Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/23/20
Episode #11878 ~ Victoria questions Chance about his past; Devon honors Hilary's memory.
Provided By Suzanne
Abby: Well, that is the face of a man who's trying to solve the world's problems single-handedly.
Chance: Hi. Sorry about that. Just -- was just thinking.
Abby: Okay. Lay it on me. Two heads are better than one.
Chance: I just can't get it out of my mind. The heart-to-heart that I had with adam.
Abby: See, that's your first problem. Adam doesn't have a heart. So, what were you two discussing?
Chance: I'll give you three guesses.
Abby: Vegas? Did something else happen with that reporter?
Chance: There's a distinct possibility it that might.
Abby: Cryptic. What does that mean?
Chance: It means your brother has become dangerously unpredictable.
Chelsea: Did billy say anything interesting while I was gone?
Adam: No. But I think victoria just showed up at his office.
Chelsea: Turn it up.
Victoria: You got my text?
Billy: I did. It sounded urgent. What is it?
Victoria: Well, I have some information for you to pass on to the reporter -- your reporter -- provided that she's interested in expanding the scope of the story on adam.
Billy: If you've got more dirt, please pile it on.
Victoria: Adam doubled dad's dosage of medication, which almost killed him.
Billy: And pinned the whole thing on you. And then when your dad didn't want to press charges, there was no way to know if adam was involved.
Victoria: What if I've got someone close to the case who might talk.
Billy: Don't tell me dear old dad had a change of heart.
Victoria: No, no, no. But it's someone who knows exactly what went down, who might be willing to spill if the price is right.
Billy: Are they willing to go on the record?
Victoria: How is this for a headline? "How a son would stop at nothing to try to kill his own dad"?
Billy: I'm hooked already. Tell me what I need to do to get that into print.
Nate: Hello? Anybody here?
[ Door closes ] Oh, so you're here.
Elena: In the flesh.
Nate: Didn't hear me calling out?
Elena: I was...in the middle of something.
Nate: That's a relief.
[ Chuckles ] For a minute, I thought you were trying to avoid me.
Elena: Well, if I was, could you blame me?
Nate: Elena, listen. I know you're still blaming me for everything that's going on with amanda right now.
Elena: It's just an occupational hazard for doctors, right? We see a problem, we need to fix it. Give amanda the family she never had and give devon a chance to talk to amanda about the sister she lost. It's what we do.
Nate: And then there's you.
Elena: Me? I'm fine.
Nate: Are you?
Elena: Even if I weren't, what could you possibly do for me?
Nate: Now that you mention it, there is something I need to tell you --
[ Cellphone dings ]
Elena: Hold that thought.
Nate: Everything okay?
Elena: That was devon. He's with amanda. Let me guess. That's what you were gonna tell me. That the man that I love is with his dead wife's twin and I'm the last to know about it. Wow. So you left me out of the loop. You have a really one-sided way of helping people out.
Devon: Ready to give this another shot?
Amanda: Absolutely. But I have to say, devon, I'm -- I'm pretty surprised to get your call.
Devon: Well, I know you still have a lot of questions about hilary, so...
Amanda: Yeah. I don't even know where to begin. Billy's been helping me sort through some of the facts, checking into the birth certificate. But there is a lifetime of things that I want to know and i want to learn, so thank you.
Devon: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Half of that thanks, though, goes to nate.
Amanda: Why? Did he twist your arm?
Devon: No, no. He didn't have to, really. As, uh, as difficult as some of these memories are to relive, i really want to do this for you.
Amanda: He's a really good man.
Devon: He is. Yeah. I-I also didn't want you to get the wrong idea about why i turned you away at first. It's, uh -- it's just 'cause losing hilary was probably the most difficult thing I've ever had to go through in my life. And when you started asking questions about her and wanted me to describe her so that you can get a better understanding of her, I just -- I felt the need to take a big step back as a form of self-preservation.
Amanda: I understand. Really.
Devon: But when we lose people that we love, I don't think that their memories should weigh us down. People always say, "let the memories be a blessing," and i think that's exactly what they should be. They should remind us of all the good times and the laughs and the love, and that's just what i want to share with you.
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Chance: I tracked down adam at the motel, thinking I'd be a good samaritan, trying to get him and chelsea back together. It turns out I was behind the curve on that one.
Abby: They're back together? That's great news, right?
Chance: I thought so. But then things took a turn. I asked him what he thought we should do about the reporter digging up information on what we did in vegas. He just shrugged me off.
Abby: What did he say?
Chance: Something along the lines of "chance, it's taken care of."
Abby: Okay, well, that's never good when adam says something like that.
Chance: I asked him what he meant. He just shut me down.
Abby: So he's taking matters into his own hands?
Chance: Sounds like it.
Abby: Did you try to talk him out of whatever he has planned?
Chance: I don't even think he has anything set in stone. What I do know for certain is he does not want me involved.
Abby: Because he knows that you'll hold him accountable.
Chance: I told him as much.
Abby: And what did he say to that?
Chance: "Good to know."
Abby: Look, chance, if adam gets arrested for whatever he has planned, what happened in vegas, it will come out and your reputation will be ruined.
Chance: I know. Whatever kept he and I tight before is now a thing of the past. He won't listen to me. He won't let me help. The thing is, if I don't know what's happening, then I can't not only protect myself... but those that are the most important to me. Abby, I'm not gonna sugarcoat this. This could all go down the drain. And fast.
Chelsea: Victoria's bluffing. She has to be. None of the newmans would speak out against you in the press. Victor would disown them.
Adam: Okay, but then it has to be somebody that's outside of the family.
Chelsea: But who?
Victoria: This is our chance to finally ensure that adam suffers the consequences of his actions.
Billy: I agree. So let's get to work. Who's the source?
Victoria: The pharmacist who helped adam tamper with dad's medication.
Billy: Is he willing to go on the record?
Victoria: She. And let's just say she's not really a big fan of adam since she's lost her job, her credentials, her everything since was doing adam's dirty work.
Billy: This could be gold.
Victoria: Oh, trust me, it is.
Chelsea: Billy cannot get hold of that information.
Adam: I'm not sure we have time to stop him.
Chelsea: Well, we have to try. This whole story is blowing up. I can't believe victoria is at the heart of it.
Adam: Oh, I am not surprised at all.
Chelsea: Feeding information to billy, billy funnels it to alyssa. She's out for blood.
Adam: Yeah, well, maybe i need to be out for blood, as well.
This is hal.
Nate: Elena, I never meant for things to go down this way, and I certainly never meant to hurt you.
Elena: Yet here we are. Do I even get to know how this happened?
Nate: [ Sighs ] I went to devon's to get him to dig deep and figure out whether to help amanda or not. The last thing he wanted to do was put your relationship at risk by dwelling too much on his past with hilary.
Elena: Funny way of showing it.
Nate: He already shut her down a couple times.
Elena: So why couldn't you respect that? Because he made it very clear to amanda that he couldn't help her anymore.
Nate: I saw how disappointed she was. And since I'm the one who encouraged her to get that dna test in the first place, I felt responsible.
Elena: Well, congratulations. You convinced devon to change his mind. I hope she appreciates all the meddling you do on her behalf.
Nate: Amanda deserves to know everything she can about who she is and where she came from.
Elena: There are plenty of people in genoa city who knew hilary. She could take to any of them.
Nate: Come on. What they can tell her isn't remotely comparable to what devon can share with her. And I have to believe this would be good for him, too.
Elena: What about me? Because I have been nothing but honest, understanding, and patient. And where has that gotten me? Taken for granted and left in the dark. But I guess that's fine, right? As long as devon and hilary's twin get to put all of her pieces back together again.
Nate: I know how you must feel.
Elena: No, you don't know how I feel.
Nate: I'm trying to do what's best for everyone involved, including you.
Elena: How could this possibly be any good for me?
Nate: Finding out amanda was hilary's sister stirred up a lot of emotions for devon. If he tries to suppress them by avoiding her, this could be bad for his mental health, which would impact your relationship.
Elena: Your specialty is surgery, not psychiatry.
Nate: Look, I know this is putting you in a really bad place right now, but you won't be there for long. As soon as amanda learns about hilary and her history --
Elena: You know, this sounds a lot like, "once amanda finishes with katherine's will, things will go back to normal." Or, "once amanda's back on her feet after her abusive boyfriend goes to jail, maybe she'll leave town." Or, "once amanda and nate get together, smooth sailing from there."
Nate: So what? You love him. But you're ready to walk away because things are rocky right now? What do you want?
Elena: I want respect... and consideration.
Nate: He isn't trying to do anything on the down low. He sent you a text probably the first chance he had.
Elena: You send a text when you're running late or when you're asking to pick something up from the grocery store, not when you're taking a walk down memory lane with your late wife's twin.
Nate: You're his priority.
Elena: Am I, nate? Because what I know is devon invited the identical twin of the woman he used to love into our home, and all I got was a text message. Does that seem fair to you? Does it seem right? Because it's pretty clear to me who his priority is. And it's not me. Not anymore.
Devon: I remember the first time that I realized I was falling in love with hilary. You actually probably don't want to hear this at all.
Amanda: No. No, no. I-I do. I-I want to hear everything, mainly because I'm pretty sure she would have spared no details with me, talking all night on the phone about the guy that she fell for, how happy he made her.
Devon: Yeah. I have no doubt.
Amanda: I want to know what you saw in her, what everybody else missed. Hell, I want to know what made her laugh the loudest.
Devon: [ Chuckles ]
Amanda: I want to know what movies made her cry. I want to know what songs she sang in the shower, as weird as that is.
Devon: It's not weird at all. And, uh, actually, let's -- let's start with this.
[ Cellphone pings ]
Amanda: Now, what's this?
Devon: Uh, that is a website where you can access every segment of gc buzz. I know you told me that you watched it before.
Amanda: But that was before i knew that we were related.
Devon: Honestly, nothing can compare to seeing her in action like that. 'Cause you can -- you can turn those on, watch how she just takes control of the show with a single look. You know, you get a sense of how she carried herself and how she walked and her sense of style, charisma.
Amanda: Mm. I'm sure she had a lot of that.
Devon: Yes, she did. She was definitely a star, and people gravitated towards her. I used to joke, actually, and say, "thank god that she was one of a kind, 'cause if there was another person like her in the world, we would all be in trouble."
Amanda: Oh, well...
Devon: I mean, yes. And her personality was -- was unique.
Amanda: I'm -- I'm sure it was.
Devon: Yeah. When she walked into a room, man, it was like somebody turned on a spotlight. She was just the center of attention.
Amanda: I'm sure she loved every minute.
Devon: She sure did. But, uh, but she also knew how to, uh, how to get under people's skin. And she had a knack for -- for rubbing people the wrong way sometimes.
Amanda: Mm. How did she handle that?
Devon: She would fight back a lot, sometimes to her own detriment.
Amanda: So I guess being argumentative kind of runs in our family. I-1 channel that tendency into my work as a lawyer, but I guess she found her own path.
Devon: Yeah. It never bothered her, though, when people disliked her, 'cause she -- she knew what she wanted out of life, and she never let anybody or anything get in her way.
Amanda: A force to be reckoned with.
Devon: Absolutely.
Amanda: I'm sure that kept things interesting between the two of you.
[ Chuckles ]
Devon: Yeah.
[ Chuckles ]
Amanda: Devon, ignore that question. That is way too personal. I'm sorry.
Devon: No, it's not at all. It's completely fine. Our, uh, our relationship was pretty fiery. Um, when we would disagree, it could get pretty ugly, mostly 'cause we were just so damn stubborn. I remember one time, we -- we broke up, um, over something that, looking back on, just didn't even matter, 'cause we were unable to admit that we were wrong. But, you know, we -- we loved each other so much that we ended up getting back together.
Amanda: It sounds like what the two of you had was very powerful.
Devon: Yeah. Um, if things had been different, we would have spent our whole lives arguing and making up.
Amanda: And I would have been her confidante. I would have made sure that she calmed down and she worked it out with you.
Devon: I could see you doing that.
Amanda: This has been perfect, and I think that you have given me so much, devon. But, um, can I ask you for one favor more?
Devon: Yeah. Ask away.
Amanda: Would you watch an episode of her show with me? I'm gonna be seeing her through new eyes, but I want to see her through your eyes, too.
I'm jimmy dean and ah...
Chelsea: This could spiral out control fast.
Adam: Yeah. It could.
Chelsea: There has to be something we can do.
Adam: There is.
Chelsea: You have an idea? What is it?
Adam: The less you know, the better.
Chelsea: Come on, adam. You're not gonna tell me what you want to do? We're partners. We're a team in everything in life. Everything that we do.
Adam: I know, but not with this. Just trust me.
Billy: So, how do I thank you for the information?
Victoria: By setting things in motion. Want to make sure that adam gets a taste of his own medicine. I want him destroyed.
Billy: It's good to be on the same side as you again.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Do you mind me asking if you're okay?
Victoria: Yeah. Never better. Why?
Billy: Well, I just think the history of this story has got to be a little difficult. I mean, the truth is, we wouldn't be dealing with adam, he wouldn't be an issue if your father didn't treat his children like chess pieces. If he was just a regular father who treated his kids equally. But he's not. And he never will be. And I know I've said this a million times, but somebody's got to say it. He is just wrong, vic. And maybe if you would have just listened to me, maybe things could be different between us.
Victoria: Really? I-I mean, are you -- are you really this deluded?
Billy: Vic, all I'm saying is that --
Victoria: No, I-I know what you're saying. The only way that things could have been different between us is if you were different. But you're never gonna change. You're incapable of change. You're as entrenched in your ways as my father is. There are, like, three things that I can count on in this life, billy -- death, taxes, and you getting restless and undermining any chance that you've ever had of happiness and taking the rest of us down with you.
Billy: [ Sighs ] Well, don't be shy.
Victoria: Look, all I'm saying is that we're not friends. We're just allies. So -- so don't get sidetracked, don't get confused, and don't try to redeem yourself, because that's not gonna happen. It's not gonna happen. This is business.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: It's not personal.
Billy: Good. Got it.
Victoria: Good.
Elena: I didn't mean what i said about devon. I know he's doing his best, considering the circumstances.
Nate: So are you. You have nothing to apologize for.
Elena: I just hate being that girlfriend.
Nate: You're allowed to be angry and confused and unsettled. I'm not gonna let you kick yourself, but I can tell you, you have nothing to worry about.
Elena: Nice to hear. Hard to believe.
Nate: Why?
Elena: Because every minute he spends with amanda, old memories and feelings are getting dredged up. And what if -- whatever it is, just let it out.
Elena: Devon and I were -- are -- unshakable. We've been through the toughest times, which would have torn most couples apart. Losing neil, losing his inheritance, dealing with our crazy schedules, opening this clinic.
Nate: It hasn't been easy.
Elena: But I don't know. Now...it feels different.
Nate: What are you saying?
Elena: I don't -- I don't know what I'm saying or what I'm feeling. Just forget I said anything.
Nate: Hey, everything you're feeling is absolutely valid. But you have nothing to be afraid of. You know why?
Elena: Tell me.
Nate: One very important fact. You are not alone.
Hilary: Now, stay tuned to "the hilary hour," where we will keep you in the loop as this story develops. But in the meantime, keep on buzzing, gc.
Amanda: That is so surreal. That's my sister. My twin.
Devon: It's crazy, huh?
Amanda: How can a stranger feel so familiar? It's like watching myself. Just the way that she moves, the way that she laughs, the way that she holds herself.
Devon: Uh, it's remarkable.
Amanda: And you were so right about what you said before. She is bright. She is so quick, so confident. And when she -- when she speaks to the camera, it really is, like, you're the only person in the room. Like she's just having that conversation with you. It's like she's looking into your heart and she's saying, "I understand you." I see you and I hear you, and you are worth it. And you're not alone." Did she ever make you feel like that?
Devon: Well...
Amanda: Oh, devon, I'm -- I'm so sorry.
Devon: It's okay. You don't have to be sorry at all.
Amanda: Was this too much -- talking about her, watching her?
Devon: No. No, no. No, no. It's really -- it was -- it was nice, actually. I just wish that hilary was here, 'cause I know she would love every minute of it. I love it, too. Where can a healthier heart lead you?
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Nate: Elena... I don't want you to think for one minute that I don't care about what you're going through.
Elena: So, what would you suggest as my treatment, doctor?
Nate: The greatest threat to your relationship isn't amanda. It's your imagination. So to counteract that, I plan to keep you grounded, safe, and happy. I'm your secret weapon. Deal?
Elena: [ Exhales sharply ] I have to go.
Nate: Already?
Elena: Um, my shift's over, and the exam rooms are ready for patients, and someone should be showing up soon to cover the phones. So, we're good?
Nate: Yeah, but --
Elena: Great. I'll see you later. Thank you for everything.
[ Door closes ]
Amanda: This was incredible. Thank you so much for watching those shows with me.
Devon: Of course.
Amanda: I guess I'm gonna have to reconcile myself to the fact that there will always be questions that I won't have the answers to, like, "why did rose put me up for adoption?"
Devon: Yeah, that is a big question, isn't it?
[ Chuckles ]
Amanda: Why are you smiling like that?
Devon: Um, I was just thinking of all the hell you two would have raised together.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ] Right?
Devon: Yeah.
Amanda: I imagine, you know, what could have been, but I'm just really -- I'm thankful that you came around to help me and to talk more about her. And I know that it might have cost you a lot emotionally.
Devon: You know what? It was actually really nice. It was. So if you ever do want to come back and talk about hilary, I'm open to it.
Amanda: Are you sure?
Devon: Yeah, absolutely.
Amanda: Well, in that case, i am gonna take full advantage of your generosity.
Devon: Okay.
Amanda: I think I might learn probably about myself, too. Maybe we had more in common than I think.
Devon: Well, I will be there every step to help you. So you have my word.
Amanda: I feel like my life is just changing so fast and so quickly, and it's all thanks to you.
Devon: Hey, it's the least i could do. Just let me know next time you want to meet.
Amanda: Count on it.
Devon: Take care.
Amanda: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: Hi, chance.
Chance: I thought that was you.
Victoria: Oh, really? Well, I guess that explains why you were about to hightail it out of here.
Chance: Funny.
Victoria: How are you? How's my sister?
Chance: She's great. As a matter of fact, I just saw her.
Victoria: Oh, good. I'm glad to hear that. I don't know why I'd be surprised, though. I mean, you seem like you get along with all the newmans.
Chance: Well, I don't know about that. But I assume you're talking about adam.
Victoria: That is very good detective work. How is he these days?
Chance: You're probably in a better place to know that than I am. He and I don't talk much.
Victoria: Well, that's funny. I thought you two were close. I mean, there were your misadventures in vegas, and, um, not to mention when we were all mourning his death, you knew exactly where he was and what he was doing, and you never said a word.
Chance: I had my reasons.
Victoria: I just find it curious that you were willing to keep so many of his secrets but now you're just so nonchalant about going your separate ways.
Chance: That's all ancient history, I hope.
Victoria: Oh, is it? Really?
Chance: I'm not sure what you're implying.
Victoria: Well, you know, all I mean is that "ancient history" is just another way of saying "dead and buried." Is that really the case here?
[ Keys clatter ]
Elena: Devon... what is all this?
Devon: This is just a portion of what you deserve.
Chance: There's a danger of reading too deep into things. All "ancient history" means is I'm not gonna waste my time tying myself up in knots, worrying about what adam and I did. It's a long time ago.
Victoria: Well, there is no statue of limitations on regret.
Chance: Be that as it may, I prefer to live in the present. Especially when I have more important things on my agenda.
Victoria: Oh. Is it something that you can share, or is it top secret?
Chance: I'm up for a job with the gcpd.
Victoria: You? A police officer? Again?
Chance: Well, it can't come as much of a surprise to you.
Victoria: [ Scoffs ] I think it would be kind of a conflict, you know, morally.
Chance: Why would it?
Victoria: Oh, it wasn't that long ago that you started your own private-eye business. It wouldn't be a big deal if you broke a law or two along the way in the name of solving the case. But if you're gonna be a police officer, you're gonna have to be more accountable. You're gonna have to hold yourself up to higher standards.
Chance: I'm not sure what you're getting at.
Victoria: Well, to put it plainly, aren't you worried that being an officer of the law is gonna bump up against any of your prior activities?
Chance: If you're asking if i have any skeletons in my closet... don't we all?
Chelsea: Adam, what are you planning to do? I have a right to know.
Adam: Not with this, chelsea.
Chelsea: There is nothing i cannot or would not do for you.
Adam: I know that. And I love you for it.
Chelsea: Then don't shut me out.
Adam: It is because I love you that I need to do this on my own. And I know it might feel like I'm pushing aside, but I'm doing this for you. I'm doing it for us.
Chelsea: Tell me what this is, and I can help you through it. We can fix it together, as a team.
Adam: We are a team, aren't we?
Chelsea: The best team.
Adam: And you know that the most important thing for a couple is trust.
Chelsea: Just be careful.
Adam: Always.
Chelsea: I love you.
Adam: I love you, too. It's going to be okay. I promise. Yeah. It's me. Look, I need something taken care of. I need it done quickly and quietly. And I need it right now.
Elena: Is this all for me?
Devon: Yeah. Who else would it be for?
Elena: Where's amanda?
Devon: She left a long time ago. It's a good thing, too, 'cause you feel tense. I'll give you a massage right now if you'd like.
Elena: You don't have to.
Devon: I'd like to, though. It makes me feel good to make you feel good. I know how it makes you feel when I spend time with amanda, too.
Elena: How did it go?
Devon: It doesn't even matter.
Elena: If it matters to you, it matters to me.
Devon: Okay. It went great. She got a lot of answers.
Elena: But I want to know how stirring up those memories felt for you.
Devon: It was -- it was a little cathartic. It was nice to get those stories out there and know that it was doing someone else good.
Elena: I bet.
Devon: Listen, I'm literally the only connection that she has to hilary. Okay? I know that helping her isn't ideal, but it's not forever, unlike you and me. See... we're forever. I don't want you to worry about me. I don't want you to worry about us. I just want to get you out of these clothes and get you fed, get you relaxed, and get these knots out of you. Let me take care of you for once. How about that? You just got to trust that everything's gonna work out the way it's supposed to. Trust me?
Elena: I do.
Devon: Yeah?
[ Smooches ]
Amanda: Oh.
Nate: Hey! What are you doing here?
Amanda: I would hug you, but I think I'm gonna fall apart or maybe I will wake up.
Nate: Oh, so I take it things went well at devon'S.
Amanda: I don't know what you said to him to make him open up to me, but it worked.
Nate: Tell me about it.
Amanda: Well, we talked, and then we talked some more, and i could tell it wasn't easy for devon, but --
Nate: But he knew how important this was to you?
Amanda: Yeah.
Nate: So, what did you do?
Amanda: We watched an episode of gc buzz. And I laughed, and I tried not to cry. And I drank it all in. The more I got, the more I wanted.
Nate: Do you feel like you're starting to get a greater understanding of who hilary was?
Amanda: It was incredible. Listen, ever since I got to genoa city, hilary has been like this presence, this shadow that I could not get out from under. I hated that split second when I would meet somebody for the first and their jaws would drop and their eyes would widen just a little bit, and I would brace myself for the inevitable, "do you know who you look like?"
Nate: How a "uncanny" the resemblance was.
Amanda: But now it's all i want to hear. And I can say, "yeah. She was my sister." And I get to go on this unbelievable adventure to discover about her and about her life. And I also get to think about what our life would have been like if we had grown up together.
Nate: She would have always had your back.
Amanda: And I wouldn't have known what "alone" feels like. Everything that I missed -- the milestones, the birthdays, the graduations. Staying up late, talking until dawn. So it is a bittersweet adventure.
Nate: It has to be.
Amanda: But I am so beyond thankful to everyone for the stories that I've heard and everything -- everything that I've discovered. I'm so happy, nate. And it's just the beginning.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Nate: I'm sorry.
Amanda: Do you have to take that?
Nate: It's the hospital. Give me two seconds. Yes, this is dr. Hastings. Yeah, I saw her numbers. She made a vast improvement. I'll stop by the hospital later. Thanks. So, where were we? Hey, amanda, everything okay? Hey, what happened? Two seconds ago you were on top of the world.
Amanda: I am just so incredibly happy. This is everything that I never thought I would have, a dream too big to wish for. A child that I was, just bouncing from family to family, and now I get people of my own -- a twin and parents. And I know I don't know the whole story, but this is a pretty beautiful beginning.
Billy: Hey, alyssa, it's billy. I got some intel that's gonna blow your mind. This is the bombshell that we've been waiting for. So I hope you're decent. I'm heading up.
Chance: I'm usually pretty good at solving mysteries. Well, I'm gonna have to hand it to you. You got me stumped on this one.
Victoria: Meaning?
Chance: For the life of me, I can't figure out how we're talking about abby, and the next, you're questioning whether I have any conflicts of interest being a police officer again.
Victoria: Well, actually, we weren't discussing abby. We were talking about adam, but I guess the skeletons in your closet were making so much noise that you couldn't follow.
Chance: I don't have much contact with your brother anymore.
Victoria: Well, for abby's sake, I hope that's true.
Chance: You're questioning my integrity.
Victoria: I won't be the last. You better get used to it.
[ Footsteps depart ]
Billy: Alyssa, it's billy. Did you get my message? Alyssa? Hello? Alyssa?
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