Y&R Transcript Friday 10/16/20

Y&R Transcript Friday 10/16/20


Episode #11895 ~ Lauren comes to Jack's rescue; Ashley confides in Victor.

Provided By Suzanne

Abby: I feel so guilty coming here.

Traci: Well, sweetie, why?

Abby: Because we have coffee at home. We could have just made some there and stayed with dina.

Traci: Aw, abby. The last 24 hours have been very, very tough on dina, and we needed a real break. Plus, the next few days...

Abby: Won't be any easier.

Traci: Right. Did you get any sleep at all last night?

Abby: I was sitting by dina's bed reading to her, and I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew, I was waking up to the sound of gasping for air.

Traci: Oh! You poor thing. That must have been just terrifying.

Abby: It was horrible. And, like the doctor said, difficulty breathing and swallowing -- it's all part of the end stages of alzheimer'S.

[ Exhales deeply ] I just -- I don't even want to think that, let alone say it out loud.

Traci: Oh, honey, you did the right thing. I'm so glad you called her medical team the minute you saw dina was in distress.

Abby: Thank you. I know that she's on palliative care with no interventions and her caregivers know what they're doing, but I couldn't just sit there and watch my grandmother struggle.

Traci: No. And it really helped. You did the right thing. The oxygen helped her. She was able to go back to sleep by morning.

Abby: Yeah. It was comforting when the doctor said that she wasn't in any pain. But I just -- I feel like she's taken a turn for the worse.

Traci: Honey, your intuition is right on. Dina is failing fast. And... the inevitable will happen. It could be any day now, and i think we really need to prepare ourselves.

Dina: I will love till the end of time.

Victor: Well, well, well, well, well. Look who is here.

Ashley: Hi. You look so happy.

Victor: I'm very happy. I just saw my grandson christian score two goals and a penalty.

Ashley: Spoken like a proud grandpa.

Victor: I'm a very proud grandpa. I went there in a lousy mood, and, boy, I saw him score those goals, I felt wonderful. It looks like you need some diversion.

Ashley: I think I owe you a big thank you, actually.

Victor: What for?

Ashley: Well, because jack was looking for information regarding that necklace, the teardrop of love, and you got past your animosity and you helped him.

Victor: Yeah. I did that for you and dina.

Ashley: Well, whatever the reason, we're both grateful. And if he happens to find the necklace, with is probably a long shot, but --

Victor: That would be a hell of a gift.

Ashley: Yes, it would.

Victor: Yes.

Ashley: It's kind of sweet. His last great gesture for mother, you know? Maybe it'll give her some peace and some closure. I think the searching has been good for him.

Victor: Yeah, it gives jack something to focus on.

Ashley: Yeah. Not like the rest of us, that are just so helpless, standing by on the sidelines, watching our once-brilliant mother decline.

Victor: It's a horrible disease. I really am very sorry that dina has to go through that. As for jack, I guess... we all need one goal or another.

Ashley: I'm sure you have your own goal that you're attending to.

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Victor: So, what goal do you think I have in mind?

Ashley: Victor, I know that billy's exposé infuriated you. But getting revenge on my brother is not gonna begin to resolve the bigger issues that that article brought up.

Victor: Yeah, well... I'd really rather not talk about it, okay?

Ashley: Well, okay.

[ Cellphone pings ] Excuse me. Oh, I got to go. It's my turn to sit with mother.

Victor: How's she doing?

Ashley: Frankly, not well.

Victor: If you go to the house, I'll come with you. You know, she and I were once good friends.

Ashley: Oh, yes, I'm aware of that, but I don't think she's gonna remember who you are.

Victor: I'd love a chance to say goodbye to her.

Ashley: Okay.

Ashley: Alzheimer's is terminal. We all know that. I mean, this is always looming on the horizon.

Traci: It's so sad, and it's so true.

Abby: So, seeing my poor grandmother laying there, fighting to breathe...

Traci: It just brought everything home to you. Abby, I promise you, when the end comes, dina will not be alone. She may not recognize who's with her, but I have to believe it makes a difference.

Abby: I hope you're right.

Traci: All those beautiful things you did for her last night -- holding her hand, reading her her favorite book. I have to believe that she felt your love. She felt some kind of comfort, some -- some trace of family connection. And these are the things that are gonna help us get through when dina finally leaves this earth. She will always live on in our hearts.

Abby: It isn't enough.

Traci: Aw, abby.

[ Sniffles ] Dina abbott mergeron lived a huge, full, amazing life, and we have to get some peace from that.

[ Romantic big-band music plays ]

Dina: My necklace! Oh, where did it go?! Why did you take it away?

Jack: I didn't take it. I swear! It was stolen!

Dina: Well, find it. Please! Bring it home.

Jack: Mother?

Anything your wild child does

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Michael: Jack's not in the office today.

Lauren: Oh, here he is. He's calling me right now. Hi, jack. Michael and I are at jabot looking for you.

Jack: Lauren, I hope you have some news about the teardrop. I'm with dina now, and I hate to be blunt, but she doesn't have much more time left.

Lauren: Oh, jack.

Jack: It could just be a matter of days.

Lauren: I'm so sorry to hear that. But I have the best possible news. The shipment came in from london, and I have the necklace with me.

Jack: Uh, I'll -- I'll -- I'll be right there. You stay where you are.

Victor: Hello, jack.

Jack: I wasn't expecting you, victor.

Victor: Ashley and I ran into each other.

Jack: Forgive me. I haven't time to sit and chat.

Ashley: Where are you going?

Jack: Your timing is perfect. Mother is sleeping. I have something urgent I have to deal with.

Ashley: Okay.

[ Door closes ]

Traci: So, how are things going? I mean, your face just lights up every time you talk about chance.

Abby: They're great, yeah. Um, the two of us, we just fit together, you know?

Traci: Honey, that makes me so happy.

Abby: I-I realize that i never got to introduce chance and dina, which is a real shame, because in her prime, dina was a force of nature.

Traci: Well [Chuckles] That force of nature would very likely have put your young man on the hot seat and grilled him until she was sure he was going to be good enough for you -- in her own charming way, of course.

Abby: Yeah. The first time we met, I felt like I was on a job interview.

Traci: Yeah, I know. My mother... she started every single day of her adult life impeccably dressed, groomed to the nines, and ready to take on the world. In many ways, you remind me of her -- all of those good qualities.

Abby: Yeah. Well, she's not the warmest person in our family.

Traci: [ Chuckles ] Which she would freely admit.

Abby: And when I'm a mother, I hope I have a different set of priorities.

Traci: Oh, sweetie... I have no doubt you are going to be an amazing and loving mother, if and when you decide to have kids.

Abby: What if I told you that decision's already been made?

Traci: What? A-are you saying --

Abby: No. No, no.

[ Chuckles ] I'm -- I'm not pregnant.

Traci: Oh!

[ Chuckles ] You really had me going there for a minute.

Abby: But chance and I have been talking about having a baby together.

Traci: Really? Honey, that's wonderful.

Abby: And I know it's not likely, but... I just wish that dina could hold on long enough to meet her first great-grandchild.

Ashley: I don't know if my mother heard what you said, but I did, and your words mean everything to me.

Victor: Puts things in perspective, doesn't it?

Ashley: It's kind of scary. I'm a little concerned it could happen to me.

Victor: No. You're in good shape. You take such good care of yourself.

Ashley: Alzheimer's runs in families, victor.

Victor: Dna is not necessarily destiny.

Ashley: True. It's just a possibility that's lurking out there in the future. I don't know. I guess it kind of makes you realize that if you've got things to do, you should take care of them now, 'cause you never know what's gonna happen later, which is part of the reason why I moved to paris and why I'm back here spending time with my mother.

Victor: Well, for all it's worth, I'm glad you came back.

Ashley: Thank you. I'm sure it's part of the reason why you retired, too, right? I still can't imagine you staying out of that C.E.O. Chair.

Victor: It's tough.

Ashley: [ Chuckles ] I'm sure you manage to stay busy, though, right?

Victor: Oh, yeah. I couldn't -- couldn't live without being busy.

Ashley: Right. Oh, boy. Okay. I just got to come out, and i just have to say it. Your son adam -- he tampered with your medication. He almost killed you.

Victor: What brought that up?

Ashley: Well, that exposé has brought it all back. I mean, in living color. All the horrible things he has done to so many people, including me -- and you. And, frankly, I'm worried about you, victor. What are your plans where adam's concerned? You're strong.

Michael: Sweetheart?

Lauren: Yes?

Michael: Please stop. I mean, you're fiddling with that box. It's making me nuts.

Lauren: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But I'm just so distracted by how handsome you are.

[ Chuckles ] I'm so glad you did that.

Michael: I mean, I was a little nervous about it, but i got a lot of compliments at the office. I probably should have done it a long time ago.

Lauren: Well, you know, you did it when the time was right.

Michael: That's a very diplomatic way of saying "I told you so."

Lauren: [ Chuckles ]

Michael: But I don't think you're really thinking about my hair.

Lauren: No. Sorry. I'm thinking about this necklace.

Michael: I get it. It's big stuff. Especially for jack. Also, with all that fussing, i wouldn't want you jinxing anything.

Lauren: I'm sorry. Are you superstitious?

Michael: Only about walking under ladders, uh, spilling salt, and mysterious antique necklaces.

Lauren: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. Mysterious.

Michael: You got to admit, it's a fascinating object. The teardrop of love. Even the name is compelling.

Lauren: So true.

Michael: There's so many legends around that thing. Depending on what you read. If you're the lover or the love-ee. Possessing the teardrop is either a blessing or a curse. I'm just hoping that the jewel in there is in one of its benign, non-cursed phases.

Lauren: Oh, honey. No necklace is gonna jinx our love. We have been through so much, and we are more in love than ever.

Michael: When you're right, you're right.

Lauren: The only story I'm interested right now is the tale that starts with jack abbott giving his mother one last precious gift.

Michael: And to think my lovely, creative, inspirational wife is about to make that magic moment possible.

Victor: I never thought it was a serious attempt on my life.

Ashley: You didn't?

Victor: No.

Ashley: He doubled the dosage of an experimental drug, and he didn't tell you. You were already incredibly ill. So, I mean, at the very least, it was dangerous.

Victor: It certainly was, yes.

Ashley: That's the understatement of the century. And then what about all the horrific things he's done to me? He traumatized me. He terrorized me. And in the end, when you and i both found out the truth about our baby, we were both devastated.

Victor: And there was no need to so garishly publicize that story, you know? I mean, uh, no need for it at all. Why bring all that up? Billy boy did.

Ashley: Okay, you know what? I'm amazed at your ability to just move past all the unforgivable things that adam had done, and not once, but twice -- no, many, many times. And he has done horrific things to people that you love. Are you any closer to washing your hands of him forever?

Victor: You're not the first one to ask that question.

Ashley: And I'm sure I won't be the last.

Victor: Let me ask you this. Let's assume something happened to abby and that she turned out to be a lost cause. What would you do? Turn your back on her?

Ashley: Of course not. Never.

Victor: Okay.

Ashley: She's not adam, and she is not capable of the incredible cruelty that he is.

Victor: But you have to understand my side of it, okay? I'm his father. To me, he's still that lonely boy on that farm in kansas.

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Victor: So... would I be a good father if i now turned my back on him?

Ashley: Maybe you'd be a wise one, after years of treachery and betrayal.

Victor: You know it's more complex than that. You have lived it, both as a parent and as a daughter.

Ashley: [ Exhales sharply ] I've done a lot of soul searching lately where my mother's concerned, even though she would be the first one to admit she wasn't the best parent. I guess, in the end, she did end up protecting me, didn't she?

Victor: Yeah. And in spite of all those ups and downs, in spite of all the difficult periods you had with your mother, you're here protecting her.

Kyle: Hi.

Lauren: Hi.

Kyle: Did we have a meeting?

Traci: [ Chuckling ] No. We're waiting for your dad.

Kyle: Good. For a minute, I thought I spaced out on you.

Lauren: No, not at all.

Michael: Congratulations, by the way.

Lauren: Yeah. We heard you and summer eloped.

Michael: How was the ceremony?

Kyle: Things didn't go exactly as planned.

Lauren: Oh, dear.

Michael: What happened?

Kyle: What's in the box?

Lauren: Ah.

Jack: I can only assume it's what I have been searching for so anxiously these last few weeks.

Michael: Give the man a prize.

Lauren: Jack, open it. I can't wait to hear what you think about it.

Jack: It's magnificent. Hey! It's me! Your dry skin!

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Kyle: So this is the necklace dina was wearing in the home video?

Jack: I tracked it down, hoping it might spark something in her.

Lauren: Like what?

Jack: A reaction, a flash of memory. I-I'm not expecting that much. I'm -- I would settle for a moment of clarity. The way that song triggered something in her when you visited the house with --

Kyle: When I visited the house with summer? It's -- it's okay. You can mention her name, dad. When I said my elopement didn't go exactly as planned, what i meant was it didn't happen. I woke up on what was supposed to be our wedding day, and she was gone. Left me a note on hotel stationery, which is slightly nicer than a text. So she gets style points for that. C'est la vie.

Lauren: I'm so sorry.

Kyle: But the teardrop is more important now. Have you told dina you found it?

Jack: No. I'm hoping just the sight of it will restore the light in her eyes, if only for a second.

Kyle: We have to get it to her right away.

Jack: Yeah, we have to get right to it. I just want to make it a very special moment.

Traci: No one knows how much time dina has left. Yes, it would be a tremendous gift if she was around to see your firstborn. But if that doesn't happen, I promise you I will see to it that my great-niece or nephew knows all about their amazing great-grandmother. The formidable madame mergeron.

Abby: The way only a fabulous novelist can.

Traci: [ Chuckling ] No. Her stories don't need any embellishing.

Abby: No, they sure don'T.

[ Cellphones chime ]

Traci: Oh.

Abby: I can't look.

Traci: I hope it isn't bad news. Oh, my god.

[ Chuckles ]

Ashley: Thank you for stopping by. It was nice to catch up with you.

Victor: I've enjoyed it. Keep me posted about dina's condition, okay?

Ashley: I will, for sure.

Victor: And give my best to jack.

Ashley: Your best? Really?

Victor: In spite of our differences, and they're certainly a legion, we both are men who love their families with all our hearts and souls.

Ashley: I remember the times when you didn't jack had a soul.

Victor: Times change. Take care.

Ashley: You too.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Oh!

[ Gasps ]

Victor: What, good news?

Ashley: Yes.

[ Chuckles ] Jack found the necklace.

Lauren: I hope this goes exactly the way you want it and that the teardrop's magic works in the most beautiful way possible.

Jack: Boy, I hope so, too. And I want you to know I'm gonna take the very best care of your necklace.

Lauren: Oh, I'm not worried at all. Keep it as long as you need. What I want you to do is focus on yourself and your family.

Michael: We'll be keeping good thoughts.

Jack: Thank you -- both of you.

Lauren: Anytime. And you -- you take care of you, too.

Kyle: Will do.

Jack: Okay, that's traci and abby. They are on their way to the house. Ashley is already there. That's the good thing. And I want everyone together for the big reveal.

Kyle: So what are we waiting for?

Jack: I don't know. I think -- I think a part of me is worried that I've pinned too many hopes on this, that maybe she won't react to this at all.

Kyle: Dad, I have faith in you. If you believe that it'll mean something, it'll mean something. And there's only one way to find out.

Jack: Yeah.

The first fda-approved

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Traci: I still cannot believe lauren had the teardrop this whole time.

Ashley: And she had no idea. That is incredible.

Jack: I am just grateful that it turned up and that lauren was able to get it back here so quickly.

Traci: So, how would you like to handle this?

Jack: Okay, before we talk about logistics, I think there's something that needs to be said. We had a very tough time here last night. Dina is in serious decline. I don't want to think the worst, but I think it's best we all begin to prepare ourselves for just that.

Traci: I think it would be wise.

Jack: Look, I don't know that she's gonna react to the necklace or even our presence, but I think we all understand... there's not much time left, either way.

Abby: I know it's not realistic, but I was hoping that she would rally somehow.

Traci: Oh, sweetie, that would take a miracle, although sometimes those do happen.

Ashley: I think I have to agree with jack. I spent some time with her earlier. I've never, ever seen her so weak and frail.

Jack: In this box is a piece of jewelry that meant the world to mother.

Traci: Wow. That is way more impressive than on the film.

Ashley: It's just incredibly stunning.

Jack: Only our mother would have a necklace with a name.

[ All chuckle ] The teardrop of love. The same necklace she was wearing in that home movie, when she brought me home from the hospital as a newborn. It has since made a circuitous trip halfway across the world, stored for decades, only to find its way back home, at long last.

Abby: How could dina not react to seeing that again?

Ashley: Well, I think we might have to wait to get any kind of answers, honey. She's resting so peacefully right now, and after the night she had...

Traci: Yeah. Abby told me it was really rough.

Ashley: Yeah, she needs to just rest.

Jack: I agree. I hope you can all stay. I'd love for us all to be together for the big unveiling.

Kyle: Wouldn't miss it.

Jack: It was so vivid.

Abby: Yeah, dreams about people you love are like that sometimes.

Jack: Yeah, dina was there. So young. And she wanted her necklace. She was pleading for it.

Abby: Sounds intense.

Jack: Yeah, maybe it's just my subconscious projecting what it wants to hear, that there is still some way I can bring comfort to my mother.

Abby: That's one possibility. Or maybe dina came to you in a dream because that's the only way she could.

Traci: When we were kids and mother left... it came without warning, and it hit us all like a sledgehammer, because we couldn't understand why it happened.

Ashley: Yeah. It made it that much more painful.

Traci: But at least this time we know what's coming. So we can prepare ourselves somewhat. Oh, ashley, there's going to be a sad, sad day when our mother has to leave this earth. But at least this time, it won't be a shock.

Ashley: Yeah. Intellectually, that's comforting, and I know it's some kind of a relief knowing that she's not in any pain anymore... but emotionally... we're saying goodbye to her forever. I think it makes it a lot harder.

Jack: Hoping to hear from summer?

Kyle: Part of me still thinks she's gonna come back and tell me she made a huge mistake running away before our wedding. But...I'm starting to lose faith that's ever gonna happen.

Jack: Ooh, never give up hope. Life is full of surprises. Hell, look at this necklace. Stolen and sold and locked away for decades on another continent, only to find its way back to dina, at long last.

Kyle: So summer's the necklace in this scenario?

Jack: I'm saying don't give up hope. Things change. People make mistakes. I have a lot of regrets in my life, and not finding the right woman to love forever is one of the biggest. I'm saying if you can put it back together, if you find summer tomorrow and you do just that.

Ashley: I know you've been distracted, but you have to be wondering what victor was doing here earlier.

Jack: Yeah, the thought crossed my mind. But for whatever reason, mother always liked the guy. I'm happy for her that he got to visit with her.

Ashley: Well, he said that everybody was in his thoughts during this difficult time, even you.

Jack: Really?

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Jack: Well, I guess we have to give him credit, then. Even the mustache steps up sometimes.

Abby: I'm gonna stay here tonight, so don't wait up. Chance, you're so sweet. I'm so lucky to have you. I-I probably should go, hang with the family. It looks like hanging around is starting to get to everyone. I love you, too. Thank you for being so supportive.

Traci: Hey. You have done a wonderful thing, persevering until you found that necklace.

Jack: I'm not so sure of that just yet.

Traci: Oh, jack, I am so proud of you for what you've done for mother. And daddy would be, too. Oh humans.

Ashley: Are you comfortable, mother? Can I get you anything?

Traci: It's good to see you out of bed.

Jack: Mother? Mother? Mother, I have something to show you. Something from the past. Something I think you've been missing for a long time.

Dina: Oh.

[ Gasps ] Oh. Oh. Oh.

[ Cries softly ] Thank you. Thank you. Oh. I -- oh. I need you all to listen.

Ashley: Go ahead.

Dina: I ran -- I ran away from my life. But...in my heart, I was with you always. And...I always will be... forever. Don't you make my mistakes. Oh, my darling traci.... ...you will never, ever be forgotten. No.

[ Smooches ] Oh. Ashley.

[ Sniffles ] I'm so sorry... and you know what for.

Ashley: Mother...

Dina: You know who you are. An abbott. And no one -- no one can take that away from you. Oh, my dear... jackie... this is -- this is your family now. Keep them safe.

[ Sniffles ]

Jack: I promise.

Dina: Oh.

Ashley: Mother, we love you.

Jack: We love you, mother.

Traci: Godspeed, mother.

Dina: And... I... love you all. I love you.

[ Exhales ]

[ Inhales sharply, exhales ]

John: Dina.

Dina: Oh. John.

Traci: [ Sniffles ]

Abby: [ Sniffles ]

Jack: Goodbye, mother.

[ Family members crying softly ]

Next week on "the young and the restless."

Gloria: Honeys! I'm home.

Jack: As lauren and I talked some more, it led to a new idea. It led to this.

Elena: We were so stressed out. And we just momentarily lost control.

Phyllis: I love the design of this. I was gonna bring it up to your room.

Elena: Devon, no!

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