Y&R Transcript Friday 9/18/20
Episode #11875 ~ Billy gets the upper hand against Adam; Sharon questions Victoria's intentions; Phyllis gives Nick a history lesson.
Provided By Suzanne
Billy: Do you want to tell me what you're doing here, chelsea?
Chelsea: Billy. Hi. Oh, I thought I had missed you. I was just looking for a pen. I wanted to leave you a note.
Billy: This is lily's office.
Chelsea: Oh! So, how are the kids doing? Are they back at walnut grove?
Billy: Yeah. They are.
Chelsea: And johnny -- he's in the third grade now?
Billy: Time flies.
Chelsea: Wow, and katie -- she must be so excited about school.
Billy: Chelsea, what can I do for you?
Chelsea: Oh. I'm just waiting for theo, actually.
Billy: Theo?
Chelsea: Yeah. We bumped into each other at society. You know, he's such a whiz when it comes to social media. I'm hoping I can pick his brain a little bit. I want to get his help publicizing my new fashion business.
Billy: Oh, I didn't know you were getting back into that.
Chelsea: Well, it's still in the early stages.
Billy: Evidently.
Chelsea: Yeah. Well, clearly it needs some publicity if somebody as plugged in as you hasn't heard anything about it, so...
Billy: Mm.
Chelsea: Anyway, once things get rolling, it would be killer if chanccomm could help me publicize it. I'd be glad to go to any of your media outlets, give them some exclusives, you know? Some interviews. I'm hoping once this takes off, I can buy some time on your digital --
Billy: Right, yeah. Well, uh, theo is not in charge of drumming up ad dollars. He's our talent director. He finds the talent to create and deliver content, and his plate is pretty full right now.
Chelsea: Of course. I'm sorry. I didn't -- I should have realized that. Well, you're a busy guy. I'm gonna go. Um, will you just tell theo that I'll text him later?
Billy: I'll do so.
Adam: Chelsea? You home?
[ Knock on door ]
Victoria: Hi. Hi, there. Uh, I was headed back to the office, but I just thought i would stop by and see how you're doing, unless now is a bad time.
Sharon: No. No, it's fine. So, victoria, what's up?
Phyllis: Oh! It smells amazing. Smell that.
Nick: It's probably my new cologne.
Phyllis: Oh, it probably is.
Nick: I mean, I smell good.
Phyllis: [ Laughs ] You always smell good. Oh, why, it's so incredible. Wow. You know, people are probably looking for you. Both of us, for that matter.
Nick: Let them wait. I'm where I'm supposed to be, with the woman I love.
Phyllis: Aw.
Nick: I mean it.
Phyllis: We've said these words before. It just feels different this time. Don't you think? Famous last words, right? "It feels different this time. This time is different." It's all good.
Nick: Don't do that, alright? Trying to minimize your feelings. 'Cause I'm feeling it, too. Like, it's not just in your head. This is as real as it gets.
Theo: Did you, uh, want to see me?
Billy: Please, come in.
Theo: What's up?
Billy: Chelsea's visit earlier.
Theo: Yeah, I thought I just explained that.
Billy: Yeah. Do you mind explaining it again for me, please?
Theo: Sure. I was, uh, at society. She sat down. We started chatting... about her new business venture. I did some work for the grand phoenix while chelsea was head of marketing. She knows that I'm all about what's trending, and she wanted my take on some things.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Theo: What? Was I wrong to bring her here?
Billy: No. It's fine. No harm done. When it comes to beautiful hair , why are we always
shown the same thing?
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Victoria: Nicholas filled me in about your test results.
Sharon: So then you must also know that I'm gonna need more surgery.
Victoria: I'm sorry. I wish that it could have been better news. How are you handling things?
Sharon: Uh, I'm just, you know, resting up and trying to prepare myself for what's next.
Victoria: I know that you've been doing more than just resting. You've been counseling adam and helping him deal with the emotional fallout from what he remembered doing as a child.
Sharon: Nick shouldn't have shared that with you. And I absolutely can't discuss it.
Victoria: I understand. But I just can't help feeling partly responsible.
Sharon: Why's that?
Victoria: After my injury, i know my mother convinced you to work with me to try to lift my spirits, and that helped, and i am grateful for that. Still, it's one thing to try to help me get back to my old self, and it's entirely different to try to help adam become someone different than he's always been. It's really an impossible project for anyone.
Billy: So you're gonna follow up with benson?
Theo: Yeah. No problem.
Billy: Okay, great. I'm done here.
Theo: Great. Oh, uh, carter acquisition.
Billy: That is on hold for now.
Theo: How come?
Billy: Mostly just because our resource--
Alyssa: Hey, there.
Billy: Hi.
Alyssa: Sorry, your assistant said that you were expecting me, but if you need me to wait...
Billy: No, no. It's okay. Please, uh, come in. Alyssa montalvo, this is my, uh, associate theo vanderway.
Theo: Pleasure.
Alyssa: Likewise.
Billy: Uh, we good?
Theo: Yeah. I'll make that call we discussed.
Billy: Great. Thank you. And just, uh, kick the door on your way out. Please have a seat, alyssa. Can I get you anything?
Alyssa: No, thanks.
Billy: So, uh, any news on the investigation?
Alyssa: The man in vegas who went missing -- your P.I. Found his wife.
Billy: That was quick.
Alyssa: I've already been in touch with her.
Billy: Even quicker.
Alyssa: Well, there's no time to waste.
Billy: Did anything come out of it?
Alyssa: She's agreed to go on record.
Billy: Wow. When you start something, you really go for it, don't you?
Alyssa: It's an important story.
Billy: Yeah, one we're both eager to publish.
Alyssa: Not that you're pursuing this to get even with anyone.
Billy: Well, I mean, if that happened, it wouldn't be a bad thing, right. But, more importantly, I feel like it is my duty to warn mankind.
Alyssa: You think adam's that evil?
Billy: The man is poisonous, alyssa. And he needs to be stopped. There's a darkness in his soul. It infects everything around him. Everything he does. Every human being he comes into contact with.
Alyssa: Including you?
Billy: It took me a long time to get a handle on it, believe me. And I hope you don't mind me saying I see it happening to you.
Alyssa: You're not wrong.
Billy: I'm sorry to hear that.
Alyssa: One of my closest childhood friends betrayed me. It's made me question every relationship I've ever had. Who can I trust? Who -- who's sincere? I feel like I'm capable of doing things that I would have never considered before, just to hurt him back.
Billy: Believe me, I get it. I do. The best thing that you can do for yourself is take all that anger, all of those feelings, and do something good with it. Expose adam. Expose everything he's done. Tell the truth. The people deserve to know what they're dealing with. The sickness inside of him. We are gonna take that filth, and we are gonna shine a big, bright light on it for the world to see.
Adam: What are you listening to?
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Chelsea: That was billy's voice you heard.
Adam: Why were you talking to him?
Chelsea: I wasn'T. I planted a bug at chanccomm.
Adam: So you can listen in on your phone?
Chelsea: Yeah. Through an app. Anytime I want. He's actually with alyssa, as we speak.
Adam: Can -- can you put that on my phone?
Chelsea: Yeah, of course, of course. We should both be able to listen to his plans. You are brilliant.
Chelsea: I told you I can handle billy.
Adam: Well, I will never doubt you again.
Chelsea: So, where's your phone? I'll download it for you.
Adam: It's right over there. You remember the passcode?
Chelsea: Unless you changed it.
Adam: Nope.
Adam: Something wrong?
Chelsea: Sharon texted you. "I know you think we crossed a line, but I needed that as much as you did."
Sharon: I'm not gonna discuss my private work with adam... any more than I would have divulged my interactions with you to a third party. It's -- it's confidential.
Victoria: I happen to know that you did a lot more than have a few sessions with adam. Flying to kansas to be by his side when he was having a breakdown? I would say that that's -- you know, that's above and beyond.
Sharon: Nikki.
Victoria: Well, dad loaned you his jet. They have no secrets, not when it comes to adam.
Sharon: So telling you and nick and anyone else, apparently that's no biggie.
Victoria: I know, I know, I know. I know you think it's none of our business.
Sharon: Well, 'cause it actually isn'T.
Victoria: Believe it or not, sharon, the entire family is concerned for your well-being.
Sharon: But not adam? I mean, I don't see you extending any of this kindness towards him, even though he's in a lot of pain.
Victoria: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't have one ounce of sympathy for him.
Sharon: He's your brother.
Victoria: I have learned the hard way that adam always -- always -- bites the hand that reaches out to him. Look at what he did to his own father.
Sharon: He's made some mistakes.
Victoria: Mistakes?! A mistake is forgetting to sign a check before you put it in the envelope. Tampering with dad's medication to try to put him out of commission? That's a whole other realm. Blackmailing dad so that he would push me out of the C.E.O. Chair? Adam can't stop himself. Maybe he doesn't want to stop himself. Either way, it's only a matter of time before he strikes again. I wouldn't be surprised if he's already planning the next attack.
Sharon: Is that why you're really here? Because you're hoping that i will tell you whatever it is you think that adam is up to next?
Alyssa: So, is lily coming in today?
Billy: No, she's not gonna make it back to the office today.
Alyssa: That's too bad. I was hoping to meet her this visit. I trust you've kept her informed.
Billy: Absolutely.
Alyssa: And she supports the story?
Billy: As long as we keep our high journalistic standard and every syllable is gone over by our lawyer before we publish.
Alyssa: I'll hold up my end if you hold up yours.
Billy: Look, I understand why you would be wary, after what adam and chelsea put you through. Let me just tell you that I am not gonna stab you in the back. I am 100% committed. We need to tell the story. We need to put the truth in front of the public. I believe in it just like you do.
Alyssa: I believe you.
Billy: Adam, on the other hand, we should be concerned about him. I have a feeling that he's on to us.
Alyssa: How is that possible?
Billy: [ Exhales deeply ] Just before you got here, chelsea was in the office by herself. I walked in on her.
Alyssa: What was she doing here?
Billy: She said she was here to theo, something about publicizing her new clothing line or something. It didn't pass the smell test.
Alyssa: You think she was hoping to pump theo for information?
Billy: Could very well be.
Alyssa: Well, does he know about the story?
Alyssa: Theo? No. I mean, he knows we're doing a story, but he doesn't know what it's about. Also, I've been thinking maybe we should send somebody else to vegas to talk to this woman -- someone that adam and his cronies wouldn't recognize.
Alyssa: [ Exhales sharply ] No, I'm not trusting anyone else with this assignment.
Billy: That's what I thought you were going to say. You need to remember who we're dealing with.
Alyssa: Hey, look, don't worry. I know how to look out for myself, and I promise I'll be careful. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some travel arrangements to make.
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Phyllis: Oh, my gosh. Look at that cloud. Over to the left. It's like a shark. And -- and see to the right? The fin? That is perfect. Oh! What?
Nick: You're perfect.
Phyllis: Ah, I'm not perfect.
Nick: I'm entitled to my opinion.
Phyllis: Okay. So I'm perfect.
[ Chuckles ] You know what else? I'm hungry. I could eat that shark. Plus, grilled asparagus and rosé.
Nick: You know, it is about that time. I mean, the afternoon has flown by.
Phyllis: Yeah. So, what are you in the mood for? Do you want steak, fish, thai?
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]
Nick: I think I would like... room service.
Phyllis: Oh. "Room service."
Nick: I mean, if you don't, you know, then -- then we can go out. But, to me, it seems like maybe you're just masking your true feelings.
Phyllis: Wait. What? That's like a challenge.
Nick: Maybe it is.
Phyllis: Uh, well, okay. We're not going anywhere until you tell me what that means.
Nick: Well, not if you don't want to talk about it.
Phyllis: Well, of course, i don't want to talk about it.
Nick: Well, then, seafood it is.
Phyllis: I'm just -- I'm trying to keep positive. I just want to be positive, you know? It's just easier if I'm positive.
Nick: Yeah, I mean, you would think.
Phyllis: So many great things are happening. We're in love.
Nick: Yeah.
Phyllis: Right? And it's different this time. And we found sort of a niche. That's french. And you're out from under your father's shadow. And you're running new hope. And you're helping so many people. I'm really proud of you. And I am running the grand phoenix -- all alone, without abby.
[ Exhales deeply ] Give me a second.
[ Chuckles ] So no interference from abby or chelsea or adam in our lives.
Nick: Don't forget the escape club.
Phyllis: And the escape club. My crowning achievement. And, most importantly, summer. She's healthy and happy. Incredible. And I think she has a great future. What more could I ask for?
Nick: Yeah, I agree with everything you say. But why does it feel like you're trying to convince yourself?
Phyllis: I don't know. I think in my mind, I just have a really hard time. I just -- I'm always trying to avoid the crisis.
Nick: Why?
Phyllis: Why?
Nick: Yeah. Why put yourself through that?
Phyllis: Have you met me?
Nick: Why would all your insecurities be flaring up now? I mean, everything's going so well between us.
Phyllis: This is who I am. I mean, this is how I'm built. I spent so many years just watching my life implode, you know? I mean, I'm like bracing for a disaster. You know it's who I am. You don't feel that way at all, do you?
Nick: Not at all.
Phyllis: Wow. That must be nice.
Nick: Don't get me wrong. I have concerns, like everyone else. Like, summer and kyle. I mean, I don't know what's going on there, how that's gonna end up, but I'm not gonna live my life, you know, waiting for the other shoe to drop. I'm very happy with where things are right now. That's what I'm focusing on.
Phyllis: I want to be like you.
Nick: Clearly.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] You want to teach me how?
Victoria: Hey. Look, I did -- I did come by to check on you, not to dig up dirt on adam. I-I know. I know you would never reveal anything that a client told you in confidence. There are rules, though, aren't there, that a therapist can disclose that information if they feel a client is a threat to someone else?
Sharon: That's not a situation that's come up. And it won'T.
Victoria: Really, sharon? Really, can you promise that when it's about adam?
Sharon: Yes, because I've stopped counseling him.
Victoria: You have?
Sharon: We made the decision when I found out I was gonna need more surgery.
Victoria: Oh. Um, why didn't you say so before?
Sharon: For the same reason that you don't run your professional decisions past me.
Victoria: Okay. I-I'm relieved, for your sake, that you've decided to back away. And I'm sure that nick and rey and the kids feel the same way as I do.
Sharon: There are a lot of people who have felt the need to, um, weigh in.
Victoria: I realize that this is a very difficult decision for you. I do. You're compassionate and a giving person, and you don't believe in walking out on people. So it's not like adam is going through this alone. He's got chelsea.
Adam: May I see that, please?
Chelsea: You better give me an explanation. Exactly what line did you and sharon cross?
Adam: Look, I know how that must sound.
Chelsea: Pretty bad. Pretty bad, yeah.
Adam: Look, she and I, we had a conversation that got a little too personal.
Chelsea: A conversation?
Adam: Yes. And that was it. Okay? Sharon was upset about a setback with her treatment.
Chelsea: Is she gonna be okay?
Adam: Uh, based on what she told me, I think so, but it's gonna take longer than she thought.
Chelsea: Okay. So that's what your deep, personal conversation was about, her cancer?
Adam: In part. I was still dealing with my stuff, and we kind of emoted on each other.
Chelsea: Emoted how? What does that even mean?
Adam: It was intense. But, afterwards, we decided it's too hard for us to be therapist and patient when the boundaries have basically been shot to hell. So we're still friends, but it just doesn't work.
Chelsea: This is what I have ben trying to tell you all along.
Adam: You were right. You were right about sharon, okay? Just like you were right about the plan to deal with billy.
Chelsea: I'm not keeping score, adam. I'm just concerned.
Adam: You have no reason to be concerned. I'm gonna be going to sharon for counseling anymore. I can deal with my issues on my own, and I'm doing better, anyway. Plus, I have you to lean on.
Chelsea: Okay, so tell me more about this deep, heavy conversation with sharon. Where and when did it happen?
Adam: You already knew that sharon met me at the motel where I was staying.
Chelsea: Mm, so she was alone with you in your room.
Adam: Talking, that's all.
Chelsea: With or without your clothes on?
Adam: Chelsea, come on.
Chelsea: No, you come on, adam. How am I supposed to take you at your word when you're being so evasive?
Adam: Because -- because i just answered every question that you have asked. Nothing happened that you should feel threatened by. That is the truth.
Chelsea: Oh, my god. Sharon was in your room when i was knocking, wasn't she? And you kept her hidden and lied about it?
Adam: [ Sighs ] I... I wanted more from my copd medicine,
"The young and the restless"
will continue. At cancer treatment centers of america,
Chelsea: Don't even try to deny it.
Adam: Chelsea --
Chelsea: Oh, my god. It all makes sense now. I knew I heard someone moving around in the room before you got there. And you were acting all weird, and you didn't want me to go inside. I didn't -- oh, my god! I didn't think anything of it at the time, but now it's crystal clear.
Adam: Yes. Okay? Sharon was there earlier.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
Adam: But I had no idea if she had stuck around after I left. Either way, I didn't want you to jump to conclusions, like the way you are right now.
Chelsea: Oh, can you blame me, adam?
Adam: No. Okay? You're right. I knew how it would look, okay? And sharon kept quiet because she didn't want you jumping to conclusions, especially after chance had shown up and seen us and assumed the worst and ran to you with his suspicions. I mean, it was very upsetting for sharon, and she has enough to deal with right now.
Chelsea: You said she had a setback? What's going on?
Adam: You know that she had a lumpectomy. The pathology report shows that the cancer spread to her lymph nodes. So she's gonna need more surgery now.
Chelsea: Oh, my god. That's awful news.
Adam: She's scared, chelsea.
Chelsea: Well, then you made the right choice to stop your sessions with her, adam. Right now, she needs to focus on getting well.
Adam: Yeah. And, meanwhile, you and I have our own emergency -- billy and alyssa. You said you were listening in on their meetings. Do you have any idea what they are up to?
Theo: I'll finish up that strategy memo before I head home tonight.
Billy: Excellent.
Theo: And while we're on the subject...
Billy: Home?
Theo: Strategy. I've been thinking about chelsea's suggestion that we promote her work on our media outlets. It's not a bad idea.
Billy: She got to you, huh?
Theo: We need content, and fashion is nothing if not current.
Billy: And she's a beautiful woman and she's persuasive and she's also taken and she's living with a bad man -- a seriously bad man.
Theo: Jealous type, huh?
Billy: Listen, theo, I'm gonna give you some advice. Focus on your work. Don't worry about chelsea. And if you need some more to do around here, I can put some more on your plate.
Theo: Oh, no, no. No. My plate is plenty full, thank you.
Billy: You're smart. You're eager. Those are two essential things. But you got to slow your roll a little bit. When I think you're ready for something more, I'll let you know. Not the other way around.
Nick: Okay. You want me to teach you how to be mellow and to enjoy your success?
Phyllis: Can it be taught?
Nick: Absolutely. Under the right circumstances. Sometimes the only thing it needs is a location change. So, how would you feel about just you and me, a little, uh, getaway?
Phyllis: I'd love that. But you know I can't do it. I just started the escape club, and I have to run it, so...
Nick: Yeah, I know. I get it.
Phyllis: It's not your job to reassure me. You know that. I'll work it out on my own. Plus, we both know that if something goes bad between us this time, it won't be because of you. It'll be because of me.
Nick: Are you serious?
Phyllis: Yeah, I mean, who is the most prolific self-sabotager you've ever known in your life?
Nick: Alright. So you're saying that your dream life could slip through your fingers and you will be the one to blow it up?
Phyllis: Yeah. That's what I'm saying. It's a gift.
Nick: Or a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Phyllis: Whatever. I mean, it doesn't matter how perfectly things are lined up, i just always find a way to destroy everything. It's what I do, you know?
[ Sighs ] Remember last year? I was running dark horse, and look what happened there.
Nick: Dark horse was not -- it's not your fault.
Phyllis: It wasn't?
Nick: No. My god, you got tired of working with adam, so you gave me back some of the properties that were mine. You should feel very good about that.
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah! Maybe I learned my lesson. That when it happens again -- you know, I'm not even gonna say that -- "when it happens again." It's not gonna happen again. It will not happen again. I won't let it.
Nick: There you go.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Ever since I got this little guy,
Sharon: So... how are things going between you and billy these days?
Victoria: Oh, you know, we're managing. I think the trick is just focusing on things that matter, things that we're in agreement on.
Sharon: Like the kids?
Victoria: Yes, like the kids. Billy is a wonderful dad.
Sharon: Well, katie and johnny are really lucky to have him. He is a great dad.
Victoria: Look, I-I don't want to overstay my welcome. And I'm sorry if my visit caused any more stress. That was definitely not my intention.
Sharon: No, I realize that.
Victoria: And I have to say, personally I feel a lot more serene now that adam and his game playing is behind me. And I honestly feel like it will be the same for you, as long as you stick to your decision, which I hope that you do.
Sharon: Hey, thanks, for stopping by. It was -- it's really sweet of you to be concerned.
Victoria: You know I consider you family.
Sharon: But not adam?
Victoria: Well, keep me posted. Let me know when the next procedure is gonna be.
Sharon: I will.
Victoria: And if you need anything -- I mean that -- anything at all...
Sharon: Thank you.
[ Door opens ]
[ Door closes ]
Theo: Well, you know what they say. The boss is always right.
Billy: Damn straight.
Theo: I'm sorry if I, uh, seem to eager at times.
Billy: Look, theo, we're a lean management team here. And I don't believe in letting people going beyond their job description until I believe that they are ready to handle it.
Theo: So I guess this means you're not gonna tell me what these mysterious meetings with that journalist are all about.
Billy: Don't take it personally, okay? Right now, the less you know, the better for you.
Theo: You know, I get why you'd say that.
Billy: Is that right?
Theo: I ran her name through a search engine. Alyssa montalvo. Crime reporter from kansas. I think it's safe to assume that she's working on whatever this blockbuster story is you mentioned.
Billy: Well, it won't be long until your curiosity is satisfied. There's been a big break in the case.
Chelsea: Once the app finishes downloading, you'll be able to listen in at chanccomm like I was.
Adam: What have you learned so far?
Chelsea: A lot, adam, and none of it's good.
Adam: Well, you said that you overhead billy and alyssa talking.
Chelsea: We nailed it. Alyssa plans to write a big, vindictive exposé about all the reprehensible things you've gotten away with over the years.
Adam: Including the story of the guy that went missing in las vegas.
Chelsea: Bingo. But there's something even worse than that.
Adam: Okay. Hit me.
Chelsea: Billy has hired a private investigator who was able to find the missing man's wife.
Adam: Alright.
Chelsea: Alyssa spoke to her. She's willing to talk. Billy is overjoyed.
Adam: Well, too bad it's not gonna turn out the way he expects. Where can a healthier heart lead you?
Phyllis: I admit, I like this better. I like this a lot better than going out.
Nick: I love being alone with you, you know, where I don't have to share you with anyone.
Phyllis: It's okay. You can say you love me. It's not gonna freak me out.
Nick: Or make you feel like I'm jinxing something?
Phyllis: Exactly. It's fine.
Nick: See, I call that progress.
Phyllis: I know. I know. Listen, it's taken a long time to get here, but we've earned it.
Nick: Yes. We asked ourselves the tough questions in the beginning. Would this work? Could it work, given our history?
Phyllis: Yes. And I was skeptical.
Nick: I remember.
[ Both chuckle ]
Phyllis: But there's a lot of stepping stones that we took to get here... like when I wanted to follow adam to vegas -- right? -- And you said no. But then I listened to you. I listened to you. I didn't do what I wanted to do. And I came up with another plan, a better plan. And then when I was fighting with abby and you said, "please don't do that, please don't, phyllis," I reined myself in.
Nick: Is that what we're calling it?
Phyllis: Yes, it is. We're calling it, "I did what i could before crossing the line." I don't want to jeopardize this, what we have.
Nick: I think you are an amazing influence on me.
Phyllis: What? I'm an amazing influence on you?
Nick: Yeah. Remember when kyle broke summer's heart again and he married lola, I wanted to ruin his life as retribution.
Phyllis: Yeah. We both did. I wanted to mess him up.
Nick: But we didn't do that. We held back.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. That wasn't easy.
Nick: Mnh-mnh.
Phyllis: And now they're together and they're happy and... the third time's the charm. Ten time's the charm. I don't know how many --
[ Chuckles ]
Nick: Who's counting? Look, I will take kyle over theo any day.
Phyllis: Oh, for sure. You're preaching to the choir.
Nick: Yeah. Well...
Phyllis: I like where we're at.
Nick: Me too.
Phyllis: Thank you.
Nick: For what?
Phyllis: For being you. For being so amazing. For trusting me like you do and believing in me. I'm never gonna betray you. I'm not gonna let you down.
[ Persistent knock on door ]
Chelsea: You stay the hell away from my fiancé. Understood?
[ Ringing ]
Billy: Figured I was gonna hear from you.
Victoria: Well, you figured right. What's the latest?
Billy: Alyssa's on board.
Victoria: [ Exhales sharply ] That's fantastic.
Billy: It took me a while to convince her that she can trust me after the number that adam did on her. And, believe me, he picked the wrong woman to mess with. She is fired up to take him down.
Victoria: I cannot wait to read the story.
Billy: Well, it's more than a story. This is an indictment. She told me everything that she's got in mind.
Victoria: Tell me.
Billy: This is a scathing feature-length psychological profile, dissecting everything -- every illegal, disgusting thing that victor newman jr. Has ever done in his life.
Victoria: I assume my father will be a key player.
Billy: Of course. He's dr. Frankenstein. He's the one that enabled the monster to begin with. In fact, that's the working title -- "the making of a monster."
Next week on "the young and the restless."
Devon: I want to say I'm sorry, 'cause I should have trusted you to understand.
Elena: But you didn't, and i think we both know the reason why.
Victoria: How is this for a headline? "How son would stop at nothing to try to kill his own dad."
Billy: Tell me what I need to do to get that into print.
Adam: With what's about to happen, it is probably best for connor to be far away from genoa city.
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