Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/12/20
Episode #11914 ~ Phyllis stumbles onto a secret; Sharon breaks a promise; Paul uncovers a revenge plot.
Provided By Suzanne
Victoria: So Abby spent the night in the hospital with Chance. He's doing okay, but he needs his rest, and she's putting off all visits for now.Nick: It's totally understandable.
Victoria: And she's asking a favor of us. She wants us to break the most recent news to dad.
Victor: What news?
Victoria: Hi.
Victor: Has chance taken a turn for the worse?
Victoria: No, he's -- he's improving.
Victor: Oh.
Victoria: But abby wanted us to fill you in on how he got hurt in the first place. The police have a suspect in the shooting.
Victor: Oh?
Victoria: I'm sorry, daddy. I'm -- I'm really sorry. It's adam.
Chance: Hi, beautiful.
Abby: Hi. How you feeling? Are you in any pain?
Chance: No. They must have me on some good stuff.
Abby: [ Chuckles ] Well, I'm just happy to see you smiling again, even if it is the painkillers.
Abby: You really scared me.
Chance: I'm really sorry to put you through that.
Abby: No. It is in no way your fault. Look, I don't know what you remember about who might have shot you, but the police are questioning adam.
Chance: Adam?
Abby: T-there's not enough proof to arrest him yet, but now that you're awake maybe you can tell them what happened.
Chance: They think adam shot me? Can you please call rey? I need to talk to him right now.
Young adam: Hey. Covering your tracks?
Adam: I suppose you want to see me in prison, atoning for my sins.
Young adam: I just want you to stop hurting people.
Adam: I know! I know. Alright. I wish to god that I would have listened to you before.
Young adam: So, no more. Right? Promise me it's over!
Mariah: Hey. I just wanted to check on you this morning. A lot's going on.
Sharon: Yeah, that's an understatement.
Mariah: How are you feeling?
Sharon: I'm a little tired, but I'm fine. I'm actually more worried about faith. She wasn't feeling well this morning, so I told her she could take the day off from school. But I don't know what's going on with her. I'm guessing maybe stress, maybe from her run-in with adam.
Mariah: Does she know that he may be the one who shot her aunt abby's fiancé?
Sharon: No. I want to talk to nick first, so we can decide how we're going to explain that to her. I'm still in shock myself. I mean, chance is the one friend adam had in genoa city.
Mariah: Well, chance clearly has lousy taste in friends. But I bet he learned his lesson now.
Sharon: What could adam have been thinking?
Mariah: He was obviously going off the rails. It wouldn't be the first time. Did you notice any signs he was losing it the last time you spoke to him, before faith confronted him?
Sharon: No. In fact, he seemed more calm than he had in a while. He talked about moving on with his life and putting the past behind him.
Mariah: It must be lovely that adam can just move on. It's not so easy for the people whose lives he's blown up.
Sharon: I know what you're saying all too well, because i worry about faith and how some of this might affect her, maybe in ways that she doesn't even realize yet.
Phyllis: Oh, gosh. Are you kidding? It was great. It was exactly what I wanted. Yeah. No, no, no. Don't give it to victoria. She doesn't need to sign off on it. She has a lot on her plate. So I'll just take care of it. Terrific. Alright. We'll talk soon. Faith? Hey. Are you okay?
Faith: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?
Faith: Oh, well, I-I took the day off sick.
Phyllis: Oh. What are you doing here?
Faith: Well, I started to feel better so I hitched a ride into town with grandpa. I was gonna walk to the coffeehouse to see my mom. I got woozy for a second.
Phyllis: Oh.
Phyllis: You want me to take you home?
Faith: No. No. No, that's fine. Uh, I'm better now. The feeling's passed. The fresh air is helping. I'm just gonna sit here for a little while longer. But thank you. I really appreciate it.
[Sfx: Spilling sounds]
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Phyllis: Um, listen, faith, why don't I call your dad and he can bring you home?
Faith: Oh, no. Don't -- don't bother him. I think he's busy in a meeting with grandpa and aunt vick. Uh, my parents already know i stayed home today. They're fine with it.
Phyllis: Alright.
Faith: I'm gonna go to the coffeehouse.
Phyllis: Alright. I mean, well, if you need anything, you can call me, okay? You'll call me, promise?
Faith: Yeah. Yeah, I promise.
Jordan: Uh, who was that?
Faith: My dad's girlfriend. She could tell I wasn't feeling great.
Jordan: Well, did you tell her it's 'cause you're a total lightweight?
[ Chuckles ] Next time, make sure to eat first and have some water in between drinks.
Faith: Yeah, water. That'd be good right now.
Jordan: You have to admit, it would make you take your mind off your obnoxious uncle for a while. You need to know your limits. One time, I chugged peach schnapps and then decided it would be the perfect time to try out the trampoline. Yeah, that did not end well. Bleh!
Faith: Oh, no. Please don't do that.
Jordan: I know exactly what you mean. Greasy food. It'll soak up all the alcohol. I already skipped algebra. Might as well take off the rest of the day, right? We should hit the diner.
Phyllis: Hey, faith. Um, I got you some water. I thought you could use it. Hi. I don't think we've met.
Jordan: Uh, hi. I'm jordan.
Phyllis: Hey, jordan. Are you feeling under the weather, too?
Jordan: Oh, um, I have study hall this period, so I was just taking a walk around the park. I should probably be heading back. I don't want to be late for my next class. I'll see you later. I hope you feel better.
Faith: Okay. Um, thanks. I'm just gonna go see my mom now.
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. You're -- you're not going anywhere. We need to talk.
Victor: Where did you hear that adam was a suspect in the shooting?
Victoria: Billy told abby.
Victor: Billy told abby. Why the hell would you believe anything billy boy abbott has to say?
Victoria: Look, eventually the truth is gonna come out. Um, I don't think that billy would tell abby something like that if it wasn't legit.
Victor: What motive would adam have had?
Nick: The working theory -- it has something to do with chelsea's kidnapping. It turns out she did not leave town on her own just to figure some things out. She was taken against her will. But thank god she was able to escape.
Victoria: Chance suspected that adam was involved, so he tracked him down, and apparently it came to a head.
Victor: But wait a minute. Do any of you have any firsthand knowledge of this?
Nick: Chelsea's not returning any of my calls, but doesn't everything you've heard sound exactly like adam's behavior?
Victor: No. Kidnapping the woman he loves? The mother of his child?
Nick: Dad, come on! Adam's done way worse than this and you know it.
Victor: We're not gonna sit here and listen to speculation, alright? I'm gonna find out what happened. I want the facts.
Nick: It doesn't matter what adam does, how low he sinks. He is always gonna rush to his defense.
Rey: You look a lot better than when I first found you.
Chance: That's not saying much.
Rey: [ Chuckles ] A hell of a first week on the job. Hopefully it's not always this action packed.
Chance: Yeah. I don't plan on making a habit of it. Listen, I heard that you guys think that adam was the shooter. That's not what happened.
Rey: You know who shot you?
Chance: No, I-i couldn't see them. But the one person that it
couldn't have been is adam.
Rey: Listen, I know you two are friends and you have this history in vegas and all that.
Chance: Look, I'm not covering for anyone, least of all the bastard that shot me. But adam, he -- he was standing right next to me. We were arguing. He started to walk away, and that's when I caught a glimpse of the gun aimed at adam.
Rey: Aimed at adam?
Chance: Yeah. I took the bullet for him.
Adam: [ Mumbling ] Rey -- no, chance is gonna tell rey -- he's gonna tell rey that I didn't shoot him, so then we're gonna be covered there. And we deleted the the information on the computer. And we got the gas cylinder out of newman tower, so there is nothing to find there. And those texts can't be traced back to me. That's it. Our -- our tracks are covered. There's no proof. No proof about anything that i was gonna do to victor. Mm-hmm.
Young adam: Nobody can prove it, but they can still find out.
Adam: Chelsea. She knows.
[ Sighs ] She's never gonna trust me again. You know that? A capsule a day
Nick: Chelsea must be traumatized. What a horrible thing to go through.
Victoria: I don't know why adam would go to such an extreme. Was he trying to punish her for leaving him?
Nick: You know, with adam, it usually comes down to power or control, so he must have needed to stop chelsea from doing something or needed something from her.
Victoria: Well, she will be the one punishing him if she testifies against him in court.
Nick: I hope she does. Wouldn't it be ironic if chelsea is ultimately the one who protects the family the most by putting adam away? This thing's crazy. I got to go. I know you have a meeting to get to.
Victoria: Hey, um, I don't suppose you've heard from phyllis lately about the collaboration between the grand phoenix and newman?
Nick: She said everything's copacetic since our sit-down.
Victoria: Oh, really? Because I've been texting and calling her for, like, a day and a half, and she hasn't responded.
Nick: Don't jump to conclusions. She is so busy with that hotel.
Victoria: Well, I think that you and I are a bit busier, and I run a much bigger company than she does. So if I have the time to call her, you'd think that she could get back to me.
Nick: I thought we sorted all this out last week. And you're right. We do have more important things to think about right now.
Victoria: Okay. Fine. I know that. I'm just saying if this deal falls apart, that's on phyllis.
Nick: [ Sighs ] I'll talk to her.
Phyllis: Alright. Time to come clean.
Faith: What are you talking about?
Phyllis: I know a hangover- when I see one. So, tell me. You, uh, you were partying with that girl?
Faith: No. It wasn't a party. It was just me and jordan hanging out.
Phyllis: And drinking.
Faith: Her family has a bar in her basement. We had one drink.
Phyllis: Okay. What'd you have?
Faith: Vodka. And pineapple juice.
Phyllis: Oh.
Faith: It was like punch.
Phyllis: And let me guess. After you drank the vodka, you filled the bottle up with water so her parents wouldn't find out.
Faith: How'd you know?
Phyllis: Um... I know all the tricks.
Faith: Look, okay, it was dumb. I was just stressed out after blowing up at adam.
Phyllis: Yeah, I heard about that. I'm sorry.
Faith: And I thought a drink might help me calm down.
Phyllis: Because it has before?
Faith: No, no. I never, ever drank before. So I didn't know how it would affect me. Now that I do, believe me, i never want to feel like this again. It was definitely a one-time thing.
Faith: So please don't tell my dad.
Phyllis: Oh, faith, you can't do that to me. I can't promise you that.
Faith: Like, it's over now. There's no reason to make a big deal out of something that's so small and stupid.
Phyllis: But you could have hurt yourself.
Faith: It was just a dumb teenage mistake that everyone makes at some point, right?
Phyllis: Okay, but your dad deserves to know.
Faith: There is nothing that he would tell me that I haven't already figured out for myself.
Phyllis: Listen. I get it. But your dad's a real stickler for honesty.
Faith: Yeah. And he also gets angry when people let him down.
Phyllis: You didn't let him down. It was just bad judgment.
Faith: I didn't take any crazy risks. I wasn't at a party or with people I didn't know. Nobody was drinking and driving. And jordan's parents were right upstairs.
Phyllis: Great. These are all great points that you can bring up to your dad.
Faith: Look, I can't stand disappointing him. And I don't want him to look at me differently.
Phyllis: He's not gonna look at you differently.
Faith: I've ben through a lot this year. My dad's been kind of like my best friend. I don't want this to ruin that. Please don't tell him.
Rey: Chance said he got shot trying to protect adam from someone else.
Paul: Yeah, but he didn't see who the shooter was?
Rey: He only caught a glimpse of the gun, and then he acted.
Paul: [ Sighs ] Well, if we're looking for someone with a motive to want to kill adam newman, the, uh, scope of our investigation has, uh, widened considerably.
Rey: Yeah. Maybe we should start by ruling out all the people who don't want to kill adam.
Paul: It would be a shorter list. Listen, I've got, uh, some news on chelsea's kidnapping. We may have a potential witness. They're not willing to talk yet, but I'm hoping they can be persuaded.
Victor: Hey, paul. Detective, I was looking for you. I hope you're discussing the attack on chance. And I understand there's an irresponsible rumor that adam is a suspect.
Rey: Not anymore. Adam wasn't the shooter. Chance confirmed it.
Victor: Well, that's good to hear. And I hope you will put out an official statement to that effect, to stamp out these irresponsible, slanderous accusations.
Paul: Well, slander should be the least of adam's worries. He should be worried about the fact that he was the shooter's intended victim.
Paul: Yeah, that's fine. Just get back to me when you've finished. Fine. Bye. Sorry about that.
Victor: It's alright. Listen, you and I have been friends for a long time. I know what you think about my son adam. I hope that doesn't mean that you would put the investigation of this case on the back burner.
Paul: That's never gonna happen, victor. I do my job with integrity.
Victor: Okay.
Paul: And, besides, whoever tried to kill adam nearly killed chance, so I want whoever did this off the street every bit as much as you do.
Victor: That's good to know.
Paul: Now, uh, there is something else I need to talk to you about. Your life and your family could be in danger.
Victor: Any specific threats?
Paul: Well, I'm sure by now you've heard that chelsea was abducted.
Victor: Yes.
Paul: She suspects that adam orchestrated the whole thing to keep her from telling what she saw on adam's laptop, which was a file of the schematics of newman towers. Now, there was "x" marked on a very strategic location, and she was afraid that he was planning some sort of retaliation against you and/or other members of your family. She reached out to chance to tell him what she saw, but before she could, she was kidnapped and drugged. Look, I am truly, truly sorry. I know what it's like to have a son that --
Victor: I know, I know. No need to apologize. Boy, oh, boy.
[ Sighs ] It never ends, does it? What do we do next?
Paul: Well, I'm gonna send over a team to do a security sweep of newman tower.
Victor: If you don't mind, I'll have my team be part of it.
Paul: Well, I don't want to be at cross-purposes here, so we will have to work together.
Victor: Yeah. No problem. Thank you, paul. Thank you for your time, and, um, I'll do everything I can to save my family.
Chance: Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the gun. It was pointed at adam. I just reacted out of instinct.
Abby: You almost died to save adam's life. He doesn't deserve that kind of sacrifice.
Chance: He did the same for me.
Abby: Well, the debt has been paid. You don't owe him a damn thing anymore.
Chance: I'm not sure that it works that way.
Abby: Okay, I'm serious. You have to listen to me, as your fiancée and the mother of future children. You have to start focusing on
our family.
Chance: Sweetheart, you have no reason to worry. The case -- it's in rey's hands now. All I want to focus on is you. Us.
Chelsea: How's chance?
Rey: He's awake. Alert. Lucky to be alive.
Chelsea: Wow. I'm so relieved to hear that. Did he say what happened? Does he know who shot him?
Rey: It wasn't adam.
Chelsea: Wow. Wow. Okay. Okay. So adam didn't shoot his friend. At least he didn't sink that low.
Rey: He has sunk pretty low, though. I mean, you think he was plotting an attack on his own father. And he kidnapped you to keep you from stopping him.
Chelsea: Well, that's not exactly what I said. I mean, I just said I saw the schematics on his computer and i thought worst-case scenario. But I don't know what the schematics were for, and I don't have any definite proof that it was adam who abducted me.
Rey: Hold on. Are you -- are you backing off your statement now because adam or whoever it was that kidnapped you is still on the loose?
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I'm so tired. I don't know what to think anymore, okay? But do I feel particularly safe at the moment? No.
Rey: We can arrange for you to go into protective custody.
Chelsea: That's a big move.
Rey: One that you should consider. In the meantime, I have some more questions for you.
Chelsea: I don't know what else I can tell you.
Rey: Well, let's start with where you went after you escaped the room.
Chelsea: I-I ran. I ran as far as I could.
Rey: Do you know what time it was when you made it out?
Chelsea: I have no idea. I didn't even think about it. Why would I? Oh, y-you're trying to pinpoint where i was during the shooting? Adam's off the hook, so now I'm guilty? Wait, is that a joke? I-I don't even have any reason to -- to try to shoot chance. Why would I do that?
Rey: We now think that the target was adam.
Chelsea: Oh, come on! Yeah, I have a lot of reasons to be angry at adam, but I-i wouldn't try to shoot him, okay? I was terrified. I tried to get the hell out of there.
Rey: It' my job to explore all the possibilities.
Chelsea: I see. I see. Now I'm one of the possibilities. I don't even own a gun!
Rey: Well, since you can't establish how much time passed between when you made it out of the room and when chance was shot, I can't rule out the possibility that you might have had enough time to get a weapon.
Chelsea: Wow. Wow. Okay.
[ Laughs ] This is crazy. I'm not answering any more of your questions till I talk to a lawyer. If you're on medicare, remember,
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
[ Sharon and mariah laughing ]
Sharon: Hi, honey. Um, I was just about to call you and check in on you. What are you doing here?
Faith: I, um, I started to feel better, and I rode into town with grandpa. I'm really hungry. That must be a good sign.
Sharon: Okay. What do you feel like?
Faith: Something greasy?
Sharon: Mmm!
Mariah: Oh, boy. I miss having a teenager's metabolism. Alright. I'll see what I can find.
Sharon: Hey. Just so you know, if you ever feel like you need to take a mental-health day, that would be okay, too.
Faith: Are you accusing me of making this up?
Sharon: No, no. That's not what I meant at all.
Faith: 'Cause I really did feel like crap this morning.
Sharon: I believe you. Hey, I've been there.
Faith: Okay, so maybe get off my back.
Sharon: Wow. I don't know if I deserved that.
Faith: Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come back here. I'm half-expecting adam to walk through that door, and it's really stressing me out.
Sharon: I promise you, that's not gonna happen. Adam knows not to show up here, okay?
Mariah: And you probably skipped breakfast this morning, which is why you're craving grease. But apologies. This is the best I can do.
Faith: [ Chuckles ] Thanks. I'm sorry for being a brat.
Sharon: Hey, we all are allowed to have a cranky day sometimes.
Mariah: Oh, yeah. I majored in cranky.
Sharon: [ Chuckles ] Okay, I'm gonna give you some space to eat, and then I'll check back with you once your blood sugar gets a little higher.
Phyllis: Hey. How was your meeting with your family at society?
Adam: Well, let's see. Dad is stubborn, vick is bossy, and adam is a psychopath.
Phyllis: Yeah, same old, same old. Okay, um, listen, I have something to tell you. You're not gonna like it. It's gonna put you in a worse mood.
Nick: If this is about adam shooting chance, I already heard about it.
Phyllis: What? What?!
Nick: Yeah, I mean, it hasn't been confirmed yet, but that is the rumor on the street.
Phyllis: Why would adam shoot chance?
Nick: I don't have all the details, but I guess adam may have kidnapped chelsea. And then chance was suspicious, so he was tailing him, and then, clearly, something went wrong. But now billy knows, which means everybody is gonna know soon, so I got to hook up with sharon and try to figure out how we're gonna explain this to faith.
Phyllis: Right, right. Um, speaking -- speaking of, um --
Nick: You know what? Before I forget, can you please call my sister, alright? She's getting very annoyed that you're not returning any of her messages.
Phyllis: Okay, well, I've been busy.
Nick: Well, that's what i told her.
Phyllis: Why is she going through you?
Nick: I guess because i brokered this deal between the two of you. But vick and I are going through a lot right now with my dad and adam, so can you please just call her back?
Phyllis: Okay.
Adam: I've been expecting you. What, you come back to make a big apology? A grand gesture? Go ahead. Lay it on me.
Rey: That ain't happening.
Adam: But I'm sure chance told you by now that I'm not the one that shot him.
Rey: You know, you're pretty cheerful for a guy who's got an assassin on his trail.
Adam: [ Chuckles ] Do you know by now? I'm indestructible! I really do not envy your job. I mean, weeding through all the people that have reason to kill me. You're gonna need one of those big, old cork boards with a lot of pictures and a lot of red string.
Rey: Thanks for the tip, but some suspects seem more likely than others.
Adam: Oh?
Rey: Mm-hmm.
Adam: For example? Who? Nick? Victoria? Wait a minute. You aren't actually thinking chelsea, are you? You are -- you are really not good at this. She is the least likely suspect!
Rey: Is she?
Adam: And what do you think, rey? You think she picked up a gun and she's gonna point it at the father of her child?
Rey: I know her history. I know what she's capable of. She's a survivor. And she has no alibi for the time of the shooting.
Adam: Okay, it wasn't chelsea. You know what you should be doing? You should be out there gathering evidence to find the lunatic who tried to kill me and almost killed chance, not coming in here with some dumb-ass theories.
Has asthma pushed you
into a smaller life?
Phyllis: Uh, I can tell you're having a bad day, okay? So just so you know, I'll talk to victoria when I talk to her. It's all fine. It's no big deal. I don't work for her, or you. I know what I'm doing at this hotel.
Nick: I don't like it when things go south between you two, because then I get stuck in the middle. And it was hard enough to get you guys in a place where you can begin to collaborate in the first place.
Phyllis: We're fine. It's no big deal. I know what I'm doing. Tell victoria to chill out.
Nick: Vick doesn't do that.
Phyllis: It's not my problem.
Nick: It's not in her repertoire.
Phyllis: I don't care.
Nick: What is the deal? You were so excited when you heard all of victoria's ideas. You were gonna work together to implement them. You know, team first, everybody wins.
Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. Everybody wins. It's great. I'm all for that.
Nick: Okay. I didn't want to talk about this with you in the first place. Just deal with it on your own.
Phyllis: Okay. That's what I'm doing. I will deal with it on my own.
Nick: Okay. I got to go.
Phyllis: Okay, nick. Nick.
Nick: Yes?
Phyllis: Um...
Nick: Yes?
Phyllis: Okay. I'll talk to you about it later.
Sharon: So the shooter was after adam?
Rey: Yeah, it looks that way.
Sharon: You are now in the position of protecting adam by finding and arresting the person who wants him dead.
Rey: Well, I can set aside my personal feelings about adam long enough to do the job. Plus, I owe it to chance to find out the truth.
Sharon: Thanks for telling me.
Rey: I'll see you later.
Sharon: Bye.
Rey: Bye.
Sharon: Faith, I have to go and, uh, take care of something. Um, if I'm not back by the time your dad gets here, just tell him I'll be back soon.
Faith: Okay.
Victoria: Daddy? What are you doing back here? Were you looking for me?
Victor: I didn't know you were still here.
Victoria: What's wrong?
Victor: Adam did not shoot chance...but whoever did was aiming for adam.
Victoria: How do you know that?
Victor: Chance told the cops.
Victoria: I know -- I'm -- I'm sorry. You must be scared for adam.
Victor: Yes, of course, I am.
Victoria: Daddy, you have to understand. I mean, you -- you can't be surprised that someone might be gunning for him, given the amount of people that he's cheated and betrayed. And he's created the circumstance that he's in right now. He's not that poor, innocent farm boy anymore. You know that, right?
Victor: Sweetheart, please. You don't need to tell me that, okay? I know the darkness in adam's soul better than anyone. That's why I asked all of you to have an intervention, and he needed help.
Victoria: Well, I suppose if adam had come to that meeting, the shooting wouldn't have happened.
Victor: Well, apparently, adam never intended to come to the meeting in the first place. Our reaching out to him was too little, too late.
Victoria: I know this is really hard for you to hear, but
[Sighs] It is too late. Adam is a lost cause. I hope you can at least start to accept that.
[ Cellphone pings ]
[ Knock on door ] I just assumed all bladder leak pads felt the same.
Adam: Come on in. Do you want a drink?
Sharon: Uh, no. I-I can't stay.
Adam: Okay.
Sharon: Look, I only have one question. Do you know who tried to kill you? Because if you do, you can't go after them all by yourself.
Adam: Look, I swear that i have no idea who it was. And I told rey that. I wish that I could help him do his job, but --
Sharon: His job is very, very dangerous. And, adam, now he's putting his life on the line to try to go after the guy who tried to kill you. So... you better be telling me the truth.
Adam: Sharon, w-wait. Look, I -- I need to tell you how sorry i am, for everything. You know, I know that I-I always turn to you for help, and i shouldn't have done that. I really regret that now. I mean, that and....so many other things.
Sharon: What other things? What are you talking about?
Adam: I almost went to a place that I couldn't come back from. But I didn't go through with it.
Sharon: Okay. That's a little vague. I think if you were really sorry, you know, you wouldn't hold anything back, you would just tell me everything.
Sharon: Okay. Um, maybe it was a mistake that I came here. I don't know. Um, you know what? I think going forward, um, we should just keep a distance.
Adam: Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay, I understand. You don't have to worry about me anymore. I know what I need to do.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Can you go talk to him in room 364, please?
Nick: Hey. How you feeling?
Faith: Better.
Nick: Where's your mom?
Faith: She said she'd be back in a few minutes.
Nick: So she knew I was coming over here to see her and she takes off. Cool.
Faith: I don't know. Are you okay?
Nick: I was with phyllis. We're getting on each other's nerves right now. It's no big deal. You know? That's what it's like in a relationships sometimes.
[ Cellphone chimes ] Excuse me.
Faith: What is it?
Nick: It's phyllis again.
Faith: Um, do you need to answer her?
Nick: Nope. I'm with you. You get my full, undivided attention, kid.
Chelsea: [ Gasps ]
Abby: No, mom. There is nothing new to report. The patient is alert and doing well. Would you like to say hello to him yourself? Okay, hold on. Your very relieved future mother-in-law would like to s--
Chance: [ Breathing heavily ]
Abby: Chance? Chance! Chance! What's wrong? Chance. Help! Help! Somebody! I need help! Please! Somebody! I need help in here!
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