Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/21/20

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/21/20


Episode #11898 ~ Elena does damage control; Nate has a rude awakening; Phyllis manages a crisis.

Provided By Suzanne

Elena: Oh, my god, nate! You're bleeding!

Nate: I think I may have lacerated a tendon.

Elena: We need to get something to stop the blood. Devon!

Phyllis: Uh, yes, I'm calling from the grand phoenix. We have a guest who's been injured. There's a lot of blood. We need an ambulance right away. It's dr. Nate hastings. Please hurry.

Amanda: Oh, my god. Nate, what happened?

Phyllis: Devon.

Elena: That should help some until the emts get here.

Nate: Thank you.

Elena: What else can I do?

Nate: Keep talking to me s-so I don't pass out.

Elena: I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I told devon, and he just -- I didn't think he would ever do this.

Nate: You and I both.

Elena: Please don't hate me. I had to tell him what we did. I couldn't keep it a secret anymore.

[ Cellphone pings ]

Mariah: Hey, freeze.

Faith: What are you doing here so late?

Mariah: You first.

Faith: Well, I was hanging out with a friend. My dad's on his way to pick me up.

Mariah: I just saw your dad at the gala, and he said he was headed straight home. So why don't we start over?

Elena: I have to go.

Amanda: Go where?

Elena: I'm gonna follow the ambulance to the hospital.

Amanda: You mean, follow nate.

Elena: Did you want to go?

Amanda: Uh, I don't think it's my place. Do you think it's yours?

Elena: He's alone. Someone should be there with him.

Amanda: What about devon?

Elena: I don't know where -- I can't -- nate cut his hand, so I have to go.

Amanda: I heard what you said about telling devon the truth. The truth about what?

Elena: Look, it's not the time or the place to discuss this.

Amanda: Well, you better get ready, because I'm pretty sure that I am not the only one who's gonna want to know what happened here. And it became evident to me that nate was feeling a certain way about you, but I thought you two had a little more respect for devon than to actually... well... I guess I got my answer. Who has time for wrinkles?

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Faith: Yes, dad went home because he wasn't supposed to pick me up until I called him to let him know I'm ready. If you don't trust me, call him. Ask him yourself.

Mariah: I trust you implicitly. And, hey, you're an angel compared to me when I was your age.

Faith: Really? Wanna share?

Mariah: Not on your life. I know I seem ancient, but I do remember what it's like to be a teenager, and it's complicated. I know you're going through a lot right now.

Faith: Are you gonna talk to me about raging hormones? Or is this a risk assessment to try to find out if I'm falling apart?

Mariah: Neither.

Faith: Just for the record, i couldn't be happier that mom is on her way to being cancer-free.

Mariah: All I'm saying is that we've been dealing with this tsunami for months now. And everybody is telling us everything's fine, and then the next wave hits, and people are looking to us to make sure that we're gonna get through it. You don't want to disappoint anybody, so you put on a brave face. Maybe you realize it's made you tougher, but in some bad ways. Is anything that I am saying making sense to you?

Faith: No.

Mariah: It's hard to trust the good news when you finally get it.

Faith: I'm fine, okay? Really.

Mariah: It's okay not to be fine.

Faith: Dad's, uh, waiting for me outside.

Mariah: I love you, kid.

Faith: Love you back.

Phyllis: Wow. That was a really bad cut on nate's hand. I mean, I'm not a doctor, but you think he's gonna be okay?

Amanda: I have no idea.

Phyllis: Okay. Hey, well, it's not a party here at the grand phoenix unless, uh, somebody's drink is getting spiked or, you know, there's a hostage situation or a surgeon gets his hand sliced open. Amanda?

Amanda: Yeah? Um, have you seen devon?&

Phyllis: He walked out.

Amanda: Did you see what happened?

Phyllis: Yeah, I mean, I was standing there. I told him I had his award. And he walked past me, and he punched nate in the face. And it's out of character for him to do something like that, especially with nate. They're practically brothers.

[ Exhales sharply ] Something explosive had to happen to trigger him like that. And I suspect that you know exactly what set him off.

Abby: Hi. It's me. I thought I would have heard from you by now. I can't wait to hear about your inquiry. I'm sure you'll come through with flying colors. And if not, we'll just move to hawaii, right? I love you. Whoa. All hail the man of the hour. Congratulations on your award.

Devon: Thanks.

Abby: I had to rush back here right after your speech, but I'm glad I caught it. It was so inspiring and heartfelt. I'm sure you'll just have donations rolling in for the clinic. I'm really happy I was there for your shining moment. But to be honest, I'm glad I had to come back to society. I really didn't feel like schmoozing and answering a bunch of questions about dina.

Devon: Yeah, I, um -- i couldn't be more sorry to hear about her passing.

Abby: Thank you.

Devon: She had a remarkable, full life, and we should all be so lucky.

Abby: It wasn't a perfect life, but...

Devon: Well, no one's is.

Abby: She thought the world of you and neil. The way you two convinced her to sell mergeron to hamilton-winters. And the fact that her company was going to katherine chancellor's grandson was icing on the cake. The thought of our grandmothers up there having a hell of a time together, it just puts a smile on my face.

Devon: Oh, abby, I know that you're busy and I'm not really in a talking mood, so...

Abby: Yeah, right. Um, I'm sure you're all talked out after your big night.

Devon: Yeah.

Abby: Where's elena? I thought you two would be celebrating together.

Devon: Can we get a bartender so I can get a drink, please? - Oh. - What's going on?

Phyllis: Um, if you know what happened to make devon go off on nate, it's your obligation as a friend to tell me.

Amanda: Devon discovered something devastating.

Phyllis: You want to be more specific?

Amanda: Okay. I'll start from the beginning.

[ Clears throat ] So, you know how I felt nate pulling away from me? Not returning my phone calls, coming up with these excuses to avoid seeing me.

Phyllis: Right, right. Which makes no sense.

Amanda: Oh, give me a minute. It will. After he broke things off with me, I noticed the way that he was looking at elena.

Phyllis: Ah, no.

Amanda: Ah, yes.

Phyllis: They work together. They're friends.

Amanda: They are considerably more than that. And I think when she confessed to devon, he exploded.

Phyllis: This is shocking. I thought those two were headed for the altar for sure.

Amanda: Me too. Phyllis, devon loved her so much. I mean, he talked about her like she was a living saint. I guess he was wrong about that.

Phyllis: Well, I guess he was.

Amanda: You know, to be honest, she's not the only one to blame.

Phyllis: Of course not. There's nate.

Amanda: Well, and there's me.

Phyllis: What part do you play in all of this?

Amanda: Maybe none of this would have happened if... I wasn't spending so much time with devon, trying to learn more about hilary. You know, maybe that was not easy on nate and elena.

Phyllis: What elena and nate did has nothing to do with you at all. And if devon were here, he'd say the same thing.

Abby: It's on the house.

Devon: Thank you, abby. Hey, I'm sorry for being rude to you earlier. I didn't -- I didn't mean to. It's just I need some alone time.

Abby: No worries. If you need anything, let me know.

Devon: Thank you. You okay? Did something happen at the clinic tonight?

Elena: Okay, there are a few things that I've been struggling with, but it's nothing that i can't handle myself. You deserve better.

Devon: What are you talking about, honey? Are you okay?

Elena: Have you ever wished you could just stop time?

Nate: I didn't know at the time it would develop into this long-term thing. And I need to say this. Devon, if there's any part of you that's tempted to see where this newfound friendship with amanda might lead, you need to set elena free before she gets her heart shattered.

Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Okay. I'm headed home. Yes, of course, I have dessert. Well, you're just gonna have to wait and see, I guess. Alright. Bye. Uh, we're closed.

Billy: The lights looked on from outside. My mistake.

Mariah: It usually is.

Billy: [ Clears throat ] Before I go, uh, it's late, and I'm wondering if you know where your kid sister faith is.

Mariah: Why? Have you seen her?

Billy: Yeah, I saw her hanging out in chancellor park.

Mariah: Alone?

Billy: No. She was with some random girl, looked a little older.

Mariah: What were they doing?

Billy: Just talking. I asked her if she had permission to be out this late, and she turned on the charm and asked if I was gonna write an exposé about it.

Mariah: [ Scoffs ] Can you blame her?

Billy: I know I'm probably the last person in the world that she would want to talk to, so I called nick.

Mariah: Did you really expect him to answer? You're not exactly winning any popularity contests right now.

Billy: You don't say.

Mariah: Hey, it's me. Um, faith is in chancellor park. I-I don't know. With some older girl. Okay. Let me know. Thanks.

Billy: It's easy to understand why she'd be acting up, given everything that's going on with her mother. How is sharon, by the way?

Mariah: She got some good lab results.

Billy: Good. I'm glad to hear that. Please give her my best.

Mariah: Where was all this concern for faith and sharon when you published the article?

Billy: I didn't come here to defend myself.

Mariah: Good. Because you can'T. You didn't need to use faith to convince people of what a monster adam is. You didn't protect the innocent. You're basically just as bad as he is.

Billy: I hope faith gets home safely.

Mariah: Hey, billy, let me ask you something. Do you even have the decency to regret what you did? Hi sabrina!

Billy: It was never my intent to revictimize anyone who suffered because of adam.

Mariah: But that is exactly what happened.

Billy: I never named any names, mariah.

Mariah: Any toddler with a search engine could have put the pieces together. Do you have any idea what this did to faith? There were trolls online that were ridiculing her. We have been worried sick about her, as if sharon didn't have enough on her plate.

Billy: Well, you all have my sincere sympathies.

Mariah: Well, that's great. Still not an apology. You had an axe to grind, and you thought that it was better to express sympathy later than ask for permission, because the truth is, everyone would have said no. And then your story wouldn't have been as juicy. So faith and sharon and, actually, your own sister had to relive that trauma, thanks to you.

Billy: All I did was tell the truth. I let everyone know exactly who adam newman is and what he is capable of, and I stand by the greater good achieved by releasing that article.

[ Cellphone pings ]

Billy: Is that about faith?

Mariah: Yeah. It's nick. She's safe, and he's bring her here.

Billy: That's my cue to leave.

Mariah: Billy... I know why you despise adam. He never paid for what he did to your daughter. I hate him, too. But you're not a hero here. You're just a scavenger, picking at the devastation adam left in his wake.

Mariah: [ Sighs ]

Amanda: Should I call devon?

Phyllis: Yeah, go ahead. What's stopping you?

Amanda: No, you know, maybe i should give him space.

Phyllis: Oh, do you think he's with elena?

Amanda: Not unless he followed her to the hospital. She was in hot pursuit of the ambulance when the paramedics took nate out of here.

Phyllis: Oh. You don't say. Hmm.

Amanda: And wherever devon is, he is gonna need time and space to get a handle on everything that just happened.

Phyllis: Yeah. You know, devon wasn't the only one who was cheated on. I mean, how are you doing with all of this?

Amanda: Me? Don't get me wrong. Nate is a very charming, very attractive man, but we were not in any kind of serious relationship. Not like devon and elena. I mean, hasn't this guy been through enough already? First, he loses hilary and his baby in the most tragic way possible. Then he loses his father.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Amanda: And now he is betrayed by cousin and the woman that he loves.

Phyllis: Yeah. I know. He's been to hell and back. He deserves better.

Amanda: Show me a man that is more generous, that is more selfless and kind, that's always putting other people before his own wants and needs, that's not happy unless everyone around him is happy. I don't know a person with a heart as big as his, who is just genuine and true.

Phyllis: You should have given the introduction tonight.

Amanda: I'm serious. In this world, people take more than they give, but devon -- he just deserves so much better than this.

Elena: I slept with nate. Devon, no! What are you doing?!

Abby: Devon, hey. Are you sure you don't need a friendly ear?

Devon: Yeah, but I don't really feel like talking. I'm sorry.

Abby: Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me.

Devon: I appreciate it.

Chance: That is not the look of a man that just won an award.

Abby: No.

Chance: What did I miss?

Abby: I don't know. He doesn't want to talk about it, so neither do I. But please tell me about your inquiry. How did it go?

Chance: Nonstop questions. I thought we'd adjourn until tomorrow when it got late, but paul wanted to finish, so we plowed on through.

Abby: So, are you back on the police force? I love reviews.

"The young and the restless"

will continue. We know where john cornyn stands.

Abby: So, how grueling was it? You were at the station for hours. Tell me something, anything. How did it go? Do you want the good news first? Or the bad?

Abby: Always start with the bad.

Chance: Well, I got your message, and I'm sorry to disappoint you, but we're not gonna be moving to hawaii.

Abby: You're back on the police force?

Chance: It's not official, but I am optimistic.

Abby: What did you tell them about vegas?

Chance: I explained to them since I was a federal agent investigating a money-laundering scheme that I wasn't at liberty to discuss it.

Abby: Do you know how sexy you sound when you say things like that?

Chance: And they didn't find any evidence that I participated in a crime, because there's no evidence that a crime was ever committed.

Abby: So, this is the end?

Chance: [ Chuckles ] That chapter in my life is finally closed.

Abby: Time to turn the page.

Chance: Now you and I -- we get to write our own future.

Mariah: I know you probably hate me for calling your dad, but I would rather you be safe and hating my existence than --

Faith: I don't hate you.

Mariah: Well, just please don't ever, ever do that again, okay? I know you probably don't realize how young you are, and you probably had more freedom in boarding school, but you're home now. And we worry and we nag, but we do it because we love you. Got it?

Faith: Yes.

Mariah: He probably gave you that same speech in the car ride over, though.

Faith: All I got was the silent treatment.

Nick: Well, that works, too. So, why didn't you go right home after you scooped her up?

Nick: She owes you an apology.

Faith: I'm sorry for lying to you about where I was going.

Mariah: Yeah. There were some pretty hellish scenarios going on in my mind.

Faith: [ Chuckles ] You really need to ease up on those true crime podcasts.

Mariah: [ Chuckles ] You know, if you want to prove your own independence, do your own laundry. Alright, now I-I sound like somebody's mother, and that's your fault. I blame you. If you ever -- I mean ever -- do --

Faith: I won'T.

Mariah: Well, right now i would hug the heck out of you, but I just took the trash out, and, to be honest, I kind of smell like a dumpster. So consider yourself hugged. Tessa is waiting on me, so I'd better head out because i wouldn't want her to worry.

Nick: I'll, uh, lock up for you.

Mariah: Thank you. I love you, kid.

Faith: I love you back.

Faith: [ Sighs ] So, I guess you've got a lot to say to me, too.

Nick: That's the first thing you've gotten right all night. Sit down.

Phyllis: Seems like you and devon have become pretty close.

Amanda: Well, after the debacle with his grandmother's will and all the time that we spent together discussing hilary, I just -- I feel like i got a crash course on the man.

Phyllis: You've seen the good and the bad and everything in between, right?

Amanda: Yeah. You know, I don't know why nate and elena slept together, but did they not realize how lucky they were? He believed in the work that they were doing. He dedicated himself to their dreams, inspired her to finish her residency, finance the clinic, and then what does she do? She turns around and spits in his face. Selfish! I'm sorry. I'm -- I'm going on and on. I just feel like I'm giving a closing argument or something.

Phyllis: No. No, no. That's what friends are for.

Elena: I'm sure you probably have a million things to do.

Phyllis: I really don'T.

[ Chuckles ] There's nothing I'd rather do than to talk to you right now. Let's have a cocktail.

Amanda: [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: Syrup.

Amanda: Thank you. No. Thank you. But I really -- I just want to crawl in my bed and put tonight behind me. But thank you for listening.

Phyllis: Anytime. Oh, hey, um... this right here is devon's award. My guess is that you're going to be seeing him before I do, so...

Amanda: I don't even think he's gonna want it anymore. It's just gonna be a reminder of how the night ended.

Phyllis: Good night. Have a good sleep. Talk to you in the morning.

[ Cellphone rings ] Hello? Yeah, it I-- how did you get my private number? Yes, there is a statement i would like to give about what happened in the lobby tonight. No comment.

[ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone thuds ]

[ Bottle cap unscrews ]

Elena: I'm glad you're here. I, um [Sniffles] Went to the hospital to check on nate. He sus-- sustained a pretty serious injury to his hand. There's nerve damage. I thought you'd like to know. People make mistakes, devon. They do things that they never intended to do. And sometimes thoughtless mistakes can change the course of someone's life forever. There's nothing I can say to make what I did make sense. And there are no words to convey how deeply sorry I am. But I have done anything like this, devon, and it's killing me. And shutting me out... it won't help either of us. So, please, just talk to me. Whatever you're feeling, whatever you're thinking, just say it. It's so good to see you guys.

Nick: You lied to me.

Faith: I'm sorry. I just wanted to see my friend.

Nick: What was so urgent that it couldn't wait till morning?

Faith: Nothing. I just wanted to talk.

Nick: Well, then you video-chat or you text. What you absolutely do not do is run off without my permission.

Faith: Okay.

Nick: What on earth made you think this would be okay, you sneaking off like this? After we had that conversation about being open with each other.

Faith: It was stupid.

Nick: It was reckless. And it makes me question, faith, what else you're hiding from me.

Faith: Nothing. I swear.

Nick: Look, I know this year has not been easy.

Faith: Understatement.

Nick: [ Sighs ] I mean, between your mom's cancer and all her treatments and surgeries and everything your grandfather's going through with adam and then that article that billy published...

Faith: Yeah, who could forget about that?

Nick: It's a lot to deal with.

Faith: Builds character, right?

Nick: Look, sometimes when people keep taking hit after hit, they respond in ways that nobody expects.

Faith: Have you been reading up on troubled teens?

Nick: I've raised three teenagers, young lady. Each and every one of them has acted out or rebelled in some way. And we got through it. And we're gonna get through it, too. But the thing is, you have got to let us know what's going on.

Faith: I'm okay. Really. And I love that you care so much. And I won't pretend that everything's great, but it's not the end of the world.

Nick: Well, then, tell me why it feels like I'm sitting in front of someone that I barely recognize.

Faith: I messed up, big time. And -- and I learned my lesson, honestly. Isn't that the most important part? Don't I deserve a second chance?

Nick: [ Sighs ] Okay. Second chance.

Faith: Thank you. You will not regret this.

Nick: You make sure I don'T.

Faith: You have my word. I feel so much better now that we cleared this up.

Nick: Oh. So you think this is over? It's not, not by a long shot.

Phyllis: [ Clears throat ] Turning in for the evening?

Chance: I don't know. I might grab a little dessert before we tuck in. What do you think, sweetheart?

Abby: I could be tempted. You must be exhausted after tonight.

Phyllis: Oh, I passed "exhaustion." I'm comatose.

Abby: Well, I wasn't able to stay until the end of the gala, but, um, there is something i wanted to tell you, despite my better judgment.

Phyllis: Go ahead and say it.

Abby: It didn't suck.

Phyllis: Thanks.

Abby: Finally a grand phoenix event that won't be front-page news for all the wrong reasons.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Thanks. Um, listen, there is something i wanted to say to you. I am very, very sorry to hear about dina. She was in a class all by herself. I imagine she was very proud to call you her granddaughter.

Abby: Thank you, phyllis.

Chance: Well, it's been a long evening. Um... we'll let you get back to it.

Devon: I just want to know why you did it. With my cousin. Of all people. You could have anybody in the world you want. What were you doing? Were you -- were you punishing me for spending time with amanda?

Elena: Of course not.

Devon: Are you sure?

Elena: Yes. No.

Devon: Well, what is it? You don't know? Well, tell me what did I do, then, to deserve it?

Elena: You didn't do anything. I think I was just... scared of losing you... to hilary. To amanda. How could you feel that way when I constantly tell you that you're the only person I want? You were it for me. I just wanted you. From the first time I saw you, all I've been trying to do is try to be the kind of guy that would deserve to have somebody like you. You don't believe me when I say that, then, obviously. You know I don't let people close to me. It's hard for me to do that, 'cause people always want something.

Elena: I know.

Devon: Right? I let you in my life. I let you in my home. I let you in my heart. I did everything for you.

Elena: I know!

Devon: I loved you, I cared about you, and you still did something like this to me.

Elena: I'm so sorry!

Devon: I --

Elena: [ Inhales sharply ]

Devon: Did I ever make you happy?

Elena: Of course you did. Yes!

Devon: I did? And you say you love me, too?

Elena: I do. With all my heart.

Devon: Just not enough to keep your hands off nate.

Elena: I deserved that. And I've hated myself every second since it happened, devon. But I promise, I will spend every day trying to make it up to you. We have been through so much together. I feel like we can get through anything. Just tell me what to do. Please. Whatever it is, I'll do it. Whatever I need to do for you to forgive me. Please.

[ Crying ] The most dangerous thing about rheumatoid arthritis

Faith: What are we gonna do now?

Nick: We are going to call your mother and tell her. She deserves to know.

Faith: Come on. It's late. She's already asleep. You really want to wake her up to give her bad news?

Nick: That's fair. First thing in the morning, then. Why does she even have to know? Nothing happened.

Nick: You snuck out. You lied.

Faith: This isn't fair to her. I mean, she's -- she's still all blissed out from her great prognosis and planning her wedding. When was the last time you saw her this happy?

Nick: It's been a long time.

Faith: It's bad enough that I'm disappointing you. She doesn't need me bringing her down, too.

Nick: You better not do anything like this ever again.

Faith: I won'T. I won'T. I promise.

Nick: Alright. Wait for me. Let me lock up for mariah, and then we'll take off.

[ Cellphone pings ]

Chance: How are you feeling?

Abby: [ Sighs ] Like I've been on a roller coaster the past few days. Losing dina and then deciding to start a family and then, well, me worrying about your inquiry.

Chance: And what can I do to take your mind off of all of that?

Abby: What if tomorrow we just have a nice, normal day?

Chance: Sounds so boring.

Abby: Mm. Not the way we're gonna do it. We're gonna stay in bed until lunch.

Chance: I like the sound of that. Go on. We'll order room service. But we'll barely touch it because we're too busy getting reacquainted. And then we'll pretend the floor is lava and the only safe place is here in the bed.

Chance: And we have to stay inside all day?

Abby: Hour after hour after hour.

Chance: Yes, please.

[ Both chuckle ]

[ Cellphone pings ] It looks like we might have to postpone all of that.

Abby: Why? What is it?

Chance: Paul said he wants to see me first thing in the morning.

Abby: He wants to welcome you back to the force.

Chance: Could be.

Abby: I know it is.

Chance: So, you know the future now, huh?

Abby: Our future. And brace yourself, because only good things are coming our way.

Chance: I do love the sound of that.

Abby: This is just the beginning.

Chance: So, what should we do now?

Abby: I think we only have one option.

Chance: Mm-hmm.

Abby: Since we won't have tomorrow morning, we'll have to make the most of tonight.

Nate: [ Sighs ]

Elena: Devon? Please... say something.

[ Inhales raggedly ] Where do we go from here? What do you want me to do?

Devon: Well... I think that -- that you should probably stay in the guest room tonight. And then pack in the morning. 'Cause I don't want you living here anymore.

Elena: [ Crying ]

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