Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/29/20
Episode #11904 ~ Adam severs ties with Victor; Chloe pushes Chelsea to make a fresh start; Kyle lashes out at Theo.
Provided By Suzanne
Sharon: Hello, chelsea.Chelsea: Sharon.
Sharon: Beautiful morning, isn't it?
Chelsea: I suppose so. You're in a very chipper mood this morning.
Sharon: Well, I got some very good news about my treatment. I'm on my way to being cancer-free.
Chelsea: Oh, sharon. Oh, I'm -- I'm so happy to hear that, seriously.
Sharon: Thanks. It really feels amazing to be able to look forward to things again.
Chelsea: Yeah. It must be nice.
Sharon: Yeah, after all the fear and uncertainty, it -- it is a miracle. I feel blessed.
Chelsea: Good for you. Um, well, if you don't mind, I-i just came for the coffee, so...
Sharon: Oh. Is everything alright?
Chelsea: Yeah, everything's great. Thanks.
Sharon: Chelsea...
Chelsea: I left adam, okay? He's all yours now.
Phyllis: What are your plans today?
Nick: My schedule is pretty fluid.
Phyllis: My schedule is open, too, just so you know. We could stay in.
Nick: We could do that.
Phyllis: We could. We could go back up to my room and play.
Nick: You are so bad.
Phyllis: I'm so bad I'm good.
[ Cellphone pings ] Who is that?
Nick: It's from adam.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Abby: What?
Chance: [ Chuckles ] I was just thinking how lucky i am to be right here, right now, with the most beautiful woman in the world.
Abby: The whole world, huh?
Chance: I've seen a good chunk of it. And, besides, your mesmerizing beauty, I was looking for a clue.
Abby: You just got back on the force. Am I a suspect now?
Chance: You, my dear, are on my personal most-wanted list. The clue I was looking for was just a look...or a glow.
Abby: Okay. I see what you're getting at. You know what? Even a great detective like you wouldn't be able to spot a pregnancy that early on.
Chance: Oh, don't sell me short.
Abby: And, besides, I'm not feeling very "glowy" this morning. I have to go help plan dina's funeral, and I am dreading it.
Chance: If you need me to be there, just say the word. I'll ask paul to postpone my start date.
Abby: No, no. This is a big day for you. I don't want you to miss it. Speaking of which, we need to get moving.
Chance: Okay. I have to make a quick stop on my way to the station.
Abby: Good luck. You might need it.
Chance: Yeah.
Jack: Hey, thank you for rearranging your schedule to make this work.
Kyle: I wouldn't have missed it. Even brought my lucky charm.
Jack: Ah! Great minds...
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
Jack: Yeah, I feel closer to dina every time I wear them.
Kyle: We get to carry a piece of her wherever we go.
Jack: Today, I want to plan a memorial service that does dina justice.
Kyle: So, who's gonna be at this meeting?
Jack: Family. Just family. But I want this to go smoothly. That's very important.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Kyle: If it's just us abbotts, what could go wrong? Don't be afraid,
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Sharon: You and adam broke up? What happened?
Chelsea: I don't want to talk about it.
Sharon: Well, chelsea, i can't help being...concerned because of adam's emotional state.
Chelsea: Oh, he's in a state, alright.
[ Cup thuds ]
Sharon: Which is why he needs you right now.
Chelsea: You're the one he needs, sharon. You're the one he's always needed.
Sharon: Well, I don't know why you're dragging me into this. I've been plannin my wedding to rey. If adam said something about me, I'm sure he's just projecting or lashing out --
Chelsea: Would you stop?! Would you please stop?! The last thing I need to hear is your diagnosis as to why adam is obsessed with you.
Chloe: Uh, chelsea, there you are. Um, why don't we go talk out on the patio?
Ashley: Theo, you're here.
Traci: We're so glad you could join us.
Theo: I was a little surprised to get the invitation, to tell you the truth.
Jack: Hey, that's all on me. I should have reached out sooner, given you a chance to say goodbye to dina in person.
Traci: We just -- we didn't expect that she was going to pass away so soon.
Ashley: And it was a very difficult time. Honestly, we just weren't thinking clearly.
Theo: It's okay. You don't have to explain. I know what it's like to lose a parent, and I only recently got to know dina, so I know this is a much bigger loss for all of you.
Jack: You're here now. That's all that matters.
Abby: Hello, hello.
Ashley: Hi, sweetie.
Abby: Did I miss anything?
Jack: No, we were just getting rolling. Uh, as a matter of fact, who wants to start?
Kyle: Well, I was writing down some thoughts about the service, but every idea I came up with...dina had already taken care of.
Ashley: Leave it to dina to plan her own funeral.
Traci: [ Chuckles ] She even picked out the dress to be cremated in.
Ashley: And apparently I'm in charge of the accessories?
Traci: Well, that's because you inherited her exquisite taste.
Ashley: [ Chuckles ]
Jack: Even if dina did leave us a list, there are a few decisions we have to make about the service. She made very clear to traci and me that she didn't want anything formal, nothing sad or solemn.
Traci: More, um, a celebration of life, like a big party in her honor.
Abby: I know what that means. Buckets of champagne.
Kyle: I've got a list of her favorite songs. Maybe there's an up-tempo version of the "moon and back" lullaby she used to sing to dad.
Ashley: I remember the parties that our parents used to throw in the day.
Traci: Yeah, and some of them went on until the sun was coming up the next day.
Jack: And mother and dad always had the last dance.
Traci: Wouldn't it be nice to think that they're dancing again now? Wouldn't it, jack?
Jack: Yeah, that would be nice.
Theo: You know, I'm gonna go out for a coffee run.
Jack: Theo, theo, you don't have to do that.
Ashley: Please don't go.
Traci: There's plenty of coffee brewing in the kitchen.
Theo: I'll get it myself then. Thanks.
Jack: This is about dina.
Kyle: I couldn't agree more.
Phyllis: That is so weird. Why does adam want to meet with you and victoria?
Nick: Whatever it is, it can't be good.
Phyllis: Just delete the text. Don't respond.
Nick: Would you do that? No, you wouldn'T.
Phyllis: I would not, because I'd be curious, and that would get the better of me. But you are not me, and you make the right decision.
Nick: Yeah, I don't know.
Phyllis: It's not worth it to confront him, you know that. I like our original plan.
Nick: The, uh, staying here plan.
Phyllis: Yeah. It's safer and sexier. Yeah, you're not gonna do that, are you? Alright.
Nick: [ Chuckles ] Look, it's -- I want to do that, but it's better to know what adam has in his mind, so I'm prepared for anything.
Phyllis: Alright. You got to do what you got to do. You know I have your back, right?
Nick: I know that.
Adam: What brings you by?
Chance: Good news. From the looks of it, you could probably use some.
Adam: Well, why don't we just skip the commentary and get to the point?
Chance: I completed the inquiry, and I'm officially back on the genoa city police force.
Adam: Huh. Well, congratulations.
Chance: There will be a probationary period. Paul's gonna make me earn it. They looked into what happened in vegas. They didn't find any evidence that a crime was ever committed, which means we're officially off the hook.
Adam: Well, thanks for the update.
Chance: Are you okay?
Adam: I'm great.
Chance: Are you still obsessing over that article?
Adam: Uh, it's over and done with. You know, my debt to society has now been officially paid.
Chance: It doesn't look that way from here.
Adam: I've actually found a new purpose, chance.
Chance: Which is what?
Adam: Well, since chelsea left, I had some time to refocus and look at my life and my part in the family. It's actually kind of liberating.
Chance: Hang on. Chelsea left you?
Adam: That's right.
Chance: When did this happen?
Adam: Just probably a few days ago. It's all for the best.
Chance: No. Adam, it's not. She was the only person keeping your feet on the ground, keeping you out of trouble.
Adam: Chance, relax. It's done. Besides, chelsea shouldn't be a part of my life right now, anyway. And neither should connor.
Chance: Why not?
Adam: Because I am better off alone. And they're much better off without me.
Chance: Adam, do you even hear yourself? What are you up to?
Adam: Listen, I-I really would love to continue to catch up, but I'm late for this important meeting I have to get to. So I appreciate it. You can see yourself out.
Chance: Adam... adam! What the hell is he up to?
[ Footsteps approach ]
Summer: Hey.
Phyllis: Hey. Hey, not so fast. No.
Summer: What?
Phyllis: You know what.
Summer: Uh, if you're looking for any news about kyle, I have nothing new to report.
Phyllis: Well, why don't you just sit down and talk to your mother?
Summer: Mom, I'm running late.
Phyllis: You're running late for what, work? Big deal. It can wait. You know that. And stop trying to act like nothing's wrong when we both know it is.
Summer: [ Sighs ] Okay. Um, well, kyle pulled out all the stops to convince me that he still loves me, and he did this grand, romantic gesture, filled with props and swore to me that his love for me is real and it's stronger than ever.
Phyllis: Do you believe him?
Summer: I don't know.
Phyllis: Mnh-mnh. You either know or you don'T.
Traci: So, that's how I got the idea for my new book.
Ashley: From jack finding the necklace?
Traci: Yes. But that's just the jumping-off point. I-I want to talk about the whole journey -- when the necklace was made, the people who owned it, what happened to them afterwards.
Jack: I think it's a great idea.
Traci: And I've also decided to have all of the proceeds donated to alzheimer's research.
Jack: Even better.
Abby: Hey, you even have a built-in title -- "the teardrop of love."
Traci: You read my mind.
Theo: Sounds like an old motown song.
Traci: It does a little, but it's an emerald necklace that our dad bought dina while they were married.
Ashley: And jack miraculously was able to track it down.
Theo: Wow, that's amazing. Good for you, jack.
Ashley: And it gave mother closure and peace, actually. That's how much it meant to her.
Traci: And then my brilliant brother found a way for all of us to share in the miracle.
Jack: Who's up for some coffee?
Traci: None for me, thanks.
Abby: I'm good. Thanks.
Jack: Ashley?
Ashley: I'm fine, thanks.
Traci: Abby, honey, I meant to tell you, I-I found a couple of pins of dina'S. They're on the table for you. I set them aside.
Abby: Oh, thank you so much.
Traci: Yeah. I think you'll like them.
Abby: Oh, thank you. That's so thoughtful.
Traci: One will go perfectly with that blouse.
Abby: Oh, I always used to love her hairpins.
Traci: [ Chuckles ]
Theo: So, uh, did, uh, dina inspire anyone else besides traci?
Ashley: Actually, I had an idea that I haven't shared with anybody.
Abby: What is it?
Ashley: Well, I'm going to create a fragrance in dina's honor...
Abby: That's an amazing idea.
Ashley: ...And donate all the proceeds to alzheimer's research.
Theo: I have an idea, too. It's -- well, it's not as big a deal as -- as a book or a new perfume, but maybe I could get chanccomm to run a story on dina. You know, a tribute.
Kyle: I don't think so.
Theo: Why not?
Kyle: She wouldn't want anything that would exploit her or the family.
Theo: Why would you assume that we would do that?
Kyle: I've seen the kind of stuff chanccomm publishes.
Theo: No, you've read the adam newman story. That's not entirely representative of what we do. This would be positive. Something the whole family could be proud of. And it would raise awareness for alzheimer's research.
Traci: I like it, theo.
Theo: Thank you.
Jack: Dina has provided inspiration both big and small, but, more importantly, we have strengthened the abbott family bond, and that's the kind of tribute that would mean the most to her.
Chloe: I'm worried about you.
Chelsea: I'm fine. I'm fine. Sharon just walked in at the wrong time.
Chloe: I'm not talking about sharon. I'm talking about that sad look on your face. And I think I have a non-adam solution to at least one of your problems. Just promise that you'll hear me out.
Chelsea: I'm almost afraid to ask.
Chloe: I want to reboot your fashion line.
Chelsea: But, chloe, i already told you...
Chloe: I know, I know. Your whole association with adam is toxic. But this would have nothing to do with him.
Chelsea: Is that possible?
Chloe: By leaving his name completely out of it.
Chelsea: Like he doesn't exist?
Chloe: Yes.
Chelsea: Um, well, yeah, i mean, I guess that would suit a lot of people in this town. I know you all would love it if I just forgot I ever knew him.
Chloe: Yeah, I sure would. Honey, you are a strong, talented, smart woman. You have to stop thinking about everything you do in relationship to adam. You have to move forward in your life, and this is the way that you can do it, by leaving adam behind and starting fresh. But you have to want to do it.
Victoria: I'm surprised you showed up.
Nick: Why?
Victoria: Well, you're not real fond of me these days, and I know you hate adam.
Nick: Well, I'm willing to put all of the issues you have with phyllis aside for now because when it comes to adam, we need to present a united front.
Victoria: You will get no argument there. So, do you know what this is all about?
Nick: I was hoping you did.
Victoria: Adam knows that i pushed for that exposé that billy ran at chanccomm.
Nick: You think he's ready to declare war?
Victoria: Could be.
Nick: Did you tell dad about this meeting?
Victoria: No. Adam's text said just the three of us. There's no need to involve dad unnecessarily.
Nick: That almost sounds protective.
Victoria: Self-protective. The last thing I want is for dad to throw adam another lifeline.
[ Telephone buzzes ]
Victoria: Send him in. This is our fight now.
[ Door opens ]
Adam: Well, thanks for being willing to meet with me on such short notice.
Nick: What do you want?
Adam: Look, the reason i chose this location instead of neutral ground is because i wanted witnesses to my peaceful arrival and departure.
Victoria: Whatever, adam. Why don't you just go ahead and get the threats out of the way so we can get back to our lives?
Nick: Yeah, that is why you're here, right?
Adam: Both of you could not be more wrong. Okay? I'm about to give you something that you have wanted for quite some time. Your freedom from me.
Nick: What angle are you playing?
Adam: [ Sighs ] There's no angle. I had an epiphany. It was a moment of clarity, and the truth finally sunk in. I mean, how much time have i spent -- time and energy -- trying to force my way into this family? Because I thought I needed victor's approval. 'Cause without it, I was -- i was somehow less of a man. And certainly less of a newman. But I realize now that my weakness is my last name, so i am going to live my life no longer as a member of this family.
Victoria: [ Scoffs ] Are you divorcing us? Well, that suits me just fine.
Adam: Good. I'm glad to hear it.
Nick: What's the catch? What are you looking for in terms of a divorce settlement?
Adam: I don't want anything.
Nick: I don't believe you.
Adam: And I don't really care, nick. I'm not out for blood or reparation or cash. I don't even have the energy to seek revenge on billy for this article. As of today, I'm cutting you all loose. All I ask is you let me do that in peace.
Victoria: What the hell was that?
[ Door closes ]
Summer: So, yeah, that's where we left things. I don't know. I want to believe kyle, but i just think that too much has happened.
Phyllis: I mean, you know i support you -- always. And I have had reservations about kyle's commitment to you.
Summer: Yeah. I probably should have just listened to you in the first place.
Phyllis: Well, yeah. I mean, he's trying.
Summer: Okay, but he shouldn't have to try to love me.
Phyllis: Yeah, I mean, he's doing all the right things. That's what he's doing. I mean, how many hoops do you want him to jump through?
Summer: None. I'm not toying with him.
Phyllis: I know. I know you're not. But definitely the way he sees it, I assure you, it feels to him like you keep on moving the goal post.
Summer: I just want everything to be perfect this time. And my instincts are just telling me that they're not.
Phyllis: Why?
Summer: Because when i married kyle the first time, i really believed that he was in love with me. But then he goes and says that he's in love with lola.
Phyllis: Wait a second. Do you think he still is.
Summer: I don't know. I don't know, but it seems that way, and kyle's obviously capable of loving two women at once, so if he's not over lola, then where does that leave me? Mom, I just -- I can't do this again. I-I can'T.
Jack: Then we're all agreed dina's celebration will be at society?
Abby: I already spoke to lola, and she said she'd be honored to do it.
Kyle: Lola will do an amazing job.
Theo: High praise for your ex-wife.
Traci: Um, is -- is there anything else that we should talk about?
Jack: Yes, there is. The reading of dina's will.
Ashley: Oh, do we have to go there?
Jack: I know how you feel about it, but, yes, we have to go there. I spoke to her lawyer, and there has been only one change to her will since graham bloodworth.
Theo: Who's graham bloodworth?
Abby: Ugh, you don't want to know.
Theo: That bad, huh?
Ashley: Worse.
Theo: So, when were those changes made?
Kyle: Really, theo?
Theo: I was just asking a question.
Kyle: Because you want to know if you're getting a piece of the pie.
Traci: I'm sure that's not why theo was implying.
Kyle: You don't know him like I do.
Jack: Okay, I think we can slow down here. This is not the time or the place.
Theo: No, no. I never asked for anything.
Kyle: You didn't have to.
Theo: I am just as much dina's grandson as you are. The son of her first born, as a matter of fact.
Kyle: Right. The son she never wanted.
Jack: I said, "enough." We will table the discussion for the reading of dina's will until after the service. Darrell's family uses gain flings now so their laundry
"The young and the restless"
will continue. Joe biden was raised a middle-class kid,
Phyllis: You know I have been here. I have walked in these shoes. You know this.
Summer: I know, with dad and sharon.
Phyllis: Yeah, that's why your dad and I really want to advise to slow down and not move so fast, summer. I mean, why does it have to be all or nothing?
Summer: What do you mean?
Phyllis: Well, it's either happily ever after or "I hate you, goodbye." I mean, it's ridiculous. Why is marriage even on the table? Why don't you just take a year, six months to figure it out? Why do you have to rush into it, make a commitment? Let the game come to you.
Summer: I mean, I guess it's not the worst advice in the world.
Phyllis: It's fantastic advice. Are you gonna take it?
Phyllis: I'll think about it.
Phyllis: Stubborn. So stubborn.
Summer: Oh, I wonder where i get it from.
Phyllis: Well, whatever.
Summer: Okay, yeah, enough about me. We're not talking about me anymore. We're gonna talk about you.
Phyllis: Okay.
Summer: How are things going?
Phyllis: Oh! Not great. I'd like victoria to take a long, long cruise to a faraway place.
Summer: Okay, I don't understand, why don't you just let dad buy the hotel back for you?
Phyllis: Really? You're saying this, too? I don't want him to fix my problems with his money. I can fix this. Why doesn't anyone believe that?
Summer: No one doubts that you can solve your own problems, mom. It's just the way that you go about it that makes us worry.
Chelsea: I don't know if I'm up for designing anything right now.
Chloe: You just need to channel your emotions into your work. We just need to come up with an alias and we'll be back right in business.
Chelsea: An alias?
Chloe: Goodbye, chelsea lawson. Hello, alexis sweetiepie lacroix!
Chelsea: [ Laughs ] The name might need a little work, but what you're saying, your idea actually makes a lot of sense. I mean, it could be exactly what we need right now.
Chloe: Exactly. To this day, I am so thankful that you were willing to forgive me and give our friendship and our partnership another chance. Don't let adam ruin that for you or for us.
Chelsea: I hear you, chloe. I really do. But I was serious when I told you I'm fresh out of inspiration. I don't think I could make -- could design a baby bib for little miles at this point.
Chloe: You'll get it back. You just need one foot in front of the other.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] If only it were that easy.
Chloe: What's going on with you? Is there something else that you're not telling me?
Nick: Do you think he meant that? Do you think he's finally gonna walk away from us?
Victoria: Not for one second. This would not be the first time that he pulled something like this. You remember.
Nick: How could I forget? You paid him to leave town, which he did not, and then he used the money to steal my company.
Victoria: And you still blame me for that?
Nick: Just stating the facts.
Victoria: Look, I thought we were gonna stand together against adam here and put our differences aside.
Nick: What are we standing against if he is gonna get out of our lives?
Victoria: If we even think that he will.
Nick: What if he's serious? He really wants to cut the cord and get a a fresh start somewhere? It would be a lot better for us, a lot less anxiety. We wouldn't be looking over our shoulders, wondering what he's gonna do next.
Victoria: But dad would be hit hard.
Nick: Yeah. It would almost be like adam died all over again.
Victoria: Look, adam's not going anywhere. This is just a smoke screen. So we better keep our guard up.
Nick: You worried?
Victoria: No, I'm not worried. Adam always underestimates me. So let him do his worst, because I'll give it back to him with interest.
Victor: I got your message.
Adam: That is for you.
Victor: What is this?
Adam: It's a copy of my request for a court order.
Victor: Huh. Another questionable maneuver to get at me legally?
Adam: No. It's not an attack. I'm legally changing my name from adam newman to adam wilson, severing all my ties to you and the newman family. Never run dry of...
Ashley: Well, that was not at all how I thought a meeting about dina's memorial was gonna play out.
Abby: Well, families are complicated.
Ashley: [ Sighs ] Especially ours.
Abby: Speaking of which, remember how I told you chance and I were talking about starting a family of our own?
Ashley: [ Gasps ] Yes! What, you're pregnant?
Abby: Oh, no, no. Not yet. But we've decided to move forward with that decision.
Ashley: Wonderful. Amazing. Although I have to admit, it kind of dawned on me -- that means I'm gonna be a grandmother. I'm not sure exactly how I feel about that. PAbby: You're gonna be the hottest grandma ever.
Ashley: [ Laughs ] Okay. Well, thanks. Except your child cannot call me "grandmother" or "grandma." So we're gonna have to come up with a very special name.
Abby: Like "ashley"?
Ashley: [ Laughs ]
Abby: Yeah. But I think it's a little premature to start thinking about that.
Ashley: That's all I'm ever gonna be thinking about now. You know what's funny? Can you imagine dina being a great-grandmother? How do you think she would have felt about that? I think she would have eventually been very proud.
Abby: Yeah. I keep thinking about our last conversation, the last thing she said to me. She said, "don't make the same mistakes I did." And I think she thought one of her biggest mistakes was not being the mother she should have been. So when the time comes, I want to honor her memory and be the mom that my child deserves.
Jack: Hey. Hold on a second.
Kyle: If this is about theo, I don't want to talk about it.
Jack: Too bad. We're gonna talk about it. I know this is a difficult time. I know emotions are running high, tempers are frayed. But, kyle, you got to remember something. You have everything. Theo has nothing.
Kyle: If you're asking me to feel sorry for him, I've already tried that. All he did was take advantage.
Jack: He is still family, kyle.
Kyle: You do not have to remind me. But I'll tell you this. He'll use that against us the rest of his life.
Theo: You didn't have to follow me here.
Traci: That's what family does, theo.
Theo: I'm not really family. Didn't you hear? I'm just the son of the kid your mom never wanted.
Traci: That is not true.
Theo: Ask kyle.
Traci: [ Sighs ] Okay. Grief pushes people's buttons. It causes them to do things and say things that they don't really mean.
Theo: Oh, I think he meant every word that he said.
Traci: [ Chuckles ] You did not see us at our best this morning, and I will admit that, but, honey, in the end, we always come back together.
Theo: And maybe that is true for you, because you grew up as an abbott. But even today, when jack tried to include, I-I still felt like an outsider.
Traci: It was unintentional. I promise you.
Theo: And I want to believe you, traci. Really, I do. You're the nice one.
Traci: [ Chuckles ]
Theo: But I'm never gonna belong in this family. I've excepted it... and...so should you.
Traci: Oh, boy.
Adam: And just so you know, the name change isn't an attack, regardless of what nick and victoria suspect.
Victor: So you've announced your wishes to them, as well?
Adam: I did. Just a few minutes ago.
Victor: Hmm. What did they say?
Adam: I don't know. I didn't stick around long enough to find out. And quite frankly, I could care less about what they think, or you. I simply just wanted it known i no longer need your approval or your name. I think you could understand that, given how you rejected your own father's name.
Victor: So you're comparing me to albert miller?
Adam: No. I see it more as freeing myself up, actually. The atrocities I committed belonged to adam newman, not adam wilson. The blood on my hands& is washed away. The past, dead and buried as of right now.
Victor: Well, if that's how you want it... so be it. Just know, son, you crossed a line in your own mind. And it'll be very difficult to come back from that.
Adam: I wouldn't want to. I'm done with all of you.
Victor: [ Sighs ]
Facing leaks takes strength,
so here's to the strong,
[ Footsteps approach ]
Summer: Hey. I'm glad that you came.
Kyle: Yeah. Yeah. Me too. We need to settle this.
Summer: Yeah. Um, look, I've been thinking a lot about what you said, and I --
Kyle: This isn't working, summer. And I don't know what else I can do to prove to you that I love you and only you, that we could be good together. But you don't trust me, and you've made it pretty clear that you never will. So maybe you had the right idea when you left. Maybe we are better off apart.
Chelsea: There is nothing else going on with me.
Chloe: No, there's something going on with you. I've seen it a million times. If you tell me, I can just help you, unless it has to do with you getting back together with adam, because I would not aid and abet if my life depended on it.
Chelsea: Why is no one willing to accept I am perfectly fine?!
Chloe: Chelsea?! Help! Someone help me!
Abby: I am so happy that you're here.
Chance: I had a feeling you might need some company after meeting with your family.
Abby: Yeah, it was pretty tense. But I'm much better now, knowing that I can share all of my troubles with you.
Chance: You better get used to it, 'cause I plan on being around for a long, long time.
Abby: Like forever?
Chance: Forever and ever and even longer.
Abby: [ Chuckles ] What do you say you take a longer lunch break and we go practice our baby-making skills?
Chance: Mm. What you do to me. You know I wish I could, but i can'T. I'm still on the clock.
Abby: Mm. Okay. Well, now you have something to look forward to when you get home.
Chance: And then we can practice and practice and practice.
Abby: I like the sound of that.
Abby: So, how did things go with adam?
Chance: There's an abrupt change of subject.
Abby: I know you have to get back to work, and I was getting too turned on, so...
Chance: You know what? I try not to think the worst about the guy, but he's -- he's clearly up to something. I just don't know what it is. And I have a gut feeling that the worst is yet to come.
Victor: So I understand adam filled you in on his renunciation of all things newman?
Victoria: If you believe him.
Nick: Which we don'T.
Victoria: It's obvious that he's just bluffing, dad. He just wants us to let our guard down.
Victor: Do you know he legally changed his name back to wilson?
Nick: What?!
Victoria: He's taking it this far? Dad, listen. I know this might be hard for you to accept, but it's for the best. I think you're finally gonna have to let him go.
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