Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/17/20

Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/17/20


Episode #11874 ~ Chelsea sets a trap; Elena loses patience with Amanda; Chance gives Adam an ultimatum.

Provided By Suzanne

Adam: This is important, chelsea. I need you to be aware of what you're getting yourself into. If we go after victor, this time it's going to get ugly.

Chelsea: I understand. It'll make any other battle we've had with him look easy.

Chelsea: Just let me know when we start.

Adam: We start right now. Is there a problem? I'm just thinking. There's someone else we need to go after first.

Adam: Billy.

Billy: This is good stuff. Really good. You checked all the boxes. We'll conference with lily next time we get her.

Theo: Alright. Um, is amanda around? One of the, uh, podcasters want to check out some legal stuff with her.

Billy: Uh, no, she's -- she's off for the day.

Theo: That's too bad.

Billy: Is it important?

Theo: No, it's just -- it's nice having her around to bounce things off of. You know, you give amanda a question, and [Snaps fingers] She's all over it.

Billy: Ah. So you're a fan?

Theo: Oh, big fan. You know, I actually think she should probably be in front of the camera herself. I mean, she's obviously got the smarts. She's drop-dead gorgeous.

Billy: Yeah, you're not the first person to suggest that. I agree. She would crush it.

Theo: Great. We'll add it to the list. I'll put something together.

Billy: Let me ask you. Uh, are you interested in amanda? And I'm not talking professionally.

Theo: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: Did I say something funny?

Theo: No. No, no. No. I was just about to ask you the same thing.

Devon: Okay. Elena, listen.

Elena: You don't have to explain, devon. You loved hilary with all your heart. I already knew that.

Devon: Okay. But what you just heard was a response to some news amanda just shared with me, alright? The dna test results came back, and she is hilary's twin. And we were talking about her, and I got emotional. It'S...

Elena: I could see that. It was as if you were looking straight into hilary's eyes again.

Mariah: Come on. Seriously? Are you kidding me? This is a coffeehouse! We need coffee!

Lola: Turn it off, and then turn it back on. Uh, sometimes if you reboot it, it'll kick back on. Happens to mine all the time.

Mariah: Okay. I'll give it a try. Okay.

[ Click ] Now we wait.

[ Click ] Oh, my gosh! You did it! Thank you so much! You're a lifesaver. How did you know I needed a friend right now?

Lola: Maybe because I could really use one, too.

Mariah: Let me guess. Theo?

Lola: [ Sighs ] (Avo) do you push through four or more migraine days a month?

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Billy: Uh, no. I'm not interested in dating amanda. I'm not interested in dating anyone right now.

Theo: And I've got a good thing going with lola, so I'm not about to mess that up, either.

Billy: That's good. You're a smart man. Plus, amanda's dating someone else.

Theo: Ah, that doctor. Nate?

Billy: That's the doctor. Yes, and on top of that, we all work together, so, uh, that's a recipe for disaster, right? Exactly.

Billy: Good. While I have you here... one other question. This list of true crime podcasters.

Theo: Okay. True crime it is.

Billy: Anybody on here you believe is reliable enough to tell a big story?

Theo: Well, that depends upon the story.

Billy: Well, I don't want to say too much until I know how we're gonna roll it out. But it's a big enough story that's gonna rattle some cages in this town.

Adam: So, what exactly went down with billy and alyssa?

Chelsea: I'm not entirely sure, but it's obvious that they were connected. And it doesn't take a genius to realize that the first thing they're gonna do is go after you.

Adam: [ Scoffs ] Let them try that.

Chelsea: Adam, do not underestimate him.

Adam: Billy abbott -- he is a loud, rude annoyance who nobody takes seriously anymore, including his own family.

Chelsea: Well, jill took him seriously enough to put him in charge of chancellor communications.

Adam: Yeah, and she will learn from that mistake.

Chelsea: You have to look at the big picture here. The last thing you need is to be answering questions about kansas or vegas. If billy starts working with alyssa, that's where this is gonna go.

Adam: Okay. So we have a billy problem. What do you suggest we do about that?

Chelsea: Well, we have to see what he's got. See whatever evidence he's pulled and figure out how he plans to use it.

Adam: Well, it's gonna be a little tough.

Chelsea: No, actually, I've got a plan.

Adam: If you're suggesting we break into chanccomm, we can't even be sure that's where he keeps the goods.

Chelsea: Mnh-mnh. Way more sophisticated than that.

Adam: Okay. I am intrigued.

Chelsea: Just leave billy abbott to me. I'll get us what we need.

Lola: I don't want to talk about theo. I'm fine. We're fine.

Mariah: If you say so.

Lola: I actually came in over here to check in on you and see how you were doing after sharon's setback.

Mariah: Oh, boy. Um, I don't know. I'm up, I'm down. I'm a hot mess sometimes. And if it weren't for tessa, I'd be bouncing off the walls, which I'm sure doesn't do my mom any good at all.

Lola: I think you're being really hard on yourself.

Mariah: I'm trying to be my mom's cheerleader. I'm trying to be faith's big sister, ray's friend, and it's hard to know what to say or do at any given moment. And because it's hard to tell if sharon's having a bad day or a good day or what she needs from me in that moment, and it's frustrating.

Lola: You're a good daughter, mariah. Sharon knows it, and she loves you for it.

Mariah: Thank you. I needed that.

Lola: Yeah.

Mariah: So, back to theo.

Lola: Oh, come on. Do we really have to talk about theo?

Mariah: Just tell me what he did this time.

Lola: Nothing. Really, I'm mean, it's just -- you know, I knew what I was getting myself into when i started seeing theo. And then sometimes I forget, you know. He'll do something that'll throw me off, and then I overreact.

Mariah: I think you're making excuses for him.

Lola: Maybe I'm just expecting a little bit more from him than he can give me right now. Maybe I should just give him a pass and not examine every little thing that he does.

Mariah: I think when it comes to theo, if your gut is telling you that something is wrong, you need to listen.

Amanda: I can't even begin to describe what I am feeling. I am standing in my sister's home... imagining what her life would have been like, what our life would have like if we had known each other. I can even picture hilary coming down those stairs, just happy and in love, her whole life ahead of her.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Elena: Amanda? Devon and I need to talk, if you could please excuse us. Copd makes it hard to breathe.

Amanda: Did I do something wrong?

Elena: No. Devon and I just need to process all of this.

Amanda: Yes, yes, of course. I understand. You must be feeling just as overwhelmed as I am.

Elena: I don't think you understand what this is doing to devon right now.

Amanda: I'm sorry if I was being insensitive.

Devon: You don't have to apologize.

Amanda: You've just been giving me answers to questions that I've had my entire life. I-I just learned that I had a sister -- a twin -- and she lived here with you, and I just have so many questions about who she was.

Devon: I-I understand. I just think I've said enough today.

Amanda: Okay. Thank you. You've been very generous. Um, and I don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you. But I'm hoping that we might be able to get together another day and talk about hilary. Maybe you have some photo albums that I could look through or some letters. Just --

Elena: Amanda, please. Devon just told you that he doesn't have any more information for you. You have to respect that.

Devon: I've told you everything I can.

Lola: I don't know, mariah. You're telling me to trust my instincts. Well, my instincts and I have not been on very good terms lately. I mean, I jump into a storybook marriage, and then it blows up in less than a year. And then I get involved with a guy that I know has a wild streak, and I just dive right in.

Mariah: All the more reason to hit pause.

Lola: I know. I am. I have. My eyes are wide open when it comes to theo. But I have to admit I have set the bar pretty high with him.

Mariah: As you should. The best deserves the best.

Lola: Aw.

Mariah: I'm serious. I am.

Lola: And I really love you for it. Hey, at least he hasn't cheated on me, right?

Mariah: That you know of.

Lola: Okay. Most of our problems can be chalked up to miscommunication or missed signals. The truth is, we're still getting to know each other. I mean, the relationship is brand new. And, besides, I thought that you were starting to like the guy.

Mariah: I must admit I have seen the odd moment or two of humanity from him.

Lola: There you go.

Mariah: That's not enough to make me change my mind completely. Lola, if you're getting bad vibes from the guy, then you need to listen to them. Theo has a shady side. Even he would admit it.

Lola: I know. But he's also warm and funny and unpredictable, and that's something that I need after spending my entire life following the rules and getting knocked down for it.

Mariah: "Unpredictable" can knock you down, too.

Lola: Yeah. I hear you. I do. But you're telling me to follow my gut, and my gut still really likes the guy.

Adam: The way you're talking about going after billy, it just -- it scares me a little bit. You two, you have a history. It could make things a little more complicated.

Chelsea: For him maybe, not for me. Trust me, I'm not gonna give the billy any breaks just because there was a time not too long ago that we meant something to one another. If anything, I can use it to our advantage.

Adam: You know he's not just gonna spill his guts to the fiancée of the guy he's trying to smear.

Chelsea: Come on, adam. Give me a little credit. All I need to know is, do you trust me?

Adam: With my life.

Chelsea: Good.

Advanced non-small cell lung

cancer can take away so much.

Devon: [ Sighs ]

Elena: You're pretty quiet.

Devon: I don't really know what to say.

Elena: Say whatever's on your mind.

Devon: Just there's a lot of crazy things going on in my mind right now. So I'm not sure if whatever comes out of my mouth is gonna make a lot of sense.

Elena: Okay, then we can talk about something else. Put all this out of your mind, and we can focus on anything but this.

Devon: [ Sighs ] I want to say I'm sorry.

Elena: No, devon.

Devon: When you came in -- listen. Listen. When you came in here, what you heard made it sound like I'm not over hilary and was completely out of context.

Elena: Okay. So why don't you explain it to me? Amanda was asking me a bunch of questions about hilary, and she wanted me to talk about our life together, and I didn't want to, but she's persistent and she's a lawyer, so she's good at getting people to talk.

Elena: So I guess I'm in the wrong profession, because it's always been my instinct to alleviate your pain, not do whatever I can to intensify it.

Devon: I don't think that that's what she was trying to do.

Elena: She cross-examined you into admitting what you can't bring yourself to say to me.

Devon: I know I hurt you, but what I said about hilary was --

Elena: Was the truth, devon. And you know it. We both know it. We've been dancing around it since we got together.

Devon: What are you talking about?

Elena: Hilary is special to you. You have this deep, true love for her that is never going to go away.

Devon: Hilary is my past, okay? She's not here. I am with you, and I love you. And what you and I have is every bit as special. It's every bit as important.

Elena: I realize it's not a competition.

Devon: It's not. No. But what you heard made it sound like I'm still fixated on my memories of her, and I'm sorry for that.

Elena: No, I don't want you to be sorry for your feelings. They belong to you, and i couldn't take them away if I tried to.

[ Footsteps approach ]

Amanda: Hey, I e-mailed you the mills contracts. I noted the changes.

Billy: Great. Thank you. Amanda... do you have a minute?

Amanda: Yeah. What is it?

Billy: Well, I was actually gonna fill you in on a conversation I had with theo, but maybe now is not the right time. Are you okay?

Amanda: No.

Billy: Do you want to talk about it?

Amanda: No. Not really.

Billy: Okay, let me guess. You, uh, went through with your dna test and you got the results.

Amanda: Hilary is my twin.

Billy: Wow.

Amanda: Yeah. So I lost a twin sister that i never knew I had and pretty sure that I lost a brother-in-law, too, so...

Theo: No, billy wouldn't tell me exactly what the story is, which means that it must be epic. This will be perfect for you, kelly. Yeah, just don't let me wait too long for your answer, okay? Great. Alright, thanks. Bye.

Chelsea: Oh. It's you.

Theo: Yes. It's definitely me.

Chelsea: I'm so sorry. Forgive me. I'm terrible with names.

Theo: Uh, theo vanderway. And you are?

Chelsea: Chelsea.

Theo: I love that name. Props to your parents for giving it to you.

Chelsea: [ Laughs ] Well, thank you.

Theo: So, what's new, chelsea?

Chelsea: Um, I actually owe you an apology.

Theo: For what?

Chelsea: The last time we saw each other here, you tried to buy me and my friend some drinks.

Theo: And got shot right down.

Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] Well, let me make it up to you. I'll let you buy me a drink right now.

[ Knock on door ]

Adam: Door's open.

[ Exhales sharply ] Well, here is a guy who just can't take a hint. What were you doing? Were you staking out the parking lot?

Chance: I wanted to talk to you.

Adam: Well, I don't know if that's such a good idea, chance. The last time we spoke, you ratted me out to chelsea.

Chance: I thought she deserved to know where you were.

Adam: Well, you were right. We worked it all out, and I'm going home. You happy?

Chance: I am if you are.

Adam: I am over the moon.

Chance: Then I'm glad things worked out.

Adam: Thank you. I-I mean that. I admit I got a little pissed when you told chelsea about sharon, who I was not having an affair with, by the way. But you were just trying to be a friend, and I appreciate that. Friendship's not exactly in my wheelhouse.

Chance: I'm happy you're in a better place. So maybe now we can talk about our mutual problem. The one in vegas.

Adam: It's all being handled.

Chance: How exactly?

Adam: Just trust me.

Chance: Adam, I used to trust you. Now I'm not so sure that I can anymore, so how about you fill me in on the details.

Adam: I am aware of the problem, and I have made arrangements to make it all go away. And that is all that you need to know.

Chance: I will decide what i need to know.

Adam: We're done here, chance.

Chance: Not so fast. Nobody's going anywhere, not till I get some real answers. These days, everyone expects you to like everything

"The young and the restless"

will continue. How did kellogg's combine...

Billy: So I take it devon didn't hear the news very well.

Amanda: It's a little more complicated than that.

Billy: Well, he couldn't have been completely shocked that you turned out to be hilary's twin.

Amanda: No, but you can imagine everything that it brought up for him.

Billy: I can imagine that there's a lot of emotions that you're going through right now. Is there anything I can do to help?

Amanda: Yes. Stick to our deal.

Billy: Our deal?

Amanda: Keeping things professional at work, not talking about our private lives, our personal feelings.

Billy: Okay. Um, look, if this is about my boneheaded remark I made to nate, or about nate, about him forcing you into the...

Amanda: This has nothing to do with nate. This has everything to do with sticking to the boundaries that we agreed on when I came to work here.

Billy: Okay. I'm sorry. I guess I'm just a little bit bummed that it disqualifies me from being a friend to you, 'cause that's all I'm trying to do, but I won't ask you any more questions.

Amanda: Billy, wait. You're right. Okay, I do need a friend. I don't think I've ever needed one more in my life.

Billy: Let me be that person for you.

Adam: What, are we gonna have a fistfight now?

Chance: I'll settle for an honest conversation.

Adam: Come on, chance. I thought you were on board with me leaving this dump and going home.

Chance: And I am.

Adam: Okay. Well, then, what is the problem? The past is the past. There's nothing that we can do about it, so I'm aiming to look forward, not back, and I think that you should do the same.

Chance: Stop trying to talk your way out of this. I've been around the block enough times to know when somebody's pulling a con on me.

Adam: Who? Me?

Chance: Vegas is a current problem. Not just something in our rearview mirror. So when you say it's "taken care of," excuse me for wanting to know a little bit more.

Adam: I'm sorry. I've told you everything that I can.

Chance: And you're lying.

Adam: You really should be careful, chance. Don't push me.

Chance: Or what? Look, adam, I have always been in your corner, and I've tried to be your friend. I've tried to make you understand that nobody's gonna judge you based on what a scared 11-year-old boy did all those years ago to protect his mother. But vegas -- that's different. That's deeper, darker, and i don't like being shoved to the side.

Adam: Okay, now back the hell off.

Chelsea: I know.

Theo: That party seems like a million years ago.

Chelsea: Opening night at the grand phoenix. I mean, where did you find that girl anyway? The one who spiked the punch.

Theo: She was just somebody i knew back in new york. Not one of my stellar hires. And, trust me, I have crossed her off my list of influencers.

Chelsea: Your list. Huh. Who's on this list?

Theo: Why? You looking to be influenced?

Chelsea: No. No. But I am looking for somebody to help me launch my clothing line. I'm a designer. And I had my own company. And I will have my own company again. I just have to get it up and running.

Theo: That's great. Good for you.

Chelsea: Actually, would you have any interest in being our social-media liaison?

Theo: Liaison?

Chelsea: Yeah. You know, getting my name out there and making people aware of my designs.

Theo: I know what it means, and I'm flattered, chelsea, really. But I can'T.

Chelsea: Why not?

Theo: My new gig at chancellor communications means that I'm exclusive to them.

Chelsea: You work at chanccomm?

Theo: Director of talent.

Chelsea: Well! Look -- look at you. Impressive.

Theo: Thanks.

Chelsea: Mm. Okay, well, good for you, bad for me, I suppose.

Theo: Well, not entirely bad.

Chelsea: Oh?

Theo: I mean, I couldn't work directly for you, but I might be able to get some of chanccomm's media outlets to run a story or two on your new fashion line.

Chelsea: You would do that for me?

Theo: Absolutely.

Chelsea: That is so generous, theo.

[ Chuckles ] Wow, it's like, um -- it's like fate stepped in and brought us together. - Bedtime!! - Bedtime.

Devon: Listen. I'm not trying to take back what I said about hilary, because that wouldn't be honest.

Elena: I wouldn't ask you to.

Devon: But I'm sorry that you had to hear it the way you did. And I'd like the chance to explain where it came from.

Elena: I don't need you to explain anything to me, devon. I know exactly where it came from -- amanda.

Devon: It's not that simple, though.

Elena: But it's simple to me. She's the one who's forcing you to deal with all of this. The pain, the sadness, the regret. All those agonizing memories that you've been trying to put away for years.

Devon: Right.

Elena: She's bringing them up.

Devon: She's not doing it intentionally.

Elena: But she's doing it anyway, devon. I can see it. Remember? I was there, watching you try to let go of hilary and move on with your life, move on with our lives.

Devon: I know that, but amanda finding out this information isn't gonna set back our lives. I'm not gonna let that happen.

Elena: But now she's trying to build this bond with you, in spite of the toll that it's taking.

Devon: I'm the only person she has to talk to about this.

Elena: Okay, listen. I know this is difficult for you right now. I know it's difficult for her, too. And I don't blame her for wanting to know more about hilary, but you already gave her what she asked for. And that has to be enough, for your sake. For our sake. I don't want her coming back, looking for more.

Amanda: I'm sorry, billy.

Billy: For what?

Amanda: I just -- I feel like this sloppy mess. And...I don't know. I feel like I'm gonna cry or something.

Billy: You go ahead and cry. I'm not gonna say anything.

Amanda: You don't understand. I am not that person. I don't lose it. I am the one who is always in control.

Billy: Well, that's your first mistake, because we don't have control over anything most of the time. Our lives are just a bunch of bombs going off, and we keep moving to avoid the shrapnel.

Amanda: And this is a pretty big bomb.

Billy: You want to talk about it? You want to cry about it? Maybe you'll get to a point that you can laugh about it. Whatever you have inside, you just let it out. And if you fall, I'll be here to pick you up. I promise.

Amanda: I always knew that there was a possibility that hilary and I could be sisters. I mean, when I came to town and I saw her picture... and the way everybody responded to me. It was a question, it was, in the back of my head. "What if?" And then it turned out to be true. And the reality of that is so overwhelming. You know, my heart feels so -- so full... and so sad at the same time. After a lifetime of no one, no family, no connections to anyone, I finally...

[ Cries softly ] ...Find my sister. But I'm never -- I'm never gonna meet her, I'm never gonna get to know her.

Billy: [ Inhales, exhales deeply ] Well, maybe you have some other relatives.

Amanda: All I know is that hilary's mother -- my mother -- passed away years ago.

Billy: Devon couldn't help you with anything more?

Amanda: I could tell he wanted to, but then elena showed up and [Sighs] Things got really weird and tense, and he just shut down. And I get it. You know, hilary was his wife. She was pregnant with his child when she died. I understand. But for me, I just feel like it was this huge door to my life that was opened, and then it just slammed shut in my face.

Billy: Well, maybe he'll come around.

Amanda: I don't think so.

Billy: Well, if not, we keep digging.

Amanda: Thank you, billy.

Billy: You know, what's the point of being a media titan if you can't help your friends, right?

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] So you got promoted to titan, have you?

Billy: Well, it's what they're saying.

Amanda: Mm.

Billy: Listen, I didn't know hilary very well. But there are a lot of people in this town that did, and I'm sure they would be very happy to talk to you about her. And if not, we've got investigative journalists whose sole mission is to uncover things, so we will turn over every single rock until we find everything you want to know.

Chance: Look, adam, I'm not trying to overstep here. But when chelsea told me what you've been going through, how you protected your mom when you were a kid. Now you blocked it all out. When she told me that, I felt for you, and I still do.

Adam: It's just another part of the past. It's over. It's done with.

Chance: But vegas is very much in the present. And whatever you're up to, it smells like trouble.

Adam: I'm telling you, you got to put your special-agent intuition away. It's starting to lead you down all the wrong places, chance.

Chance: This is more than intuition. You get to know someone a little bit when you help them cover up a crime.

Adam: What we did is we took care of a man who would have killed you, given the opportunity.

Chance: Let's call this payback, then, okay? Me making sure that you don't cross any more lines.

Adam: You're way too late for that.

Theo: It's kismet.

Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]

Theo: Serendipity.

Chelsea: I'd love to talk more about this with you. Are you heading back to the office? I would love to see the new headquarters now that I've heard so much more about chanccomm.

Theo: We could do that.

Chelsea: Really? Are you sure you're not too busy with more important things?

Theo: I can make time for you. Shall we?

Chelsea: We shall.

Theo: After you.

Chelsea: Thank you. New advil dual action

Amanda: You're a good friend, billy.

Billy: All I did was listen.

Amanda: You did a lot more than that. But I have to be honest.

Billy: Okay.

Amanda: I am still a little hesitant opening up to you about this. It is deeply personal, and it encompasses everything that we said we weren't gonna do.

Billy: Well, I promise you that I will do my best to respect your boundaries. Just don't ask me to stop caring about you. Let me help you as I would help any other friend in this situation.

Amanda: Oh. So, I see you got a lot of friends, you know, with identical twins popping up.

Billy: Mm. You'd be surprised.

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] Okay. I'm all in.

Elena: I know closing the door on amanda seems harsh, and I feel for her. But you're my main concern, and you are kind and generous, and i don't want you to feel obligated to help her unearth her history. Any answers she needs, she can find them herself.

Devon: I agree with you. I really do. I've done my part. I-I helped her get what she needed of hilary's so she can get the dna test. And that's where my involvement can end. She can figure out the rest without my help, and we can move on with our lives. Okay?

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

Mariah: Hi.

Lola: Hey, mariah.

Mariah: Uh, so, I was thinking, after giving you all of that unsolicited advice about theo, that I would support your business and order some takeout.

Lola: Okay. What would you like?

Mariah: I don't know. Maybe telling me what happened since?

Lola: I'm an idiot.

Mariah: No, you're not.

Lola: You know, everything you said about theo was right. Even the other few things that you didn't say.

Mariah: Not that I don't love being right, but what did he do this time?

Lola: I don't even know, and, uh, that's the crazy part.

Mariah: Maybe I can help you figure it out.

Lola: I saw him flirting earlier with chelsea at the bar.

Mariah: Wait. Chelsea lawson, adam's fiancée?

Lola: Yeah. I didn't know that they were engaged, but, um, yeah, I guess I have seen adam and her here a couple times together.

Mariah: Look, although she may have, uh, very questionable taste in men -- no offense -- I doubt anything is going on between the two of them. They were probably just making small talk.

Lola: They were laughing, and, again, flirting.

Mariah: As much as I hate to admit it, theo is a funny guy. Maybe he just said something humorous.

Lola: They left together.

Mariah: Mm. Well, that -- that's definitely weird. But maybe there's a logical explanation.

Lola: There may well be.

[ Inhales, exhales deeply ] You know, it just almost makes it worse, right? Because I don't even know if he's flirting for work, because apparently that's part of his job description, or if he's actually putting the moves on someone in my restaurant. I just don't know how much longer I can put up with this.

Chelsea: This is an amazing place, theo. Thank you for the tour.

Theo: My pleasure.

Chelsea: So, where are your bosses?

Theo: Lily's out of town on business, and I guess billy must have left for a meeting somewhere.

Chelsea: Mm. Does that mean you're in charge?

Theo: They know they can rely on me.

Chelsea: I bet they can.

[ Clears throat ] Um, excuse me.

[ Clears throat ] Uh, you know, I'm so sorry. Before we get started with business, do you have, like, a sparkling water or something?

Theo: Yeah, no, I-I think we have some in the break room.

Chelsea: Would you mind? I'm just -- I'm just a little parched.

Theo: Coming right up.

Chelsea: Thanks.

Billy: What's going on here?

Chance: What am I too late for, adam, huh? Do you want to fill me in, or is this just another part of your game?

Adam: Chance, I don't have to tell you anything. You're not a federal agent anymore. Last time I checked, you run a security company. And that doesn't come with a badge.

Chance: The genoa city police department does. Paul williams has asked me to rejoin the force as a detective.

Adam: Congratulations.

Chance: I'm not gonna let you jeopardize that. So if you plan on crossing any more lines, don't expect me to cross them with you. This time, I'm not gonna hate myself for my decision. So whatever's left of this friendship... it's gonna take a backseat to the law.

Adam: So be it. But fair warning, that goes both ways.

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