Y&R Transcript Monday 9/28/20
Episode #11881 ~ Jack is skeptical about Kyle and Summer's relationship; Phyllis helps Amanda connect the dots; Devon and Elena turn up the heat.
Provided By Suzanne
Hilary: That's our time. Keep buzzing, and, most of all, be open and honest with each other.
Mariah: Amanda.
Amanda: Mariah.
Mariah: Are you watching old clips of gc buzz?
Amanda: I am. Is that against the rules around here?
Mariah: I don't have it in writing, but, yeah, kind of.
Amanda: Well, then I'm sorry.
Mariah: Am I gonna regret it if I ask why?
Amanda: Well, it turns out that hilary is my twin sister.
Mariah: That's a very good reason.
Amanda: You don't seem that surprised.
Mariah: I'll just say I have a deep understanding of the "long-lost twin comes to town" phenomenon. I have experienced it myself.
Amanda: Really?
Mariah: Yeah. It's a very long. But, uh, let me guess. You want to learn everything there is to know about hilary.
Amanda: Yeah, it's been tough. But devon has been a big help.
Mariah: How is he holding up?
Amanda: It's a process, but i really do think that this will be good for him.
Mariah: Yeah, it might be.
Amanda: Um, how do you feel about talking about your old partner? Because if there's anything that you'd like to share about hilary, I would love to hear it.
Elena: Hey.
Devon: Hey.
Elena: Sorry I'm late.
Devon: Oh, don't be. I just got in myself.
Elena: What's all this?
Devon: This is what I like to call a surprise.
Elena: I thought we were running errands.
Devon: Well, you have the day off, and it's beautiful outside. I just wanted to do something nice for you.
Elena: I mean, it's very thoughtful, and I appreciate it, but...
Devon: But what?
Elena: Is this really all for me?
Devon: Of course it is.
Elena: Are you sure this surprise lunch has nothing to do with you feeling guilty about amanda?
Kyle: We should go downstairs to see the revised marketing presentation.
Summer: Okay. Uh, one second. I'm just handling something really quick. Well, my mom wants to talk, which is a good sign. If we can get her on our side, then she can convince my dad that our engagement is actually a good idea.
Kyle: Well, I hope so.
Summer: Hey, I don't think it'll be that hard to convince your dad that we're doing the right thing. I mean, he's always been really supportive. So, when do you want to tell him our big news?
Kyle: I don't think we should tell him.
Summer: I mean, that moment that you gave me the ring made of cherry stems -- kyle, that was perfect, and I really don't need anything more. I've never been happier than i was that night, and I just want to hold on to that feeling forever.
Lola: Hey. Um, I am just calling to -- can you pass by the restaurant when you get a chance. Uh, I would really appreciate it. I'm gonna be here all day. Thanks. Yawns "okay okay, I'm up, I'm up!"
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Summer: Um, what's up with not telling your dad?
Kyle: I said we shouldn't tell him. I want to do it on my own.
Summer: Oh.
Kyle: It's father/son thing. A rite of passage. Two men sitting down to have a conversation. You probably think it's old-fashioned, but that's how i want to do it.
Summer: Yeah, I do think it's a little old-fashioned, but it's also kind of adorable.
Kyle: Well..."adorable" wasn't what I was going for.
Summer: Well, too bad.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
Summer: Alright. I will give you space, and I am sure that you can handle jack all by yourself.
Jack: Handle what exactly?
Summer: Hey, um, no. We were just talking about the, um, the marketing presentation. Um, we think that you might have some issues with it.
Jack: Is that so?
Kyle: Not big problems. But you'll want to tweak a few elements.
Jack: Well, for the record, i have seen your presentation, and I think it's spot-on.
Summer: Well, what a relief.
Jack: Yeah, you both did great work.
Kyle: Thank you.
Summer: Um, yeah, your feedback means a lot to us, so...
Jack: Well, I'm glad to hear that. But your partnership has been very successful.
Kyle: We just want to make you proud.
Jack: Well, you've done that, but why do I get the feeling you're buttering me up for something? What are you two up to?
Devon: I mean, this has nothing to do with anyone but you. Why you giving me that look?
Elena: I'm gonna give you this look until you come clean. And a look is all you'll be getting.
Devon: Okay. Alright. This has a little something to do with amanda, 'cause ever since she found out that she's hilary's sister, I know that all my time and my energy's been taken up.
Elena: Really? I hadn't noticed.
Devon: Yeah. I just thought we could come out here, we can eat, we can enjoy the day, and not talk about amanda or hilary. How's that sound?
Elena: It's a start.
Devon: It's a start? Okay. What's the rest gonna cost me?
Elena: It depends.
Devon: On what?
Elena: What's for lunch?
Mariah: Hilary hired me as her assistant at gc buzz. I was excited. I'd never had a job like that before.
Amanda: Was she a good boss?
Mariah: That's not exactly how I would describe her.
Hilary: Let me just give you a little, tiny bit of advice. Confidence is 90% of the game. So if you hesitate, if you're self-conscious, or if you have a second of self-doubt, it will be a disaster. So I suggest that you just walk away now before you get laughed out of town, because we all know that's exactly how it's gonna go down.
Amanda: I thought you two were friends.
Mariah: We were.
Amanda: She verbally abused you.
Mariah: The fun part is it wasn't just verbal.
Amanda: What?
Mariah: Yeah. And it got worse from there.
Hilary: I won't make that mistake ever again. And I'm taking back everything that is mine.
Mariah: Hey! Get off of me!
[ Exhales sharply ] You little bitch!
Amanda: I don't understand how you two were friends.
Mariah: Well...
Amanda: And don't tell me that it's complicated.
Mariah: Oh, "complicated" doesn't even begin to describe it. The thing is, I never backed down. And I think hilary respected that. We fought and we fought and we fought. And then suddenly one day we were friends. It's crazy how things like that work.
Amanda: Do you think that maybe you were friends because you were so similar?
Mariah: No. No. Hilary had her stuff together, and I am much less composed. Once I got to know her, she was fun and giving. Just a great person. I miss her. I miss my friend.
Hilary: I've always been tough on you. I've never given you credit for how -- how good you are.
Mariah: Did you just call me "good"? Really? How many drugs do they have you on?
Hilary: I'm not high, okay? I'M...being honest. The fact is, I've always been jealous of how great you are on the show. Just a natural. But now I'm just proud of you. I know you can carry the show.
Mariah: Of all the times someone has told me that they're proud of me, hilary saying it meant the most. I really earned it. So if the two of you are twins, how did you get separated?
Amanda: I am still trying to piece that together. It looks like our mother took hilary home to evanston, and i was left at a fire station in madison.
Mariah: You're the one that was left behind.
Amanda: Excuse me?
Mariah: You were the one that didn't get to be a part of the family. That's exactly my story. And as someone who has been there before, let me give you some advice. Actually, let me give you a warning. Where can a healthier heart lead you?
Mariah: Whatever happens, whatever you find out, don't beat yourself up.
Amanda: I don't think that that will be a problem.
Mariah: I was an adult, more or less, when I found out about my twin. She died in an accident, too. Cassie. She was 14.
Amanda: Wow. She was just a kid. I'm so sorry.
Mariah: It's a strange mix of emotions. Grieving over someone you've never met.
Amanda: I feel this intense sadness because I never got to know hilary. And then when I think about her dying, more sadness.
Mariah: I certainly hope you don't go through what I did or, more importantly, act like i did. But if you need someone to talk to, I'm pretty easy to find.
Amanda: I appreciate that, mariah.
Mariah: Well, I have to go unpack the rest of that stuff, but, like I said before, you know, I'm not the only one that can talk about hilary. And I know devon is a great resource, but you might need to give him a break every once in a while.
Amanda: Who would you recommend?
Mariah: Well, you could talk to the person who gave hilary her first big break in this town.
Kyle: Sorry, dad, but we're not up to anything. We don't have the time. You work us too hard. We would love to be plotting and scheming, but there aren't enough hours in the day. Speaking of, I'm late for yet another meeting. Oh, but I would like to circle back and talk to you about something later?
Jack: Oh, yeah. I got a busy day, but I'll text you my availability. Is this about marketing?
Kyle: Not at all. Something bigger.
Jack: Ooh. I'm intrigued.
Summer: Bye.
Jack: So I know you guys are working a lot of hours. Is -- is that about me working you too hard?
Summer: No, no. We love working at jabot. I mean, that's why we put in the long hours. No one's making us do anything.
Jack: Well, good. You seem happy. In fact, you seem radiant.
Summer: Thanks. Mom said the exact same thing the other day.
Jack: Well, your mom would know.
Summer: I don't know. I think it's just me thinking about kyle and our future together and -- I don't know -- I feel lighter. I feel like I'm walking on air.
Jack: Young love. I'm telling you, if we could bottle this and sell it, we could make a small fortune.
Summer: You know, jack, love isn't just for the young. It also works for...
Jack: Are you trying to say "old people"?
Summer: No. For the young at heart. That's the phrase I was thinking of.
Jack: I think that's a polite way of saying "old people."
Summer: No. Okay. We both know that you are not old, and there are dozens -- no, I'm sorry. There are hundreds of attractive and available women in genoa city who would kill to go on a date with jack abbott.
Jack: Well, this may not be the perfect time, as many hours as I'm spending here. When I get home, I have to look after dina.
Summer: Maybe you're working too much.
Jack: Yeah, maybe I am. Why are you suddenly so interested in my love life?
Summer: Yeah, well, I've known you a long time, and i guess I'm used to seeing you with a beautiful woman on your arm and a little bounce in your step.
Jack: And I'm not quite bouncy enough for you these days?
Summer: No, that's not what I mean. I just know you, and you -- you love to be in love. It makes you happy. I want to see you happy... and a little bouncy.
Jack: Well, thanks. Easier said than done. It's hard to find the right woman.
Summer: I don't know, jack. I think she's out there. And when you find her, hold on tight and don't let go.
Jack: Hey.
Summer: Hmm?
Jack: Thank you.
Mariah: Hey. I came as soon as I could.
Lola: Thank you for coming.
Mariah: Yeah, well, you're not much of a caller. You're more of a texter. So I took that as a red flag. And I really hope this conversation is easier than my last.
Lola: Um, I just wanted to give you an update.
Mariah: Theo?
Lola: Yeah.
Mariah: What did he do now?
Lola: Well, it's not what he did. It'S...what I did that matters.
Mariah: What did you do?
Lola: I dumped him.
Mariah: Did he cry? Oh, please -- please -- tell me his pompous ass cried when you broke his heart. Did you record it? Because if you did, I really, really want to see it, and i want to send it around to the universe.
Lola: I'm going to say no to all of those things.
Mariah: Mm. You know, except for the part where you broke up with him, this is a very disappointing break-up story.
Lola: Alright. Well, there wasn't much to it. We just weren't working as a couple. And he was my friend, a shoulder to cry on, and then
[Exhales deeply] When we hooked up, things just changed. We just have a totally different approach to relationships. And I just wanted a clean slate while I wait for my divorce papers to come in.
Mariah: Are they on the way?
Lola: As we speak.
Mariah: I'm sorry.
Lola: Don't be. I'm over it.
Mariah: Yeah, of course.
Lola: It's just strange. You know... having your failure documented like that. It really makes you wonder what could have been.
Mariah: Well, do you still have feelings for kyle or...
Lola: No, no, no. I mean...
[ Scoffs ] He's with summer now.
[ Exhales sharply ]
Really with summer now.
Mariah: What do you mean?
Lola: Nothing. Um, it just feels like a lifetime ago that we were together. And I just want to leave it all behind, you know? Kyle, theo.
Mariah: Perfect. Leave them in the dust.
[ Chuckles ]
Lola: I want a fresh start. I want to move forward.
Mariah: Yes. Forward. I mean, forward is great. In my personal opinion, out of all of the directions, I think that "forward" is the best. So forward.
Amanda: I appreciate you taking the time to see me. I've heard from more than one person that you might have some insight into what my sister was like. I know that this is an unusual request, so thank you.
Jack: Well, I, uh, hope that I can help.
Amanda: You're already being so generous. We haven't -- we've never actually spoken.
Jack: No, we haven'T. But I can tell you this. I think your sister would want me to talk to you, and I'd do anything for hilary.
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Jack: I met hilary when she was about to leave town. She had had it with genoa city. And somehow we convinced her that she should stay.
Hilary: Neil gave me your card. He suggested that I get in touch with you.
Jack: Wait a minute. You're -- you're hilary.
Hilary: Oh, he told you about me?
Jack: Yeah, he did.
Hilary: Well, there you go. That's why I didn't bother calling.
Jack: I promised neil I would meet with you.
Hilary: Did he tell you everything?
Jack: I trust neil. And I owe neil, and he probably figured if someone needs a fresh start, that I would understand.
Amanda: So neil recommended her for a job, even though she spent weeks gaslighting him.
Jack: Neil was a unique fellow. He had -- he had this gift for seeing other people's point of view. He could understand her grievance. He knew she was a good person. And the, of course, he eventually fell in love with her.
Amanda: So you hired her solely based on neil's recommendation?
Jack: Oh, no, no. I hired her because she was very talented and very driven. Very eager to prove herself. And somehow I identified with that.
Amanda: A real go-getter, huh?
Jack: She made go-getters look like couch potatoes.
Amanda: So you primarily had an employer/employee relationship?
Jack: Nah, it was more than that. We started friendly, we became friends. She didn't let her guard down easily. But once she knew, once she trusted me, I think she looked at me as a confidant.
Hilary: I convinced myself that with force, with my will, i could just make anything happen. But when -- when -- has that ever been true in my life? I've had to fight for every single good thing, and why would this be any different? It's not fair, because there are people that are out there and they get pregnant by accident. And I-I did everything right, and now I have nothing to show for it. Oh, my god. And I have to start all over again. Oh!
Jack: I don't know if that's the kind of information you needed, but that's how i remember your sister. Hilary was solid, controlled, professional, tough on the outside. Once she got to know you, once she got to trust in you, she was beyond generous. And she was -- she was vulnerable. And I miss her.
Amanda: Thank you.
Kyle: Hey.
Mariah: Hey.
Kyle: What are you doing here?
Mariah: I'm getting my oil changed, you know? I always visit nice restaurants for my automotive needs.
Kyle: Yeah, sometimes you are impossible to talk to.
Mariah: Oh, thank you for the compliment.
Kyle: Mm. I only wanted to see if you came here to eat or to see lola.
Mariah: Uh, a little bit of both.
Kyle: So she is around? I wanted to talk to her.
Mariah: Oh, uh, wait. She's not in there.
Kyle: But you just said that she was here.
Mariah: Yeah, she had to pop out to go to the farmer's market by city hall. Something about needing grapes for the salad.
Kyle: I'll just catch up with her later.
Mariah: Why do you want to see her?
Kyle: I'm only here to get my tires rotated.
Mariah: Nice. Touché.
Kyle: The truth is -- I don't know if she told you, but we're expecting our divorce papers soon.
Mariah: Yeah, I did hear something about that.
Kyle: I'm glad she has a support system to help her through this. You, rey, theo.
Mariah: Well, not theo anymore.
Kyle: What was that?
Mariah: Hmm? Nothing.
Kyle: Is she and theo on the outs?
Mariah: No. No. Uh, well...
[ Clears throat ] Yes. Yes. Fine. Yeah. They, um -- they broke up, but I'm not gonna give you any of the details, because, honestly, the ones that lola gave me were very, very boring.
Kyle: I just hope she's not too upset.
Mariah: Do you care?
Kyle: Just tell her I stopped by. You know, just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean i don't worry about her. I'll always be protective of lola. I'll always care about her.
Mariah: I know, kyle. I'll, uh -- I'll tell her you stopped by.
[ Footsteps depart ]
Phyllis: Hey, you! It's good to see you.
Amanda: Thank you for seeing me.
Phyllis: Of course. I feel like we've been missing each other for forever.
Amanda: Yeah, I know. I have a lot going on. But I am almost singularly focused on learning more about my sister.
Phyllis: Your sister?
Amanda: Yeah.
Phyllis: Hilary? Oh, my god. I want to know everything. Tell me everything.
Amanda: I will. But then I'm gonna need something from you. You're strong.
Phyllis: I'm sure this is hard for you in the sense of, you know, "how could it happen?" But um... listen, it's not a shock to any of us. You know, any of us who saw your face, we suspected.
Amanda: Yeah, now that science has weighed, it feels like a relief.
Phyllis: Some certainty in uncertain times. That's not all bad, right?
Amanda: No, no. Not at all. But with that certainty comes hundreds of questions.
Phyllis: Yeah, I bet. What questions do you have?
Amanda: I know that my mother's name was rose. I know all the questions that i have to ask. It just feels overwhelming.
Phyllis: Yeah. I bet it does.
Amanda: What I need to do is learn more about who hilary was. That's why I'm here. I was thinking that you might be able to help me.
Phyllis: I hope I can. I-I really do.
Amanda: Okay, well, let's just start with, um... how well did you know my sister?
Phyllis: [ Inhales, exhales deeply ] Very well. Very, very well. Listen, I was closer to hilary than -- than I was my actual sister.
Amanda: I-I didn't even know you had a sister.
Phyllis: Yeah. I do. I don't talk about her much. We're different. But hilary and I... kindred spirits. We bonded right away. We're both sort of outsiders and troublemakers.
Amanda: Outsiders? You?
Phyllis: I know. What a shock. I am an outsider. I've lived here for forever, and I still don't fit in. Hilary and I, um, we -- we made enemies easier than we did friends, and that bonded us.
Amanda: So your propensity for making enemies is what helped make you friends?
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. I didn't think of it that way, but yeah. Definitely. We're both women who saw what we wanted and we went after it.
Amanda: Do you have any stories?
Phyllis: A million. Let me see. Um, one time she came to my place, and, um... are you okay?
Amanda: Yeah, no, I'm -- I'm fine. It just feels overwhelming, like I said. Let's not talk about hilary right now. Alright? Let's talk about you. How are you doing?
[ Lock clicks ]
Elena: I think we can open two more clinics in the next six months.
Devon: Yeah?
Elena: Yeah. Nate is sure that we can get enough doctors. So all we really need is the right space and the right support staff.
Devon: That sounds amazing. Just let me know what I can do to make that happen.
Elena: We're doing such good work. We're helping kids and families who don't get enough medical care.
Devon: I love that.
Elena: Well, yeah. I think everyone loves helping people.
Devon: Yeah, but I love watching you talk about you talk about your work, 'cause your face lights up. You get this little twinkle in your eye and a smile. It's just like that one. It's very, very sexy.
Elena: [ Chuckles ]
Elena: Well, I feel the same about you. When you talk about new hope or hamilton-winters, you get all excited. Just like you said, it's very sexy.
Devon: Really?
Elena: Yeah.
Devon: Well, you know, I am planning on, uh, expanding the music division and, uh, restructuring the business-affairs department. Does that sound sexy?
Elena: Very.
Devon: Does it? Mmm. I think I'd like to go home now.
Mariah: Hey. You just missed kyle.
Lola: I know.
Mariah: Oh, what? Did you smell his cologne? It tends to linger, doesn't it?
Lola: Um, no. I saw him, but I made sure that he didn't see me.
Mariah: He came here to talk to you.
Lola: What did he want?
Mariah: Something about divorce papers.
Lola: Yeah, I'm sure he wants to get them signed as soon as possible. I know he's ready to move on.
Mariah: Hey, I know what you need.
Lola: I don't even know what I need.
Mariah: But I do. So, you know, it's lucky that I'm your good friend.
Lola: I don't know what you're talking about.
Mariah: Let me ask you this. Do you trust me?
Lola: No.
Mariah: Oh. Well, that makes it a little more complicated. But, still, I know what you need.
Kyle: Dad? Dad.
Jack: Oh. Sorry. I didn't see you there.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Where were you just now?
Jack: Uh, thinking about an old friend.
Kyle: A trip down memory lane?
Jack: Something like that. So, uh, what is it you want to talk about? You said it wasn't marketing, so is this sales? I know you had an issue with our european strategy.
Kyle: No, not at all. It -- it's not about business at all.
Jack: Oh. Okay.
Kyle: Matter of fact, when you guessed summer and I were trying to butter you up, you weren't too far off.
Jack: I knew something was going on. Is everything alright?
Kyle: Everything's great. That's just what I wanted to talk to you about. Summer and I -- we're so much in love that... we got engaged.
[ Chuckles ]
Jack: You got engaged? I don't know what to say. How about "congratulations"?
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Amanda: My head is spinning from all of this new information. But listening to people talk about my sister -- I mean, even saying that, "my sister," it's so strange. I feel this sense of sadness.
Phyllis: Because you wish you would have known her.
Amanda: Yes. But even if she wasn't my sister, I just want to meet this person that I am hearing so much about.
Phyllis: She was one of a kind.
Amanda: There was a lot of pain there, you know? Underneath all of that toughness and bravado was some sadness. Maybe I could have helped her. You know, if we had connected, if we had got to know each other, I could have helped her through some of those things.
Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't -- don't do that to yourself. Don't go down that road of "what ifs." It's a rabbit hole... alright? You -- you leave the past in the past.
Amanda: But I want to learn more about my family history.
Phyllis: Of course you do. But, I mean, and, honestly, that's understandable. But don't you dare compare yourself to hilary. That's a trap.
Amanda: I doubt that that will be a problem.
Phyllis: Good. It probably won'T. Yeah, I just know what it's like with sisters, even when they're gone. You're you. You're not one half of a whole. You're a singular person... and you are incredible, amanda.
Amanda: Thank you.
Phyllis: You focus on moving forward.
Amanda: I will.
Mariah: Girls'...night...out.
Lola: That's what I need? A girls' night out?
Mariah: Yes! You're damn right, it is. You know, you, me. We'll call up a couple of friends, get them in on it, have a few drinks, make a bad decision here or there. I mean, pure, unadulterated fun. Or adulterated fun, if you'd prefer. Oh, come on. Come on. You know you want to do this.
Lola: Alright, alright. I'm in.
Mariah: Yes! This is gonna be so much fun. I promise.
Lola: You know what? You're right. I need some fun.
Kyle: I thought you supported my relationship with summer.
Jack: I do support your relationship. I don't understand the rush down the aisle.
Kyle: I doesn't feel like we're rushing. We're committed. The time feels right.
Jack: You are still married to lola.
Kyle: That is a small obstacle.
Jack: Ask your attorney if that's a small obstacle. Do -- do nick and phyllis know about this?
Kyle: They do.
Jack: And they're okay with it?
Kyle: It's a fluid situation.
Jack: I have a feeling I know what that means. Look, we all want to be thrilled for you and summer. What is the rush?
Kyle: We're ready. We're moving in together.
Jack: Yes. That's a move. That's a move that does not require a wedding. Kyle, you want people to respect your decision as an adult decision, so show some restraint. Show some patience. You two have waited a long time. You have been through a lot together. What's a little more time?
Hilary: That's our time. Keep buzzing. And, most of all, be open and honest with each other.
Oh, oh mm ooh, ooh-ooh You came into my life you took me by surprise I never thought I'd find someone like I never thought I'd find someone like you The sky has opened up I finally see the sun I've never known a love like you now I believe Oh, I believe In love again You let me in these are the moments I'll never forget All this time, I've I've been waiting for this moment ooh
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