Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/4/20

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/4/20


Episode #11908 ~ Adam crosses the line with Chelsea; Lauren connects with Sally; Sharon and Rey discuss wedding plans.

Provided By Suzanne

Adam: What are you doing, chelsea?

Chelsea: Please tell me this isn't what it looks like.

Mariah: Uh, hey, mom.

Sharon: Hon?

Mariah: The reason that I'm here is to help, you know, lighten the load. So maybe you could do a bit more supervising and less doing everything yourself.

Sharon: Oh, I'm just on a roll.

Mariah: Yeah, you sure are.

Sharon: It just feels really good.

Mariah: It feels good to refill the napkin holder and wrestle with espresso machine?

Sharon: Sheer joy.

Mariah: Can you help me out here?

Rey: Um, you know, sharon, you don't need to be doing everything. Why don't you let mariah clean the espresso machine, no?

Sharon: Oh, no. That espresso machine is mine. Do you know how long it's been since I've had this much energy? Okay. No. You two, don't do that. Don't look at each other like that.

Mariah: We're not.

Rey: What?

Sharon: You guys, I have been living with a cloud over my head since the day I was diagnosed. And I know that, you know, it's not necessarily the end here, because there are no guarantees, but you know what? My heart is full and my head is clear and my margins are clear, so I'm just going to enjoy every minute of this.

Mariah: And what kind of people would we be if we rained on your parade?

Rey: Bad people.

Mariah: Yeah. To be honest, your positive attitude is kind of infectious. I actually think I might be ready to fight you for that espresso machine.

Sharon: See? I just never appreciated this coffeehouse more. You know, I really see all of the normal, everyday things in life in a whole new way. And the extraordinary things, too, like planning a wedding. You know, it just seems like a dream. How lucky are we that we get to share our happiness with friends and our family?

Rey: We're pretty damn lucky. Although I'd like to think we earned it.

Sharon: Amen to that. It doesn't get better than this.

Jordan: You're gonna be fine. Come on. You got to see the indoor pool. This is gonna be so much fun.

Teen boy: We've been challenged, jordan! Get in here! It's game on!

Jordan: Let's go.

Faith: You go ahead, okay? I'll be right there. Go! Okay? I promise.

Jordan: Okay.

Teen boy: Why are you wasting your time with that newman loser?

Chelsea: Tell me you're not planning w-what it looks like you could be planning.

Adam: Your -- your first instinct is to jump to the worst possible conclusion about me. Chelsea, that tells me everything that I need to know. About you. About us. You believe that I'm -- I'm some kind of monster that's capable of unspeakable things?

Chelsea: I didn't say that.

Adam: I can see it in your eyes, okay? The distrust. The fear. That didn't start today. It didn't even start with billy's exposé. It started the night you learned about what happened in kansas.

Chelsea: Then tell me I'm wrong. Talk to me. Explain what's on this computer.

Adam: What's the point? I mean, it could be something completely innocuous and you would still read something dark into it.

Chelsea: These are schematics for newman tower with a bright, big, red "x" in a specific spot, right by the C.E.O. Office. Anyone would be suspicious of this, so please... tell me why I shouldn't be.

Summer: Okay. Uh, well, how can I help you?

Sally: I am looking for lauren fenmore's office.

Summer: Okay, yeah, I can, um, point you in the right direction. Is she expecting you, though?

Sally: Uh, she most certainly is. Sally spectra.

[ Exhales sharply ] I take it you don't work in fashion.

Summer: Well, I did, actually, for a while.

Sally: Oh. Okay. Well, my great aunt and lauren go way back.

Jack: Summer, I want to go over your marketing plans for the...new -- I'm sorry. I didn't know you had a meeting.

Summer: No, no, no. I don'T. I don'T.

Sally: I'm here to see lauren.

Jack: I'm jack abbott.

Sally: Of course! Yes. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, mr. Abbott.

Jack: Uh, jack's fine. Mr. Abbott's my father.

Sally: [ Chuckles ]

Summer: Sorry, uh, jack, this is, um, sally specter.

Sally: Oh, spectra.

Jack: Spectra? You don't say.

Summer: Do you know her?

Jack: Only by reputation.


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Jack: Welcome to genoa city.

Sally: Thank you.

Jack: Correct me if I'm wrong. This is sally spectra of spectra fashions in los angeles.

Sally: Yes, the company and i are named after my great-aunt, the original sally.

Summer: Yes, of course. Oh, my gosh. Of course I've heard of it. I'm so sorry. I was just very preoccupied when you walked in.

Sally: Oh, I-I didn't mean to intrude. I'm actually supposed to be meeting with lauren, but I got lost, so I popped my head in here.

Jack: You may be waiting a while for lauren. She just got called into a last-minute meeting. She won't be out for a couple of hours.

Sally: Oh. Uh, that's -- really, it's no problem. I actually just flew in from L.A., So I'm a little jet-lagged. Could you recommend a place to grab a coffee?

Jack: Uh, crimson lights has the best coffee in town. As a matter of fact, is that your marketing plan for the new fragrance?

Summer: Uh, yeah.

Jack: How about I look that over while you show sally where crimson lights is? And then we can talk when you get back.

Summer: Sure. Yeah. Let's do it.

Sally: Wow. Everyone's so nice here.

Theo: Hey, cuz! Wow. You left the reception just as it was getting good.

Kyle: Yeah, it seemed more like it was turning into the "theo show."

Theo: Wait. It bothers you that I found a way to lighten the mood and celebrate dina in a way that she would have appreciated?

Kyle: It was inappropriate.

Theo: Or maybe it's bugging you that I had the guts to show up to my grandmother's memorial at all, after being treated like a total outsider.

Kyle: I don't care what you do.

Theo: Really? Because it sure seems like you do -- a lot.

Kyle: I care about my grandmother.

Theo: And mine.

Kyle: And my family.

Theo: The rest of the family had a blast. They were all feeling the vibe. You shouldn't have left so early.

Kyle: You forget I've seen it all before. Nothing surprises me when it comes to you.

[ Cellphone pings ]

Mariah: I'm gonna feel like a wuss if I take a break before you.

Sharon: So, maybe you shouldn'T.

Mariah: Then I won'T.

Sharon: Okay. Faith, what are you doing here? I thought you had a sleepover tonight.

Faith: Um, I decided not to stay.

Sharon: Well, not because of me, right? You don't need to worry. I'm fine. I'm better than fine.

Mariah: I can vouch for that.

Sharon: You know, we've really got everything covered here, and I told you I wanted you to start spending more time with your friends.

Faith: Well, I know you guys could have gotten along for one night without me, but why you have to? I'm such a delight.

Sharon: [ Chuckles ] Are you okay?

Faith: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I just really didn't feel like sleeping over. I'd rather be here.

Sharon: Well, I'm glad that you are. I mean, any day I get to spend time with you is a good day, isn't it?

Adam: I was looking at a layout of newman tower. So what?

Chelsea: Why? Why were you looking at it?

Adam: I'm thinking about renting some office space.

Chelsea: Please. You would never. Try again, adam.

Adam: What is the point?

Chelsea: What, are you planning some heist? Digital espionage? Or something worse? What -- do you want to do something to the building or the people in it?

Adam: Your imagination's running wild.

Chelsea: No, it's not.

Adam: It is.

Chelsea: Adam, I know you are hurt and angry, but you need to stop and think.

Adam: That's all I've been doing is thinking. About what led me to this point and where I go from here.

Chelsea: Adam, don't do something that you can't come back from. Please, I beg of you. You don't want this.

Adam: Why is it everybody think they know what I want?

Chelsea: I know you, that's why!

Adam: I'm getting bored with this conversation. I really -- I think that you should go.

Chelsea: Stop, adam. I still love you. A part of me always will. But you're right. I-I don't recognize this person in front of me.

Adam: I'm the same guy I've always been since I was 11 years old.

Chelsea: Okay, whatever you're planning, I beg of you, please -- please consider how it would affect connor.

[ Door closes ]

Adam: Yeah. Look, there's been a change of plans. I need you to take care of something for me -- right now. (Buzz) hey pal, did you know honey nut cheerios

Chloe: Hey. Oh, you missed the best thing today. Miles smiled. And I'm sure it was just a reflex. I'm sure he wasn't smiling at me, but it was just too cute. Oh, uh, bella's gonna be home later from her playdate, and she insisted that she has a tea party with her favorite auntie... uh, only if you're up for it later.

Chelsea: Uh, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Sure. Of course I am.

Chloe: Are you okay?

Chelsea: Yeah, I'm fine.

Chloe: But not really.

Chelsea: You know what? It's just been a long day.

Chloe: Why? What's going on?

Chelsea: I'm just worried about connor. You know, how he's gonna handle this split between adam and me.

Chloe: I know this is a very "me" thing to say, but you did the right thing, walking away from adam. For you and for connor. And with the way that he's been behaving lately, it is only a matter of time before he does something terrible. Because adam can't help himself but blame everyone else for the state of his life. Instead of the person who's responsible -- him.

Chelsea: I really hope you're wrong about that.

Chloe: Why? What's -- what's happened? Have -- have you talked to adam?

Chloe: I-I did. I saw him. I just went to pick up some of my things at the penthouse.

Chloe: Is he threatening to take custody of connor?

Chelsea: No. Adam would never do anything like that. He doesn't want to hurt connor. He would never do anything to make this harder for him than it already is.

Chloe: I know you want to believe that, but you can't continue to cling to that fantasy of who you hoped adam could be, not when he's showing you who he actually is.

Chelsea: You know what?

[ Sighs ] I don't want to talk about adam anymore.

Chloe: I --

[ Miles crying ] I'll be right back.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Chance: Hello, chelsea.

Chelsea: Chance, hey. Um, I really need to talk to you. Is there any way we could meet today?

Chance: Yeah. Um, I've actually got some time right now. You sound rattled. What's wrong?

Chelsea: I'd rather wait to talk about it until you get here. I'm actually staying with chloe and kevin.

Chance: Yeah, I heard you moved out of adam'S. I'm -- I'm sorry it came to that -- especially given his current state of mind.

Chelsea: Actually, that's what I need to talk to you about.

Sharon: I'm glad that you didn't feel obligated to stay at the sleepover if you weren't up for it. And I'm selfishly happy because I get you for the evening.

Faith: Yeah, me too. But just don't spread the word that I actually like spending time with my mom.

Sharon: Well, I do feed you. Hey, how about a snack?

Faith: Mm.

Mariah: So, what really happened with your friend?

Faith: Nothing. I just decided I wanted to sleep in my own bed tonight.

Mariah: Are you sure? Did you guys have a fight or... anything weird go down?

Faith: No.

Mariah: Let me guess. Jordan invited her boyfriend over or she wanted to party?

Faith: [ Scoffs ] God. No. And please don't say "party."

Mariah: What's -- what's wrong with "party"? Do they not say "party" anymore?

Faith: No, they do. It's just we weren't partying.

Mariah: Okay, just to be clear, I'm talking about drinking or smoking or...touching each other's bathing-suit areas.

Faith: Oh, my god! Stop it, please!

Mariah: I'm sorry. I know, I know. I just -- you know you can talk to me about anything, right?

Faith: I know. Party-related or boy-related or girl-related.

Faith: I got it. Good to know. God, you're so embarrassing.

Sharon: What are you girls talking about?

Mariah: Oh, just, uh, making faith cringe. My specialty.

Theo: Why are you so bent out of shape about dina? I'm the one who should be mad. I was kept at arm's length during the end of her life and afterwards. My place in this family was made abundantly clear. Message received.

Kyle: What do you want me to say?

Theo: Nothing. I know it's raining jewels at the abbott house. That the teardrop necklace was broken up and made into smaller pieces for everyone except me. And that's cool. But don't act like you're the one who deserves to be outraged when I'm the one that should be.

Kyle: I'm not the right audience for your anger.

Theo: I may not be part of the abbott family inner circle, but dina was still my grandmother. And when she was lucid, we shared some real moments of connection that mean more to me than you'll ever know. So I don't need a tie pin. It's really not my style anyway.

Kyle: I wish I could say I'm sorry you feel stung by being left out, but I've learned the hard way not to take what you say at face value. Especially when you're sincere.

Theo: [ Scoffs ] Well, I'm sorry that you feel that way. Also, I'm sorry about how things ended between you and summer. The way she dumped you was, uh, pretty cold.

Kyle: Oh, there's the guy I know.

Theo: No, maybe that's what you're really upset about and you're just -- you're taking it out on me.

Kyle: Hmm. I appreciate your psychoanalysis, but the projection actually goes the other way. You're the one who's disgruntled and frustrated and hurt. Not me. While you and I may still be cousins, we're not friends. So whatever you're trying to pull, you're wasting your time. It's not going to work.

Managing type 2 diabetes?

Young adam: Don't you wish you could go back and do it over? Change everything? Make it right?

Adam: We can't change the past. All we can do is we can move forward.

Young adam: What you're doing now is worse than anything you've done before.

Adam: It's too late to change course now. Everything that has happened, it has led to this.

Chloe: Okay. Can you give your auntie chelsea a big smile? Yeah. When is he gonna start doing things on command?

Chelsea: As a mother of a little boy, I can tell you with all certainty, never.

Chloe: [ Chuckles ] If only we could just make people do what we want them to. Right?

Chelsea: Chloe...

Chloe: I-I-I know that you love adam and that this is really hard for you, and I am your best friend. And I just -- I can't put my personal feelings aside, mostly because I just want you to be able to talk to me about things.

Chelsea: I'm actually just thinking about what comes next for me. And I put a lot of consideration into your idea on how to reboot our design brand, you know? Renaming it something that has nothing to do with me so there's no connection to adam.

Chloe: I love it. You're looking towards the future. Now I get to dream bigger and better. Oh, I have so many ideas. I do. I have so many ideas. Your auntie chelsea and your mommy -- we are going to take the fashion industry by storm. Won't that make you smile?

[ Sighs ] Nothing. Um, hey, so, we're gonna go to the park and meet kevin. Why don't you join? We can brainstorm.

Chelsea: Oh, I would love to, but I can'T. Someone is coming to meet me.

Chloe: Adam? I thought we just had a whole discussion about this.

Chelsea: No. Chance.

Chloe: Why do you have to talk to chance, who just became a cop?

Chelsea: No, it's -- it's just about an unrelated legal matter.

Chloe: A legal matter?

Chelsea: Honestly, chloe, it's, like, not even worth discussing.

Chloe: Uh-huh.

Chelsea: I promise. You said you were on the way to the park. I'll fill you in later.

Chloe: Yes, you will. And I hope chance can help you with whatever it is.

[ Footsteps depart ]

Mariah: You know, I wasn't always this put-together woman that you see before you. I was pretty wild.

Faith: Yeah. You and summer keep telling me you were both total delinquents when you were teenagers, but neither one of you will give me any details.

Mariah: I'm embarrassed about what I did.

Faith: Well, tell me something.

Mariah: Ah! I cut class... shoplifted. Yeah, I took a lot of huge risks that I shouldn't have. Part of it was where I was at that age, and this environment felt so fake. And I so desperately wanted to get out, but I didn't know how. So I rebelled.

Faith: Those sound pretty tame. What other kinds of things did you do?

Mariah: No, no, no. I'm not giving you any ideas. Trust me, I had some pretty bad ones. You know, I wasn't exactly surrounded by the best influences, but there was always someone to encourage me towards my worst impulses. I know I seem ancient, but I'm guessing that there are still people like that. Yeah. I am really lucky that nothing i did had worse consequences. Because some of the things, well, they -- they could have. I was angry, and I was frustrated, and I was confused. And I wish that I had handled my feelings and my circumstances differently.

Faith: But you didn'T.

Mariah: That's the beauty and the horror of being a teenager. If I only knew what I know now back then. Faith, you are in a completely different world and a completely different family than I was. But I know that it doesn't matter how many people you have around you, you can still feel alone...and lonely.

[ Footsteps approach ]

Faith: I, uh, have so many people around me that I can talk to, including you. So thank you. But, seriously, please don't worry about me, okay? Everything is fine.

Sally: Hey, you. It's been a long time.

Theo: It's been too long. What are you doing in genoa city?

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Sharon: Hey. What are you doing back from the station so soon?

Rey: I handled what needed to be handled over there so I could come over here because -- don't we have a wedding to plan?

Sharon: Oh. Well, what did I do to deserve this? I get to spend the afternoon with my family, planning the best day of my life.

Mariah: Now, this is an activity that I can get behind. So, should we divvy up tasks? Do I need to make to-do lists for anybody?

Sharon: Maybe we can just handle things a little more casually.

Mariah: Okay. That's another way to do it.

Sharon: What about you, faith? Do you have an opinion on anything? The flowers? The food?

Faith: Isn't it usually just meat or fish?

Mariah: Oh, we could do filet mignon and wild salmon.

Rey: Yeah, that sounds amazing. Are -- are you contributing to the wedding budget?

Mariah: No.

Rey: Yeah? No. That's a no on filet mignon, as well. Unless it's important to you. Because if it is, then...

Sharon: No, no. I don't need anything fancy like that. Just -- what's important to me is that our friends and family are there, and the rest of it is just icing on the cake.

Mariah: Oh, what kind of cake do you want?

Sharon: I don't know. Um, but now that I think about it, we should consult with lola before we make any decisions on the food.

Rey: Yeah. Yeah, I think she would be offended if we didn'T.

Mariah: And I have a recommendation for the music? I know this gorgeous singer who has the voice of an angel.

Sharon: Of course.

Rey: Yeah, anyone but tessa would seem wrong.

Mariah: And I think can get her at a discount.

Sharon: You know, I've been looking at wedding magazines, but I haven't been able to narrow down a color scheme. Do you have any ideas about it, faith?

Faith: Yeah. Yeah, it sounds good.

Sharon: What sounds good?

Faith: Whatever you want sounds good.

Sharon: Okay. Well, maybe I can just narrow it down a few colors and then you can help me make the final choice.

Faith: Yeah.

[ Cellphone pings ]

Summer: Okay. Uh, what's going on? You two know each other?

Sally: I met theo in new york when I was living with my boyfriend thomas for a few months.

Theo: Right. I, uh, remember him being kind of a jackass.

Sally: [ Chuckles ] Well, sadly, we all see our exes as jackasses at the end, don't we?

Summer: Mm. We sure do.

Sally: Thomas dumped me not long after we got back from new york.

Theo: Oh, see? Jackass.

Summer: Hey, we should probably go grab our coffee now.

Sally: Oh, I have another minute.

Theo: Are you planning on staying in town for a while?

Sally: Unclear.

Theo: You have to let me buy you dinner then. I mean, who knows when our paths might coss again?

Kevin: Look who's here.

Chloe: Hi. I didn't know that the gcpd was having meetings in the park.

Chance: Hello, chloe.

Kevin: We just ran into each other, but I'm off the clock and officially on daddy duty.

Chloe: And I heard that you're headed over to the house to meet with chelsea -- to help her out with her situation.

Chance: She didn't give me any details about why she wanted to meet.

Chloe: Look, hmm, I know that adam's your friend, but chelsea's mine. And she made the right choice -- the bold choice -- to walk away from adam. And I know that he isn't gonna make this easy for her. And I have a feeling that's why she was acting so weird and distant earlier. So whatever you're gonna talk to her about, just please do not advocate for adam.

Chance: I have no intentions of doing that.

Chloe: Because he's toxic. And he has gotten so deep into her heart and her head that i just hope she's gotten out in time...and he hasn't ruined her life forever.

[ Toy jingling ]

[ Knock on door ]

Chelsea: Oh, my g-- oh, my god! Oh, my god! No! Stop! No! No! The most dangerous thing about rheumatoid arthritis

Chloe: Guess who smiled today.

Kevin: What?! How dare he do that when I'm not there.

Chloe: I know. The nerve.

Kevin: [ Chuckles ]

Chloe: So, what were you talking to chance about?

Kevin: You know, just regular dude stuff.

Chloe: Did he mention anything about adam?

Kevin: No. I don't know what he's meeting chelsea about, either. But you did make your stance on adam very clear.

Chloe: Our stance?

Kevin: Absolutely. You and I are on the same page when it comes to him. And everything else. Because I love you, and I'm your baby-daddy.

Chloe: That's right. You are.

Kevin: [ Chuckles ] What? You're really worried about chelsea, huh?

Chloe: I just know that she's hiding something, and I don't buy her claim that she's talking to chance about some unrelated legal matter.

Kevin: Did she say anything specific that has you tweaked?

Chloe: It's what she didn't say. I just have a really bad feeling about this.

[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Doorbell rings ]

Chance: Hey, chelsea. It's chance. Um, I'm here at the house now. You said it was important, so i came right over. I-I don't know if something came up or if there was an emergency, but, if you would, just give me a call back if you still want to talk. You know what? Call me back either way, if you would. I hope everything's okay. Talk soon. Bye.

Theo: I got your number, and I will be using it soon. Oh, yeah. That, uh, little firestorm you were involved with a few months ago -- I followed it on social media. I was rooting for you all the way.

Summer: Okay, um, dinner with theo is a really bad idea.

Sally: Why? He and I hung out a few times in new york, though I could never really figure him out.

Summer: Okay, uh, well, let me help you out a little bit. He is a lying, manipulative, heartless jerk.

Sally: That sounds like something an ex-girlfriend might say.

Summer: Well, sadly, it's true.

Sally: Okay. Well, I'm pretty sure I can handle him. I have plenty of experience dealing with guys like that.

Summer: Okay, well, I'm sorry that you've dated so many losers, but please trust me on this. Theo is poison.

Sally: Got it. Thank you for the information.

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Lauren: Sally! How amazing to see you!

Sally: Right. You too.

Lauren: You look wonderful.

Sally: Well, thank you. Back at you.

[ Both chuckle ]

Lauren: Please sit. I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting. I got stuck in a meeting.

Sally: Oh, no worries. I, uh, met jack and grabbed a coffee with summer newman.

Lauren: Yes, there is a newman working at jabot.

Sally: Mm. Oh, and I ran into an old acquaintance from new york.

Lauren: Wow. You didn't waste any time making yourself at home. You are definitely a chip off the old block.

Sally: Well, my great-aunt sally is my biggest inspiration.

Lauren: And I can see why. She and I had quite a few adventures together.

Sally: I have heard some stories.

Lauren: Oh, please. Not the one about the picture in the bible at stephanie's wedding.

Sally: No.

Lauren: Okay, okay. Well, then, let's just talk about you, okay?

[ Chuckles ] So, I have been watching your career from afar. And the collections that you have done -- the lingerie and the athletic line for forrester -- very impressive.

Sally: Thank you.

[ Chuckles ]

Lauren: Okay, so, tell me, what brings you to town? And what are your plans going forward?

Sally: I'm not sure. I just realized I needed to shake things up. So I am looking for a new start in a new place, and, yeah, maybe a new job.

Sharon: Hey. Everything alright over there?

Faith: Yeah. Yeah, fine.

Sharon: Well, come back to us. We can't do this without you. So, what do you think about lilies for the bouquet?

Faith: Yeah. Lilies are beautiful. And I'm thinking pink and silver for the color scheme.

Sharon: I love that idea.

Faith: It's gonna be so cool to have tessa sing.

Sharon: You know, you have a beautiful voice, too. You could sing at the wedding, as well.

Faith: My vce isn'tt ant to ruin the ceremony.

Sharon: Tsk. Are you kidding me?

Rey: Come on. We would love to have you sing.

Faith: I just want everything to be perfect. You deserve that, mom. You've never looked happier.

Sharon: I am happy.

Mariah: Um, alright. Let's, um, let the kid off the hook. I'm guessing wedding planning isn't as much fun for teenagers as it is for us old folks.

[ Cellphone pings ] Oh. I got an e-mail back from the venue.

Sharon: Okay. Are they available for new year's eve?

Mariah: Uh, not sure. Still scrolling.

[ Cellphone pings ]

Chloe: Hi! We're home!

Kevin: Maybe chance already left.

Chloe: Chelsea?! What? I already picked up all the toys.

Kevin: Well, you do have pregnancy brain.

Chloe: Well, I'm not pregnant anymore. I have newborn brain.

[ Toy jingles ]

Kevin: Hey, buddy, look what I found.

Chloe: Chelsea? Huh.

[ Door closes ]

[ Cellphone pings ]

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