Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/5/20
Episode #11909 ~ Tensions rise at Dina's will reading; Chance threatens Adam; Chloe worries about Chelsea's safety.
Provided By Suzanne
Jack: She should be here soon.
Abby: There's one in here from morocco, one from suriname. I mean, lithuania. Who did dina know in lithuania?
Traci: Your grandmother knew somebody all over the world. In fact, I think in that box there's a letter or a card from every single continent.
Ashley: We ever received a condolence telegram from a ship at sea. I didn't even know you could still do that.
[ Laughter ]
Abby: Maybe it was that greek cabin boy.
Jack: You know who I did hear from? Former head of finance at mergeron -- pierre.
Traci: Oh, my gosh. He most be in his 90s by now.
Jack: I think he is. And he had lovely things to say about mother.
Ashley: It's incredible when you think about the impact she's had on so many people, isn't it?
[ Doorbell rings ]
Jack: That's the attorney now.
Theo: The door was open.
Kyle: What are you doing here?
Theo: I'm here for the will reading, just like you.
Lauren: I just love this outfit.
Sally: Well, thank you. I made it a while ago, and i just re-purposed it last week. Trying to bring a little cali flavor to genoa city.
Lauren: I think we could use a little.
[ Chuckles ]
Sally: So, let I told you before, I am looking for a job. So if you have any leads, please, please let me know.
Lauren: Mm. No. No, I don'T. Well, wait a minute. I think I do know of a position that's available. Although I'm not sure it's what you're looking for.
Sally: Honestly, I'm just looking to get my foot in the door. So I am ready for anything.
Chloe: Come on in. It feels really weird letting you into your family's home.
Chance: This is your place now, too. Although I don't remember seeing all this the last time I was here. It must be part of the new interior design.
Chloe: We think katherine would have grumbled, turning her house into a daycare. But then she would see miles and bella's smile, and it would melt her heart.
Chance: She would have loved it. She never wanted to see this place turned into a museum.
Chloe: [ Chuckles ] So, I assume that you're not stopping by to check out the latest in playpen technology.
Chance: Yeah, I, uh, came by to see chelsea. I didn't see her yesterday. I came by, but she wasn't around, and she hasn't been responding to any of my messages.
Chloe: Yeah, she didn't come home last light, and she didn't tell me where she was going, and she...hasn't responded to my text messages. Oh! Oh, no.
Chance: What's wrong?
Chloe: I bet she went back to adam.
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[ Cellphone thuds ]
[ Cellphones ping ]
Chance: Just got a message from chelsea.
Chloe: Yeah, me too.
Chance: You must be relieved.
Chloe: Why would you say that?
Chance: She obviously didn't go back to adam.
Chloe: How? Why? Where are you? Call me now.
Chance: So you don't think she's taken some time to sort through things?
Chloe: It just doesn't track the conversation that we had yesterday. Because she finally agreed to rebooting her fashion company. She was excited about moving in here. And then suddenly she just disappears to lick her wounds. It's very un-chelsea.
Chance: People can change their mind.
Chloe: This text message. "Sorry so sudden. Be in touch soon. C."
Chance: What's wrong with that?
Chloe: I have about a thousand text messages from her, none of which signing off with "C."
Chance: So you think someone else wrote the message?
Chloe: I know who wrote it. "A."
Chelsea: [ Gasps ]
[ Breathing heavily ] Hello?! Hello?! Who's out there?! Do you know who I am?! You're gonna be in a lot of trouble! When the father of my child finds out... adam?
Lauren: The position is at fenmore'S.
Sally: I-I mean, working with you would be a dream come true.
Lauren: It's my executive assistant.
Sally: I-I mean, that sounds excellent.
Lauren: I know it's a step down than what you're used to, but I actually think this would be really good for you, to make contacts and get your feet wet.
Sally: Look, I'm very grateful for the opportunity, really. I just want to be useful and work in the field that I love.
Lauren: Well, that's very good to hear. When can you start?
Sally: I mean, immediately.
Lauren: That's amazing. Okay. Alright. Let's go back to the office and sign papers, and I think you're gonna be great.
Sally: Thank you.
[ Both chuckle ] Uh, would you like another coffee for the road, boss?
Lauren: Actually, I would love one. Thank you.
Theo: Hello, ladies. It's nice to see you again.
Kyle: I can't believe you crashed dina's will reading.
Theo: Why do you think I'm crashing? And why wouldn't I have been invited?
Abby: Were you?
Theo: Of course. I received an official letter from an attorney.
Traci: And -- and it makes perfect sense that theo was invited. Dina was his grandmother, too.
Abby: What would she have left him?
Theo: I'm just happy to be involved. I don't care if I get anything.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Somehow I doubt that.
Theo: And why am I not surprised?
Kyle: You may have been mentioned in the will, but you don't need to be here. This is a family affair.
Theo: I thought we're all part of the same tribe now. Remember? The funeral reception, right? Okay. So what you're saying is, in the cold light of day, I'm not considered a member of this family?
Kyle: You can go to the lawyer's office. You don't need to be here with us.
Traci: Kyle, I-I see no harm.
Kyle: He will use this to try to gain some kind of favor. Traci, he'll make it about himself. He already has.
Theo: If you want me to leave, just say so.
Kyle: Please. Leave.
Theo: Not you. Jack. If you don't want me here, just say the word and I'll be gone.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Ashley: That must be the attorney.
Jack: Theo stays. Nothing disruptive. Theo is here as my guest. I would like him to be treated as such. Please come in.
Gwendolyn: "The provisions in this last will and testament of dina abbott mergeron shall be binding hereafter." Now the will shall be read and thereby made official. Per dina's specific instructions, the will should be read aloud by her granddaughter, abby newman.
Abby: Wait. What?
Gwendolyn: Yes. Your grandmother requested it.
Abby: Why not uncle jack or aunt traci, my mom? I mean, you even.
Gwendolyn: Dina must have had her reasons, but she did not share them. Having known her for many years, I can say you do not want to disappoint her -- even from beyond the grave.
Abby: [ Exhales deeply ] "My dear family, you are all at a party I couldn't be invited to. You know I hate to miss a soiréE. The sad truth is that I probably haven't been to one in some time due to my worsening condition, but I would like to make one last toast. However, instead of raising flutes of champagne, I am giving away my worldly possessions. Huzzah!"
Jack: [ Chuckles ]
Ashley: She didn't really say "huzzah"?
Abby: Oh, she did. It's right here. I wouldn't make that up.
[ Chuckles ] "To my darling children -- ashley, traci, and jackie. Traci, I know you could put this more poetically than I, but give an old woman a break. You deserved a better mother. Money can't make up for what i took from you all when you were children. But money is all I have now. The bulk of my estate, excluding the specifics mentioned below, will be divided evenly between the three of you. I trust you will do the right thing with it. I believe this because in spite of how you grew up, you are three of the finest, most thoughtful people I have ever known. That being said, a building with my name on it would be nice."
[ Laughter ] Well, um, "now, for my grandchildren. Kyle. I am leaving you with my extensive art collection, including the pollocks, the rothkos, and the two minor picassos -- he was such a flirt."
[ Chuckles ] Wait. She knew picasso? "Though the collection is valuable, please don't sell all of it. I hope you enjoy these pieces and that they remind you that there is more to life than work, young man. Now for my darling abby."
[ Chuckles ] "You may be wondering why i wanted you to read this document --" yes, I am totally wondering that."
[ Exhales deeply ] "That's part of the reason why i wanted you to do it. Stop underestimating yourself. You are a strong, smart, capable woman. You can do anything. I so enjoyed our time together in france that I am bequeathing you my apartment in paris."
Ashley: Oh.
Abby: "Use it when the mood strikes. And, my dear, let it strike often." I might be strong, smart, and capable, but it's hard to read this when you're about to cry.
[ Chuckles ]
Ashley: You're doing great, honey.
Abby: [ Exhales deeply ] "And now eric vanderway."
Theo: That's my father.
Gwendolyn: As his heir, you are entitled to this bequest, theo.
Abby: "This letter should explain everything."
Theo: "Mr. Vanderway. Stuart brooks and I are your biological parents. We had an encounter when I was too young to care for a child. When stuart died, he left me something in his will. I now pass that on to you."
[ Exhales sharply ] Excellent.
Abby: Uh, "thank you all for putting up with me. I love you all."
Chloe: Hi, here with chance. We, uh, we just got your message. Just checking in. Call me. Okay, I-I know that you think I'm overreacting, because I have had the tendency to do that, but I am seriously worried. Yesterday you said you had no idea why she wanted to talk to you. Are you sure she didn't give you any hints?
Chance: She did mention that it had something to do with adam. That doesn't mean that she thought she was in any danger. It might be because I'm one of the few people in this town that doesn't despise the man.
Chloe: She said something about a legal matter. I-I just don't know what that could be. Could you look into this?
Chance: Not officially.
[ Exhales sharply ] Look, chloe, there hasn't been any complaints. She's not technically a missing person yet.
Chloe: Unofficially?
Chance: I just joined the force. You're asking me to go rogue already.
Chloe: There's just something wrong here.
Chance: I know. You told me. It's very un-chelsea, signing off with a "C." That's just not a lot to go on.
Chloe: And here's something else. She's not responded to any of my text messages. She always gets right back to me.
Chance: She might be busy.
Chloe: No. She's my best friend, chance. Even if she were in a burning building and she saw my worried text messages, she would at least respond, "bitch, leave me alone." I'm telling you, will you just look into this for me? I know where you can start.
Young adam: You can't lock chelsea away. What are you gonna do to her?
Adam: Look, I realize that you're probably disappointed that -- that this is what you've become. There's been some things that have happened along the way -- some things that are out of our control.
Young adam: But you love chelsea. You can't hurt her.
Adam: Chelsea will be fine.
Young adam: You don't know that. You're going too far. This is wrong. But it's not too late. You can stop this before this gets out of hand. My nunormal: Fewer asthma attacks.
Traci: Theo, I hope you're not too disappointed.
Theo: How could I be? It's a lovely pen.
Kyle: We've heard enough. You can cut the act.
Theo: No act, cousin. It's not the size of the gift that matters. I'm just glad that I was recognized by dina.
Kyle: But you weren'T. Your father was.
Theo: And that's what bugs you, doesn't it? That dina made reference to her eldest son.
Kyle: No. No, no, no. I-I don't like the fact that you swaggered in here like you expected some huge payday.
Theo: And you hoped I'd get nothing, hmm? Cosmic balance.
Kyle: I'm not buying it, theo. You're up to something.
Abby: Please just stop, okay? Don't desecrate dina's memory like this.
Jack: Kyle, can I talk to you for a minute?
Traci: Theo, I want to explain. You met dina when she was in the advanced stages of alzheimer'S. She couldn't change her will. She wasn't of sound mind.
Theo: Traci, I appreciate what you're doing, really. But I'm not upset. It's never been about the money for me. It's about being part of a family.
Jack: You got to get ahold of yourself. Lay off of theo.
Kyle: Dad, I have known him longer than anyone.
Jack: The will has been read. Your kicking him when he's down does not reflect well on you.
Kyle: You don't understand.
Jack: Wait, is there some other reason for all this anger? Is this about summer?
Kyle: This is about the fact that I don't trust him at all.
Chelsea: Adam! Let me out of here!
[ Crying ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Knock on door ]
Chance: Hey, adam. It's chance. You home?
Adam: Yeah. Come on in. I was actually just heading out.
Chance: It'll only take a minute. I'm looking for chelsea.
Adam: You know she doesn't live here anymore, right? We talked about that the last time you were here.
Chance: Yeah, but she's not at my family's house. She's supposed to be staying there with chloe.
Adam: Why are you looking for her?
Chance: Actually, she was the one looking for me. We were supposed to meet up yesterday. She made it sound pretty urgent. Only she wasn't there when i arrived. Chloe said she never came home last night.
Adam: Well, that doesn't sound like chelsea.
Chance: I didn't think so. Have you heard from her?
Adam: No. I mean, maybe she's visiting connor at school or her mom'S. If you want, I can call and check in with her.
Chance: Yeah, I thought so, too.& The strange part is all of her bags are still at the house.
Adam: Y-you don't think something happened to her, do you?
Chance: That's what I want to find out.
Adam: Alright, well, thank you. That was connor's school. They haven't heard from chelsea. I can try her mom, but I am dreading that conversation.
Chance: There's no need. She was on the group text with chloe and me.
Adam: Ah. Well, I'm sure chloe has concocted some crazy story to explain where she went.
Chance: She's concerned. She doesn't think that chelsea would just take off.
Adam: Well, I disagree. She actually enjoys getting away sometimes. But I'm probably not the best person to figure out what she's thinking right now. She and I haven't exactly seen eye-to-eye lately.
Chance: Alright. Well, if you hear from her, let me know. That should stop other people from worrying.
Adam: I will.
Chance: Where were you headed?
Adam: What do you mean?
Chance: Just now. You were walking out the door.
Adam: Early lunch. That thai place down the street. You want to come with me?
Chance: No. No thank you. I'll leave you some time alone with your package.
Adam: What?
Chance: I saw your box there. Did you buy something exciting?
Adam: No, just a couple books. A couple of business memoirs and a western. They're upstairs if you want to take a look at them.... since you obviously think I'm lying about something.
Chance: I've been doing this a long time, adam. When I feel something's off with a situation, there's a reason for it.
Adam: Is that right?
Chance: It is.
Adam: And what feels off?
Chance: I don't know. I hope it's nothing. Maybe it was your plan of retaliation against billy. Perhaps chelsea uncovered something, tried to stop you.
Adam: Chance, are you really going to accuse me of harming the mother of my child?
Jack: I think mother would be happy with the reading of her will.
Traci: Oh, she would. She got a little bit of everything -- some tears, some laughter, some good old-fashioned acrimony.
Jack: Yeah, I am concerned about all the hatred between theo and kyle. I don't see it going away anytime soon.
Ashley: By the way, you are all aware that with mother's passing, we are now considered the older generation. How did that happen?
Traci: Oh, no, no. You may be the older generation, but I still feel like a kid.
Jack: You know what? If we are the elders, we got some pretty big shoes to fill. Our parents left us a lot to look after, and I'm not talking about the money. I'm talking about the legacy they left us. We have to protect that.
Traci: I would give it all back for just one more day of dina in her prime.
Ashley: That's easy for us to say, but that money's going to do a lot of good.
Traci: Of course it is.
Ashley: And, I mean, obviously we're gonna donate a lot to alzheimer's research. But we have to be very thoughtful about who else we're gonna give it to.
Jack: She may not get the building she wanted, but...
[ Laughter ] Yeah, there are worthy causes out there. We have to find them.
Ashley: Yeah. Well, you know what? I'll start doing some research this week.
Jack: You'd be the perfect person for that job. Thanks.
Traci: And, you know, we have to be really careful, because I'm convinced she's up there watching us to make sure we do this right.
Jack: We'll make you proud, mother.
Sally: Summer! Summer, hi! Over here. I thought that was you.
Summer: Oh. Um, hey, did you ever meet with lauren?
Sally: Yeah. Yeah. It went really well. I got a job at fenmore'S.
Summer: Oh, my god. Wow. I didn't know that they were hiring designers.
Sally: Well, uh, it's not quite what I was looking for. Um, I'm gonna be lauren's assistant.
Summer: Oh. I-I just thought -- hey, that's amazing.
Sally: It's okay. This is the start of something big. Aren't you excited for me?
Summer: Yeah. Oh, my god. I'm -- I'm thrilled.
Sally: We have to exchange contact info.
Summer: Oh, we do?
Sally: Yes. I'm sure we're going to be running into each other all the time since we're working in the same building, so...
Summer: You're right. We should do that.
Kyle: Hey. I was looking for you.
Summer: Hey.
Sally: Wow. Tension much? Oh, my god. Is this another ex?
Summer: Uh, this is kyle abbott, and this is sally spectra.
Kyle: I've heard of you. Nice to finally put a face with a name.
Sally: We are gonna be working in the same building. I just got a job at fenmore'S.
Kyle: Ah. Congratulations.
Sally: Thank you.
Summer: Uh, sally's gonna be lauren's assistant.
Sally: It's a stepping stone. Okay, well, I have to get going. I'm so glad I ran into you. And I will see you around the office.
Kyle: I look forward to it.
Kyle: She seems fun.
Summer: Mm. Yeah, sure, if you like a walking smiley-face emoji.
Kyle: What, you don't like her?
Summer: It doesn't really matter. She seems to really like you, though, or the fact that I said that your last name was abbott.
Kyle: I'm not arguing about this. We're not together. I don't have to concern myself with your jealousies.
Summer: My jeal--
[ Scoffs ] Okay. Um, you said that you were looking for me, so what's up?
Kyle: I just came from dina's will reading. Guess who showed up expecting a big payday?
[ Imitates fanfare ] Theo.
Summer: Mm. That's so gross.
Kyle: The good news is he practically got nothing -- a pen and a letter that was meant for his father.
Summer: Well, maybe that had some sentimental value to him.
Kyle: No. He was crushed.
Summer: Or maybe he was hurt.
Kyle: What, are you taking his side?
Summer: No. Just when you mentioned his dad, it just reminded me that theo doesn't have any immediate family now that dina's gone, and it's sad.
Kyle: I can't believe people are giving him the benefit of the doubt. Theo doesn't care anything about friends or family or honor. He only cares about himself.
Summer: I know. I know all of that. I just warned sally about him yesterday. But theo is grieving. And I can't help but feeling a little sorry for the guy.
Kyle: What?! He deserves everything that's coming to him. You know, maybe our issue wasn't with my ex -- but yours.
Sally: Hi, coco. Just letting you know things are going well here. I got a job. Making contacts, working it. Trying not to leave a path of destruction in my wake. But no promises. Call me when you can.
Theo: Hey, L.A. Come have a drink.
Sally: It's a little early for a drink, bucko.
Theo: Mm. Not today.
Sally: Oh, no. What happened? Did your barber run out of his favorite product?
Theo: I actually just got back from my grandmother's will reading. She died last week.
Sally: Uh...
[ Exhales deeply ] I'm so sorry.
Theo: Ah, don't worry about it. Surely if you had known she had just died, you wouldn't have made a cheap joke about by hair.
Sally: Clearly. So the will reading didn't go well?
Theo: I was treated poorly and cheated out of my inheritance.
Sally: Are you okay?
Theo: Hey, don't worry about me. This isn't over yet.
Sally: Sounds like you're hatching a dastardly plot. I think you're supposed to keep those to yourself. Not that I'm an expert on dastardly plots or anything.
Theo: You know, you don't have to act innocent with me. Remember I told you I heard about what happened in L.A.?
Sally: [ Scoffs ] Okay, I don't know what kind of rumors made their way to genoa city, but I was in a toxic relationship, and I had to get out. I needed a fresh start.
Theo: Yeah. Yeah. Keep that up. That's the right tone. The right amount of pathos.
Abby: Hi. I got your text. I love the idea of a romantic dinner. It's like you read my mind. Thank you for arranging it. I can't wait to tell you what happened at the will reading. It kind of crushed me. I love you.
Chloe: Please, please call me, chelsea. Hey! Hey, you. What happened to nap time? Remember when you used to sleep during the day? What happened to that? Are you worried about auntie chelsea? Don't worry. She can take care of herself. And if we find out someone caused her harm, we'll take care of him.
Chelsea: [ Grunts ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Breathing heavily ] Is that for me?
[ Knock on door ]
Sally: Knock, knock. I hate to bother you.
Jack: No, no, no. Not at all. Please come in. What can I do for you, sally?
Sally: I'm a little lost.
Jack: Oh, my gosh. Have you been trapped on this floor since yesterday?
Sally: [ Chuckles ] No. No, no. Um, actually, today's my first day on the job. I'm lauren's new executive assistant.
Jack: Well, congratulations.
Sally: Thank you. It's so great to be working for a company with such a strong connection to jabot.
Jack: Well, glad to hear you're a fan.
Sally: At the fashion house where I worked in L.A., Everyone was in love with jabot collective. It was such a great line. Um, how's it doing, by the way? I could actually use a new jcv bag.
Jack: Actually, jcv is no longer part of jabot.
Sally: Oh. I-I didn't know that. Um, what happened?
Jack: Well, we just decided to focus on what we do best -- cosmetics.
Sally: I see.
[ Chuckles ] Uh, nice talking to you, jack.
Jack: Yeah. Good luck in your new position.
Kyle: Summer, where are you going? Have you forgot? You and I made a pact the day of dina's funeral to be pleasant to one another, and you just broke that.
Kyle: You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. But we spent the last couple months trying to get rid of theo, and now you're feeling sorry for him.
Summer: I was being human, kyle. Theo is in pain, so I figured, why pile it on?
Kyle: But you know what he's like. If you show him any compassion, he will use it to his advantage. He will worm his way into your life and try to bleed you dry. He is a leach.
Summer: Geez. Okay. I know that you despise the guy, but you are really -- really -- letting your hatred consume you right now. Just let it go.
Kyle: Yeah. That's easier said than done.
Summer: You are wasting your time and your energy on theo. I feel like you're creating a competition with him that's not even there.
Kyle: You don't think I need to worry about the guy at all?
Summer: Kyle, there's not one area in life that theo can beat you -- not in business, not in family, not in love. Not even close. Kyle, you -- you really are the better man.
Adam: Alright, chance. I think it's time for you to leave.
Chance: I will... once I've said my piece. You didn't even flinch when i said that chelsea's mom was on that group text. You didn't ask a single question.
Adam: I know what a group text is.
Chance: Yeah. But you didn't ask who else was on it, what it said.
Adam: And you think that means that I don't care about what happens to chelsea?
Chance: Or... you already knew the information. I told you before, adam. I'm not gonna cross any more lines for you. If I find out you had anything to do with chelsea's disappearance.... I will make sure that you are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Chelsea: Adam! Adam!
[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Sniffs ]
[ Bottle thuds ]
[ Breathing raggedly ]
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