Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/3/20
Episode #11907 ~ Victor visits Chelsea with an ulterior motive; Sally Spectra arrives in Genoa City; Nick works overtime to keep the peace between Phyllis and Victoria.
Provided By Suzanne
[ Doorbell rings ]
Chelsea: Chloe, someone's at your door!
Victor: You're just the person I wanted to see.
Adam: Yes, I realize it is a large order. Just make sure it's sent to the address that I gave you. You've got it. Yes, I'll be paying in cash. Thanks.
Young adam: Adam? This is a really, really bad idea. But you already know that, don't you?
Adam: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: I mean, seriously, is victoria out of her mind? Is she overworked at newman because of this roundtable?
Nick: I know.
Phyllis: I mean, seriously. Giving her people a cut rate? Booking three floors for her attendees?
Nick: I know.
Phyllis: This is what i pitched, and it got me into this mess. And the way that she structured the deal, the way that she put the entire thing together -- uh, it's a hit on my hotel, but newman comes out smelling like a rose, of course. It's deliberate, and it's petty.
Nick: What?
Phyllis: Are you listening to me?
Nick: Yeah.
Phyllis: I'm talking about victoria and her roundtable.
Nick: I know. You've been talking about it for like three hours. I've heard every gripe, every grumble, and you know what? You're right about about all of it. So, the question is, now that you've gotten it off your chest, what are you gonna do about it?
Phyllis: There's nothing i can do about it.
Nick: I've already offered to help you.
Phyllis: No, you're not gonna bail me out.
Nick: Okay. Well, you're determined to be stubborn, so you and vick need to sit down and come up with a manageable solution.
Phyllis: Oh, that's impossible.
Nick: Just figure it out. Come up with something that works for both of you.
Phyllis: No, she won't listen to anything I say unless it's the terms of my surrender.
Nick: Okay, well, what if you, um...uh...
Phyllis: What? I need solutions, not fantasies. Although you're very good at fantasies.
Nick: I know. I am, right?
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] You are.
Nick: In fact, you should hear the one I'm coming up with right now. I mean, I'm a broker.
Phyllis: With, like, a suit and a sexy smile and maybe no shirt...
Nick: Mmm.
Phyllis: ...Underneath your jacket?
Nick: Yeah, it's like a -- it's like a -- a peace broker. You know, the chaos is happening, but I'm always bringing the cool. And I don't even have to lift a finger. I just have to push the button, the "send" button.
Phyllis: Who are you texting?
Nikki: So, this business roundtable idea of yours, putting everybody up at the grand phoenix at a cut rate.
Victoria: Yes. What do you think?
Nikki: Well, I think the hotel will be hemorrhaging money.
Victoria: True.
Nikki: And we own 75% of the hotel, so tell me how this is a good thing for us.
Victoria: The losses are negligible compared to what i plan to get out of it.
Nikki: And what is that exactly?
Victoria: Mom, you really can't put a price tag on the publicity that newman will get from hosting this event. Aside from that, I get to watch phyllis fall apart as I pluck the feathers from the phoenix one by one.
Nikki: Oh. So, newman will take a huge financial loss so that you can get revenge?
Victoria: Oh, mom. Newman enterprises is not going to go broke because of this. We could debate it all day, but you know what? I'd rather discuss what's going on with adam.
Nikki: There is no point in discussing it. He wants to change his name back to wilson. He doesn't want to have anything to do with the newmans.
Victoria: And you buy that? You realize that adam never gives up. He just changes his mode of attack. What does dad have to say about all of this?
Nikki: Oh, he's heartbroken, doesn't think there's anything he can do about it.
[ Cellphone pings ] What? What is it?
Victoria: [ Chuckles ] It's a breakfast invitation.
Faith: [ Sighs ]
Jordan: Why the frown?
Faith: Nothing but the end of the world.
Jordan: Oh, it could not be that bad.
Faith: You must have missed the latest group chat.
Jordan: Let's see. Stacey's a grade-a pig.
Faith: Why won't they just leave me alone?
Jordan: Jealous, small brain, bored.
Faith: What am I supposed to do?
Jordan: Nothing. There.
Faith: [ Chuckles ] Well, you didn't have to do that, but I'm really glad you did.
Jordan: Happy to be of service. It's just one of the perks of being my bestie -- 24/7 protection. We're, like, practically sisters.
Summer: Sisters? Did someone say my name?
Faith: Oh, perfect timing. Summer, meet my new best friend, jordan. After my heart attack, everything changed.
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Faith: And jordan's brother mason is in my class.
Summer: Oh, okay. But you two are the ones who became friends?
Faith: Yeah. We just clicked.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Cellphone pings ] More noise from the group chat?
Jordan: No, this is from bret.
Faith: Seriously?
Summer: Uh, who's bret?
Faith: Oh, he's in jordan's grade.
Summer: Wow. Sounds like you have quite a few older friends this year.
Faith: Just a couple years. What'd he say?
Jordan: Bret's parents are away for the day, and they have a gargantuan indoor pool, so he's inviting a couple people over for a party.
Faith: Huh. Sounds next-level.
Jordan: It could be.
Faith: Are you gonna go?
Jordan: And...send. Oh, my gosh, I did not realize the time. I've got to run. Uh, it was super nice to meet you.
Summer: Mm-hmm. You too.
Jordan: I'll check you later, okay?
Faith: Yeah. Yeah, okay.
Summer: Okay, uh, so, tell me how you two became friends.
Nick: You're gonna thank me later.
Phyllis: Doubtful.
[ Footsteps approaching ]
Victoria: Does anyone want to explain why I'm here?
Phyllis: Yeah. I told your brother about your latest scheme to crush me, and he decided to text you to join us, without my approval.
Victoria: And I suspect he knew that I wouldn't come if he told me that you were here.
Nick: Just give me an hour. If you still think I'm crazy, then I will stay out of it.
Victoria: An hour for what?
Nick: For you two to figure out how to work together, to show you what you're capable of, because what you're doing right now -- it ain't working. It's a waste of time and money. Did dad teach you to do business like this? No. What would you do if summer handled a challenge like this? Yeah. So, let's get comfortable. Nobody is going anywhere until we work this out.
Victor: So, this is where you ran after abandoning adam?
Chelsea: "Abandoning adam." If you had any idea what's on his mind or in his heart, that's the last thing you'd accuse me of.
Victor: Well, correct me.
Chelsea: Adam's happier without me. In fact, he's been encouraging me to leave him for quite some time now.
Victor: But you cannot say that he wants you out of his life.
Chelsea: You know adam just as well as I do. Once he's set his mind on something, there's very little anybody can say to change it.
Victor: Were you aware that he is changing his name back to adam wilson?
Chelsea: Why?
Victor: I assume to cut all of his ties with the newman family. And who knows what else he's up to?
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Look, whatever adam is going through, it's not my responsibility anymore. It's yours, victor. I mean, ever since he found out what happened in kansas, his life was turned upside down. I mean, you kept secrets from him.
Victor: Yeah, I made some mistakes, no doubt.
Chelsea: You broke your son.
Victor: Well, he did a lot of that breaking himself, you know. But no matter what anyone says, I love him. He's my son. I worry about him. Now, you seem to care about him. If that is the case, then why are you here? Why are you not with him?
Young adam: What are we doing, adam?
[ Sighs ] Listen to me, before it's too late. I don't think mom would like this, adam. This won't make the pain go away.
Adam: I've heard enough.
[ Laptop slams ]
Young adam: Adam, if these questions are so hard to hear, then maybe it's time to ask yourself why.
An official message
from medicare.
> Nick: Vick, I assume you are the one who came up with this plan to cause the grand phoenix to lose money?
Victoria: I am the major shareholder.
Phyllis: Thief.
[ Clears throat ]
Victoria: It's phyllis' job to take the directive from above and find a way to make it profitable.
Phyllis: Oh, stop it! This is not a sound business decision. This is an assault on my hotel, and you know it. If you're incapable of making a profit, then maybe I should hire someone who can.
Phyllis: I am simply saying that we level the playing field, victoria. So, if you're going to invite all of your business gurus here at a cut rate, I suggest that you talk them into bringing their significant others, and then I'll make money off of them.
Nick: How?
Phyllis: [ Stammers ] I don't know. A tasting room at the bar, um, a -- a deal at the spa, and the escape club definitely. We'll -- I'll just make money off of them.
[ Sighs ]
Victoria: It does sound feasible.
Phyllis: It is feasible. And then after your whole business masters of the universe meeting, after that's done, everybody will get together, and we'll have sort of a closing ceremony.
Victoria: What exactly would that entail?
Phyllis: I'll hire a local deejay, and we'll have a party with a lot of food and drinks, definitely drinks. Trust me. It'll be the best time your business guys have ever had.
Victoria: No. No locals. I say go big or go home. So, we give them what they want. We hire a band, someone really hot.
Phyllis: Okay.
Victoria: And we have, like, a private concert, you know, something intimate and exclusive.
Phyllis: It's good. I like it.
Victoria: It would have to be something, um --
Phyllis: Unforgettable.
Victoria: Yes, unforgettable. Exactly.
Phyllis: Yeah, definitely.
[ Clears throat ] Okay. Okay. We'll do it. Um, I'll call devon, and, um, maybe I can get one of lps acts.
Victoria: I'm actually gonna get a hold of my pr people right now.
Phyllis: Yeah, I-I'll talk to my people, too. This is, um, gonna be incredible, mind-blowing.
Nick: Took the words right out of my mouth.
Chelsea: You want to know why I'm not at adam's anymore? Ask him. Ask him why he runs to sharon every time he needs help instead of turning to me. Ask him why I'm not enough, after everything I've done for him.
Victor: Very sorry to hear that.
Chelsea: He was really happy before all this started. And now I don't even recognize him.
Victor: Mm. But you love him, right?
Chelsea: Of course I love him. But he's changed. And I don't think the adam that I knew and loved is ever coming back.
Victor: Hmm. Well, we need to keep him from destroying himself, you know?
Chelsea: What do you mean?
Victor: I just feel that he's up to something. And I would love to find out what it is.
Chelsea: Oh, okay. I see. So you want me to be your spy.
Victor: Well, if I wanted a spy, I would hire someone, you know. I just would like you to steer him in the right direction.
Chelsea: Maybe you do have his best interests at heart.
[ Sighs ] Honestly, I don't even know anymore.
Victor: So, uh... why don't you do this for your family, for connor? Just help him.
Chelsea: That's not fair. You're asking too much of me.
Victor: Would it be fair if you sat by and watched him implode, watched him set himself on fire?
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Okay...what if I wanted something in return?
Victor: What?
Chelsea: My son.
Victor: You can see connor anytime you want to.
Chelsea: I'm talking about johnny.
Victor: Johnny?
Chelsea: Victoria won't let me anywhere near him, which is -- [Sighs] Which is what we decided on when I gave him up for adoption. But I'm just -- I'm missing connor so much, and I thought maybe I could just spend a little time with johnny, just get to know him a little bit, and that's all. And I know you can relate. You know what it's like to want to have a relationship with your son and other forces trying to keep you apart.
Victor: So, you help me with my son, and I help you with yours. Is that it?
Chelsea: Yeah.
Victor: [ Chuckles ] Well, let's see how far you will get with adam, okay? I shall think about that. Thank you, chelsea.
Chelsea: Bye.
[ Door opens ]
[ Keys clacking ]
Young adam: Mom isn't going to like what you're doing. You know that, right?
Adam: [ Sighs ]
Young adam: She'll be super mad, disappointed. You love her, adam, and if anything hurts her, it hurts us, too.
Adam: Mom isn't here anymore. And I'm only doing what needs to be done.
Young adam: We didn't -- we didn't mean to do that thing. We're not bad. We were just trying to protect mom. Plenty of people make mistakes. It doesn't mean we're evil.
Adam: Hey, speak for yourself.
Young adam: That's what I'm doing. Why won't you understand? Adam? Adam? Adam!
Adam: God. What?!
[ Exhales sharply ]
Young adam: Just listen to me. You don't have to make things worse. I know you're sad and you're real scared. But you can be strong and brave and -- and turn this around. Be the man that mom always wanted you to be. Adam...don't make me go away.
Adam: [ Exhales sharply ]
Go on, humans,
Faith: How does anybody become friends? We were wearing the same shirt one day. We bumped into each other in the hallway, and instead of being weird about it, she thought it was great. She told everybody I was her twin, but we were born two years apart. And our friendship just kind of stuck.
Summer: Two years?
Faith: It's not that big a deal.
Summer: Well, you know, I had some older friends when I was your age, so I totally get what it's like to want to fit in with a different league. You start doing things that they're doing, and before you know it, you are crossing lines that you never thought you'd cross.
Faith: [ Sighs ] Look, you are so sweet to worry. But this is me, okay? And after all of the complicated role models I've had, trust me -- there is no way I'm doing something stupid.
Summer: Okay, good. And I'm not saying don't have fun. I just want you to be careful. And if I sound like an overprotective sister, it's just because I love you and I really don't want you to make the same mistakes that I did.
Faith: No. Don't worry. I'll make brand-new mistakes.
[ Chuckling ] Kidding. Geez.
Summer: You better be. Alright, I got to head to work. But if you need anything or you just want to talk to me --
Faith: I got you on speed dial.
Summer: Okay. I love you.
Faith: Love you, too.
[ Cellphone pings ]
[ Chuckles ]
[ Inhales deeply ]
Victoria: Did you get a hold of devon?
Phyllis: Um, yeah. Uh, he's sending over the names of some of his top-tier deejays and fans.
Victoria: And you cc'd me on that?
Phyllis: Of course.
Victoria: Good. Thank you. I want my eyes on every bit of information that you get. I mean, we might have to use some of my connections if we hit a snag.
Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] Okay. I mean, I'm glad that you're helping instead of trying to pillage my hotel of its profits.
Victoria: You know this after party is not a moneymaker. You know that, right?
Phyllis: Yeah. I know that. I mean, listen, your business nerds -- they're gonna have the time of their life. And then they're gonna want to come back. Then they're gonna tell their friends about it, and their friends are gonna splash it all over social media. So, we spend a little money now, but make a lot of money in the future.
Victoria: See? Wasn't my idea great?
Phyllis: Your idea?
Victoria: Oh, come on, phyllis. Let's not argue. We're both on the same team. We want what's best for our business.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Yes, this is gonna be incredible.
Victoria: So we're doing it? It's really happening?
Phyllis: Yeah, it's happening. Stay in your lane.
Victoria: Just make sure my people are happy, turn in a hefty profit, keep the newman enterprises brand nice and shiny, and I will. You know what you have to do, right?
Phyllis: Yes, I do.
Victoria: Alright. I am gonna get my social gurus to jump on this and start publicizing the roundtable.
Phyllis: Good.
Victoria: Phyllis, please don't disappoint me, alright? I got to get back to the office. I'll talk to you later.
Nick: Should I be scared?
Victoria: Yes, you should be very scared.
Phyllis: I mean, what was that? Was that a miracle? Should I get a plaque?
Nick: Saying what?
Phyllis: Um, "on this day, two of the most intelligent women you know, one being a little more intelligent than the other, came to an agreement." You know what you are? Brilliant.
Nick: I know. But it's nice to be reminded sometimes.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]
[ Door opens ]
Chelsea: I didn't know if you'd be home.
Adam: What brings you here?
Chelsea: There were a few things I left behind.
Adam: I noticed you didn't pack everything, so I finished the job for you.
Chelsea: I see.
Adam: I was gonna have it sent to you, to spare you from coming back.
Chelsea: You mean to spare yourself the trouble of having to see me again?
Adam: I never said that.
Chelsea: Why didn't you call a delivery service?
Adam: I didn't know where you were staying. Why don't you text it to me? That way, we can avoid awkward moments like this in the future. (Vo) your favorite big g cereals could score your family
"The young and the restless"
will continue. Joe biden was raised a middle-class kid,
Chelsea: Are the things I've been hearing about you true?
[ Keys clatter ]
Adam: Uh, it depends on the subject and the source.
Chelsea: Victor says you're turning your back on your family and that you're considering changing your last name back to wilson?
Adam: Mm. Is that all he had to say?
Chelsea: He's concerned about you, naturally. He's worried that maybe there's more going than you're willing to tell him.
Adam: And finally the real reason for this unannounced, uninvited visitation. You didn't come back here to grab your things or to apologize.
Chelsea: Well, why in the world would I apologize to you?!
Adam: Victor sent you on a mission to find out what I'm up to.
Chelsea: Oh, please, adam! Okay. Yes. I'm victor's puppet, just eager to do his dirty work, eager to do his bidding. Wow. You got me figured out. You just have quite the imagination, don't you?
Adam: Speaking of which, maybe it's time you leave your key. I mean, you could have barged in on me and sharon doing lord knows what.
Chelsea: Oh, my god. You know what? You are so obsessed with her.
Adam: No more than you are.
Chelsea: This conversation had nothing to do with sharon, yet you always have to just drag her name into it, don't you? It's crazy! Get it through your head, adam. Sharon doesn't want you. She's like everybody else in your life that knows you're broken.
Nikki: So, this roundtable might actually be profitable.
Victoria: Yeah. Isn't that great?
Nikki: Well, just a couple of hours ago, you were willing to lose a small fortune just to get under phyllis' skin, and now the two of you are collaborating together?
Victoria: No, I know, but she had some good ideas, and I just helped her to make them better.
Nikki: Well, I must admit, this is the last thing i expected to hear, but, you know, it just might be a great opportunity.
Victoria: I know, mom. I figured it's better to make money than lose it, right?
Nikki: And you don't think that she's gonna stab you in the back?
Victoria: Oh, phyllis is always looking out for one person and one person alone -- herself. So, yes, it's definitely a possibility.
Nikki: You could always tell her that you've reconsidered.
Victoria: I could. I could do that, but I think it's much more interesting if we move forward together. There's so many possibilities.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] Ready to tackle this?
Summer: Yeah. Um, I just want to ask you something first.
Kyle: Shoot.
Summer: How are you doing?
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] You mean the whole thing with theo? Haven't given it a second thought since yesterday.
Summer: I meant everything with dina. I know how hard it was for you to say goodbye to her.
Kyle: Yeah. It's been difficult. For all of us, including you, but if she were here right now, dina would say we were wasting our time worrying about something we can't change... and to get back to work, which is exactly what we should do.
Summer: You're right.
Kyle: Okay. Where are we at with our eye shadow line campaign?
Summer: Um, we are about a week away from new creative.
Kyle: Okay. And what about the crenshaw situation?
Summer: It's being handled.
Kyle: Why don't I have the final numbers from last quarter?
Summer: Um, I'm gonna get them to you tomorrow by the end of the day.
Kyle: Good. The ad team is waiting on your report outlining the new integrated media strategy, so where are we at with that? Summer?
Summer: [ Exhales sharply ] I can't -- I can't do this.
Kyle: Do what?
Summer: I can't -- I can't do this. God, it is impossible for me to focus on work right now.
[ Sighs ]
Managing type 2 diabetes?
Kyle: You are finding it difficult to focus on business. Why?
Summer: Because of you, us. Everything is up in the air right now.
Kyle: That sounds like a personal problem. As far as I'm concerned, everything between us is dead and buried.
Summer: Okay. Uh, where are you going?
Kyle: To find a quite place to work. In the meantime, as your boss, I suggest you find a way to collect yourself and keep your head in the game. Let me know when you want to continue the discussion about jabot because the other conversation -- not happening ever again.
Summer: [ Scoffs ]
Faith: [ Exhales sharply ] Hey. [ Chuckles ]
Jordan: Mm?
[ Laughs ]
Faith: What do you think? How do I look?
Jordan: Uh, dope. Jaws will definitely drop.
Faith: Yeah?
Jordan: Yeah! How did you manage to get out of the house dressed like that?
Faith: Very quietly.
[ Chuckles ] I told my mom I was spending the night at your place.
Jordan: Oh, and she couldn't say yes fast enough 'cause she thinks I'm a good influence on you? Oh, girl, if they only knew.
[ Laughs ]
Faith: Uh, so, about this pool party, anything I should know?
Jordan: You're gonna have the time of your life. Trust me. Bret only invites the coolest people -- very chill, down for anything, like us. And did I mention he's totally hot?
Faith: [ Chuckles ] Well, I've seen him at school. I'm sure he's never seen me.
Jordan: After tonight, wearing that, you'll be tattooed on his brain.
Faith: Yeah, right.
Jordan: No, I'm serious. It's true. Trust and believe. Are you ready to have the time of your life?
Faith: You bet. [ Chuckles ]
[ Breathes deeply ]
Chelsea: [ Scoffs ] Okay. Oh, alright. This is new. Instead of defending sharon's honor and her place in your heart, you're just gonna ignore me?
Adam: There's nothing to say, chelsea.
Chelsea: There's nothing worse than a broken heart. I should know. And I'll tell you what else i know -- you don't need me to text you my new address because you know exactly where I'm living now. But I'll tell you what you don't know.
[ Sighs ] It's loud there. I haven't really had any peace and quiet since I stepped through that threshold. Baby miles crying past midnight, little sweet bella waving her wand around, wanting to play make-believe. It's unpredictable. And it's insane at times. And I [Crying]...Love it...
[Sniffles] Because that house is filled with the sounds... of a happy family. Do you remember what that sounds like, adam?
[ Chuckles ] When you, um -- you broke that ugly glass bowl 'cause you and connor were playing soccer inside, and we -- we all just laughed until we cried? Or you yelling from the kitchen, asking connor if he wants chocolate chips in his pancakes. The three of us laying in bed way past connor's bedtime, just watching movies. Karaoke contests in the bathroom mirror. I remember it all, adam, and it breaks my heart because that was us once upon a time. We were so happy then. And look at us now. Connor's away from us at boarding school. You're -- you're living in this museum of a penthouse? It's so quiet. It's so...impersonal. And you're alone and -- and doing what with your days? What -- what are you doing? Just seeking more revenge on the newmans, adam?
Adam: Look, you wanted me out of your life! That is exactly what you've gotten.
[ Thud ] This is time that matters.
[ Knock on door ]
Sally: Hello? Can I get a little help here?
[ Knock on door ] Excuse me. Sorry, I'm -- am I interrupting something? I -- I've just never been all the way up here before, and I'm a little lost.
Summer: Okay. Sorry. Um, and you are...?
Sally: Sally. [ Chuckles ] Sally spectra.
Phyllis: I'm still baffled. What happened back there? Victoria and I came to an understanding.
Nick: That's what went down.
Phyllis: Was it a hallucination?
Nick: If it was, I had it, too.
Phyllis: And you orchestrated it without my consent.
Nick: Yeah, but you two are the ones who rose to the challenge.
Phyllis: Speaking of rising to the challenge...
Nick: Oh, boy.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]
Nick: I know that look, that glimmer in your eye.
Phyllis: I have to thank you because you not only did something incredible for me, but you did the impossible. You changed my viewpoint. You did that, and I am no longer wallowing in my sadness. I am shining and happy.
Nick: I was a very busy broker of peace.
Phyllis: Yes, you were. And you deserve to be thanked by a woman who knows how to show her gratitude. Do you want to go upstairs? I don't have to ask you twice, do I?
Nick: No. Let's go.
Phyllis: [ Laughs ]
Victor: Glad you're both here.
Nikki: Well, hi, darling.
Victor: Hi, sweetheart.
Victoria: Is everything alright?
Victor: [ Breathes deeply ] Just had a little conversation with chelsea.
Victoria: About what?
Victor: Her situation with adam.
Victoria: Well, there is no situation. She left him.
Victor: I asked her to reconcile with him.
Victoria: Oh, my god, dad, why would you do that?
Victor: Because he needs someone that he can trust, someone that loves him and provides some stability in his life.
Nikki: And she turned you down?
Victor: No, but she was wondering if perhaps I was trying to find out what adam was up to, what he was planning, and that I wasn't so concerned about his well-being.
Victoria: And was she correct in her assessment?
Victor: In spite of what all of you say, I love that boy. He is my son, okay? But...he's up to something. I don't know what it is, but he's planning something big. If I can use chelsea to find out what that is, so much the better for us.
[ Cellphone ringing ]
Chelsea: Adam.
Adam: I have to take this.
Chelsea: Alright.
Adam: In private. Okay? There's the rest of your things. You know where the doors is. And you can show yourself out. Yes. Hello. Yes, everything's set.
Chelsea: [ Breathes deeply ]
[ Sighs ] Oh, my god, adam. What are you planning?
[ Breathing deeply ]
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