Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/13/20

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/13/20


Episode #11892 ~ Paul investigates Chance's past; Elena hides her guilt; Lily clears the air with Amanda.

Provided By Suzanne

Abby: Please stop crying. Please. Please. Look, I know that you are tired and you are cranky, but if you just close your eyes for one second, you will go right to sleep. Doesn't that sound nice? Oh, my god.

[ Babies crying ] Hi, honey. Yep, it's me. No, I think you can hear how the triplets are doing. No, no, no. No. I need your help because I have a lot of work to get done, and i can't do it, and I am about to lose my mind. So when are you gonna be home. Whoa. Well, no, no, no. A stakeout? Tonight? Well, no. How long is that gonna take. Chance? Chance! Hello! Can you hear me? I can't hear you. Chance! Oh, my god. Please. Please stop crying. Please -- please stop crying! Just stop! Just stop! Just stop!

[ Gasping ]

Chance: Paul. I'm glad to hear from you.

Paul: Hey, chance. Well, we've got some unfinished business.

Chance: The exposé on adam. Yeah, that -- that one threw us both a curve.

Paul: Listen, I want you to know that I really appreciated your admitting that you were the unnamed federal agent in vegas.

Chance: I want to be up front about it. So, where does that leave things? Will I be able to join the department? Or are you rescinding your offer?

Rey: When do you want to go ring shopping? Or do you want me to surprise you?

Sharon: Um, whatever you want to do, it's perfect.

Rey: Oh, man. I'm late. I got to run.

Sharon: Okay, don't be late for your meeting.

Rey: I can't wait to tell everyone that we're engaged, but it's gonna have to wait.

Sharon: While you're at work, I'm going to let mariah and faith know.

Rey: Mother-daughter. Yeah. I get it.

Sharon: And we can share the news with everyone else later.

Rey: Sure. Family first. Okay. I got to run. I love you so much.

Sharon: I love you, too.

Rey: When you look at me like that, all I want to do is kiss you.

Sharon: Oh, now, if we're starting with that, you'll never leave. So go. There will be plenty of time for kisses later.

Rey: The rest of our lives.

[ Smooches ]

[ Door closes ]

[ Door opens ]

Amanda: Elena?

Elena: Hey. What can I do for you?

Amanda: Um, is nate here?

Elena: Um, he's actually not in till later.

Amanda: This is so not like him.

Elena: Excuse me?

Amanda: He was supposed to call me today, and he didn't, and -- you know what? Never mind. Thank you. Actually, um, can I ask you something?

Elena: Yeah. What's up?

Amanda: I don't know. Something is different with nate. I feel this distance between us. I feel I'm pulling away, and i have no idea why. I was just wondering, do you have any idea?

Devon: Thanks for coming, man.

Nate: It sounded important.

Devon: It is. It is. There's -- there's something going on with elena, and I can't help but wonder if you know what it is.

Faith: Mariah.

Mariah: Hey, cutie.

Faith: I didn't know you were coming by this morning.

Mariah: Uh, neither did I.

Sharon: I needed to talk to my girls together. I have wonderful news, and i wanted you two to be the first to know.

Faith: The cancer's gone?

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Sharon: I still don't have my lab results back since the surgery. I didn't mean to get your hopes up.

Faith: It's okay.

Sharon: But we do still have a reason to celebrate.

Mariah: Okay, well, don't keep us in suspense.

Sharon: Okay. Um, I know this may come as a shock to both of you since rey has just moved back in, but, um, we've decided to make things official, and we're getting married.

Mariah: Uh --

Sharon: [ Chuckles ] I hope that you both will understand.

Faith: Yeah. Yeah. It's great, mom. You and rey are so good together.

Sharon: Tears?

Mariah: Yeah. They're tears of joy. I'm -- I'm thrilled for you, and I hope you're as overjoyed as i am.

Sharon: Rey and I couldn't be more delighted.

Mariah: That's all I need to know. Well, except for the proposal details. And, uh, although I reject the concept that you need expensive jewelry to commemorate your plans to spend the rest of your life together...I have to wonder, why aren't you wearing an engagement ring?

Sharon: Oh, um, well, it was just kind of spontaneous. Rey's gonna take me ring shopping.

Mariah: Really? Rey seems like the type of guy who would have a multi-step, detailed proposal plan.

Sharon: He has a romantic streak. So, I know you wanted to get down to the stables this morning, so I'm gonna run upstairs and get ready before i head out.

Faith: Hey, mom, are you sure that you're recovered enough from your surgery?

Sharon: I'm feeling better every day.

Mariah: Hey. I'm sorry. I know that's not the news that you wanted to hear.

Paul: The, uh, authorities in nevada are investigating the veracity of those accusations in that article, that adam newman killed a man in order to protect an undercover agent.

Chance: Are you cleared to share any information?

Paul: Well, currently they have no evidence tying adam to any crime, and there's no trace of the man in question. There is no body. Nor is there any indication that you were involved in any cover-up.

Chance: I made a mistake by befriending a civilian on such a dangerous case. Sometimes, you have to make judgment calls.

Paul: Yeah, unfortunately, i know that to be true.

Chance: Paul, if you hire me, I promise you, you will not regret it. I will be a credit to the force. I know where the line is drawn, and I will not cross it.

Paul: Chance, I know what kind of man you are. And I know what kind of cop you were. And I-I believe I know what kind of cop you will be again.

Chance: So does mean --

Paul: Unfortunately, it's not that simple. There will be an official inquiry into your actions in las vegas.

Chance: I understand.

Paul: And this inquiry is not going to be a mere formality. It will be grueling. But pending the outcome of that, I want to see you back on the force again.

Chance: I'm thankful for the opportunity, and I'm happy to answer any and all questions that you may have. I'm just glad that you're giving me a chance.

Paul: Alright. Hey, rey.


Paul: Right on time. Have you two been introduced yet?

Rey: No, not formally.

Paul: Detective rey rosales, this is phillip chancellor iv.

Chance: I go by "chance." It's a pleasure to know you, rey.

Rey: Likewise.

Paul: Chance was with the feds a number of years, and he might be rejoining the genoa city pd in the near future, also as a detective.

Rey: It's a good deal. We can use you.

Paul: I thought it would be a good idea for the two of you to get to know each other. Rey can tell you the lay of the land and fill you in on our team.

Chance: Sounds terrific.

Paul: Alright. I'll leave you two to it.

Chance: Paul, I want to thank you again for the opportunity and -- and for believing in me.

Paul: Well, it's not a done deal yet. But here's hoping. Rey.

Rey: Chief.

[ Footsteps depart ]

Abby: Thank you for meeting me here.

Ashley: Of course. It's a free breakfast with the owner. How could I refuse? Although you were a little mysterious on the phone.

Abby: Was I?

Ashley: Yeah. Do you want to talk about billy's exposé, or do you have a new project you're working on?

Abby: Something a bit more personal.

Ashley: A big issue? Or a little issue?

Abby: What would you say if i told you I was thinking about maybe...starting a family?

Amanda: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put you on the spot. I just figured if anyone could help me understand what is going on, it's you.

Elena: No need to apologize. I know nate cares about you. Maybe he was just giving you some space to contend with the news about hilary.

Amanda: That's not the impression I got.

Elena: It could be work. I mean, we have been slammed here at the clinic. And I don't know if nate told you, but jared showed up the other night. He overdosed.

Amanda: Is he okay?

Elena: Fortunately, he got here in time. We stabilized him and sent him to the hospital. He's checked into rehab, and he's finally getting the help he needs. But it certainly took a toll on nate and me.

Amanda: Yeah. I'm sure it did.

Elena: Sometimes it's hard to leave the job behind when we walk out those those doors.

Amanda: Nate alluded to the pressure that he's under, but the way that he's acting, it feels personal. And there is this look in his eye. I have seen it a million times in the courtroom. Something is weighing on him, and he's just not ready to share.

Elena: He's always spoken of you with such admiration and affection. I mean, it's clear to me that he wants to see where your relationship can go.

Amanda: I hope so. I really like him, elena.

Elena: I think the feeling's mutual.

Amanda: Well, thank you for saying that. Okay. I took up enough of your time. You have a good one, okay?

Elena: You too.

[ Footsteps depart ]

[ Door opens ]

Nate: Where's this coming from?

Devon: Well, I know that -- that me spending time with amanda and helping her learn about hilary has been tough on elena.

Nate: Yeah, I'm sure it's been a challenge for you, too, finding out amanda's hilary's twin.

Devon: It was a shock at first to get confirmation to what I already suspected, but I'm dealing with it fine.

Nate: Yeah, you know, if you, uh, need to talk to someone about it --

Devon: I appreciate it. I'm -- I'm worried about elena 'cause I'm -- I'm -- I've been trying to assure her that there's nothing about, and she tells me she's doing fine. But I can see a change in her.

Nate: What sort of change?

Devon: It's hard to put my finger on it. She's a lot more distant. She's short with me. She's -- she's spending a lot more time at the clinic than normal. And I figured since you guys work so close together, that, i don't know, maybe she's opened up to you about it.

Nate: Uh, even if she had, you know, I wouldn't break her confidence -- any more than i would yours.

Devon: Right. Well, you know, I just -- I feel like she's not trusting me as much as she used to for some reason.

Nate: Because of amanda?

Devon: I don't know. Maybe. And I'm sure she wondering constantly if my connection to hilary is really gone or if this whole amanda situation has changed that at all.

Nate: Has it, devon? Do you, uh, feel more drawn to amanda because of it? Because if I'm elena, uh, that's the one thing I'm most afraid of. An eye cream. A concealer. Its both!

Amanda: Hey. Did you get a chance to look over the e-mails that I sent you?

Lily: Um, no. Not yet.

Amanda: Okay, please shoot me an e-mail when you have.

Lily: Actually, uh, do you have a second? I was hoping that we could talk.

Amanda: About what?

Lily: Are you avoiding me?

Amanda: Why would you say that?

Lily: Because I'm the reason you and your sister never got to meet.

Amanda: Well, you certainly cut straight to the chase.

Lily: Look, I don't want to make things awkward, but if you're open to having a conversation, there's some things that I would love to say.

Mariah: You can't stop thinking about mom's cancer, can you?

Faith: It's always there, like this huge weight. Every second of every day.

Mariah: It's the same for me. But she just got engaged, and she's planning a wedding. That means she's thinking positively, you know? She's planning for the future.

Faith: True.

Mariah: And we need to follow in her lead. We need to be positive, as well. And hopefully one day, we're gonna get the news that we're all hoping for.

Faith: What if mom and rey are getting married because of the cancer? What if they already got the results and it's bad and they don't want to scare us?

Mariah: I mean, did you see her just now? Mom's completely blissed out. That is not the face of a person who just got bad news.

Faith: She could be covering her feelings for our sake. That would explain why they got engaged so quickly.

Mariah: I know that this has been a really time for you. Mom's second surgery, waiting for the results, and that embarrassing exposé.

Faith: Why couldn't they just leave me out of it?

Mariah: I get it. Evil jerks took me away from sharon when I was a baby, too. And though I except it as a part of my past, I wouldn't want it on display.

Faith: It's not just what adam did. It's all of the horrible things that grandpa did, too.

Mariah: I know how much you love love him. This has got to be so hard. It feels like everything is coming down on you at once. Is there anything -- anything at all -- I can do to help? I -- we could spend the day together, or I could take you to go see your dad.

Faith: No, no, it's okay. No, I shouldn't even be worried about that stupid article.

[ Sniffles ] What I said about mom, just... forget about it, okay? Please? I panicked a little, but it's over now. I know you're right.

Mariah: Really?

Faith: Yeah. Mom wouldn't hide such big news from us. And this engagement isn't really that sudden. They've been together, like, forever. Thank you for calming me down, okay? I need to get down to the stables, so...

Mariah: Just promise you'll call if you need me. Okay?

Faith: Yeah. Okay. It's all good.

Rey: That big article online about adam newman. When I read it, I knew right away that you were the unnamed agent. I looked into your connection with adam in vegas.

Chance: And just a wild guess here -- you have a big problem with anyone that's associated with adam.

Rey: I have a big problem with adam? The guy's radioactive.

Chance: He does have that reputation.

Rey: Yeah, I've had a front-row seat to some of the crap he's pulled. But whatever happened in vegas, I'm not gonna let that color my impression of you. I've seen you in action.

Chance: Mm. Simon black.

Rey: Mm-hmm. I also know about your military service, the other work you've had, where you've trained. And if paul thinks you're worthy of being on the force, well, it's good enough for me.

Chance: Thank you.

Rey: Paul also gave me a second chance when I needed one, so who am I to judge?

Ashley: I'm in shock, but I-I'm okay.

Abby: What can I say? Chance threw the idea of kids out there, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.

Ashley: But, honey, uh, what happened? I mean, clearly the two of you have gotten very serious.

Abby: We both said, "I love you."

Ashley: Mm!

Abby: And he told me he could see a future with me, including kids. And, at first, I was like, "no way."

Ashley: Well, I understand. I mean, when you miscarried, that was very hard on you.

Ashley: But, um, I've been doing a lot of soul searching, and, well, I had this insane dream this morning.

Ashley: What?

Abby: I was home alone with three babies crying uncontrollably, and then those three babies turned into five babies.

Ashley: Oh, that sounds terrifying.

Abby: Yes. You would think. But it was oddly reassuring. Yeah, I just -- I realized that nothing in real life would ever be that out of control. And I woke up feeling like, i don't know, maybe I've been holding back with chance purely out of fear.

Sharon: Oh, hey. I didn't realize you were still here.

Mariah: I need to ask you something. Is there any chance you -- you received some news and you chose not to share it? Like, you actually got the results from the biopsy and you don't want us to know about it?

Sharon: Mariah, no. No, I swear I didn'T. And that's not something I would lie about.

Mariah: I know, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you, i just...had to ask.

Sharon: Yeah, we're still holding our breath. I can't help being worried that they'll be the same disappointing results as last time.

Mariah: Please, god, no.

Sharon: Well, I've also realized that even if everything goes as well as it possibly can, I'm always going to be a little scared. Because sometimes no matter how cleanly you live your life, cancer comes back. So if there's one thing I've learned, it's that I need to treat every moment I have on this earth very -- like it's a gift... which is why I'm making this commitment to rey.

Mariah: I get where you're coming from. And I am psyched for you and rey.

Sharon: Well, I hope faith feels the same way. I know she was very sweet earlier, but is he really okay with me getting married?

Mariah: We both just want the same thing -- we want our mom to be happy.

Devon: Now that sounds great. Just e-mail me the updated bid. Thank you. Sorry to cut this short. I got to take care of some business.

Nate: In other words, you'd, uh, rather not discuss what's happening with you and amanda.

Devon: There's nothing& happening with me and amanda.

Nate: Really?

Devon: Yeah. Really. This whole -- this whole thing has sure brought up some old memories and feelings, and i definitely look at amanda with different eyes now, but I know she's not hilary. In fact, I've been learning a lot about how different they really are.

Nate: Yet you still feel a bond with her.

Devon: I mean, yeah, I see her as a friend.

Nate: That's one complicated friendship.

Devon: I think you're reading a little too much into this, don't you? Do you intend to keep reminiscing with her?

Devon: As long as she needs help learning about hilary. Well, you suggested I help her.

Nate: I didn't know at the time it would develop into this long-term thing. And I need to say this. Devon, if there's any part of you that's tempted to see where this newfound friendship with amanda might lead, you need to set elena free before she gets her heart shattered.

Devon: What are you talking about, "set elena free"? Have you heard anything I've said to you?

Nate: I've heard every word, but you need to look deep inside and be honest with yourself about what you're doing, what you really want.

Devon: Okay. I-I think I know where this is coming from. And I know you really care about me and elena. But you're dead wrong about amanda. I love elena. That's who I want to be with. And I'm gonna keep doing whatever I have to, to prove that to her. And I don't even know if I need to say this, but you're with amanda right now, and I respect that. I'd never do anything to interfere with that relationship.

Nate: I haven't been seeing amanda for that long, and we're still figuring out where things are going.

Devon: Well, what's going on? Are you -- are you scared to fall for her and she not feel the same about you? Or someone else might come along and interfere? I mean, do you just not want to get your heart broken?

Nate: I don't want anyone's heart broken.

Devon: Given your history, i know why it would be difficult to let someone close. But if I can find happiness, i know you can, too. And I'm not saying to use my relationship with elena as inspiration, but I am living proof that you can find love again, man.

Nate: You two do have something special. Yeah.

Devon: You don't need to worry, okay? I'm not gonna let anybody get hurt as long as I can help it.

Lily: I've apologized many times to many people for being the cause of hilary's death. But I know that there is nothing I can say to make up for the fact that I'm the reason that you lost the chance to know your sister. And I can only tell you how sorry and ashamedi am for what I did. You know, I know that I had no business being behind the wheel of a car, being that upset. But I was distracted, and I was having this stupid argument and wasn't paying attention when i was driving, and as a result...

[ Exhales sharply ] I can't even begin to describe to you how much regret I have for my actions. You know, I just try to atone every day for what I did and just be the best person that I can be. Because that's the only way i know how to honor hilary's memory.

Amanda: I, um -- I don't know what to say. I think I'm still in a little shock, just learning that I had a twin that I never got the chance to meet, and now having to process all of this...

Lily: Yeah, listen, I-I get it if you're feelings are conflicted where I'm concerned, you know? I understand that. I think of you as a friend, but I get if that's just too much for you right now. And I get if you might not even want to maintain a professional relationship...or have anything to do with me at all. If you're on medicare, remember,

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Chance: I really appreciate everything that you said, rey.

Rey: If we're gonna work together, we got to be on the same page, right? And I could use a reliable partner since I've cut back on my hours. I assume you know what I'm talking about. Um, you're still dating abby, right?

Chance: I am. And she told me about sharon's illness. Do you mind if I ask how she's doing?

Rey: Well, the latest procedure went well. We're still waiting on the results. The thing is, uh, sharon and i have learned to cherish every moment together. I plan to spend the rest of my life with her.

Chance: That's great. When you find the right woman... you got to hold on to her.

Ashley: So, tell me, what fears do you think are holding you back from having a child?

Abby: Am I making the right choice? Is it the right time? Am I ready to be a mother?

Ashley: Well, you were a little wild when you were younger.

[ Both chuckle ]

Abby: A little bit.

Ashley: But I have watched you grow into this strong and intelligent, courageous woman, as you are sitting across from me. And when I hear you talk about chance, I don't hear any kind of hesitation at all.

Abby: Yeah, because there is none.

Ashley: Well, my opinion should not be the deciding factor here, you know? I think you need to trust your instincts.

Nate: Elena?

Elena: In here.

[ Door closes ] I'm glad you're here.

[ Exhales sharply ] I was a mess last night when i texted you. Now it's worse.

Nate: Why? What happened?

Elena: Amanda stopped by, looking for you. And when I told her you weren't here, she started asking me all these questions, wondering why you've been so distant lately.

Nate: Man.

Elena: Yeah. I covered, but I feel awful.

Nate: I know the feeling. The reason I got delayed -- devon wanted to see me.

Elena: What did he say?

Nate: He's worried about you. He thinks you're in some kind of turmoil you won't discuss with him.

Elena: He's not wrong.

Nate: The only thing is, devon assumes it's related to amanda. That you're insecure about them bonding over hilary.

Elena: I am. I mean, that's what led to us being reckless in the first place.

Nate: I know.

Elena: I don't think you do, nate. I am trying so hard to be normal right now. But this secret is hanging over me. It's -- it's haunting me. It's weighing me down. I can't even look devon in the eyes without bawling. Last night, I almost told him the truth, and now I'm thinking maybe I should have. Maybe I should just go to him now and confess everything. My husband and I have never eaten healthier.

Abby: Yes! I knew paul would give you the job.

Chance: I don't have it just yet. I have to go through a departmental inquiry about what- happened in vegas. Paul made it very clear that it's gonna be rigorous.

Abby: Well, I have every confidence in you.

Chance: I'm just sorry that i ever agreed to conceal what happened in las vegas.

Abby: Don't dwell on it. In fact, I think that you should focus on the future.

Chance: I want that, too. And if everything goes the way that I hope it will, you're gonna be dating the newest member of the genoa city pd's detective squad.

Abby: I couldn't be more thrilled for you, chance.

Chance: Thank you, sweetheart.

Abby: I know just how we should celebrate. I have something very special in mind.

Chance: Wow.

Amanda: To be honest... I haven't decided whether I want to continue our working relationship, given your history with hilary. But I can't lay all the blame on you. Someone took me away from my twin long before that tragic accident. And we spent decades not knowing that we were two halves of a whole. Is it crazy to feel that way? Especially since I spent my entire life with no awareness that I even had a sister.

Lily: No, no. It's not crazy at all. My kids are twins, you know? And their bond is so intense. I can't imagine one without the other. So to be deprived of that... you know, again, I'm -- I'm really sorry.

Amanda: I have to go. But before I do, um, you did your time, lily. And you're obviously filled with remorse for hilary. So we have a lot of things that we need to sort through, but i like you... and I like working here. So let's just take it one step at a time, okay?

Lily: Yeah. That sounds like a plan.

Amanda: Okay.

Lily: [ Exhales deeply ]

Nate: I've been having a lot of the same feelings you are. I thought about telling devon. But when I think about what unburdening myself would do to him... devon spiraled out pretty bad when hilary and the baby passed. And then neil died so suddenly. I thought he wouldn't make it through the grief. And now he has to come to terms with amanda. Howmuch is too much? Is it fair to turn his whole world upside down because of one night? Especially when the first thing you said afterwards is that it was a mistake.

Elena: Which is exactly what it was. It should have never happened.

Nate: Even though I'd rather we keep this to ourselves... you have to do what you believe is right. If you want to tell devon... I'll understand.

Elena: [ Exhales sharply ]

[ Sniffles ] The thought of him going back to that dark place, I can't do it. I love him too much. But I can't do this, either. Working with you every day and then going home to devon.

Nate: So, what's the answer?

Elena: I think we need to reevaluate the situation.

Sharon: Yeah, the timing is perfect. We could all use a little good news right now, right?

Rey: Mami, of course you're my first call. No, we -- we have no -- no details of the wedding yet. But I-I will keep you posted.

Sharon: Well, I got to run. We'll talk later. I love you, too, noah. Bye.

Rey: No, no. Sharon's tied up right now, but I'll let her know. Okay.

Rey: Te quiero. We'll talk soon. Goodbye.

[ Sighs ]

Sharon: So, what did celeste say?

Rey: She wishes us all the best.

Sharon: Well, noah's thrilled for us, too. So are the girls.

Rey: I have left messages for lola and arturo. Now watch my mom get to them first.

Sharon: That sounds about right.

Rey: [ Chuckles ] You know, I cannot wait to tell the whole world that you are gonna be my wife. But I'll refrain from announcing it from the various rooftops until you're ready.

Sharon: Well, just right now, I just want to keep it a small circle. Just to savor the moment a little longer. In fact, um...

Rey: What are you doing? I thought you had things to do here.

Sharon: Um, well, that can wait. Right now, all I can think about is taking you home.

Rey: Oh.

[ Chuckles ]

Chance: I will never, ever get tired of watching you do that.

Abby: Good.

Chance: And you definitely kept your word... about wanting to celebrate with something special.

Abby: Well, you were pretty amazing yourself.

Chance: Why, thank you.

Abby: But I wasn't just talking about the sex. There's something that I'd like to share with you.

Chance: You have my complete and undivided attention.

Abby: I am so happy. I feel like everything in my life has finally come together. I'm carving out a career, and I am with a person that I am madly in love with.

Chance: Right back at you, beautiful.

Abby: What I'm trying to say is... this feels right. We feel right. And I want what you want.

Chance: Are y-- are you saying...

Abby: I want to have a family with you.

Devon: Hey. How's it going?

Amanda: [ Sighs ] I'm just -- I have been having a hell of a day.

Devon: Already? 'Cause it's still early.

Amanda: Yeah, I just had an intense conversation with lily about my sister.

Devon: Oh, boy. How'd that go?

Amanda: There's a lot to unpack there. But everything is fine.

Devon: Good. I'm glad to hear that.

Amanda: And some of the things that we discussed, it helped me come to a decision. I'm gonna get a private investigator, because until i know the whole story behind my birth, I'm always gonna feel incomplete.

Devon: I-I really get it. I think that's a great idea. I'm behind you all the way.

Amanda: Thank you. Thank you. I just -- I hope that I'm gonna find the answers that I need.

Nate: If you feel that uncomfortable working with me, I'll leave the clinic. Find a replacement. I can say I need to focus on my work at memorial, alright? Whatever you need.

Elena: You're so devoted to the clinic. If you just left out of the blue, it would seem suspicious.

Nate: Well --

Elena: I don't know. Maybe this is a bad idea. I'm just -- I'm so angry that i can't even think straight. And this is all because of a moment of weakness. Just forget I said anything. Don't leave. I just need to figure out how to cope with this myself.

Nate: Are you sure?

Elena: Yeah. Sorry I'm all over the place.

Nate: It's okay.

Elena: It's really not. I need to go and try to clear my head before I have to see devon.

Nate: Then I'll see you tomorrow.

Elena: See you then.

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