Y&R Transcript Monday 10/12/20
Episode #11891 ~ Phyllis points the finger at Kyle; Chloe tells Chelsea to cut ties with Adam; Rey receives a surprising proposal.
Provided By Suzanne
Adam: Okay. Thanks for nothing.Chelsea: What's wrong?
Adam: [ Exhales sharply ] I don't want to talk about it.
Chelsea: Okay. Want to finish our conversation from earlier, about leaving town?
Adam: Do you really want to run from this fight?
Chelsea: Not run. Regroup. Get our priorities in order.
Adam: No, I'm not gonna scurry away into the shadows.
Chelsea: What's the alternative? I mean, if you have some plan to battle victor and billy, I'm all ears.
Adam: Just I'm not gonna let them think that they've won. The most important thing isn't winning. The most important thing if family, and sometimes the bravest thing you can do is just walk away.
Adam: Wow, that didn't take long for you to turn on me, too.
Rey: Did I get our signals crossed? I thought we were gonna watch that home-renovation show you like.
Sharon: I'd love to get out of the house.
Rey: Let's get out of here. I'll take you wherever you want to go.
Sharon: Actually, I thought i would just go by myself. A quick trip to crimson lights. I won't be long.
Rey: Of course. Will you get me a brownie?
Sharon: Go ahead and watch that home-renovation show. I know you secretly love it.
Jack: I was excited to get your call. Have you found something about dina's necklace?
Lauren: I did. But first, you're gonna have to humor me for a little bit.
Jack: Okay.
Lauren: I am about to text you something more precious than any emerald.
Jack: Ooh. Congratulations, auntie lauren.
Lauren: [ Laughs ]
Kevin: Hey, buddy. You okay?
Chloe: He's fine. How are you?
Kevin: [ Chuckles ] Better than okay. I'm really getting used to this newborn stuff.
Chloe: You're a natural. You're doing an amazing job. So much so that I got a present for you. How could you possibly top this present right here?
Tessa: [ Laughs ]
Lola: A few cocktails and some dancing is exactly what i needed tonight, so thank you for putting this together.
Mariah: We're like an old married couple, so we were super-stoked at the chance to play wing-women to our friend.
Tessa: So, what kind of guy should we be on the lookout for?
Mariah: Mm. Square jaw, six-pack abs.
Tessa: A good heart, kind eyes?
Lola: You know, I'm not really thinking about a guy tonight. I just want to have some fun. And from now on, I just really want to focus my energy on things that can flourish and people who will appreciate them.
Mariah: Cheers to that.
Tessa: Yeah. It sounds like the perfect way to deal with the insanity of kyle's wedding. Oh!
Lola: Wait. Kyle and summer got married?
Tessa: Uh, I-I am so sorry. Um, I-I shouldn't -- I shouldn't drink -- ever.
Mariah: Yeah, it -- it makes zero sense, but, uh, they eloped. I heard it from nick.
Lola: You know what? It's not my business anymore. Kyle can do whatever he wants.
Tessa: So, why don't we just forget the incredibly stupid thing that I said and get girls' night started?
Lola: Yeah. Uh, I just need a minute. I have to go get my purse.
Phyllis: You're saying we're out of options, that victoria wins, I lose? That is completely unacceptable! Do your job.
[ Cellphone slams ]
[ Slams ] Kyle. Listen. Kyle? Kyle! Kyle! Kyle! Do you not hear me saying your name?
Kyle: Hi, phyllis.
Phyllis: Why do you look like a disheveled clark kent? It's your wedding night. Where's your blushing bride? Yawns "okay okay, I'm up, I'm up!"
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Chelsea: I have not turned on you. I have done nothing but stand by your side this entire time.
Adam: Well, then, why are you so intent on giving up now?
Chelsea: I'm not giving up. But there are limits. Billy is just waiting for the right time to take another public swipe at me, and he has to be stopped. Nothing's changed.
Chelsea: Something has changed. You. This exposé has gotten under your skin, and you said it yourself, "it is just gonna get more ugly." Why put ourselves through that? Let's go...spend some time with our son. That's what's important. Let's get away and remind ourselves what we're fighting for.
Adam: I'm fighting for you! For connor! For justice and vindication.
Chelsea: What better way to get vindication than to prove to the newmans that they're wrong. You can show them and the world that you're not this monster that billy is making you out to be.
Adam: I mean, I am the one that's been wronged in this entire thing.
Chelsea: Adam, I'm just begging you to take a deep breath and think this through.
Adam: There's no time. There is no time. Any second, billy could drop another sequel to that article.
Chelsea: If that's true, what are you gonna do about it, adam? How are you gonna stop him, huh? What, are you gonna turn off the power in every building in genoa city?
Adam: Maybe.
Chelsea: I ended up in the hospital because of your move.
Adam: Yeah, well, sometimes it's better just to run on instinct.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] You are more on edge than I've ever seen you, and it's scaring me. What? Scaring you?
Chelsea: Yeah. Who else is gonna get caught in your cross fires, huh? What if something goes wrong when connor's home next?
Adam: You know I would never, ever let that happen.
Chelsea: Something bad happened to me, adam. You let that happen. I know you, and I'm worried that you're spinning and you're losing control.
Adam: You don't want me to just prove to the world that I'm not a monster. You want me to prove it to you.
Chelsea: Frame it however you want. Fine. Sure. Yeah, prove it to me.
Adam: Hmm. And what about all your claims that you would love me... unconditionally?
Chelsea: I do. But --
Adam: "But." "But." "But." That makes it conditional.
Chelsea: Oh, adam, stop. Please stay. Adam!
[ Door closes ]
[ Sighs ]
Chloe: [ Chuckles ]
Kevin: So, where's this present I get for just being me?
Chloe: I... I've been thinking a lot about when bella was born and how different it was when this little guy made his big appearance.
Kevin: You were all alone.
Chloe: I know that I robbed you of those special first moments, including a very important one -- naming the baby.
Kevin: It's okay. "Bella" is the perfect name for our daughter.
Chloe: Yeah, but I picked out her name without getting any input from you. And as you know, time is running out for us to put little baby fisher's name on his birth certificate. So -- so this is me stepping back. I am not going to give any more suggestions, no more vetoes. I am putting our precious baby boy's name entirely in his daddy's hands.
Kevin: [ Exhales sharply ] I promise I'll do our son proud.
Lauren: I was going through my father's paperwork, and i found a safe-deposit box in london that has not been inventoried. It might be in there.
Jack: That's encouraging.
Lauren: Right? So I'm having the contents sent over to genoa city as we speak, so we're gonna find out about this one way or another very soon.
Jack: Thank you. I appreciate this more than you know.
Lauren: Well, of course. I mean, to give dina last moments of happiness. Unless... there's another reason.
Jack: And what would that be? Isn't the legend of the necklace that it bring love to the owner? I'm gonna it, jack. You've been alone too long.
Kyle: I don't know where summer is.
Phyllis: Translation -- she doesn't want her father and me interrupting her honeymoon.
Kyle: No.
Phyllis: Did you have a fight?
Kyle: No.
Phyllis: What -- what's going on?
Kyle: Phyllis, you got what you wanted. The wedding never happened.
Phyllis: [ Gasps ]
[ Excitedly ] What?
[ Normal voice ] What? Oh. No. That makes no sense. She sent me this e-mail saying how excited she was to say her vows to you. Where is summer? I'll ask her these questions myself.
Kyle: Like I said, I don't know. I woke up on what was supposed to be our wedding day to an empty bed and a goodbye note.
Phyllis: Wow. But it makes no sense. She was hell-bent on marrying you despite everything her father and I said to her to talk her out of it. I don't get this. Hey. What did you do to scare her off? Did you know that feeling sluggish or weighed down
Jack: I'm not sure I buy into the superstition of the necklace. I'm just trying to make my mother happy one more time.
Lauren: Nice try.
Jack: What?
Lauren: Nice one. You are the second most romantic man I know, after michael. And -- and you haven't even thought just a little bit of continuing the tradition that your father started of giving the necklace to the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with?
Jack: I haven't given it one thought.
Lauren: Well, such a pity. Such a pity. Such a catch.
Jack: Okay, stop right there, okay? I do not need your matchmaking services -- again.
Lauren: Oh, come on. It was so much fun. And I'm mildly offended.
Jack: My mother is my focus right now. She needs much too much attention for me to go off chasing love.
Lauren: There are so many things I wish I could ask my father, like what he knew of my sister jill. Ah.
Jack: Lauren, I spent most of my life angry at my mother. I'm gonna have to live with that for a long time. But right now, if I can bring her a bit of warm nostalgia, a flicker of peace, that's what I want to do.
Kyle: I didn't do anything to summer, except profess my love to her. We fell asleep the night before our wedding in each other's arms. In the morning, she was gone.
Phyllis: What did the note say?
Kyle: It w-- it was pretty vague. She couldn't go through with the wedding. She had to go figure some stuff out.
Phyllis: What stuff?
Kyle: I don't know, phyllis! I thought we were better than ever, that she was as excited to get married as I was. Or maybe it was all an act. Or maybe she realized she didn't actually love me.
Phyllis: Oh, come on, kyle! Please stop. She's been in love with you since she was a teenager. Something had to have happened for her to bail on you like this.
Kyle: I've tried to come up with something that makes sense, but I'm drawing a blank. So if you figure it out, let me know.
Phyllis: Okay. Well -- hey, we're not done here. We're not done here! I'll talk to you later. Alright, baby, pick up, pick up, pick up.
[ Sighs ] Hey, summer. It -- obviously, it's your mom. Listen, I just want to talk to you, that's it. I'm not gonna judge you. I'm not gonna judge you. I'm not gonna say, "I told you so." I'm not gonna do any of that. Please just call me back.
Chloe: So baby fisher did not make it easy on me. I will remember those labor pains for the rest of my life. No more of that selective memory loss that moms always get when they decide they want to have another baby... although he was totally worth it. And I told kevin that he could pick the name. And I know that I'm gonna regret it when we're stuck with baby fortnite. Oh, and bella -- bella is just so adorable. Oh, she's just acting like a princess who has deigned to tolerate her little brother, which I know won't last for long. I mean, we won't be surprised if she just suddenly decides to send him back and -- I'm so sorry. I am just -- I'm, like, yammering on. So, please, tell me what's going on with you.
Chelsea: [ Cries softly ]
Chloe: What is it?
Chelsea: [ Sniffles ]
Adam: Well, you're looking well. The, um, surgery went alright?
Sharon: There's no definitive results yet. I'm just trying to remain hopeful. Um, actually, you look like you're in worse pain than I am.
Adam: Oh, I am fine.
Sharon: You underestimate me. After all these years.
Adam: I have never underestimated you. And if I have, that was my mistake.
Sharon: That article is taking a toll on you.
Adam: Yes, it has been hard to get it out of my head and not let it consume me, push me to the edge. You know, I'm just feeling more and more desperate, you know, like my chest is tightening and everything that I care about is being taken away from me.
Sharon: Adam, it's not.
Adam: You know, I was right when I said I would have nothing left and nobody to stand by me. Except you. I mean, every time I'm at my lowest point, here you are again. Always.
Sharon: Adam --
Adam: No matter how hard we try to move on with our lives, we always end up right here, standing in front of each other, when it counts.
Sharon: Alright. It isn't fate or a coincidence or anything. We just keep running into each other at the coffeehouse.
Adam: Yeah, it's not a coincidence. It's a sign... that the woman that knows me better than anybody knows my heart. And that promise that she'd always be there for me suddenly is. If you're on medicare, remember,
Mariah: Remind me never to mix cocktails with telling you a secret.
Tessa: I feel awful.
Mariah: I know. I know. I -- I don't know. Maybe it's -- maybe it's better that she heard it from us.
Tessa: From me.
Mariah: I mean, maybe she'll just take it in and she'll be fine.
Lola: Guys, you don't have to worry about me, okay? I've had a lot of time to process this divorce and kyle and summer's relationship, because it's been happening since the day we met. So I will be fine. I mean, i am fine.
Mariah: Great. No more talking about kyle, but lots more cocktails and dancing.
Tessa: Yes! Whoo-hoo! Girls' night!
Mariah: Okay. You're cut off.
Phyllis: Thank you for coming by.
Jack: Yeah, your message was a bit vague.
Phyllis: It's a face-to-face conversation.
Jack: Okay, now you're starting to scare me.
Phyllis: Have you spoken to kyle?
Jack: No, I assume he and summer are on their honeymoon.
Phyllis: Oh. Well, that's if there was a wedding
Jack: Excuse me?
Phyllis: Summer called off the elopement. Kyle came home. Summer did not.
Jack: Kyle has got to be devastated.
Phyllis: Um, no, I think summer is the one who's obviously devastated.
Jack: I don't understand.
Phyllis: What is there not to understand? Obviously he did something to scare my daughter away.
Chelsea: Adam is pushing me away, chloe, and it hurts so much. It's like the fallout from this exposé is just crashing down around us.
Chloe: Hon--
Chelsea: And that's not all. Um... chloe, I don't want to bother you with this, but I think we're gonna have to shut the clothing line
Chloe: I'm not ready to accept defeat yet. We will come back. We'll find a way.
Chelsea: I'm so grateful for you.
[ Sighs ] And I hope that's true. Ah, but there's something else, something even worse. Um, I had to send connor away. I had to send my baby to boarding school. The son that I've protected his whole life, I had to just send away to keep him safe, because he's not safe at home. He's not safe with me.
Chloe: I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I-I didn't read the article. But, honestly, I didn't have to, because I have lived it.
[ Exhales sharply ] And so have you, chelsea. I am so sorry that you're in so much pain. But the sooner you see adam for who he really is, the better off you'll be.
Chelsea: Chloe, I don't want to hear it.
Chloe: Okay. But can you please just keep in your mind that you are more than just adam's fiancéE. So you should be focusing on yourself, on connor, and moving forward.
Chelsea: Yeah. Maybe.
[ Sighs ]
Chloe: I think I know something that might help a little. You want to hold the baby?
Chelsea: Yes.
[ Both chuckle ] Aw. Oh.
[ Sniffles ] Oh.
Chloe: You got it. You got it.
[ Chuckles ]
Chelsea: Aw. Oh.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Sniffles ] Hey.
Sharon: Adam, whatever you're gonna say next, please just don'T.
Adam: Why? Because you know it'll be true?
Sharon: I just think you should go home to chelsea.
Adam: [ Scoffs ] She doesn't believe in me. And not like you do. She tries to love and accept me for the darkness inside of me. But you, you always see the good. No matter how much I've hurt you. And that's why I've never stopped loving you.
Sharon: Okay. Look, you -- you don't mean that. You just -- you're feeling betrayed right now -- by chelsea. And -- and you feel like you're gonna lose her, that relationship, and so you're trying to shut your feelings off. But you know what? That's -- that's not gonna work, because you can't just deny your whole history with her. You and I -- we had a lifetime of history before I ever met chelsea.
Sharon: Well, maybe that's just what it is. It's history. You know, you can't just compartmentalize whole relationships of this scope.
Adam: That -- that is shrink talk. Your training -- it doesn't apply to us. There's no chapter in that psychology textbook that can explain you and me.
Sharon: You love chelsea, okay? Not me.
Adam: Don't push me away. You will never love rey the way that you love me. This -- you and I -- it is meant to be. These days, everyone expects you to like everything
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Lola: You are the last person I expected to see tonight.
Mariah: Um, we thought you were out of town.
Lola: You know, if you're here to share the big news about your wedding, I already know.
Kyle: How -- how'd you hear?
Lola: You can go back to your honeymoon now, 'cause, really, it's all good.
Kyle: Okay. Sorry again. See you later.
Mariah: Wait. Is that why you came here, to talk to lola?
Lola: You know what? Don't answer that, actually, because, honestly, kyle, I-i really don't care. But if you'd like to stay for a shot, feel free, because we're celebrating my freedom tonight and how I came through this divorce in one piece -- just like you.
Kyle: I was just going to get a nightcap. I thought you'd probably have the night off. I don't mean to crash. I'm gonna go.
Adam: Look, I-I know that this seems way out of left field, but you can't look at it for just this one moment. You have to look at from our entire journey that has led us right here.
Sharon: You say all these beautiful words, these... seductive and tempting words, but...here is the truth, adam. I can't be that for you. I can't -- I can't be that for you. You -- you have got to accept that you and I are not going to get back together.
Adam: Because of rey? I mean, can you honestly compare your feelings for him to what you and I shared?
Sharon: No, I cannot because I'll never love him the way that I loved you.
Adam: So let's not waste any more time.
Sharon: But that doesn't mean that my love for rey isn't strong. He -- he supports me. He builds me up. He gives me strength. Whereas, with you... things are just complicated.
Billy: This is getting old, chelsea. I check the bugs every day, so there's no point in trying to plant another one of those. And the last time you were here, you called me "vicious" and "heartless."
Chelsea: I think we both said said some things we regret.
Billy: Actually, I feel just fine with my end of the interaction. Except, of course, what happened in the elevator. How's your head? Are you okay?
Chelsea: I'm -- yeah. I'll -- I'll be fine. It's actually why I stopped by.
Billy: Okay, well, if you want to sue me, you can call the lawyers directly. And if you're here to argue about who's actually responsible for turning out the power, i don't want to hear that, either. Unless adam confessed. Or you left him because, once again, you realized that you're hurt because of his actions.
Chelsea: I'm not here to talk about adam.
Billy: Hmm.
Chelsea: I'm here because my son is off at boarding school, thanks to you and your article. So I'd like to ask you a favor.
Billy: And what would that be?
Chelsea: I was just at chloe's visiting with chloe and her new baby, and it made me realize... I'd like to spend some time with johnny.
Billy: What?!
Women choose renew
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Jack: I can't imagine what kyle might have done to upset summer.
Phyllis: Okay. Well, let me give you a hint. He cheated.
Jack: Oh, come on. The day before their wedding?
Phyllis: He doesn't have a great track record. He doesn'T. Listen. I'll just tell you now. If your son did anything to my daughter, I will kill him.
Jack: You are throwing around a lot of accusations. Let's just say, as much as i love summer, she doesn't exactly have a perfect record in romance, either. Maybe she caved from all the pressure that you and nick have put upon her.
Phyllis: Wait a second. Are you saying that this is my fault?
Jack: I'm saying that maybe we should wait for them to explain what happened.
Phyllis: Well, I've been calling summer nonstop. She's not gotten back to me.
[ Cellphone buzzes ] It's a message from summer.
Sharon: Because of the article, I had to try to justify the things that you did to my daughter. Having a conversation with faith about her birth just made me... look at everything with new eyes. I mean, I can't ignore all of it.
Adam: I am truly sorry for what I've done to faith. Give me a chance to prove it. To redeem myself. Just give me one more chance to prove that I can be a better person...for you.
Sharon: I shouldn't be the reason that you do anything. Chelsea can help you through this, because I can'T. I can't anymore. I just survived my cancer surgery. I-I need to focus on myself. I need to focus on my health, and I want this chance at a new life. And I want that life to be with rey.
Adam: You don't mean that.
Sharon: Goodbye.
Chloe: Are you staring at me?
Kevin: Yep. You better get used to it.
Chloe: I was just thinking about how lucky we are.
Kevin: Well, I'm glad you're in a good mood, because I have even better news.
Chloe: Oh. Okay.
Kevin: I have come up with a name.
Chloe: Oh. Okay.
Kevin: You're worried.
Chloe: No. No, no. No. I'm n-- I'm not worried.
Kevin: Okay. So when I started thinking about it, I kept going back to our courtship. Our "pretty in pink" phase.
Chloe: Oh. No. Ducky fisher?
Kevin: I considered it. But ultimately, I went for something with a little more gravitas.
Chloe: Okay.
Kevin: So, as rough as my childhood was, with all of the abuse that I suffered, there was one beacon of light. We had a neighbor. This guy, who always knew what was going on at our house. And he -- he even called the cops a few times, but tom was always able to talk himself out of trouble. Still, this guy would give me a place to hide sometimes, when tom was getting ready to lock me in the closet. He wasn't a big shot or -- or a tough guy or anything, and he was probably almost as scared as I was. But he was a hero to me when i needed one.
Chloe: Well, I think that is a beautiful tribute to name our son after him. Just please tell me it's not orville or cuthbert.
Kevin: [ Exhales sharply ] It's miles.
Chloe: Miles.
[ Whispering ] Miles.
[ Normal voice ] It's perfect. Oh!
[ Smooches ] Welcome to the world, miles mitchell fisher. There's a smile there.
Billy: You want to see johnny?
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Where is this coming from?
Chelsea: Well, I just saw chloe and kevin's baby, and he is the most sweet, beautiful thing.
Billy: And, what, you realize you have a biological child that you have showed no interest in since the day that you gave him to victoria and me to raise?
Chelsea: It was just such a comfort, holding him in my arms, and connor is so far away. I miss him so much. It -- it's like ripping out a piece of my heart.
Billy: Okay, well, I'm not gonna let my son be a substitute for another child.
Chelsea: Johnny is my biological son. Have you told him that yet? If not, don't you think you should?
Billy: No, I don'T.
Chelsea: Well, I have a right to get to know him.
Billy: Chelsea, you gave up all your parental rights, okay? You have not mentioned his name in years. I don't know where this is coming from, but there is no way in hell that my child -- my kid, my boy -- is gonna be any part of it.
Chelsea: Okay. Okay. We don't have to tell him the truth right now, but could i just spend some time with him? Maybe, like, as a friend? Maybe I could take him for a weekend.
Billy: You want to take him for a weekend, hang out in adam's penthouse? My god, this is getting more nuts by the second.
Chelsea: Don't call me crazy. I gave birth to johnny. I deserve to see him. Maybe -- maybe even just for a few hours, like at the park.
Billy: No! No. That is not happening. Do you understand me?
Chelsea: We'll talk about this some other time, because I'm not giving up.
Billy: I think you should leave. Age-related macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss.
[ Door opens ]
Rey: What?
Sharon: Nothing.
Rey: Are you okay?
Sharon: I...feel like you should ask me to marry you.
Phyllis: "I just need a little bit of time to figure out what I want and who I am. Don't worry. Don't look for me. I'll be fine. I just need to figure out things for myself." I'm even more confused.
Jack: It doesn't sound like she's blaming kyle.
Phyllis: But why is she questioning herself?
Jack: I-I don't know. Maybe we should just look at this for the good thing that it is -- our kids are not rushing into another marriage.
Phyllis: I'm worried about my daughter. The last time she did something like this, she was gone for ages, and she showed up in a stolen car. What's it gonna be this time?
Mariah: Did kyle seem off to you?
Lola: It's not my job to figure out his moods anymore.
Mariah: He just -- he didn't look like a guy with a bride at home. I wonder why he came in here all alone right after he got married.
Tessa: Because he realized he married summer.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ]
Lola: You know what? I don't know what's up with kyle, and I don't care. I mean, why are we still talking about him. I just want to dance, right?
Billy: Hey.
Kyle: Hey.
Billy: What are you doing here? Jack said you were supposed to be out of town.
Kyle: I was. Now I'm not.
Billy: Great story. I know that look, kyle. I've perfected that look. What is it? Love or money?
Kyle: Love sucks.
Billy: And there it is. You could actually finally be right about something. Alright.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
Rey: Are we talking role playing here, because I'd be up for some "bride and groom on their wedding night."
Sharon: I'm serious. I think we should get married.
Rey: Uh, okay. Um... you want to talk about it? Like, for real?
Sharon: What's there to talk about? I love you. You love me. I mean, what is there left to say?
Rey: We just moved back in together, and there's faith.
Sharon: Well, faith loves you. And if there's one thing this ordeal has taught me is that i don't know what the future holds. So I don't want to wait for the perfect time, because that might not ever come.
Rey: You're worried about your health.
Sharon: Of course I am. And I know that I would have never gotten this far without you.
Rey: That's not true. You are stronger than you think.
Sharon: I might be fighting a losing battle.
Rey: I don't want you to think like that.
Sharon: But it's a reality we have to face. I still might die, rey. And if I do, I would like to do so as mrs. Rosales. And if I don't and I-I live a long and happy life for many more years to come, then I would like to do that as mrs. Rosales.
Rey: Sharon... you are gonna live a long and healthy life... and you have given me so much more than I have taken. You made me believe in love and loyalty again. And the only place I want to be is by your side. I would be honored to be your husband. Sharon... will you marry me?
Sharon: Yes.
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