Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/22/20

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/22/20


Episode #11877 ~ Victor offers Adam advice; Billy helps Amanda research her past; Phyllis and Nick talk about the future.

Provided By Suzanne

Phyllis: So beautiful. Makes me grateful to be alive.

Nick: Yeah?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Tell me what you're grateful for.

Phyllis: Oh. Tell you what I'm grateful for?

Nick: Yeah! Name like three things that you're grateful for. You know, think of it as a mental exercise.

Phyllis: Alright. I'm grateful for the weather, of course, and the park because it's so beautiful, and I'm also grateful that we got to spend time with christian today, and, um...

Nick: Nah, that's it. That's it. That's -- that's three.

Phyllis: Are you limiting my gratitude?

Nick: No.

Phyllis: I mean, 'cause I was also gonna say I'm grateful that I got to spend time with christian's father.

Nick: Boom! Right there. That's what I was looking for -- me. I honestly thought I'd be a little higher on the list, but I'll take it.

Phyllis: Well, you know, christian's pretty adorable.

Nick: He sure is.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Loved hanging out with him today. You know what? We should get all the kids together -- christian, summer, faith -- and just have, like, a -- I don't know -- like a barbecue or a movie night, maybe even this weekend.

Phyllis: Wow. You're, like, making family plans.

Nick: You started it.

Phyllis: I started it?

Nick: Yeah. You were talking about all the things you're grateful for. Well, I want to get together with the people I'm grateful for -- the ones I love. Think I want to make it like a weekly thing.

Phyllis: A weekly thing? Oh, my gosh. Okay. That's future. You're creating future.

Nick: Yes. I am. I've got some things I got to do, but then I'm gonna get to work on this. It's gonna be awesome.

Phyllis: I don't doubt it.

Adam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Well, the boy has used every pillow and piece of linen in this place. It's legitimately the biggest fort on record.

Chelsea: You think he'll clean it up before lunch?

Adam: Uh, probably not. No.

[ Sighs ] What, were you eavesdropping on billy again?

Chelsea: Yeah. It's actually not as exciting as I thought it would be. I thought there'd be more secrets, more intrigue. It's been pretty boring today. Lots of business talk. He hasn't mentioned your name once.

Adam: Well, that's actually a good sign. I don't want him talking about me. But I would assume alyssa's out doing the legwork for the killer exposé.

Chelsea: Which will never make the light of day.

Adam: I just wonder who he was talking to the other day. Lily? Seems like she would push back on something unsavory like this, but... I don't know. Maybe she has visions of all the click-bait profit they could get from this.

Chelsea: Stop. You're spinning out.

Adam: Mnh. Just considering all the angles.

Chelsea: I know, and I appreciate it. And we'll focus that at a different time, but right now, we have something much more important to address.

Amanda: Thank you for seeing me.

Billy: Of course. It sounded urgent. Is everything okay?

Amanda: Yeah. Um... I saw devon, and...

Billy: How was it? Was it better? I know that he was a little overcome with emotion and didn't really want to talk about hilary last time.

Amanda: It was a little better. He gave me a few precious items of hers.

Billy: Well, that's nice.

Amanda: Yeah, it was. It was -- it was very generous. Um, but...

Billy: But it's not really enough when you want to know everything about your twin sister?

Amanda: Exactly. And I would go to nate with this, but I just --

Billy: Well, nate's kind of stuck in the middle between you and devon and elena. And me -- I'm all yours. I mean, not -- I'm not all yours in that way. I mean as far as sides. I'M...

Amanda: I get it.

Billy: I'm on your side.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Devon: [ Sighs ] Come on in!

Nate: Hey, hey. How you doing?

Devon: What's going on, nate?

Nate: Nothin'. I knew elena would be at work. I, uh, just wanted to come in and check in on you. We haven't, uh, really talked since the news.

Devon: The news that amanda is hilary's twin?

Nate: Is there other news?

Devon: [ Chuckles ]

Nate: So, how's it going?

Devon: Elena is worried about me. It's weird for her. I'm trying to get her to realize that it's not gonna affect us, but, you know...

Nate: It's definitely weird.

Devon: Yeah. Yeah. It's definitely weird. And I know amanda has a million questions for me about hilary, but I had to draw the line with her.

Nate: It's overwhelming for her. It's confusing for elena. You're worried about everyone else. I asked about you. How do you feel about the situation? Hi sabrina!

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Adam: I know exactly what you're talking about -- this important matter we have to discuss. It's lunch. I'm starving.

Chelsea: Adam.

Adam: It's okay. I got it. I'm gonna throw some turkey, some provolone, and put it on some whole-wheat toast. I'll maybe even garnish it with a little cranberries.

Chelsea: Adam, I know what you're doing.

Adam: You're right. You're right. We don't even have provolone. You what I can do, though? I can call society, and they'll make it better than I can. How 'bout that?

Chelsea: Okay. Listen. I know you don't want to talk about it, but we agreed it's best to send connor to st. Mallory'S.

Adam: I'm not sure that we agreed on sending him there.

Chelsea: It's one of the best prep schools in the country, babe. It's perfect for him.

Adam: It's a great school. It's a great opportunity, but --

Chelsea: But with this huge fight that we're about to get in with victor and billy -- it's best that he's not here. He should be someplace safe, away.

Adam: It's just, chelsea... I was gone for so long, living away from the two of you. I've lost so much time with him.

Chelsea: But you're ensuring your son's safety, your family's safety.

Adam: I don't feel comfortable sending him to boarding school. It's very hard.

Chelsea: This is hard for me, too, but we have to talk to him about it -- today.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Okay. But not on an empty stomach. Okay? Let me pick up some food, and we'll tell him over lunch. I'll grab some of his favorite chocolate raspberry doughnuts, and that'll soften the blow.

Chelsea: Okay. Listen, maybe he'll be excited. It's all about the pitch. We'll just tell him it's an exciting new opportunity.

Adam: Mm-hmm. It'll be fun, exciting. Got it.

Chelsea: [ Breathes deeply ]

Phyllis: Hey! Hi!

Summer: Hi! Hi!

Phyllis: You look beautiful -- glowing, actually.

Summer: Oh, that's the new jabot line.

[ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: No, I think it's more than that.

Summer: Oh. Well, I just made an appointment at the spa for today, and I am so excited.

Phyllis: Good. You work hard. You deserve it.

Summer: So, how does it feel to finally be the sole owner of this place?

Phyllis: Ohh. Well, I should say, "triumphant." That's what I should say. But it was such a battle to get it that I just feel relief, really, and then I'm working so hard, so I have very little time to feel relief.

Summer: Well, maybe you should join me at the spa today.

Phyllis: I know. I should. I have invoices to go through and I have to get a new laundry service and blah, blah, blah, blah. Give me your membership card and I'll swipe it so you don't have to wait.

Summer: Oh, okay. Yeah. That actually sounds like a really good idea. Go to the -- sorry. Oops!

Phyllis: What is that?

Summer: What?

Phyllis: That around your neck.

Summer: Oh. It's just a necklace. I've had it for --

Phyllis: That's a ring. That's a ring. That's not the kind of ring that you hide. Oh, god. No, no. No. Oh, my eyes. That's an engagement ring.

Summer: Um...

Phyllis: That's an engagement ring.

Summer: ...Mom, kyle and I -- mom, we're so happy, and, uh, we didn't go public, so nobody knows.

Phyllis: What?! What?!

Summer: No one knows.

Phyllis: No one knows?!

Summer: But we're so happy, and it's perfect, and please be happy for me.

Phyllis: Are you out of your mind?!

Nick: [ Sighs ] Hey, dad.

Victor: Hey, my boy. How you doing?

Nick: I'm good. How are you?

Victor: I just had lunch. You care to join me?

Nick: No, I can'T. Uh, I had a meeting here earlier, and I forgot my credit card, so...

Victor: Oh. Well, had I known that... lunch would have been on you.

Nick: Maybe next time.

Victor: Yeah. So, who'd you have a meeting with?

Nick: Uh, jack.

Victor: You have that glazed look in your eyes, you know? That happens when you spend time with jack abbott. He's a bore.

Nick: [ Chuckles softly ] I'm gonna get my card.

Victor: Yeah. By the way, what did you talk about?

Nick: Uh, mostly just kyle and summer.

Victor: Oh. Kyle and summer. Well, they came by the ranch the other day. I told kyle what I thought about their union.

Nick: I'm sure kyle appreciated that.

Victor: I don't give a damn whether he appreciated it. I'm not very fond of that whole thing, you know? He's a married man. It's not good for summer.

Nick: Dad, just let me handle it, okay?

Victor: Yeah. Do you need any help?

Nick: I don'T. Thank you very much.

Victor: I'm sure you don'T. Well, look at this. It's a newman family reunion.

Phyllis: Ohh. Why? Why would you get engaged now?

Summer: Because we're in love?

Phyllis: Ohh. What does love have to do with getting married?

Summer: Mom.

Phyllis: I mean, obviously, obviously, you -- you want to be madly in love when you're walking down the aisle. But -- but the timing of this -- it makes no sense.

Summer: Okay. Well, the timing makes sense to us.

Phyllis: What's the rush? I mean, you guys are moving in together. Your house isn't even built.

Summer: So? We can get past that.

Phyllis: Okay. How 'bout this? Can you get past the fact that he's still a married man?

Summer: Okay, I don't know where all this attitude is coming from, because you were so supportive before. You even helped dad warm up to the idea.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. I was supportive because i thought you were being responsible and taking one step at a time. That's what I thought. But, I mean, little did I know that you're -- you're rushing out to find the first justice of the peace that you can find.

Summer: Well, that's not what we're doing, and you're the one who's starting to sound like she's lost her mind.

Phyllis: Oh, I was perfectly sane when I walked in here. And then, oh, what happened? Oh, my daughter sprung on me, "hey, I'm trying to sprint into a marriage that I haven't completely thought out."

Summer: Okay. Um, please don't talk to me like I'm a child. Kyle and I are fully committed to each other, and we know what we want. We want kids, we want a family, we want a life together.

Phyllis: Oh, wow. Listen to you. Kids and a family and a life together. Listen, it's not that simple, okay? Marriage takes work. It's not just a ride off into the sunset. It takes work.

Summer: Mm-hmm. Yeah, and you'd -- you'd know that how?

Phyllis: Because I've screwed up many marriages, so learn from me. Look at me. Take my advice. Summer! Getting married now is a mistake.

Nate: Look... I'm here to help in any way i can. I care about everybody involved.

Devon: I-I know, but i just -- I don't think there's much you can do to help.

Nate: I can listen.

Devon: You know, it's -- it takes me all this time to get over the death of my wife, and then I get to fall in love with someone as amazing as elena, only to have my wife's twin show up and start asking questions about her sister. That's -- that's more than unusual. I think it's impossible.

Nate: Hmm. From where I'm standing, the issue seems to be amanda bringing up all the grief you thought you moved past.

Devon: I mean, yeah. There's -- there's some of that. But I can deal with it. I'm not gonna fall apart, especially after all the work i did to get my life together. But what's really getting to me is just disappointing everybody.

Nate: What are you talking about?

Devon: Well, I-I want to be honest with elena, and I wanted to assure her that everything's gonna be alright, so I told her I wouldn't get involved with amanda searching for information about hilary. But amanda keeps asking questions, and I feel like i have to help her.

Nate: And elena didn't like that?

Devon: No. She doesn't like it at all. But I think amanda deserves answers. When I gave her some of hilary's stuff, you could see how much it meant to her.

Nate: Yeah, she -- she told me how appreciative she was.

Devon: Right, but I know she wants more, and I had to turn her down. I didn't want things to go further, and I didn't want to upset elena.

Nate: So... you're conflicted.

Devon: Yeah. I guess I am conflicted. Yes. You're right.

Nate: Told you. I'm here to help.

Devon: The truth is, man, I-I-I want to help amanda, I don't want to hurt elena, but, at the same time, I want to do what hilary would want me to do, and I think I'm failing at all three of those things.

Amanda: Just seeing hilary's handwriting was illuminating. And learning that her -- her list for santa was just a bunch of things for her mom, our mom... hilary wanted pans... and a dress for rose. How selfless. What kind of kid does that?

Billy: A kid that's forced to grow up too fast.

Amanda: And she did talk about growing up and wanting a family when she got older -- with two kids... so that neither one would be lonely.

Billy: You okay?

Amanda: [ Crying ] Yeah.

Billy: I know it's got to be really confusing... finding something out about yourself, a part of you that you didn't even know existed.

Amanda: I will cherish this letter forever. I will. But in terms of information... about her, about where I came from, it's just there's not much.

Billy: Mm.

Amanda: I did learn that both my parents have probably passed, so there's no one in my family that I can ask.

Billy: Well, you know, I mean, devon wasn't the only person that knew hilary well. There are other people -- lily, mariah, even jack. You just say the word and I can talk to any one of them for you.

Amanda: Thank you. And I will keep that in mind.

Billy: Good.

Amanda: I just -- I don't know if they would know anything about her history.

Billy: I know.

Amanda: And so now I... I have this. Devon gave it to me. It's hilary's birth certificate.

Billy: Oh, great. Well, there should be some answers in there.

Amanda: Um, when I was born, I was left at a fire station in madison, so... I've never had any information about, um...my family -- parents -- where I was born. So...this will help.

Billy: Hopefully there are some answers in there for you. Let's open it up and see.

Amanda: [ Breathes deeply ]

Billy: What is it? You okay?

Amanda: Yeah. Nothing.

[ Sniffles ] Nothing.

Billy: You can talk to me about this.

Amanda: This says that hilary was born in evanston, illinois.

Billy: That makes sense, doesn't it?

Amanda: Not to me.

Billy: Well, that's where she was from.

Amanda: But I was found at a fire station in madison, at least two hours away.

Billy: Right.

Amanda: This thing was supposed to give me answers. Now I just have more questions.

Billy: Okay. Well... just take a second and try and figure it out.

Amanda: No. No. It doesn't make any sense. I get that rose chose to raise one of us in evanston. But why go all the way to wisconsin to drop off the other baby? Something's missing here.

Billy: You're absolutely right. Let's get to the bottom of it.

Nate: You're being way too hard on yourself. You just had a 10,000-pound weight dropped on you. Now you're trying to figure out how to get it off your chest, same as elena, same as amanda. No one knows how to navigate this.

Devon: Right, but it's still on me to figure out what to do.

Nate: Can I speak bluntly?

Devon: I thought you had been speaking bluntly, but, yeah, sure. I can't wait to hear what you have to say.

Nate: Forget any obligation you have to anyone else. What do you want to do? Do you want to help amanda figure out where she came from, who her sister was?

Devon: Yes, I do.

Nate: Then do that. Give her as much information as you can, because you know what? It's gonna help you as much as it helps her. Share with her what you know about hilary. I think it'll be good for you.

Devon: Okay. And what about elena?

Nate: She'll see that you helping amanda -- you're doing it because you're a good person. You're not trying to hook up with amanda. You want to help her. Your relationship is strong, right?

Devon: It is because we're open and honest with each other most of the time.

Nate: Then just be open and honest with her about it. She'll see that you helping amanda isn't gonna change anything between you two.

Devon: Yeah, you might be right.

Nate: I know I'm right. I'm not conflicted at all.

Nick: [ S how's connor doing?

Adam: Uh, he's good. Thanks for asking.

Nick: Tell him I said hi.

Adam: Nick. Nick. Um [ Sighs ] Have you ever sent any of your kids to boarding school?

Nick: Yeah. I had faith at one for a while, but I brought her home to be with sharon during...you know. Uh, noah -- he didn't even want to go to walnut grove academy. He begged us to send him to G.C. High, so each kid's different.

Adam: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Nick: Why? Are you thinking about sending connor away to school?

Adam: Giving it some thought. You know -- st. Mallory'S.

Nick: For what it's worth, uh, boarding school gave me exactly what I needed.

Adam: Why do you say that?

Nick: It got me away from everything that's here. Listen, uh, connor may be the kind of kid that really benefits being away from genoa city.

Adam: Yeah, well, like i said, we're, uh, considering it, so...

Nick: Well, I'm sure you and chelsea will make the best decision for your son.

Victor: Looking healthy, son.

Adam: It's been a while since I've heard from you.

Victor: Yeah, well, that doesn't mean that I haven't been thinking about you. I'm concerned about you, you know?

Adam: Yeah. Yeah. Probably should be. I mean, it's not every day that a guy learns that he killed a man when he was a kid and his father covered the memory.

Victor: If I were you, i wouldn't announce it at the whole restaurant, alright?

Adam: I'm just gonna grab my food, so we don't need to, uh, make this a confrontation.

Victor: So... how are things going with that pesky reporter from kansas? I understand that billy abbott is financing her reporting.

Adam: It's nothing I can't handle.

Victor: I'm sure of that. Do you need my advice or help?

Adam: I do not, actually.

Victor: So, when are you gonna bring connor by the ranch again?

Adam: I don't think that's gonna happen.

Victor: You know, as far as I'm concerned, the boy... spends too much time inside. He needs to be outside -- you know, get his hands dirty.

Adam: Well, it doesn't matter. Indoors, outdoors, on the moon -- it's not gonna happen, so... I think you should just stay away from my son.

Victor: You and I have may have our disagreements.

Adam: Is that what you call them?

Victor: My blood flows in that boy's veins. He's my grandson. Nothing you can do about that, is there, son?

If you have postmenopausal


"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Chelsea: Hey, connor, wash up for lunch, please! Your dad will be home soon! Oh, and make sure you clean your room before we head to aiden's!

[ Cellphone rings ] Janelle, hey. Is everything okay?

[ Chuckles ] Aww. Aiden wanted to make sure we didn't forget about the playdate today? That's so sweet. They're so fun at this age. No, we haven't forgotten. We'll be over after lunch. Actually, yeah. Um...we kind of have to have an uncomfortable conversation with connor today, so he'll be looking forward to the fun. No, no, no. Everything's fine. It's just, um, we're gonna be sending him to st. Mallory'S. No, it is. It's a great school. It has a lot to offer, yeah. It's just gonna be a big transition, you know, leaving home. I know aiden's gonna miss him. I'm gonna miss him, too.

Adam: Connor may have the newman name and the newman blood flowing through his veins, but he is my son, and if I say you're not gonna see him, you're not gonna see him.

Victor: He's my grandson. When and if I want to see him, I will see him.

Adam: You know

[Clears throat] We're actually considering sending him away.

Victor: Boarding school or what?

Adam: Perhaps.

Victor: Mm. Not a bad idea, considering that you have to deal with your own problems.

Adam: How did this get turned into talking about my problems? Would you like me to give you a list of your problems, personal and otherwise?

Victor: Remember... if I want to be involved in the boy's life and education, I will be.

Adam: Well, not if he's far away from here.

Victor: That doesn't deter me from seeing him.

Adam: My food's here. You know, you were right about one thing, though.

Victor: Oh, yeah? What's that?

Adam: With what's about to happen, it is probably best for connor to be far away from genoa city.

Victor: What are you up to, son?

[ Sighs heavily ]

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Listen, I get it. You and kyle -- you're in love. You're moving in together. Why get married?

Summer: Because it makes sense to us.

Phyllis: Well, it made sense to kyle to marry lola a year ago. What about next year?

Summer: I don't know, mom. We're past that already.

Phyllis: Are you really? Okay. Well, why do you have to take the leap into marriage and commitment and legality and spirituality? I mean, why do you have to take that plunge?

Summer: I know what it's like to be married, mom.

Phyllis: I know. You've been married twice, and it ended up in heartbreak.

Summer: Wow.

Phyllis: I didn't mean to be so harsh.

Summer: Okay. Well, it was, so...

Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] I saw your heartbreak, summer. I felt your pain. Okay? I know what it's like to think, "hey, this -- this time, it's for real. This is the time it's gonna work out. He is the one." I know what that feels like. I also know the agonizing pain when it doesn't work out that way. I don't want you to feel that pain.

Summer: This -- this isn't even about me and kyle. This is about you. This is about you and dad.

Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] You are wrong.

Summer: Am I?

Phyllis: Yes. It's not about that at all.

Summer: Okay. Well, I think that you're projecting your fears about dad onto me. Because I-I am so confident in how I feel about kyle. I know what our future's gonna look like, but you -- you and dad -- you have no idea. Yeah, it's going really great right now, but we've been here before. What, are you guys -- are you gonna take the leap? Are you gonna start making plans together? What, is he gonna walk in here with flowers and propose to you, or are you just gonna call it quits and call the whole thing off? You don't know and you're scared and you're taking it out on me.

Phyllis: Okay, stop, please. I am not projecting. You are projecting yours onto mine. Okay? And -- and as far as your dad, yeah, I was scared. But then we worked things out, and -- and we're happy, and I feel secure.

Summer: That's good. That's good. I-I really hope that that's true, but you don't have to worry about me because I'm happy and I have everything I want.

Phyllis: Okay. Well, this isn't over.

Summer: Well, I'm going to the spa.

Phyllis: Okay. We're -- we're not done talking about this.


Chelsea: Hey.

Adam: Is connor still upstairs?

Chelsea: He's cleaning up. So, did you get him the chocolate raspberry things?

Adam: Yep. I could smell them all the way home. It drove me crazy. But you know what? It was good for me to step out, clear my head for a little bit.

Chelsea: You needed some time to think.

Adam: Yeah. And you know what? You were right. We are doing the right thing for connor. He's gonna miss us, and we'll miss him, but we can video-chat, go see him. It's not gonna be that far away. It's not like he's gonna be in switzerland.

Chelsea: What?

Adam: [ Sighs ] Nothing. I just -- I know a guy who went to boarding school in switzerland, and he turned out alright.

Chelsea: Adam, you know we've talked about this. You are not a bad influence on connor. He loves you. He knows you love him. That's not why he's going to boarding school.

Adam: No, that's not what I'm talking about. I, um -- I ran in to nick and my dad at society. Nick was the one who went to boarding school in switzerland.

Chelsea: I know. It must be hard for you to admit that nick turned out okay.

Adam: Well, it wasn't easy. All these years, I was envious of the advantages nick and victoria had growing up while i was stuck on the farm.

Chelsea: But they had to deal with victor.

Adam: Exactly. I mean, that must have been difficult. I just had to see him when he would come around to visit, but they had to suffer every day. Nick must have begged to go to switzerland just to get away from him.

Chelsea: I still don't know what this has to do with connor. He doesn't need to get away from his father.

Adam: No, but he needs to get away from my father. Victor was making some noise that he wanted to spend more time with connor, and I won't have that. We need to send our son as far away from victor as possible.

Billy: Hey.

Amanda: Anything?

Billy: No, nothing we didn't already know. I started to look into a few old interviews that hilary gave, but all she mentioned was evanston and being raised by a single mother, nothing about madison.

Amanda: Do you think she's hiding something?

Billy: Maybe. Maybe not. She didn't know she had a twin sister.

Amanda: We don't know that for sure.

Billy: I think you should go talk to devon again. Just mention the wisconsin thing. Maybe it triggers a connection or something.

Amanda: Just -- I just feel like it causes him so much stress, and I don't think that he knows much about hilary's family history.

Billy: I think it's worth a try.

Amanda: I hear you, and you're right, but I don't feel like bombarding him any more with questions about his dead wife. Okay. He'll -- he'll come to me when he's ready.

Billy: Sounds good. But I don't think we're gonna find the answers searching the internet. I think it's time that you look into hiring somebody else.

Amanda: Like an investigator? Like chance?

Billy: I could call him if you'd like.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Amanda: It's devon. Um... hello?

Devon: Hey, amanda. I just wanted to call and talk to you about what happened when you were over here earlier 'cause I know it got a little awkward.

Amanda: No, no. It's totally understandable. It's uncharted territory. Nobody knows how to act in this situation, right?

Devon: Yeah, that's true. That's true. But, uh, if, uh -- if you're up to give it another try...

Amanda: What do you mean?

Devon: Well, if you're free, uh, you're more than welcome to come by and I can tell you a little more about hilary.

Amanda: More information about hilary? Uh, yes, I would like that. Thank you, devon. I'll be right there.

Devon: Alright. I'll see you soon. She's on her way.

Nate: I think this'll be good for both of you.

Devon: Yeah.

Billy: What did he say he wants to talk about?

Amanda: I don't think he knows, but he wants to talk about her, so I'm gonna go and listen.

Billy: Well, good. Don't keep the man waiting.

Amanda: Thank you, billy -- for everything.

Nick: Ma'am, I believe these are for you.

Phyllis: What did I do to deserve these?

Nick: You don't have to do anything. You just got to be you.

Phyllis: Oh, my goodness. You're kind of being sappy, nick newman.

Nick: I'm leaning in... bringing the sap.

Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] I like it. What brought this on?

Nick: You know, just making plans for our family. I'm very happy. Thinking, uh, why don't we make plans for the rest of our lives and be happy?

Summer: Make plans, really? The rest of your lives? I'm sorry. Wh-what's going on? Are you trying to upstage my engagement?

Phyllis: Uh...

Nick: What?! You're engaged?!

Chelsea: Hey.

Adam: Hey. Well, I have to admit, connor handled that better than I would at his age. He put on a brave face, anyway. How was, uh, the ride to aiden's house?

Chelsea: Oh, the ride over was a little subdued. He wasn't as chatty as he normally is. But then once I got to janelle's, she started asking me all of these questions about st. Mallory's, so I answered her questions, we started talking, and then voilà.

Adam: Voilà?

Chelsea: I convinced her to send aiden to st. Mallory's, too, so now our son is going to boarding school with his best friend!

Adam: Well, that's -- that's great news!

Chelsea: I know! I know. The way I was able to maneuver her making that decision, it just -- it just felt like the old days, conning a mark, except now I use my powers for good.

Adam: Oh. Oh. Oh. Well, what a relief.

Chelsea: You can say it.

Adam: Say what?

Chelsea: I saved the day -- again.

Adam: Yes. You sure did. You did, indeed, and I am so relieved. I love you.

Chelsea: I love you. But now it's back to our real work.

Amanda: Thank you for having me over, devon. I really appreciate it.

Devon: Yeah. I'm just glad that you could come over.

Amanda: Not as glad as I am to be here.

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