Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/30/20
Episode #11883 ~ Victor pushes Billy too far; Lily learns the truth about Amanda; Abby and Chance discuss their future.
Provided By Suzanne
[ Rustling and clicking ]Chelsea: I'm kicking myself for not planting a camera when i planted the listening device. We'd have such a better idea of what billy's up to. Maybe the silence is a good sign that nothing's happening and you were able to block the exposé.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Billy: "Check your inbox." And we have a jackpot.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] What are you so happy about?
Billy: "Adam newman: The making of a monster." We got him.
Jack: Okay. I want to hear about your trip to new york.
Traci: Huh. Well, it was fine, you know -- nothing out of the ordinary. Just your average, run-of-the-mill activities.
Jack: Really? No...discoveries of any kind?
Traci: Not really.
Jack: Huh.
Traci: Unless you count a black-market scheme, a beautiful italian princess, and an antique jewelry heist.
Jack: Are you saying what i think you're saying?
Traci: I found out about mother's mysterious emerald necklace.
Chance: Busted.
Abby: Don't sneak up on me like that.
Chance: I know what you're doing.
Abby: No, you don'T.
Chance: You're scrolling to see if your boyfriend is trending because of a buried body outside of vegas.
Abby: [ Sighs ] Okay, fine. You're right. I'm hoping for the best, but i can't help worrying that your name is gonna be mentioned in this article about adam.
Chance: I thought I had successfully distracted you from all of that this morning.
Abby: Mm. You did keep my mind preoccupied, but we can't stay naked 24/7. Reality has to drift back in at some point.
Chance: Does it, though?
Abby: It always finds a way.
Chance: I feel like maybe i made a mistake bringing up our future together... when, in fact, I may be under investigation in connection with a crime.
Abby: Okay, that's too much reality. It's not gonna happen.
Chance: I hope not. Did I scare you with all that talk of a new life and a family?
Abby: Are you serious about wanting to have children?
Chance: Yeah. I am.
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: Hey. How you doing?
Amanda: Hey. Good. I'm just still trying to learn a little bit more about hilary. And I also found another strange piece of the puzzle. So, you want to hear about it?
Phyllis: Of course I want to hear about it.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Amanda: I...can't get into it right now.
Phyllis: What? You're gonna leave me hanging?
Amanda: I'm sorry. Duty calls.
[ Sighs ]
Phyllis: Later. [ Scoffs ]
Victor: I'd like to discuss the adam situation one more time.
Nick: Didn't we get into that yesterday?
Victor: There's been a new development.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Look, dad, I know I told you i would help, but I really believe vick's in a much better position to handle this.
Victor: I'm afraid she is not an option.
Nick: Why?
Victor: I found out that she's working with "billy boy" abbott. Chicago!
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Abby: I wanted to talk to you about this, but I don't even understand how kids can be on your radar, given the current circumstance.
Chance: I've faced worse. And even if all this does blow up in adam's face, you and i will find a way to move forward.
Abby: Yes. We will.
Chance: Besides, it's always helped me in stressful times to focus on happier things.
Abby: Kids as a coping mechanism?
Chance: No. Of course not. And I realize... talking about being a dad... probably sounds strange coming from me. But at this stage in my life, my priorities are changing, and that's in a large part because of you.
Abby: That's really lovely and sweet.
Chance: "But"? Look, whatever it is, you can tell me. If you've never thought about having kids or you have and it's just not something that you want --
Abby: It's the opposite, actually. Maybe I wanted them too much.
Jack: Well, I got to say it's a majestic picture. I'm -- I'm not sure what I'm looking at.
Traci: Okay. The painting you're looking at is renaissance era, italian. She is a principessa. And she's wearing dina's emerald necklace.
Jack: What does it prove -- that the abbotts come from a long line of italian royalty?
Traci: [ Chuckling ] No. Well -- well, maybe, in some alternate universe. But, no, no. This necklace was very, very important to this princess, apparently because it had been given to her by her first true love, so she was devastated when it was stolen along with a lot of her other jewelry. Eventually, those other pieces turned up but not the emerald necklace. It was missing for centuries. Eventually, there were sightings -- one in morocco, one in salzburg, then tokyo -- but none of them could be confirmed. So, more years pass, and the story goes that it was sold on the black market during world war ii.
Jack: Sold to whom?
Traci: A reclusive millionaire's son in chicago. He bought it, he gave it to his girlfriend, and then he shipped off to the pacific theater.
Jack: Please tell me you're not about to say our mother was the girlfriend.
Billy: We need to get this out now across all our platforms, and we need to give it a push to make sure it gets the most impact.
Lily: Okay. Just hold on, because we cannot release this as is. We have to vet it through our legal department first.
Billy: I've already sent it to amanda. I'm saying when she gives it the go-ahead, we need to be ready.
Lily: Okay. I know your adrenaline is running high, but she is not gonna approve this. I mean, the proof to back up these accusations on pages 2 and 3 is thin, and there's other assumptions here that need more evidence to substantiate them.
Billy: Well, that's why we call them "unnamed sources," lily, and the most important thing is this is true. And please don't tell me you're worried about a couple vague threats from nikki.
Lily: No, of course not.
Billy: Good. We cannot back down from the truth or the stories that we want to publish.
Lily: Billy, there's a difference between backing down and risking a libel suit.
Billy: Right. Well, I think you're being too cautious, so the best thing we can do is call our lawyer.
Lily: Okay, wait. Just -- oh, god.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Amanda: Mnh. Hello?
Billy: Amanda, it's billy. Uh, you're on speakerphone with lily. I'm assuming that you've read the story. Please tell me we're not in any danger of any legal blowback.
Amanda: I wish I could.
Billy: Come on, amanda. The story is solid.
Amanda: [ Scoffs ] Well, I can't agree with you -- at least not yet.
Billy: We have to keep our eye on the big picture, which is stopping the newman lie machine in its tracks and victor and adam getting what they deserve.
Amanda: This is starting to sound personal again, billy.
Billy: I am personally offended by the travesty of justice. And my motives are irrelevant -- okay? -- Because our company's goal is noble -- to expose the truth.
Amanda: Okay. I appreciate a lofty principle as much as anyone, but we need to be legally safe from all sides or it crumbles into dust.
Billy: Amanda, you know how dangerous secrets can be. Look at you and hilary. I know it's been difficult, but aren't you glad that you know the truth now?
Lily: What are you talking about?
Billy: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to --
Amanda: [ Scoffs ] Yeah. It turns out that... hilary is my twin sister. Super emma just about sleeps in her cape.
Lily: You and hilary are twin sisters?
Amanda: I know, and, um, I am sorry that you had to find out this way.
Lily: Wait. How long have you known this, or did you just find out?
Amanda: I just found out.
Lily: How?
Amanda: I took a dna test.
Lily: Wait. Does -- does devon know?
Amanda: Look, lily, you need to talk to your brother about this, and I am happy to discuss it some other time, but this call is supposed to be about the exposé.
Lily: No, I know. I'm -- [ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I just -- I'm -- I'm a little thrown off here.
Amanda: Now, I'm not gonna argue the ethics of whether to publish or not. That's between you and billy. My job is to pinpoint any legal land mines, and, to do that, I'm gonna need a little more time.
Lily: Uh, yes, of cour-- take as much time as you need.
Billy: Just not too much time.
Lily: [ Sighs ] He doesn't mean that.
Billy: He can answer for himself. But I get it. Thank you.
Amanda: I'll circle back.
[ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ]
Lily: We have to be patient.
Billy: I'm sorry. That phone call took a left turn, and I know that was not the right way to hear news like that.
Lily: No. I mean, to be honest, I'm worried about devon. I mean, this must have shaken him to his core.
Chelsea: Okay. The good news is... lily obviously sees the risk in publishing that article. And it sounds like amanda sinclair isn't gonna let billy just go ahead with this hatchet piece without any evidence to back it up, so... we just have to hope that cooler heads will prevail. What was she talking about, being hilary curtis' sister?
Adam: I don't know. I-I could care less about that. I'm more focused on billy right now, okay? The guy's been a hothead since birth. And he's itching for a fight, but... I'm not sure legal warnings are gonna be enough to stop him from trying to get revenge.
Chelsea: So, how do we?
Adam: I think it's time to bite the bullet... call in the cavalry.
Nick: Look, last time we talked, I told you I was willing to help protect the family from adam. I am absolutely not willing to help protect adam from the things he's done.
Victor: Well, obviously, the exposé will target adam specifically, but the rest of us and our family will be skewered in the press. You don't want that, do you?
Nick: I mean, if you don't believe what they're saying about him, then what's the problem?
Victor: I covered up A.J. Montalvo's murder... to protect my son, which means that I am subject to criminal prosecution and civil suits.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Nick: Who is it?
Victor: Speaking of the devil... yes?
Adam: Billy abbott is about to drop a bomb on us. He and alyssa have been working together, and they're ready to put their story out.
Victor: What happened to you wanting to take care of your own business?
Adam: Well, I mean, if you want to waste time holding that over my head, go ahead. Or you can do whatever you can to stop billy before he lands both of us in prison.
Victor: Okay. I'll try.
Adam: Well, phase 1 is done. Now it's time for phase 2.
Victor: He wants you and I to work together to bring down billy boy and to stop this from being published.
Nick: Look, if the article's done and ready to go, what is it you think I can do?
Victor: Alright. I guess I have to do this... on my own. Uh... I will do everything in my power to defeat that bastard, okay? Billy boy abbott will not get away with this. When migraine strikes,
Abby: [ Voice breaking ] I was pregnant... five years ago. But I had a miscarriage.
Chance: I'm so sorry. I-I had no idea.
Abby: It almost broke me... psychologically and emotionally. I didn't know how to move on after that. I thought that if I got pregnant again that it would bury the pain. But it was a mistake. It was too soon. And you can't just get over a heartbreak like that.
Chance: Sweetheart... I can't imagine.
Abby: I don't think about it that often. But at the same time... I don't want to forget her. And when you started talking about children, it just kind of brought all that back for me. I was married at the time to a great guy who was a military veteran, just like you.
Chance: So, I'm pushing every single button by bringing this up.
Abby: What can I say? I have a type.
Chance: I don't mean to pry, and if you don't want to answer, you don't have to, but... is the reason that your marriage didn't work 'cause of your baby?
Abby: That was a big part of it.
Chance: I promise no matter what difficulties we face down the road... we'll get through them... together.
Abby: Yeah, well, you know, um [Chuckles nervously] That's all I really have to say about that, so, um, yeah. I better --
[ Chuckles nervously ] I better get back to work.
Chance: Do you want me to stay?
Abby: No. No. No. You have a lot going on, so, um, I'll talk to you later, okay?
[ Chuckles nervously ]
[ Cellphone rings ]
Chance: What did you find out? Okay. That's not good.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Billy: Chelsea?
Chelsea: Billy. Thanks for picking up.
Billy: Sure. What can I do for you?
Chelsea: I really need to talk to you.
Billy: About?
Chelsea: About the article you're about to publish that would ruin my family's life.
Billy: And how do you know about that?
Chelsea: It doesn't matter. What does matter to me, though, is my son. This is gonna affect his life, too, billy. I mean, how could you stoop so low?
Billy: Well, I think it's low using your son as a human shield. But then I shouldn't be surprised, right? It's not the first time in your life that you've taken the low road.
Chelsea: This isn't about the past, billy.
Billy: No, I'm talking about a few days ago, when you claimed to be in the office, wanting to talk about a publicity deal for your new fashion line.
Chelsea: That has nothing to do with this.
Billy: Right. I just happened to find you puttering around the office... looking for a pen and paper to leave me a note saying hi. Not exactly our vibe, chelse.
Chelsea: I don't know why you're fixating on that. We really need to talk about the matter at hand.
Billy: The matter at hand...
[ Click ] The matter at hand is that adam has always brought out the worst in you. But that's not exactly today's news, is it? You want some advice, chelsea? You want to protect your son? You keep him as far away from adam as you possibly can.
[ Clatters ]
Chelsea: You know adam is a good father.
Billy: There's nothing good about him. Now, if you don't mind, I have a very busy day ahead of me.
Chelsea: "Signal lost."
[ Groans ]
Phyllis: Yeah. So, you just had to take christian to the ranch, even though I told you not to. Is now a good time to say, "I told you so"?
Nick: Dad thinks vick may be working with billy to take down adam. And according to dad, that means she's working against him and everything else newman.
Phyllis: Wow. I'm impressed with victoria. I mean... but that's between your sister and your dad. Has nothing to do with you. It's your prerogative to stay out of it. You know that.
Nick: This article could blow wide open at any minute, which means I have to decide if I'm gonna get involved or not. And I'm worried that the blowback from it about dad could affect victoria and make life difficult for her. But [Sighs] If she's working with billy to put it out there, that's something she must have already considered.
Phyllis: So, what are you gonna do?
Billy: I am so sorry. I am wholeheartedly sorry. That was not my information to share with anyone.
[ Sighs ]
Amanda: Well, it's okay... because it's not that big of a secret anymore anyway.
Billy: But, still, it was not my place to share your personal life to make a point on a business conversation.
Amanda: Well, we can agree on that.
Billy: You okay?
Amanda: I don't know.
Billy: Well, if you want to talk about it, I proou is goa go in here and stay there for eternity.
Amanda: [ Chuckles softly ] Well, you probably will regret that offer, because I'm feeling pretty messed up right now.
Billy: I won't regret it.
Amanda: I-I just want so desperately to know my sister. I have been watching endless clips of "gc buzz." But I'm never gonna be able to look into her eyes or hold her hand. And I did what you suggested. I-I went and I met with people who knew hilary. And, yeah, they told me a lot about who she was, but I will never be able to ask her one single question about her life. So it makes me feel empty, and all of this was supposed to make me closer to her, but... I just feel now this profound sense of... loss.
Billy: It's not fair... on any level.
Amanda: [ Sighs ] I just feel angry, and I just feel cheated. Where can a healthier heart lead you?
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Mariah: Hi. Who are we avoiding? A health inspector? Phyllis? You know, I know it's usually a person behind the bar doing the listening, but I could fill in if you need a friendly face.
Abby: Are we friends?
Mariah: I don't know.
Abby: But we're not exactly enemies, right? I mean, we did go dancing together not that long ago.
Mariah: Yeah. That was surprisingly fun. I don't exactly know how to define you and I, but I'm not really big on labels anyway, so why don't you lay it on me?
Abby: Chance and I just had a difficult conversation.
Mariah: Oh, no. Are you guys okay?
Abby: It's not trouble between us, per se. It's just... it's me [Sighs] Wondering if I'm ready to be a mom.
Chance: I've got bad news.
Adam: So do I.
Chance: You first.
Adam: Alyssa is still alive and well. And, apparently, she's written a pretty damning article about me, though I can't say for sure what's in it, but I'm guessing that there might be a paragraph or two about vegas.
Chance: More than a few paragraphs, based on the call I had today with one of my sources. Alyssa showed up with a bunch of questions. Doesn't sound like she talked to anybody that was directly connected. Seems like you were successful in keeping those people from talking. But she was able to gather enough information to make an educated guess about what happened.
Adam: Is there any way that you could get one of your old g-men buddies to block this thing from going public?
Chance: No. And I wouldn't ask them to do anything illegal.
Adam: See, you're not back on the force yet, chance. You don't have to wear the white hat.
Chance: I would like to think that I've always worn the white hat... although I'm probably fooling myself. Look, adam, the fact is... the clock is running down and we're gonna have to face whatever's coming head on.
Adam: Well, we will deal with whatever happens next. Oh, chance... if I had to do it over again... I wouldn't change a thing.
Chance: [ Sighs ]
Billy: I think you have every right to feel the way that you do because you have lost the chance to know and love your sister.
Amanda: And it feels even worse because of who she was -- this brave and fearless woman. I hear stories about her skewering a guest on live tv...
[ Both chuckle softly ] ...And just some of the risks that she took, the enemies that she faced down -- it hits home to me how different we really are. And I wonder if it's because of how differently we were raised. My foster parents -- they did their best to love me and make me feel taken care of, and I was in the most basic way. But I always knew those foster homes were temporary, so I had to be perfect. I had to get straight "a'S." I had to be respectful. I had to be respectable.
Billy: That is a lot of pressure for a kid.
Amanda: But it just -- it makes me wonder if hilary felt this freedom to just be who she was because she didn't have those worries. You know, she was raised with the unconditional love of her mother.
Billy: I don't know, but I'm really sorry that you didn't get that as a kid.
Amanda: [ Voice breaking ] I can't stop thinking about why rose chose to keep her... and not me.
Billy: I don't think you can go there with that, amanda.
Amanda: Hilary and I were twins, so what's wrong with me?
Billy: There's nothing wrong with you. You were just -- you were a baby, and --
Amanda: Well, I was... trying to put myself in rose's shoes, and I just try to understand how she could have made that decision. I just -- how do you have two little girls and you choose to take care of one and just give away the other? It -- it... feels unfathomable. I've been trying to make sense of her choices, so I started speculating about possible scenarios.
Billy: And?
Amanda: What if she wasn't our biological mother? What if she was helping out another woman who was in an awful situation or what if she found us and she only had the resources to take care of one of us?
Billy: I think you might drive yourself a little crazy thinking about all this.
Amanda: Well, it's a little too late for that, so I did some digging, and I looked into the birth records at every hospital in evanston, and I found no record of hilary's birth.
Billy: Meaning?
Amanda: We were probably born outside of these hospital -- these two headstrong little girls who couldn't wait to come out into the world. The only difference is... hilary ended up with someone to call "mom" every day. Listen, I'm sorry. I, um -- I know that I sound crazy, and I-I don't mean to dump all this on you.
Billy: I am just happy that you feel comfortable enough to talk to me about it.
Amanda: And I'm the one that said that we need to stick to business.
Billy: I'm always gonna be here for you.
Amanda: Okay. I think... I got to get back to the article.
Billy: Yeah. Yeah. Just, uh -- just don't take the teeth out of it, okay? 'Cause if we do that, then... what's the point?
Amanda: Billy, are you really willing to risk a fatal lawsuit just to stick it to the newmans?
It's totally normal to have
constipation with belly pain,
Traci: It did occur to me that mother was that girlfriend, the girlfriend of the G.I. That bought the necklace.
Jack: The last thing this family needs is another long-lost relative.
Traci: [ Chuckles ] No long-lost relatives. Just a lost necklace. I quickly realized dina couldn't possibly have been the girlfriend. I mean, I did the math. The dates don't line up. She just wasn't old enough to have a boyfriend who served in world war ii.
Jack: But how did she get ahold of the necklace... if it is the same necklace and not another imitation?
Traci: I have no idea. You know everything I do now.
Jack: I wonder if maybe dad gave it to dina as a gift. He did have a penchant for... grand, romantic gestures, and god knows a beautiful gem with lots of history is a perfect gift for dina.
Traci: Yeah. That's very true. But if that was the case... what happened to the necklace? Why didn't dina ever wear it again?
Jack: And more important than that, why did she want us to see that home movie? Was it really because of the necklace, or are we chasing our tails here and has nothing to do with anything?
Traci: I just don't know. But I will say it was lots of fun chasing down the mystery of the teardrop.
Jack: That's what it's called?
Traci: [ Chuckling ] Oh. The teardrop of love.
Jack: I love it.
Traci: [ Chuckles ]
Jack: No, I-I think this is an intriguing, romantic story, but I want to know what happened to this necklace, and I want to know if mother was part of it.
Abby: Losing my baby was heartwrenching, and the thought of losing another one -- I-I don't think I could take it. And, on the one hand, I don't want fear to keep me from trying to have a family again, but, on the other hand, what if i wouldn't even be a good mom?
Mariah: Oh. Let me stop you right there. You're good at pretty much everything you set your mind to, and I doubt parenting would be any different. Plus you would have the most stylish kid in town.
Abby: Mm. You might be right about that.
Mariah: I have no experience at all in the mom thing. But I think on some level, for every woman, there's -- there's doubt and fear in that decision. Listen, I understand being scared. I've lived a lot of my life that way, letting it dictate my decisions, but... you can't stop yourself from doing the things that you want just because you're scared. And if you want a baby and a life with chance, then I'd say go for it, no matter the "what ifs."
Abby: You know, when I think about a life with chance and mini abbys and chances running around [Chuckles] It makes me happy -- like, really
[Laughing] Happy.
Mariah: Then nothing should hold you back.
Chelsea: I'm glad you're home. I've been on the phone with a bunch of lawyers, but I haven't had any luck getting an injunction filed against billy or chanccomm. I just wish we knew what was in this article. Whoa. Are you okay? What happened with chance?
Adam: [ Sighs ] Well, let's see. According to him... it's probably all coming out. So... it's time to brace for the worst.
Chelsea: There's a still a chance that victor could come through.
Adam: No. I'm not even sure the old man could stop this train.
Chelsea: Whatever happens... we are gonna be okay.
Adam: [ Sighs ] Yeah, I know that we will. But I'm worried about connor. I mean, even at boarding school, he's eventually gonna hear all about it.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] There are some days I wish the internet didn't exist.
[ Sighs ] But I'm not gonna give up until this article is online. I also refuse to just sit around here and wait for the ax to drop.
Adam: What else can we do, though, short of kidnapping billy and lily?
Chelsea: You grab the rope. I'll grab the chloroform.
Billy: Well... mr. Newman. What do I owe the pleasure?
Victor: Billy boy. You know why I'm here, right?
Billy: Are you here to subscribe to one of our platforms? That office is just around the corner. Of course, I wouldn't advise getting the year subscription. You'll be behind bars by the time that expires.
Victor: You know that's not gonna happen. The one who will suffer is you when you publish this smear job, and your suffering will be long and agonizing.
Billy: Can I quote you on that?
Victor: You bet.
Chance: About before --
Abby: Hey. Can I just say this first? I want to set the record straight. I love babies.
[ Chuckles ] I love children, and... I love the idea of having them with you. But I have some fear and some doubt that I can't just swish away, so, for now, all I can give you is a "maybe... someday."
Chance: That's more than enough, 'cause I'll take every moment I can get with you... no matter what.
Phyllis: You haven't answered my question.
Nick: You're right.
Phyllis: Okay. Well, my guess is that... because you're not busting out of here to confront billy or... plotting some counterattack, you've made up your mind, right? You're not gonna do anything to stop that article, are you? Because inside... you're happy that adam's crimes are gonna be publicly exposed, aren't you? And you're happy... that all of this is coming out, aren't you?
Nick: Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Victor: You keep this up. I enjoy nothing more than wiping that smug smile off your face.
Billy: Hmm. This? I can't help this. No. I mean... this is -- is close to victory. And, believe me, it tastes great.
Victor: [ Chuckles ] Overconfidence and hubris -- two of your major flaws, billy boy. But you have a lot of flaws... one being climbing over people's backs... and then hurting those you claim to care about.
Billy: No, that sounds like you, victor, because you did this to yourself and your family when you started protecting that monster son of yours.
Victor: That is called protecting one's children. It's what one does as a parent, unlike you, who failed in that department.
Billy: Get out. Get out of here -- now!
Victor: You're gonna rue this day... for the rest of your life, billy boy.
Billy: [ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Cellphone chimes ]
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Lily: What did you just do?
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