Y&R Transcript Friday 10/23/20
Episode #11900 ~ Chelsea puts Adam on notice; Rey and Sharon plan for the future; Devon extends an invitation to Amanda.
Provided By Suzanne
Lola: Hey! Elena. It feels like I haven't seen you in a million years.
Elena: Yeah, I guess it's been a while.
Lola: I guess you've been busy with, uh, the clinic and work, not to mention devon.
Elena: Yeah.
Lola: How have you been?
Elena: I've been good. Um, just like you said, crazy hours at work. I barely have a minute to myself. But everything's fine.
Lola: You know what? Even if you would have said that to me without tears in your eyes, I still wouldn't have believed you.
Elena: I'm fine. Really.
Lola: Why don't we grab a cup of coffee and we care share something sweet? Because it really looks like you could use a friend. Alright. Come on.
[ Footsteps depart ]
Amanda: You want me to go to new york with you?
Devon: We could take my private jet. You don't need to back a bag, 'cause I can buy anything you need when we get there.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ]
Devon: I just want to check out some galleries near high line and then go to the club and see if this artist lives up to the hype. And then you get to say you were there and saw before her lp made her famous.
Amanda: Well, it does sound tempting.
Devon: Doesn't it? It can be a lot of fun.
Amanda: But I'm gonna have to pass.
Devon: Okay. Well, what, are you slammed with work at chancellor communications?
Amanda: No, no. I have that all under control.
Devon: Alright. Well, if it's not your job, is it me?
Amanda: Honestly...yes.
Devon: Why?
Amanda: Well, because I feel for you, devon, and everything that you're going through. But I don't feel the need to stick it to nate and elena.
Nick: Sorry to pop in so late.
Sharon: No problem. What brings you by?
Nick: Oh, I was just visiting with my mother. Thought I'd come in and check on faith.
Sharon: Well -- well, she's up in her room with the door closed.
Nick: For how long?
Sharon: Um, she's on a video-chat with some of her classmates. They're working on a group project.
Nick: Ah, I used to hate those.
Sharon: Yeah, don't get me started.
[ Chuckles ]
Nick: But you're sure she's okay?
Sharon: Now that I've brought her her favorite little pizza rolls, definitely okay. I mean, they're in the thick of it, but she can take a break if you want to go up and talk to her.
Nick: No. Uh, it's alright. I don't want to take her away from her project.
Sharon: You're worried about faith. What is it?
Chelsea: Adam? Adam, connor sends his love. Are you home? Adam?
[ Sighs ]
Adam: I hear congratulations are in order.
Rey: I hear an arrest warrant may be in order for you.
Adam: Well, is that any way to exchange a friendly hello?
Rey: I'll let you know when I get one.
Adam: Wow. Here I am. I'm trying to be polite about your good news. You are a smart guy, rey. I mean, you know this thing between you and sharon, it's not gonna work out.
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Elena: It's really sweet of you to offer to listen, but... really, I'm fine. I'm just tired.
Lola: You know, I have the greatest waitstaff in town. I mean, they're thoughtful, attentive. And when our customers eat, they also talk. So when there's trouble in paradise, my servers are the first to know.
Elena: Okay, look, I don't know what you heard, but --
Lola: Hey, if you want me to back off, I will. But if you want to talk to me about what's going on with devon, I'm also here.
Elena: I'm a terrible person.
Lola: You know, I don't know you that well, but I highly doubt that you're a terrible person.
Elena: [ Scoffs ] Well, once I tell you what happened, I think you're gonna change your mind. Because I made a huge mistake. I did something horrible, and i can't fix it.
Lola: I doubt that.
Elena: I guess it all started at the clinic. I was working longer shifts, most of them with nate. And we started to bond over our patients. And I'm not saying this as an excuse, but devon started spending a lot of time with amanda because she found out that she was hilary's twin. And I don't know, I guess it -- it made me feel forgotten. And nate was so reassuring and supportive. Anyway, this -- this kid came in who we both knew, and we ended up saving his life. And it felt so good, because here we were, this perfect team, working so well together, we didn't even have to speak to each other. And I guess in the moment, i just -- I needed to feel understood, and then... it just happened.
Lola: What happened?
Elena: I slept with nate.
Lola: Whew. Elena, I am --
Elena: Are you shocked? Disgusted? Because that's pretty much how i feel about myself lately.
Lola: I'm sorry.
Elena: I don't think devon will ever forgive me. And why should he? Devon has done nothing but love me, and all he asked for in return was loyalty. And I betrayed him in the worst possible way. I completely disrespected him.
Lola: But that wasn't your intention.
Elena: No. I mean, I knew -- I realized that devon didn't care about amanda because she looked like hilary. But I think my insecurity just blinded me to what was really going on, and then it all built up to this one spontaneous moment that I immediately regretted. And I have never thought of myself as a bad person. But every time I look in the mirror, that's all I see.
Lola: You loved him.
Elena: I still love him.
Lola: Then fight for him.
Elena: Oh, he'll never take me back. I destroyed his trust.
Lola: Okay. What about nate?
Elena: What about nate?
Lola: Well, you keep on telling me about how you feel about you and devon. But you haven't said anything about you and nate. How do you feel about him?
Nate: And make sure we reschedule that surgery. It's elective, so he can wait a month or two. Or if he's anxious to get it done, send him for a consult with dr. Braxton. Well, tell my non-surgical patients I can see them next week. I won't know what my future looks like till I have my consultation with dr. Frasier. What does it feel like?
[ Scoffs ] Like I got my hand sliced open. But I'm on the mend. I have the best doctors in the state looking after me. I'll be in touch. Thanks.
[ Sighs ]
Devon: This is just a business trip I'm talking about. I'm not looking to run away from my feelings or get any kind of emotional revenge on nate and elena.
Amanda: But admit it, you know what it will look like to them if we just jetted off together.
Devon: Sure. Yeah. It's crossed my mind.
Amanda: Devon...
Devon: What?
Amanda: You are in the middle of a very messy situation. And maybe -- maybe this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me, if I wasn't I wasn't so determined to learn more about hilary. It left nate and elena to their own devices.
Devon: No, it is not our fault that two adults didn't have any damn self-control or boundaries with each other, okay?
Amanda: Understood. You know, if you ever want to talk to somebody who knows what you're going through, I would love to help -- anytime, any place.
Devon: I appreciate that. I'll be sure to give you a call.
Amanda: I know it may not sound like it, but it's a pretty fantastic offer. And lucky for you, no expiration date.
Devon: You have a good night.
[ Door opens ]
Devon: Hey, amanda. The offer you just made... how about now?
Amanda: Like I said, anytime.
Rey: After all the crimes you've committed, all the bridges you've burned, all the hell you've raised, you should be better at this.
Adam: What is it you think I'm doing?
Rey: You're trying to distract me. You think if you make me jealous and insecure about sharon, I'll forget all about that article that billy published and do something stupid.
Adam: I'm just trying to let you know that you are fighting a losing battle.
Rey: Well, I think a man in your position would know better than to antagonize a police officer.
Adam: Please, if you had anything on me, I'd be in jail by now.
Rey: [ Laughs ] Oh, man, you don't really believe that, do you? You don't think we're building a rock-solid case, making sure that the charges actually stick this time?
Adam: It's never gonna happen, rey.
Rey: Yeah, well, just like you and sharon. I'll tell you what. You make sure that you got your affairs in order and that connor is provided for, and you treat chelsea right, because this, uh, torch that you are carrying for a woman who doesn't want you...
I'm the guy that's gonna put it out. You'd never wash your dishes in this.
Nick: Why would I worry about faith?
Sharon: That's what I'd like to know.
Nick: Come on. You've had so much on your plate. Do you really want a side dish of teenage melodrama?
Sharon: [ Chuckles ] Not really. You know, there's been so much going on lately, I just sometimes wonder if I'm doing right by faith, like when I announced that I'd turned a corner in my treatment.
Nick: That was a great day.
Sharon: Yeah, I thought so. But then I asked faith to stay up late with me and watch a movie, and she turned me down. I didn't want to make a big deal of it, so I dropped it, but it did bother me. She is happy, isn't she?
Nick: Of course she is. That's the news we've all been waiting for.
Sharon: Well, then, why not celebrate, just do something totally fun and normal?
Nick: I don't know. Maybe she's just worn out. I mean, that's a great kid. She gives us nothing to worry about. She does her schoolwork. She has great grades, does all her chores.
Sharon: Yeah. And she's gone above and beyond taking care of me whenever I've needed it.
Nick: For months. Look, if she wants to crash early, then just let her.
Sharon: Yeah, maybe she's been taking care of me for long I just have to get used to taking care of her again.
Nick: Nah. You're good. If we just keep listening to her and talking to her and supporting her, everything's gonna be cool.
Amanda: So, what happens next?
Devon: What happens with what?
Amanda: Well, with the singer that you want me to see in new york.& I should warn you, though. If she goes with another label, hits number one on the chart, any attempt to take me to court will result in the immediate end of this friendship.
Devon: That's pretty funny.
Amanda: But that's not what we're here to discuss. So, tell me about nate and elena.
Devon: Nate and elena. I, uh -- I just didn't see it coming. And, you know, I've experienced a lot of loss in my life, but to be betrayed by people that you think know you the best, just -- it makes me question everything. Like, could I have done something, or am I just an awful judge of character? It makes me wonder how long I'm gonna keep feeling this pain that I'm feeling.
Amanda: I wish there was something I could do to help.
Devon: Well, you're doing it right now.
Amanda: We've spent way too much time together when I got my dna results.
Devon: Yeah, but so what, though? 'Cause I didn't do anything to make elena every question my love or my loyalty to her. So that's on her, not you.
Amanda: Well, I can't help feeling responsible.
Devon: Don't feel responsible. Don't feel responsible at all. You just found out that you had a sister you never knew. You had questions about who you were and where you came from. Well, you didn't do anything wrong. None of us did.
Elena: What do I think about nate? He's a nice guy. He's a great doctor. But most importantly, he's devon's cousin.
Lola: But what if he wasn't? I mean, what if he was just a cute doctor that you worked with and he and devon were complete strangers? Would you have still done what you did?
Elena: Are you trying to make sense of what happened between kyle and summer?
Lola: No. I mean, kyle never cheated on me. He did a little emotionally, but he and I are done now, and I've moved on.
Elena: How difficult was that?
Lola: Next to impossible.
Elena: [ Exhales sharply ]
Lola: But less so every day.
Elena: How?
Lola: [ Chuckles ] You focus on the thing that you love the most and you try to get better at it every single day. And hopefully, little by little, you'll stop feeling like you lost a really big part of your heart.
Elena: I don't think I could do that.
Lola: Because the thing that you love the most... involves nate.
Elena: Right. So I'll have to leave.
Lola: You're just gonna stop volunteering at the clinic?
Elena: Yeah. I mean, it's easy to avoid nate at the hospital, but working side by side with him at the clinic? I think it'll be too much, don't you?
Lola: You know, I really think that you should take a deep breath before you make any big choices.
Elena: Yeah, but some things can't wait.
[ Sighs ] Like finding a place to live.
Lola: What if I could lighten your load? I mean, listen. I can't help you with your love life, but I might know somewhere where you could live.
Elena: Really? Where?
Lola: Well, it's not too far from here. Uh, it's a two-bedroom. And you would have a roommate who's working all the time, so she'd barely be there.
[ Clears throat ]
Elena: You?
Lola: [ Chuckles ] Oh, and did I mention that there's a really amazing coffeehouse just downstairs? I mean, there's really great coffee.
Elena: Could we really?
Lola: Why not? I mean, I would have a built-in guinea pig to try my new recipes.
Elena: And I would have someone I could talk to. I'd like that.
Lola: Me too.
Nick: Alright. I better get home.
Sharon: You want me to tell her that you popped by?
Nick: No, that's alright. I'll, uh -- I'll catch up with her soon enough. There is something else, though.
Sharon: Yeah?
Nick: When I think about, you know, the news you got about your cancer and the battles you've fought and all the tears we all shed... I just want you to know how proud I am of you.
Sharon: I still have a few battles ahead.
Nick: Ah, after what you faced, there's nothing but skirmishes ahead. It must be nice to know when you wake up in the morning that the only thing you need to worry about is what kind of flowers you want for your wedding.
Sharon: Mums.
Nick: Mums. See, you got it figured out.
Sharon: I was also thinking dahlias. I guess I don't really have it all figured out yet.
Nick: Well, whatever you pick, it's gonna be picture perfect. And I'm sure it's gonna look really slick in a boutonniere in my tux.
Sharon: Oh, I heard that you took rey up on his offer to be the best man.
Nick: Yeah. Did you think I would turn him down?
Sharon: Mm, I don't know, given our history, I wouldn't be surprised.
Nick: Nothing would make me happier than to stand up there for you two on your special day.
Sharon: Thank you, nick.
Nick: I mean, after all the ups and downs, everything that we have went through, look at where we are now.
Sharon: Having you as my friend and on my team just means so much to me.
Nick: To me, too. Alright. I'll see you.
Adam: I mean, you met sharon, what, 10 minutes ago? You're never gonna know her the way that I do.
Rey: Spoken like a true sociopath.
Adam: I get it that you would feel threatened by the history she and I share. And, I mean, if I was in your shoes, I'd probably just back away now and spare myself the inevitable humiliation.
Rey: First of all, adam, you could never be me. I have a conscience... and morals and respect. What do you have? You have a fiancée that you are gaslighting, a kid that you sent away because you don't want him to find out what a lowlife his father is, and memories of a woman that does not exist anymore. Because the sharon you knew, the one that you can't seem to get over, she is gone, man. She's not hung up on a loser with no impulse control.
Adam: Sharon and I will always find our way back to each other.
Rey: You're a joke. A dangerous mistake that sharon managed to live down.
Adam: And you are nothing more than a port in a storm till she realizes where she belongs.
Rey: And you -- you think that's with you? Man, you are in some serious need of professional help... which sharon gave you while i was with her in the fight for her life.
Adam: Well, actually, sharon and I were there for each other, because we belong together, rey. You see, I am her past and I am her future.
Rey: And what is chelsea? Your backup plan?
Adam: I don't need one.
Chelsea: [ Breathing heavily ] I just assumed all bladder leak pads felt the same.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.He's a career politician.
Amanda: Have you given any thought to how this happened?
Devon: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, of course I have. I think, uh -- I think elena and nate developed quite the bond working so close together at the clinic. Patching people up and giving them a second chance, it's a -- it's a powerful thing, I guess.
Amanda: So you think they got so caught up in saving lives that their clothes just fell off and they couldn't help themselves?
Devon: You know, yeah. I guess so.
Amanda: Plenty of people can work together without falling into bed.
Devon: All elena would say is that she just cared about helping people. But I guess they both just wanted to help themselves to each other. And she had the nerve to tell me that she still loves me and has no feelings for nate at all.
Amanda: You don't believe her?
Devon: I don'T. I think that -- that love is more than just what you say. It's the things that you do. And, you know, I've -- I used to feel like I was on a team with her, but I guess I was on the outside for a long time.
Amanda: Yeah, no fun being the outsider.
Devon: No, it's not. And I'm sorry that I made you feel like one when you got to town.
Amanda: Oh, you had plenty of reasons to want me gone.
Devon: Well, I'm still kicking myself for it.
Amanda: Well, stop it. You can't change the past. Your present is pretty awful. So, tell me about your future. Do you think that you will ever be able to forgive them?
Devon: No.
Nate: [ Exhales raggedly ]
[ Door opens ] Hey.
Nick: Hey. Ouch. Man, I heard you and devon got into it. I didn't know it was that bad.
Nate: Uh, it looks worse than it is. The surgery went well, and I'm, uh, optimistic about my recovery.
Nick: Well, I'm glad to hear that. Man, you and devon are like brothers. What happened?
Nate: [ Sighs ] I was, uh -- I was being selfish. I let my emotions get the better of me, and, uh, I betrayed him in the worst way.
Nick: Well, it's my experience, there's only a couple of reasons why you cross that line. Money and love. And I think you're doing okay with money, so it's got to be a woman. Please tell me it's not elena. Aw, nate, why? Why, man? I know I'm no angel. I've been through some stuff. But what the hell were you thinking?
Nate: I know. Believe me.
Nick: You messed up -- big.
Nate: If I could take it back, just erase that night...
Nick: Is this that night that I dropped by here and... elena blew right past me? I picked up some weird vibes.
Nate: Yeah.
Nick: I told devon I ran into you two. Did I set this whole thing in motion?
Nate: Nah, nah, it had nothing to do with you. Nothing to do with what you said. It was the guilt. Neither one of us could stand what we did to devon, so she finally confessed.
Nick: On the night he got that big award, too.
Nate: The timing was... incredibly unfortunate.
Nick: You guys are both my friends. Is there anything I can do?
Nate: [ Sighs ] Convince me there's, uh, no such thing as karma.
Sharon: [ Gasps ] Oh, my god!
[ Gasps ]
Rey: I hope you like it.
[ Chuckles ]
Sharon: [ Exhales sharply ] It's exactly what I wanted.
Rey: I couldn't let my fiancée go another minute without an engagement ring.
Sharon: Well, I already said yes. You didn't have to get down on one knee.
Rey: Yeah, well, how fun would that have been?
Sharon: It's a perfect fit.
Rey: So now that I got a ring that's almost as beautiful as you are, when are gonna let me make an honest woman out of you?
Sharon: W-- do you want to set a date?
Rey: Why not?
Sharon: Tonight?
Rey: Yes. Let's do it. Let's see. What are you doing... the rest of your life?
[ Chuckles ] (Lucky) uh-oh the magic's disappearing!
Amanda: It's from the private investigator that I hired to, um, look into some facts about my birth.
Devon: Oh. Well, why aren't you ripping it open?
Amanda: They always say that you shouldn't ask questions unless you are prepared for the answer.
Devon: Alright. You ready for it?
Amanda: I thought I was. But now that it's here [Sighs] I don't know. Am I?
Nate: I'm glad you came back.
Elena: Yeah. There are some things we need to discuss.
Nate: Alright.
Elena: First of all, your hand. I'm really sorry this happened.
Nate: Ah, it's not your fault.
Elena: [ Exhales sharply ] It's kind of you to say, but i think we both know that's not entirely true... which leads me to my second point. I'm no longer gonna be volunteering here.
Nate: Why not?
Elena: For about a million different reasons, all of which I think you know.
Nate: Okay. Don't I get a say?
Elena: No, you don'T.
Nate: Did you discuss this with devon?
Elena: No, and i don't need to. Devon and I are finished. He asked me to pack my things and leave.
Nate: Yeah. He made a point to tell me that. Where will you go?
Elena: You don't need to worry about me. I can take care of myself.
Nate: Yeah, I have no doubt about that. Are you gonna stop working at the hospital? Because we're bound to run into each other there, too.
Elena: Yeah, but it'll be different, okay? We'll be around our colleagues and won't be in close quarters.
Nate: I can't let you go. This place -- it's -- it's you. It's yours. If anybody should bow out, it should be me.
Elena: Always trying to be the hero.
Nate: What I feel for you is anything but heroic. So let me do this one thing... for you.
Adam: Chelsea? Welcome back.
[ Clears throat ] How's connor? I hope he liked his gift. Well, you're probably exhausted. And I want to hear everything, but then we have a few things we need to discuss. Hey. Time to make some plans.
Chelsea: Plans? Plans for the two of us?
Adam: Yeah, you were right when you said we should leave genoa city. Let's find a house near connor's school, and let's just start over.
Chelsea: Is that really what you want?
Adam: Why would you even ask me that?
Chelsea: Because just moments ago you were bragging that
you're the one who will end up with sharon. You seemed so sure of yourself. And it's not like you to give up on something you want so desperately. So... what's changed your mind?
Because your eye health and
safety is our top priority.
Rey: What about halloween?
Sharon: You're out of your mind.
Rey: Okay, just hear me out. Hear me out. Everybody comes in costume. You got the skeletons, the spider webs, the ghoulish costumes. The goodie bags are overflowing with candy.
Sharon: Yeah? That could be fun. All the ghouls and candy corn and pumpkins and candy apples.
Rey: I did fall in love with you in autumn.
Sharon: I never thought that I would feel that way again.
Rey: Neither did I.
Sharon: I'm just really thankful that you came into my life at that time. It was, like, um, a fresh start. A rebirth.
Rey: Crazy idea here.
Sharon: Is it the same idea I'm having.
Rey: On three? One...
Sharon: Two...
Rey: Three.
Together: New year's eve.
Rey: Yeah?
Sharon: Well, it's the perfect night for a celebration, and what could be more romantic than sharing our first kiss together as husband and wife at midnight?
Rey: You're a genius.
Sharon: So...we're doing this?
Rey: Nothing would make me happier. We are getting married new year's eve.
Sharon: We'll start our new life together in the new year.
Rey: I love you so much.
Sharon: I love you more.
Amanda: This letter could hold the answers to all of the questions that I've had since i was a little girl.
Devon: What's it say?
Amanda: Well, it starts with a summary of all the information about my birth that I already know.
Devon: Okay. What else does it say?
Amanda: Wait a minute.
Devon: What?
Amanda: He -- my investigator spoke to a woman named nadine, and she lived in rose's apartment building years ago.
Devon: Okay. That's good. He found a neighbor. That's a good start. According to the investigator, nadine doesn't remember ever seeing rose pregnant. But suddenly she was showing off a pretty, little baby.
Nate: You love working here. You should be the one who stays.
Elena: I wish I could.
Nate: You have to. Your patients adore you. You -- you practically have your own fan club. Kids who used to be afraid of doctors are happy to see you. All those cards they made to thank you for helping them to be brave when they get their shots.
Elena: Yeah, that's the part I'll miss the most.
Nate: Stay. We'll figure out a way to make it work.
Elena: I think once you think this through, you'll realize that I'm doing what's best for everyone involved.
Nate: I have given it plenty of thought.
Elena: Okay, this place would only be a dream if it weren't for devon. And our problems are nothing compared to the people who come here for their health. I'm not doing this because i want to. I'm doing this because i have to. What if devon pulls funding?
Nate: He would never do that.
Elena: He could if I stay.
Nate: Just give him some time, alright?
Elena: Okay, nate, stop! This hurts like hell. You and devon are family. It may take a while, but he is going to forgive you. But he's not gonna see me as anything other than the woman who broke his heart. So staying here means the end of this place.
Nate: You love this clinic.
Elena: There are a lot of things that I love that I can't have right now.
Nate: This isn't fair.
Elena: None of it's fair! It's not fair what happened to devon. It's not fair what happened to your hand.
Nate: One night together, and everything comes crashing down. There's no way to salvage something from the ashes?
Elena: No. We can'T. It's over -- all of it.
Adam: Where is this coming from?
Chelsea: You mean, how do I know? I was at crimson lights, watching you and rey.
Adam: Look, chelsea, what you heard is not what it sounds like, okay?
Chelsea: It was disgusting and heartbreaking. Although quite enlightening listening to you go on and on about sharon like that. Wow. I mean, I almost wish she was there, because what woman wouldn't want to hear a man wax poetic about her -- like their undying love for her like that.
Adam: Did you hear how smug and condescending he was being? He was prattling on, chelsea, about sending me to prison!
Chelsea: Now it's rey's fault that you confessed your love for sharon?
Adam: I only said those things to get under the guy's skin. He's threatening to take away my freedom. I was pretending that he was in danger of losing the thing that he loves most. I wanted him to question his relationship with sharon.
Chelsea: Enough, adam. Enough.
Adam: I love you and only you.
Chelsea: I heard what you said. Do you know what that felt like, listening to you talk about another woman like that? It made me realize I'll always be second place, won't I? After everything I have done for you. I stood by you. I have defended you. I have forgiven you. I've adored you.
Adam: And you know how much that means to me.
Chelsea: Well, now I do.
[ Sniffles ] Now I do. Now I realize it all, and i realize that I'm disposable.
Adam: No.
Chelsea: I am disposable, and I am always gonna be the place filler. Now I'm just gonna keep your bed warm and your drinks cold, and that's gonna be it. That's gonna be my job.
Adam: No. It's not true. Okay? Let's -- let's sit down. Let's sit down. Let's talk this through, okay? I think that you're tired from traveling. I mean, when was the last time you ate something? I mean, come on. Let's get you unpacked.
Chelsea: These bags are not from my trip, adam. I managed to throw some things together after I listened to you destroy the best thing that's ever happened to you.
Adam: Chelsea, come on. You c-- you can't leave.
Chelsea: Try and stop me. I've had enough, adam... of your lies... and your manipulations and all the hatred. This is goodbye, adam. I am officially and forever done.
Next week on "the young and the restless."
Billy: Oh, really? You weren't about to come over here and kiss me?
Summer: This is really overwhelming.
Kyle: Good overwhelming or bad overwhelming?
Adam: I am going to live my life no longer as a member of this family. As of today, I'm cutting you all loose. All I ask is you let me do that in peace.
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