Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/10/20
Episode #11912 ~ Adam covers his tracks; Summer is suspicious of Sally; Chelsea is missing in action.
Provided By Suzanne
Victoria: You know, part of me wishes that adam had shown up to the meeting, just so that we could all kiss him goodbye.
Abby: Would you have actually done that?
Victoria: If he was leaving town for real, hell, yeah. I meant every word I said to dad. He needs to accept that adam is a lost cause.
Abby: Well, I am glad that adam didn't show up. There are much better, happier things to discuss.
Victoria: Really?
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: Like what?
Abby: Well, I do have some news, but I didn't want to share it while we were waiting for adam.
Victoria: Well, you've got me right here, ready to listen.
Abby: [ Chuckles ]
Victoria: [ Gasps ]
Abby: Chance and i are getting married!
Victoria: Oh, my god! Abby, this is wonderful news! Congratulations! Oh, my gosh. This is the happy ending that you deserve.
Adam: [ Exhales sharply ]
[ Breathing heavily ] Chance?Your father called you all together to, like, save adam's soul?
Nick: Ridiculous, right? I mean, what a gigantic waste of time. Adam didn't even show up. He blows us off. He leaves us all standing there, feeling like a bunch of idiots, wondering why we even bothered.
Phyllis: Well, you wasted an hour. I mean, this should prove to your dad that adam is not worth saving.
Nick: If that's the only thing that happened, I wouldn't care.
Phyllis: There's more?
Nick: [ Sighs ] Earlier today, adam shows up at the coffeehouse, looking for sharon, I guess for some... comfort. Faith walks in, sees them together, and absolutely lights into him.
Phyllis: Aw, poor faith.
Nick: Yeah. Sharon said that it got pretty nasty and faith was really upset. And now all I can think about is all the ways I want to dismantle adam, piece by piece.
Adam: Chance? Chance, can you hear me? Yeah, I need an ambulance. There's been a shooting. Yeah, he's still breathing, but hurry up. Okay. Ever wonder what retinol dermatologists use
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Adam: Alright. I just called for help.
[ Cellphone pings ]
[ Siren wailing ] I'm sorry.
Rey: What did faith have to say?
Sharon: Well, according to her latest text, she and jordan are watching a movie, and she claims that she's feeling much better.
Rey: That's good, right?
Sharon: Right now, I'm just trying to give her the time and space she needs to decompress.
Rey: Well, I feel like you should do the same. I don't have to be at the station for a while, so what do you want to do to relax?
Sharon: Seriously?
Rey: I'm all yours.
Sharon: Um, well, I guess we could take a walk around the park.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Rey: I may have spoken too soon. Rosales. Uh, yeah. Where is he? No, no, no. No. I'm on it. I'm on it. Um, there was an incident. Chance has been shot. I got to go.
Phyllis: Go, faith. She stood up for herself. She didn't back down against adam. She stood up for her mother. She faced adam with both barrels. I mean, good for her. She's gonna turn out to be a very, very strong woman. What is that? Like, why are you smiling?
Nick: [ Sighs ] I mean, you complimenting a "strong newman woman." It's a little ironic, don't you think?
Kevin: It's nice to get for a little bit, huh?
Chloe: Yeah.
Kevin: Esther and bella get to have some girl time. We get to have some adult time. Except for this little guy. Miles is not much of a conversationalist, are you, buddy?
[ Chuckles ] Chloe.
Chloe: What? I know you're still worried about chelsea, but she did text you that she just wanted some time to herself.
Chloe: Well, I hope that's all it is, but my gut is telling me that something is wrong.
Kevin: Well, even if that is true, staring at your phone isn't gonna help.
Chloe: You're right. You're right. It's very nice that lauren and michael invited us out. So I'm just going to enjoy the moment. But I'm gonna keep my phone right here, just in case.
Lauren: Hi!
Michael: Hey, guys! Hi!
Lauren: Oh! Hi, baby miles! So cute! And so big!
Michael: Oh, he must be taking after his uncle michael.
Lauren: [ Chuckles ]
Michael: The cute part.
Lauren: The cute part.
[ Laughs ] Right. I'm so glad we all got together. I know. Us, too. It's been a minute.
Lauren: Yeah, right. So, what have you two been up to?
Kevin: Mm, the usual. Two hours of sleep and a coffee I.V.
Chloe: Yeah, same, but i don't get the coffee.
Lauren: Aw.
Chloe: I've been meaning to ask you, how is everything over at fenmore's?
Michael: Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying that the D.A.'S office isn't interesting enough for you?
Chloe: Uh, no, but I-I'm sure that kevin would love to hear about your adventures as the district attorney, but lauren and I actually want to talk about fashion. Uh, so, tell me, what designers are you loving, and who are you buying right now?
Lauren: Well, we are looking at two very exciting new brands.
Chloe: Oh, well, I'm actually working with a new line, and i think that it would be great for fenmore'S.
Lauren: I thought you and chelsea lost your funding.
Chloe: We did. This is something different.
Lauren: Oh. Do I know the designer?
Chloe: No, I-I don't think so, but she is so good, lauren. I mean, she just knows how to take those classic lines and turn them into something that you have never seen before.
Lauren: Oh! I am intrigued. Will you send over her portfolio?
Chloe: Done.
Lauren: Fantastic. I'll have my new executive assistant be on the lookout. You might know her. She's a designer. Sally spectra?
Chloe: Oh. Yeah. She, uh -- she's known to be a bit of a troublemaker, right?
Lauren: Well, the same could be said for you and kevin.
Michael: Burn.
Kevin: Ouch!
Sally: You intrigue me, theo.
Theo: What exactly, uh, piques your curiosity?
Sally: Well, when we ran into each other earlier, you mentioned an inheritance that should have been yours and implied that the game wasn't over yet.
Theo: Well, you seem like somebody who likes to play as much as I do.
Sally: Well, it depends on the game.
Theo: What if I were to tell you I'm interested in not only getting my fair share of my grandmother's fortune, but going after all of it? Legally, of course.
Sally: Who was your grandmother?
Chance: Dina...abbott... mergeron.
Sally: Shut up.
Theo: I had no idea until I moved to town. Turns out my father was her firstborn -- a kid she gave up for adoption when she was a teenager.
Sally: So kyle is your cousin?
Theo: Half-cousin. Lucky me, right?
Sally: And jack, traci, ashley...
Theo: Suddenly one big, not-so-happy family. Surprise.
Sally: No kidding. But I'm a little bit confused. Um, considering you're brand-new to the clan, how do you figure that you're entitled to dina's whole estate?
Theo: Payback for my dad having missed out on all those years with her. His life would have been completely different if she had raised him.
Sally: And so would his net worth.
Theo: The abbotts are already filthy rich. They don't need dina's money. I do.
Sally: Wow. That's some confession.
Theo: Well, you did ask.
Sally: And if I were to tell the abbotts everything you just told me, your plan would blow sky high.
Theo: You're still sitting here, aren't you? And I'm getting the sneaking suspicion that you appreciate the people who go after what they want. I've been known to.
Theo: You also don't strike me as the type who would be content getting lauren fenmore her coffee every morning.
Sally: [ Chuckles ] I have my eye on a much bigger prize. Yo yo yo yo yo yo start your day with secret.
Michael: So, have you thought about colleges?
Lauren: Oh, michael, seriously?
[ Laughs ]
Michael: It is never too early to start planning.
Kevin: I have, actually. I've pretty much plotted out miles' entire life.
Lauren: I'm sure he's really gonna appreciate that.
Kevin: He's gonna play sports.
Michael: Oh, good. Football, baseball.
Kevin: Mnh-mnh. Tennis. You can play that till you're 100.
Michael: Good point.
Kevin: He's going to be an exceptional student, a gifted communicator, so we'll have debate club, president of his class.
Michael: Harvard law, like me?
Kevin: Or he'll go into tech and he'll hire lawyers like you to run his trillion-dollar company.
Michael: You have thought this through.
Kevin: He will have a brief, harmless period of teenage rebellion, after which he'll discover that his parents were right all along. Add to that, his devilishly handsome face, excellent hair, and you have a complete package.
Lauren: He sounds amazing.
Kevin: Mm-hmm.
Lauren: But, you know, maybe we could let miles figure out how to roll over first and eat soft food before we let him, you know, conquer the world. Right, chloe? Chloe?
Chloe: Sorry. I just -- I got a couple of messages, but they're not important. You know, it would be really great if the one person I need to hear from would actually get back to me and tell me what's going on.
Michael: Everything alright?
Chloe: I-I-I don't know. You know what? It's -- it's really not that important. I don't want to ruin everyone's good time.
Lauren: You're not ruining anything. You're obviously very upset. You don't have to hold back with us.
Chloe: I know that I have the tendency to be a little overdramatic, but in this case, I really don't think I am.
Phyllis: I assume that you are referring to victoria when you talk about, um, strong newman women annoying me.
Nick: I don't recall using the word "annoy," but, yes, I am talking about my sister.
Phyllis: Well, I'm going to be the bigger person. That's what I'm going to be. I-I, uh, have noticed a certain, um, détente when it comes to me and the newman women. "Détente."&
[ Clicks tongue ] I like that word.
Phyllis: Nikki has been really cordial, actually, and she's really supported the escape club, which I appreciate. And now abby is off my radar. Thank god. Thank you, god. And, um, victoria. She is...pleasant, you know, and quiet now that you made us hash out our differences regarding the hotel. So thank you.
Nick: It's amazing how that works, right?
Phyllis: Although I don't know if her silence is really a good thing.
Nick: Oh, that's just you being paranoid.
Phyllis: I'm not paranoid. You know how victoria is. She's like a cobra. Really. You let your guard down, and that's when she strikes, and you don't know what hit you. You know that.
Nick: She does have cobra-like qualities.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: But I'm gonna give you a better explanation for her silence. You are off her radar, alright? I know she's very happy with the arrangement that you have in place. Right now she is focused on getting rid of adam, and, frankly, I'm right there with her.
Phyllis: Okay, don't talk about adam. I don't want to talk about adam anymore. Let's talk about...me.
Nick: Oh. You think that calms me down?
Phyllis: Yeah. I know how to calm you down. You want me to calm you down? 'Cause we are in the bedroom. And...if you haven't noticed, that's a bed. Do you want to use it? Just saying.
Victoria: Tell me about the proposal. Was it incredibly romantic? Down on one knee, the whole thing?
Abby: I was blown away. I mean, I couldn't even catch my breath. We had talked about getting married, but I had no idea that chance was gonna propose right away.
Victoria: Oh! And you said yes...
Abby: As fast as I could.
Victoria: You know, I just thought of something. The bride is an abbott and a newman, and the groom is a chancellor. Those are three of genoa city's most powerful families, all blended together.
Abby: You know, I haven't even thought about the ceremony, but you're right. It is kind of historic. That means we're gonna have to do something extraordinary.
Victoria: Well, you know, if you pull out all of the stops, this will be a wedding that people talk about forever.
Rey: Rey rosales, gcpd. Can I have a second? Chance? Hey, buddy. We're gonna get you over to the hospital, alright? Hang in there. Can you tell me what happened?
Chance: A-adam... having dry skin is a struggle.
Kyle: What's wrong?
Summer: Nothing.
Kyle: Come on, summer. I know when something's bothering you.
Summer: I saw sally with theo.
Kyle: That's what you're upset about?
Summer: I warned sally about theo, but now I saw them huddling up together at society.
Kyle: Are you jealous?
Summer: About theo? Come on, kyle. Don't be ridiculous.
Kyle: Okay, then why are you obsessing?
Summer: I'm not obsessing over anything. I just -- I don't know. I can't shake the feeling that something is off here.
Kyle: Okay. Sally's an adult. She will figure theo out if she hasn't already.
Summer: No, kyle.
She's the one that I have doubts about. Why would some big-time L.A. Designer take a job as lauren's assistant? I mean, come on. Who does that?
Kyle: Someone who wants a second chance, doesn't care if it looks like a step down.
Summer: No. She's up to something.
Theo: I told you my plan. What's yours?
Sally: Who says I have one? Okay. Fine. Fair enough. I came to genoa city to try to convince jack to let me take over jabot collective. But, unfortunately for me, it has been shut down.
Theo: Not true.
Sally: What would you know about it?
Theo: I was part of the company's launch. It didn't fold. It's been sold to fenmore'S.
Sally: Fenmore's?
Theo: Lucky for you. I bet I could help you land jcv. I know all the players. I could provide you information about them.
Sally: And what would you expect in return?
Theo: All you'd have to do is be my eyes and ears inside jabot. Pass along anything about the abbott family that can help me with my plan.
Sally: So a little quid pro quo?
Theo: Why not? A mutually beneficial relationship that'll help us each achieve our goals. You'll get to run your fashion brand, and I will get my inheritance. So, what do you say? Do we have a deal?
Abby: Okay. What about this for the wedding? We rent a private island for a week, and then we have a different party every night with a different theme?
Victoria: Ah, yes. All leading up to the big day where you're wearing a tiara and a gown with a 20-foot train, arriving in a horse-driven carriage.
Abby: With footmen?
Victoria: Oh, of course, there will be footmen.
Abby: And chance is a top hat and tails. No, actually, he would hate that.
Victoria: Hey! This is our fantasy, okay?
Abby: You're right. Top hat and tails and a beautiful sunset. And the two of us alone, just looking up at the sky together and looking forward to the rest of our lives.
Victoria: Happily ever after. I like it.
Abby: Yeah, so did I when i was 8 and wanted to be a princess.
Victoria: Well, you know, if anyone in our family can turn a fantasy into a reality, it's you.
Abby: I don't know. I think maybe we should dial it down a little bit, yeah. And just something local with just family and close friends.
Victoria: That'll be fine, too. It'll still be elegant and unique.
Abby: I just can't believe how much has changed in just a matter of a few months. A wedding, a marriage, baby.
Victoria: What?! You're pregnant?
Abby: No. No, not yet. But chance and i have been trying. We decided that we wanted to start a family. Even before he proposed, chance and I -- we decided we were committed to having a future together.
Victoria: This is great, abby. I'm so thrilled for you. And I'm happy for us, too, because I think this family needs something to look forward to.
Abby: Speaking of family, now that I spilled everything to you, I need to tell mom and dad.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Victoria: Oh. That's probably dad. I'm sure his ears are burning already.
Abby: Uh, no, it isn't him. Abby newman. Oh, my god. Uh, wait. What?
Victoria: Abby?
Abby: Uh, no, no, no. Um, I'm on my way.
Victoria: What's wrong?
Abby: Um, chance has been shot. He's -- he's at the hospital now.
Victoria: What? I'll -- I'll drive you. I'll drive you. Come on.
Tide pods ultra oxi
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Kyle: Wait. You know what your probably is with sally? You don't like her. Simple as that. And you've let your imagination go crazy.
Summer: Okay. Well, my intuition is impeccable.
Kyle: Mm. Since when?
Summer: Kyle, you have to trust me on this, okay? She has an agenda.
Kyle: Maybe she does. But is it also possible you might be feeling slightly... threatened?
Summer: By her? Why?
Kyle: Because you're worried there might only be room for one strong, brazen, occasionally devious young woman in genoa city.
Summer: Is that what you think of me?
Theo: It's pretty simple. I help you get jabot collective. You help me with my inheritance. I'll even sweeten the deal. I'll give you a piece of it.
Sally: [ Scoffs ] You think you have me all figured out.
Theo: And what have I missed?
Sally: Uh, I don't know. Everything? You talk a pretty good game, but I could see straight through you.
Theo: Oh, please, enlighten me then.
Sally: You're a guy who was mildly successful in new york city. So he came here and figured he would be a big star. Only what he didn't realize is that this town has its own rules and hierarchy and he just didn't fit in anywhere -- either in business or with the abbotts. How am I doing so far?
Theo: I can't wait to hear the rest.
Sally: You are not as smooth or as confident as you think you are. If you were, you wouldn't be spilling your plans to someone that you haven't seen in years. To sum it all up, you're reckless and cocky. And tying myself to you would come with a risk that I'm not sure I'm willing to take, especially since I don't need you or anyone to get what I want.
Theo: Okay.
Sally: What is that supposed to mean?
Theo: I'm acknowledging you've turned down my generous offer.
Sally: So you're giving up?
Theo: Oh, I never said that. There's always tomorrow.
Nick: That was...
Phyllis: Intense? Intense.
Nick: I was gonna go with "spectacular," but "intense" also works.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Phyllis: Did I take your troubles away?
Nick: What troubles?
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]
[ Cellphone ringing ]
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: Who is it? Who is it?!
Nick: Vick. I got to answer this. Hey, vick. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Abby -- what? Oh, my god. Is he okay?
Phyllis: What -- what's wrong?
Nick: Uh, yeah. I'm sure there will be more information when you get to the hospital. I'll meet you there. No, no. Of course. Whatever abby wants. I can't believe this. Today of all days. I'm so sorry. It's chance.
Michael: So, you think chelsea's in the trouble?
Chloe: She sent me a text saying that she was fine. But what if she was forced to send it? What if it wasn't even her?
Lauren: You mean, like, someone had her phone?
Chloe: I have sent her a dozen messages since. I have heard nothing. Crickets.
Kevin: It is also possible that chelsea has just chosen to go radio silent for a while.
Chloe: I'm telling you, something is wrong. She just lt adam.T.
Michael: When was that?
Chloe: A few days ago. And I don't need to tell you how adam can be when he feels abandoned or betrayed.
Michael: She's got a point.
Paul: Michael.
Michael: Oh. Excuse me. What's going on, paul?
Paul: I was on my way to the station when I got the news, so I thought I should tell you in person.
Michael: Wait. What news?
Paul: Chance has been shot.
Michael: How bad?
Paul: They don't know. He's in surgery. But we could be looking at a very high-profile case, and i thought I should give you the heads-up.
Michael: Do you know what happened?
Paul: Detective rosales was on the scene when they were taking chance to the hospital. Before chance blacked out... he was able to say one word to him -- "adam." This year's been... a lot.
Michael: Why am I not surprised when something horrible happens and there's a connection to adam newman?
Paul: You want to hitch a ride to the station?
Michael: Let me break the news about chance to my family, and I'll meet you outside.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Paul: Mm. Rey, what's up? Wait. I-I -- are you -- I cant' hear you. The crime scene's secured. Good. Okay. Uh, where are you now? Alright. As soon as you wrap things up at memorial, you know what to do.
Kevin: Chance was shot?
Lauren: How is he? Do they know who did this?
Michael: I don't have any details yet. I'm gonna leave with paul, and i will let you know as soon as i hear anything, alright?
[ Smooches ] Bye.
Lauren: Who would do something like this?
Kevin: Maybe chance was working on a case that went bad.
Chloe: Or it had something to do with chelsea's disappearance. Okay, just hear me out, okay? I talked to chance, and I told him that I was worried about chelsea and it being involved with adam, and it's not farfetched to assume that he would check it out. And maybe he was shot for his trouble.
Kevin: Okay, look, I'm not disagreeing with you, I just don't think this is the time to be jumping to conclusions.
Lauren: You know, I agree. We don't know anything yet.
Kevin: Maybe I should get you home. Michael will call us if there's any updates. Come on.
Chloe: Wait, wait. What -- what about nina and -- and phillip? Oh, my god. What about jill?
Lauren: Okay, I'll make the phone calls. You go ahead.
Sally: Hi, boss. Great to see you.
Lauren: Great to see you, too. I just have to make some phone calls, so I don't have a lot of time to talk.
Sally: Oh, I won't bother you. I just wanted to thank you again for hiring me.
Lauren: My pleasure.
Sally: People have been so nice to me here. Genoa city is feeling like home already.
Kyle: Summer, I didn't mean to hurt or offend you.
Summer: No, I'm not hurt. I am offended.
Kyle: Then I apologize.
Summer: I know that people used to think of me as a sneak and a liar, but I have worked really hard to put that behind me. That's not who I am anymore. I mean, maybe to everyone except you, I guess.
Kyle: You --
Summer: What? What were you gonna say?
Kyle: Nothing.
Summer: No. Come on. You might as well. I mean, you already put your foot in it, kyle.
Kyle: Okay, but I want you to know I'm not attacking you. Just stating a fact. You did sneak back into town to spy on me.
Summer: Okay, but that was different. We were getting married, and i had to make sure that you didn't still have a thing for lola.
Kyle: After I already told you I didn'T. But my words meant nothing, so, yes, I would call that slightly devious.
Summer: Okay. You know what? Whatever. Think what you want.
Kyle: Oh. Great. So you just get to blow me off whenever you don't like being confronted with an uncomfortable truth.
Summer: [ Scoffs ] I cannot believe that I was starting to forgive you.
Abby: Why haven't we heard anything yet?
Victoria: I'm sure the surgery's gonna take a little while. They'll come and update us when they're done.
Abby: I just -- I can't belive that this is real. I mean, a few hours ago, we were getting engaged, and now... what if he doesn't make it?
Victoria: No, no, no. Don't think that. No. Chance is young and he's strong. He's got a lot to live for, and he's gonna fight with everything that he has because he knows you're waiting for him.
Abby: I want to believe that.
Victoria: You have to, abby.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Abby: Who's that?
Victoria: Oh, gosh. The kids. I was supposed to take them to this puppet show at the children's museum. I'll tell hannah that my plans have changed.
Abby: No, no. Please, no. You can't let you kids down.
Victoria: I don't want to leave you alone.
Abby: I want you to.
Victoria: Look, I know that you told nick not to come, but i know he would be here in a heartbeat.
Abby: I know that you want to be here for me and that nick wants to be here, too, but, honestly, I just -- I think i need some time to just be alone and just process what happened.
Victoria: Are you sure?
Abby: Yeah.
Victoria: Okay. If you need anything --
Abby: Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, but, um, don't keep my --
Victoria: Okay. I promise. Just keep thinking positive thoughts.
Abby: Rey. What's going on? Who shot chance? Ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete,
Rey: I'm so sorry, abby. I-I don't have those answers for you yet. I wish I could tell you how or why this happened, but we will get to the bottom of this. I can promise you that. Can you tell me about the last time you saw chance?
Abby: In his grand phoenix suite.
Rey: Was he anxious or concerned about anything?
Abby: No. He was fine when he left. I mean, we were supposed to meet up later today, and then --
[ Exhales sharply ] And then I got a call that he was here. Rey, I get the feeling that you know more than you're telling me.
Rey: Abby --
Abby: I deserve to know the truth.
Rey: And I will get that for you. The investigation has just started, and we -- we got to make this right for chance's sake, okay? He is one of our own, and we are gonna get justice for him. I can promise you that. The best thing you can do is be the first face he sees when he wakes up, okay? I'll keep chance in my prayers.
Nick: Okay. I will. Bye. That was ashley.
Phyllis: What did she say?
Nick: Well, she wanted to go to the hospital to be there for abby, but I told her what I told my dad -- abby doesn't want that right now.
Phyllis: I understand that. I mean, no matter how well intentioned everybody is, the last thing you want is the entire, like, newman-abbott clan standing around you.
Nick: I just wish there was something we could do to help.
Phyllis: Yeah. When you see abby, you should just tell her from m-- don't tell her anything. She doesn't want to hear from me, so...
Nick: Come on. I will tell her that you're thinking about her and that you're praying for chance's recovery.
Phyllis: Yes. Both of those things.
Nick: You know, vick told me that chance and abby got engaged today.
Phyllis: Really?
Nick: Yeah. Abby didn't want to say anything to the family 'cause of everything we're going through with adam. Chance asked her to marry him today. It's supposed to be the best day of her life, and now...
Adam: No, listen to me. Listen to me. The patient's last name is chancellor. And, yes, I'm a member of the family. Would you please just transfer me to someone who can give me some information?
[ Knock on door ]
Rey: I'm here to question you in connection with the shooting of philip chancellor.
Kevin: I'll put the big guy down for his nap.
Chloe: Thanks.
Chelsea: [ Breathing heavily ]
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