Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/7/20
Episode #11888 ~.Abby wants Chance to cut ties with Adam; Sharon and Nick worry about Faith; Chelsea takes an unexpected trip.
Provided By Suzanne
Chelsea: I want an explanation, billy.
Billy: Chelsea, I've been expecting you. In fact, I've been eagerly awaiting your visit. It seems last time you were here, you forgot a listening device on the lamp over there.
Chelsea: I don't know what you're talking about.
Billy: You've always been a really good liar. Honestly, I'm not even mad that you did it.
Chelsea: Did you even think about the damage that story would do? And -- and I'm not even talking about adam. I'm talking about me. To me, to my son, to my family. You hurt people. Do you even care about that?
Billy: So, let me get this straight. You're not angry at adam for the havoc that he's wreaked for years, for the lives he's destroyed, for the people that he's killed. You're angry at me for telling the truth and publishing an article about it.
Chelsea: You know it's more than that.
Billy: My god, he has really warped your thinking. You know, I got to say, the chelsea I knew wouldn't have been played so easily.
Chance: Are we alone?
Adam: Yes. Chelsea is, um -- she's out. We, uh, sent connor away to boarding school. Thought it would be safe for him to be away for a while.
Chance: Do you not think that I see the contradiction there.
Adam: What do you mean?
Chance: Things are so treacherous you sent your son away? But at the same time, you're telling me that everything's going well?
Adam: Okay, it was, but i knew that there was a chance this thing could blow up. We were being careful with connor. And you being a grown man, a federal agent even, I thought that you could handle it.
Chance: I was under the impression you were gonna stop billy.
Adam: Well, I did my best. I stopped the casino owner's wife from speaking on the record. Billy had nothing to go on but conjecture and innuendo, and he couldn't even prove the guy was dead, let alone that I was involved. And you weren't even named.
Chance: It would be pretty simple for an interested party to connect the dots and realize that I'm a law-enforcement officer that you're protecting.
Adam: Again, an assumption, and no one put that together.
Chance: Paul did.
Adam: Wait a minute. You talked to paul?
Chance: Briefly.
Adam: What did you tell him?
Abby: Hey, you!
Mariah: Hey.
Abby: Have a seat. How you doing?
Mariah: I could use a stiff drink at the moment.
Abby: Look in front of you.
Mariah: Thank you. I thought you might need it. I know it's been a rough few days with sharon's surgery.
Mariah: Yeah, it's been brutal.
Abby: Well, nick said the operation went well, so that's good news. Maybe you could relax a little tonight.
Mariah: Thank you, abby, for being so considerate. But the truth is, until sharon gets a clean bill of health, I'm going to stay terrified.
Rey: Easy does it.
Sharon: I'm fine.
Rey: I know you're fine. Just take it easy. Hey, there she is.
Faith: Are you okay?
Sharon: I'm fine now that i see you.
Faith: I bet I'm even happier to see you.
Rey: Well, if this is a contest, I think I'm the happiest of all of us.
Sharon: [ Chuckles ]
Faith: Mom, do you need anything?
Sharon: Right now I could use a cup of tea, maybe.
Faith: I'm on it.
Sharon: Well, I've never seen her move that fast. You'd think she's anxious to get away from me.
Rey: Sharon, no. She loves you so much. She's just doesn't know how to react when you're like this.
Sharon: I just hate that she's got to figure out a way to be appropriately brave or supportive. At her age, her biggest problem should be a tough homework assignment.
Rey: Well, in the long run, this might actually make her a stronger person.
Sharon: Maybe. But if it were up to me, i wouldn't have her go through any tough character-building experiences for at least another decade.
Rey: If she heard you say that, she'd say you're being overprotective.
Sharon: How was she when you checked on her earlier?
Rey: She was quiet. She stayed in her room, on her phone. It's probably a good thing she's reaching out to friends. But if you're worried about her, you should talk to her. So I'll go upstairs. I'll give you two some mother/daughter time.
Sharon: Thank you.
Rey: You know, I did ask her how she felt about me moving back in. She gave me the thumbs-up.
Sharon: That's great. Because I'm thrilled. I am really grateful to have you in our lives, rey.
Rey: I feel the exact same way. Hi sabrina!
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Abby: Sharon's surgery was a success. They got all the cancer, right?
Mariah: Yeah. They can't be sure yet, but hopefully they got it all this time. And, as a reward, sharon gets to go through radiation treatment.
Abby: I'm so sorry. My mom is a breast-cancer survivor. I was too young when she was going through it to really grasp what was going on. I just -- I remember her being tired all the time.
Mariah: Well, faith is definitely old enough to know that her mom is fighting for her life.
Abby: Poor faith.
Mariah: I mean, she's tough. But she tries to hide her emotions, and she doesn't want to burden anyone. But it's getting to her. And then your idiot uncle billy posts that article about adam, and it mentions the baby-switching scheme when faith was born.
Abby: Well, he should have kept both her and my mother out of the story.
Mariah: And now the kids at school are giving her a hard time about it, as if she didn't have enough to worry about. I mean, why would -- why would billy do that?
Abby: Well, it's not the first time that he's gone too far to seek revenge on adam.
Mariah: Faith is tough, but she is struggling right now. And I am spending as much time with her as possible so she feels loved.
Abby: Well, I want in on that. Faith is my niece, after all. Maybe we could have a girls' night. It might cheer her up.
Mariah: That sounds amazing. Faith should be surrounded by all of the people that care about her.
Sharon: So, how's school going?
Faith: It's good. Why wouldn't it be?
Sharon: No reason. Just asking. Did anyone bring up the adam story?
Faith: Mm. A few kids mentioned it, but dad's right. It'll blow over. I spent most of the day feeling bad I didn't say goodbye to you this morning.
Sharon: Oh, don't worry about that. Teenagers always sleep in. I don't want you to have to give up being a normal teenager just because abnormal things are happening around you.
Faith: You're doing it again. You're trying to make me feel better. You just had major surgery.
Sharon: Just like you shouldn't give up being a kid, I'm not gonna give up being a mom. You know you're my top priority, right?
Faith: I know.
Sharon: Well, I don't think I'm gonna be very entertaining tonight, so maybe you should go out and have some fun.
Faith: Mariah said I could hang with her at crimson lights.
Sharon: That's a good idea. Rey could drive you.
Faith: Are you sure you'll be okay?
Sharon: Yes. I'm probably just gonna try to sleep. If I need something, I can always call up the main house. Don't worry. Go.
Faith: Okay. I'll get ready.
Chelsea: My love for adam is not warped.
Billy: You're smarter than that, chelsea. You know better.
Chelsea: You know, billy, i really feel sorry for you. Your whole life has become about vengeance, and it's really unhealthy. I mean, you're acting like you did this righteous act, but, really, it's pretty pathetic -- and dangerous.
Billy: Oh, I'm dangerous?
Chelsea: You're putting your entire company in jeopardy, risking your employees' livelihood, risking your mother's entire capital. And all for what? For the thrill at taking a shot at your sworn enemy. It's reckless.
Billy: Well, first of all, reckless in kind of my thing. I mean, nobody really expects me to have a fully thought-out strategy, right? Second of all, this exposé has been very lucrative. So lucrative, I'm actually embarrassed I didn't do it sooner.
Chelsea: Victor and adam are never gonna let you get away with this.
Billy: Oh, you didn't hear that their lawsuit got thrown out the window?
Chelsea: Don't underestimate them. It's not too late. Retract the article.
Billy: Chelsea, it's the internet. You put something out there, you can't take it back, okay? Hey, why are you here?
Chelsea: I'm trying to save you. They are going to destroy you if you don't do something about this.
Billy: Let me ask you a question. Do you think that adam would fight like this for you? Would he sacrifice anything for you? Chelce, he doesn't deserve you -- or connor.
Chelsea: I always hated when you called me "chelce"... billy boy.
Billy: Okay. Think about this. Every time you come here to warn me that adam's gonna try and ruin me, you are proving my point. He is a monster.
Chance: Paul called me. He asked me point blank if I was the federal agent in "the making of a monster."
Adam: And you told him what?
Chance: I told him I was the agent in the story. He didn't ask anything beyond that because he's smart enough to read between the lines.
Adam: Yeah, well, las vegas is a thousand miles out of his jurisdiction, so he has no reason to get involved.
Chance: You don't get the point, adam. Paul offered me this job, and now it's up in the air. I'm pretty sure he doesn't want his newest employee involved in a homicide investigation in nevada.
Adam: Well, if there is an investigation, it's not gonna go anywhere.
Chance: I want this job. I can't be involved.
Adam: Listen to me. I will have your back, chance, just like I did in vegas.
[ Cellphone pings ]
Chance: It's paul. He wants to meet. Now.
Adam: Good luck.
Chance: Same to you.
Adam: I make my own luck. Hey. I am ready now. Is billy in the office? No, I don't care who he's meeting with. Just get into position and let me know when you get there. Then I'll give you the signal. This is time that matters.
Sharon: Rey is taking faith to crimson lights right now.
Mariah: I'll be there soon. How did she seem?
Sharon: Um, subdued, not quite herself.
Mariah: Okay. Well, I'll try to get her to open up.
Sharon: That would be great. Thank you. I'll see you later.
Mariah: Hey, I have to go. I have to meet faith at crimson lights. Do you want to come with me?
Abby: Um, I would, but chance just texted me. He's running late. He's supposed to stop by. He has a meeting with paul about his new job.
Mariah: Why do you sound worried?
Abby: Paul read the article. He knows that chance is the unnamed federal agent associated with adam.
Mariah: Do you think that paul's gonna take back his job offer?
Abby: I do. I mean, if she still wanted chance to have the job, wouldn't he just say, "we're good, you start tomorrow"?
Mariah: Well, don't jump to any conclusions. I mean, rey had to leave the department for a little bit because of his conflicts of interest. But paul eventually gave rey another chance to prove himself.
Abby: I-I just don't know if chance would stick around for a second shot.
Mariah: Aren't you guys planning a future, talking about starting a family?
Abby: It was more of a hypothetical. Like, down the road. We were planning to plan a future.
Mariah: Well, I understand not getting your heart set on something that may not happen. But don't talk yourself out of a good thing, okay? Because chance -- he's a good thing.
[ Footsteps depart ]
Chelsea: You are such a hypocrite. You keep saying adam can't change, or is he even himself? Well, he has changed. You're the one who keeps dredging stuff up from years ago. But, no, adam -- he is different now. He is.
Billy: Wow, the con artist has been conned. I mean, he's really got you all twisted up.
Chelsea: You know, we worked so hard to get our life back. We worked so hard to provide a happy, stable home for connor. But now, thanks to you, we had to ship him off to boarding school to keep him safe.
Billy: Is that supposed to make me feel guilty? I agree with you. Connor's a great kid, which is exactly why you shouldn't be anywhere near adam. So if I'm responsible for that, I'll take credit for it.
Chelsea: Well, that article could destroy that great kid. He is bound to come across it.
Billy: You're right. He is bound to find out the truth about his father.
Chelsea: Connor worships adam. That will destroy him.
Billy: Then why didn't adam think about that, chelsea? Why didn't you think about that? Letting him worship some comic-book version of his father. Give me a break. Adam newman doesn't care about children. He only cares about himself.
Chelsea: I feel sorry for you, billy. You live in the past. We both know what this is about. We both know who this is about.
Billy: Don't say her name, chelsea.
Chelsea: Delia. Really ask yourself, if that sweet, beautiful little girl were here right now, would she be proud of what her dad is doing? If I knew how vicious you and victoria would become... I never would have let you adopt johnny.
[ Footsteps depart ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Cellphone pings ]
Lily: Hey. Was that chelsea I saw getting on the elevator?
Billy: Yeah.
Lily: What did she want?
Billy: What was that?
Chelsea: You have got to be kidding me.
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Nick: I wanted to see how you're doing.
Sharon: Well, if I had known you were coming, I would have told faith to stay.
Nick: No, I like it that she's spending time with mariah. She's a good influence on her.
Sharon: Do you think that faith needs a good influence right now?
Nick: I do. Uh, she keeps telling me that she's totally chill, but I have my doubts.
Sharon: She's been going through a lot. Maybe we should get her a therapist.
Nick: Maybe. But our daughter's such a perfectionist. I don't want her feeling like she's letting us down in any way or failing.
Sharon: Well, she needs to get better asking for help if she needs it.
Nick: She needs to at least be better at it than her parents. I absolutely cannot stand it that this exposé came out and faith's under so much pressure. Every time I think I got adam on the periphery of our lives, he comes back and causes more trouble.
Sharon: Well, to be fair --
Nick: Please. Please do not take his side. I don't want to argue with you, especially about him.
Sharon: I wasn't going to take adam's side. What I was going to say is, adam is not the one that wanted the story of faith's birth to be publicized. That was billy.
Nick: Well, billy's on my list, too.
Sharon: Everyone knows that jill put him in charge of chanccomm to keep him out of trouble, and what does he do?
Nick: Stirs up more trouble.
Chelsea: No bars! Great. Hello! Is anybody out there?!
[ Sighs ]
Lily: What are you doing?
Billy: The last time chelsea was here, she planted a listening device.
Lily: [ Laughs ] What? For real?
Billy: Yeah, for real. Her and adam have been listening in on our conversations. And it just dawned on me, maybe she came back to do the same thing again. Can you, uh, help me out here, get down on the floor, and look around?
Lily: Uh, no. I'm not gonna get on the floor. I don't even know what a bug looks like.
Billy: It looks like a little, you know, like a listening device.
Lily: Yeah, that's helpful. I mean, do you really think adam would go to all this trouble?
Billy: I mentioned the second part of the story coming out, and I think that he would do anything he could to make sure that he could kill the story. The lights.
Lily: Wait, you think adam did this?
Billy: He killed the power to the building, security cameras go out. We got to go home because we can't do any work here. He has somebody come in here and steal the information on the story.
Lily: I don't know. That seems elaborate.
Billy: It sounds exactly like something adam would do, right? But I am one step ahead of him. I am not going back to the hotel tonight. I'll be staying right here. Adam newman is not stealing anything from me tonight.
Abby: Well, that was a short meeting. What happened? Chicago!
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Faith: I'm sorry I've been taking up so much of your time lately.
Mariah: That's no problem. I love hanging out with you.
Faith: I just don't want you to feel like you have to babysit me.
Mariah: Well, if you need a better reason to be here, I can have you clean the toilets. I mean, they really need it.
Faith: You're so gross. No way.
Mariah: So, are you trying to be a "normal teen" for mom's sake?
Faith: Trying. I think it would make her really happy if I went out for cheerleading or got super-excited about homecoming.
Mariah: [ Groans ]
Faith: Are you okay?
Mariah: Yeah. I'm just having flashbacks to my high-school years, and it's giving me a debilitating pain in my frontal lobe.
Faith: You do realize you're supposed to be a good influence on me, right?
Mariah: That's right. Okay, so tell me more about proms and meeting boys at malt shops.
Faith: Oh, yeah. It's kind of hard to be normal with everything going on. I think I'm failing at it.
Mariah: Why do you think you're failing?
Faith: Well, a normal teen would have probably woken up to see her mom off before she left for surgery.
Mariah: You overslept. It happens.
Faith: But I didn'T. I pretended to be asleep. I couldn't deal.
Mariah: Oh. Well, I'm sure mom wasn't that bothered --
Faith: I saw her crying last night.
Mariah: Well, faith, mom has a lot more going on. You can't blame yourself for that.
Faith: Oh, god, what is wrong with me?
Mariah: Hey, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you.
Chance: There was an emergency. Paul got called away. The meeting was cancelled before I even got to the station.
Abby: Are you gonna reschedule?
Chance: I'm sure paul will reach out later.
Abby: Any hint on what he wanted to meet about?
Chance: I think he just needs to know that he can trust the people working for him. I told him what happened in vegas and that I neglected to tell my bosses at the time. That's a big red flag.
Abby: Paul knows that you're a boy scout. You have integrity, unlike...
Chance: Adam?
Abby: Yes.
Chance: I will tell my side of the story the best that i can, but, ultimately, it's paul's decision.
Abby: What if you cut all ties with adam, you denounce him? You tackle that problem head first.
Chance: I can't do that, sweetheart.
Abby: Yes, you can.
Chance: Adam saved my life.
Abby: And you've more than repaid him. Staying friends with adam is bound to cause more conflict. He's nothing but trouble.
Chance: Abby, he's your brother.
Abby: Yes, he is my brother, but I have essentially no connection with him. It is not difficult to cut ties with him, to just cut him out of your life. Just stop picking up the phone when he calls.
Chance: If he is such a magnet for trouble, that's even more reason for me to stick close to him, help keep him on the straight and narrow.
Abby: He's not worth it. Being friends with adam might have cost you this job. What else are you willing to risk for adam newman?
Lily: [ Sighs ] Okay. You know what? I give up. There's nothing here.
Billy: Well, I think the coast is clear, but we can't let down our guard.
Lily: [ Sighs ] Do you really think the threat of a second exposé scared adam that much?
Billy: It should. How much more dirt could there be on the guy?
Billy: About a 10-pound bag.
Lily: And you think that bag is in this office?
Billy: No, it's not. It's in a safe location. I thought you didn't want to do part 2 on the story of adam.
Lily: Well, I mean, I did want to wait until the smoke cleared, but the story has been such a sensation.
Billy: I like the way you're thinking. Let me also say that I'm very proud of the way you've been handling everything. Not many people can take on the newman machine like the way you have.
Lily: Thank you, 'cause they have not made it easy.
Billy: No. Even victoria's getting wobbly. I'm sure her mom is giving her a bunch of pressure. I mean, nikki gives a better guilt trip than victor.
Lily: Oh, yeah, I experienced that firsthand.
Billy: What?
Lily: Yeah, nikki confronted me, told me that my father would be so disappointed in me.
Billy: What did you say?
Lily: I told her to keep my dad's name out of her mouth, but, obviously, in a more diplomatic way.
Billy: Good for you.
Lily: Candidly, a few years ago, I probably would have been intimidated. But I think after what I've been through, it's gonna take more than the queen of genoa city society to scare me.
Billy: Yeah. You know, it's funny when people try to manipulate you with the ghosts of the ones that you love. It doesn't really work. It hurts, but it doesn't work. I'm sorry you went through that.
Lily: It's okay. I don't have any regrets. Although it did make me wonder what my dad would think about what I'm doing.
Billy: I know your dad was close with the newmans, but he also wasn't afraid to stand up to them when the time was right. So if it's any consolation, i think your dad would be very proud of you.
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Nick: I really wish I had tried to stop billy from publishing that story, or at least kept you and faith's name out of it.
Sharon: What do you mean? You knew about it?
Nick: I had heard that billy was planning a hit piece about adam.
Sharon: From chelsea? Did she ask you for help?
Nick: No. She wouldn't come to me about this. I have warned her so many times that I don't think adam is a very good role model for her son.
Sharon: Say what you will about adam, he loves that boy. And I think that he and chelsea will find a way to bring him up safely, like you and I are doing with faith.
Nick: Well, the advantage we have is that neither one of us is a psychopath.
Sharon: Nick, not today.
Nick: Okay, okay. Sorry. Don't get worked up.
Sharon: I was just trying to point out that it's hard to raise kids, no matter what.
Nick: Yeah, but faith is a special case, you know? She's so strong and mature for her age. I'd like to think we could take some credit for that, but i think it's just who she is.
Sharon: Yeah, she's been through a lot of trauma herself, and somehow she's still the same great kid.
Nick: I think faith is gonna glide through this latest rough patch the way she always does.
Mariah: Maybe I put too positive a spin on things last time we talked, made you think that you had to pretend things are okay when they're not. I mean, things get rough for everybody sometimes.
Faith: Like mom right now.
Mariah: And by extension you. And it sucks to hear sharon say that you're -- you're not talking and you're shutting down.
Faith: I just don't want to bother anyone.
Mariah: Faith, we all need someone to talk to when things get hard.
Faith: You have tessa.
Mariah: Yeah, exactly. And I cry on her shoulder more times than I'd like to admit to anybody, except you. We all do it.
Faith: Even my dad?
Mariah: Yeah. The big, tough nick newman. Of course he does. He has victoria and abby and phyllis. And rey, after he dropped you off, he probably ran right to lola to say, "things are miserable right now." It happens to the best of us. But I need you to know that when things get rough or you feel down or overwhelmed, that you're gonna reach out. And you've got me. You've got abby and lola and rey and your dad.
Faith: And summer.
Mariah: Yeah. And summer... you know, if you can pry her away from kyle for two minutes. I mean, she's not as good of a sister as I am, so if you need her for makeup tips or -- wait a second. Did you just say "summer" to troll me?
Faith: [ Chuckling ] I got you.
Mariah: Yeah. Okay. That was a good one. It worked. But, faith, I'm -- I'm really serious about this. So please, please promise me that you'll reach out and talk to us.
Faith: Okay.
Mariah: Thank you. I am gonna get you more hot chocolate with extra whipped cream because you deserve it.
Faith: Mariah... thank you.
Mariah: Of course. I would do anything for you. I mean that.
[ Footsteps depart ]
Abby: So, what are you gonna do if paul rescinds his job offer?
Chance: That's tricky. I've already sold my security firm.
Abby: You could always start another one.
Chance: Not within 200 miles of here. That was a condition in the non-compete clause. If I wanted to open up shop again, I'd have to do it somewhere else. I could always go back to D.C.
Abby: So political.
Chance: I have some contacts down south -- east texas, louisiana.
Abby: Oh! It's so humid.
Chance: I could always venture out west, open up shop with a couple of the agents from the sacramento office.
Abby: Sacra-where?
Chance: I could have it up and running in a month. It would be very lucrative.
Abby: Oh.
Chance: [ Chuckles ] It's a shame that none of that's going to happen.
Abby: Why not?
Chance: Because I would have to leave genoa city. And you're here. Any opportunity that takes me away from you, it just isn't worth it.
Abby: Really?
Chance: I told you how I felt.
Abby: That was "down the road" talk. Settling down, a family.
Chance: And I was serious. Were you?
Abby: You know, maybe we should have another talk, figure out if we're on the same page, the same chapter, even the same book.
Chance: I will tell you exactly where I am. I'm falling in love with you, abby.
Lily: It's beautiful. Sometimes I forget to look, but then when I do, it's amazing.
Billy: [ Chuckles ]
Lily: What?
Billy: It's just crazy that we're here together right now. I mean, during that brief period of time when we were a thing --
Lily: That was a million years ago.
Billy: No one would have guessed that we'd end up co-C.E.O.S of a major media company, making million-dollar deals and taking down the newmans.
Lily: I knew. I always knew.
[ Chuckles ]
Billy: I'm glad you're here. I couldn't do it without you.
Lily: I know. Believe me, I know.
Chelsea: Oh!
[ Thud ]
Chance: Did you not think that I was serious? Do you think I talk about starting a family with every woman that I meet?
Abby: I didn't know. I mean, sometimes I get carried away with making plans, but you're right. I should have known, because it's you. You're so earnest and forthright.
Chance: I don't know about that. But I do know how I feel about you. If I could step into a lab and create the perfect woman for me, I'd come up with you. You're everything that I'm looking for in a woman... and so much more that i didn't know that I was looking for, but now I know that I don't want to live without. I get to wake up next to you every single morning, and i think to myself, "how did I get so lucky?" How do you feel?
Abby: Like I'm melting.
[ Chuckles ] Let's go back to your suite. Then you can tell me all of those amazing things again in private... and we can plan our future... all night long.
Nick: Well, I don't want to leave you here alone.
Sharon: No, that's okay. Rey will be back soon.
Nick: I'm so glad he's here to help.
Sharon: Actually, he's moving back in.
Nick: That's great. I'll bet faith loves that. I know she likes him.
Sharon: She really does, but she's frozen him out recently, too. She's been kind of quiet, even around him.
Nick: She doesn't mean anything by that. I mean, it's just the way kids are. He went through it with lola. We went through it with noah. I still feel like I'm going through it with summer.
Sharon: It's true. Kids will be kids, but let's not assume that faith's just gonna grow out of this.
Nick: Yeah. We'll make sure she has all the help she needs. In the meantime, you get some rest, okay? You call me if you need anything.
Sharon: Okay. Thank you.
[ Door closes ]
Rey: Hey.
Mariah: Hey.
Rey: Where's, uh -- where's faith?
Mariah: She is in the bathroom. She's had about 10 hot chocolates, so good luck getting her to sleep tonight.
Rey: Thanks. How'd it go?
Mariah: We had a good conversation. She might still get quiet and shut down, but she's a teenager.
Rey: That's gonna be great. And it'll be easier now since I'm moving back in with sharon.
Mariah: Oh, that's great. Oh, my gosh, I was really hoping you were gonna move back in. Could you, uh -- could you do me a favor? Could you let me know when faith or sharon need anything? They're not the best at asking for help.
Rey: I'll make you a deal. I'll let you know if they need help if you tell me when you need help. You can give faith all the advice in the world, but I know it's not easy for you to open up, either.
Mariah: Thank you. It's a deal.
Billy: Lights are back on. I think we're safe. I'm gonna head out.
Lily: Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.
Billy: I thought you were going home.
Lily: Well, now I can get some work done.
Billy: Excellent. I'll leave you to it.
Lily: Okay. Bye.
Billy: Good night. Chelsea? Chelsea! Lily! I need help! I'm calling 911!
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