Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/15/20

Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/15/20


Episode #11894 ~ Victor goes to great lengths to help Adam; Nick keeps the peace between Phyllis and Victoria; Summer keeps a low profile.

Provided By Suzanne

Victoria: Nick. Hi. I'm glad I ran into you. Do you have a minute? It's about adam.

Nick: [ Exhales deeply ] I'm tired of talking about adam.

Victoria: Well, mom told me that you're as concerned as she is about what he might do next.

Nick: Well, she'd be right. What's your point?

Victoria: I think we need to sit down as a family and strategize before he makes his next move.

Nick: So we're talking about family unity...after the cold-blooded way you went after phyllis?

Victoria: I don't want to discuss phyllis.

Nick: Well, I guess we're done here.

Victoria: Nick, come on. Please.

Kyle: I agree. She does sound promising. Shoot me her résumé. We'll talk tomorrow. Alright. If you're here to drill me again about summer taking off, I have work to do.

Phyllis: No, I was actually here to see your dad.

Kyle: Then I'll get out of your way.

Phyllis: No. No, no. You don't have to leave on my account. I do have a couple questions I'd like to ask you.

Kyle: What do you want?

Phyllis: Okay, listen, kyle. Let me remind you that i was your biggest cheerleader when you and summer announced your engagement.

Kyle: Okay.

Phyllis: And I'm not angry. I am just talking to you as a mother. I am worried about my daughter. All of a sudden, she leaves her wedding, just walks away from it, leaves her job for parts unknown. I don't know where she is. Give me a break. I mean, you could understand this, can't you?

Kyle: Yeah. Of course I can.

Phyllis: Thank you. So you're either lying to me or lying to yourself. But what did you do to chase my daughter out of town?

Summer: Yes, of course I can pay. Look, just make sure you get me what I need.

Adam: Why are you here?

Victor: I just want to talk to my son.

Adam: [ Scoffs ] Well, that's pretty low tactics, even for you, pop. Confronting the enemy under the guise of a good, old father/son chat.

Victor: I'm not your enemy.

Adam: Sure, you are. You and your whole newman clan is. And you should all be very worried.

Victor: What does that mean?

Adam: Well, that's a question that should keep you up at night. I mean, what have I done? Or better yet, what am i capable of? This monster that you've created.

Victor: Adam, I'm not here to fight with you, okay? I am here as a father... who is concerned about his boy. Frustrated that your clothes get damaged

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Phyllis: What is it? What is it, kyle? Come on. Spit it out. What, did you yell out lola's name while you were sleeping?

Kyle: No.

Phyllis: No? Because last time you married my daughter, it was because you wanted to give lola some of her liver. So, what do you want from her now, a lung? A kidney? What did you do?!

Kyle: I loved her, okay? That's all. I loved every impulsive, imperfect, beautiful, crazy part of her. And she knew it. And she left anyways. So go ahead. Ask me all the questions you want. The answer will always be the same. She left. That's it. I'm the one that got walked out on. I'm the one whose heart is broken. So, no, phyllis, you won't be my mother-in-law. Go ahead. Throw yourself a party but I'm done with this.

Phyllis: So you're saying my daughter left town for no reason?

Kyle: You'd have to ask her.

Phyllis: You're not telling me the whole story.

Kyle: Phyllis, believe whatever you want! I'm done defending myself. If you want answers, track down summer.

[ Door closes ]

Summer: All I need you to be right now is my eyes and ears at society. Yes, that's right. Kyle abbott, the chef's ex-husband -- I want to know every time he steps foot in that restaurant and every single conversation that he and lola have. I know that it's risky, okay? That's why I'm paying you. And if you lose your job at society, I promise I will get you a better one at the top of the tower, okay? Alright. So, are we good?

Victoria: Look, I'm sorry if you disagree with my decision to purchase phyllis' debt. But do you think maybe we could table that, just for a few minutes, and talk, like brother and sister? I mean, this is important, nick.

Nick: Yeah, well, so is the crap you're pulling on phyllis.

Victoria: Well, it's nothing compared to what adam has planned. You know who he is and how he operates. This could all get very ugly very quickly unless you and me and the rest of the family pull together to stop him.

Nick: I hate to break it to you, vick, but phyllis is a part of this family.

Victoria: Why, because you say so?

Nick: You're damn right. And you should have been worried about what adam was gonna do before you started working with billy on that hit piece. But you didn't do that. You didn't give a moment's thought to how this would impact our family.

Victoria: I didn't know he was gonna put that stuff in there about faith.

Nick: Of course not. Because you were too focused on making adam suffer. And now you're zeroed in on phyllis.

Victoria: She asked for it, nick.

Nick: The same could be said about you.

Victoria: Look, I didn't mean to --

Nick: What? Reveal that you are just hell-bent on revenge?

Victoria: I'm not going to apologize for doing what was necessary to stop phyllis from lying to newman's partners.

Nick: Someone comes after you with a knife, and you go after them with a damn cannon. It's typical victor newman.

Victoria: Is that supposed to hurt me?

Nick: You know, it might have once. But this is on dad, and adam is gonna do whatever the hell he wants to, and odds are, we're not gonna see it coming. It doesn't matter how many family strategy sessions we have. But if you're looking to park the blame on someone, we both know this is on dad.

Victor: You know, when i drove over here, I remember all the trips I took out to the farm in kansas. And I remember how much I loved being around you when you were a boy. Athletic, inquisitive, bright. And I knew that you felt very comfortable on that farm. You belonged there, you know? You felt at home there. And I'm afraid I robbed you of all that.

Adam: And what? You're sorry? Is that gonna be the next part of the speech?

Victor: I know that the pain runs so deep in you that it's gonna be difficult for you to accept my apology.

Adam: Well, my -- both of my parents let me live a lie my entire life, so excuse me if "I'm sorry" doesn't cut it.

Victor: But you can't blame your mother for this, alright? I've got to tell you that i convinced her that I would be in control of this whole situation and that she and I could just will this away, this trauma that you went through.

Adam: Yeah, that worked for a while... until you decided to control the outcome again, tell me everything.

Victor: I take responsibility for that. That was a huge mistake on my part. And I also want you to know that I take responsibility for your strained relationship with your siblings.

Adam: Oh, I don't know if you can own all that one. I think they grew to hate me just fine on their own, dad.

Victor: You know, when you were at harvard business school and I asked you to come to work for me... I knew that you were brilliant. I practically handed you the keys to my kingdom, partly out of guilt, because I wasn't there when you needed me the most, as a kid. So whenever you get in trouble, I bailed you out... and then, obviously, pissed off your siblings a great deal.

Adam: Am I supposed to feel bad for you, dad?

Victor: No. Don't feel bad for me. Just understand where I come from. I'm here to rectify all that.

Victoria: Billy was gonna publish that exposé no matter what I said or did.

Nick: You steered him right to the story. You gave him all the ammunition he needed.

Victoria: Yeah, to fight adam. And now I'm the enemy.

Nick: I don't get it. I mean, you expect me to have your back, and, at the same time, you're going after phyllis? Do you not see the problem i have with that?

Victoria: Oh, yeah. Sorry. Everything always comes back to phyllis.

Nick: Vick, she loves this hotel. It's her dream. I know you don't want it, you don't need it. This is petty retribution. And if this is the way you're gonna operate, then don't expect anything from me.

Victoria: Fine. I have a meeting I have to get to.

Nick: Fine. Go. I'm sure you're gonna crush it.

[ Footsteps depart ]

Phyllis: What did I miss?

Nick: [ Sighs ] Nothing. Just letting my sister know that I do not appreciate the way she's treating you.

Phyllis: You're my hero.

Nick: What have you been up to?

Phyllis: Um... I saw kyle.

Nick: Has he heard from summer?

Phyllis: He claims he hasn't heard from her or that he hasn't done anything to make her leave. But... he did seem heartbroken.

Nick: I don't trust him.

Phyllis: Yeah, I think we have to consider the possibility that it was summer who blew up this relationship.

Nick: Well, our daughter would not do something like this without good reason, even if it's something as simple as realizing kyle is not the man for her.

Lola: [ Sighs ]

Kyle: Before you say anything, it wasn't my choice to come here. I'm meeting a client who loves your food. So blame ropa vieja.

Lola: Then I promise not to sabotage your meal.

Kyle: I actually hadn't considered that until just now, but...

Lola: Kyle, you can eat here, you can drink here. What I said to you before, well, you caught me at a bad moment.

Kyle: I'm glad this a better one. I can use some kindness right now since I'm getting mocked mercilessly on social media.

Lola: Why?

Kyle: I'm either the skeeviest guy in town, a heartless cad, or the world's biggest loser. So dealer's choice.

Lola: A cad?

Kyle: I know. Old school.

Lola: But how does anyone know what happened? Oh. Theo.

Kyle: He got the ball rolling. So, yes, everyone in town knows I got dumped.

Lola: I'm sorry. Really.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] The good news is I am moving on, reactivating all the profiles on all the dating apps I haven't used in years. So life is gonna be just fine. And I get to eat and drink at my favorite restaurant.

Lola: As long as your credit card goes through, you can brood at the bar whenever you'd like.

Kyle: Oh, well, the good news is, brooding's my specialty.

[ Both chuckle ]

[ Cellphone pings ]

Kyle: So life is gonna be just fine. And I get to eat and drink at my favorite restaurant. What a bonus.

Lola: Hey, as long as your credit card goes through...

Faith: Summer?

Summer: Oh, my god. It's really rude to just sneak up on people like that.

Faith: Y-you're the one hiding in the bushes, spying on kyle.

Summer: Okay, I thought that you were with a friend.

Faith: I was. Now I'm back. I guess time flies when you're going incognito.

Summer: Did you tell anyone that I'm back right now?

Faith: Well, I told you that I wouldn't rat you out for whatever it is you're doing, and I haven'T.

Summer: Well, faith, I know that you're going through a lot right now with mom marrying rey and you guys are still waiting to find out her diagnosis. It's really tough. So I understand that you don't want to go home right now.

Faith: That's why I've been avoiding mom's texts. The last thing I want to talk about right now is being her bridesmaid.

Summer: Yeah. It kind of makes my problems seem a little dumb, huh?

[ Chuckles ]

Faith: Well, no, I wouldn't say dumb. You are sort of a fugitive from your own wedding. A pretty big problem.

Summer: Okay, yeah, I mean, when you put it like that.

Faith: So, talk to me about it. Or I'm gonna keep thinking you're a stalker.

Adam: There's nothing worse in the great victor newman's eyes than someone who doesn't measure up. To be very honest with you, i never thought of you that way.

Adam: Oh, come on. Come on. You just said so yourself, that I needed help, 'cause you believe there is no lower for me to go.

Victor: I want to help you.

Adam: And I'm telling you i don't want it. I mean, I had -- I had a good life with my mother. You know, she was the kindest, sweetest woman I have ever known. And after she died, I went to wall street and I had a good time, too, making friends and making money. But all of it got sucked away piece by piece when I fell into your orbit.

Victor: Oh, now, slow down. Do we have to go over this again?

Adam: Oh, I think we should. I mean, I-I really think we should. We should live every miserable moment, 'cause you come in here and you act like you're driven by some noble impulse to write all your wrongs.

Victor: It's the truth.

Adam: It's bull. When nick wanted nothing to do with you, it fell on me to pick up the torch. But you never wanted me to be happy. You wanted me to be damaged and broken and, most importantly, you wanted me to be controllable. Some lame promise now to help is meaningless. I wish that I had never learned that you were my father... and I wish that you never seduced me to come back to this godforsaken town. But you know what? You can't control me anymore. 'Cause I got nothing to lose. And that makes me a very dangerous man. Now get out of my apartment.

Victor: You know, son... you and I have some things in common. We are both very, very angry, because we were abandoned. You by me... and I by both of my parents. I grew up in an orphanage. I learned from early on to defend myself. So have you. But one thing I can tell you... don't you ever threaten me.

Kyle: My meeting's over, so i took you up on your offer to brood at the bar. I hope you don't mind.

Lola: Like I said, you're welcome to drown your sorrows in here whenever you'd like.

Kyle: Mm. Thanks.

[ Chuckles ]

Lola: Kyle, I've been meaning to ask. How's dina?

Kyle: I stopped in to visit her this morning. She's under hospice care. I don't think she's gonna be with us for much longer.

Lola: I'm sorry.

Kyle: Even though she's been declining for a while, it's -- it's still hard to see her like this. I was talking to her, and her eyes were completely blank. She didn't have a clue who i was. Never even acknowledged anyone else in the room.

Lola: She knew, kyle. Somewhere deep inside, she knew that you were there, and she knows that you love her... even if she can't say it.

Summer: Look, I already told you, faith, I'm just doing research, okay?

Faith: To find out if kyle still loves lola?

Summer: No.

Faith: Okay, so you lurking out crimson lights watching them together is just a coincidence?

Summer: Okay, well, I wasn't lurking.

Faith: I-I'm not judging you. I mean, it's kind of insane when I think about it. First, kyle marries you. Then he marries lola. Then he wants to marry you again.

Summer: I know, it's just really --

Faith: Don't say "complicated." It's my least favorite phrase.

Summer: Okay. Um... I... desperately wanted to believe kyle when he told me that it was over between him and lola. But... it's just hard to see into someone's heart, even when you think that you know them better than anyone. Sometimes things come up that you thought that you dealt with when you least expect it. And I just didn't want to make another mistake again. I've already made way too many of them.

Phyllis: We should be happy.

Nick: Happy?

Phyllis: I mean, whatever it was that made summer push the pause button with her and kyle, um, I'm glad that she's just taking a moment to figure out her next step.

Nick: I'm glad it happened sooner rather than later, but our daughter should have been here to tell kyle herself.

Phyllis: Yeah, I mean, first things first, right?

Nick: For the record, I'm not gonna be happy until our daughter comes home. But I do have some good news for you.

Phyllis: [ Gasps ] What?

Nick: Do you know that devan is receiving the businessperson of the year award?

Phyllis: I did read that. That's incredible. For his contributions to the community. That's amazing.

Nick: Well, it turns out the chamber of commerce's venue for the event fell through. And because I've done a lot of work with them through new hope, I recommended the grand phoenix.

Phyllis: And?

Nick: They love the idea.

Phyllis: Oh, my gosh! Really? This is just what I needed.

Nick: Well, it wasn't a tough sell. I mean, you've done amazing things with this place. And it's a perfect venue for their event, and it's gonna be a smash, and it's gonna generate a lot of positive exposure for the phoenix.

Phyllis: Ah! This is incredible. You should tell this to victoria. Then she'll have some respect for what I've done here, although I'm not holding my breath.

Nick: Well, I told her she's being petty and vindictive and it's beneath her, so I don't know. Maybe she -- maybe she'll listen to me this time.

Phyllis: I love you for having my back. Thank you. But, uh, I'm not gonna hold out hope, you know, because victoria and I have quite the history.

Nick: Well, I made it very clear to her that she cannot make me choose between you and her. Alright. I got to go. Catch you later?

Phyllis: Okay. Bye.

Victoria: Uh, you know, there is a very simple solution to your problem.

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"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Summer: Hey. You suddenly got quiet.

Faith: Just thinking.

Summer: About?

Faith: Love really sucks, doesn't it? No, I mean it. I mean, after hearing about you and kyle, I don't think I want any part of it.

Summer: Hey, I didn't mean to scare you, faith.

Faith: If it's as bad as you said, why would anyone want to put themselves through that?

Summer: I promise you, it is worth it. When you find that special person that you care so much about, that you cannot imagine the rest of your life without them, that is when you know what love really is. And I want that for you. When the time is right and you're older, I want you to experience the beautiful and messy ride. Don't let me or anybody scare you away from love. It really is the best feeling in the world.

[ Cellphone pings ] Is that your mom? Is it a boy?

Faith: No.

Summer: Is it from that person who texted you earlier that you didn't want to talk about?

Faith: It's not from a boy. Stop looking at me like that, weirdo.

Summer: Ah! Who are you calling a weirdo, you brat? What?

[ Chuckles ]

Kyle: Well, time to get back to the world.

Lola: Yeah. I bet all the women on those dating apps are screaming your name right now.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I don't know about that.

Lola: Yeah, I'm sure they're swiping right as we speak.

Kyle: Thanks for not treating me like a total loser, even though you have every right to.

Lola: Oh, you don't need any help from me.

Kyle: Ouch.

Lola: I meant that in the nicest way possible.

Kyle: Uh-huh.

Lola: Kyle? Please give my best to dina and your family.

Kyle: I'll do that.

[ Footsteps depart ]

Lola: What the hell is wrong with you?

[ Exhales deeply ]

Victoria: If you really want to solve your problems, phyllis, all you have to do is sell me your share in this hotel. I will offer you a fair deal, much better than you would get on the open market.

Phyllis: "Fair." Interesting word coming from you.

Victoria: I don't think we need to make this personal. It's just a business transaction. And since you've already blundered your way into selling me 75% of this place, it's only a matter of time before you self-destruct and lose the rest of it.

Phyllis: No. I already got rid of one newman sister. I'll have no problem unloading the other one.

Victoria: Oh, yeah, I know. I know abby was a little tired of your drama. I am, too, quite frankly. Look, phyllis, you don't have any leverage. Owning 25% of this place means that you work for me. Is that what you want?

Phyllis: Well, I wonder what nick would think of all of this.

Victoria: Well, he's made himself very clear.

Phyllis: Yeah, that you're vindictive and petty -- his words -- and small. It's my word.

Victoria: Do you really want to force nick to choose between the two of us?

Phyllis: Victoria, he told you not to push. This is not gonna go your way.

Victoria: Well, you know, maybe he will side with you in the beginning, when things are heated. But when things get serious -- when things get serious, he always puts family first.

Phyllis: No, he doesn'T. He walked away from the family when victor was controlling him. Happily walked away. He's unlike, victoria. He has pride and integrity.

Victoria: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, nick did walk away. He did. But he came back when we needed him.

Phyllis: Yeah, when he was interim C.E.O., When you were attacked.

Victoria: No, no, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about right now. Adam's planning something. We don't know what it is yet. But he is committed to work with us to head him off. Oh. Oh, nick didn't tell you?

[ Chuckles ] I mean, I don't know why that would surprise me at all. It's not like you're family, even though he likes to pretend that you are. If I were you, though, I would not overplay my hand on this one. No matter how upset nick claims that he is with me, the newmans always come first.

Phyllis: Not all of them.

Victoria: Yeah. Well, despite his name, he's not one of us.

Phyllis: Oh, my goodness. When have you -- you get to choose who's in the club?

Victoria: Let me just tell you something. You have never been a member, and you never will be. No matter how you cling on to nick, he's not gonna bail you out.

Phyllis: I'm not looking for nick to fix anything for me.

Victoria: That is very good, because it would just prove what I'm saying is true, that you can't hack it on your own and that you are the colossal loser that everybody says you are.

Phyllis: I'd hold off on redecorating this place, if i were you.

Victoria: My offer has a time limit. If I were you, I wouldn't let your pride get in the way.

Phyllis: You look like a roadmap to hell.

Adam: What do you want?

Phyllis: I want to turn that frown into a smile. Having dry skin is a struggle.

Nick: Hey.

Faith: Hey.

Nick: Right on time.

Faith: That's me.

Nick: So...

Faith: How are you, dad?

Nick: Uh, what?

Faith: I figured it was my turn to ask.

Nick: I'm good. Thanks.

Faith: Okay, good. 'Cause I've been doing a lot of thinking about this, and it kind of feels like you're the go-to person for everyone lately -- for mom, rey, christian, even mariah. Of course, me. It's a lot to carry, even for someone as strong as you.

Nick: Well, I appreciate you looking out for me, but I am your parent. That means it's my job to look out for you.

Faith: I know, but mom and i are having real talks now about everything, even the stuff that scares her sometimes. I just wanted to let you know that you could that with me, if you ever felt like it.

Nick: You know, faith, sometimes I look at you and i ask myself, "who is this smart, confidant, extremely beautiful young woman that is sitting in front of me? I have to remind myself that she's still my little girl, the one that I used to push on swings and she used to beg me to higher and higher. But, unfortunately, she just keeps growing up, and I'm gonna have to let her go.

[ Sighs ] I just want you to know how... proud I am to be your dad. The way you handle everything, from your mom's illness to all the stuff with adam. You're amazing. I just want you to know how much I love you.

Faith: I love you, too, dad.

Nick: How much of that is just, you know, to get me to stop hovering?

Faith: [ Chuckles ]

[ Sniffles ] Just a little bit of it.

Nick: Just a little. Okay. I thought so.

Faith: But just a little.

Nick: Okay.

Adam: Just go away, phyllis.

Phyllis: Well, you are in a bad way, aren't you? Why? Because of the article that billy published? Big deal. You've clawed yourself back from worse than that.

Adam: I-I-I guess I'm not making myself clear. Did you want that in a different language?

Phyllis: Wow. I think I can help you. You don't take me seriously, do you? You didn't give me any credit. Even after you screwed me over at dark horse, I came back, and I was the winner. 'Cause that's what I do. Even when I fall, I get right back up... so I can shove it in someone's face. But look at you. It looks like you fell into a deep, dark hole and you can't find your way out. You need a friend. I'll be your friend.

Adam: Yeah. As if that could ever happen.

Phyllis: Can't happen? Why not? I mean, I'll be your friend, even though you screwed me over. I should rephrase. Not really "friends." Partners. Partners -- that's better. We could create an alliance and get back at every single person in this town who has screwed us over. Billy should pay for what he did to you. And say, hypothetically, if you were to help me wipe that smug look off of victoria's face... hypothetically... wouldn't that be rich? Wouldn't that be fun? You listening to me?

Adam: Yeah. You're asking me to inflict pain on someone in exchange for your friendship.

Phyllis: That's your skill. Look at this human trying to get in shape.

Kyle: ...All the dating apps I haven't used in years. So life is gonna be just fine. And I get to eat and drink at my favorite restaurant. What a bonus.

Faith: Mom? I'm home. Mom?

[ Inhales, exhales raggedly ]

Phyllis: Hey!

Nick: I got you a half a dozen different kinds of carbs.

Phyllis: You're so sweet.

Nick: So are they. Talking two different kinds of chocolate cake, some caramel custard, and multiple pies.

Phyllis: Multiple pies? My goodness. Um, so, after you left, uh, victoria made me a ridiculous offer.

Nick: No. No, no, no, no. We are not gonna talk about work or my family for the rest of the day.

Phyllis: I'm very lucky to have you.

Victoria: No, not yet. I just want our legal team to be prepared. Something's coming.

[ Liquid pouring ]

[ Container thuds ]

Nikki: You went to see adam, didn't you?

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: I take it things didn't go well.

Victor: I think my son is lost to me now.

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