Y&R Transcript Monday 11/2/20

Y&R Transcript Monday 11/2/20


Episode #11906 ~ Jack struggles with the loss of Dina; Lola gives Summer a stern warning; Chance seeks Ashley's approval.

Provided By Suzanne

[ Footsteps approach ]

Ashley: Jack, you ready?

Traci: It's time to go to the church, jack.

Jack: Yeah, of course.

Ashley: Jackie, we have to do this.

Jack: I know. Nking how many times in my life I have said goodbye to dina... always knowing I'd see her again. How hard to contemplate that this is the last time.

Lola: You know, I don't think that you can take coffee into the church.

Kyle: Yeah. I need it badly this morning, so I'm not above sneaking it in.

Lola: So you're gonna smuggle coffee?

Kyle: [ Exhales sharply ] I'll go to confession.

Lola: Um... I did something. I wasn't gonna tell you, but since you're here...

Kyle: What?

Lola: I lit a candle for dina, to honor her memory.

Kyle: Thank you. That was really thoughtful.

Lola: She was an incredible woman, and I know that you and your family miss her terribly.

Kyle: It's a big loss.

Lola: Um... I have to go. I have to get society ready for the reception.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Chance: You know you hired other people to do that for you.

Abby: I know, but my grandma was so specific about all the details for this day. I mean, down to her dress and her jewelry. I just -- I want to make sure everything's perfect for her.

Chance: I'm sure it will be.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Chance: You've done a great job for your grandmother.

Abby: I still have a town of details that I need to take care of.

Chance: Really? A ton?

Abby: Two or three.

Chance: I can stay and help. I'm supposed to meet paul at the station. I just -- I don't want to leave you.

Abby: No, no, that's okay.

Chance: No, I'll call him now, see if i can make it a personal day.

Jack: After dad died, I... used to have conversations with him, right here in this room. Mostly were business decisions i had to make. He was like a sounding board, a business partner, a mentor. Part of my brain. Dina's part of my heart. I'm losing part of my heart.

Traci: Oh, jack, please. Come with us.

Ashley: We're gonna get through this, jack, just like this family gets through everything -- together.

Jack: Look, w-would you guys mind going ahead? I'll catch up with you, alright?

Ashley: Oh, jackie, we really should go as a family.

Jack: I just need a little more time, okay? Please?

Ashley: Okay. We'll see you at the church.

Traci: We'll save you a seat right up front.

Jack: I just need a little more time.

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Summer: I can't even pretend to be shocked. Of course the two of you are together.

Lola: Summer, we are not together. I live upstairs, and this is his favorite coffeehouse.

Summer: Okay, well, it's my favorite coffeehouse too, so...

Lola: You know, I was just passing through on my way to work. So if you're gonna make us go through one of your diatribes, please be quick.

Summer: Um, I'm sorry, but who was yelling at me across the lobby at the grand phoenix the other night?

Lola: And I cannot apologize enough for that. My point was that you were walking away from the best thing that's ever happened to you because of your insecurities about me.

Summer: Wow, lola, um, you seem to have such a deep understanding of everyone else's life, so how is yours going?

Lola: You know, it's quite well.

Summer: Good. Yeah, no, that's great. I'm very happy for you. And I hope it stays that way. But I just want you to know that that doesn't give you the right to tell me how to live my life, okay? I am very aware of where kyle and I stand right now, and that's not because of you.

Lola: I'm gonna go to work now. Just have some consideration for what the abbotts are going through and try not to make today about you, alright? Um, give my love to your family.

Kyle: Thank you for lighting a candle for dina.

Lola: You're welcome.

Summer: I just wanted a latte.

Kyle: And she just wanted to get to work.

Summer: Okay, kyle, she is always ready to interfere and just so ready to -- I'm sorry. Okay? I know that you don't need this today, so I'm just gonna go get my coffee somewhere else.

Kyle: Summer, don't go. Please. Stay.

Abby: Put your phone away. You just started back on the force. You can't take a personal day. My family understands. You'll be at the service but not at the reception. Don't worry about them.

Chance: I'm not worried. I just want to be here for you.

Abby: And you are. You are the one detail that I am not worried about today. My grandmother definitely would approve of you.

Chance: Yeah? She'd love your smile and your broad shoulders.

Chance: So that's all i am, a collection of body parts?

Abby: And your connection to katherine.

Chance: Of course.

Abby: And the way you treat me.

Chance: There it is. That's the one I was waiting for.

Abby: Before she died, my grandmother told me she didn't want me to make the same mistakes she did, and I don't I will, because you and I, we want the same things.

Chance: Yeah. We do. You want to be you, and... I just want to be with you. Seriously, this is the first time in my adult life that i felt like I was home here in genoa city. I don't want to go anywhere, and that's because of you. I spent years being a nomad, and now we're planning our futures together, looking forward to starting a family. Abby, I want to be by your side for all the important moments. That means more to me than any job.

Abby: Good. Then go to work and then come home to me, because I want you to hold me tonight.

Chance: Okay. Then that's what I'll do.

Abby: Jack had these made for us so we would remember dina. But for me, it's more than that. It signifies the beginning of our journey together.

Chance: I love you. Mom, I can't find mr. Craggles!

Summer: Um, we don't really have much time before the service starts, so...

Kyle: Well, apparently, i can't take my coffee into the church, so I'd like to sit here and finish it before I head over.

Summer: It's a good plan. So, why did you ask me to stay?

Kyle: I wanted to check in with you. Today's gonna be stressful. I want to make sure we can exist in the same space without screaming at each other.

Summer: I'm not the one who screams. I think you're thinking of a different ex.

Kyle: Summer, we've both said and done things the past couple weeks that have pushed us apart. I didn't see any of it coming. I mean, a month ago, did you think this is where we'd be?

Summer: Well, all that matters today is saying goodbye to dina.

Kyle: Agreed.

Summer: And if it makes you uncomfortable having me there, i don't have to go. I can just pay my respects in another way.

Kyle: No. No, no, no. That's not what I'm saying. My dad loves you. He would want you there.

Summer: And you don't?

Kyle: I do. That's the problem.

Summer: Well, yeah, I'll go as planned. Um, we can be two civilized human beings, right?

Kyle: Yeah, I suppose so.

Summer: Good. 'Cause today's all about honoring dina.

Ashley: There's nothing better than genoa city in the fall.

Traci: Really? Out of all the places you've been all over the world, genoa city is your favorite?

Ashley: Well, obviously there's more glamorous cities, but look around you. The changing color of the leaves; the soft sunlight; the cool, crisp air. I guess it just reminds me of home.

Traci: Yes. Yes, it certainly does. But new york felt like that for me, also.

Ashley: Really?

Traci: Yeah.

Ashley: Hmm. I guess that's because you're like dina a little bit. Well, I mean, she had to leave town and build her own career and then come into her own.

Traci: Hmm. I've been thinking about that a lot lately, whether or not I'm like her.

Ashley: What did you conclude?

Traci: I think I'm more like daddy.

Ashley: Mm.

Traci: I-I maybe inherited some of her wanderlust, but I'm pragmatic, like he was. I'm a rock, like dad.

Ashley: Ironically enough

[Chuckles] I think I'm more like dad, too. Hardworking, nose-to-the-grindstone john abbott. Nurture won over nature, for sure.

[ Both chuckle ]

Traci: Well, there's one thing that you inherited from dina, and that's those cheekbones, and that's nature all the way.

Ashley: Don't start with me. That's a line from your novel, traci.

[ Both laugh ]

Traci: How did you remember that? "Echoes of the past."

Ashley: Yes.

Traci: That's right. And, in addition to the book that I am writing about the teardrop of love, I've also started outlining another book about her.

Ashley: Mm.

Traci: I don't know if I'll ever get to writing it, but it's sort of a "what I learned from my mother" book.

Ashley: It's gonna be a very short one.

[ Both laugh ] Well... but I do think we learned invaluable lessons on what to do as a mother.

Traci: And that's half the book.

Ashley: [ Laughs ] Can you imagine doing what she did, just picking up and abandoning your children that way?

Traci: No, I cannot imagine, and it infuriates me every time I think about it. So I pretty much choose not to. When I think about all the time she gave up with us, compared to the time I lost with colleen...

Ashley: Traci...

Traci: Sorry. I think about colleen so much, especially on days like this.

Ashley: Honey, don't apologize to me. That's what days like this are for, right? Thinking about the people that we loved and we've lost.

Traci: That's right.

[ Inhales, exhales deeply ] There's one thing that I did learn -- I think we all did -- from dina, and that is forgiveness. I mean, when she came back into our lives, we had to all find our way to -- to move past what she had done.

Ashley: Yeah, and we did it. We learned to love her again. That tells me so much more about the mother-child bond than i ever really knew. I think we realized how much she did love us, though. And that necklace somehow -- it's strange, but I think it released something in her, and...gave her some happiness in her final moments.

Traci: Yes. And for that, I will always be grateful to jack and what he did with the teardrop of love.

Jack: Everything alright, theo?

Theo: More or less. I just -- I don't know. I wasn't sure if I'd be welcome at the church after what happened with kyle the other day.

Jack: Of course you are welcome at your own grandmother's service.

Theo: And kyle knows this?

Jack: Kyle is expecting you. Kyle does not make the rules, theo. He's going to have to respect your position in this family.

Theo: Yes. "Respect." That's the word that I was looking for, and that's what seems to be missing. I appreciate your point of view, jack. You understand how much dina meant to me.

Jack: I absolutely do, yes.

Theo: She was a connection to where I come from. I didn't know her very long, but she left an indelible impression on me.

Jack: Theo, we are family. I-I understand. You don't value the strength of that relationship right now, but it's real. You have us. You have an uncle. You have aunts. You have cousins.

Theo: And not all of my cousins share your attitude.

Theo: Kyle is going through a very difficult time right now. Eventually, he will come around.

Theo: I admire your optimism, jack. It lifts my spirits that you're always looking on the positive side. But kyle -- kyle will never accept me as a member of his family, not in this lifetime.

Jack: As I just said, kyle does not make the rules.

Theo: Thank you, jack. And I promise you, when I see kyle, there will be no outbursts, no punches, no weapons drawn.

Jack: I appreciate that. And for what it's worth, if anyone would like a little drama on the day of their memorial... it would be dina.


Traci: [ Chuckles ] Katherine chancellor. Now there's another grand old dame like dina.

Ashley: And you know they're both up in heaven, toasting each other and swapping some stories.

Traci: Oh, no, no. I think they're skinny-dipping with john abbott and stuart brooks and all the other boys from genoa city.

[ Both laughing ]

Chance: Good morning, ladies.

Ashley: Hi.

Chance: What did I miss? What's so funny?

Ashley: We were just saying that dina and katherine are up in heaven skinny-dipping right now.

[ Ashley and traci chuckle ]

Chance: Okay. I knew it was a solemn occasion, I just didn't know it was that solemn.

[ Ashley and traci laugh ]

Ashley: Do you mind if I have a second with chance?

Traci: I don'T. I will, um -- I'll be down in the rose garden.

Ashley: Okay.

Chance: I'm, uh, on my way to the station now, but I'll make sure to be at the church on time.

Ashley: Great. I appreciate that.

Chance: I'm not being presumptuous, am I? Abby asked me to be there.

Ashley: Of course you should be there. Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.

Chance: Okay. What can I do for you?

Ashley: Well, you've been there for her, and she loved her grandmother so much, and I'm just so grateful that you've been so supportive.

Chance: Well, I plan on being there for her for a long time

Ashley: Oh. Um, traci and I were just talking about our mother, who

wasn't there that much for us when we were growing up, and I've tried very hard to be present for abby.

Chance: From what she's told me, you have been.

Ashley: Well, that's good. Frankly, I'd love to be giving her advice right now, but she doesn't really need me anymore. She's doing everything on her own.

Chance: She is quite amazing.

Ashley: I'm very proud of her. I guess that's all a mother can hope for. And I'm very happy that you know how lucky you are.

Chance: Oh, I definitely do. You know, I'm a bit relieved. I thought I was about to be reprimanded for something. I thought I was in trouble.

[ Chuckles ]

Ashley: I don't do that. But have you met her father?

[ Chuckles ]

Chance: Yeah. [ Chuckles ]

Summer: So, have you, um, talked to your dad at all today?

Kyle: Yeah, briefly. He's handling it well, I guess. Maybe better than me.

Summer: I'm sure it'll be a relief once the memorial is over.

Kyle: Yeah. I'm worried about him, though.

Summer: How come?

Kyle: He gave up a lot of his life when dina moved into the house. Now she's gone. And even though he's surrounded with family, I think he feels alone.

Summer: Yeah, that's got to be really hard.

Kyle: I always liked how you were with dina. She always got a kick out of you.

Summer: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, I always liked spending time with her. I don't if she always understood what I was saying, but she was a better listener than anyone else I've ever talked to. And I know I don't really give people much time to get a word in edgewise, but I can tell when people are listening and when they're not, and dina -- she really listened.

Kyle: She loved your energy, your spark, the way you come into a room and it lights up.

Summer: Well, I'm sure that dina lit up quite a few rooms in her lifetime.

Kyle: I'm sure she did. Hey, um, the service is probably gonna start soon. We should go.

Summer: Yeah. Um, should we drive together?

Kyle: Yeah. Sure. Let's go.

Summer: Okay.

Lola: Abby, is, uh, everything alright?

Abby: Yeah, yeah. I thought I saw a smudge, but it was just a reflection.

Lola: Good. Um, how are you doing? And where's chance? Shouldn't he be here with you?

Abby: He's at the station.

Lola: Oh, no. I mean, you need him on a day like this.

Abby: No, no. He's been 100% supportive, but I'm fine. Look, how are you? You -- you seem stressed.

Lola: No, I'm fine.

Abby: Are you sure? Because I know dina meant a lot to you, too.

Lola: I've been better, but i just told summer that I would destroy her if she made today about her. But, you know, I'm gonna take my own advice, and I'm gonna push all of my problems aside and just focus on celebrating dina.

Abby: Look, I understand the impulse of wanting to destroy summer, but you're right. This isn't the time.

Lola: Yeah. I've got everything handled here. It's probably time that you go to the church and say goodbye to dina.

Theo: Hey, jack, is that the, uh, necklace I've heard so much about?

Jack: Uh, yes, it is.

Theo: Uh, may I see it?

Jack: Sure.

Theo: Wow. It's, uh -- it's lovely. But...not a necklace.

Jack: Uh, yeah. It's -- it's been altered.

Theo: Oh, I see. Okay, so that's the -- the large center stone, and that's where the smaller, orbital gems would have been that went to make those cuff links and the earrings ashley was wearing yesterday.

Jack: Yeah. That's right.

Theo: That makes sense. That necklace meant so much to dina. So you chopped it up and gave it to each member of the family -- the abbott side, anyway.

Jack: It's not about sides, abbott or otherwise. And the intention was never to exclude anyone. This was an effort on my part to recognize people who had been in the room that night dina died. It was an evening none of us will soon forget.

Theo: Well, it makes sense.

Jack: It was a chance to commemorate a shared experience. That's all it was.

Theo: Jack, please. Don't give it another thought, okay? I get it. I do.

Jack: Okay, I appreciate that understanding. And for -- for what it's worth, I wish you had been there with us the night dina died. It was a pretty amazing experience, and you would have learned a lot and maybe felt a stronger bond with our family.

Theo: Thank you. That, uh, that really means a lot.

Jack: We better get to the church. It's time to say goodbye.

Theo: Yeah. New vicks immunity zzzs gummies are fortified with

"The young and the restless"

will continue. Joe biden was raised a middle-class kid,

Traci: Well, that was a lovely service.

Kyle: Yeah. It was moving. Not too sad.

Ashley: Dina would have been thrilled.

Abby: All of her wishes were honored.

Summer: You know, dina told me a story once about how it was her first time negotiating a million-dollar deal, and her memory was so vivid. I mean, jack, she even remembered exactly what she wore. She wore, um, a houndstooth suit. And she was going on and on about how she stood out from all the men in pinstripes. She remembered everything.

Jack: There were moments of lucidity when she could tell me what she had for breakfast on a day 60 years ago. And, yet, when I asked what she had for lunch half an hour earlier...not a clue. It's a strange, fickle, mysterious disease.

Summer: She really was amazing, jack. And I love that she called you "jackie." That was so sweet.

Jack: I love that you were here today. You mean the world to me. You always have, you always will.

Summer: Well, if there's one thing I count on in this world it's that jack will always care about me.

Jack: I'm still not clear on what happened between you and kyle. But if you ever wanted to talk to someone about it, I --

Summer: Thank you. I'm still figuring it out myself. I just know that as happy as we were, there were definitely some issues under the surface.

Jack: Yeah, there often are.

Summer: I don't know. I just feel like kyle's in denial. And now he's blaming me for everything. I'm just really afraid that we might have blown our last chance.

Traci: So, is it a good sign that summer was at the service? I mean, I saw the two of you rode together to the church.

Kyle: Yeah, I don't know if you should read too much into it. We agreed to set aside our differences today to honor dina.

Traci: Still, it was very nice that she was there, and i think that counts for something.

Kyle: Ooh, I love your optimism.

[ Chuckles ]

Ashley: I got to tell you, i loved how chance didn't let go of your hand the entire service.

Abby: Yeah. He pledged to stay by my side, and he did.

Ashley: Oh, honey. He's the real deal.

Abby: I think so. It's so weird, mom. I can see our future together, and it's beautiful.

Ashley: Aw.

Jack: Uh, everyone, could I, uh, get your attention? Could everyone grab a glass? I'd like to say a word or two about our mother.

Lola: Theo... what are you doing here?

Theo: Well, you know me. I like to make an entrance.

Jack: It's been a long couple of weeks. For that matter, it's been a long few years, watching this strong, proud woman increasingly diminished by her affliction. As difficult as that was to witness, I think we all are agreed, we are grateful that dina came back into our lives. Because no matter how this damned disease afflicted her, whether it was blurred communication or lost memories or momentary losses of dignity, you could still see a spark of dina in her eye, if you really looked. And for those of us who were there on that last night... you saw a happy dina. The real dina shining through. She left this earth having made an impact on everyone in this room. We will all remember her. And that was her gift to us. She was one of a kind. Bold and brash and brave and argumentative and stubborn and... clever and beautiful. And we shall not see again a person like her. To dina.

Ashley: To dina.

Abby: To dina.

Lola: You're going to crash the abbotts' reception?

Theo: Well, I am family. She was my grandmother.

Lola: And you think that this is the best way to honor her memory, by flaunting your oversized sense of entitlement?

Theo: Okay, what is so wrong with feeling entitled?

Lola: Right now, everything.

Theo: You know, I don't know what these people want. I act one way, it's not right. I act differently, it's even worse. And it's been that way ever since I came to genoa city. So...I give up.

Lola: Maybe the problem is, is that you're always playing a part. Theo, why can't you just be you? What would the real theo do in this situation? Theo?

Jack: ...Dina.

Traci: Exactly.

Theo: Good afternoon, abbotts! That feeling when

Traci: W-welcome, theo.

Theo: Thank you. It's great to be here.

Jack: We weren't sure you'd make it to the reception.

Theo: I wasn't sure I was invited.

Kyle: I don't think you were.

Traci: Well, uh, we're happy that you're here with us now.

Theo: Terrific. But you'll have to excuse me. I was under the impression that dina wanted her memorial to be a party.

Abby: That's true. It was one of her "end of life" wishes.

Theo: Okay. Where's the party?

Ashley: Well, this is it. I don't any of us was really in the mood for a big bash, theo.

Theo: Well, you don't know until you try.

Kyle: I'm pretty sure we do.

Theo: She was a woman who loved a good time.

Traci: Very true.

Theo: She loved music and dancing and parties. I visited with her a few months ago, and she was humming a tune. I didn't know the name, but she loved it. Said she used to dance to it, with john, at country club dances. And after some diligent research... I found it.

I want it all

from the bright lights of vegas

to the steps of the great china wall

I want it all

from champagne in paris

to the best show that you ever saw

at carnegie hall

no one knows how long this crazy life will ever last

so while I'm here...

Jack: Perfect, theo. Just perfect.

Theo: Thanks, jack. Can't you just see her dancing to this back in the day?

Traci: Well, I certainly can.

Abby: I think I've heard her humming this, too.

Theo: You bet you did. I guarantee you dina would want this song played today -- and loudly. She wanted a party. I mean, come on. A wake is supposed to wake the dead, so let's get loud, huh?

And for my love a tribute

Jack: Uh, take it easy. He needs to grieve his grandmother, too. Okay? Everybody, I think this is a great idea. Maybe we've been too solemn. Maybe it's time to liven things up.

Theo: Yeah, let's go. Let's give this grand dame the party she deserves, huh?

Ashley: [ Laughs ] I can imagine dina dancing to this song all night long.

Abby: With all the boys in genoa city.

Theo: That's the spirit, traci. Yeah! Come on, abby!

Ashley: [ Laughs ]

No one knows how long this crazy life will ever last

so while I'm here, you'll find me

standing on the greener grass

on the greener grass

I want it all

hit the beach down in rio

conquer everest deep in nepal

I want it all

I want to ride in the derby

spend new year's with the crystal ball

and watch it fall

and for my love a tribute

that would dwarf the taj...

Summer: Kyle! Kyle, slow down. Are you okay? You chased me all the way from society. What do you think?

Summer: Where are you going?

Kyle: Away from there. I don't know anything anymore. I don't have a family.

Summer: Kyle, don't be ridiculous. Of course you have a family.

Kyle: Do I? Hmm? There's no one left on my mom's side, and I'm being pushed out by the abbotts.

Summer: Okay. Um, look, I know you're in a very fragile state right now, and I don't want to hurt your feelings, but that is absolutely idiotic.

Kyle: Mm. Thanks.

Summer: Kyle, I mean it. You are not being pushed out of your family just because theo heard dina humming some song. That's absurd.

Kyle: You know what he's like, summer. He tries to worm his way into everything.

Summer: Okay, do you hear yourself right now? I don't know. Maybe it's the grief talking. But, kyle, you're not making any sense. Your dad loves you more than anything. And ashley and traci have given you so much support. And billy and abby. Kyle, come on. Everybody loves you.

Kyle: Yeah. Right. You're right. Maybe -- maybe I overreacted. Yeah. I've been under a lot of stress lately. Not just my grandma, but -- I-I don't know if you've heard, but, um, my fiancée just broke up with me.

Summer: Okay, well, I can't really help you there since you said that we were better off apart.

Kyle: I don't understand how everyone fell for theo's line.

Summer: You know, I think what you hate most about theo is that he's everything that you try not to be, right? He's a player. He's constantly cutting ethical corners. And he pretends like he doesn't care about what people think about him, but that's really all he cares about.

Kyle: Exactly. So how do they not realize it? My dad and traci, even ashley, were lapping it up.

Summer: Kyle, I 100% guarantee you that everyone can see right through theo's scams.

Traci: I heard the story this way. That she thought he owned the yacht, but he turned out to be the cabin boy, and he stole the yacht so that he could sail around the mediterranean with her for one whole week.

Lola: I can't belive that one.

Jack: My mother had the face that launched a thousand ships -- or at least one stolen vessel.

Ashley: But she said that the only way to see the greek isles was on a stolen yacht with a handsome cabin boy.

[ Laughter ]

Chance: Hello, everyone.

Abby: Hi!

Chance: Sounds like a good party. Sorry I missed it.

Ashley: Well, we got off to a rather slow start, but then dj theo saved the day.

[ Cheers ]

Abby: It turned into a dance party, and now we are sharing stories about dina.

Ashley: But I think the statute of limitations has run out on a lot of mother's misadventures, right? So it's okay if you hear this, detective chancellor.

Chance: Sounds like I missed some good stuff.

Theo: It was a little too good in some cases. I'm not sure how true all of these stories are, huh?

Abby: Oh, come on, theo. I didn't peg you as a party pooper.

Theo: I'm just saying, these are some pretty tall tales.

Traci: Oh, no, no, no. Never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn, theo. That's my motto.

Jack: There is absolutely some embellishment there, but like all good legends, underneath there is some truth about dina. And sometimes the legend went too far.

Ashley: Um, javier?

[ Laughter ]

Lola: Who's javier?

Jack: When dina left us all, my -- my dad felt the need to explain it away, make excuses. And one day he said to us, "kids, your mother ran off with a matador from madrid."

[ Laughter ]

Ashley: And we believed him. So, what did we do? We went to school. We told all of her friends our mother ran off with a matador.

Jack: Years later, I talked to dina and asked about this guy, and she had no idea what i was talking about. I was so disappointed he didn't exist.

Traci: But that is not to say that she wasn't romanced by many glamorous european men.

Abb: Okay, but definitely it's an embellishing. I mean, that story about the duke? Do you really think he was willing to give up his title for her?

Jack: Wait, wait, wait, wait. There was a duke in the story, remember? Duke armand. This guy had already gambled away his ex-wife's fortune. He was trying to do the same thing with dina. And he was no more a member of nobility than I am.

Traci: But, see, that is the perfect dina story. There was always a modicum of truth, but it was always buried in all kinds of worldly, wild adventures.

Theo: And that is how she should be remembered.

Jack: Amen to that.

Ashley: Amen to that! Yes!

Abby: Yes!

Ashley: That's all your story.

Jack: Javier.

Traci: Javier.

[ Laughter ]

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