Y&R Transcript Monday 10/19/20

Y&R Transcript Monday 10/19/20


Episode #11896 ~ The Abbott family struggles with the loss of Dina; Chance's past catches up with him; Sharon and Nick worry about Faith.

Provided By Suzanne

Mariah: Hello? Hello? Anybody here?

Faith: Oh. Hey. Um, is mom with you?

Mariah: Uh, no. I just got a text from her.

Faith: Oh. I did, too. I thought she'd be here by now.

Mariah: No. She said to come here right away, so I figured --

[ Door opens ] Oh, that'S... not her.

Nick: Nice to see you guys, too.

Faith: We thought you were mom.

Nick: I got a text from her saying she wanted me to come here.

Faith: Yeah. We all got it.

Mariah: Well, I mean, she wouldn't have us all here just to devastate us, right? I mean, I prefer my devastation solo.

Nick: I'm sure everything's fine.

Faith: Then where is she?

Sharon: I've been here the whole time. Thank you all for coming. I'm not gonna drag this out. I heard from my doctor today, and my margins are all clear. This is the good news that we've been waiting for.

Nick: Alright!

Mariah: Oh, my god. Mom! This is fantastic.

Lola: Hey, kyle.

Kyle: Hey. What's going on?

Lola: Not much. You know, I just wanted to let you know that you left something behind at society.

Kyle: You know, lola, this is the absolute worst time.

Lola: Is everything okay?

Kyle: I'll get a hold of you later, okay? I need to go.

Jack: [ Breathes deeply ] She's gone.

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Abby: Uncle jack, can I get you anything?

Jack: No. Thanks, abby.

Abby: How are you feeling?

Jack: I feel lost. I feel...pain. And I'd be lying if I said i didn't feel relief.

Traci: Jack, there's no shame in that. These last few weeks have been so difficult. Alzheimer's is such a devastating disease.

Jack: You know the strongest feeling I have? Gratitude. I am so grateful that dina had all of you around her when she died. I honestly believe she left this world feeling loved. We none of us can ask for anything more than that when our time comes. She left this earth feeling loved.

Ashley: Well, a lot of that has to do with you, you know, everything you went through to get that necklace. You made mother's final moments very special.

Traci: And then there was nothing but amazing joy. Jack, you -- you -- you worked so hard to give that to her.

Jack: Yeah, you know what? We all worked hard. We all did our part. I even got some help from unexpected sources. That would be your father. I'm just overwhelmed by the timing of it all. If there had been even the slightest delay, mother would never have had that experience. We are so lucky.

Traci: But that's what I'm getting at, jack. It's not just the teardrop and the legend surrounding it. I think she realized that enormous effort it took to bring that home to her. That's how she felt love.

Ashley: I agree. Jackie, I'm never gonna forget that.

Kyle: I, uh -- I need to go.

Abby: Kyle. You're leaving? Right after our grandmother died?

Kyle: Yeah, I know. I know. You're talking about the necklace. I just need some air.

Abby: This is a time for our family to be together.

Jack: Abby, abby... it's okay. We all grieve in our own way. Kyle, take as much time as you need.

Kyle: Thank you.

Ashley: I feel like we have to do something. I mean, shouldn't we call mother's attorney?

Traci: Yeah, and the newspaper about the obituary.

Abby: Um, I can start on the memorial arrangements.

Jack: Everyone, I -- I love you, and I know how hard it is for you to stay in one place for too long, but... could we wait till tomorrow? Tonight I -- I'd just like to remember my mother.

Nick: So, I mean, how did you feel when you got the news?

Sharon: So relieved, like a thousand-ton weight lifted off of me.

Mariah: What did rey do when you told him? Did he cry? Please tell me he cried.

Sharon: He got a little teary.

Mariah: I knew it.

Nick: [ Chuckles ] Where is he now?

Sharon: He's on his way to a stakeout.

Mariah: Ooh, exciting cop work.

Nick: This is just amazing, sharon. It's what we've been hoping for and praying for.

Faith: What happens now? Are there more surgeries, radiation?

Sharon: Well, there are no guarantees, but my doctor is confident there will be no more surgeries. I'm on my way to being cancer-free.

Mariah: Hey. You don't have to hold back anymore. This is a happy time.

Faith: Yeah. Yeah. I'm so happy. I-I just want to know what it means.

Nick: It means that your mom is gonna be okay. This is great news.

Faith: Yeah.

Mariah: Well, I'm not holding back anymore because we have a wedding to plan.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh, I almost forgot about that.

Mariah: Okay. Liar. I know you're itching to finalize the color scheme. You know, we can finally move forward now. We can plan the wedding, and we can do the breast cancer walk and plan vacations that we've been holding off on. I've got to call tessa and tell her the good news. Let's go, people.

Sharon: Yeah. Oh, my gosh. It's just the best news...

Lola: [ Breathes deeply ] Hey. Did I tell you I was here?

Kyle: No. No. I'm just -- I'm just wandering. I was at my dad's and had to get out of there.

Lola: Is everything okay? Is it dina? Oh, kyle, I'm so sorry. Sit down, please.

Kyle: Um, it just happened.

Lola: I know how much you loved her. I always thought she was really incredible.

Kyle: Yeah, you two definitely had a connection. Maybe she saw a part of herself in you or your independent streak or your entrepreneurial side. She didn't like many people, but you... I -- [ Chuckles ] I don't even know what I'm saying. I-I'm just rambling. I can't even string two coherent thoughts together.

Lola: It's okay. You don't have to be coherent tonight. Just talk, and I'll listen, okay? Or you don't even have to talk if you don't want to. But I'll still be here.

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Rey: Glad you could make it, chance.

Chance: Thanks for taking the time.

Rey: I got to relieve garrison at a stakeout soon. Wish you could join me.

Chance: But I'm not an official member of the gcpd.

Rey: Exactly, but soon, right? All you got to do is get through that inquiry tomorrow morning.

Chance: I don't know, rey. I might not get through it.

Rey: All you got to do is best honest with the board. They'll see there's a difference between real malfeasance and what you did.

Chance: I'm gonna be honest, rey, and that's the problem because it means I might not be a cop again.

Abby: Those months that dina and I lived together in paris -- they were so special. We made up for lost time, really got to know each other. We ate. We shopped. We went to museums.

Jack: Oh, I'm so glad you had that time together.

Abby: You know, the great thing about dina is that she always found beauty in the smallest things. She would say, like, "look how the light is hitting that building," or, "smell that garden," "listen to those kids laughing."

Jack: Yeah, a good lesson for all of us.

Traci: She was determined to experience everything. She had such a restless spirit. I think it's because she loved so many things.

Jack: I wondered so many times how different our lives would have been if she could have been content being john abbott's wife here in genoa city. Eventually, I realized how futile that was. You cannot change a person's basic nature. No, dina was going to go where she was going to go when she wanted to go there to do what she wanted to do, regardless of what anyone else felt. She was going to be dina.

Traci: Genoa city is a wonderful place to live, but there's a big, wide world out there, and she wanted to see every inch of it.

Jack: Ash, you've been kind of quiet over there.

Ashley: Just listening to all of you, thinking. I wasted so much time arguing with my mother.

[ Chuckles ] Didn't I? So many years. So many tears. It wasn't that long ago we were sitting right here, just sitting, not really talking or doing anything special, and out of the blue, she asked me to put some makeup on her.

[ Laughter ]

Abby: Once a jabot girl, always a jabot girl.

Ashley: Exactly.

[ Laughter ] And we'd actually done that a couple times. You know, it was sweet. I'd just put a little blush on her. I'd put a little lipstick on her and some eye shadow. And, um, I gave her the mirror to look at, and she looked pretty. Apparently, she liked what she saw because she gave me a tip.

[ Laughter ] Yeah. But then it was at that moment i realized she didn't have any idea who I was. That just made me really sad. And I started crying, and then she felt bad. And she reached out to comfort me, and she didn't have an idea who I was, none at all, but she knew that we had some kind of a strong connection. And we just sat here together crying. And I realized that it just seems to be destiny for mother and me. I mean, we always end up in tears, no matter what!

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughter ] I don't know. It doesn't matter. I don't know.

Kyle: Sometimes dina used to confuse me for someone she knew a long time ago.

Lola: That must have hurt.

Kyle: Actually, I kind of liked it. It gave me a sense of the fun, feisty woman she used to be, although a couple times she got a little flirtatious, which was weird.

[ Both laugh ]

Summer: [ Sighs ]

[ Thinking ] What are they saying? He looks so sad, and now they're laughing? Did she cheer him up? What is he telling her? "Oh, I missed you so much, we were meant to be together"?

[ Vase shatters ]

Kyle: Did you hear that?

Mariah: Hey, faith, since we're both gonna be bridesmaids, do you want to go dress shopping soon? It'll be fun.

Faith: Really?

Mariah: No, it won't be, but we're gonna have to do it anyway. Hey, mom, do you want to go dress shopping with us? I mean, your schedule's open now, right?

Sharon: Almost. I don't want to dampen anyone's enthusiasm. I still have a few treatments that I need to do. I haven't found out when they'll be scheduled yet. My prognosis is not a 100% clean bill of health, but that's just the nature of the disease.

Nick: A disease you have on the run.

Mariah: Yeah.

Sharon: Yeah.

[ Laughter ] Faith? Is everything okay?

Faith: Yeah. Yeah. Just texting a friend the news.

Traci: I read my latest book to mother last year around thanksgiving. She loved it.

[ Laughter ] She got all involved in the plot. She was hanging on every word. She was a dream audience.

Ashley: Well, she always loved your writing.

Traci: I know she said that, ashley [Chuckles] But I think -- well, it felt mostly obligatory, you know? "Loved the latest book, traci." This time was different. She didn't know that I was her daughter. She couldn't get enough of that story. She loved it. For the first time, I finally felt that she was proud of me.

Ashley: Traci, she was always proud of you.

Jack: Absolutely, yes.

Ashley: She was.

Jack: We all three grew up with big questions about mother's love for us. And I think we all felt cheated when dina finally came back into our lives that she was already slipping. For all of us, I wish I'd been more proactive and reached out to try to repair that relationship years ago.

Ashley: You have done so much. You can't have regrets.

Jack: I had so many bad years with her. I just wish I had more good ones.

Traci: I just want to be grateful for the time we had with her.

Abby: Me too. I'm just so happy that we were able to reconnect. The thought of her going through this without any family around her just -- it makes me sick.

Ashley: She died happy.

Jack: Yes, she did. And she left us all with a lot of memories.

Dina: Do you know how much I adore you? And maybe it's because you don't judge me.

Abby: Oh. [ Laughs ] Well, I adore you, too. But no one's judging you. Not mom or uncle jack or aunt traci.

Dina: Well, then, maybe you and I are so close because we're so much alike.

Abby: [ Chuckles ] Well, that is a supreme compliment.

Dina: Ooh.

Jack: I am thankful today for -- for every one of you...

[Voice breaking] For those who couldn't be with us today. But especially for my mother, who is back in our lives again. Mother, we don't know the shape of things to come. But I want you to know one thing for sure. We will all be there for you, to care for you, to protect you, but most of all, to love you, because we are your family.

Ashley: In my mind, that just meant that somehow I didn't measure up. And then, when I found out that brent davis was my father, it made perfect sense. Of course you would love jack and traci more, because they were john's children.

Dina: Oh. They are all my children.

Ashley: I know that now. You were looking out for me back then when you had daddy draw up those documents that leave me the rights to the patents of all the formulas that I created.

Dina: I just don't -- don't remember, dear.

Ashley: I know. It doesn't matter because you did it. You made sure that my paternity couldn't be used against me to cut me out of my share of daddy's legacy. I mean, you -- you put that in writing for me.

Dina: Oh, sweetheart, you're crying.

Ashley: They're happy tears.

Dina: Oh, I'm glad.

Ashley: You know, for so long, I doubted that you loved me, and I see that I was wrong.

Abby: Thank you so much for opening up to me, for sharing your stories, and for telling me about your amazing, wonderful, empowering life that you led.

Dina: Well, I must say, my life has been very, very interesting. And also colorful.

O, come, let us adore him

o, come, let us adore him

o, come let us adore him

christ, the lord

Traci: Oh!

Jack: To dina and a life well lived.

Ashley: To dina.

Abby: To dina.

Jack: To dina.

Kyle: There was no one there. The vase tipped over on its own, I guess.

Kyle: I should head back to the house.

Lola: Kyle, I forgot to tell you -- the reason that I called you earlier was because you forgot your jabot I.D. Badge at the restaurant, so it's waiting for you behind the bar.

Kyle: Thanks.

Lola: I'm so sorry about calling you while you were dealing with all of that.

Kyle: Don't worry about it. It kind of pulled me out of what was going on.

[ Both chuckle ] I'll see you.

Lola: [ Sighs ]

Summer: This is exactly what you wanted, isn't it?

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"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Sharon: Hey, faith. Come and sit with me. I was just going upstairs.

Sharon: Please?

Faith: Yeah.

Sharon: Um... is everything alright?

Faith: Yeah. Can I get you anything?

Sharon: No, no, I'm fine. It's just, when I shared my news with everyone earlier, something seemed maybe a little off with you.

Faith: Well, it was overwhelming, such big news. But it just took a minute to sink in. Maybe that's what you noticed.

Sharon: Mm, maybe.

Faith: I've been hoping and praying for this day for a while now, and it's surreal that it's actually here. But I'm -- I'm so thrilled and relieved and excited. I'm really happy, mom.

Sharon: Good. You know, I was thinking -- rey's on a stakeout tonight. What would you say to staying up late and watching a movie? Some popcorn, maybe some chocolate milkshakes, and we'll just snuggle together under a blanket like we used to.

Faith: Yeah. That sounds super fun. Um...but aren't you still recovering? Shouldn't you get som rest?

Sharon: Are you a doctor now?

Faith: No. I'm someone who cares about your health. And you're still fighting cancer, mom.

Sharon: Okay, why don't we take a rain check on the movie? But you and I do deserve a special night together, just the two of us.

Faith: [ Chuckles ] How about we clean up, go to bed, get a good night of sleep, and then maybe we can have a special night tomorrow?

Sharon: How did I raise such a practical girl?

Faith: [ Breathes deeply ]

[ Door closes ]

Kyle: Where is everybody?

Jack: Ashley and traci needed some fresh air. Abby, I think, went to see chance.

Kyle: I'm sorry for running out of here.

Jack: No need to apologize.

Kyle: I was getting anxious, felt like the walls were collapsing in on me.

Jack: I said it earlier. We all mourn in different ways. And you got a lot going on right now.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Maybe I should be grateful that summer ghosted me. If she hadn't, I wouldn't have been here for dina. I'm glad I was.

Jack: I'm glad you were, too.

Kyle: I wasn't around when mom died. I never got that closure, never got to say goodbye. So I know how important it is to be there at the end.

Jack: Yeah, that was a rough time, kyle.

Kyle: But you were there to help me through it. You've lost both your parents now. That'S...inconceivable. I can't imagine not having you to go to for advice or strength. I love you, dad.

Jack: I love you, too, son. Pour yourself a drink. You know, the one thing I have learned over the years is love is the one thing that will get you through these rough patches.

Kyle: Here's hoping we find enough love to get us through all the rough patches ahead.

Jack: [ Chuckles ]

Lola: What is wrong with you? You can't just make an accusation like that and then walk out the door.

Summer: Um, was I wrong?

Lola: You were gonna get married, and then you left him. And he was devastated, and now you're skulking around, spying on him, too scared to face him? And instead you just... accuse me of something that you completely misunderstood.&

Summer: No, lola, I know what I saw, and I know what your text said to him when we were supposed to be eloping. You just couldn't let go, could you? The minute that you saw kyle was happy, you had to somehow try to lure him back.

Lola: I don't want him back.

Summer: Oh, my god. You know, it's fine that you're lying to me. I expect that. But the sad part is that you're clearly lying to yourself.

Lola: You know, apparently you're the one who wants him back. I mean, why else would you be following him or eavesdropping on his conversations?

Summer: [ Sighs ]

Lola: I mean, come on, summer. Do you really think this crazy stalker thing you've got going on is gonna win kyle's heart back? Good luck with that.

Summer: [ Exhales heavily ] Thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer,

Sharon: Oh, it was great. Everybody was so happy.

Rey: Wish I could have been there. I'm glad I could give you the space to tell them on your own.

Sharon: Hey, you know, you can't think like that anymore. We're getting married, so we do everything together from now on, like it or not.

Rey: I like it. Does that mean you're gonna be joining me on this stakeout?

Sharon: Nice try. No. I'm going to stay home and go to bed early because that's what my youngest daughter prescribed.

Rey: It's good to know that faith is looking out for you.

Sharon: Yeah. We were gonna watch a movie, but she had a more prudent idea.

Rey: Good. Makes me feel better that she's with you when I can't be. I got to get going. I'll see you in the morning. I love you.

Sharon: Love you, too.

[ Sighs ]

Abby: We just sat around and told stories about dina, some sad, some funny.

Chance: Sounds like the perfect way to honor her.

Abby: Yeah. It was lovely. But the whole time, I just kept thinking, "I want more time with her."

Chance: I think that's one of the universe's little jokes. We can't fully appreciate someone that we love... until they're gone.

Abby: Well, let's promise to do our best at appreciating each other while we're here.

Chance: That sounds good to me. You have a lot of great memories with your grandmother. You should cherish those, not regret the time you didn't have with her.

Abby: I'm gonna do that.

[ Chuckles ] You know, I didn't realize that you were so wise.

Chance: I didn't realize you were so sentimental.

Abby: [ Laughs ] Well, I have, uh, many attributes that you don't know about.

Chance: I'll bet I know one that you don't even know you have.

Abby: What's that?

Chance: I am 100% certain you're gonna be an amazing mother.

Theo: Hey. Kyle. Any word from summer? You must be worried sick.

Kyle: I'm not in the mood for your games, theo. Have a good night.

Theo: Wait. Um... what happened? Is everything okay?

Kyle: There's no easy way to say this. Um [Sniffles] Dina died tonight.

Theo: Tonight?

Kyle: Yeah. We knew it was coming, so we've all been on call. Then it happened when everyone was at the house -- abby, ashley, traci, my dad, me. It was awful, but it was nice to have everyone there.

Theo: Yeah, well, not everyone.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] We would have phoned, but...

Theo: But what?

Kyle: I'm sorry, theo.

Theo: She was only my grandmother. I did always enjoy my time with her. It would have been nice to say goodbye, but you couldn't be bothered to call, so...

Kyle: It wasn't deliberate. She went so quickly.

Theo: Yeah, don't bother making excuses. It makes sense. I'm not viewed as a part of the family, so why inform me that my grandmother was dying? I am so sorry for your loss.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Ashley: Isn't it just so crazy that even at our age, it matters to us what our mother and father think of us?

Traci: Yes, it does.

Ashley: I mean, it doesn't matter what you've accomplished, how much money you make, your own family. You still want parental approval.

Traci: But don't you think that the converse of that is true, as well? I mean, their disapproval -- it can be crippling.

Ashley: Traci, I know how much it hurt you when mother forgot you, and I just hope you're not gonna keep holding onto that.

Traci: No, no, I'm not holding onto it. I was thinking -- do you remember when we were going over her final wishes and she wrote about hurting me? She realized what she had done. I think that I'm the one that she forgot because it was just easier than remembering the pain.

Ashley: Maybe so. I mean, I'm not sure if the research into why the disease affects the brain that way would back that up, but you know what? I think there has to be some kind of psychological component to the memory loss, right?

Traci: Well, far be it from me to let science get in the way of a good story.

[ Both laugh ] Ashley, I'm thinking about her final moments, you know, when she was talking to us. She was lucid. She seemed to understand. And I looked into our mother's eyes, and she was in there, ashley, and she knew who I was. She said I would not be forgotten. Now, I don't know what your clinical studies would say about all that, but... my mother was saying that she loved me, that, in spite of everything...she loved me. And I will always believe that.

Ashley: I believe that, too.

Because your eye health and

safety is our top priority.

Lola: [ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone ringing ] Hey.

Kyle: It's late, I know. I just wanted to call to thank you.

Lola: Did you pick up the badge at the restaurant?

Kyle: Uh, no. For listening to me talk about dina. You treated me with compassion and understanding, two things i probably don't deserve from you right now.

Lola: Well, I'm glad I was there to listen. I know you were going through a tough time.

Kyle: Yeah, you don't know the half of it.

Lola: Listen, I wanted to tell you something.

Kyle: Yeah?

Lola: Uh... just, um -- we throw out the lost and found after the weekend, so can you just come pick up your badge soon, okay?

Kyle: Okay. I'll see you around. Good night.

Lola: Good night.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Lauren: I hope you don't mind me stopping by this time of night.

Jack: No, no, not at all.

Lauren: I wanted to know how it went with dina. Did she recognize the teardrop?

Jack: Oh, boy, did she. She, uh... I wish you could have seen it, the look on her face, the look in her eyes. It...

Lauren: Jack. What happened?

Jack: Dina's gone.

Lauren: What?

Jack: She died shortly after I gave this to her.-Lauren: I'm so sorry.

Jack: Lauren, we gave her the most amazing gift. This necklace meant more to her than you can possibly know.

Lauren: Is there anything that I can do?

Jack: Yeah, there is one thing.

Lauren: Name it.

Jack: Let me say thank you for all your help with the teardrop, for your constant friendship over the years. Thank you.

Abby: I know we talked about raising a family.

Chance: But today has changed your mind.

Abby: Not at all. I think, if anything, losing dina made me realize how precious life is. I want to move forward with our plans. What do you think?

Chance: Tonight has been emotional for you, and I don't want you to make such a big decision under these circumstances.

Abby: I already made my decision. It's not the emotion of this night. It's you. You're the reason I want this.

Chance: When the most beautiful, most amazing woman i have ever known says, "let's start a family"... let's start a family.

[ Both laugh ]

Nick: That was actually fun.

Mariah: Who knew kicking cancer's ass could be such a blast?

Nick: It was a relief to see sharon finally enjoying herself.

Mariah: It's been months since I've seen her that happy.

Nick: Did you check out faith, though, her attitude? There's definitely something off.

Mariah: Well, she is a teenager. You know, she could be wrapping her arms around your neck and telling you she loves you one minute, and the next she's setting your car on fire. That's kind of how they operate.

Nick: Yeah, I guess, but, you know, faith is steadier than most. It kind of felt like she was you know, pretending to be happy to put on a show.

Mariah: Well, she's a kid who's been through some terrible times recently. She's probably afraid to be happy. She's always looking around the corner for the next bad thing to happen.

Nick: Yeah, she really went through a lot with sharon and that article about adam. She probably doesn't feel like she's on real solid ground. It's something to keep an eye on.

Mariah: Alright. But, just from afar, you got to give her some space, nick. Let her work it out on her own. We both know that she can.

Nick: Are you telling me to back off? It's not really my thing.

Mariah: Try.

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