Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/11/20
Episode #11913 ~ Billy plays dirty to land a story; Rey chases a lead; Abby's world is rocked.
Provided By Suzanne
Abby: Mom, no...I'm just--I'm just waiting to hear something... anything... No, there's no need to come down to the hospital right now. Okay. Yeah, I will. I love you, too.
Elena: Abby....
Abby: Hi, hi! How-- ho's Chance? How'd the surgery go?
Elena: He's in recovery. We're gonna bring him into ICU soon.
Abby: So it went well?
Elena: He made it through, but his condition is critical.
Abby: Critical?
Elena: The wound was serious. The bullet went through his lung, into the upper quadrant of his abdomen. It punctured the splenic flexion.
Abby: I--I-- I'm sorry. I don't understand any of that. So, just--just tell me, is Chanca gonna be all right? I mean, did you fix the damage?
Elena: We removed bone fragments from the lung, and we repaired a severe laceration.
Abby: So he's gonna be okay?
Elena: His vitals are good, and considering the extent of his injuries, and how complicated the surgery was, he seems to be doing pretty well. So now we just need to monitor him closely...and wait.
Chloe: Oh, my god. You're alive. You're okay. You're here. Do you know how worried I was about you?Chelsea: I know. I'm sorry.
Chloe: No, chelsea. I was fearing the worst.
Kevin: Oh, she's back. I'm glad you're okay.
Are you okay?
Chelsea: I-I-I think so.
Kevin: Where have you been?
Chloe: Something bad happened. I'm right?
Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah. I was here yesterday, waiting for chance, and the doorbell rang. And this man grabbed me and put a cloth over my mouth with chloroform on it or something like it.
Chloe: I knew it. I knew something was wrong. Kevin and I came home. I saw a toy on the floor, and then I got that random text message from you. It was so vague. It sounded nothing like you.
Kevin: Keep going. What happened?
Chelsea: When I came to, I-i woke up in this -- this tiny room in some building outside of town.
Chloe: A building outside of town? Well, now I know for sure. This was adam that did this to you.
[ Door closes ]
Rey: You don't seem surprised that chance was shot.
Adam: Uh, because I'm in shock. Okay? It's awful. How is he?
Rey: Well, last I checked, he was still in surgery. The doctors are fighting to save his life. So whoever left him lying there on the floor with a bullet in his back isn't facing a murder charge -- yet.
Adam: Mm. Well, I should go to the hospital.
Rey: You're not going anywhere.
Adam: Is this an official call?& 'Cause if you're here, you obviously have no idea who did this. So why are you coming to me?
Rey: Because the last thing that chance said before he lost consciousness was "adam."
Lily: So, does jill know chance was shot? And nina and phillip?
Billy: Everyone knows, yes. Lauren got to jill before I could.
Lily: Is she coming home?
Billy: Well, she's trying. She's currently on the other side of the planet, trying to move heaven and earth to get here.
Lily: Well, that's good. Well, thank you for filling me in. Is there a reason you wanted to tell me at the office?
Lily: [ Sighs ] Don't say what I think you're gonna say.
Billy: Lily, this is breaking news, okay? And it's a big one. I talked a source at the police department. They said they're questioning adam in the shooting.
Lily: Why?
Billy: Because chance implicated him. Turns out it's only a matter of time before adam does something to warrant the second article, and this is gold.
[ Footsteps approach ]
Abby: [ Exhales sharply ] Chance, it's me.
[ Sniffles ] I'm here. I hope you can hear me. Because I need you to know... how much I love you. Nothing and no one means more to me than you. You have to know that.
[ Crying ] I don't know why -- I don't know why -- I don't know why I didn't stay with you today. I don't know why I let my family talk me into going to some stupid meeting about adam.
[ Sniffles ] It all seems so trivial and unimportant now. My life is with you. Chance, please, please. You have to come back to me.
[ Sniffles ] What if one stalk of broccoli
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Chloe: Adam held me in a room when I came back to town. It wasn't dark and dingy. It was actually very pleasant. But that's how I know that he's behind it. How did you get out?
Chelsea: Well, it took me a while... because I drank from a water bottle that was drugged.
Kevin: Geez. Okay, if we're presuming this was adam, why do you think he would have this to you?
Chelsea: I saw something on his computer that I wasn't supposed to see.
Chloe: What?
Chelsea: I don't know exactly, but it was enough to scare me, enough to think that he was planning something bad. So I tried to convince him not to do whatever it was that he was planning, and then I left.
Kevin: And he just let you go?
Chloe: So he could kidnap you later.
Chelsea: Did anything happen while I was gone, to the newmans?
Chloe: No. We -- we haven't heard of anything.
Chelsea: Then hopefully he didn't go through with his plan.
Rey: When I found chance shot and bleeding, he could barely speak. But he thought the most important thing he could say to me at that moment was "adam." Why is that?
Adam: I have no idea.
Rey: Does it have anything to do with the fact that chelsea recently went missing?
Adam: She did?
Rey: Yes.
Adam: I hadn't heard. We aren't exactly on the best terms right now.
Rey: Yeah. Chance thought you were behind her disappearance, and he started following you. Now, I don't know why, but chance once considered you a friend. That's why he was following you. So he could stop you from planning whatever you were doing, for your own good. Because he's a good person. Loyal. Maybe to a fault. So he followed you to that building. Things got out of hand.
Adam: You're way off base, detective.
Rey: Okay. Alright. So tell me where you were earlier tonight.
Adam: That's none of your business.
Rey: Ah. You don't have an alibi. That's -- that's bad.
Adam: Yeah, I'm not saying another word without a lawyer.
Rey: That's your right. Or you could save us both a lot of trouble and tell me the truth.
Adam: Or I could tell you to get the hell out.
Rey: Alright. I'm out of here. But we're far from done.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Sharon: Rey. Hi. Are you okay?
Rey: Last I heard, chance is still in surgery. But the main reason I'm calling is because I just questioned adam about the shooting.
Sharon: Adam?
Rey: I have reason to believe that he was involved.
Sharon: Why would adam want to hurt chance?
Rey: I'm still trying to figure that out. Look, I don't have enough to arrest him yet, but he's still free. And I don't think he's stupid enough to seek you out, but given your history and the fact that you were with him earlier today, I don't want to take any chances.
Sharon: I won't let him anywhere near me. Uh, you know, I shouldn't have been civil to him when he was here at the coffeehouse. And the fact that faith was here...
Rey: Did she come back yet?
Sharon: She's still at jordan'S. Do you think I should go and pick her up?
Rey: No, no. She's better off over there.
Sharon: Away from me.
Rey: Away from her usual haunts -- coffeehouse, home, school.
Sharon: Did I cause adam to do this? Am I responsible?
Rey: No, sharon, of course not. Adam, again, is responsible for his own actions. Look, I have no idea what he's done or what we're dealing with. But there's no telling what he's gonna do next.
Lily: I'm having déjà vu. You have a lead on a story and no facts.
Billy: Yet.
Lily: Okay. We need confirmation before we can run with anything.
Billy: Which is why I'm gonna head to the hospital and see what I can find out.
Lily: Or we could send one of our actual reporters, 'cause i think you going is a little morally ambiguous.
Billy: What difference does it make who's asking the questions?
Lily: Do I have to say it? You and chance are related.
Billy: Which is why I'm gonna go. He's family, okay? I should be there.
Lily: Billy, he was just shot. What are you gonna do? You gonna go to his icu room and interrogate him?
Billy: No, lily. His well-being comes first.
Lily: [ Sighs ] I think that your motivations are muddled.
Billy: I disagree. I think two things can be true at once.
Lily: Adam's involvement in this is blinding you.
Billy: From what?
Lily: From being a decent human being. You want to go and take advantage of family and worm your way into a hospital room to get a story. Do you realize how that sounds?
Billy: It sounds like I'm trying to uncover the truth and get justice for someone who deserves it.
Lily: Billy, don't do this.
Abby: Here's the thing.
[ Sniffles ] The doctors have done everything that they can for now. So now it's on you. And I know how strong and stubborn you are, so you just need to draw on that. You need to fight. Because you and I -- we're just starting our family, starting our lives together. Planning a wedding. Kids.
[ Sniffles ] You know, I can just see you, standing on the altar, looking so good in your tux. The smile on your face when we find out that we're pregnant. Bringing our baby home from the hospital. Chance, I can't do any of that without you. You are my partner. You are my heart.
[ Sniffles ] So please, please. You have to come back to me. Alright, I brought in ensure max protein
Billy: Hey. How's it going?
Abby: [ Exhales sharply ] I'm just, uh, trying to find the right words to tell nina that chance is still unconscious. I mean, the surgery went well, considering the trajectory of the bullet and the damage that it did, but he's still in critical condition. And now all we can do is just wait.
Billy: How are you doing?
Abby: I feel like I am in a surreal nightmare. One minute, chance and I are planning to start our -- our lives together. We're planning our future. And now I am here in the icu. I am waiting for him to wake up. And I just -- I don't know how we got here. And I don't know why chance was in some abandoned building at the edge of town. And I don't know if he was shot because it was an accident or if he was breaking up some crime that was in progress.
Billy: So, I take it you haven't heard.
Abby: Heard what?
Billy: The police are questioning adam. He's their number-one suspect.
Lily: Hey, sharon. You okay?
Sharon: I'm fine. I just got some upsetting news. Not about me or my health.
Lily: Okay. That's good. Um, is it about chance? I heard that he was shot.
Sharon: How did you know that? Oh, you work in the news. Right. I forgot about that. Um, and it is a big story.
Lily: Well, that's not why i brought it up. You just seem like you could use a friend.
Sharon: I lied.
Lily: About what?
Sharon: About being fine. I'm not. Because... well, I-I'm worried about rey. I mean, who wouldn't be? I know his job is dangerous, but when something happens to another officer, like chance, it just -- that really brings it all home.
Rey: I need to talk to chelsea.
Chloe: How did you know she was here?
Rey: I reached out to kevin because I know how close you and chelsea are.
Kevin: I had to tell him, especially after what we just heard.
Chelsea: It's okay. I want to talk to him.
Chelsea: Okay. But I'm just a shout away.
[ Footsteps depart ]
Rey: I assume you heard about the shooting.
Chelsea: Yeah. Kevin and chloe told me.
Rey: Yeah, what they don't know is that chance indicated, before he lost consciousness, that adam might be responsible.
Chelsea: Are you here to ask me if I think adam had something to do with it?
Rey: Do you?
Chelsea: I don't want to believe that.
Rey: Can I ask you why you wanted to meet up with chance? What did you need to discuss that was so urgent?
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Sharon: Worrying about rey and his job is not overwhelming, not usually. I mean, the possibility of something terrible happening is always lurking out there somewhere.
Lily: Oh, I'm sure. And I feel like it's probably how we feel about our recovery. It's like the chance of a possible recurrence of cancer is always there.
Sharon: That is so true.
Lily: Mm-hmm. You know, and then, when you're in the middle of it, the diagnosis and the treatment, you're just so scared, and you -- you just feel like you're so helpless, and you're angry and you're sad, like, all at the same time.
Lily: Yep. I remember. Mm-hmm.
Sharon: And you try not to let this take over your entire life or the people around you, but that's impossible.
Lily: You're worried about taking care of them. They're worried about taking care of you.
Sharon: Yep. And then there are the medical realities and the toll that chemo takes. Anxiety about your next surgery. You know, before my last surgery, I had to prepare myself for whatever my results might be.
Lily: Yep, you pray for the best and prepare for the worst.
Sharon: And when my margins came out clear and I saw that in black and white, it was as if this huge weight had been lifted off of me. It was like somebody actually handed me a brand-new life. And then all of the plans that rey and I have been making were just suddenly cast in a brand-new light -- cancer survivor. And, yet, running underneath all of that was this nagging fear that it could always come back. You know, I've read the statistics and reams of information about how I'm supposed to be living my life, the choices I'm supposed to be making. So I'm just learning how to accept that as a fact of my life, because -- who knows? -- Maybe I'm still at the beginning of this journey.
Lily: Yeah, I mean, it's a long road, and all you can do is just put one foot in front of the other. But it's great that you have such a strong support system around you. I mean, that really, really helped me. But another thing that helped me was talking to people who had actually been through it. 'Cause I think it's impossible to describe unless you've been there.
Sharon: And you have. And talking to you now, it's, um...
Lily: Too intimate?
Sharon: No, no, not at all. I-I feel...seen.
Lily: Yeah. I know talking to cancer survivors made me feel less isolated, you know? Less crazy, for all of these -- the thoughts I had running around in my head.
Sharon: Yes, the thoughts. I mean, do they ever... go away or get less intense?
Lily: Uh, that's a good question. And I don't think there's really a simple answer.
Chelsea: Between the exposé and all of the hostilities between him and his family... I was scared that adam was being pushed past his limit. Our relationship was deteriorating, and I could see the toll it was taking on him.
Rey: When you say "pushed past his limit," what exactly do you mean?
Chelsea: Uh, I-I just -- i started to get the sense that maybe adam wanted to retaliate against victor and maybe even the whole family. That's why I called chance. I thought maybe he could help, especially considering he's the only friend adam had left.
Rey: Did you know that chance had the same suspicions you had?
Chelsea: We never got to talk about it. So maybe he found out some other way. I don't know. Maybe -- maybe adam said something to him.
Rey: Well, that would explain why chance started tailing him. Yeah. You still love him, and you want to protect him.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Lily: I mean, I've been cancer-free for years. There's long stretches of time where I don't even think about it or talk about it. But, I mean, even just saying those words, "cancer-free," i mean, I could cry just saying it, and, you know, not out of fear or sadness, but because I'm just so grateful, you know? I feel really blessed.
Sharon: I feel the same way.
Lily: Every day, you'll feel ever more grateful, 'cause you'll know that things could have just as easily gone the other way. And that's the thing. It still could. The fear of recurrence never leaves you. I mean, even now, you know, any time I have a pain or a bump or an upset stomach, you know, I-I think worst-case scenario. Because I've lived it. I know that it's real. But, eventually, that fear will fade into the background. It will. And it'll make you stronger. I mean, it made me stronger. And that's the thing. We are fighters. We're survivors. And nothing can ever take that away from us.
Chelsea: You're right. Of course I still love him. We have a son. Connor loves his dad. I guess that's why I keep trying to get through to him. But then I finally realized that it was useless. It just -- I kept hitting a brick wall. So that's why I left.
Rey: Do you have any idea about this building where chance was found? It's owned by a shell company that can be traced back to adam.
Chelsea: I... spent the night there, locked in a tiny room.
Rey: Against your will?
Chelsea: I think adam had me kidnapped so I wouldn't interfere with his plan.
Rey: Retaliation against victor, or possibly the entire newman family.
Chelsea: Yes.
Rey: Alright. So you don't know what he was planning, but you were worried enough to enlist chance to try and stop him?
Chelsea: That's right.
Rey: Okay, well, I believe that adam's plan is the reason that chance took a bullet, why he's in the hospital right now fighting for his life. So you need to tell me anything else you know.
Chelsea: I found schematics for newman tower pulled up on his computer.
Rey: Like blueprints, mechanics for the building?
Chelsea: It was like a marking -- a marking in a specific spot, like an "X."
Rey: Well, what was he gonna do?
Chelsea: I swear, if I knew, I would tell you.
Abby: I am so disgusted with you right now. How could you use our family connection to try to exploit us, to try to use it for a story? What is wrong with you?!
Billy: Abby, I am here trying to help. Chance is my family, okay? That makes it personal for me, too.
Abby: No, no. This isn't about you.
Billy: I understand it's not about me. I am so sick and tired of the people that I care about in pain because of adam. Everywhere he goes, he causes collateral damage, and he doesn't think twice about it. I want him to pay for that. Don't you? Didn't you feel that twinge of anger when I told you that adam might be responsible for chance laying in this bed?
Abby: Yes, yes, yes! I am angry! I am angry and I am sad and I am confused and I am exhausted!
Billy: Look, all I'm trying to do is stop adam from inflicting more pain on anyone else. That is the purpose of the story.
Abby: I don't have time for a story. I need to focus all of my energy on chance.
Billy: Look, I'm not trying to stop you from doing what you need to do, but if we can get this out there, we can stop adam from potentially...
Abby: Please. I am begging you. Please, just not now.
Billy: I'm sorry. Okay.
Abby: Thank you.
Billy: I'm sorry.
If you have postmenopausal
Abby: I told victoria that you proposed. I told her how sweet and romantic it was. I have never been more sure about anyone or anything in my life. And I was certain that we were about to start a family together. We discussed that before we even talked about marriage or laying out our future. And some people might think that that's backwards or crazy. And, hey, maybe I used to be one of those people. With you, I just knew. Right from the very beginning. What we have is once-in-a-lifetime special. You and I -- we are meant to be. We're connected, and I know that you feel the same way. So, yes, yes, we are meant to be, so this is going to be. You are gonna be... the incredible husband that you're meant to be... and a loving father. Chance, please. Do you hear me?
Seasons come
seasons go
Chelsea: Hey, honey. How are you doing? Is everything okay at school?
[ Exhales sharply ] Oh, connor, I miss you so much. I just wanted to hear your voice. I know. I know you want to talk to your daddy, but you just can't right now. I'm sorry. I know you miss him. Sweetheart -- okay. I understand. I know. Right. I know, but right now there's just a lot going on, so I just don't think that, um, it's a great time for you to -- yeah. Alright, sweetie. I love you so much, but mommy has to go.
And we'll forget the scars we gave
we'll forget what, what we couldn't save
and for a moment
we'll choose love
we'll choose grace
we'll choose grace
and we'll find strength
for another day
and we'll find light
and let it lead the way
and in the end
we won't be alone
'cause hope
will lead
and we'll find strength
for another day
Elena: Everything looks good. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it.
will lead us home my nunormal: Fewer asthma attacks.
Billy: I realize now I was...
Lily: Predatory? I think that's the word that you're looking for.
Billy: Overzealous. I shouldn't have rushed to the hospital the way I did.
Lily: Oh, really? 'Cause you didn't listen to me when I said that.
Billy: All I did was 'cause abby more pain. Chance was still unconscious, and I didn't learn a thing. I talked to my mom. She's still trying to make her way here, but her plane is delayed because of weather. She's trying to get here before chance wakes up.
Lily: And I assume you're gonna accompany her to chance's bedside when she gets here.
Billy: I assume so. For support.
Lily: So you've learned nothing.
Rey: Adam was definitely rattled when I questioned him. So much so that he shut down. Said he wouldn't talk to me without his lawyer. Well, then, you must have really gotten to him, because when adam feels like he has the upper hand, he'll talk your ear off. Any news about chance?
Rey: He hasn't woken up yet. Hey, I saw that relieved look on your face when I walked in. After what happened to chance, it's, uh...
Sharon: I know -- I know that your job is dangerous. I was married to a detective once, and I lost him to the job, so I get it.
Rey: Yeah, well, the chances of that happening are statistically low. Still, I'm always gonna worry.
Rey: I hate that you have to.
Sharon: Well, you were worried about me for months. So that's love. You know, I was talking to a friend today. Helped me put things in perspective. No matter how small the chances are that something's gonna happen to you, it's always there. Like the chances of my cancer coming back. But I want you to know that I'm strong enough that burden. You know, I was relieved when you walked in the door, and I will probably always be relieved. But more so than that... I feel love and joy and happiness that you are in my life.
Chloe: It's gonna be okay.
Chelsea: Is it?
Chloe: You're safe here.
Chelsea: Adam's gonna find out I escaped, if he hasn't already. He's gonna come looking for me. Rey thinks that he might have shot chance.
Chloe: Yeah, we know.
Kevin: We were eavesdropping.
Chloe: But we're gonna hunker down here, okay? You -- you are going to be safe, okay?
Chelsea: I just pray that chance recovers and that someone or something stops adam from going any further than he already has.
Abby: Chance? I'm right here.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Sniffles ] Hi. No. No, no. Don't try to speak. Don't try to say anything. Because I know.
[ Sniffles ] I knew you would come back to me.
[ Sniffles ]
[ Chuckles ]
[ Footsteps depart ]
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