especially since you guys have gotten close and you're both single.

Amanda: It is a drink. It is a meal. And we are gonna have good conversation. That is it. Do not read any more into it.

Phyllis: 'K.

Amanda: Okay. You need to stop looking into my personal life, and you need to focus on your own, and look -- now I have another contract to review, so I will have to see you later.

Nick: [ Sighs ] At the home depot,

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Abby: Lola's sopa de pollo -- good for what ails you.

Chance: Thank you so much for bringing me some real food. And please tell lola it hit the spot.

Abby: You know, you really are looking better. Hopefully it won't be long until you're out of here and life can get back to normal.

Chance: Dr. Inslee said he was gonna come by and give me an update on my status. Before he does... I'm curious about another update. Have you thought more about our wedding plans?

Abby: Yes. I have come up with a theme for our wedding -- elegant simplicity.

Chance: Just like my lovely fiancéE.

Abby: Mm. You are very sweet. And I know where I want to get married. I have the perfect location -- the chancellor mansion. And not just because it's beautiful there but because of what it represents -- your family, the chancellor dynasty, katherine chancellor's spirit filling every room. And I think that jill and nina will feel at home there.

Chance: Sweetheart, that... sounds like the perfect place.

[ Both chuckle ]

Devon: Alright. So, I made margaritas because I remember you ordering them a couple times. Uh, but if you want something else, I can make something else for you.

Amanda: Oh, no, no. This is -- this is fine.

Devon: Yeah?

Amanda: Yeah. Thank you.

Devon: Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Cheers. [ Chuckles softly ]

Amanda: Cheers. Mmm! This is delicious.

Devon: Yeah?

Amanda: Yeah.

Devon: Oh, good. I figure we can hang out here and finish these, and then i made a reservation at that new french restaurant that opened up on chestnut.

Amanda: Françoise?

Devon: Mm-hmm.

Amanda: Okay. All I have heard is that it is fantastic and it is impossible to get reservations.

Devon: [ Chuckles ]

Amanda: I'm sure that they were happy to accommodate you, though.

Devon: Oh, well, I mean, i just figured it would be a nice change of pace for us.

Amanda: Definitely.

Devon: Yeah. Hmm.

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] So, um, how was your day?

Devon: Busy. It was busy but productive. Yeah. How was your day?

Amanda: Good. Good. It was busy...

Devon: Oh.

Amanda: ...But, um -- but good. Yeah.

Devon: That's nice.

[ Chuckles ]

Amanda: Wh-what are we doing?

[ Both chuckle ] I mean, we're acting like we've never hung out together.

Devon: I know. It feels a little weird. Um... do you want to forget the fancy restaurant and just be comfortable and order in -- get some pizza or chinese food?

Amanda: Yes, please.

Devon: Yeah?

Amanda: Oh, my gosh. There is nothing like kicking back with some pepper steak and some shrimp fried rice.

Devon: Hey. That sounds good. That sounds like a great idea.

[ Both chuckle ]

Chloe: Chelsea.

Chelsea: Stop.

Chloe: No, I'm -- I'm sorry. I-I should not have brought connor into it. I went way too far.

Chelsea: Yeah, you did.

Chloe: I'm sorry. Will you please just stay?

Chelsea: Chloe, I don't want to hear any more from you.

Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What -- what just happened? What are you two arguing about?

[ Door slams ]

Chloe: Adam. It's always adam.

Adam: Whatever this is about, I would appreciate it if you just got right to the point.

Victoria: Of course. I'd be happy to. I'm sure that neither one of us wants to prolong our time together. You say that you don't want to be a part of this family anymore. According to dad, you are so adamant about it that you've petitioned the court to change your last name back to wilson.

Adam: What of it?

Victoria: Well... your document is ready for your signature. It's a renunciation of all things newman. Since you seem so eager to cut ties with the family, signing away your rights and your expectations, it should just be a mere formality. And if this truly isn't a ruse and you do want to walk away, then we damned well want your decision in writing -- a binding and legal split.

Because your eye health and

safety is our top priority.

Adam: Has victor approved this or even read it?

Victoria: I'm representing the family's interests.

Adam: Mm. Okay. Well, then I will take that as a "no." Uh, I'm certainly not gonna sign something so definitive if victor doesn't endorse it. I want to hear it from the old man himself.

Victoria: You're dodging. I knew it. Your big speech about being independent and wanting nothing to do with the family was all just a bunch of bull. So, what is your plan, adam? Do you plan to throw us off guard and get rid of us and then, once we're all gone, come in and just pick up the keys to the castle?

Adam: Wait. Y-you've lost me.

Victoria: No, I don't think I have. I know that you had the schematics to newman tower in your possession. While we were at the meeting waiting for you to show up but you were a no-show -- it's really hard not to put those pieces together.

Adam: You are, uh, way off base.

Victoria: Oh, I don't think& so.

Adam: Okay. I had no idea that anyone but victor was expecting me. And I did not make it to that meeting because... some other things came up.

Victoria: Because chance was shot.

Adam: I think it's time for you to go, okay? And... don't forget to take this.

Victoria: Okay. I'm leaving, but I have one more thing to say. I wish that chance had stayed away and that bullet had found its intended target.

Chloe: And then I stupidly insinuated that something bad might happen to connor.

Kevin: [ Sighs ] What if chelsea finds a way to be civil to his dad so they can function as coparents?

Chloe: I was trying to make a point. And I totally blew it. I practically pushed her out the door.

Kevin: You were looking out for chelsea's interests the best way you knew how. You just went a little overboard. I'm sure that once chelsea calms down, she'll realize that, too. She's not gonna forget everything you've done for her and what a loyal friend you've been.

Chloe: What if she feels like she has to choose between adam and me?

Kevin: Don't get ahead of yourself, okay? It's not like you're the guy's only critic. No one who cares about chelsea wants to see her back together with him, and if she is contemplating that, then she needs a serious reality check. Just...don't give up on her until you know that she's thinking straight.

Chloe: I won'T.

Amanda: And a half-order of shrimp fried rice.

Devon: Get the egg rolls.

Amanda: Oh, yes. Um, two egg rolls with hot mustard?

Devon: Yes. Yes.

Amanda: Yes. Okay. We'll see you soon. Thank you.

Devon: You almost forgot the egg rolls.

Amanda: What was I thinking?

Devon: I don't know what you were thinking. Please don't let it happen again.

Amanda: I had no idea that you were such a fan.

Devon: Well, I mean, yeah. It's chinese food. It's like not getting fortune cookies in your meal.

Amanda: A takeout traditionalist. Huh. Never would have guessed it.

Devon: Well... there's still a lot we need to learn about each other, apparently.

Amanda: Yeah, that is true. So... why don't you tell me the devon hamilton story? And don't talk to me about all the work you're doing now or your relationship with hilary. We've talked about that a lot.

Devon: Oh, we sure have.

Amanda: Yes.

Devon: Oh, boy. So, the devon story. How deep should I go?

Amanda: Well, it's up to you. I just want to know how you became the person that you are.

Devon: Are you sure? 'Cause this feels like a-a first-date type of thing to do.

Amanda: Yeah. I suppose it does. I don't care. I want to know the person that I'm spending time with. When it comes to beautiful hair , why are we always

shown the same thing?

Devon: Well, you already know the basics of my past. I-I grew up in foster care. But, uh, I guess I've never really gotten into the how lost I was back then.

Amanda: You know, sometimes i wonder if I had it easier, entering the system as an infant. I didn't know any different.

Devon: That's true. That's true. All I knew growing up is that my life was one bad experience after another, and that made me a very, very angry kid who acted out a lot... um...always getting into trouble.

Amanda: [ Chuckles softly ]

Devon: I didn't trust anybody that came into my life, uh, until I met lily and her parents. Dru and neil -- they took me in and gave me a place to live.

Amanda: No wonder you two are so close.

Devon: The winters really took a chance on me and loved me and invested in my life, and they saw potential in me that i never saw in myself, and that -- that -- there's just no words for how profound of an impact that made on my life.

Amanda: You're lucky that you had such an incredible family.

Devon: I really am. I'm grateful every single day. And then my family circle kind of expanded because I found out that tucker mccall and katherine chancellor were my biological father and grandmother. And, uh... my relationship with them didn't start off too smooth.

Amanda: Why?

Devon: Just 'cause I was -- you know, I had a chip on my shoulder, and I didn't want to have anything to do with them 'cause I resented them for being so damn rich.

[ Chuckles ] It's just those old walls I was putting up.

Amanda: Well, given the way that you were raised, I-I think that it was pretty natural. And, you know, nobody's perfect -- not even you.

Devon: [ Chuckles ] That couldn't be more true. I'm far from it. I've done some not-so-great things to the people that i love, and they've done some things to me. I just always remember to move forward and know that no matter how bad today might be, you always have a chance to make things better tomorrow.

Amanda: Yeah. I agree with that.

[ Chuckles softly ]

Devon: Well... that's the devon story, in a nutshell.

Amanda: Well, thank you for sharing it with me.

Devon: You are very, very welcome.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Thank you so much for meeting me.

Victor: [ Sighs heavily ] I agreed to... meet you because you promised things will be different between us.

Victoria: It will. Trust me.

Victor: Does that mean you've come to your senses?

Victoria: I have something to show you.

Victor: What's this?

Victoria: It's a binding agreement renouncing any and all future claims to newman holdings, bequests, and any other material assets. I had our lawyers draw it up for adam to sign. But, of course, he flat-out refused. He ripped it up, and he kicked me out, which proves that I was right. He really had no intention of walking away. This was just another way of him manipulating you.

Victor: One second. You did all this... behind my back, without my consulting me?

Victoria: Would you agree to put him to the test?

Victor: That's not the point.

Victoria: It needed to be done.

Victor: Why should I believe you after all the vile things you said to me?

Victoria: Dad, please. I was just trying to get your attention, to break you out of this spell that you're under.

Victor: How do I know you actually tried to get adam to sign this?

Victoria: I swear to you. I'm being honest.

Victor: You drawing up this document... and adam tearing it apart... means nothing.

Victoria: How can you say that?

Victor: You know what this is about? Your brother adam is in dire emotional straits. He's desperate for help. He's crying out for help.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Adam: Hi. Are you on your way?

Chelsea: I need more time to think. I'm not ready to be in the same room with you again just yet.

Adam: Okay. At least it's not a "no."

Chelsea: Adam --

Adam: Look, no pressure.

Chelsea: Thank you.

Adam: I just, uh -- I hope... well, you know what I hope, so...

Chelsea: Goodbye.

[ Sighs ]

Adam: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Uh...hey. I didn't expect you here... after we left everything.

Nick: I'm sorry. I was, uh... too hard on you. I just -- I said some things i didn't mean. I didn't appreciate the way you handled things with faith. Once you realized she was drinking, I really feel like you should have told me right away, but I was just stressed out about it... uh... and, um, I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that.

Phyllis: That's true. Uh, listen, I-I am sorry that i didn't tell you about faith. I should have told you right away, and I didn't, and instead of admitting that, um... I got defensive and started attacking you, and I really apologize. How can I make it up to you?

Nick: I was just about to ask you the same thing.

Abby: So, what did the doctor say?

Chance: He said... that they need this bed back and he needs me to get out of the icu. They're transferring me to a regular room overnight. I'm free to go tomorrow.

Abby: Baby, that is fabulous news! Ah!

Chance: I am anxious to get home... kick our wedding plans into overdrive.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Chance: Are you ready to set a date?

Abby: Yeah! I mean, you said as soon as possible, so do you have a specific date in mind?

Chance: How 'bout next week?

Abby: A week?!

Chance: Yeah.

Abby: Uh [Chuckles] Yes! Yes! [ Laughs ] A week! Yes!

[ Both laugh ]

Chance: I can't wait.

[ Both laugh ]

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