Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/20/20
Episode #11897 ~ Devon takes matters into his own hands; Gloria returns with a secret; Billy and Lily navigate their relationship.
Provided By Suzanne
Phyllis: Well, when I put on an event like this, I like to imagine that it's me getting the award, right? So I want it to be really special for devon and his family and friends. So, uh, make sure there's both a wine glass and a champagne glass at each table in the ballroom. And, oh, gosh, ethan, make sure there are mints on the red carpet, please. Thanks. Thanks, ethan. Hey, baby!
Nick: Hey!
Phyllis: Hi!
Nick: Everything looks great.
Phyllis: It looks great, right? Oh, you should see the ballroom. It's gorgeous. And I-I -- you know, I took a little area. I cordoned it off and made it sort of a staging area, and so that'll be for devon and the presenters and everybody. And then there's a little area outside the ballroom for the red carpet so people can come and go as they please and I don't have to see certain folks, like abby.
Nick: [ Chuckles ] Well, bonus. Thanks for, uh, allowing me into the vip area.
Phyllis: Well, you know, knowing the owner has certain perks.
Nick: Yeah! I cannot believe you pulled this off last-minute.
Phyllis: What are you talking about. It was you who recommended me to the chamber of commerce for my mad organization skills.
Nick: Right. What I meant to say was, you exceeded my sky-high expectations.
Phyllis: Thank you for everything you've done. I'm very grateful to you. And later on, I'm gonna show you how grateful I am, okay? No, ethan. I'm -- no, not you. Nick. Relax.
Devon: You know, I'm glad we booked this hotel room for tonight. It makes it seem like a real celebration.
[ Chuckles ] And it reminds me of that impromptu jazz festival you put on for me. Remember that?
Elena: [ Chuckles ]
Devon: Maybe we can, uh, re-create some of that magic tonight.
Elena: Well, we are going to have to put the magic on hold and focus on getting ready. We cannot have the guest of honor showing up late.
Devon: Yeah.
[ Sighs ] Oh, damn. I think I forgot the cuff links that neil got me. I wanted to wear those tonight.
Elena: You didn'T. I packed them in my bag for safekeeping.
Devon: What would I do without you?
Elena: [ Exhales sharply ] I'M...so proud of you. And you look so handsome.
Devon: Thank you.
Elena: No one deserves an evening like this more than you do. It's gonna be a special night.
Amanda: Uh, you look overdressed for a latte.
Nate: You're underdressed for a gala. Still going tonight?
Amanda: Yeah, I want to go and show devon some support. I'm not looking forward to the questions about why we aren't there together.
Nate: It crossed my mind, too. Maybe we, uh, should have given devon and elena a heads-up.
Amanda: They already know.
Nate: Really? How?
Amanda: I told devon. I assume that he told elena. You haven't spoken with them? I assume that you would have talked to elena, especially since you two see each other all the time.
Nate: Uh, we haven't really worked the same shifts in the last few days. Even if we had, I doubt I would have brought it up.
Amanda: Why? I thought you two were so close.
Nate: I'm pretty private when it comes to that stuff, you know? Elena and I work together a lot, so I like to keep some professional distance.
Amanda: I'm sure that's easier said than done.
Nate: Yeah. Well, I, uh, better get to the hotel. I'll see you over there.
Amanda: Mm-hmm.
[ Footsteps depart ]
Chloe: [ Slurping ]
Kevin: Shh! Shh! Shh! You're gonna wake the baby.
Chloe: Oh, please. He is out cold, thank god. And this is just too good not to slurp. You should have my mom make you one.
Kevin: I don't like to drink my arugula.
Chloe: Listen, I am doing whatever I can to boost my energy, because I don't think that I have slept for more than two hours at a time since miles made his grand entrance into this world.
Kevin: Take advantage of this temporary peace and quiet and go catch some zs.
Chloe: Ah. Thank you. Thank you so much. And that is a great idea. I'll see you when I see you.
[ Door opens ]
Gloria: Honeys! I'm home.
Kevin: What?! Why? How? And keep your voice down.
Gloria: Oh, nice to see you, too, kevin.
Kevin: What are you doing here?
Gloria: I am here to see my beautiful, new grandson, of course.
Kevin: Well, a little heads-up for have been nice, and we just got him to sleep, so...
Gloria: So, wake him up. It is time for him to meet his beautiful grandma glo.
Chloe: [ Slurping ] Tums versus mozzarella stick
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Phyllis: Oh! Welcome! My goodness. The man of the hour. You tell me, how does somebody greet genoa city's businessperson of the year? What do I do? Do I curtsy? Bow?
Devon: No!
Phyllis: You tell me.
Devon: You could just say hello.
Phyllis: Oh, hello.
Devon: Hi.
Phyllis: Congratulations.
Devon: Thank you very much.
Phyllis: It's really great.
Devon: Thanks.
Phyllis: Do you want a drink?
Devon: Uh, I'm good.
Elena: Yeah, I think we're all set. Uh, do you know where mariah is?
Phyllis: I saw her walk in the ballroom.& Come with me
Devon: Cool. Hey, I'll catch up with you.Elenaokay........
Nick: Fine, faith. Just go to bed. Christian can hang out with monique, and I will see you in the morning. Okay. I love you.
Devon: What's going on, man?
Nick: Hey, buddy. Big night. I was just checking out the, uh, the list of the previous winners. It's pretty slick company.
Devon: I appreciate it. Thank you. Really. Hey.
Nate: Hey.
Jack: I can't help but wonder if I'll ever see you again.
Dina: I can't answer that, but you'll always know where i am, son, if you ever need me.
Jack: I needed you a long time ago, mother. You left. After a while, I learned to get along without you.
Dina: Not a day goes by that I don't regret what I did, jack.
Billy: Whoa. Wow. You clean up well.
Lily: Thank you.
Billy: Make sure you congratulate devon for me.
Lily: Why aren't you going?
Billy: Well, let's just say a few members of the chamber of commerce suggested that I find something else to do tonight.
Lily: Oh, right.
Billy: I'm gonna go see my brother.
Lily: Oh. Well, listen, give jack my condolences. I talked to traci earlier, and she seemed fine, given the circumstances.
Billy: The abbots are made of some strong stuff.
Lily: Yeah. Well, I'm so glad that jack has you to lean on.
Billy: Oh, I'm not sure i deserve a place in his life, but I'm gonna do what I can to earn it.
Lily: Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I'm just so grateful that devon has been able to move past what I did and let me back into his life. Sorry. I don't know how I made that about me, but, anyway, no more talks about the power of forgiveness.
Billy: We could all use a little forgiveness. Me more than you, of course. We've already established you're the angel on my shoulder.
Lily: Oh, well, I'm off duty, okay? So please stay out of trouble.
Billy: I'll try. You have fun.
Lily: Alright. Thanks.
Nate: So you -- you got a speech ready?
Devon: Uh, it's nothing too crazy. I'm just gonna talk from the heart.
Nate: That's good. Uh, where's elena?
Devon: She is -- I think she's in the ballroom. Yeah. Hey. I talked to amanda.
Nate: Ah, she told me, but let's not talk about our breakup right now. Tonight's about you and your accomplishments.
Devon: Well, still, I-i wanted you to know that if you need to talk to anybody, I'm here for you. 'Cause you've been there for me a lot, from hilary to neil to everything that's going on with elena now, so just know that.
Nate: I'mma grab a drink. You want one?
Devon: No, I'm gonna wait till after I do the speech. But thanks.
Nate: Alright.
Phyllis: Showing up late for the ball, cinderella.
Amanda: Yeah, I, um -- I had to jump on a last-minute call for work, but I am heading upstairs to get changed right now.
Phyllis: Great. Power broker to fairy princess in no time flat.
Elena: Hi.
Nate: Hey.
Elena: I heard you broke things off with amanda.
Nate: Yeah. I did.
Elena: I have about a million questions, but I don't think this is the right time or place.
Nate: Agreed. So, uh, how about some casual small talk?
Elena: [ Chuckles ] Okay.
Nate: You look amazing.
Elena: Thanks.
Devon: Hey, how are your parents doing? I couldn't help but read that exposé.
Nick: Oh, thanks for asking. Uh, I'm not gonna lie to you. It's been hard for them. Um, it's why they're not here tonight. They figured they should just lay low.
Devon: I completely understand.
Nick: But they're very happy for you. They're celebrating your success from home.
Devon: Well, please tell them I appreciate it. I really do. It's crazy to think about how much better my life is today than it was just a year ago, you know? It has a whole bunch to do with that woman right there.
Nick: Well, meeting the right person will do it. I'm happy for you.
Devon: Thanks.
Kevin: When we texted you photos of the baby, you just sent back a bunch of heart-eye emojis -- too many, in my opinion. But you didn't say anything about a visit.
Gloria: Well, honey, I didn't want to get your hopes up until I was sure i was able to get away.
Kevin: You could have called on the way.
Gloria: Angel! You know I like to make an entrance. I don't understand why you're so shocked. Of course I want some cuddle time with darling milo.
Chloe: It's miles.
Gloria: Oh. Well, thank god. I had a dog named milo.
Kevin: Don't get me wrong, mom. Chloe and I are happy you were able to get the time off from work.
Chloe: Of course. Yes. Yes, we are.
Kevin: Where did you say you were working again?
Gloria: Hollywood. The bright lights of the film industry drew me in, like a moth to the flame.
[ Chuckles ]
Kevin: Yeah, I'm sure it was just like that. For who? In what capacity?
Gloria: Ah, boutique firm.
Kevin: Uh-huh.
Gloria: I wear lots of hats. And unfortunately for you all, i am very much needed. So, um, I can only stay a few days.
Kevin: Oh, that's too bad.
Chloe: Oh, well -- well, bella is going to be so excited to see you.
Gloria: Oh. Well, please take me to her. It will be refreshing to talk to somebody who won't interrogate me and question my sincerity.
[ Knock on door ]
Amanda: Hey.
Lily: Hi. I didn't see you downstairs, so I thought I'd pop by and say hi. And if you need anything...
Amanda: Actually, I do.
Lily: Okay.
Amanda: Your opinion. Which goes better with this dress?
Lily: Ooh. Um...I would say the beige ones, for sure. Yes.
Amanda: Okay.
Lily: Yeah.
Amanda: Thank you.
Lily: Of course. Mm.
Amanda: Alright. What do you think?
Lily: You look amazing. Nate won't be able to take his eyes off you.
Amanda: Oh. Right. Um, about that, I'm glad that we have a moment alone. Nate and I aren't seeing each other anymore.
Lily: What?! What happened?
Amanda: Um, he dumped me.
Lily: I'm so sorry.
Amanda: Oh, it's fine. We gave it a shot, didn't work. Life goes on, right?
Billy: Jack?
Jack: Billy. What are you doing here?
Billy: I came by to check up on you.
Jack: Well, thanks. That's -- that's real nice. I'm not really good company right now. I was just about to turn in.
Billy: I got a better idea. I'm gonna pour us a drink. You can tell me some stories about dina -- the good, the bad, the hilarious, the heart-breaking.
Jack: I think you've heard all of those.
Billy: Oh, but they never get old. Dina abbott mergeron was a force of nature. A fascinating woman, the likes of which we'll never see again.
Jack: Yeah, you're right about that.
Billy: So, we'll have our own tribute -- a little bourbon, a little chat about the woman that gave you life.
Jack: It's a deal. When you go blonde, it can go brassy.
Billy: Whoo!
Devon: [ Chuckles ]
Nick: We're lucky guys, huh?
Devon: Seriously. You can say that again, man. I'm just glad elena's getting to have a night out, 'cause between the clinic and the hospitals, she's been working herself to death.
Nick: I ran into elena at the clinic, and, uh, I guess she and nate had just saved that kid from overdosing, and it looked like it had taken its toll on her.
Devon: When was this?
Nick: I don't know. The other night. There were supplies that got delivered to the wrong place, so I was dropping them off. I never even talked to elena. She seemed really frazzled. Nate said it was a really tough shift, you know, 'cause that kid almost died.
Devon: Yeah. I think I know what night you're talking about. I could tell something was wrong with her, but she didn't want to talk about it. I didn't know somebody almost died.
Nick: Yeah, I don't know. Maybe she was just trying to put it out of her mind. You know, that kind of stress can build up.
Devon: Yeah.
Elena: Hey.
Devon: Hey.
Elena: Sorry to interrupt, but phyllis is ready to introduce you.
Devon: Okay.
Nick: Hey, break a leg.
Devon: Thank you. Thanks.
Elena: You nervous about your speech?
Phyllis: Okay. Showtime.
Devon: Okay.
Gloria: Hush, little baby
don't say a word
Kevin: Like he could get a word in.
Chloe: [ Chuckles ] Come on. It's cute.
Kevin: Are you losing your glo-dar? My mother has a bunch of "tells," and they are all on display right now.
Chloe: Like what?
Kevin: The twitchy lip, the singing, and she's way too happy.
Chloe: Being happy is a "tell"?
Kevin: It is for gloria. She's in some kind of trouble.
Chloe: Well, when is she not in trouble? Maybe she actually did come here to spend some time with her grandchildren.
Kevin: [ Snorts ] That is the postnatal hormones talking.
Chloe: Oh, no. Don't even go there.
Kevin: Okay. I'm sorry. We're -- we're both sleep deprived. Can we both just agree to keep a watchful eye on grandma glo?
Chloe: Yeah. Okay.
Gloria: Oh! Oh, oh! So, um, who do you think he looks more like?
Gloria: Uh... uh... well, he has my nose. Mm.
[ Chuckles ]
Chloe: Yeah.
Kevin: Mikey, it's me. Call me asap. You're never gonna believe who's back.
[ Sighs ]
Jack: Neil and devon also underestimated dina in business. They flew over to paris to convince her to sell them mergeron. They expected a nice, sweet, clean deal. She expected a seat on the board and a consulting fee.
Billy: [ Chuckles ] She did not mess around.
Jack: Yeah, and charm only got you so far.
Billy: She was a true original.
Jack: Hey, thanks. Getting me to reminisce like this -- I thought I was all talked out, and, yeah, maybe it's a good thing I never am.
Billy: It's important to keep those memories alive.
Jack: Have I filled you in on dina's necklace?
Billy: No.
Jack: Check it out.
Billy: Wow. Wow. No wonder she kept that lodged in her memory.
Jack: Pretty amazing, huh? It also comes with a pretty amazing story. Apparently, it is either enchanted or cursed.
Billy: Well, those are two different things.
Jack: Well, it was absolutely a blessing to me. It gave dina clarity and peace in her final hours.
Billy: Why do you think it had such an effect on her?
Jack: I don't know. I think maybe it reminded her of her happiest days in her marriage, when dina and dad's love was at its strongest.
Billy: Hmm. So, what happens with it now?
Jack: Well, the necklace belongs to lauren. She's letting us hold it for right now.
Billy: Maybe we can hold on to it a little bit longer, work its magic on the abbotts. Or at least you and kyle. Theo let everybody know at chanccomm that summer dumped kyle.
Jack: Uh-huh. So your love life flourishing now, right?
Billy: Touché. Okay, so maybe we could all use a little bit of help. Maybe the necklace will do the trick.
Devon: Wow. I... I couldn't be more proud, um, of what my team and I have accomplished, but we -- we definitely don't deserve all the credit. There are many, many people who have paved the way for me to receive an honor like this, and it starts -- it starts way back, with my, uh, my grandmother, who raised for a little bit and always believed in me. Um, and then -- and then dru and neil, who took me in and gave me a family, taught me to trust and to never accept things for the way they are, to always try to improve. And then...katherine. Katherine chancellor... for setting such an amazing example with all of her charitable work and then entrusting me with her legacy. I'm inspired every day by the people I surround myself with. Um, beginning with this guy right here -- nick newman. He partnered up with me to help create the medical clinic in the new hope community. And then the doctors, elena dawson and nate hastings, who have poured their hearts into running the clinic. So please give it up for them.
[ Applause ] They deserve it all. They -- they literally are saving lives every day, including my own, um, and it's -- it's really because of their passion for what they do that makes tonight possible. So I share this award with them. Thank you, guys.
[ Applause ]
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Nick: Hey, so, I'm gonna take off. I promised christian I was gonna put him to bed. But I wanted to say congratulations again. Amazing evening.& You pulled it off. I didn't have any doubts.
Phyllis: Thank you. And thank you for suggesting me to the chamber of commerce. I really appreciate that. I'm very grateful, like I said.
Nick: I'm gonna see you later.
Phyllis: Hmm. What's the story? You're here, nate's here, but you're not together.
Amanda: Well, that's because we are not together anymore.
Phyllis: Since when?
Amanda: Yesterday. His call.
Phyllis: Why?
Amanda: I don't know. I guess he had his reasons.
Phyllis: Okay, well, first of all, he's crazy. And, second, he's not good enough for you, okay? You should have dumped him first.
Amanda: Well, thank you for that. But, you know, it wasn't even that serious anyway, so -- I'm fine, really.
Phyllis: Uh-huh. Why do I think there's more to it? I'm gonna wrap things up. Let's talk.
Lily: What a great night. I'm so proud of my brother.
Nate: Yeah, he looked at home behind that podium.
Lily: Yeah. I just keep thinking about the words that my dad wrote to him in his will, about always looking for ways to lift people up, and he's really lived up to that.
Nate: Uh, neil would be proud of the choices he's made.
Lily: Yeah, definitely. Uh, would it be too awkward for you to say goodbye to amanda?
Nate: You go ahead. It's probably better I give her a little space.
Lily: Okay. Bye. Hey. How was your night?
Amanda: Well, phyllis really knows how to throw a party, huh? Devon -- he seemed really happy and fulfilled.
Lily: I think he is. But that was not what I asked you. I said, "how was your night?"
Amanda: Honestly, I can't wait for this day to be over so I can start a new one tomorrow.
Lily: I know the feeling.
Billy: My love life is on the back burner. Right now, I'm focused on my career. The story about adam really brought chanccomm a lot of attention, and now it's important for lily and I to make sure that we turn that into revenue.
Jack: How's that partnership working out?
Billy: Great. Great. Better than I expected. She's strong. She's -- she's smart. Her steadiness balances out my impulsive streak.
Jack: Mm-hmm.
Billy: "Mm-hmm"? What is that?
Jack: I'm sure I don't have to remind you of the dangers of mixing with romance.
Billy: Who mentioned romance? I didn't mention -- who mentioned -- I'm talking about business.
Jack: If you say so.
Elena: Ready to go?
Devon: Yeah, I think. Oh, my award? I don't know where I put it.
Elena: Did you leave it in the ballroom?
Devon: Maybe. Maybe.
Elena: I think I remember you setting it down when we took a picture. You want me to check?
Devon: Yeah. Hang on a second. I want to talk to you about something.
Elena: Okay.
Devon: Nick mentioned to me that he ran into you and nate at the clinic the other night and that you guys almost lost a teenager who overdosed.
Elena: Yeah. That's true.
Devon: I remember you telling me not too long ago you had a rough day, but I-I didn't know it was life-or-death.
Elena: So... it's your big night. And it was, you know, a while ago. So why are we talking about it now?
Devon: Oh, 'cause nick just mentioned it, and it made me wonder why you wouldn't share something like that with me.
Elena: I don't know. I mean, I was just tired.
Devon: Well, I feel bad, 'cause I remember bringing up amanda that night, and i wouldn't have done that if i knew what you went through.
Elena: You don't need to be guilty about anything, okay? And it's -- it's over and done with, and the patient got the help they needed.
Devon: Okay, good. Did their family step in, or did they go to rehab?
Elena: Listen, I didn't tell you this because I knew it would be a big deal, but... the kid was jared.
Devon: Jared? The jared that we know? Why wouldn't you tell me that?
Elena: Because I didn't want you to worry. You were already dealing with so much.
Devon: Well, yeah, but the kid was in our life for a while. Of course I'd want to know that.
Elena: I know. I'm sorry.
Devon: You could have told me the next day. You could have said something at any point.
Elena: I said I'm sorry.
Devon: You don't have to be sorry, honey. I'm just -- I don't understand why you would keep something from me.&
Elena: I can't do this anymore.
Nate: Hey, just wanted to say congrats again. That speech was great.
Devon: Thanks. Hey, why didn't you tell me that that kid jared almost died at the clinic?
Nate: I don't know. I-I guess I assumed elena told you.
Devon: Well, she didn't tell me, and if he's doing better, why is she still upset?
Nate: It was an emotional night. I don't know. Maybe I should check on her?
Devon: No, I'll -- I'll check on her. I'll check on her. Your journey requires liberty mutual.
Gloria: Oh, bella, bella, bella is so cute, so smart, and so beautiful!
Kevin: She's all of those things.
Gloria: Oh, I bet those kids are keeping you two busy.
Kevin: They certainly are. Why don't you tell us more about what's been keeping you busy? I'm sure it's more exciting than what's happening in genoa city.
Gloria: [ Sighs ] Well, hollywood seems more glamorous on the surface, but it's really like anyplace else. Long days and hard work.
Chloe: Meeting celebrities?
Kevin: Work on any films we may have seen?
Gloria: Sometimes it takes a long time to get a film on the screen, if ever. And, yes, a few celebrities.
Kevin: Are you gonna answer any of our questions?
Gloria: I am answering your questions, kevin. I think what kevin is just trying to say is that he worries about you.
Gloria: [ Chuckles ] I drop everything to come here and lavish affection on my new grandson, and what do i get in return? Accusations. Suspicions. You know, kevin, it -- mm -- it really breaks my heart. It makes me wonder why I came here in the first place.
[ Footsteps depart ]
Kevin: Yeah, she's definitely hiding something.
Billy: What are you doing back here? Your evening ended early.
Lily: Well, it's not exactly early. Uh, and I also have some stuff i had to wrap up. Otherwise, I was gonna lose sleep, so... what are you doing here?
Billy: Same.
Nate: [ Exhales deeply ]
Amanda: This doesn't have to be awkward.
Nate: I'm good if you're good.
Amanda: I'm good. Have you seen devon? I wanted to say goodbye.
Nate: Uh, yeah. He, uh, and elena were here a minute ago.
Amanda: The ceremony ended a while ago. What are you still doing here?
Nate: I needed to check in with elena about something at the clinic.
Amanda: Something you couldn't text her?
Nate: You're right. I could do that.
Amanda: Nights like this must be hard for you.
Nate: Excuse me?
Amanda: Seeing them together. But maybe not seeing elena at all would be even harder.
Nate: I don't know what you're getting at.
Amanda: Oh, okay. Sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. Um, don't worry. I won't tell devon.
Devon: Honey.
[ Door closes ] Hey. Honey, I don't know what's going on with you. Can you talk to me, please?
Elena: I don't think I can.
[ Crying softly ]
Devon: Honey... is jared worse off than what you're saying to me? Did you make a mistake that day? Did something happen?
Elena: Yeah.
Devon: Okay. That's okay. People make mistakes.
Elena: It's not about jared.
Devon: Who's it about?
Elena: It's all my fault.
Devon: Honey, what is your fault?
Elena: [ Crying ]
Devon: It's okay.
Elena: I was -- we were so stressed out. And we -- we were coming down from this adrenaline rush. And we just...momentarily lost control.
Devon: What? Who?
Elena: I don't know how I did this to you. I hate myself. I love you.
[ Sniffles ]
Devon: Honey, what did you do?
Elena: [ Sniffles ] I slept with nate.
[ Cries ] Devon, I honestly have no idea what happened. I'm so sorry. We have -- we have everything. Devon, you have to forgive me, please. Just hear me out. It didn't mean anything. Devon, wait! Please!
[ Door slams ]
[ Crying ]
Lily: It was so great to see devon recognized for his accomplishments. And I met some heads of nonprofits that were really inspiring. They gave me some great ideas for my organization to help former inmates.
Billy: That's terrific.
Lily: Oh, my god.
Billy: What?
Lily: We should use chanccomm's resources to shine light on the most innovative charities.
Billy: Yeah, we should, and that's a terrific idea. I mean, we could use that, and people love a feel-good story.
Lily: Look at that. Tonight was more productive than I thought it would be.
Billy: Yeah.
Lily: Um, so, how was your night with, uh, with -- with jack? How's he doing?
Billy: It was good. You know, he's mourning. Losing dina left a pretty big hole.
Lily: Yeah. I know what it's like losing a mom that's larger than life.
Billy: Mm. Jack found this old necklace of dina'S. He said it brought her some peace at the end. It supposedly has some magic powers to bring love.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] Really?
Billy: Yeah. Well, he believes in it more than I do. I wish I had that kind of faith in something.
Lily: Oh, please.
Billy: What is that supposed to mean?
Lily: It means that you pretend to be this cynic, but you're really not.
Billy: Oh! How dare you.
Lily: You're not. You're a dreamer. You're a believer.
Billy: I think you got the wrong guy.
Lily: No, I mean, you wouldn't be able to rebound from all of your setbacks in life otherwise.
Billy: Well, what would the alternative be?
Lily: Come on. You must have had some faith in us, that this would work out.
Billy: Well, if that was true, then that would make you a dreamer, as well.
Lily: I never denied it. That's the difference between you and me.
Billy: Oh. Yeah, yeah. One of the many differences.
Lily: Uh, we should get back to work.
Billy: Yeah. I'll be around... if you -- if you need me.
Lily: Yep.
[ Exhales deeply ]
Phyllis: Oh, devon. I have your hardware here. It's beautiful. I love the design of this. I was gonna bring it up to your room. What --
Elena: Devon, no! What are you doing?!
[ Objects clattering ]
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