Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/8/20

Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/8/20


Episode #11889 ~ Adam causes problems between Victor and Nikki; Victoria makes a power move; Phyllis stands her ground.

Provided By Suzanne

Nikki: Ah! This has to be my favorite time of year.

Victor: You know, I think I heard you say that about every time of year -- winter, spring, summer, and fall.

Nikki: You might be right. You think that's a character flaw?

Victor: No. I think it means you're positive, and I love that.

Nikki: Well, one of us has to be. But aren't you glad you took my suggestion to meet me here?

Victor: Sweetheart, I know you didn't bring me here just to discuss the leaves, okay? You're trying to distract me from the hit job on adam.

Nikki: Perhaps it is time to have a discussion about how to deal with adam.

Victor: No, adam is not the problem. Billy boy abbott is.

[ Knock on door ] Come in.

Lily: Hey. Oh! Sorry.

Billy: Sorry. I was expecting room service.

Lily: No. I just -- I was at a breakfast meeting downstairs, and I got your text that you were gonna be late to work. So I wasn't sure if everything was okay.

Billy: Definitely not.

Lily: Is this about chelsea being unconscious in the elevator last night?

Billy: It's connected. Look at this.

Lily: What am I looking at?

Billy: I installed a camera in here. This is from last night while the power was out at chanccomm. This is adam going through all my stuff.

Lily: [ Exhales sharply ] Well, I mean, i guess it could be adam. I can't tell with the cap.

Billy: Come on, lily. That's adam. Who else is gonna ransack my place.

Lily: Well, he's not exactly ransacking. I mean, he's being very careful. What's he looking for?

Billy: Information. But I don't keep anything here, because I knew this is exactly what he would do.

Lily: So, did he get something?

Billy: No. But he's about to get something.

Adam: Do you need anything else?

Chelsea: No, thanks. I just need rest. I didn't sleep much in the hospital.

Adam: You were trying to get out of the elevator and you fell?

Chelsea: Well, I-I tried texting you. The power went out. And I was reaching for the hatch, and I slipped.

Adam: I-I don't -- I don't understand. Why were you at chancellor communications last night?

Chelsea: Ow. Billy went after my family. I wanted to make sure he knew I'm not gonna stand for that. I told you that i am handling this. Okay? You need to stay out of it.

Chelsea: I thought we were in this together. Why are you pushing me away?

Nick: Yeah, so, supergirl, if you will just call and let us know that you're alive and well somewhere, then we'll stop leaving all these annoying messages on your phone. I love you. Has she answered any of your texts?

Phyllis: No. No, she has not. I don't even get the dots. We have been ghosted. They have disappeared.

Nick: I cannot believe that she and kyle eloped.

Phyllis: They're like crazy, insane teenagers.

Nick: Well, I'm glad to see you're as frustrated as I am. And now maybe you will stop blaming my lack of enthusiasm for this engagement for driving summer away.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Nick: Who's that? Is that her?

Phyllis: No. I have to take this. Excuse me. Um... yeah. No, no. I-I realize the loan needs to be paid in full. Wait a second. Wait a second. That's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about the tax man coming here with a big padlock, using it on my hotel. Okay. Just so you understand. Please get on that. We'll talk later.

Nick: Everything alright?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Yeah. It's good.

Nick: Liar.

Chance: Hey. You left me alone for too long. People are gonna start to talk.

Abby: What people?

Chance: It was a metaphor.

Abby: Well, do these metaphoric people know that i need to start my day?

Chance: I'll make sure to let them know.

Abby: What?

Chance: I'm just trying to figure out why it took me so long to realize I was falling in love with you?

Abby: Well, maybe you should start paying attention.

Chance: Yeah.

Abby: [ Chuckles ] You're still staring.

Chance: Am I?

Abby: I told you. I need to start my day.

Chance: I know a perfect way for you to do that. Repair your enamel with pronamel repair.

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Nikki: Billy is not the cause of all our problems.

Victor: Sweetheart, why are you defending that degenerate? He has turned our daughter against us.

Nikki: No. Victoria loves you. She always will. If your relationship with her is strained, it is not billy's fault.

Victor: Are you saying it's mine?

Nikki: I think the way you treated her when you put adam in charge of the company did a lot of damage. She'll come around, but it's going to take some time.

Victor: She has not apologized for her role in that hit job on adam. She says it's good for business.

Nikki: I wonder where she learned that.

Victor: Sweetheart, I warned her. If she continues to do damage to my company that I built, I will have her removed.

Nikki: Victor, listen to yourself. You're losing sight of the bigger problem. It's not victoria. It's not even billy. It's adam. You've got to get him to leave town, victor, for good.

Victor: Are you forgetting that I'm the father to all my children? If this were nicholas or victoria, would you suggest i tell them to get the hell out of town?

Nikki: Well, if they were causing this much trouble, i just might.

Victor: [ Sighs ] Okay. I understand your concern. That you. Appreciate it. Have a good time with the leaves.

Nikki: Victor...

Victor: No.

Victoria: How's my favorite girl?

Katie: Johnny's not sharing the game again.

Victoria: Oh! Okay. Well, I will talk to him when i get home. But, katie, I really wish you would, you know, learn how to deal with this on your own. Just explain to your brother why he needs to share with you.

Katie: I'll try. Are you coming home tonight?

Victoria: Yes. I'll be home early with -- wait for it -- [Gasps] A big surprise.

Katie: [ Gasps ] What is it?

Victoria: Well, it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you. I'll just have to show you when I get home. So be good for hannah, eat all of your lunch, and don't let your brother push you around, okay? I love you. Bye.

Katie: I love you, too. Bye. Mwah!

Nick: Can you just tell me what's going on? I'm a pretty resourceful guy. I might be able to help you.

Phyllis: What makes you think I need help? I don't need any help. Listen, I put out fires every single day.

Nick: It kind of feels like bigger than an everyday problem. I know how much you love this place, and I would hate to see you jeopardize that because you're too stubborn to ask for help.

Phyllis: Honestly, I don't need help, and I do love this hotel. But, yeah, I mean, sales -- it's a little soft right now. It's a little tough. But, uh, I just need to come up with another genius idea, like the escape club, and I will be fine. So don't worry about me. I'm gonna be fine.

Nick: Okay.

[ Cellphone pings ] Well, if you need anything...

Phyllis: Summer?

Nick: No. It's my mom. She says she needs to see me, it's urgent.

Phyllis: Oh, okay. Well, then go see her. Your mom needs your help.

Nick: This isn't over.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ]

Adam: I'm not pushing you away. This article, it's about me, so I'm the one that has to handle it. But why are you so upset that I tried to help.

Adam: I wish that I knew you were there last night.

Chelsea: Wait a minute. The power outage. Was that you?

Adam: I needed a way to keep billy and lily occupied for an hour so I could search their rooms at the grand phoenix.

Chelsea: Why?

Adam: Because they're gonna put out more trash about me. I was trying to see if they had something. I was looking for documents or flash drives.

Chelsea: Well, what did you find?

Adam: Nothing. But there's something in there, and I have to keep looking, and it would be best and much easier for me to do that alone.

Chelsea: I see.

Adam: I hate that you got hurt because of me. I mean, if I had known, I would have warned you, and I would have changed my plans.

Chelsea: You're the only one keeping secrets from me.

Adam: I'm doing it -- I'm doing it to protect you.

Chelsea: You sound like your father. Adam, it's like you're using this crisis to push me away. Why? Why do you have to handle this all on your own? Please tell me.

Adam: That's just it. That is exactly it. This is a crisis, caused by billy. And I have told you exactly why I need to do this alone. It's not my fault if you don't want to hear it.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete,

Abby: You're right. It does get lonely out here.

Chance: What did you have in mind?

Abby: Ah. Come on.

Chance: You're the one that said you had all these things to do today.

Abby: Well, I already started my day. This would be more like brunch.

[ Chuckles ] You're still staring at me. You better be glad you're not a cop yet, or else I would have to report you to, well, you.

Chance: [ Chuckles ] I am so -- so, so, so -- very lucky to have met you.

Abby: Well, that would mean it would be happenstance. Good fortune.

Chance: Do you think it was more than that? Perhaps fate or destiny?

Abby: Maybe.

Chance: However it happened, I'm glad that it did.

Abby: Me too.

Chance: And I'm also glad you decided to play hooky and run around genoa city with me today.

Abby: What? Why would I agree to do something so unproductive? You know, I am half newman, half abbott. If I am not conquering the world by noon, I feel antsy.

Chance: I promise you, it'll be exactly what you need.

Billy: Next time you want to break into my hotel room, you can just use that. Cutting the power to chanccomm to create a distraction was a little excessive.

Adam: Wow. You get a weekend pass from the asylum, billy?

Billy: Classic non-denial denial.

Adam: I don't even know what you're accusing me of.

Billy: Oh, that wasn't you rummaging through my stuff in my hotel room, wearing that funny, little baseball cap? Hell of a disguise, adam. Really worked hard on that one, huh? Unfortunately, there was nothing in there for you to take. But you have given me so much. The fact that you would go to those lengths just shows me how scared you are of what we have. And that must consume you. And that brings me joy.

[ Footsteps approach ]

Nick: Hey, mom, I got your text. Did, uh, dad go to the gym to work the heavy bag?

Nikki: I don't know where he went. I just know that he's angry.

Nick: At least he's consistent. He's been pretty upset since that exposé has come out.

Nikki: Yeah, I'm worried about what he might do next.

Nick: Just give him some time to blow off some steam. He'll be alright.

Nikki: That's the problem. Your father can't see the forest for the trees.

Nick: And adam is the tree is this scenario?

Nikki: Yes. And I told your father that sending him out of town would alleviate so many of our problems.

Nick: I've recommended that to dad several times over the years. He doesn't like that plan.

Nikki: No, I know. 'Cause he has too much guilt over adam's upbringing. Victor will always try to make things right for him.

Nick: Well, what do you want me to do?

Nikki: Darling, I know you usually like to stay out of newman family drama, but i really need you to get involved. This is too important to stay on the sidelines.

Nick: And what do you think I should do?

Nikki: Could you talk to your father?

Nick: [ Scoffs ] Dad doesn't listen to me when it comes to adam. Or about anything else, really.

Nikki: Well, we have to do something.

Nick: Well, maybe it's time we take matters into our own hands.

Nikki: If only we could get adam to leave town.

Nick: I think I have an idea on how to handle adam. My husband and I have never eaten healthier.

Chance: See? Isn't this better than staying in a hotel all day?

Abby: Hmm. I don't know. How's the room service here? I do think you're trying to impress me by making this our first stop. Bringing me to everyone's favorite park, that just so happens to be named chancellor.

Chance: Ah, that's just a coincidence. But are you impressed?

Abby: [ Chuckles ] Well, we are standing in the shadows of both jabot and newman enterprises, so it's pretty difficult to impress me.

Chance: Was it hard growing up in both of these shadows?

Abby: As a kid, it was tough. And as a grown-up, it didn't get much better. Always being pulled in one direction or the other. And maybe I can blame my families for all of my romantic mishaps. Tyler, zack, stitch, nate. Ever arturo.

Chance: I'm sorry. Who?

Abby: Exactly.

[ Chuckles ] Who knows what impact the newman/abbott dynamic had on my relationships.

Chance: I'm glad it did. Otherwise, you may not be here with me now.

Abby: I told you, it wasn't happenstance. It was fate that brought us together. What about you? Was it hard growing up chancellor?

Chance: Um... not especially. I mean, there's wealth and access. That's something that on one should complain about. I was raised by my mother, and she was very down to earth. But how it affected my relationships... I don't really know.

Abby: Why? You never thought about it?

Chance: No, I haven'T. That's probably 'cause I don't have as many exes as you.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Chance: And it's possible that I used the baggage of being a chancellor as an excuse to avoid commitment. That is, until now. And here. With you.

Adam: Chelsea's fine, by the way. Thanks for asking.

Billy: That's good. I'm glad to hear that.

Adam: Yeah, you seemed really concerned when you barged in here with your little accusations. You didn't even mention her.

Billy: I was concerned about her, when I was with her when she came to last night. And I waited until the ambulance got there.

Billy: Where were you? That's right. You were breaking into my hotel room.

Adam: Well, if you're so determined to believe that, i guess there's no point in trying to convince you otherwise.

Billy: [ Chuckles ] I-I would -- I would suggest that you and chelsea kind of talk about your plans to find out what we have. Because I don't think she was aware you were gonna cut the power to chanccomm. She probably would have took the stairs.

Adam: Billy, can I give you a little poker advice, just in case you're allowed near a deck of cards again. It's a game of information. So you don't want to give your opponent any, you know? You don't want to tell him what they have or what you know. Because you have told me exactly what you have, which is nothing.

Billy: Hmm. Strategic advice from a man that was caught red-handed. I'm actually a little embarrassed you would think i would leave anything I have on you laying around for you to find.

Adam: "Anything that I have." That is the kind of ambiguous phrase that a bad poker player uses when he's bluffing.

Billy: Okay. So many gambling terms. I'll bit, alright? If I was a betting man, I would put my money where my mouth is.

Adam: You didn't think I was just gonna sit by and let you publish lies about me, did you?

Billy: No, see, they're not lies, adam. That's why you're so mad. They're not lies. I pulled the band-aid off the festering wound that is your life, and I forced you to look.

Adam: Listen, if you come after me again... you're gonna regret it.

Billy: God. You know, you really are such a giver. Just giving more and more information for my article.

[ Clicks tongue ] Thank you.

Chelsea: Adam's not here.

Nick: You really think I'm here to see adam? What's with the ice pack and the aspirin? Are you okay?

Chelsea: Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a headache. What can I do for you?

Nick: I just wanted to check on you.

Chelsea: I'm good... except for the throbbing pain in my skull.

Nick: Have you heard from connor lately?

Chelsea: Twice a day.

Nick: Good. It must have been hard for you to send your son away to boarding school. I know how close you two are.

Chelsea: It was tough, but adam and I both decided it's what's best for him for now.

Nick: For his own protection, you sent your son hundreds of miles away to a boarding school. Does that sound crazy to you, like maybe things are spinning out of control?

Chelsea: Well, if billy hadn't published --

Nick: I'm not talking about billy.

Chelsea: I know what you're talking about.

Nick: That article may have been put out by somebody else, but it's about the terrible things adam has done.

Chelsea: A lot of it was all exaggerated and out of context.

Nick: And a lot of it was straight-up, factual reporting. That's not the problem. The problem is the reaction to the article. The uproar from all the things that adam has done. Chelsea, you sent your son away, and you think you're gonna bring him back when things calm down. When do you think that's gonna be? You know adam is gonna retaliate. This is never gonna end.

Chelsea: I am so glad you came to see me.

Nick: I'm here 'cause I care about you -- you and connor.

Chelsea: No, I think you're here because you want to give me a speech about how you're good and adam's terrible.

Nick: You think I'm saying this 'cause I want to hear my own voice. When I say something, I mean it.

Chelsea: You really think adam is that much of a threat?

Nick: Yes, I do.

Chelsea: You're unbelievable! What do you want from me, nick? You want me to tell adam to play nice on the playground? Do you want me to tell him to apologize to everyone in genoa city? Do you want me to ground him? What do you want from me?!

Nick: I want you to leave town.

Victoria: Hmm. I see. That's very interesting. Well, thank you very much for all of this information. Just let me know if there's anything that I can do for you. Thanks.

Nikki: What was that about?

Victoria: Do you remember when phyllis dropped by the other day to pitch me on that joint venture with the grand phoenix?

Nikki: Sure. I thought you turned her down.

Victoria: I did. But now she's doing an end run around us with our high-level partners. She's trying to lure them to the grand phoenix when newman already has an exclusive deal with the athletic club.

Nikki: Some people may say that phyllis is just being a proactive businesswoman, but i say it's just phyllis being phyllis.

Victoria: Why would she even seek my partnership if she's just gonna do it on her own anyway?

Nikki: Listen, she doesn't care about damaging our professional relationship as long as she books rooms in her hotel.

Victoria: If I let phyllis get away with this, then what's next? I mean, what other aspects of our business is gonna stick her nose into? I need to take action on this one.

Nikki: What are you planning?

Victoria: A very strong response. She won't mistake it for an accident or a stroke of bad luck, that's for sure.

Nikki: Are you sure you're not going to do battle with phyllis out of your frustration with adam or your father or billy?

Victoria: Mom, I am protecting the company. I'm not gonna sit around waiting for phyllis' next move. It's my move. Phyllis is just another adam waiting to happen. You give them an inch, they take a mile. I'm not gonna give her an inch. Hi sabrina!

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Chelsea: You want us to leave? You can't be serious.

Nick: Just load up the car, explain everything to adam, and get out of town before this thing turns into a full-scale newman family war.

Chelsea: Have you ever once considered what it's like growing as a newman from adam's perspective, what he's had to endure from victor?

Nick: I don't have to imagine it. He's my father, too.

Chelsea: Adam grew up in completely different circumstances. You know that.

Nick: It doesn't explain half the things he's done.

Chelsea: He just found out that he killed a man when he was a kid to protect his mother. He has been carrying that around with him. You don't think that would affect somebody?

Nick: I'm sure it did. It's all the more reason that he doesn't need to be here. Look, you have already sent your son away. Follow him. It is the best thing for everyone.

Chelsea: I can't believe how heartless you are.

Nick: You can always come back. I believe that connor should grow up around his cousins, but it doesn't need to be now. You know I will do anything i can to help you, but, please, just get out of genoa city.

Chelsea: I think you should leave now.

Billy: Adam was shaking. I mean, he was furious. I loved it.

Lily: So, what's the play here, billy?

Billy: Well, his legal strategy failed, so I say we double down on the exposé and really get under his skin.

Lily: No, I mean what's next for chanccomm?

Billy: That's what I'm talking about.

Lily: No, you're talking about adam. I'm talking about our future goals.

Billy: I totally agree. Let's brainstorm.

Lily: Well, no, I have some ideas. I need you to listen to them.

Billy: Okay, I just want to check the latest comments on this article. I want to see what people are saying.

Lily: Okay, billy, stop, stop. I did not sign on to be part of adam newman's character assassination team. I want to take over the digital media space, and we have everyone's attention with this adam story.

Billy: Right, so the question is, what's next?

Lily: No, the question is, do you care what comes next?

Victoria: Do you remember when phyllis was working to push out abby and take over the grand phoenix?

Nikki: I remember it well.

Victoria: Well, in order to finance that deal, she had to take out different lines of credit. Then she consolidated all those loans with an investment bank. She is stretched so thin. I mean, this is no way to do business. One bad month, and she'll be done.

Nikki: Alright, stop.

Victoria: I'm serious, mom. She's so exposed, she's practically naked.

Nikki: Victoria, stop.

Victoria: Mom, this isn't gonna take any manipulation on my part at all. She's gonna lose her financing.

Nikki: Okay, that is enough.

Victoria: Why? What, you don't want me to go after phyllis?

Nikki: I don't care about what happens to phyllis. I care about what happens to you. And I think this path you're on is very unhealthy. I would much rather see you try to repair your relationship with your father instead.

Victoria: Mom, this has nothing to do with dad. This is just business.

Nikki: Ah! Your father says that all the time. And you know what? It's not always just about business. He is devastated about what has happened between the two of you.

Victoria: Well, then maybe he should be the one to fix it.

Nikki: I think you should talk to him. You at least owe him that.

Victoria: I already have. I guess maybe I was wrong, helping billy this exposé. But adam has done much worse, and he's always forgiven. So, no, I'm not gonna reach out to dad and ask him if he can find it in his heart to forgive me. Instead, I'm gonna focus on this company. And I'm telling you, as my C.O.O., This time it is just about business. Thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer,

Nikki: We worked so hard the other day to smooth things over. I don't want to go backwards.

Victoria: Neither do I.

Nikki: However, there's just one other consideration regarding this phyllis project.

Victoria: What's that?

Nikki: Your brother. He and phyllis are in love -- again -- and, uh, if you go after her, he'll be hurt, too.

Victoria: I'm not going after phyllis. I'm going after an asset.

Nikki: Well, with everything that's been happening, we really need to be unified, and I think your brother could help with that.

Victoria: I'm sure he can and I agree with everything that you've said. But I'm sure that nick is not gonna take this maneuver personally. Now, if you will just please go so I can get to work, and I will let you know how everything goes, okay?

[ Cellphone rings ]

Phyllis: Oh. Hey! Do you have news?

[ Exhales sharply ] I told you, I don't care bout the loan. It is the taxes I'm most worried about. Wait. What? The bank sold the note? I don't understand that. It's a day old. Wait. Wait a second. A holding company called ponte vecchio bought it? I don't understand. Why would -- oh, my. Thank you. I have to go. We'll talk later.

Nikki: Hey.

Phyllis: Hey!

Nick: So, I had to see my mom. She wanted help with the adam situation. So I went -- what's going on? You okay? You seem shaken.

Phyllis: I'm fine.

Nick: Any luck putting out that fire?

Phyllis: Uh-huh. Yeah, I put out that fire. Now I have another one to put out. Um, it's with a beverage supplier. I need to go take care of it. But, um, when I get back, I want to talk about your mom and what she wanted. Um, when I get back, we'll talk about it.

Adam: How's your head?

Chelsea: It still hurts a bit. But I'm thinking more clearly.

Adam: That's good. So, I think we should talk.

Chelsea: I think you're probably right.

Adam: We've always gotten through tough spots when we've been completely honest with each other, even when it's difficult to hear.

Chelsea: I was thinking the exact same thing.

Adam: Really?

Chelsea: Yeah.

Chelsea: I want you to take a look at this.

Adam: What is it?

Chelsea: Real estate listings...by connor's school.

Adam: Why would you be looking at those?

Chelsea: Because I miss him. And I know you miss him, too. And I thought maybe we could relocate someplace for a while. You know, just the three of us, as a family, the way it should be. Away from all of this. We could let connor finish out the school year, and then we could find a new town to live in permanently. We have to leave. We need to get as far away from your family and genoa city as possible. When migraine strikes,

Abby: Who knew the zoo was exactly what I needed?

Chance: I did. But it's too bad we didn't get to see all the animals, 'cause someone was so intent on watching the swans.

Abby: [ Chuckles ] Are you still mad that we didn't get to see the tigers?

Chance: No. I'm not mad. Okay, maybe a little. But how often do you get to see real, live tigers, honestly?

Abby: Do you want to know why I was so interested in the swans? They mate for life. It's fascinating. They are better at commitment than humans.

Chance: Maybe we should give it a try.

Abby: There's something that I wanted to say. Um, last night, when you told me that you were falling in love with me, that was wonderful. And -- and I just want you to know that I love you. I'm not falling. I'm already there.

Chance: I was...hedging my bet when I said "falling" because I didn't want to scare you away.

Abby: I'm still here.

Chance: Good. Because I love you, too.

Phyllis: Ponte vecchio!

Victoria: Oh, phyllis.

Phyllis: [ Exhales sharply ] Ponte vecchio! You think I wasn't gonna figure that out. You went to school in italy.

Victoria: I really miss those days. They were much simpler times. You have a really good memory.

Phyllis: I have a great memory. I've been to florence. I know things like this, okay?

[ Exhales sharply ] You created a holding company called ponte vecchio for the sole purpose of buying my loan from the bank.

Victoria: Now I own 75% of the grand phoenix.

Phyllis: Wow. You're not even denying this.

Victoria: Why would I? It was a good business opportunity. You shouldn't have left yourself exposed.

Phyllis: You're trying to punish me.

Victoria: Is that your admission that you were in the wrong when you went behind my back in an attempt to lure newman's clients to your hotel?

Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no. Don't pretend that it's about that. This is about you holding a grudge against me for all that J.T. Stuff.

Victoria: Oh, well. Well, maybe you should have considered that before you crossed me.

Phyllis: Oh, my god. You don't want the hotel, victoria! This is my hotel, and you know that.

[ Scoffs ] Wait until nick hears this.

Victoria: Well, I guess that I will just have to cross that bridge when we get there.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, you are really on shaky ground with him, with your involvement with that whole article. Don't be so cavalier.

Victoria: I'm sure. I'm sure that nick is gonna be ticked off at me for a while, but it's only a matter of time before you -- you two break up again. And then I'm sure he's going to appreciate the savvy deal that i just made. But -- but in the meantime, there's a bigger question. What is your price?

Phyllis: What are you talking about?

Victoria: How much do you want for the remaining 25% of your hotel?

Phyllis: Oh. Oh. No way in hell. That is my hotel. This isn't over.

Adam: You're really feeling okay? There's no lingering effects from that bump on your head?

Chelsea: I am thinking more clearly than I have in months.

Adam: I just -- I don't understand where this sudden desire to leave genoa city is coming from.

Chelsea: I'm sitting here alone, missing my child.

Adam: We decided that boarding school was best for him.

Chelsea: I know, but why? It wasn't because of anything he did. We put him in that situation.

Adam: No, billy put him in that situation.

Chelsea: Of course, but it's not getting any better, adam. This fight with billy, victor, your family, it is going to get messy, and you're not gonna let it go. You're gonna want revenge.

Chelsea: Adam, you don't have a plan. You're playing it by ear, and that is a problem. But this is a great solution. Let's get out of here.

Adam: So you just -- you want to pack up and move?

Chelsea: There's no better time than right now. Our family needs a fresh start. Adam, let's leave genoa city.

Billy: See, this is better, right? No distractions. Now we can talk. You can tell me your great ideas. No phones. No computers. Go.

Lily: Okay. Do you promise I have your full attention?

Billy: 100%

Lily: Okay.

[ Clears throat ] I think we should do a series on gerrymandering. It's gonna be a huge topic post-census.

Billy: Right. Redistricting. Okay. Good.

Lily: Not sexy enough? No?

Billy: What else you got?

Lily: Okay. What about, um, an investigative series into the corruption behind the bidding process on infrastructure projects?

Billy: Okay.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] You hate it. Okay. You know what? You're not gonna like my other idea, either, probably.

Billy: Come on. Let me heart it.

Lily: Well, I don't have much on it, but supposedly there's this ring of jewel thieves in europe where they do these jewelry heists and they make huge donations to local youth groups.

Billy: I like that. A little robin hood end on that.

Lily: And the kicker is, authorities believe the suspects are women.

Billy: Sexy female jewel thieves giving back to children. Now that has some pop. I like that. We can do a profile. Maybe even do a podcast.

Lily: Yes. Or we could even shop the movie rights or even produce a streaming series ourselves.

Billy: Yes. Now that is synergy, baby. That's what I'm talking about.

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