Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/1/20
Episode #11884 ~ Nikki does damage control; Billy and Lily deal with the fallout of a scandal; Sharon protects Faith.
Provided By Suzanne
Lily: Please tell me you did not just do what i think you did.Billy: I did.
Lily: Oh, my god, billy.
Billy: This story's gonna put us on the map, lily. I guarantee that. And one more day that the world doesn't know exactly who adam newman is, is one day too many. And it's a hell of a title, right? "Making of a monster."
Lily: I cannot believe that you did this without giving me a heads-up or letting amanda finish going through it so we're not sued into oblivion.
Billy: No, don't get paranoid about that.
Lily: I'm not being paranoid, not according to our lawyer, who you completely ignored.
Billy: Yes, I made the call, lily, but that's my job.
Lily: No, billy, it is our job -- it's our job! We run chancellor communications, and you've put us in a horrible position!
Billy: Lily, you've got to relax.
Lily: How can you tell me to relax?! We could lose everything! Because you decided to ignore everybody's advice, go rogue, and damn the consequences!
Billy: No, the dangerous thing is letting adam and victor strike first, okay? We caught them flat-footed. They don't have time to come up with lies and cover-ups. We're gonna nail them to the wall with this story. And soon enough, you'll thank me for publishing this.
Lily: Yeah, you know what? Don't bet on it.
Nikki: Are you near a computer?
Victoria: Yes. Why?
Nikki: You know --
Victor: Nikki?
Nikki: You know why. I hope you're proud of yourself.
Victor: You know he's going to run that story, right? We've got to be prepared. How bad is it?
Nikki: Well, I've just skimmed a little of it, but... it's worse than we ever anticipated.
Victor: That bastard.
Adam: They led with what happened in kansas... back to the source. And then it just goes on from there.
Chelsea: Adam...
Adam: There's no context. There's no extenuating circumstances. It's just one monstrous deed after another.
Chelsea: I'm so sorry.
Adam: Well, they may think that they got everything on me, but they're gonna be updating this story soon, because I am going to kill billy abbott.
Phyllis: Wow. Billy didn't pull any punches, did he?
Nick: He went right for the throat.
Phyllis: Yeah. This is worse than he was at
restless style.
Nick: [ Exhales deeply ]
Phyllis: You seem angry.
Nick: I am.
Phyllis: Why? I mean, you said you didn't care if adam got what was coming to him.
Nick: I don't give a damn about adam, but this makes my dad look just as bad, you know, 'cause of hat went down in kansas. And I bet my dad's not the only one who winds up as collateral damage.
Phyllis: What's wrong?
Nick: Oh, my god. I got to get to faith fast.
Phyllis: Why? What happened?
Nick: Keep reading. Sharon, it's me. We got to talk.
[ Door closes ]
Phyllis: Oh, billy. Oh, come on, billy. You've gone too far.
Lily: Why did you release this now? Why? I mean, did something happen? Did you get into a fight with victor or adam?
Billy: No, I already told you that wasn't the reason.
Lily: Okay, is it out of spite? Billy, please, I'm really trying to wrap my head around this.
Billy: But you're not listening to what I'm trying to tell you.
Lily: You're not making any sense. I signed on to help run this division because I wanted to do something meaningful. And now your thirst for payback could wreck everything that we have worked so hard to build.
Billy: That's not fair.
Lily: It is fair, billy. It is! 'Cause all you care about is sticking it to the newmans, no matter who gets caught in the crossfire.
Billy: No, see, you're missing the point.
Lily: No, the point is, is that you could put everything that we have at risk. That is why I wanted amanda to vet the piece and make sure that we have legal cover. But, no, no. You have to do it the billy way, the impulsive way, and now you've put a huge target on our backs!
Billy: I was being proactive, because I guarantee you, victor had a lawyer that was doing everything he could to stop us from publishing this story. But now it's too late because thousands of people have already read it, alright? The cat's out of the bag.
Lily: [ Scoffs ] I can't even be around you right now.
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Nikki: I've already told you...
Victor: No, I will not be put on hold. You tell him this is victor newman calling. I need to speak with him. I'm gonna crush this bastard. I don't give a damn if he's in a meeting. Tell him to get out of the meeting, talk to me, call me. Alright? What?
Nikki: Darling, you need to calm down.
Victor: I'm calm down.
Nikki: No, you're not. You seem like you're going to explode. This kind of stress is not good for you.
Victor: The stress coming billy boy's way is not good for him, trust me. I'm gonna get that bastard. And let's not forget our daughter's involvement in this. The spin of the article is that adam committed murder, and I, the father, pulled the strings to cover it up. What the hell do they want me to do? He's an 11-year-old boy. Want me to do nothing?
Nikki: No, of course not. Now, I understand how upsetting it is when you're trying to keep something private, it suddenly becomes public knowledge. But, darling, you have to take a breath and relax. Let the lawyers take care of this. That's what we pay them for. You know I'm always in your corner. Please, you need to let me help you.
Victor: I'd be happy to enjoy nothing more than to have you sit by me while I crush that bastard.
Nikki: Okay, that's not what I had in mind. I was thinking more along the lines of us taking a walk. We could relax and get some perspective, come up with a logical plan for this fallout.
Victor: You almost make it sound as if this is possible.
Nikki: Well, anything is possible. Darling, everything doesn't have to be a battle.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Victor: Yes? You damn well know what I want you to do. Yes, it has to do with the story. Are you kidding me?
Faith: Hey. What's up?
Sharon: Well, it's complicated.
Faith: Oh, dad. I didn't know you were coming over today.
Nick: Yeah, um, your mother and I, we saw something online today, and, uh, we thought we should get together and talk about it. But you've already seen it, haven't you?
Faith: Seen what?
Sharon: Faith, I saw the look on your face when I came down the stairs. You were clearly upset.
Faith: Well, I'm just really worried about your surgery tomorrow.
Sharon: Oh, that is the last thing I want you to be worried about.
Faith: I can't help it sometimes.
Nick: Looks like I got here just in time.
Sharon: A story came out today. It was article mostly your grandfather and adam.
Nick: Part of the story is about what happened to you, faith, when you were a baby.
Sharon: Do you know what we're talking about?
Faith: So, this randomly popped up on my timeline. Adam newman kidnapped a newborn baby from genoa city hospital and tried to pass her off as another woman's child...making the mother believe her daughter was dead." That was you and me, mom. I knew that's what happened, but I never knew all the details until now. About ashley and about that poor dead baby that you thought was me.
Nick: I'm so sorry, sweetheart. If I'd known that this was gonna happen, I would have done anything to stop it.
Sharon: I'll never forgive billy for bringing out all of these old wounds and picking out all of these old scars.
Nick: Well, at least he didn't use your name, right? I mean, we can be grateful for that.
Faith: Yeah, I guess. It's just so weird, reading this crazy story and then thinking, "hey, this is about me." Well, I think that you should just forget about it. You know, this was something that happened a long time ago. It has nothing to do with your life right now.
Faith: Everyone I know will be reading this article, and even though I'm supposedly anonymous, there's still enough detail in here for people to figure out it's me. I'm famous now. I didn't even do anything.
Amanda: One question. Are you crazy?
Billy: Depends on who you ask.
Amanda: What were you thinking?
Were you thinking?
Billy: I just explained this to lily, but I'll re-explain it to you. I published it because it was time.
Amanda: It was time to what? Torpedo this division?
Billy: No, no, no. Nothing's gonna happen to chanccomm.
Amanda: Oh, because you are going to will your confidence that this article passes legal muster into reality?
Billy: No, because we have the best lawyer in the business, and she's gonna do everything she can to make sure that we keep the lights on here so we can do what we do.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ] So you get to go and make a big, ole mess, and it's my job to clean it up.
Billy: We didn't cross any slanderous lines, okay? The reporter knew not to.
Amanda: Then what do you need me for?
Billy: I'm not saying they're not gonna try to sue.
Amanda: My experience and my talent count for nothing if you keep undermining me. So maybe I should just quit, leave you in the hole that you dug for yourself. Maybe that's the only way that you realize how much damage you have done.
Chelsea: We have nothing to say. Please stop calling.
Adam: No, I will not make a statement -- not now, not ever. Goodbye.
[ Cellphones ringing ]
Chelsea: You know what? Just turn your phone off. We don't need to talk to anybody right now.
Adam: What do they want me to say? Yes, that I am this monster that billy abbott has portrayed in this hatchet job? Lock your doors! Hide your children!
Chelsea: Not everybody's gonna believe that.
Adam: Well, why shouldn't they? He's managed to cram in every smear, every innuendo, every accusation. My life literally reduced to a perp walk through hell. I would believe that story, and you would believe that story if it was about somebody else.
Chelsea: I know you're angry.
Adam: Oh, that doesn't even begin to cover it, chelsea.
Chelsea: We have to sit down and figure out what we're gonna do next.
Adam: Before or after I kill billy?
Chelsea: Adam, stop. This isn't just about us. We have a family of three to think about. Eventually, connor's gonna see this. So we have to come up with a way to explain it to him.
Nikki: Rey. Hi. Uh, look, we're in the middle of a crisis here.
Rey: Hey, I'm afraid this is official business.
Victor: Rey, what's going on?
Rey: Paul's been on the phone with the authorities in kansas. They're asking genoa city pd for inter-agency cooperation.
Nikki: I already told rey that our hands are full with the situation.
Victor: Sweetheart, would you mind giving us a little time? Thank you. So, rey, what can i help you with?
Rey: You can answer some questions about the incident mentioned in the article.
Victor: That article contains nothing but half-truths. Nothing to pin an investigation on.
Rey: Still, we have to do our due diligence. A man in kansas is dead, and there's no statute of limitations when it comes to murder.
Victor: So, let me tell you something. If you want to do due diligence, then I suggest you arrest that bastard billy boy abbott for libeling me and my family, harassing us.
Billy: You're not gonna leave. Where are you gonna have this much fun?
Amanda: This isn't my idea of fun.
Billy: Oh, come on, amanda. We took a risk, and it paid off. We gambled, and we won.
Amanda: You don't know that. We can be out of business in a few days.
Billy: Oh, let them file the lawsuits. That's fine. It's on the internet. And once it's out there, it's hard to reel that back in. And if I'm right, our numbers are gonna go through the roof.
Amanda: And if you're wrong?
Billy: I'm not.
Amanda: For argument's sake.
Billy: Then I would say nobody gets anything in life if you don't take a little risk.
Amanda: Quintessential billy abbott.
Billy: Let me give you one other piece of advice. You think too small. You're capable of big things, and the big picture is all that matters.
Amanda: Okay. Maybe I can tie victor and adam up in court, long enough for us to sort this out.
Billy: There you go. That's what I'm talking about. That mean you're staying?
Amanda: Conditionally.
Billy: What's the condition?
Amanda: That you stop feeding me this line of bull.
Billy: What do you mean by that?
Amanda: This isn't business for you, billy. This is personal. Billy abbott versus adam newman. But now I want you to ask yourself one question. Is using this -- the company, the employees that work long hours -- in service of your vendetta, is that something to be proud of?
Faith: I don't want you guys to get all weird about this article.
Sharon: We're just concerned, that's all.
Nick: It's okay to be upset. We're upset, too. What adam did was horrible to you.
Faith: I mean, some of that stuff --
Nick: Like what?
Faith: I didn't go home with my own family, dad. I went home with ashley. I could have been someone else's kid and never even known about it. And, yeah, I knew that's what happened, but thinking about it now kind of scares me, that i could have had a completely different life because of adam.
Nick: Look, the only nice thing I can say about that article is it might finally be the end of adam getting away with things.
Faith: And you were friends with him, mom. You even tried to help him.
Sharon: Well, adam was sick.
Faith: I know, but how could you ever be friends with him after what he did?
Sharon: Faith --
Nick: Hey, come on. It's not fair to put your mom on the spot like that, especially right now.
Faith: Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry.
Sharon: It's okay. I've asked myself those same questions.
Nick: You know, the good news is that something viral comes out every day. By tomorrow, this is gonna be forgotten. It's gonna blow over fast.
Faith: Yeah, you're right. It probably will.
Nick: Where are you going?
Faith: Oh, I just forgot something I need in the kitchen.
Sharon: Are we really good?
Nick: For her sake, I hope so.
[ Cellphone buzzing ]
[ Door closes ]
Nikki: Are you happy now? Did you get what you wanted?
Victoria: Mom, you just listen.
Nikki: You told me that adam would be the only one in that article, that your father would not be the focus. Well, now he is being questioned by the police. So what I want to know is, were you in denial when you told me that? Or were you flat-out lying to me?
Chelsea: Thank you, mr. Peterson. We really appreciate it. It is. It's definitely an unusual situation, to say the least. That's right. You really can't believe everything you read. Okay, we'll be in touch. Thank you. Well, thank god connor's school restricts student internet access. It buys us some time till we have a chance to talk to him about it.
Adam: What are we gonna say? What do we do? How am I gonna sound credible when I keep telling him over and over again that this isn't true? I mean, we assumed that this article was gonna be about vegas and kansas. But billy -- he just went for broke. He included everything, including me almost killing connor's grandfather.
Chelsea: It was a low blow, even for billy's standards.
Adam: Yeah. And billy knew the truth. He knew the truth, but he just couldn't resist twisting the knife and calling me a cold-blooded murderer.
Chelsea: I know it's worse than we thought, okay, but we're in this together. You just have to remember that. We're gonna be okay. You do believe that, right?
Adam: I don't know what to believe anymore or what to think. Okay? Reading that article, it just reminds me of everything that happened to me in kansas. And just when I start to believe that maybe I could just put all of that behind me, there's this.
[ Snapping fingers ] It just --
Chelsea: It's so horrible. Adam, I'm so, so sorry.
[ Sighs ]
Adam: Chelsea... someone just declared war on me, so I have to do something about it. Okay?
Chelsea: Where are you going?
Adam: I'm going to fight this, and I'm gonna tear billy abbott apart.
Rey: Victor, I can promise you if billy abbott broke the law, it's gonna be investigated. But I'm here today about a very different crime.
Victor: Alleged crime.
Rey: Nonetheless, it's my job to ask you a few questions about what happened in kansas a few years ago and what part you may have played in it?
Victor: None. Zero. How's that for an answer?
Rey: The article references a caretaker who worked the farm where the incident occurred.
Victor: Oh, yeah. It was george. A very sweet man. He had worked for hope for many years.
Rey: According to authorities, george seems to have disappeared.
Victor: Oh, yeah? So?
Rey: Are you saying that's a coincidence?
Victor: What I'm saying is that he was old and ready to retire. Is that a crime?
Rey: He better still be breathing.
Victor: What did you just say?
Rey: The man who can back your claim has vanished.
Victor: What are you insinuating? George was an old man who had worked hard all of his life, and he was enjoying the fruits of his labor. Is that a crime?
Rey: It just seems a little convenient, given the circumstances. Do you have any idea where job is now?
Victor: I have no clue.
Rey: You are now the owner of the farm, aren't you?
Victor: You bet I am. After hope died, I wanted to make sure that the farm was taken care of. What's wrong with that? What does that have to do with anything?
Rey: It would give you ample opportunity to destroy any evidence of the crime.
Victor: This is pure conjecture on your part.
Rey: Then I'll be more direct.
Victor: Please do.
Rey: A woman is threatened by a man. The woman's son intervenes, and the man ends up dead. The boy's father -- a, uh, wealthy, powerful man -- covers it up. You got anything to say about that?
Victor: Yeah. You talk to my lawyer. Now show yourself out.
Victoria: Mom, I wasn't lying to you when we spoke the other day. I knew that this piece was coming out. I just wasn't privy to all of the details. But I was confident that newman enterprises can handle the fallout.
Nikki: Oh, are you talking about the company? So sorry for not making myself clear. I am talking about your father, who has been maliciously defamed. And the only thing he's guilty of is trying to protect his 11-year-old boy.
Victoria: Well, this piece was supposed to be all about adam, and I knew that dad would have a part in it, just not to his extent.
Nikki: So you actually believed that billy, who hates your father with a passion, would be able to resist the urge of going after him?
Victoria: Everything in that article is true, and you know it. You can't deny it.
Nikki: Look, I am not here to defend your father. God knows he is not a perfect man. But billy abbott is the last person on earth who should be allowed to point it out.
Victoria: Dad can handle negative publicity.
Nikki: Not like this. When I left the ranch, rey was questioning him about the article. The police are going to be investigating what happened in kansas.
Victoria: Oh, my gosh. That was decades ago. Dad wasn't even there when adam killed A.J. There's nothing that they could possibly charge him for.
Nikki: Really? You were confident that that article would only harm adam, and you were wrong about that. So how do you know what the police are going to do? Honey, your father loves you, and he has done everything in his power your entire life to give you the life that you are living now. And this is how you repay him?
Victoria: That's his spin on things -- that I owe him everything, that I'm nothing without his benevolence. And I just don't see it that way, mom.
Nikki: Wow. You know what? Forget about adam's crimes. What you have done is the real crime here -- destroying the family from within. You've just given adam what he's always wanted.
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"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Faith: I just had to grab my backpack. So, I'm gonna meet a friend for a study session.
Sharon: I don't remember you saying anything about that.
Faith: Well, it was kind of last minute. She just texted me. Her mom is about to pick me up.
Nick: But we're not done talking.
Faith: Well, school comes first, right? And, besides, you guys already said all the right things. I'm gonna take your advice and ignore the story.
Nick: Don't you think it would be better if you reschedule?
Faith: Dad, I'm mine, really. I want to get all my homework done so I can come home and help you get ready for the hospital.
Sharon: Everything's already been done. There's -- there's nothing that you need to worry about.
Faith: Still, you never know about last-minute stuff, right? Okay, well, I'm gonna wait for my ride outside on the porch, but thank you, guys, for talking to me about this. You're the best. Bye.
Nick: Love you.
Faith: Love you, too.
[ Door closes ]
Sharon: Well, that was a clean getaway.
Nick: She just needs time to process this. She's gonna be okay. So will you.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Phyllis: Mm. Hey, rick. Hi! Thank you getting back to me. Um, listen. I-I want to talk to you about some, um, cash-flow -- I don't know -- issues that I'm having right now. Um, I know that receipts are down at the hotel, but that is temporary, and I just paid abby off, her last payment. So I just wanted to talk to you about the taxes that'll be due at the beginning of the year. I just, you know, want to get ahead of that and -- wait, wait, wait, wait. Stop, stop. They're due this quarter? No, no. I did not know that. I thought I had until the beginning of next year. No, no, no. T-t-this is a huge problem. I-I just -- I just paid abby newman off. I mean, it completely cleaned me out. I just -- yeah, I mean, to be blunt, I-i can't make the payment.
Billy: You wanted to talk.
Victoria: Yeah, you're damn right, I do.
Billy: Okay. If this is about the article, I'm sorry I didn't give you heads-up before I put it out there.
Victoria: It would have been nice to have read it before it was published.
Billy: Would it have changed anything?
Victoria: It's too much, billy.
Billy: Really? See, I think it's perfect.
Victoria: Well, then, obviously you and I have different ideas of perfection. There's nothing in there you didn't know was coming, vick.
Victoria: My father comes off horribly.
Billy: Because he's done horrible things. So, what is this, buyer's remorse now? You knew there was potential blowback towards your father with this coming out. You said you were okay with it. You said you would handle whatever grief came your way. Are you saying you can't handle that now?
Victoria: What I'm saying is it's more than I bargained for -- a lot more. These days, everyone expects you to like everything
Amanda: As expected, we've been served, attempting to get us to retract adam's story.
Lily: Yeah. Courtesy of victor newman?
Amanda: The first of many legal actions, I'm afraid. Well, why don't we put that aside? Um, you and I haven't spoken since you found out.
Lily: Yeah, that, um, you're hilary's sister? I mean, yeah, I was -- I was shocked. But I can only imagine how it must have been for you. Yeah, it's a lot to unpack. I'm sure you have a lot of questions.
Amanda: I do.
Lily: Maybe today is not the right time.
Amanda: Probably not. So, um, what are the advertisers saying?
Lily: Well, they're scared. I mean, they want to know if this is gonna have a negative impact on them.
Amanda: Are there any numbers available on the piece yet?
Lily: No, not yet. I mean, we're working on a preliminary count right now to come in, so, I guess, in the meantime...
Amanda: We do damage control.
Lily: Hope for the best.
Amanda: Okay. I'm gonna get started on the response to victor's lawyers. You know, every time I feel like I have billy figured out, he goes and does something completely unexpected.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] Yes. A man of many surprises.
Amanda: But, you know, it does keep things interesting. It's not completely a bad thing. Is it?
Lily: I don't know. Sometimes I wish I could just jump inside that insane head of his so that I could know what's coming.
Amanda: Okay.
[ Footsteps depart ]
Billy: You want to tell me what's going on? Because you're acting like i betrayed you.
Victoria: No. No, no, no. It -- it isn't that.
Billy: Good, because I have been up-front from the beginning. I told you this article was gonna be about adam and all his misdeeds and it was gonna be controversial. And, yes, your father probably wasn't gonna look great. But, then again, when does he ever?
Victoria: I thought adam was gonna be the target. My father comes off just as badly.
Billy: Well, that's the point, as far as I'm concerned, because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. And let me remind you of something else. You wanted this, so don't be mad at me for making it happen. Take all that energy and turn it towards your father for being a negative force in your life.
Victoria: You're right. I did want this. Maybe I'm in denial about how bad I thought it was gonna be, and that's on me. But...reading it in writing and seeing it all out there, it -- it just made my stomach drop, billy. What have I done to my family? I mean, how much worse is it gonna get from here?
Chelsea: Adam?
Adam: I won't be gone long.
Chelsea: I thought we could relax a little bit, take our mind off things.
Adam: No, this can't wait.
Chelsea: Do not go see billy. We decided that was a bad idea.
Adam: I have changed my mind.
Chelsea: Adam --
Adam: Billy fired the first shot. Now it's my turn.
Chelsea: No, not today. You're too upset. You won't be able to control your emotions.
Adam: I don't want to control my emotions. I want billy to know that he has made a terrible mistake.
Chelsea: Adam -- adam, please don't go!
[ Door closes ]
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: No, rick. Rick, when I tell you I don't have any money, that's what I mean. I don't have any money. I am cash poor right now.
[ Door knob rattles ] Um, let's talk it later and figure out something. Hey!
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: Hey, how'd it go with faith?
Nick: Okay, I guess.
Phyllis: I was so worried about how she was going to react to the article.
Nick: She's more upset than she's letting on.
Phyllis: Oh, poor thing.
Nick: Sharon and I tried to talk her down, but she was in a real hurry to get away from us. And I get it. I mean, this is a horrible thing to get hit with, especially the night before sharon's supposed to have surgery.
Phyllis: Oh, my god. That's horrible. What's wrong with billy? He's an S.O.B. For putting all that information about what happened to faith when she was a baby in that article.
Nick: I just hope billy realizes what he's gotten himself into.
Phyllis: What does that mean?
Nick: At this point, adam may feel like he has nothing to lose.
Nikki: Victor? I'm home.
Victor: Since you've been avoiding my calls, I thought it would be best if I came here and say what I have to say to you in person.
Lily: Really?
[ Chuckles ] Well, I mean, that is a surprise. Just another one in this day that's filled with them. Okay. Thank you.
Billy: So, you got the firing squad all lined up? I'm ready for you, captain.
Lily: Where have you been?
Billy: Oh, you know, out and about, getting grief from everyone about how i ruined everything. You want another shot?
Lily: Well, I would have, till a few seconds ago.
Billy: What changed?
Lily: The metrics came back for the story, and they're off the charts. People can't seem to get enough.
Billy: You're not messing with me., Are you?
Lily: No. Look for yourself.
Billy: Damn.
Lily: [ Laughs ] Yeah, I mean, all the advertisers that were gonna pull out about an hour ago, they now realize what a bargain they got. I mean, they can't even count the number of eyeballs that their ads are getting with this piece.
Billy: We did something good.
Lily: Well, amanda still has to fend off legal challenges, but, yes, it seems to have worked out.
Billy: Okay, well, I'm gonna skip the part where I say, "i told you so."
Lily: Okay, let's relax right now, alright? 'Cause we're still gonna have victor and adam come at us with everything they've got.
Billy: Oh, let 'em come. Between me, you, and amanda, they got no chance.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] You know, amanda and I did have a conversation about how you do seem to make things very... interesting.
Billy: Hmm. Well, you know me. I do like to shake things up.
Lily: Yes, I know. But next time, can we go for dull and boring, okay? 'Cause it might have worked out this time, but next time, we might not be so lucky. And, billy, you are not a one-man band, okay? You have a partner, and your partner does not want to be blindsided again.
Billy: [ Chuckles ]
Adam: Hey. Well, don't you look happy, billy. Well, let me change that for you.
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