Y&R Transcript Friday 11/13/20
Episode #11915 ~ Elena makes a confession; Lauren turns the tables on Jack; Devon comforts Amanda.
Provided By Suzanne
Chelsea: How'd you get in here?
Adam: Look, come on. You're not gonna be needing that.
Chelsea: Because you say so?!
Adam: Chelsea, I'm not going to hurt you.
Chelsea: Why should I believe anything you say, after what you did to me?
Adam: Look, I am sorry for everything.
Chelsea: And that's supposed to make it better? You had me kidnapped! Someone knocked me out, dragged me to an empty room, and locked the door, adam! I thought I was gonna die in there!
[ Breathing heavily ] So you better come up with something way better than, "I'm sorry."
Abby: W-what happened to chance? What happened to him? I mean, one minute, he was okay, we were talking about our future. And then I went back in, and -- and he was delirious, and then he passed out.
Elena: Chance developed a secondary staph infection.
Abby: But how? He was fine.
Elena: It's not uncommon after the type of surgery he had. But the good news is we caught it. So we're just gonna give him a higher dose of antibiotics, which will bring the fever down, and that should stabilize him.
Abby: Okay, but can I sit with him, can I hold his hand?
Elena: I'm sorry, abby, but you can'T.
Abby: But he's alone. I mean, what if he wakes up and I'm not there?
Elena: Chance needs to be isolated. He can't risk getting another infection.
Amanda: Hello. Can I grab an iced tea, please? Thank you.
Devon: Welcome back. How's it going?
Amanda: I was just about to ask you the same thing?
Devon: I'm -- I'm doing alright. Just putting one foot in front of the other, moving on. But I want to know how your trip went, though. Did you find out any more truth about rose turner or who your biological parents are?
Amanda: Oh, that's -- that's a lot to unpack.
Devon: Yeah. I'm sure. I don't mean to bombard you with a bunch of questions.
Amanda: I-I understand. You have a stake in this, too.
Devon: Well, sure, but it's not my past. It's yours -- and hilary'S. I never want to come off like I'm being pushy. I just want you to find some clarity and closure in all this.
Amanda: Well, no closure yet. Just more questions.
Jack: Lauren and I have already worked through the specifics of the jabot collective deal. I want to run it all by you before I signed any -- kyle? Hey, you with me?
Kyle: Hmm? What? The jcv deal. The deal you've been working on for two days now.
Kyle: I'm sorry. Uh, run it by me again.
Jack: No, that's not gonna happen. You're obviously distracted. I'm assuming it's because of summer.
Kyle: No, it has nothing to do with summer.
Jack: Don't tell me that you're fine. You're obviously not fine. So talk to me.
Summer: [ Scoffs ] Hi. Uh, what are you and sally spectra up to?
Theo: Why, hello, summer.
Summer: I would like an answer, theo.
Theo: Okay. None of your damn business.
Summer: Okay, well, I saw the two of you huddled up together at society. And I know you, and I've heard enough about sally to know that the two of you are definitely up to something.
Theo: And why do you even care? Do you feel threatened or something?
Summer: By sally? Please.
Theo: Yeah, that's it. You're afraid she might catch kyle's eye. Or wait. Now that the two of you are on the outs...maybe you're thirsting for me again.
Summer: [ Scoffs ] Okay, uh, get over yourself, theo.
Theo: I still haven't gotten an answer.
Summer: I care because fenmore's is very important to jabot. This is all about business.
Theo: And yet it sounds so personal.
Summer: That's because you know nothing about loyalty or professionalism.
Theo: Oh, that is so hurtful.
Summer: Why is she here?
Theo: Because she is trying to move past all that ancient history that you want to rub in her face. She sees genoa city and fenmore's as a chance to get back in the game -- the right way this time. Now, for you, it's all about business. For sally, it's about redemption. And she's not about to screw that up.
Lauren: So you'll be responsible for scheduling the weekly conference call with all of the fenmore's regional managers. You'll be booking my travel, scheduling appointments, rolling calls.
Sally: Look, I'm -- I'm really excited to be a part of the team. I have been learning all I can about the company.
Lauren: That's good. Good for you.
Sally: It's really inspiring how you partnered with jabot when fenmore's was struggling and, I mean, you turned everything around.
Lauren: It was a rough time, but we made it through.
Sally: Okay, that is an understatement. Now you are thriving. And I also heard that fenmore's is buying jabot collective. Is that true?
Lauren: Uh, yes. Actually, we're negotiating a deal to acquire jabot's fashion division. Why do you ask?
Sally: 'Cause I'm the perfect person to run it. What's that? New snuggle supercare.
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Lauren: Wow. A few days ago, you would have taken any job, and now you want to run jcv. That would be quite a promotion.
Sally: Well, if I didn't think I was right for it, i wouldn't have asked. And you know I am overqualified to be an assistant.
Lauren: Still, that's quite a leap.
Sally: Yeah, but I have all the experience -- both on the business and on the creative side. I will work 24/7 to grow the company, and I will have you to mentor me.
Lauren: Alright, well, I have to ask. Did you have this target in mind when you agreed to be my executive assistant? 'Cause I would hate to think that i was being taken advantage of.
Devon: So did you get to talk to the neighbor who knew rose turner?
Amanda: Nadine. Yes. And she is sharp as a tack. She saw me approaching from about a block away. And since she's talking to the P.I., She knew right away that i was hilary's sister.
Devon: Wow. What did she have to say?
Amanda: Uh, just that she remembered that day vividly, when rose brought baby hilary home without any prior signs of being pregnant.
Devon: And you believe her?
Amanda: Well, why wouldn't i believe her? There's nobody left to protect.
Devon: What else did she say?
Amanda: That was pretty much it. So I walked out of that conversation pretty certain that rose was not our biological mother. But, um, for some reason, she chose to raise hilary and not me.
Devon: I don't want you to think of it like that.
Amanda: Well, how else should I think about it? I mean, she had a choice between one child or another, and that child wasn't me.
Devon: Well, what are you gonna do next?
Amanda: I'm just gonna keep looking. Part of me is scared to death about what I might find out. But I need to know the truth now, wherever it leads me.
Chelsea: Do you even know what you're apologizing for? Drugging me, for starters.
Adam: I never ordered them to do that.
Chelsea: Oh, okay. So that was just your thugs getting creative? That wasn't even the worst of it. I mean, I-I saw your plans for newman tower. I-I saw them, and then you just -- you just locked me in that room because you didn't want me to get in the way? What did you have planned, adam? Were you gonna -- were you gonna hurt your father? Were you gonna kill him? Should I warn him? Should I say, "victor, adam's at it again."
Adam: Okay, it's not gonna happen.
Chelsea: Why should I believe you? That's so reassuring.
Adam: Look, I know that my life -- it went completely off the rails, and -- and I have no excuse for any of the things I've done. I feel ashamed.
Chelsea: You should feel ashamed!
Adam: I never would have forgiven myself if anything would have happened to you, chelsea.
Chelsea: Adam, something did happen to me -- something scary. It's something beyond what i thought you were even capable of. You, who said that you loved me. The mother of your child. You could do that to me without blinking your eye?
[ Knock on door ]
Officer: It's officer glaser from genoa city pd, ms. Lawson. I'm here to pick you up.
Chelsea: Okay, just one second!
Chelsea: They asked me if i wanted to be in protective custody, adam. Protection from you. I could end all this right now. One scream from me and you'll be arrested.
Adam: Well, if that is what you need to do... go ahead.
[ Door opens ]
Chelsea: Officer, hi.
You can't fake the goodness
of real strawberries.
Officer: Are you ready to go, ms. Lawson?
Chelsea: Uh, you know what? I'm sorry for wasting your time, officer. I won't be needing protective custody.
Officer: Are you sure, ma'am?
Chelsea: I overreacted. There are a lot of people that live in this house, so I feel perfectly safe.
Officer: I will have to report this to detective rosales.
Chelsea: I understand. And, please, send him my apologies, as well. Thank you.
[ Door closes ] Just because I didn't bust you now doesn't mean I won'T.
Adam: Look, I am just grateful that I get a chance to explain.
Chelsea: Explain what, adam? How you lost your mind and suddenly found it again?
Adam: [ Snaps fingers ] Yes.
Chelsea: Oh, come on.
Adam: Okay? I was that little boy again, in kansas, filled with rage and anger for everything that victor did to me. I wanted to pay him back.
Chelsea: You can't keep blaming him, adam. Somewhere along the line, you took over. You made choices that are affecting the rest of your life.
Adam: And I know that now. I thought if I destroyed him, it would wipe the slate clean and it would solve everything. But now I know how delusional that was. But the worst part, the unforgivable part, is that i pushed you away. Okay? Because I know now, with absolute certainty, that without you... I'm lost.
Abby: I-I can't believe how quickly his condition changed. I was just telling everyone not to come to the hospital, because he was getting better.
Elena: Abby, I still believe you have every reason to think he's gonna get better. It's just gonna take more time. He's stable. And if there's any change, someone will call you immediately. So, please, go get something to eat. And hopefully when you come back, we'll have better news.
Abby: [ Exhales deeply ]
Nate: Hey.
Elena: Hey.
Nate: How's chance doing?
Elena: Well, he survived the surgery, but now he's battling a staph infection.
Nate: Oh. That's tough.
Elena: Yeah.
Nate: Well, I better get going. I got some more papers to push.
Elena: You're still a doctor, nate.
Nate: Technically correct.
Elena: You know, even though you can't do surgery right now, that doesn't mean that you can't still help save lives.
Nate: Are you giving me a pep talk?
Elena: No. I'm just stating a fact.
Nate: Well, I have all the facts I need. But thanks anyway.
Elena: Are you still thinking of leaving town?
Nate: I lost my cousin, I lost my ability to operate, and I may never get it back again. And I can't have you. So, tell me, elena, why should i stick around? What's left for me here?
Devon: There may be other witnesses?
Amanda: I wouldn't call them witnesses. Just people who were connected to rose when she brought hilary home.
Devon: Well, that's something, though, right?
Amanda: Yeah, I guess. But the P.I. Questioning them still, so we'll see.
Devon: Okay. Well, hey, keep me in the loop.
Amanda: Of course.
Devon: Thanks. Uh, I am late for my meeting.
Amanda: Well, don't let me keep you. Go.
Devon: Yeah. Hey, are you free for dinner tonight? I'm just tired of eating alone and hanging out with business people who only talk about work.
Amanda: I don't think that that's possible --
Devon: Nah? That's okay. I understand.
Amanda: But, no -- but you didn't let me finish. Tonight is not possible. But I am free tomorrow if you are.
Devon: I am free tomorrow.
Amanda: Okay. Well, then, just one stipulation. We are not allowed to talk about our problems, okay? We need to keep this dinner light, upbeat, positive.
Devon: I promise you, it'll be nothing but light, upbeat, positive.
Jack: Have you somehow forgotten our family's recent loss? It seems to me dina's death should inspire us all to cherish the people that we love. You seem to be moving in the other direction.
Kyle: I tried, dad. I thought summer and I grew closer after dina's memorial, but then I say something that sets her off, and it all blows up again.
Jack: There must be a reason for that.
Kyle: She doesn't trust me. She thinks I still love lola. And before you even go there, no, I don'T.
Jack: I believe you. I feel like I'm banging my head up against a wall every time i try to make things right. I don't know how much longer i can keep doing this.
Jack: Then you're giving up?
Kyle: I didn't say that.
Jack: No, I mean, it sounds like that. The relationship's too hard. It's too much work. Maybe it's time to just pack it in.
Kyle: You really mean that?
Jack: Relationships are hard, kyle. The very best still have struggles. If you're willing to go the extra mile, though --
Kyle: That's what I have been doing.
Jack: Is that right? Really? If this is real love, you will get around any obstacle. You will do whatever you have to do to save it. And if you don't, take it from me, you will regret it for the rest of your life.
Summer: Oh. Sorry. I didn't --
Jack: No, it's alright. I'll, uh, give you two a minute.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] Are we ever gonna get past this?
Sally: You are way too smart to be taken advantage of.
Lauren: Okay. So the jcv sale was not in the back of your mind when you agreed to be my assistant?
Sally: I mean, how could it have been. It hadn't even been made public yet.
Lauren: Exactly. So how did you find out?
Sally: Jack about told me that jabot was getting rid of the division.
Lauren: Hmm. That was very convenient.
Sally: I would like to think of it as fate. I mean, look, I have admired jcv ever since its launch, and now I'm working for the woman who's about to take control of it? I mean, if that's not something that's meant to be, then I don't know what is.
Lauren: You remind me of someone.
Sally: Let me guess. My great-aunt. The original sally spectra.
Lauren: A little bit more of me back in the day. So driven. So unafraid to use her sharp elbows to push through a crowd.
Sally: I will take that as a compliment.
Lauren: It is a compliment. But it doesn't come with a job. I have someone else in mind for that position.
Sally: Well, who is the lucky person?
Lauren: I think I'm gonna keep that under wraps until the deal is done.
Mariah: So, is it the food or the company?
Abby: I'm -- I'm not very hungry right now.
Mariah: I get it. But worrying yourself sick isn't gonna make chance any better.
Abby: I mean, he was fine before, and then all of a sudden...
Mariah: He's going to be okay. What you need right now is to be positive.
Abby: You know, we just got engaged. We should be planning our wedding, not worrying about life and death.
Mariah: This wedding is gonna happen.
Abby: I hope so.
Mariah: Why don't you start planning it?
Abby: Mariah...
Mariah: No, no. J-just roll with me here. I mean, how would you envision your wedding?
Abby: [ Exhales sharply ] I don't know. Before I found out about chance, victoria and I were talking about a big royal wedding with a horse-drawn carriage and tiaras.
Mariah: Okay. Okay. I mean, it's a little traditional for my taste, but if it's what you want --
Abby: No, no, no. Gosh. I'm thinking something way more low key, like family and close friends.
Mariah: Come on. You need to make a bigger splash than that. Chance used to work undercover, right? So maybe -- maybe -- you hava secret-agent-themed wedding. You know, there's spies and secret codes and everybody's dressed up and -- martinis. Shaken not stirred. What do you think?
Abby: Uh, that is not quite it, no.
Mariah: What? Even with a room full of fake flowers?
Abby: Okay, I don't do anything fake.
Mariah: Okay. That's fair. And your taste is a lot better than mine. So, how do you see your perfect dream wedding?
Abby: I don't know. But I do know who I want to be my maid of honor.
[ Sniffles ] You.
Mariah: Oh! That was very funny.
Abby: I'm being serious.
Mariah: Why? W-wouldn't you want victoria by your side or --
Abby: I love my sister. I do. But, I don't know, you've been such a good friend to me recently. You helped calm my fears about starting a family, and you're trying to keep me calm and upbeat. And that's what I'm looking for in a maid of honor.
Mariah: I guess I would have more time to help plan a wedding than a C.E.O. Of a big company.
Abby: That, too. Unless you're too busy planning sharon's wedding.
Mariah: No. No. I-I can make time.
Abby: So it's a yes?
Mariah: Definitely! I would be thrilled to be a part of your big day.
Elena: Thank you for meeting me here. I just -- I needed a little privacy.
Nate: So, what's on your mind?
Elena: I don't think you should leave genoa city.
Nate: Elena --
Elena: Nate, please, just listen to me. You could get full function back in your hand. Operate at memorial again, have your full career back.
Nate: We both know that's a long shot.
Elena: But it's a possibility, right? And I know you lost devon, but you still have lily. She's family, too, right?
Nate: She's not exactly my biggest fan right now, either.
Elena: Okay, well, it's not gonna be like that forever. And I honestly think that devon's gonna find a way to forgive you.
Nate: That's assuming I find a way to forgive him.
Elena: [ Exhales sharply ] Okay, you're just poking holes through everything I've said.
Nate: No, I'm being realistic. This is the way things are.
Elena: So, what about -- what about your friends? What about your work at the clinic? Doesn't any of that matter to you?
Nate: Yes, it does. But why does it matter to you? Hmm? My leaving would make your life so much easier. Devon wouldn't have to be reminded of what we did. Neither would you. So why fight for this, huh? Why is it so important to you that I stick around?
Elena: Because I don't want to lose you.
Chelsea: I have to admit, this is a new one for you. Playing the victim. "I am lost without you." Wow. Did you already try that on sharon or -- oh, but, of course, she's more inclined to believe it because you didn't have her kidnapped.
Adam: Sharon came to me.
Chelsea: Of course she did. She always does.
Adam: She just wanted rey to know the truth about chance's shooter, and that was it.
Chelsea: Oh, come on, adam. When the two of you get together, it's always more than that.
Adam: No. Not this time. I apologized. I told her I wouldn't bother her anymore.
Chelsea: Wow. How noble of you.
Adam: I'm telling you the truth.
Chelsea: When you declared that you were the one true love of sharon's, that was just you going through some kind of a temporary insanity, hmm?
Adam: I-I-I-I hate that you heard me say that to rey, okay? It -- it kills me that I made you doubt what you mean to me. But, yes, that was part of it.
Chelsea: You always have an excuse, adam.
Adam: Look, all that I could feel was you pulling away from me.
Chelsea: That is crap, and you know it! I was nothing but supportive of you. All I said to you, over and over, is that I want to be a team, let's work together. But you didn't want to hear it. So you're the one that pushed me away.
Adam: Alright, and I take responsibility. I take responsibility for everything. I'm just hoping that somehow, chelsea, that we can find our way back from this.
Chelsea: Do you really think, after everything you've done to us -- to me -- this is fixable?
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Adam: Look, I have no excuses, other than to say that I realize I made a mistake and I will do everything I can to make it up to you.
Chelsea: You say that now -- today. What happens tomorrow? What happens in a week from now, adam?
Chelsea: Just a few days ago, you were planning to hurt or potentially kill your father. You had me drugged and locked in a room so that i couldn't stop you. And now, like magic, all that rage, all that anger, has just disappeared? I'm sorry, adam, but how do you expect me to believe that?
Lauren: Jack. Just the person I was looking for. I need to run something by you about jcv.
Jack: Okay. That deal is almost signed. I hope you're not planning on asking for more.
Lauren: Not exactly. Um, I was thinking about asking someone from jabot to run it once it's under fenmore's umbrella.
Jack: And what do you need from me, my blessing?
Lauren: Actually, I need your permission.
Jack: Okay. First, tell me who this is.
Summer: Kyle, why are you asking me if we're ever gonna get passed this? Didn't you make that decision already? You're the one who said that we were better off apart.
Kyle: I was frustrated.
Summer: Okay, so you didn't mean it?
Kyle: No.
Summer: Then why did you say it? Why? To hurt me? Because it -- it did. But now I'm over it.
Kyle: I don't believe that.
Summer: Really? Because I've been cordial with you at work? It's called being professional.
Kyle: You said you were starting to like me again.
Summer: Okay, well, i wouldn't go that far.
Kyle: Then what do you think of me?
Summer: Why do you care? Why is it so important to you now?
Kyle: Because I love you, damn it! My father just asked me, if in spite of all of the arguments and the drama and the doubt and the anger, I was willing to fight for our relationship, to fight for you?
Summer: What did you tell him?
Kyle: Yes! 100%. That doesn't mean anything if you're not willing to do the same, so I have to ask you a question. Do you still love me?
Abby: Well, will you let me know immediately if there's any changes? Thank you.
Devon: Hey.
Abby: Hey.
Devon: How's chance doing?
Abby: Um, well, he made it through surgery, um, but now he has an infection, so not great.
Devon: Do we know who shot him?
Mariah: Well, we've been trying to focus on the good things until he recovers, such as...
Devon: Oh, wow. Whoo! That's beautiful, abby. Geez. I, uh -- I couldn't be happier for you, except if chance was standing right here with you.
Mariah: We've been floating around some wedding ideas. I'm the maid of honor.
Devon: Oh, nice! That's cool.
Mariah: Yeah, it's not often that you get three of the most prominent families in the midwest together, you know? An abbott-newman marrying a chancellor. Oh, my god. I just had an amazing idea.
Devon: What's the idea?
Mariah: What if you were to become a minister or something? And then we could the hamilton-winters family into this -- the four pillars of genoa city together.
Devon: Oh, boy. I don't know if the bride would go for that.
Abby: The bride would love that.
Elena: I could barely sleep last night because I know that it's my fault that you're leaving, and I may not get to see you again.
Nate: What -- what exactly are you saying?
Elena: I don't really know myself.
Nate: I-I was starting to think you wanted me as far away from you as possible.
Elena: Of course not. But I haven't given up on devon. And I don't want you reading into this.
Nate: I'm -- I'm not presuming anything, elena. But we're not talking about you and devon right now. We're talking about you and me.
Elena: Okay, nate. You're right. There's something between us. And there has been for months. And I've tried to fight it. I have tried to ignore it. But I can't deny it. I do have feelings for you. And it's scaring me to death.
An official message
from medicare.
Nate: I don't want you to be scared. I just want us to go back to the way things were... if that's even possible.
Elena: Really? That's all you want?
Nate: I'm not gonna push for anything else right now.
Elena: So does that mean you're gonna stay?
Nate: I'll make you a deal. I'll stick around genoa city and you come back to work at the clinic.
Elena: Yeah. I'll come back.
Nate: Good to hear it.
[ Cellphone pings ]
Elena: I have to get to the hospital.
Nate: Okay, let's go.
Devon: You know, I remember katherine years ago got ordained so she could officiate a ceremony, so I figure if my grandmother can do it, so can I.
Abby: I would love nothing more than to have one of my closest friends officiate at my wedding. But, honestly, all I can think about right now is chance.
[ Cellphone rings ] Uh, this is the hospital. I have to take this.
Devon: Yeah.
Abby: Hi. Any news?
Adam: Look, I understand why you don't trust me. I haven't exactly been a trustworthy person. But when chance got shot, it finally sunk in. I mean, look at this guy. He steps in front of a bullet to save my miserable life. There's no question who the better man was. There's no question on who deserves to live a rich and a full life. And I pray that he pulls through from that.
Chelsea: But what if chance hadn't gotten shot? Would anything have stopped you from going through with your plan? Would victor be alive right now? I...honestly cannot tell you that I wouldn't have gone through with it.
Chelsea: Oh, my god.
Adam: Hey, but that is the road that I'm on now. It's to find out how things got so bad and make sure that they never happen again. And all I'm asking for is one more opportunity to win back your love and your trust, chelsea. I'm asking for your forgiveness.
Kyle: When I started to imagine my life without you, I-i felt lost, like a part of me was missing. The one person I want to share everything with, good or bad, wouldn't be there anymore. That's when I knew I couldn't let go. I don't want to let go. I'm willing to fight for you, but you have to want it, too. So, do you?
Summer: I know what my heart wants. And I can't lie. Of course I still love you, kyle.
Kyle: Then what have we been doing? Why have we been making this so hard? I love you. Y-you love me.
Abby: I could barely understand what the nurse said, but it's good news, right?
Elena: Yes, his fever broke, and he is responding to treatment.
Abby: Can I see him?
Elena: No. Not yet. But soon, I promise. Just sit tight.
Abby: Thank you, elena.
Elena: Alright. Ahoyy!
Summer: Kyle, I don't want to throw away what we have, either. I don'T. But this next step, it's -- I just have to be sure, and it's gonna take a little bit of time.
Kyle: Take all the time you need. Just know I'll be there for you, whenever you need me to be.
Summer: Thank you.
Sally: Kyle. I've been looking for you.
Brittany: Wow, theo. So you've recently discovered you're related to dina mergeron?
Theo: My father was dina's firstborn child.
Brittany: I'm assuming the family ran a dna test to confirm this.
Theo: And none of them dispute who I am.
Brittany: So, what are you looking for, theo?
Theo: When I met my biological grandmother, dina wasn't in full control of her faculties. You know, if she had been, i know she would have left me more than a letter and a fountain pen that my grandfather bequeathed to my dad. So I need to know what my options are here?
Brittany: Options?
Theo: How do i formally contest her will?
Abby: The doctors say you're gonna be fine.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Sniffles ] You knocked this infection out of the park, just like I knew you would. But you have to stop scaring me.
[ Sniffles ] You know, I actually think i might put that in our wedding vows -- "no more scaring." I think I lined someone up to marry us. Yeah, you better wake up before I plan this wedding all by myself. I don't mean that. I just want you to come back to me.
Chance: Abby.
Abby: Hi.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Sniffles ]
Chance: My abby.
Abby: Was that an objection?
Chance: Plan away. After what happened... the sooner I'm married to you, the better.
Abby: [ Chuckles ]
Chelsea: I hear the sincerity in your voice... but I'm a little shell-shocked at the moment.
Adam: Yeah, I-I completely understand.
Chelsea: Besides, don't you have other things to worry about, like who tried to kill you?
Adam: Um, yeah. I've given it some thought.
Chelsea: I'm a suspect myself now, you know?
Adam: I know. Rey told me. And I set him straight, because you would never do that.
Chelsea: Well, I suggest you focus on finding out who did do it so they don't try to do it again.
Adam: I think I know who it is. I don't have any proof at the moment, but it's someone who has the means and the motive. Someone who not only hates me more than anybody in the world, but who has tried to kill me before -- billy abbott.
Next week on
"the young and the restless."
Lauren: I have an offer for you, and it's a game changer.
Phyllis: Your little girl had a rough night with a bottle of vodka.
Victor: In other words, you are asking for my permission to marry my daughter? Is that it?
Chance: No, sir.
Lily: What's wrong?
Billy: I think I might need a lawyer.
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