Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/24/20

Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/24/20


Episode #11879 ~ Elena confesses to Nate; Phyllis keeps the peace between Nick and Summer; Chelsea and Adam plot against Billy.

Provided By Suzanne

Billy: Where is she? The reporter from kansas -- where is she?

Adam: How would I know?

Billy: She suddenly disappeared, adam, and you're the only one that would benefit from it.

Adam: You got this crazy idea that I'm involved with a woman's disappearance, and then you barge in my home and ask me what I've done with her? I mean, I don't even know what's worse -- being accused of a crime or being that stupid.

Billy: Well, you're capable of so many things. She's a small-town reporter, man. She's no threat to you. Your fight's with me.

Nick: Over my dead body.

Phyllis: Okay, relax.

Nick: There is no way kyle's gonna drag summer into another disastrous marriage, not after the way he hurt her the first time.

Phyllis: I get it. I get it. Don't you think you're being a little rigid?

Nick: Nope. Being sensible.

Phyllis: Alright, just take a minute. Just take a breath.

Nick: Tell me -- how did you really feel when you found out about it? Were you like, "hey, this is great news, let's throw a party"? Don't answer that because I know you feel the way I do -- that this is only gonna lead to heartache and misery and a waste of time and eventually another divorce. That's why you and I -- we have got to be unified when we talk her out of this.

Amanda: [ Crying] I'm sorry, nate.

Nate: No, I -- I think it's a beautiful thing.

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] What? Makeup running down my face?

Nate: No. You with your heart so full. You made a connection with your sister, amanda, and devon was able to help you get there.

Amanda: It was pretty magical, like he was there with hilary again, just reliving those moments.

Nate: So, how did the two of you leave things?

Amanda: We made plans to see each other again.

Nate: And devon's on board with that?

Amanda: Yeah. He wants to do this for me.

Elena: Thanks.

Devon: Well, it means a whole lot that you've been so understanding about me seeing amanda -- and about everything, really. I just want you to know that.

Elena: I knew it's what you felt you needed to do.

Devon: Well, I-I wish I would have handled things differently and had a conversation with you when I decided to help her out so I could have explained why i changed my mind instead of just texting you when she was already here.

Elena: Devon --

Devon: And I want to say -- I want to say I'm sorry 'cause i should have trusted you to understand.

Elena: But you didn'T. And I think we both know the reason why.

Adam: You're going for moral outrage, which -- it's not really a look you can pull off, billy.

Billy: No, I know you two were friends when you were kids. That's why I'm here.

Adam: Yeah, we were close, but that was a long time ago.

Billy: Yeah, and then you screwed her over. You used her just like you use everyone else, fed her a bunch of lies so she'd run with the story.

Adam: Wait a minute. This is actually -- this actually does sound familiar now. Chance mentioned that she came back to town and she was trying to dig up some information on me.

Billy: Yeah, right, right. Right after, right after you burned her.

Adam: But chance mentioned she was interested in the time that we spent in vegas. You wouldn't know what she was looking for, would you?

Billy: Oh, if I did, I would not be telling you.

Adam: Well, rumor has it she's taken some meetings with you about it.

Billy: Is that so?

Adam: I'm starting to think the two of you might be cooking something up.

Billy: Where is she? What did you do with her?

Adam: I-I have no idea.

Billy: You're lying, adam.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Prove it.

Billy: Hmm.

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Devon: I couldn't be more sorry 'cause the last thing i wanted to do was to hurt your feelings. I mean that. It's just this -- this entire situation with amanda has really surprised me.

Elena: Yeah.

Devon: It's not even that she's hilary's sister 'cause from the minute she told me she wanted to get the dna test, i kind of figured deep down it was true. It's the reality of the whole situation. It's just -- it's what it means. It hit me a lot harder than i expected it to.

Elena: And I don't blame you. I know how deep this runs. All I'm saying is it affects me, too...

Devon: I know.

Elena: ...Because I love you and I want you to feel comfortable talking to me about anything.

Devon: You're the single most important person in my life.

Elena: Then let me in. Whatever it is, whatever you're feeling, let me be there for you. You told me that talking to amanda was cathartic for you. What did you mean by that?

Devon: I don't -- I don't -- I wouldn't know where to begin. It's -- a lot came up when amanda was here. There's a whole lot of memories.

Elena: Then tell me. Tell me everything.

Amanda: I finally understand what devon must have thought when he saw me for the first time. I was a living reminder of everything that he lost. No wonder the guy hated me.

Nate: Hey, hey, no. Devon never hated you, amanda. He just wanted to move on, for life to go on. And the hardest part -- we all have to eventually figure out how to move on with things.

Amanda: I know you lost your fiancéE.

Nate: Carolyn.

Amanda: You never talk about her.

Nate: Mnh. It's not the sort of thing you just casually drop into a conversation.

Amanda: Well, if you're gonna listen to me go on and on about my life, the least I can do is offer you the same opportunity. So I mean it. I want to be that person for you.

Adam: So, alyssa's room was empty? That's all you got?

Billy: She wouldn't have packed up and left without letting me know.

Adam: Yeah, because the two of you are so close?

Billy: No. Because she knows you. She knows what your capable of, and she wants the truth to come out just as much as I do.

Adam: Billy, you wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and it bit you. You're just using me and my family as clickbait for your new media company, the one your mother gave you.

Billy: Is that supposed to wound me, adam?

Adam: At least jill had the good sense to not let you run it alone. She brought in lily to cover you.

Billy: See, I see it happening. You know, you think you got everything handled. But you're scared to death. And you're spiraling out of control.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] Did you become a shrink, billy?

Billy: Unfortunately, I just know you all too well. Your armor's cracking, adam. And you thought you were gonna get away with it, and you've gotten away with it for a really long time. I mean, you committed murder at 11 years old. Yeah, I know about A.J. Montalvo. I know how your father covered up, how he's been covering up for you ever since. Time's up, you smug son of a bitch. You and your father are guilty as sin, I'm gonna prove it, and I'm gonna tell the world. My derm just let me in on her little anti-aging secret-

Phyllis: Okay, listen, we can argue about this all we want, but summer -- she's a grown-up. She makes her own decisions.

Nick: Eh, sometimes she's a grown-up.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Oh, god. She doesn't need our permission to marry kyle.

Nick: [ Sighs ] What would you have me do? Do you want me to just pretend to be happy about it, to go along to get along? Is that what you're doing now?

Phyllis: No, that's not what I'm doing. I wasn't happy when I saw that ring around her neck. But I listened to her. I'm just asking that you do the same.

Nick: She does not need to go back into a marriage with kyle, alright? Period. Now, she's gonna say no, that this is years in the making, that is it the greatest love story of all time.

Phyllis: What if it is? I mean, did we ever listen to anyone?

Nick: I don't want our daughter to go through what we did, to have her life turned completely upside down by this guy who has a less-than-stellar track record.

Phyllis: In other words, you want her to know what we know now. Life doesn't work like that. Love doesn't work like that.

Nick: What do you expect me to do?

Phyllis: I just want you to be the amazing, understanding, sensitive man that you are. That's it. And then you'll know what to say. Okay?

Summer: Okay, um, we've all had a chance to calm down. So, yes, I am engaged to kyle. Can we please talk about this like mature adults now?

Amanda: So, what was your fiancée like?

Nate: Smart, beautiful, strong.

Amanda: Sounds a lot like my sister.

Nate: No, they weren't alike.

[ Both laugh ] Not really. Carolyn was quieter, more reserved. Uh, we had, uh, all these plans, you know? Things we were gonna do -- kids. We were gonna go the distance and grown old together. And then, well...

Amanda: You must have loved her very much.

Nate: We had a -- a deep connection.

Amanda: Kind of like devon and hilary?

Nate: Based on the time i spent with the two of them, yeah, I think so.

[ Both chuckle ]

Amanda: You were hilary's doctor.

Nate: Yeah. I tried to save her, save the baby. There was just, uh, so much damage. It haunted me for a long time. And, uh, for a while, uh, i thought I wouldn't be able to save devon, either, from his grief, um...

Amanda: Well, I want you to know you are a really good friend to devon.

Nate: As his friend, as his family, there is, um... something I need to tell you.

Adam: You've got nothing, billy.

Billy: Yeah? You want to put a wager on that?

Adam: Uh, no, because I know you can't handle gambling.

Billy: Uh, no. You know you're gonna lose.

Adam: You wouldn't be in my house shooting your mouth off right now if you had the goods on me.

Billy: If you're so confident, tell me where the reporter is, adam.

Adam: And we are back to that, huh?

Billy: You want me to take a wild guess? Okay, this is what I would say. I think you're scared and you're desperate and you would do anything to save your lousy skin and it doesn't matter who gets caught in the crossfire, right? So be it.

Adam: You want to come after me, then come after me, billy.

Billy: Too bad for them because that's all you do.

Adam: Why don't you stop talking and do something about it, billy?!

Chelsea: Stop! Stop it! Please!

Billy: I can see it, man. You're losing it.

Chelsea: Both of you, stop!

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me long before

Devon: It was a little awkward 'cause amanda had all these questions for me about hilary and wanted me to describe her and I didn't really know where to start.

Elena: Is that when you turned on gc buzz?

Devon: Yeah. Yeah, 'cause I figured her getting to see hilary on that show was gonna be better than anything I could have said. And then she asked if I'd watch an episode with her, and I did. And when she saw her, amanda lit up 'cause it was like meeting her sister for the first time, you know?

Elena: How about you? Were you happy, sad?

Devon: It was a little bit of both. It was pretty up and down, but for the most part, it was positive. It just reminded me a lot about hilary, reminded me that she was a force that took on the world. And it reminded me of how talented and how funny she was. I don't know. I think maybe this -- this whole situation with amanda has been a test. It's god's way of showing me that I have moved on. And even though it brought me back to some old feelings, it also brought me forward to where my life is now, and that's with you.

[ Smooches ]

Nate: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry about that.

Amanda: It's not a problem. Nate, I am well aware of the need to be sensitive with devon about hilary. And I think that I've done that.

Nate: I believe you. I also believe sharing these memories of hilary is a good thing for both of you.

Amanda: But?

Nate: [ Sighs ] There may come a point where this becomes a problem for him.

Amanda: I just told you --

Nate: You -- you weren't there when he sat alone night after night staring off into space thinking god knows what. Hilary's presence was everywhere. It hung over him like a shroud. I know what it's like to lose someone you thought you'd spend the rest of your life with. It's hard to understand if you haven't experienced it. It got so bad, it nearly drove him and elena apart, and I do not want to see her have to go through that again.

Amanda: You're very protective of her.

Nate: Her and devon.

Amanda: Well, I have no intention of hurting either one of them. I just want to learn more about my sister. And maybe if I do that, then i might learn a little more about my past, too.

Nate: I know your heart's in the right place.

Amanda: I will be careful. I promise.

Nate: And -- ohh.

Amanda: And you have to get back to work.

Nate: The clinic's late shift is about to start, and patients will be walking in, in a few minutes.

Amanda: Well, I did enjoy getting to know you better.

Nate: I hope I didn't scare you off.

Amanda: Not a chance.

[ Door opens and closes ]

Phyllis: [ Clears throat ]

Nick: You know that I love you, right?

Summer: I love you, too.

Nick: I'm just trying to figure out where you're coming from.

Phyllis: We want you to be happy.

Summer: Well, I am happy. You guys, I have never been happier. What kyle and I have right now -- I mean, it is -- it's like a dream come true, really. He is the kindest, most thoughtful, most supportive man I know, both professionally and personally. We respect one another. Like, if I had to imagine a perfect relationship, I mean, this -- this is it.

Nick: What?

Phyllis: What? Huh? Nothing. Carry on.

Nick: I would be remiss as a father if -- I sound like a lawyer, don't I? Okay. Relationships aren't perfect, kid, okay? And, uh, the way you're describing yours is like this romanticized version of reality that you have somehow convinced yourself and talked yourself into, and I --

Summer: I haven't talked myself into anything.

Nick: Well, it wouldn't be the first time, right?

Phyllis: Nick, um --

Nick: Yeah. It wouldn'T. Remember austin? Remember him?

Phyllis: Oh.

Summer: Really? Come on, dad.

Phyllis: Oh, wow. Okay. Here we go. Austin?

Nick: Yeah, you barely knew him. He had trouble written all over him, you married him, and then he cheated on you.

Summer: Okay, but that's unfair. Kyle is nothing like that.

Nick: Really? The same kyle who asked you to be a liver donor to the woman he was really in love with and he married you in exchange for that?

Summer: I should have expected this kind of reaction from you.

Nick: I just -- I don't know what you want from me. Do you want me to pretend to be happy about it and say, "congratulations, here's to a happy life"?

Summer: Yeah, well, we are gonna have a happy life.

Nick: Is kyle even divorced yet?

Summer: What? It doesn't even matter, dad. It's a piece of paper. It doesn't mean anything.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Summer: Mom, come on, please.

Nick: Yeah. Come on. Are you gonna back me up on this or what? So, the story with depression...

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Phyllis: Well, this is good, constructive.

Summer: Seriously?

Phyllis: Yeah! Yeah, yeah, we're talking, exchanging ideas, listening.

Nick: Okay, okay, can we just stop? Stop.

Phyllis: What?

Nick: Tell your daughter how you really felt when you heard about the engagement.

Phyllis: I -- I was not happy. You know that.

Nick: Are you listening?

Phyllis: And I thought that you were taking, um, a big step way too soon.

Nick: Which is exactly what i said.

Phyllis: Okay. In a nicer way.

Summer: You both are such hypocrites. I mean, all those concerns that you were telling me that you have about me and kyle -- they weren't even about me. They were about you and dad and you two getting back together and what that meant for you. And I'm sorry, but kyle and I -- we are not you two. What I believe is that kyle and I have been through some of the worst stuff that life can throw at you. And somehow we have managed to come out of it better and stronger and more in love than ever before. I mean, you saw how solid we were, and then you jumped on board right away. And you -- you offered to build us a house so we could live in it together. Is it because you -- you expected kyle to do something terrible before we even got that far? Did you really expect my relationship to crash and burn? Is that what you were secretly hoping for, for us? Wow. You know what? That is really good to know.

Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You sit down. You are not leaving.

Nate: Hey.

Elena: Hi, nate.

Nate: Elena, can we talk for a second?

Elena: We are talking.

Nate: [ Sighs ] You told me how concerned you were about devon spending more time with amanda. So, did you talk to him about it?

Elena: He reassured me that everything is fine.

Nate: See? I told you. You had no reason to worry.

Elena: Guess not.

Nate: Amanda was here earlier. She said things went well with devon.

Elena: I imagine your girlfriend appreciated finding out about her past.

Nate: I realize how complicated the situation is.

Elena: Well, it sounds like amanda's doing just fine.

Nate: I meant for you. Before you went to devon's, i offered to help you stay grounded. Even though you didn't quite accept, it still stands. So tell me -- how are you doing?

Elena: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: Adam's already told you. He doesn't know anything about alyssa leaving town.

Billy: Okay, well, that settles it because you're always speaking the truth.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Chelsea: That was wrong, billy. Bringing your fight with adam into our home? Connor could have overheard you.

Billy: Well, you're right to start protecting connor because when this story comes out, you're not gonna want him to hear who his father really is and all the things that he's ever done.

Chelsea: Yeah, well, connor is headed to boarding school soon, so I'm not really concerned how this story's gonna affect him -- or any of us, to be honest with you.

Billy: I don't believe you, chelsea.

Chelsea: Everyone will see this for what it is. It's a small-time reporter trying to use adam and the newman name to make a name for herself, not to mention none of it's true.

Billy: That's a desperate spin.

Chelsea: You know, you are just out for revenge. And you're trying to use your fancy new toy, chanccomm, to get it. Well, I'll tell you what you're gonna get if you publish these lies. You're gonna get lawsuits and bankruptcy. Everyone is gonna lose, billy, especially you.

Billy: I'm sorry for you.

Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] I don't need your sympathy.

Billy: Yeah, well, you will because you're gonna defend that son of a bitch with your life, even as he destroys it. He's always been your worst decision, chelsea. And it makes me sad.

[ Door opens ]

[ Door closes ] Where can a healthier heart lead you?

Phyllis: Were you secretly hoping that your daughter's relationship would crash and burn and end in misery and heartbreak?

Nick: Of course not.

Phyllis: Of course not. And you -- do you believe that your father wants you in a loving, responsible, nurturing relationship with the man you love?

Summer: Yes.

Phyllis: Yes. Yes. There. That's easy, right?

[ Sighs ] Listen. Relationships are tough. They're tough. And they're real easy to get into, but they take work to maintain, and you -- you, summer, are impulsive.

Summer: Okay. I don't --

Phyllis: And it's not all your fault because you got it from me and I am the queen of instant gratification. Your father and I have the scars to prove it.

[ Sighs ] And please stop telling us to stop worrying about you because

[Voice breaking] When you have children, that's what you sign up for. You worry about your kid. So deal with it. And just because we support what appears to be a responsible, uh, strong, mature relationship between you and kyle, don't get upset at us because we cease to want to throw you a parade over an engagement that you failed to tell us about. And you know what, nick? I mean, you were younger than kyle when you got married to sharon, right?

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Where'd that come from?

Phyllis: I mean, well, it's just history. Just go with it. It's fair. It's fair. But you were just as certain about your feelings for sharon as kyle is about his feelings for summer. And it wouldn't have mattered what anybody said. In fact, I think your mom was against it.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: But it didn't matter to you.

Nick: No. The opposite.

Phyllis: The opposite. Exactly, exactly.

[ Sighs ] Oh. So, um, listen. It's a miracle that we're all

[Voice breaking] Here together. It is. I mean, you know that life can change on a dime. We've all experienced that. So let's just sit here together and love each other and... and celebrate all the joy and love there is. And let's just wrap our arms around that, okay?

Elena: You're worried about how this is affecting me?

Nate: Elena, listen --

Elena: After you set this whole thing in motion, after you convinced devon to resurrect his past with hilary and spend as much time with amanda as it takes for her to understand who her twin was, now you're wondering how it's going? Well, devon claims that he's fine. But his whole world just got turned upside down again.

Nate: I told amanda there had to be limits to what she asked of devon.

Elena: Oh. Well, then I guess there's nothing to worry about anymore.

Nate: [ Stammers ]

[ Sighs ]

Adam: You alright?

Chelsea: I tried to convince billy it was a mistake to run alyssa's story.

Adam: That didn't work, did it?

Chelsea: He's more determined than ever to come after you.

Adam: Yeah. Well, let him try it.

Chelsea: I wish I had your confidence.

Adam: Hey. I told you. I'm handling this.

Chelsea: Why do you have to handle it by yourself?

Adam: Because, chelsea, all of this, all of this -- it's my mess. It's my problem.

Chelsea: Which makes it my problem. Don't you remember? We agreed to share everything, vowed to be in this together. I don't need protection.

Adam: I know that, chelsea.

Chelsea: Then why are you shutting me out now? Adam, please. Not knowing is killing me. I'm begging you. I promise you I can handle it. Just tell me. Did you make alyssa disappear? Little theo's nose had cause for alarm.

Summer: Look, I know that i have made a lot of mistakes in my life. But if there's one thing I've learned from you, it's that your mistakes don't have to define you. And you have had a lot of ups and downs in your personal life, too. But you've always been a really great dad. You always lived your life your own way. You were always your own man, no matter how hard grandpa tried to get in your way. And I don't know if I've ever said this before, but you're my hero, dad, and I really am so proud to be your daughter.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Summer, you are an amazing daughter who I am crazy about. You're my supergirl. And all that stuff about embracing love and joy that your mother said -- I want that so bad for you with all of my heart. But I cannot pretend to be okay with this, this engagement. I...

Summer: No, that's o-- that's okay. I understand.

Nick: Summer, I just --

Summer: No, you -- um, I have to go. Kyle's waiting for me.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Elena: [ Clears throat ] Nate? Look, I know I shouldn't have taken this out on you. You are in an impossible situation. You love devon, and you're involved with amanda.

Nate: And I care about you, too.

Elena: I'm fine. Really. And devon and I are gonna be okay.

Hilary: What the hell, devon?

Devon: I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you were --

Hilary: You knew that I was gonna go try my dress on.

Devon: I know, I didn't think you were gonna do it in here. This is an office. It's not a dressing room.

Hilary: Uh, okay, well, then you must have some business to take care of, instead of staring at me?

Hilary: Nail -- neil is my husband, and he needs me. But I see you, and --

Devon: What when you see me?

Hilary: [ Breathes deeply ]

Devon: You make me happy, and I want to dedicate the rest of my life to making your happiness my first priority. So, no more sacrifices, no more putting things off. Just please say yes and tell me you will be my wife.

Hilary: Yes.

Devon: Yeah?

Hilary: Yes.

Devon: Yeah?

Hilary: Yes. Of course I'll marry you.

Devon: [ Laughs ]

Hilary: [ Laughs ]

Devon: Come here.

Devon: Your engagement ring... and your eternity band. Eternity.

Hilary: Some things just... they don't last forever.

Devon: You sure?

Hilary: Mm-hmm.

Devon: It took?

Hilary: It took.

Devon: So you've been trying to tell me all that you're actually, properly pregnant?

Hilary: Mm-hmm.

Devon: And I was too busy.

Hilary: Mm-hmm.

Devon: I'm sorry.

[ Laughs ] This is amazing.

Hilary: Yeah, I -- I couldn't agree more.

Devon: Oh, my god. [ Laughs ] You're -- it's a baby.

Hilary: It's our baby.

Devon: [ Sighs, chuckles ]

Hilary: You want to marry me in the hospital?

Devon: Hilary, you've changed my life. And I just want to be by your side, and I want you and the rest of the world to know that that's where I'll always belong.

Hilary: Devon...

Devon: I want to help you recover as your husband. We can make it official, and then have a big party to celebrate with everyone when you're out of here and you're feeling better.

Hilary: Oh... that would be great.

[ Gasps ]

Hilary: What are you waiting for? Put it on my finger.

Devon: [ Chuckles ]

Hilary: Thank you for the most beautiful wedding day. It's more than I could have dreamed of.

Devon: And now for the perfect wedding night.

Hilary: I'm just happy that i get to spend the rest of my life with you.

Adam: Just to be clear, are you asking me if I hurt alyssa?

Chelsea: I won't let this become something it isn't, where you assume I'm gonna think the worst of you. I love you. I support you, no matter what. I'm your partner in every way, including this, especially this.

Adam: I have been worried that billy was getting too close to corroborating alyssa's story. I couldn't let that happen.

Chelsea: What did you do?

Billy: Can I get a scotch, neat, please?

[ Cellphone ringing ] Alyssa? Are you okay? Where have you been? Yeah. No, no, that's all great. I just -- [ Sighs ] I wished you would have told me that you had left. I went up to your hotel room to give you some information and i found it empty and of course I -- I thought the worst. Hell, yeah, I'm ready to run the story, as soon as we have the proof. Please send it to me now.

[ Sighs heavily ] Well [Sighs]... Adam, this is for you... your day of reckoning... long overdue.

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