Y&R Transcript Monday 11/16/20

Y&R Transcript Monday 11/16/20


Episode #11992 ~ Abby questions her future with Adam; Chance asks for Victor's blessing; Amanda quizzes Lily about Billy.

Provided By Suzanne

Chance: Adam, watch out!

[ Gunshot ]

[ Gasps ]

Abby: Hi. How are you feeling?

Chance: As much as I love seeing you when I wake up... you don't need to be sitting around here watching over me.

Abby: If I didn't, who would?

Chance: Nurses. Doctors. Professionals who get paid to watch me sleep, snore, and drool.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Chance: Sweetheart, the infections's under control. You can go home.

Abby: There is nothing i would rather do than watch you drool.

Chance: What about finding the perfect wedding dress? That's got to take some time. I'm sure your shoes alone could you at least a month.

Abby: Are you trying to get rid of me?

Chance: What I'm trying to tell you is, the moment I get out of this room, we're getting married, so you better be ready.

Abby: I am so ready. I can't wait to take you straight from this hospital bed to the altar. You can even where your hospital gown to the wedding.

[ Chuckles ] Ow. Don't make me laugh. I can't take it.

Abby: Okay. I am gonna go check with the doctor, and then I'm gonna go home and get some rest. But I'm coming back.

Chance: I love you.

Abby: I love you. By the way, you're very cute when you drool.

[ Footsteps depart ]

Sharon: Hey. I wasn't expecting to see you this afternoon.

Rey: Yeah, I know. I'm gonna be working till late, so I wanted to check in on you.

Sharon: Any leads on who shot chance?

Rey: Sharon, you know I can't the details. You are always asking me about my cases, hoping that I will forget and give you all the facts, aren't you?

Sharon: Yeah, I'm hoping so, one day.

Rey: I'll tell you what i am gonna do. Everything I can to find the shooter.

Sharon: I know you will. Um, and while we're on the subject, there's something i think you should know. I, uh -- I went to see adam. I just -- I had to look him in the eye to find out if he knew who did this and why.

Amanda: Wait, wait, wait. Why isn't adam a suspect anymore?

Lily: Because he was the target. Someone was trying to shoot him.

Billy: As far as we understand.

Lily: And they got chance instead. So it's a good thing you couldn't put together that piece blaming adam for the shooting.

Amanda: That would have been a huge hit to our credibility.

Lily: Yeah, exactly. We would have looked foolish saying he was responsible.

Billy: Okay, hold on. We don't know he's not responsible yet. Maybe he didn't pull the trigger, but that does not mean he's innocent. I guarantee you, one way or another, adam is responsible for chance getting shot.

Chloe: Adam was here? In my house?

Chelsea: He just wanted to talk.

Chloe: Did he threaten you? I can call paul right now.

Chelsea: No. No, no, no. He came to apologize.

Chloe: "I'm so sorry that i kidnapped and locked you up."

Chelsea: I don't know if it was adam that abducted me.

Chloe: Uh, yes, you do. He was planning something at newman towers. You found out, and he locked you up for it.

Chelsea: I can't be sure about that.

Chloe: Which part?

Chelsea: All of it. I don't know why he had the schematics to newman tower. I don't know who threw me in that room. I was knocked out. Even the police are confused. They're trying to find out who shot chance. First they thought it was adam. Then they thought it was me.

Chloe: Really?

Chelsea: Yeah. Rey was over asking me questions as if I'm some suspect.

Chloe: Okay, you trying to shoot adam, I can actually see that. That makes total sense. What you're talking about right now, I just don't get at all. Chelsea, do you want to get back with him? Please. Please don'T. You are finally free. You cannot get back with adam.

Adam: What the hell were you doing? Why would you ever take a bullet for me? Oh humans.

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Billy: I know adam's responsible for the shooting, because I know adam. And our exposé -- you know what, fancy legal department, how many retractions were we forced to publish?

Amanda: None.

Billy: None. That's right. Because the article was 100% true. All the terrible things that he's done. All the lives that he's ruined.

Lily: Not this time. Chance said the bullet was for adam.

Billy: Thank you, lily. You're making my point. Someone out there hates adam so much that they would shoot him. Chance is collateral damage. And I guarantee you, adam is still doing whatever he was doing before that inspired that person to shoot adam.

Lily: What makes you think that he's still up to something?

Billy: Instinct. Oh, really? Look, it was my instinct that led us to publish that article in the first place. And I don't have to remind you how much revenue that generated for us.

Lily: Billy, we need more than your instinct, okay? Because I have something called journalistic integrity, which means that we don't run a piece until the police make an arrest.

Amanda: I think that that's wise.

Lily: Thank you.

Billy: You two think you can just gang up on me like that, huh?

Lily: Yes.

Amanda: Absolutely.

Rey: You said you were gonna stay away from adam. I just -- I had to look him in the eye so that I could be sure that no one else was in danger and -- and that he wasn't going to retaliate.

Rey: That's -- that's not your job. That's -- that's mine.

Sharon: I-I know it isn'T. But here's the thing. When it comes to adam, I'm just not sure that you can be 100% objective.

Rey: I know you can't be. Listen, sharon, I can't stand the way he hurts the people he claims he cares for. Chance, his friend, was tailing him to stop him from doing something awful. So when I tell you to avoid adam, it's not because I don't want you spending time with a guy who has feelings for you. It's because I'm trying to stop you from getting hurt.

Sharon: You really think he would hurt me?

Rey: He abducted chelsea. So he doesn't have a problem going after the women in his life.

Sharon: What are you talking about?

Rey: Chelsea found out what he was trying to do, so he locked her up in some room so he could go through with his plan. That's why chance started following him.

Sharon: Oh, my god.

Rey: I just gave you details of an ongoing investigation.

Sharon: That's okay. I'm not gonna tell anyone. And I know that you won't let your feelings for adam get in the way of the investigation.

Rey: That's for damn sure. But, listen, sharon. I sincerely believe that adam destroys everything he comes in contact with.

Sharon: He didn't destroy me. And he's never going to destroy us.

Adam: You saved my life. And I owe you everything.

Chance: The way I see it... we're even. I paid back a debt I owed you from vegas.

Adam: Okay. We are even. Look, I've been -- I've been a terrible friend lately, and I am sorry about that. I've just had so much weighing on me these past couple months, and I couldn't move forward. And I lost all perspective. And I just got dragged back into the mud.

Chance: You bring upon yourself, adam. It's your own self-destructive nature that keeps putting you in these situations.

Adam: I know.

Chance: When you face setbacks in the future -- and you will -- I want you to drown out that voice that tells you just to burn it all down.

Adam: Well, I'm gonna work on that. I know that I need to change. And what happened to you, it was a wake-up call.

Chance: You're saying all the right things. But you're not the only one that's impacted by your issues. What about chelsea? Is she okay?

Adam: Yes. She's back at the chancellor house. And I will do everything that i can to make things right with her.

Adam: I, uh, saw chelsea earlier. There was a bit of a thaw, so hopefully that's a good sign we can get back to where we were.

Chance: If you actually give a damn about chelsea, forget making amends. Just leave her alone, adam. You're not good for her. You're toxic.

Adam: I...don't think that's true.

Chance: From what I've seen, you can't decide whether you love sharon or chelsea. If you keep bouncing back and forth, I'm not sure that you know what love is.

Adam: If anything, I fall in love too deeply, and that is what gets me in trouble.

Chance: It seems to me you're looking for a savior -- a solution to your problems -- rather than an actual person to love and who loves you back.

Adam: And, what, that you -- you that you found that in abby?

Chance: I know I have. I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life.

Adam: And you don't believe i can find the same thing with chelsea?

Chance: If chelsea came to me looking for advice right now... I would tell her to stay as far away from you as possible.

Adam: Mm. You're my friend...

Chance: Then you know I'm telling you the god's honest truth. Adam, there are times that i pity you and your ability to just destroy everything around you. And don't think that this is the painkillers or the antibiotics talking. This is me. This is what I think.

Adam: Well, then, why did you jump in front of a bullet to save my life?

Chance: I saw the gun and I reacted. Instinct. Training. It didn't have anything to do with friendship. There are certain people you're better off not having in your life. That's how I feel about you right now. Like I said before, all debts are paid off.

Adam: I hope you have a speedy recovery and you get out of here soon.

Chance: Thank you.

Rey: I heard you called off your plans to go into protective custody.

Chelsea: I did.

Rey: What prompted you to do that?

Chelsea: Adam came by, and we spoke.

Rey: You -- you had a conversation with him?

Chelsea: Yeah. Is that a problem?

Rey: It just -- it's just something that seems to be going around lately.

Chelsea: Well, he was surprised that after he wasn't a suspect, I was.

Rey: No, no, you're a person of interest, chelsea, not a suspect, okay? I-I had questions for you because I have to look at every angle. You -- you had a motive.

Chelsea: I do?

Rey: Adam had you kidnapped. He had you locked up in that room.

Chelsea: I-I told you, I'm not positive that he was responsible.

Rey: You were pretty convinced before. You convinced me.

Chelsea: I don't know. I can't be sure, alright? This is all very confusing.

Rey: Okay, well, what if we go downtown and I ask you some questions? Will that help jog your memory?

Chelsea: Well, I don't plan to press charges against the kidnapper, so it would be a waste of time.

Rey: It would be my time to waste, and it's up to the district attorney whether to file charges or not. One of these days, I-I'm gonna figure out how adam gets all these people to forgive him -- in two in particular -- so easily.

Chelsea: No, I'm not forgiving him. It's just, when I really think about it, the idea of adam kidnapping me seems a little crazy.

Rey: Did he say anything about the shooting? Does -- did he see anything? Does he have any idea who it might be?

Chelsea: He didn't say anything. I-I don't know. I don't think he saw anything.

Rey: He didn't see anything, but he has an idea of who it was. Who is it? Who hates adam so much that they want him dead?

Chelsea: A lot of people hate adam in this town.

Rey: But he said something to you. Who did he think did it?

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] The person who hates adam the most -- billy abbott.

Amanda: Do you think that billy's obsession with bringing down adam is gonna be a problem?

Lily: [ Exhales sharply ] Well, I think "obsession's" a strong word.

Amanda: Well, I think that it fits the case, don't you?

Lily: I mean, I guess so. But I made it very clear to billy that when I came on board that I would not weaponize this company against the newmans.

Amanda: And that's exactly what victor's lawyers said that we were doing with that exposé.

Lily: Right. I mean, yes, I know that some people were hurt by it, and i think we could have been a little more sensitive with the material, but it was a legitimate story. I stand by that.

Amanda: Well, good.

Lily: And, you know, I think billy going to chance's hospital to try to get him to talk -- i mean, that was definitely over the line, and I told him that.

Amanda: He does seem to listen to you.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] Well, up to a point. And then he'll just go ahead and do what he wants. But I don't know. I think I have a handle on him now, you know. If I'm strong and authoritative, then he'll abide by the rules.

Amanda: Like how you were with him today?

Lily: Right. And there's been a learning curve. But I think I understand the job now, and I like it. You know, this is the happiest I've been in a while.

Amanda: Is that because of the job...or your partner?

Billy: Oh, there he is. Luckiest man in the world. Dodged another bullet, didn't you?

Adam: Did I? You seem to know a lot about it. Do you have any idea where that bullet came from?

Billy: I know that a good man saved your life and the wrong guy took the bullet. I have been suffering with migraine for years and years.

Lily: I really hope billy's personal style isn't making you have second thoughts about taking the job here.

Amanda: Oh, no. I don't mind being the bad guy, throwing cold water on billy's reckless ideas. Sometimes I even enjoy it, like how we shut him down earlier today.

Lily: Yes, that was fun, right? We're a good team.

Amanda: We are! Except you still haven't answered my question about billy. You think I didn't notice you evading my question? I mean, I'm an attorney. That's what you hired me for.

Lily: Well, listen. I would love to chat with you, but I really have to get going, so I'll talk to you later.

Amanda: You can't dodge my question forever. Hey! I know where you work!

Billy: Eventually, your luck's gotta run out, right?

Adam: Is that how you used to explain your gambling losses?

Billy: Well, as a recovering gambler, I would say the odds are not in your favor.

Adam: You're getting sloppy, billy.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Adam: I mean, first the exposé, now this.

Billy: "This"?

Adam: I remember you making such a big show out of your moment of enlightenment. You were done fixating on me. You were not gonna be consumed with revenge. You were gonna get on with the business of living.

Billy: Yeah. I recall that.

Adam: Yet here we are. It's -- it's like I'm living rent free inside your head. And bringing me down just still consumes your life. It really makes me wonder which one of us are worse off.

Billy: We would know the answer to that if chance didn't get in the way.

Adam: And that was a tough break for whoever pulled the trigger. And there's gonna be a steep price to pay.

Billy: Unless they try it again -- and succeed.

Ashley: Oh, abby, thank god you're here. You haven't texted me in two hours. Is everything okay at the hospital?

Abby: Yes, yes. Everything's fine. Chance just sent me home to get some rest.

Ashley: What did the doctors say?

Abby: They are certain that he will make a full recovery now that he beat the infection.

Ashley: Thank god. Good news finally.

Abby: And here's some more.

Ashley: [ Gasps ]

[ Laughs ] Your engaged?! I'm so happy for you. It's gorgeous.

Abby: Thank you.

Ashley: So, when did this happen?

Abby: Chance asked me just before... just before he was shot. And it was the happiest moment of my life. I was gonna call you, but you were out of town, and then --

Ashley: The call came in about chance.

Abby: Yeah. It was like emotional whiplash. I thought it was all gonna be taken from me, and I just wanted to crawl up into a ball. Then somehow I got to the hospital, and I looked at chance, and all I wanted to do was be there for him. I just want to bring him back so we could have a happy life together.

Ashley: My little girl. This makes me so happy. Everything you're describing is the very definition of a long-lasting relationship.

"The young and the restless"

will continue. Now, simparica trio simplifies protection.

Lily: Hi.

Sharon: Hey, lily! One chai tea just the way you like it coming up.

Lily: Thank you. How are you feeling today?

Sharon: Pretty good. Not too tired.

Lily: Oh, good. It's nice when you start feeling like yourself again. And you've definitely been in my thoughts.

Sharon: Oh, thank you. So, I want to talk to you about something non-cancer-related.

Sharon: Okay.

Lily: Uh, it's about the exposé about adam.

Sharon: Oh.

Lily: Yeah. I'm sure it was really hard on your family.

Sharon: It was devastating, um, especially for faith. I know she wasn't named in the article, but it wasn't too hard for people to figure out who the baby was in the story. I thought that billy was responsible for that.

Lily: Yes, well, billy and i are partners, so I want to take responsibility. And, you know, there are some things that I wish that we had done differently. So I wanted to apologize to you and let you know that something like that will never happen again.

Sharon: Yeah, reading that article just made me sick. Not just the stuff about faith, but everything. You know, adam really did do all those things.

Lily: How did you deal with that? You two were so close.

Sharon: Honestly, lily, I did everything that I could to try to help adam overcome his past, because there's a good man inside of him. But I'm not gonna spend any more time trying to fix him.

Ashley: It's hard not be emotional. My daughter. Everything's coming together for you.

Abby: Yeah, I think that everything I experienced led up to meeting chance. And it prepared me for our relationship. But then it was almost gone.

Ashley: Right. But it's not.

Abby: No. It's not. I think going through this difficult time is a great foundation for our marriage.

Ashley: Yeah. I think it's gonna help you get through the rough patches of life. So, if there's anything you need from me, I am here for you.

Abby: Well, there is one thing I need. Help me plan a wedding!

Ashley: Okay!

Abby: [ Laughs ]

Ashley: So, have you set a date?

Abby: As soon as possible.

Victor: Well, now. Detective. You wanted to see me?

Chance: Thank you for coming. So, that was fast. I just texted you.

Victor: Yeah, well, you know, when you're a hero, people show up when you ask for something.

Chance: Yeah? And how long does that last?

Victor: About two weeks.

[ Chuckles ] What did you want to see me about?

Chance: Um... there's actually something important that i need to ask you.

Adam: Hey.

Chelsea: What happened?

Adam: What do you mean?

Chelsea: You're agitated. I can tell. Is chance okay?

Adam: Yeah. I just saw him. And he told me to get out of his life. And I just ran into billy inside, who practically admitted to trying to shoot me.

Chelsea: Really?

Adam: So, yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe I am a little agitated.

Chelsea: Do not retaliate.

Adam: I'm not going to. I'm not, okay? I've had enough of revenge. I'm tired of it. That's how we got here.

Chelsea: Well, that's absolutely the truth.

Adam: The only thing that i care about right now is your forgiveness. Look, I have an idea. Why don't we go see connor together and just get out of here? I miss him so much. I know you want to see him, too, but I think it would be a great idea for us to reconnect.

Chelsea: No, adam. It's not happening. It's gonna take a long time for me to be able to take you at your word and trust that you don't have some other agenda.

Adam: I know. I know that this is gonna take a while.

Chelsea: Truthfully... I don't know if I'll ever forgive you.

Adam: It's gonna happen.

Chelsea: I don't know why you think that.

Adam: Because i have to believe that. It's the only thing that's gonna get me through this, okay? I was in a dark place, and i cannot go back there. And you are the key to that, chelsea.

Chelsea: Do not put that on me, adam. You have to figure this out on your own.

Adam: I will. I'll prove it to you.

Because your eye health and

safety is our top priority.

Abby: We're ready. So, why wait to get married?

Ashley: So, do you think that maybe chance being shot had something to do with you not wanting to wait?

Abby: Well, after that close call, we don't want to waste a minute. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. Live your fullest life until you can'T. And, for me, that means marrying chance -- right away. Well, I'm in. This has been such a tough year. Dina passing not so long ago, your wedding is gonna give this family some much needed happiness. So, where do we begin?

Abby: Okay. Well, I want a wedding that pays tribute to everyone who has loved us and made us who we are today, like dina and brad and chance's family.

Ashley: I have just the thing. Hold on.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Victor: I want to thank you for risking your life to save my son'S.

Chance: It's just a part of the job.

Victor: You don't need to be modest. It was an act of bravery. Now... my son and I have had our... differences, to say the least. So I'm glad to know that he has a friend like you.

Chance: He was actually just here.

Victor: Oh, yeah? I hope he thanked you profusely.

Chance: He did. I have to tell you, I -- he's struggling right now.

Victor: So you're concerned?

Chance: I am. I think you should be, too. I think he needs help.

Victor: Oh. So, uh... you wanted to see me?

Chance: I know there are a lot of people that would consider this old-fashioned, but I have an immense amount of respect for you.

Victor: Well, I appreciate that.

Chance: And there are other people that would consider you old school.

Victor: Ah, well, son, I was around when they tore down the school to build the old school.

Chance: Taking that into consideration, I-I want to tell you that I love abby. And it's my intention to spend every day for the rest of my life trying to make her happy.

Victor: Nice to know. In other words, you are asking for my permission to marry my daughter? Is that it?

Chance: No, sir.

Victor: Well, it sure sounds like it.

Chance: With all due respect, abby and I, we are both adults, and we can make our own decisions, so, no, I'm -- I'm not asking for your permission. What I'm asking for is your blessing.

Victor: I see.

Chelsea: Was it you? Did you try to kill adam?

Billy: I'm not gonna justify that with a response.

Chelsea: Well, we both know you have it in you. I mean, didn't you take adam into the woods once with the intention to kill him?

Billy: That was a long time ago, chelsea. I was trying to get justice for my little girl.

Chelsea: I know you don't think adam paid for what happened to delia, but he has suffered every single day since after what happened. And even before that, what happened in kansas when he was just a kid -- all of those memories suppressed. I mean, it completely broke him. Adam pushes away anybody who tries to help him. Look, he's -- he's an emotional disaster.

Billy: Well, I didn't know that adam's the only person on the planet who has suffered. Look at me. All these years trying to hold him accountable for he's done.

Chelsea: Oh, come, billy. It's not as easy as that. When somebody goes through traumatizing events as a child --

Billy: I thought you were done being adam's apologist. Oh, no. Don't tell me that you two are back together.

Chelsea: I'm worried bout connor. Adam is screwed up because the adults in his life -- they pdidn't protect him when he was a kid.

Billy: You want to do right by your son? You love him as much as you can, and you keep him away from his father.

Chelsea: I could never do that. Connor is the only thing keeping adam afloat right now.

Billy: That's a lot of pressure on a little kid.

Chelsea: Connor needs his dad.

Billy: I just don't understand. I really don'T. I mean, it doesn't make any sense. What does he have over you? You should be pissed whoever pulled that trigger missed.

Rey: Is that right?

Chelsea: Hey, rey. Do you have any updates on chance's case?

Rey: Uh, no, nothing that i can share. Uh, chelsea, can I have a moment alone with billy? I'd like to speak with him.

Chelsea: No problem.

[ Footsteps depart ]

Rey: What was that about?

Billy: She's worried about her kid.

Rey: That's understandable. She, uh, came to you for advice?

Billy: No. We ran into each other, and we talked.

Billy: Is there something you want to ask me, or are you just checking on the lunch specials? Because it reads here, "tilapia."

Rey: You know, I was just at the site of the shooting. I didn't realize how close your building was. It's just a few miles up the road. You were there all day?

Billy: Yeah.

Rey: Is there anyone that confirm that?

Billy: Are you asking me questions, detective, or are you questioning me? We ran into each other. We're talking.

Billy: I don't really like the way this conversation's going.

Rey: Okay, here's the deal, billy. Whenever I ask anyone who would want to take a shot at adam, your name is always at the top of the list.

Billy: But it's a long list, isn't it?

Rey: I understand why you would have such hatred for adam. What happened to your daughter delia -- that's tragic.

Billy: I despise adam. I've always been honest about that. And if that bullet would have hit the mark, I wouldn't have spent a lot of time grieving. But I did not pull that trigger, detective.

[ Footsteps depart ] I see trees of green

Adam: [ Sighs ] Hey, kid. Where are you? My overactive conscience. What, you're not around today? "I told you so" is not your style? Why's that? No more ethical advice? No more questioning my every -- every action? Nothing? Well, I guess it's just me now.

[ Keys clank ]

Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]

[ Footsteps approach ]

Chloe: You like? What do you think about this for a new name? Bella milconno. It's all three of the kids' names put together. It's great, right? It's very italian.

Chelsea: I see what you're doing here.

Chloe: Yeah, I hope so. I am not being subtle. This is me thinking about the future.

Chelsea: A future without adam.

Chloe: Yes. You're finally getting it.

Chelsea: Chloe, despite my best efforts, I can'T. I just saw him at lunch, and he looked so miserable and hurt. Damaged.

Chloe: Great. He brought in on himself.

Chelsea: It's more complicated than that.

Chloe: No, it isn'T. Not for you. It is very simple. You just leave adam behind.

Chelsea: I don't know if i can just abandon him like that.

Chloe: Do you still love him? Okay. You can choose a new, forward-thinking way of life, starting a new business with your best friend. Or you can go back to the chaos and pain of life with adam.

Chelsea: I know what the safe choice is. He's a mess. And -- and he's wounded and he's dangerous. But despite everything he's done... I'm still in love with him.

Lily: Hey.

Amanda: Hey. I'm going over the watkins contract, and I'm gonna need some guidance on what our priorities should be, because we can't give them everything they're asking for.

Lily: Yeah, I can go over that with you.

Amanda: Okay, and then while you're at it, can you also answer my question about billy?

Lily: Did you really think i was gonna fall for that?

[ Chuckles ]

Amanda: Well, it was worth a shot, right? But you should know that evasion is an answer in itself.

Lily: Oh, my gosh. Listen. There's nothing going on. We've just known each other for a while. Hey.

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Lily: What's wrong?

Billy: I think I might need a lawyer -- and not for chanccomm. For myself.

Abby: Dina's memory box.

[ Gasps ] Filled with photos and cards and -- ooh.

[ Gasps ] Look how beautiful. These are so her.

Abby: She wore those the night that daddy won the innovator of the year award.

Abby: [ Gasps ] And what is this?

Ashley: Oh, well, it's mine. Of course. I won the school science fair.

[ Chuckles ] And, um, mother wasn't there, but daddy gave that to her when he was catching her up on what was going on.

Abby: I bet she was so proud.

Ashley: I'm sure she was. You know what I found surprising? There were so many things from our childhood in there.

Abby: Her family meant a lot to her.

Ashley: Yeah.

Abby: Even if she didn't always show it.

Abby: Mm-hmm. Which is why I was hoping maybe you could incorporate some of these things into your wedding.

Abby: That is a wonderful idea. I love that.

Ashley: Oh, great. Okay, I have some ideas about locations, too.

[ Clapping ]

Victor: So I assume you've asked abby already.

Chance: I have.

Victor: And she said yes?

Chance: [ Chuckles ] She did.

Victor: I'll be damned. Well... in other words, this all

pro forma, isn't it? If I had told you that I would not give my blessing to this marriage, you would have married anyway, right?

Chance: I really hope that to not be the case, but... yes, sir, we would.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Chance: I love your daughter that much.

Victor: So you're willing to risk my wrath to marry my daughter?

Chance: I want you to know i really appreciate what you're doing.

Victor: What do you think I'm doing?

Chance: From the moment you walked through that door, you knew exactly what i was going to ask.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Chance: You knew it could be a stressful situation for someone in my position and you kept it light to keep me at ease. It's a decent thing to do, and i appreciate it.

Victor: Now you don't let that get around, you understand that? I'm victor newman. I'm supposed to instill fear. You got that?

Chance: Yes, sir.

Victor: Good. Your secret is safe with me.

Victor: Alright.

Chance: So, um... do we have your blessing?

Victor: [ Exhales deeply ] Let me tell you something. Your grandmother, katherine chancellor, was a very good friend of mine. I miss her, you know? I know that she would be very thrilled to know that her grandson -- chance -- is about to marry my daughter abby. So in that spirit, I give my blessing. Welcome to the family.

Chance: Thank you, sir.

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