Y&R Transcript Friday 10/9/20

Y&R Transcript Friday 10/9/20


Episode #11890 ~ Victor extends an olive branch to Victoria; Lily receives an intriguing offer; Elena struggles with a painful decision.

Provided By Suzanne

Billy: If you got something to say, you can book an appointment like everyone else. Of course, if you're here to just throw around more threats, you can call our lawyer directly.

Victor: So fortunate that you would have such a formidable lawyer working for you. Amanda's gonna have her hands full, you know?

Billy: Yeah, it must sting to realize that now that you're retired, you're basically irrelevant.

[ Cellphone rings ] I should take this.

Victor: Do take it. I know you have reputations to ruin.

Billy: You okay?

Lily: Yeah, I'm fine.

Billy: Billy abbott.

Victor: May I?

Lily: Of course.

Victor: It is you that I came to talk to.

Phyllis: Yeah, but you're my money guy. Is this what I'm paying you for? I-I mean, I don't understand. No, I'm telling you victoria bought the entire loan, the entire thing. There has to be a loophole that we can exploit. Are you serious? Nick? Okay, first of all -- first of all -- nick is victoria's brother. Second, that's really messy. And third, how did you even know about me? You -- you know what? Just stay away from the gossip, and, um, just do your job. Okay?

[ Knock on door ] Thank you.

[ Sighs ] Ah, yeah. Hey.

Nick: So, are we gonna pretend that wasn't, like, the worst welcome ever? Do you want to take another crack at that?

Phyllis: Sorry. It's just, um -- hey, we at the grand phoenix -- we are here to make your life happy and give you whatever you desire.

Nick: Okay. I want you to tell me what has got you tied up in knots, or is it what was bothering you earlier?

Phyllis: Oh. N-no. I mean, I'm fine. I'm fine.

Nick: I've seen you fine, and this is not fine.

Phyllis: Yeah, it's nothing. Don't worry about it. It's good. Listen, if I tell you, you're gonna move heaven and earth to fix it, which is amazing, but it's gonna fit right into her narrative.

Nick: Who's her?

Phyllis: Oh. Nobody. Just forget I said that, please.

Nick: So we got a woman who is a thorn in your side. Is it my mom? Chelsea?

Phyllis: No. No.

Nick: No? Hmm. Well, you know I'm not gonna stop asking until you tell me who it is, so...

Phyllis: It's your sister.

Nick: My sister? I thought you and abby put that feud to bed a long time ago.

Phyllis: It's your other sister.

Nate: Hey.

Amanda: Hey. So you don't call. You don't write.

Nate: I'm -- I'm sorry about that.

Amanda: So, I have been asking myself, have you been going on ad infinitum about your newfound family and secretly boring the good dr. Hastings to tears?

Nate: Of course not.

Amanda: 'Cause I would totally understand why you're avoiding me. What I am going through right now is messy and complicated, and it is the last thing that you need in your neat, regimented life. Have you -- have you hit your limit?

Devon: Honey?

Elena: Sorry. Did you say something?

Devon: You look like you're a million miles away just now.

Elena: I was just thinking.

Devon: Thinking about what happened at the clinic the other day? Honey... you can't keep torturing yourself about what happened. You're an incredible doctor. You're always willing to go above and beyond for your patients. You got to learn how to put yourself first sometimes.

Elena: I'm fine. Really.

Devon: Do you know that you're the most selfless person that I know?

Elena: Please don't say things like that.

Devon: But it's the truth, though. It really is. You're -- you're just about the personification of goodness.

Elena: No, I'm not. I'm just like everyone else. I make mistakes, and I have faults.

Devon: What's the matter, honey? It's obvious that something is going on with you. Lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose.

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Elena: You worry too much.

Devon: I'm starting to think that I don't worry enough about you, honey.

Elena: Like, for the hundredth time, I'm fine.

Devon: You know, people who are always helping others are usually the last ones to reach out when they need to be saved.

Elena: I don't need any saving. Okay, there are a few things that I've been struggling with, but it's nothing that I can't handle myself.

Devon: Okay. Does it have anything to do with me being out late the other night with amanda? 'Cause I promise you I would never put myself in any kind of situation...

Elena: Look, I-I guess even though I'm okay with you hanging out with amanda... sometimes it still just makes me feel a little insecure.

Devon: Okay. Why? There's nothing for you to be insecure about.

Elena: I know. And I'm not proud of how I've handled things. You deserve better.

Devon: What are you talking about, honey? You're everything that I could want. You know that. And if you need me to remind you, I will.

Elena: [ Sniffles ]

[ Cellphone rings ] You should take that.

Devon: Oh, I forgot about this call. I'm trying to lure an artist back.

Elena: Take it. I'm fine.

Devon: Are you sure?

Elena: Yeah. I'll meet you upstairs after your call.

Devon: Okay. Hello? Yeah, no worries. Very excited about that, too. That's great. Let's -- let's, uh, start talking logistics then.

Nate: Do I strike you as the kind of man who would be that petty? I couldn't be happier for you.

Amanda: Well, you have a funny way of showing it -- ghosting me.

Nate: Between the clinic and the hospital, I've barely had time to breathe.

Amanda: I think you can do better than that.

Nate: Every time I tried to call, I'd get an emergency or realize it well past midnight.

Amanda: Mm. You can't text?

Nate: You're right. I could have done more.

Amanda: Never ever debate an attorney.

Nate: I won't do it again -- debate or ghost. I'm sorry I haven't made time for us.

Amanda: You should be.

Nate: How can i make it up to you?

Amanda: Well, I can think of a few dozen ways, but let's start small. Why don't we both clear our schedule, and I will let you take me out for dinner tonight.

Nate: Oh. [ Chuckles ] You'd do that, huh?

Amanda: It will be a sacrifice, but sure.

Nate: I'll tell you what. Give me tonight to get my head together and get some rest. And then I can give you all the attention you're worthy of.

Amanda: [ Exhales sharply ] Impressive. I don't think I've ever been turned down quite so eloquently.

Nate: Oh, come on.

[ Both chuckle ]

Amanda: No, it's fine, really. I-I was just looking forward to one night free from the chaos over at chanccomm.

Nate: What's going on?

Amanda: Oh, wow. You rally have been out of touch with daily life, haven't you?

Nate: Well, I look forward to you catching me up on everything I've been missing.

Amanda: [ Exhales sharply ] Are you sure there's nothing else going on?

Nate: Nothing I can't handle.

Amanda: Okay, well, good. So, can we please stay in touch, okay?

Nate: Count on it.

Phyllis: I don't want you to get involved.

Nick: If you have a problem with my sister, I'm already involved. After all the rounds you went through with abby, the last thing I would have thought is that you'd get mixed up with victoria.

Phyllis: Well, what can i say? Your family loves me.

Nick: Let me try and fix it.

Phyllis: No. You can't fix it, okay? And what kind of hypocrite would I be if all I do is tell you stay out of the newman family drama, but I'm giving you a front-row seat?

Nick: You turning me down?

Phyllis: Respectfully. You'll love me for it later.

Nick: Okay. Can you at least tell me what you're gonna do? Do you have a plan?

Phyllis: I'm gonna go up against victoria. But I need somebody to help me. Somebody shrewd. You know, somebody who's not a newman, doesn't have skin in the game. And I actually have the perfect non-newman to help me.

Victor: You're becoming quite a formidable businesswoman. Your father shining through you.

Lily: Thank you.

Victor: So, tell me, how do you get up in the morning and know you have to go to work with that miscreant?

Lily: Aw. That's my partner you're talking about.

Victor: I got to warn you. He is -- he's a gambler. He's an adrenaline junkie.

Lily: Well, I see it as him being passionate about everything he does. I think it's refreshing.

Victor: He's a liability, you know. After only a few short months at the head of the company, he rolled the dice and he gambled the future of chanccomm.

Lily: Well, I may have had my doubts in the beginning, but everything worked out the way he said it would.&&--PpVictor: If you think the battle is won, you are surely mistaken. However, you can come out victorious, as far as you and the company are concerned.

Lily: I don't follow.

Victor: If you want to protect your employees and the company and your job, all you have to do is show billy the door. Look at this human trying to get in shape.

Lily: Jill does the hiring and firing at chanccomm, and i don't think she's gonna want to oust her own son.

Victor: She hired you to keep the company on the straight and narrow and not allow him to ruin it, as he did with

restless style, brash & sassy, and jabot.

Lily: Listen, I understand this feels very personal for you right now.

Victor: It is very personal for me, okay? He's using chanccomm to come after my family. I won't allow that. You, however, have been given the opportunity to create a very respectable company. He will probably ruin it for you.

Lily: He isn't, though. He's actually very good at what he does. And the story that we ran on adam, I think it was a public service, and it's been a huge success.

Victor: I see.

Lily: Good. I hope you do. And please let your wife know that your pressure tactics don't work any more than her guilt trip.

Victor: I have no intention of allowing you and billy boy abbott to use newman media to attack my family.

Lily: I think you've forgotten it's no longer newman media. Victoria sold that division to chanccomm.

Victor: Perhaps you know something about my past. I have a way of righting a wrong. So nice sitting with you and chatting with you.

Lily: Yes. You too.

Victor: You have a nice day.

Lily: Same to you.

Nick: We need to talk.

Victoria: [ Exhales sharply ] Well, that didn't take long at all.

Nick: For what?

Victoria: For phyllis to ask you to ride to her rescue.

Nick: She doesn't know I'm here. I'm not here to rescue anyone.

Victoria: Oh, no? Okay. Well, then, what do you want?

Nick: I want to hear your side of the story.

Victoria: Phyllis crossed the line.

Nick: So you declared war?

Victoria: One's name and reputation have to be protected at all costs. That goes for people and businesses alike.

Nick: I still don't get why --

Victoria: What is it that you don't understand? Phyllis tried to get me to agree to use the grand phoenix as newman's exclusive hotel when people come into town or for corporate events.

Nick: Yeah, she came to me with a similar pitch when I was filling in as C.E.O.

Victoria: And I turned her down. And then she did a runaround on us. And she lied to our associates and said that we were affiliated with her.

Nick: That's it? There's got to be more to the story.

Victoria: Well, we already have a deal in place with the athletic club. So I had to do something.

Nick: So you went on the attack.

Victoria: I did what was necessary.

Nick: What's the problem here? She's trying to run a business, same as you.

Victoria: Well, not same as me. She's up to her eyeballs in debt. All I did was use her situation to my advantage.

Nick: [ Sighs ] So you bought her debt?

Victoria: Oh, my goodness. Did she leave out that little detail?

Nick: How much?

Victoria: Can you believe that she put 75% of her hotel as collateral? I'm sorry, but that is definitely the move of a desperate woman, which is her M.O.

Nick: And you took advantage.

Amanda: Why would victoria put you in her cross hairs?

Phyllis: Oh, because it's a tale as old as time. The hatfields and mccoys. The yankees and the red sox. "How do we destroy phyllis?"

Amanda: So now she wants to take the grand phoenix?

Phyllis: Oh, she doesn't want the grand phoenix. She doesn't want it. She's so power hungry. She underestimated me. I'm gonna burn victoria newman. I'm gonna burn her so bad she will never, ever underestimate me again.

Victoria: Come on, nick. You've sat in this chair before. You know exactly what it's like.

Nick: Oh, yeah. Rule one -- protect the company, no matter what.

Victoria: Yes.

Nick: Why are you even getting involved in something this trivial? She is just trying to drum up business for her hotel.

Victoria: It was fraud.

Nick: So slap her on the wrist. You don't chop it off. You buying her debt is a hostile takeover.

Victoria: Of course, you want me to ignore it. No matter what she does, you find a way to forgive it. No, I'm sorry. She has to pay.

Nick: So you admit it. This is revenge.

Victoria: It might look that way, but no. I just don't trust phyllis. No one in their right mind does, but this is not personal, nick. It's business.

Nick: It's almost like I'm listening to dad right now.

Victoria: Oh, wow. Well, I guess I learned how to be ruthless from the very best.

Nick: You know, dad would not have handled it like this, though. But adam would have. It's kind of like that scheme he came up with to get me out of dark horse. You remember that? And if I recall, you were as furious as I was.

Victoria: He was trying to take christian away from you. I despised that he was using your debt as leverage.

Nick: So what changed?

Victoria: I was just trying to protect you from adam.

Nick: Okay, so that's why you partnered up with billy? To "protect" us? You can some journalist secrets about our family. Hell, I need a damn flow chart to keep track of your shifting loyalties.

Victoria: I just wanted to make adam pay for what he had done.

Nick: Everyone's paying, vick. Everyone, including innocent people, like faith and sharon. How can you betray them like that?

Victoria: I never imagined that billy would allow anything like that to be part of the publication. How is faith?

Nick: She's a teenager, and the world just found out she was switched at birth. How do you think she's doing?

Victoria: I'm so sorry. It's our job as parents to shield them so they don't suffer from the mistakes our family makes. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I need to protect her from you now.

Victoria: I -- I just made a mistake.

Nick: A catastrophic series of mistakes. You could have protected her. You could have warned us. But you didn't do that because you were so hell-bent on revenge. You needed to prove to dad that you're tough as nails and you don't need anyone. Well, congratulations, vick. Why don't you tell me again why you don't think you're like adam?

Amanda: The first thing you'll need if you're going against newman is a good lawyer. World-class.

Phyllis: Exactly.

Amanda: So what about christine williams? She is sharp, good reputation. She has won a ton of very, very tough cases.

Phyllis: Uh, no. That's not an option. But thanks. No, I was thinking of somebody else who's fearless and, uh, maybe needs another notch in her attaché case. I was thinking of... you.

Amanda: You're serious? Me?

Phyllis: Yes. You're brilliant. And you're my best friend.

Amanda: And I also have a contract with chanccomm. It's exclusive.

Phyllis: No one needs to know.

Amanda: First, I would love to help. You know I love a challenge, but I can'T. I can't break my contract.

Phyllis: Well, you -- you wouldn't be breaking your con-- I have abandonment issues.

Amanda: Join the club. Okay, look. The most I can do is give you some friendly, non-legal advice. Be careful.

Phyllis: Be careful? Be safe? Follow the rules? Amanda, sometimes, I wonder if you even know me at all.

Amanda: You are going head to head with one of the most powerful families in town -- alone.

Phyllis: It hasn't been the first time.

Amanda: And what have you learned?

Phyllis: I've learned that the newmans fight dirty. And if you want to end up on top, you better be willing to fight in the mud.

Amanda: And have you considered how all of this mud-slinging may affect your relationship with nick?

Phyllis: Of course I have. And nick has no idea what victoria's trying to do to me, and I'm just gonna keep him out of it.

Amanda: He's gonna find out, especially if you hit back as hard as you're planning to. And then what? Are you willing to risk losing him?

Phyllis: I'm not gonna lose him. Nick isn't like the rest of them. He's not part of that newman hive mind. He's a good man. We've had divided loyalties, and we're -- listen, we always worked our way through it. And he stood by my side when i was going to war with abby.

Amanda: You're really sure that your relationship can survive this?

Phyllis: I am.

Amanda: Okay. Then I hope you're right. But if I were in your shoes, i would think less about how hard to fight and more about whether it's worth the risk. Only bet what you're willing to lose. This is our moment to build a new american economy Some things are good to know. Like where to find the cheapest gas in town and which supermarket gives you the most bang for your buck. Something else that's good to know. If you have medicare you may be able to get more benefits without paying more through a medicare advantage plan. Call now to request this free guide. Learn about plans that could give you more benefits from humana. A company with nearly 60 years of experience in the healthcare industry. Humana offers a wide range of all in one medicare advantage plans that include medical and prescription drug coverage. Plus valuable extras that may include the silver sneakers fitness program and mail order prescription coverage. With humana you'll have lots of doctors and specialist to choose from and peace of mind, knowing you're covered for doctor's visits and hospital stays. Plus routine physicals and preventative care all for an affordable plan premium and in many areas no plan premium. You'll also get zero dollar co-pays on telehealth visits, unlimited inpatient hospital stays, plus an annual out of pocket limit for added peace of mind. Humana even rewards you for making healthy choices like staying on top of preventative care. Many plans also include, dental, vision and hearing coverage. And when it comes to prescriptions, in 2019 human's medicare advantage prescription drug plan members saved an estimated 7,800 dollars on average on their prescription costs. So if you want more from medicare, call now to learn about humana medicare options that are good for your health and your wallet. A licensed humana sales agent will walk you through your options, answer any questions you have and help you enroll over the phone. Plans with a zero dollar monthly plan premium are available in many areas. Call now and we'll also send this free guide. Humana, a more human way to healthcare.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Nate: Hey, nick. I didn't see you here earlier. Left my keys.

Nick: Well, pull up a chair. Pick your poison.

Nate: It's my second trip here today, and since I'm forgetting things and having trouble sleeping, I should probably cool it on the caffeine.

Nick: Burning the candle at both ends?

Nate: Yeah, burning it out.

Nick: All work and no play.

Nate: It's become an issue. I haven't been making enough time for amanda.

Nick: I mean, are doctors ever allowed to just, you know, take some time off to recharge? Maybe take, like, a mental-health day?

Nate: I'll have to check into that when I have the time. What about you? Working hard at new hope, doing the single-parent thing. That can't be easy.

Nick: Yeah, I've been throwing some nice newman family drama on top of all that.

Nate: That exposé on adam. Yeah. Just read it.

Nick: It's the talk of town.

Nate: I can't imagine having someone that damaged in your family, you know, to literally kidnap your own child and make everyone she died. That alone is unforgivable.

Nick: Yeah. On top of all his other crimes.

Nate: I'm sure faith saw the story.

Nick: You know, she knew about it, but to read it in the article hit her in a different way.

Nate: So much harm was done by your own brother.

Nick: I haven't thought about him like that in a long time. You know, some betrayals are beyond the pale. You lose your right to call yourself "family."

Elena: I thought you were gonna come upstairs after your call.

Devon: Oh, well, I-I did come upstairs after my call. You would have known that if you weren't sleeping.

Elena: Why didn't you wake me?

Devon: Because you looked so peaceful. More peaceful than you have in a long time. You didn't have that little furrow between your eyebrows.

[ Chuckles ]

Elena: [ Smooches ]

Devon: You hungry? We can see what lola's got cooking at society if you want.

Elena: Actually, no. Do you mind if we just stayed home tonight?

Devon: No, I don't mind at all. I love staying home with you. I can see what we got in the kitchen.

Elena: Okay.

Devon: No, no, no. No. This is a one-man job. You been on your feet long enough, and I'm gonna pamper you tonight. I don't want any arguments from you, okay? I'll be back.

Billy: You've come up with some fantastic ideas. We'll get back to the office and write them up.

Lily: Well, while I admire your diligence --

Billy: Ooh, that's a new one.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] I'm gonna have to admit that I -- I'm gonna pack it in for the night.

Billy: You should. The amount of work you've done today, you should take the night off. Do you mind if I walk you back to the grand phoenix?

Lily: Yeah. Sure. Thank you.

Billy: Cool. Um, before we go, can I ask you how your conversation went with victor?

Lily: Oh, that.

Billy: Yeah. I kept an eye on you.

Lily: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: How bad was it?

Lily: No. It was fine. He just said that I should force you out of the company or convince jill to do it.

Billy: Not surprising. Do you mind if I ask how you responded?

Lily: Yeah, I said I'd think about it. Kidding! I said that he was very out of line and that you're very good at what you do.

Billy: Well, he probably didn't like that. He's not a man accustomed to hearing no.

Lily: No, he was very determined to change my mind.

[ Chuckles ]

Billy: How'd that go? Let me guess. Something along the lines of, I will ruin the company, I'm a liability, blah, blah, blah. About my addiction.

Lily: Yeah, dark, dangerous prophecies of what's to come.

Billy: The irony.

Lily: What do you mean?

Billy: I mean, this job and what we do -- this truth-telling mission that we're on. It's the one thing keeping me from going off the rails. So thank you for sticking up for me.

Lily: Yeah, I think you forget that I made quite the mess of my life, as well. I'm responsible for hilary's death, and I know it was an accident, but my mistake caused it... which, in turn, caused devon to suffer and... I lost time with my kids. And don't even get me started on my dad.

Billy: Not to mention your marriage.

Lily: Well, not everything's meant to last a lifetime. But my point is, is that I'm having to rebuild, as well. So trust me when I say I know exactly what you're going through. And I think that we're both works in progress.

Victor: I hope you're not too busy for a visit with your father.

Victoria: Well, I guess that would depend on why you're here.

Victor: To make peace. When it comes to parenting,

Phyllis: Hey! Where did you go?

Nick: I went to see victoria. I know you said you wanted to handle this yourself, but i needed to get the whole story, which she gave me. So if you need to rip me a new smile, then go ahead and do it.

Phyllis: No. I like your smile. Keep it.

Nick: So not mad?

Phyllis: You're my savior. You're a cowboy. You love me, and... you wanted to do anything for me so...I'm not mad. I'm lucky.

Nick: You are.

Phyllis: [ Laughs ]

Nick: I'm the lucky one.

Phyllis: No, I'm the lucky one. Anyway, I didn't want you to get involved in everything.

Nick: Oh, please. I need protecting about as much as you.

Phyllis: Alright. Well, we worked that out. So, tell me, how is victoria? Is she still hell-bent on destroying me?

Nick: Look, this whole thing, it's not about you, per se, you know? She trusted billy to do the right thing with that article, which, of course, he didn'T. And now everybody is upset with her and rightfully so.

Phyllis: Including you?

Nick: Well, she did not stop to think about the repercussions for faith.

Phyllis: What do we do? Because, you know, waiting and stalling, that's what you do when you don't have a plan.

Nick: I think the best thing to do is just give her some space.

Phyllis: Well, I'm not gonna do that.

Nick: Trust me... stay under her radar right now.

Victor: I had a very interesting conversation with your mother earlier. She's very upset about what's happening to our family. And she's very upset about the distance that has been created between you and me. It's out of hand.

Victoria: Oh, I think you mean that I've gotten out of hand and you're upset because you can no longer control me.

Victor: You're my daughter. I adore you. I don't want to control you.

Victoria: My mistake.

Victor: Why the hell are you being so difficult?

Victoria: What is it that you're trying to say?

Victor: I miss you. What's so difficult to understand about that? Isn't there a way to get over this?

[ Cellphone pings]

Devon: Alright, I checked the fridge, and we got a couple options. We can order in, or, if you want, we can also order in. Hey, is everything alright?

Elena: Yeah. Sure.

Devon: What do you think? About dinner.

Elena: Sounds good.

Devon: Was that an important text?

Elena: No, it was just nate, making sure that I can cover a shift tomorrow.

Devon: Well, what if you don't?

Elena: What do you mean?

Devon: What I mean is he can -- have him find somebody else to cover your hours tomorrow.

Elena: I mean, that sounds good, but --

Devon: We can make a day of it, do something fun. Take a day trip to the lake. We can do whatever you want to do.

Elena: I can'T. I already said yes.

Devon: That's okay. I know you don't like to go back on your commitments.

Elena: I'm sorry.

Devon: You have nothing to be sorry for, honey.

Elena: Hey, why don't we make the best of the time we have right now?

Devon: You have my full attention. Mornings were made for better things

Devon: Hey. Babe, what -- did I do something? What's wrong?

Elena: No.

Devon: Are you okay?

Elena: Have you ever wished you could just stop time?

Devon: Only when I'm with you, honey.

Elena: Let's try to make this last forever. I love you, devon.

Devon: I love you more.

Nick: Alright. I got to get out of here. I told christian I was making dinner tonight.

Phyllis: What's on the menu?

Nick: Spaghetti and meatballs. And if you eat all your veggies, then it's s'mores for dessert.

Phyllis: S'mores! That's a score.

Nick: And after we put the little guy down, you know, we could mix in some video games. I'll let you beat me at them.

Phyllis: That's very nice for you to let me. And I know what you're doing. You're trying to take my mind off of launching a counterattack on victoria.

Nick: What about the whole "sweeping you off your feet" part of the evening?

Phyllis: Well, I like that part of the evening. But, you know, I can't -- i can't leave. My manager -- she's the worst.

Nick: Your manager is the worst. Why don't you just yell at her?

Phyllis: I mean, I would do that, but she would frown upon that, and she doesn't like slackers, so...

Nick: Oh, alright. Well, I got a few minutes. We could go over to that pool table. I could let you beat me at that, at least.

Phyllis: Really? You would "let" me beat you at pool. Interesting.

Nick: I do it all the time.

Phyllis: Uh, dream on.

Nick: Really? I could beat you with one arm tied behind my back.

Phyllis: Okay, let's go.

Nick: Alright, let's go.

Lily: Well, thank you for making sure I got home safe.

Billy: Well, in a world with adam, we can't be too safe.

Lily: Oh, god, don't make me paranoid, please.

Billy: Stick with me. I'll make sure every night is a sleepless night.

Lily: I know. That's what I'm worried about.

Billy: What do you say, a nightcap before I head back to the office to work?

Lily: Uh...

Billy: Hmm?

Lily: Yeah.

[ Cellphone chimes ] I could -- i could do that.

Billy: Okay.

Lily: Oh, wait, this is mattie.

Billy: How is she? How's, uh -- how's stanford?

Lily: Uh, I don't know. She wants to talk. I'm sure it's nothing serious.

Billy: Well, in a world of text messages, when somebody actually requests a conversation, that requires immediate attention.

Lily: Yeah, maybe she wants a break from studying.

Billy: Nightcap. Rain check.

Lily: Okay. Rain check. Well, thank you. Good night.

Billy: Good night.

Victoria: So, what exactly do you mean when you say you want to heal the rift between us?

Victor: Can we go back to the way things were before?

Victoria: With you making unilateral decisions, choosing adam over me, ignoring my opinions -- of course, unless you agree with them. I'm sorry. That's not a past that I'm interested in revisiting.

Victor: Can we just make amends and move forward?

Victoria: [ Exhales sharply ] What does that entail?

Victor: Taking newman media away from billy boy abbott.

Victoria: You know my reasons for selling it.

Victor: You know, he's using that company to come after all of us in our family. You know that.

Victoria: I didn't know he would go that far. It's not as if he showed me the article before he published it.

Victor: You know, billy boy is a destructive character. He's out to hurt our family. But you redeem yourself by showing him who you are. And that way, you look good in the eyes of those that you have down damage to with your choices.

Victoria: If you think that I'm the one in need of redemption, I think you should give that article another read.

Victor: I'm not here to talk about adam.

Victoria: Why -- why not? Why is the focus on what billy and I have done wrong? You know what? Forget it. Don't answer that, because, actually, I already know the answer. It's because you always hold adam to a different standard. Where are you going?

Victoria: I have a meeting to get to, and I have a business to run. I'm sure you can show yourself out.

[ Footsteps depart ]

Next week on "the young and the restless."

Chelsea: I'd like to spend some time with johnny.

Billy: What?!

Chance: Will I be able to join the department, or are you rescinding your offer?

Devon: Is something going on with elena? And I can't help but wonder if you know what it is.

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