Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/14/20
Episode #11893 ~ Sharon awaits important news about her health; Kyle keeps a secret; Lily calls Billy's bluff.
Provided By Suzanne
Sharon: Faith, could you come down here, please?
Mariah: Hey. I got your text. What's up?
[ Door closes ]
Sharon: Uh...I'd like my daughters to help me plan my wedding!
Mariah: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: That's why you're so mad -- they're not lies. I pulled the band-aid off the festering wound that is your life and I forced you to look.
Sharon: It's done, adam. Goodbye.
Chelsea: What better way to get vindication than to prove to the newmans that they're wrong? You can show them and the world that you're not this monster that billy's making you out to be.
Adam: You don't want me to just prove to the world that I'm not a monster. You want me to prove it to you.
Billy: Right, well, let me just say that hypothetically, if you were to bring me proof that adam was involved in the scam -- and when I use the term "proof," I use it loosely -- because you would only be referred to as an unnamed source. There would be no way to track this back to you. Well, exactly. That's the point. We're talking about a person that killed another person when they were 11 years old, so tying him to this should be a walk in the --
Lily: Billy, hang up the phone. You know, victor warned me to push you out of this company, and I think you're making a damn good case for it.
Lola: Well, hello, big brother.
Rey: Hello. I'm not, uh, pulling you from lunch prep, am I?
Lola: Oh, no, not at all. I was actually on my way home. So, rey, what's, uh -- what's new?
Rey: I have some news. It's good news, so good that i decided not to tell you in a message. I had to share it with you in person.
Lola: Hmm. Okay.
[ Inhales sharply ] Let me guess. You're getting married.
Rey: Let me guess. Mom got to you first.
Lola: [ Laughs ] I mean, who else?
Rey: I told her that I needed to tell you first.
Lola: Have you met our mother? Rey, I mean, I'm sure all of miami knows by now. Anyways, you know mom always says...
Both: "Always share the good news when it comes."
Lola: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. Thanks for that, mom, because god knows there's more than enough of the other kind.
[ Sighs ] Anyways, right. Congratulations. I am really, truly happy for you and sharon.
Rey: [ Sighs ]
[ Keys clacking ]
[ Footsteps approaching ]
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Jack: Kyle.
Kyle: I wanted you to take a look at the miller contracts.
Jack: Let's talk first.
Kyle: Well, I've negotiated them down from the original offer, but I need you to sign off on it before we can move forward. Then we need to discuss new business. It's time to kick-start some of those projects. Summer and I -- we were working on... what?
Jack: I wish I could stop you from hurting.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
Elena: What are you smiling about?
Devon: My, uh -- my father, actually. More specifically, the neil winters business scholarship he set up.
Elena: That's what the e-mail is about?
Devon: Yeah, and some other things, too. It's also the -- the mentorship program that we started at hamilton-winters and the funding program for black entrepreneurs and my investment into the medical clinic. And apparently someone had the crazy idea to give me a businessperson of the year award.
Elena: What?
Devon: Yeah. [ Chuckles ]
Elena: Devon, that's amazing.
Devon: Yeah. I think they ran out of real people to give it to.
Elena: [ Chuckles ] Stop. This is huge and so well deserved. I'm so proud of you.
Devon: Well, thank you. I have you to thank for it.
Elena: No. [ Chuckles ] This has nothing to do with me. This is all on you.
Devon: No, it has everything to do with you 'cause when I was at my lowest point, you lifted me back up. And when I didn't know if i could even get my life back together, you stuck by my side, so none of this happens without you, honey.
[ Smooches ] None of it.
Elena: [ Crying ] What did we just do?
[ Sniffles ] This was a huge mistake. This should have never happened. I love devon. Nate? Nate!
[ Sighs ] I think it's time that we have an honest conversation. Joe biden will make health care affordable.
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Rey: So, are you sure you're okay with this?
Lola: Of course, rey. I adore sharon.
Rey: No, that's not what i meant. Your divorce was just finalized. I don't want to feel like I'm rubbing our happiness in your face.
Lola: You could never do that, not in a million years. The divorce was just paperwork. Kyle and I have been over for a long time now.
Rey: Yeah, I know you keep saying that, but --
Lola: No "buts." It's as over as over can be. I'm officially single, and he's married again.
Rey: He what?!
Lola: Yeah. He and summer eloped.
Rey: [ Exhales heavily ] What is with this guy? The ink on the divorce papers isn't even dry yet.
Lola: I've made peace with it, and I honestly wish them well. I'm just happy that I'm free now.
Rey: Yeah. I am, too. That guy never deserved you, lola.
Lola: Spoken like a big brother.
Rey: No. It's true. Kyle doesn't have a clue what he's doing with his life.
Jack: Okay. What happened? I really don't know, dad. According to phyllis, it's all my fault. I did something to drive summer away.
Jack: Yeah, phyllis shared that particular theory with me, as well.
Kyle: But I didn't do anything. Summer and I -- we made this commitment together.
Jack: Running away together would indicate otherwise.
Kyle: But that's just it. Summer didn't want a big wedding. I offered, and she said no. But she thought in her heart we were already married. That's what she said to me. That's when we decided to elope.
Jack: So, you went out of town, and then...
Kyle: She just took off. Her stuff was gone and so was she. She left some vague note about not being able to go through with it, having to figure some stuff out. I don't -- I don't know. I-I don't know anything. I don't know if she's hurt or mad or... I don't know, only that she's gone.
Jack: I got a text from summer this morning asking for a leave of absence from jabot.
Kyle: She contacted you? What else did she say?
Jack: Only that she would be out of town for a while.
Kyle: Then I guess this means we need to find a new head of marketing.
Jack: No, you don't need to focus on that right now.
Kyle: No, dad, this is exactly what I need to focus on. If summer can't handle being an adult, the rest of the company shouldn't have to suffer.
Jack: It isn't the company I'm worried about, kyle.
Kyle: I'll be fine. And I'll see to it all of her responsibilities are covered. Replacing summer won't be that hard.
[ Door opens ]
[ Door closes ]
Jack: [ Sighs ]
Elena: Okay, I appreciate the kind words that you said about me, but these are your accomplishments. And it warms my heart to know that there are other people in the world who can see and appreciate how kind and generous you are.
Devon: Well, I'm just trying to build on the dream that neil and I had, but I guess it is kind of cool to win an award for it. What's even better, though, is having you in my corner, honey, 'cause I love you so much.
Elena: I love you, too.
Devon: There's -- there's one other thing I need to tell you about the scholarship fund. Um...I have to meet with amanda later on to go over some paperwork about it.
Elena: Okay.
Devon: We're just gonna talk about the scholarship fund, though. We're not gonna talk about hilary or anything else.
Elena: You don't have to explain.
Devon: I do 'cause it was wrong of me to blindside you last time.
Elena: Well, it's -- it's fine. You don't have to worry. I'm not gonna freak out every time amanda and you cross paths.
Devon: Well, I appreciate that. I just don't want you to ever feel like I'm hiding anything from you or that we can't completely trust each other about anything.
Amanda: I like you. I enjoy spending time with you. But something has obviously changed. I'm not imagining that, am I?
Nate: No, you're not.
Amanda: When I asked you if my connection to hilary was too messy, too complicated, you said that it wasn'T.
Nate: That's true.
Amanda: You are a good man, nate. You don't just ghost people. So can you please tell me what is going on so that I don't feel like I'm crazy?
Nate: It's not fair for me to keep this going.
Amanda: What are you saying?
Nate: I can't do this anymore, amanda.
Amanda: Are you ending things with me? I just assumed all bladder leak pads felt the same.
Lily: Do you remember our conversation the other day about us being a team, making decisions together, you promising not to go rogue?
Billy: That was an exploratory conversation.
Lily: Yeah, and all you're doing is exploring more lies and innuendo about adam.
Billy: Not all of it is smoke, lily.
Lily: Do you have enough to run a credible story?
Billy: Depends how you define "credible."
Lily: [ Sighs ] You're being an ass.
Billy: I seem to have disappointed you.
Lily: Billy, the future of this company is on the line. And if you post another hatchet job on adam with no solid backup, we'll have another lawsuit, victor and adam will win, and victor will weaken us until he's able to re-acquire newman's media division.
Billy: Okay, one point -- that first story was not a hatchet job. That was good journalism. But I hear you, okay? I'll drop it.
Lily: Yeah. Sure you will.
Billy: Hey, my partner doesn't think it's a good idea, I'll move on.
Lily: Do you have enough for a follow-up story?
Billy: I could have dug some things up.
Lily: So that's a "no."
Billy: Look, I wanted to rattle adam's cage, okay? Apparently, I rattled yours instead. I like a good bluff, lily, but i also appreciate you calling me out on it.
Amanda: I didn't see that coming.
Nate: I got a lot going on in my life. You deserve more than I can give you right now.
Amanda: That's all you got for me?
Nate: I'm sorry.
Amanda: Me too. I thought we were in a good place. I mean, did I say something? Did I do something?
Nate: No, no, no. It's nothing like that.
Amanda: Well, then what is it? You can tell me anything now. It's not like you're gonna damage our relationship.
Nate: [ Sighs ] You being hilary's sister turned out to be more complicated than I thought.
Amanda: But you're the one who pushed me to find out.
Nate: I know I was, but it brought up a lot of unexpected feelings for me -- hilary being my patient I couldn't save, feeling I'm disloyal to devon...
Amanda: Disloyal to devon? How?
Nate: I know I'm not making a lot of sense. You're an amazing woman, okay? And I want you to know I --
Amanda: Okay, stop. You don't have to say any more.
[ Sighs ] I appreciate your honesty. I wish you nothing but the best. Goodbye.
Sharon: So, after I asked rey to ask me --
Mariah: Wait. Wait. You asked him? Why didn't you mention that when I asked about the proposal?
Sharon: Oh, I -- it was no big deal. I just got the conversation started.
[ Chuckles ]
Mariah: That is so you.
Sharon: I know. So, anyway, when he finally asked me --
Mariah: Did he get down on one knee?
Sharon: He was so sweet and loving, and I just really felt like I had been swept away. Oh, my gosh, my face hurts from smiling so much.
Mariah: I love seeing you like this, right?
Faith: Yeah. Yeah, mom, it's great to hear you laugh.
Sharon: I just feel so much hope and joy, and I want to savor every moment, all the way up until the wedding day when i have my two girls standing beside me.
Mariah: Bridesmaids?
Sharon: Of course!
Mariah: Yes! I'm so excited we get to do this together. This is going to be so much fun!
Faith: Yeah. Yeah, great.
Mariah: That didn't really sound like a sincere "great" to me.
Faith: No. No, of course it is. Mom, I'm so happy for you, so happy. It's just, we haven't gotten the lab results back from your surgery. We don't even know if it worked.
Sharon: It doesn't matter because I'm getting married to a wonderful man who makes me happy and I'm gonna have my friends and my family beside me and my two favorite girls and we're all going to have a wonderful time! So, who wants to talk color schemes for the dresses?
Mariah: Yes. Let's do it. I am so ready.
Sharon: Oh, I've got some really beautiful magazines, and I folded some pages already.
Mariah: Well, I've been loving the look of this lately.
Sharon: Which? I want to see what your ideas are.
Nick: Rey. How's it going?
Rey: Nick. Uh, it's good. It's good. I was actually just gonna call you.
Nick: What's up?
Rey: I've asked sharon to marry me.
Nick: Wow, man. Congratulations.
Rey: Thank you. Thank you.
Nick: I assume she said yes?
Rey: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, she did. She did. I haven't seen her this happy in a long time.
Nick: I'm glad for both of you. Congrats.
Rey: Thank you. I so appreciate your support.
Nick: Um...I guess, uh, with everything that's going on, getting married now... I mean, why now? Does cleansing drain the life out of your skin? confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, that's me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. I'm a licensed humana sales agent. Well it's nice to meet you karen, I'm john smith. Hi john. At humana we know you're unique, so you have different needs from other john smiths. Yeah, I've always thought so. And together we can find a plan that's right for you. Great! I go to the doctor a couple of times a year and i have some prescriptions, but I'm never fully sure of what's covered and what's not. With humana's all in one medicare advantage plans, you get coverage for hospital stays, doctor visits, and part d prescription drug benefits all for an affordable, and sometimes no monthly plan premium. Do you have any more information? Sure, I'll get a decision guide in the mail to you today. They're free. Finally, someone who understands the real me. Call or go online now to get your free decision guide. Call a licensed humana sales agent today. Humana, a more human way to healthcare.
Rey: Well, what are you getting at, nick?
Nick: [ Sighs ] Just, you know, did -- did sharon get some -- some other bad news about her cancer? Are you asking her to marry you to give her a boost?
Rey: No.
Nick: Good. Uh, I'm sorry, rey. I just --
Rey: Don't be. Nick, I-I understand. It's just, uh... sharon and I are getting married because we love each other. It has nothing to do with her cancer. We're choosing happiness for however long we have together, which is hopefully a very, very long time.
Nick: And that is good enough for me. I am pleased. Thank you for letting the ex put his two cents in. Uh, well, you know, sharon's worth it.
Nick: She definitely is.
Rey: I want you to know that I'm gonna look after faith like she's my own. You have my word on that.
Nick: I know you will.
Rey: Yeah, and I -- I was wondering, um... if you'd be my best man.
Nick: [ Laughs ] Seriously?
Rey: Seriously.
Nick: Uh...
Rey: [ Laughs ]
Nick: I mean, I don't know what to say.
Rey: Look, I've been doing a lot of thinking about sharon's battle with cancer and how you've stepped up for her and for me, how you've been there for all the ups and downs. And it just -- it felt right, having you up there with us. But, I mean, if it's -- if it's too awkward for you...
Nick: For me? Dude, I'm the ex.
Rey: [ Laughs ]
Nick: Uh... listen, uh, yeah, assuming sharon is cool with this, uh, I would be honored to be your best man. You just tell me when and where, and [Chuckles] I will be there for you and sharon.
Rey: Thank you.
Mariah: Hey, stranger.
Devon: Hey! I know we need to catch up.
Mariah: Yeah, I know. I wish it could be today, but I'm actually here to check out the spa facilities.
Devon: Really? Are you planning a self-care day?
Mariah: No. It's for sharon.
Devon: How's she doing?
Mariah: She's good. Yeah, we're throwing a lot of positive energy her way. And she and rey are getting married.
Devon: Really?
Mariah: Yeah.
Devon: Wow. That's great news.
Mariah: Yeah, I was thinking about having a girls' day to celebrate the engagement.
Devon: Oh, please tell her congratulations from me and elena.
Mariah: I will. So, how is the busiest man in town?
Devon: Oh, I'm, uh, actually here to meet with amanda about the scholarship program that neil and I started.
Mariah: You and amanda.
Devon: Me and amanda. I know.
Mariah: Is it still weird to you that she's hilary's twin?
Devon: You know, not so much anymore.
Mariah: Well, it is for me. We ended up having a conversation, and all throughout, I kept searching for signs of hilary. And then I thought, "this is ridiculous," you know?
Devon: Yeah.
Mariah: Amanda's her own person.
Devon: I know. And she really is, too. She's very different than hilary, and I've tried to -- to make it a point to get past the way she looks and just focus on who she is.
Mariah: Yeah. How's lily dealing with it?
Devon: She's alright. It's brought up a few memories of the accident, but she's dealing with it fine.
Mariah: And nate?
Devon: That's -- that's a whole nother story. I don't -- I don't really know what's going on with him.
Mariah: Well, he couldn't save hilary, and now he's dating her twin. There's a lot to unpack there.
Devon: Yeah. Maybe.
Mariah: Or something else?
Devon: I don't know. It's just -- it's the way he talks about her 'cause I think it's -- it's like he knows they're good on paper, but --
Mariah: There's just nothing there.
Devon: Yeah, exactly.
Mariah: Well, that was kind of the story with you and me.
Devon: I remember.
Mariah: Although I hope the route is, uh, very, very different for them.
Devon: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. I don't know. I mean, I do know something's going on with them, and I think that amanda might be setting herself up for disappointment.
Nate: You reduce the dose of mrs. Garcia's meds?
Elena: Yeah. She said it was making her feel tired.
Nate: Just checking.
Elena: [ Clears throat ] Devon is getting an award.
Nate: What for?
Elena: His humanitarian work. That's great. Uh...he deserves it.
Elena: Yeah, he does. And the whole time I was congratulating him, all I could feel was shame and guilt. This is weighing on everything. And it's killing me.
Nate: I -- me too. Elena...
[ Cellphone ringing ]
Elena: I have to take this.
Nate: Elena...
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Theo: Hey, kyle. Now, that has got to be the fastest honeymoon in history. And that is definitely not the face of a happy bridegroom. What could have possibly gone wrong?
Kyle: We didn't get married.
Theo: Wait. Wait. What happened? Who bailed? Was it you or her? My money's on summer. She always was the smart half of the package.
Lola: Why don't you go run your mouth somewhere else?
Theo: And there she is, right on cue. I mean, you can't write this stuff.
Lola: [ Sighs ]
Kyle: At least theo's consistent.
Lola: Yeah, he consistently acts like a 12-year-old.
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Lola: So, last night when you showed up at society, you weren't coming back from your wedding.
Kyle: Nope. I had gotten dumped on by my runaway bride and came to drown my sorrows. A bad idea, one of the many I've had lately.
Lola: And you chose my place to do it.
Kyle: I didn't mean to interrupt any of your plans.
Lola: Oh, well, you didn'T. We still went dancing.
Kyle: Although you do have to appreciate the karmic payback. She runs out on me, and I run into you.
[ Both chuckle ]
Lola: You didn't just run into me, kyle.
Kyle: Are you mad at me?
Lola: Yes.
Kyle: Why? What did I do?
Lola: How many other restaurants are there in genoa city, hmm? How many other bars?
Kyle: Lola, it wasn't --
Lola: Someone dumps you, and then you show up at my place? For what? For pity? For sympathy? For some mercy sex?
Kyle: No, that --
Lola: No. You know what? I am so sorry that it didn't work out for you and summer. Actually, no, that's a lie. I could really care less. But I would really, really like you to stop showing up and looking for me when you're feeling down. The kitchen is closed, okay?
Faith: Summer?
[ Chuckles ] This doesn't look at all weird.
Summer: [ Sighs ]
Lily: So, let me see if i have this straight. You get to behave recklessly, and it's my job to reel you in.
Billy: I'm an adrenaline junkie, okay? You know that. I've been very up front about that with you.
Lily: Yes, and you've also been very honest about how important this job is to you. You said it even saved your life.
Billy: [ Sighs ] I love this job, okay? It means everything to me. I feel like I have purpose and i like being here with you and I'm pretty good at it.
Lily: Okay. So you got what you wanted. Adam's ugly history is out in the open, alright? Lawsuits were averted. Adam is angry and alone, sent his son away to boarding school. Chelsea may or may not stick by him, and even if she does, what kind of life do they have to lead?
Billy: You make it sound like you want me to feel sorry for him.
Lily: No, I want you to stop hating him because you're only hurting yourself. You won, okay? Claim your prize. And, yeah, maybe have a little compassion for the fact that adam has completely wrecked his life. Falsies lash lift mascara
Devon: Yeah, this all looks good.
Amanda: Right back at ya... mr. Award winner.
Devon: Eh...
Amanda: Should I applaud every time I see you? Or maybe I should bow.
Devon: Oh, come on. Stop it.
Amanda: No, don't be embarrassed. You should be proud.
Devon: I am. I am proud. It's -- it's, uh -- it's nice to be recognized for something that means so much to me.
Amanda: Well, I know that we're here just to discuss the scholarship program, but i thought you should know I hired a detective.
Devon: Oh. That's great.
Amanda: Yes. So I begin solving the mystery -- who am I, and where did I come from?
Devon: I know a little bit about that. I didn't find out that tucker mccall was my dad until katherine tracked down the child that she gave up.
Amanda: Yes, I know. I discovered that when I was working on katherine's will.
Devon: Oh. So you did your research.
Amanda: Yeah, I'm a little addicted to information.
Devon: What else did you find out about me?
Amanda: Not much more than that, really. But I was wondering how hard it must be for you just growing up with so little and then finding out that you came from a family with so much.
Devon: Yeah. Well, I wasn't bitter about it 'cause I had my grandma for a little bit growing up and I knew my mom. And then dru and neil took me in when I was a teenager, so I had family.
Amanda: Family. Imagine that.
Devon: You didn't have anybody, huh?
Amanda: Well, I am building a new life. And that means starting over with everything.
Devon: What's that really mean?
Amanda: Well, nate ended things, so that's over.
Kyle: Where did this come from? I thought we were in a good place.
Lola: Yeah, I thought so, too, especially after you took the time to check in on me after the divorce papers arrived.
Kyle: So, why did you go off on me like that?
Lola: You still don't get it, do you?
Kyle: I guess not. Explain it to me.
Lola: [ Sighs ]
Faith: What are you doing here? I thought you and kyle were getting married.
Summer: Yeah. We were.
Faith: So, what happened?
Summer: Um... okay, uh, look, faith... getting married is a very big, important step, and I think you're just a little too young to understand that still.
Faith: [ Chuckles ] You're kidding, right? After all of the weddings that my parents have had, I think i get it.
Summer: Okay, look, kyle and I -- we've known each other, like, our whole lives. We've been married. We've been divorced. We've been in love, hated each other.
Faith: Sounds like my dad and your mom.
Summer: Yeah, kind of, it does. Anyway, um... look, this time, we thought that we had it right. It was perfect. We were gonna run away together and get married and just... live happily ever after.
Faith: So, why didn't it happen?
Summer: [ Sighs ] Um... look, I had some concerns that kyle wasn't ready to... commit to me yet. So instead of being impulsive and making a decision that i wasn't 100% sure of yet, i realized that I just... I had to take a step back to see if kyle and I have what it really takes to go the distance, which is what I'm doing right now, so kyle cannot know that I'm back in town yet.
Faith: So, in other words, you're asking me to lie so you can stalk kyle.
Summer: Well, I wouldn't put it exactly that way. I just...
Faith: Hey, no, no, it's fine. Sometimes I wish I could hide, too.
[ Cellphone ringing ]
Sharon: Oh. Hello? Yes. This is sharon. My test results are in?
If you have postmenopausal
Summer: Okay, this really should have been my first question, but how is your mom?
Faith: She and rey are getting married.
Summer: What? That's great.
Faith: I guess it's good news. Everyone's acting so fake-happy and excited, when we don't even know if her surgery worked.
Summer: Faith, I'm sorry. That's really hard. And I have been such a lousy sister. I haven't even been there for you.
Faith: It's okay. I'm dealing.
Summer: Okay, well, I'm here now, so call me, please, anytime you need to talk.
Faith: How about anytime you need to talk?
[ Cellphone pings ]
Summer: Hey, who is it?
Faith: Oh, um, it's just my ride. They're picking me up at crimson lights.
Summer: Oh, okay. Uh, who's picking you up?
Faith: Okay, I got to go. Um, I won't tell kyle. Just please don't do anything crazy, okay?
Lola: This is still raw for me. You think you can trash our relationship and then show up at my restaurant after summer trashes your engagement? I mean, what is that?
Kyle: I-I wasn't expecting anything.
Lola: Then why society? Put yourself in my place for a change, kyle, and think about what that says to me.
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
[ Sighs heavily ] Jenn. Hey. It's kyle abbott. I know. It has been a while. But you've been on my mind lately. Especially that night in the village.
[ Chuckling ] Right, right. I might be heading to new york for work soon, and seeing you would make my trip a lot more interesting. Great. [ Chuckles ] I'll call you.
Devon: Are you okay?
Amanda: Yeah. Nate was right. We both have way too much on our plates right now.
Devon: I think you and I know each other well enough. You can be honest with me if you want to.
Amanda: Well, it hurt. I'll admit that. And it was a little embarrassing. I gave nate an opening to explain the distance that I was feeling between us. And he just agreed with me, said that it wasn't working, and that was it.
Devon: There's something going on with him.
Amanda: Yeah, well, whatever it is, I'm not a part of it anymore.
Devon: I'm really sorry to hear that 'cause I thought you guys were pretty good together.
Amanda: Yeah. Me too. But apparently there are different matches out there for both of us.
Elena: I'm gonna check in at the hospital and then head home.
Nick: Elena... tell devon I said congratulations.
Billy: I cannot feel any sympathy for adam. I'm not as forgiving as you are.
Lily: Well, maybe it's because I've been on the receiving end of forgiveness myself. And you have, too.
Billy: Me?
Lily: Yeah. If you could let go of all that anger and resentment that you carry around, maybe you would see how many people have given you second and third chances. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here right now.
Billy: Is that our deal now? You're the cute little angel on my shoulder?
Lily: Well, sure, if it saves us from any potential catastrophes, then, yeah, I'll be your cute little angel.
[ Chuckles ]
Adam: Yes. I want to put a tail on a rey rosales, okay? He's a cop, so you better be careful. I want to know everywhere he goes, everyone that he sees, his daily routine, all of it.
Rey: Sharon?
[ Door closes ] Hey, sharon, I'm here. I'm here. Whatever it is, I'm -- I'm here.
Sharon: The margins are clear. I'm on my way to being cancer-free.
Rey: [ Exhaling heavily ]
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