Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/10/20
Episode #11869 ~ Adam causes problems between Victor and Nikki; Noah returns home; Nick is shocked by Victoria's move.
Provided By Suzanne
Chance: Before we talk about adam, I need to know what you and the reporter were arguing about.Chelsea: It doesn't matter.
Chance: My ass is on the line, too, chelsea, so, yes, it does matter. I need to know what I'm dealing with here.
Chelsea: Just tell me where adam is, please. You're hiding something, chance. What is it? What aren't you saying to me?
[ Knock on door ]
Sharon: I sent you a text that I still wanted to help you.
Adam: Yeah. Yeah, I got it, but... I didn't think you were gonna show up tonight.
Sharon: Um...I'm sorry that i lashed out at you last time.
Adam: No. No. You had every right to.
Sharon: I don't ever want to be that person again.
Adam: Look, I was selfish. I shouldn't have ever asked you to keep working with me.
Sharon: No, it's okay. I, um -- I never told anybody where you were.
Adam: What about rey?
Sharon: I told him that i needed to go out for a while.
Adam: Okay. So, you lied to him.
Sharon: No, I --
Adam: Look, sharon, really, you have to go. You have your own battle to fight. You have your own life.
Sharon: [ Voice breaking ] Yeah, that's, um -- that's exactly why I'm here. I have no control over my life right now. I have no choice over what happens to me. Being here -- this is my decision. Helping you -- that's my choice. So, please, adam, let me do that.
Nikki: You've been quiet since you got home.
Victor: A.J. Montalvo's daughter is back.
Nikki: I thought she went home to kansas.
Victor: Well, she came back with a vengeance.
Nikki: What does she want?
Victor: To punish adam... for killing her father.
[ Sighs ] As if she could blame an 11-year-old boy for protecting his blind mother. You know, I told her that is a war that she would not win, that I would come after her with everything I've got.
Nikki: Do you think that was a good idea, threatening her like that?
Victor: Well, sweetheart, you know me. Someone threatens me, I come after them twice as hard. She wants to punish that boy. As if he hasn't been punished enough. I made a dreadful mistake telling that boy about that fateful night when he killed A.J. Montalvo. I should never have brought up that memory. What good has it done? Caused nothing but -- nothing but trouble.
Adam: Sharon, you have cancer. You have to focus on your own health. You have to focus on your own recovery.
Sharon: So, what am i supposed to do -- just walk away after everything I've seen you go through?
Adam: Yes! Yes.
Sharon: Well, that would be selfish of me.
Adam: Look, just forget what I said before. I can get through this without you.
Sharon: Oh, the hell you can.
Adam: I'm serious. I want you to leave.
Sharon: What about me? What about what I need and want? Shouldn't that count for something, too, adam?
Mariah: Rey.
Rey: Hey.
Mariah: Hey. How's sharon doing? Your text was vague. What did you mean, her test results were a mixed bag?
Rey: She's not here?
Mariah: No, I-I haven't seen her. What happened?
Rey: Um... the surgery didn't remove all the cancer.
Mariah: Oh, no.
Rey: Yeah. I -- it spread through her lymph nodes. She's gonna need another operation and more treatments.
Mariah: Oh, my god. My poor mom. Why aren't you with her right now?
Rey: I want to be. But she said she needed to go out and...clear her head. I thought she'd be here. This is the second time today she did this, mariah.
Mariah: Trying to help through it... and she won't let you. It's just the way that sharon is, right? She's got to do everything on her own.
Rey: Yeah. I'm not sure she is on her own. I'm not sure she isn't just... I have this gut feeling. You can call it my cop instincts working overdrive, or... maybe it's just my personal history with this.
Mariah: What are you talking about?
Rey: I think she's with adam. I don't want to think that. I'm trying like hell to believe otherwise. But that's what my gut is telling me. So I guess what I need from you right now is to stop me from doing something that I'm gonna regret.
[ Heavy breathing ]
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Chance: I did track down adam, and he's fine.
Chelsea: Thank god. Okay. Well, where is he? Just give me the address --
Chance: Hang on, chelsea. Before we do anything, I need to know what alyssa said to you and what she knows -- and, better yet, what she thinks she knows.
Chelsea: We didn't talk about vegas.
Chance: Then what did you talk about? Was it this other thing that adam's dealing with -- this crisis you were talking about?
Chelsea: Chance, just tell me where adam is and I'll tell you everything, okay? I swear.
Chance: I am trying to help adam. I'm trying to help both of you. But I can't do a damn thing unless you tell me what alyssa knows and what she plans on doing. I don't like flying blind here. Look, you know that you can trust me to act in adam's best interest. I mean, haven't I proven that to you?
Chelsea: Yes.
Chance: Then I don't understand why you're& withholding information from me -- information that I can use to help you.
Chelsea: Okay. You're right. There's no reason for you not to know, especially now. Um... the reason alyssa is going after adam is... personal. It's very, very personal.
Chance: They both said that they used to be friends when they were kids.
Chelsea: In kansas. When adam was 11 years old. Adam killed alyssa's father... and victor covered it up.
Victoria: Hey! This is a surprise!
Nick: I was driving by. Saw one lonely light on in the building, and I thought, "who could that possibly be?"
Victoria: Is it that late?
Nick: Not if you're running the world.
Victoria: Ha. Is everything alright?
Nick: Yeah. Just wanted to come by and see how my big sister's doing. So, how's she doing?
Victoria: You mean besides juggling six new deals and putting out a thousand fires?
Nick: You're not fooling me. I know you love this.
Victoria: I do. You're right. So, how are things with you?
Nick: Everything's great.
Victoria: Are you single again yet?
Nick: So funny. Yeah. Phyllis and I are doing awesome. We've decided to put all the insanity that we've put each other through over the years behind us and just concentrate on one day at a time.
Victoria: I really want to be happy for you, nick, really.
[ Scoffs ]
Nick: [ Chuckling ] Thanks.
Victoria: [ Chuckles ]
Nick: Mom said you and billy are doing a lot better.
Victoria: I've let go of my anger, but don't think for one minute that I'm considering the same route as you and phyllis. Billy and I are co-parenting our kids, period.
Nick: Alright. And how 'bout you and dad? Have you made your peace yet?
Nikki: I have to say I'm a little surprised. It's not like you to second-guess yourself.
Victor: Well, sweetheart, this is my son's life we're talking about, you know, and this secret... of what happened that night has been hanging over my head ever since.
Nikki: Yes. Well, that's all out in the open now. You can't go back.
Victor: I know that.
Nikki: Then why are you punishing yourself?
Victor: Because I often think that I should have... dealt with things differently, you know? I mean, think about it for a moment. Both victoria and nicholas are raised with two loving parents. Abby had a loving mother in ashley. I was around. Adam never had any of that.
Nikki: Well, you can't blame yourself for all of that.
Victor: Well... imagine for a moment if I'd been around when he -- when he grew up. I should have insisted with hope to play more of a father role than I did.
Nikki: No, no, no, no, no.
Victor: No, really. If I'd been around, then, you know, he and I might have discussed what happened that fateful night when he killed A.J. Montalvo and we wouldn't be in the mess we're in right now.
Nikki: Victor, you have to stop this now. I know you have regrets. We all do. But I am not gonna let you blame yourself for the way adam is and the things he's done.
Adam: Sharon, I really appreciate you trying to fix me, but guess what -- I can't be fixed.
Sharon: Don't talk like that.
Adam: It's the truth.
Sharon: I don't believe that anyone is beyond saving.
Adam: Well, you see, that is where I am special. I am actually one of those guys that can officially be classified as a lost cause. So go home and give up.
Sharon: I'm staying.
Adam: Why?
Sharon: Because I keep trying to tell you this isn't just about you, adam. You're not listening to me, okay? It's about...
[ Sighs ]
Adam: What is it about, sharon?
Sharon: Forget it. Nothing.
Adam: Come on. Tell me.
Sharon: No.
Adam: Sharon... please. What is it?
Sharon: [ Sighs ] When I came here last time, I had... just gotten the, um, pathology report from my surgery... and... it didn't go as I'd hoped.
Adam: So... what does that mean?
Sharon: Um, that they didn't get it all. It means the cancer spread. It's in my lymph nodes now. I'm gonna have more surgery, chemo, radiation. I mean, I'm back to square one. I have to go through the entire treatment again.
[ Voice breaking ] And... and I'm scared and I'm
[Crying] Tired, and I'm just --
[ Sniffles ] I feel like my whole life is out of control. But this... being here with you... helping you -- it is something that I can do. It's something that I can focus on. And it feels good and right, and it feels important. So I am gonna help you, adam... whether you want me to or not.
[ Chuckles ]
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Mariah: Sharon has been honest with you about wanting to help adam, right?
Rey: She has.
Mariah: And you went to kansas with her to track him down.
Rey: Yeah. I sort of insisted on it, you know?
Mariah: Well, the point is she wanted you there.
Rey: She said she did.
Mariah: Why would that have suddenly changed? Has she even seen adam since kansas?
Rey: Not as far as I know.
Mariah: Then there it is. She hasn't seen him.
Rey: Or if she has, she hasn't told me.
Mariah: [ Scoffs ] Why would she keep that from you?
Rey: Because she knows what I'm gonna say -- that this is a toxic situation, that adam is selfish for leaning on her like this and that she should be focusing on her recovery -- everything she should be doing but isn'T. Sharon looked exhausted after she found out about her pathology report. It was like someone pulled all the air out of her, all the... hope. And now the thought that she would go to adam -- it's, um...
Mariah: You don't know that she has.
Rey: And I don't want to give in to these ugly thoughts, either. I've tried real hard to keep it under control, to not show sharon how scared I was for her or how... hard this is for me sometimes... because I want to be the man she can lean on. I want to be her rock... the guy she needs right now.
Adam: Please forgive me.
Sharon: For what?
Adam: For being wrapped up in my own garbage. I-I couldn't see your pain.
Sharon: No. No, I, uh -- I don't need any saving, okay? And I didn't -- I didn't come here to cry on your shoulder.
Adam: You can, sharon. Okay? You can be or feel anything you want with me.
Sharon: You know, you've convinced yourself that you're damaged somehow and you're flawed and beyond saving, but, you know, that's not true. Yeah, you're in a dark place right now, but I can see the path -- light and hope -- and I just -- I want to help you find that. I want to.
Adam: You know that i would -- I would do anything to take this all away.
Chance: Wow. So, adam never remembered what happened?
Chelsea: No. Not until victor threw the truth in his face. Victor obviously didn't care that it was gonna send adam spiraling and fill him with self-loathing and doubt. It's just what victor does. He only thinks about himself.
Chance: I don't know enough about the situation to speculate on victor's motives.
Chelsea: But do you understand now why I'm so worried and why it's so important to find adam and bring him home to connor and me?
Chance: It does explain a few things.
Chelsea: What -- what does that mean?
Chance: Just the way that adam was acting when I got there. Things he was saying and doing just didn't make much sense.
Chelsea: What things?
Chance: It's just a feeling. It probably wasn't anything.
Chelsea: That didn't answer my question.
Chance: [ Sighs ] Adam -- he was... acting a bit squirrelly. That's all. And after hearing what you just said... I understand why.
Chelsea: You're hiding something.
Chance: Chelsea --
Chelsea: Chance, I told you everything. Now it's your turn. What are you keeping from me? And why are you so reluctant to tell me where adam is?
Chance: Because he wasn't alone. Alright, I brought in ensure max protein
Rey: You know, I wish i didn't have these thoughts, mariah. Hell, I'd give anything to just erase them from my head, but... I can'T.
Mariah: Well, then let me help you. She loves you, rey.
Rey: [ Sighs ]
Mariah: Sharon knows what she has with you, and she's not gonna put that at risk for adam. That's why she's been honest with you about her work with him. She is not gonna jeopardize your relationship.
Rey: I wish I was as confident as you are.
Mariah: Okay. Let's, um... let's try looking at the situation from a different angle. Have you ever thought about what's at stake in this for adam?
Rey: Honestly, I don't give a damn.
Mariah: Well, you might want to, 'cause he's got just as much to lose as sharon. He is engaged to chelsea. He's committed to his son, and whatever you may think about the guy, he seems to be a pretty good father. He would lose his entire family. I just don't see him risking that. It's just not worth it -- for sharon or for adam.
Chance: I found adam in a hotel room. He's been staying there.
Chelsea: How did he seem to you?
Chance: [ Sighs ] Shut down. Distant. Not at all happy to see me. When sharon got there --
Chelsea: So, sharon was the one that went to see him?
Chance: Look, he's in a bad way right now, so I wouldn't read too much into that.
Chelsea: No, no. It's okay. It's okay. I'm not... um... no, I'm -- I'm actually glad it was sharon.
Chance: You are?
Chelsea: Sure. I mean... you know, there was a time that I wouldn't be thrilled about the idea, considering their history, but... sharon's been helping him.
Chance: Helping him how?
Chelsea: As his therapist... helping him deal with all these memories about killing a man when he was 11 years old, so... they've actually been working together for a while.
Chance: And you're on board with this?
Chelsea: I wouldn't say, "on board." I fought it at first. I gave adam a list of why i thought it was a terrible idea, actually. But at the end of the day... adam comes first. And, to be honest with you, chance... I am scared to death for him.
Chance: I get why.
Chelsea: And, you know, sharon's a professional. She helped us with connor not too long ago when he had some issues. And she knows adam. She knows him really well. So, as much as I don't love the idea that he reached out to her first, at least I know he's close by. And at least he's reaching out for help.
Victoria: I haven't spoken to dad in a while.
Nick: Alright.
Victoria: I haven't felt the need to.
Nick: Well, you two have gotten in some pretty big fights in the past. You swear not to talk to each other, and then you both calm down and everything turns out alright.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, not this time.
Nick: Oh. She is cutting the cord for good this time.
Victoria: No, our father did that when he prioritized adam's care and needs over yours and mine.
Nick: Like he always does.
Victoria: You know, I almost died, nick. And while I was recovering, during those weeks, I-I had a lot of time to think about everything. I was randomly attacked my some lunatic, my relationship ended, I couldn't do the job that i worked my entire adult life to do. I mean, these are pretty bad things, right? But I just -- I just thought to myself, "I still have my kids, I still have my family, and, yes, I'll be able to come back to this job when I'm ready."
[ Sighs ] You -- you're the one that helped me fight. Knowing that you were here, holding down the fort and you couldn't wait to hand me back the reins, and -- and that's what made me get better. But then when I come back to the office, dad's here, and -- and he says, "sorry. You're gonna have to take another back seat because adam's in charge" -- again.
Nick: Now we know why he did it.
Victoria: That's the irony. Adam tries to blackmail dad, and then it ends up that he's the one who's the killer. It's almost the perfect result -- almost.
Nick: What do you mean, "almost"?
Victoria: Don't you get sick of it? I mean, you and me -- we do everything right, and -- and we get smacked down. And adam does everything up to and including killing people, and he's still dad's golden boy.
Nick: Well, the way I look at it, they're being punished just by being themselves. So why pile on when they're doing such a good job of torturing each other?
Victoria: What have either of them learned? What has changed? Has anything changed? No. And we just let them get away with it. And I think they need to learn that there are consequences -- real consequences.
Nick: Sounds like you already have something in mind.
Nikki: This is not your failure, victor. Hope remarried. Cliff was a good man, a good father. Adam was raised by two fine people. You can't blame his upbringing for the kind of person he turned out to be.
Victor: I know you want me to believe that, but I don't and i can'T.
Nikki: You did what you thought was best for him. So did hope. You both protected him.
Victor: And then I threw the truth in his face.
Nikki: No. No, no. That's not how it happened. Have you already forgotten why you told him the truth? Adam was blackmailing you for a crime that he committed. He forced you to tell him the truth to protect yourself and your company.
Victor: But I feel that i could have handled it differently.
Nikki: Oh, my god. Have you forgotten that he tried to kill you, his own father?
Victor: I don't think that was his intention.
Nikki: Really? The way he switched out your medication and stood by and said nothing while you got sicker and sicker? I'm sorry, victor. I know you don't want to hear this, but that was evil. Adam has proven time and time again the kind of person he is.
Victor: Let me ask you something. If he were your flesh and blood, would you judge him as harshly? Would you call him a bad seed and call him the devil incarnate? No, you would not. What makes a sauce, rag ?
"The young and the restless"
will continue. At cancer treatment centers of america,
Nikki: Oh, I've been waiting for you to play that card -- that adam isn't my son and I'm judging you.
Victor: Sweetheart, that's a fair question.
Nikki: No. It's hurtful and unfair.
Victor: Wait a minute, now. If we were talking about nicholas or victoria right now, are you telling me you would judge them as harshly as you obviously are judging adam?
Nikki: Oh, victor, god knows our children aren't perfect. But even you can't make the argument that they have caused a fraction of the pain that adam has.
Victor: Because they were loved! They knew they were loved -- by everyone!
Nikki: Or maybe it just wasn't in them to want to destroy us whenever they were angry or hurt. Victor [Sighs] I am very sorry for what you're going through. I even feel sorry for chelsea, who seems to be as blind to adam as you are. But most of all...
[ Voice breaking ] I am sorry for connor, who I do love as my grandson just as much as I love all our grandchildren.
Victor: I know you do. I know you do, okay?
Nikki: I have tried with adam. And so have you, so many times. But this is just who he is, and no amount of second-guessing can change that.
[ Sighs ] The bottom line is that all those years ago, adam went through a crisis and you trusted your instincts. I would stake my life on those instincts, and I have on countless occasions. That's how I know that you did the right thing.
Victor: [ Sighs ]
Chance: I texted you the address.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Chance: Now go get adam out of there and bring him home where he belongs. What's the matter?
Chelsea: Uh, um, you know, I'm not so sure I should go.
Chance: Chelsea.
Chelsea: You know how much adam loves his son, right?
Chance: Yeah. Of course. It's obvious every time he talks about him.
Chelsea: So then you know how hard this decision must have been for him to put distance between us and not tell connor where he was going. I mean... he's living in his own private hell. You saw the state he was in.
Chance: Which is all the more reason for you to go and bring him home.
Chelsea: I don't know. I'm not so sure anymore.
Chance: Chelsea, you asked me to find adam, and I found him. I've given you the address, and I've told you exactly what you need to expect when you get there.
Chelsea: I know. I know.
Chance: So, what are you waiting for?
Chelsea: I don't think the situation can be resolved by me just showing up at his doorstep.
Chance: Well, it's sure as hell not gonna get resolved, him hiding out in a hotel room with sharon.
Chelsea: Yeah, okay. I get it. You said that. I heard you.
Chance: Look, whatever she's doing to help him, it doesn't have to be there -- not in that environment. In my opinion, that is the worst place that he needs to be right now.
Chelsea: He's taken off before, chance.
Chance: Yeah. I know.
Chelsea: My fear is that if i pressure him to come home, he won't be able to handle it. At least now I know he's close by, you know? That's a sign. He's not gonna leave his family for good. I-I feel like I just have to leave it at that for now.
Chance: I don't think that this is the best idea.
Chelsea: Adam knows where his home is. When he's ready and stronger... he'll tell me.
Sharon: I'm sorry.
Adam: For what?
Sharon: For losing it, I guess?
Adam: Hey. You had a setback. And you reacted to it like any normal person would.
Sharon: By completely losing it?
Adam: Hey. It's me... your old friend.
Sharon: "Old friend"?
Adam: And you can say, do, or be anything you want around me. Don't you know that by now? The reason that I turned to you, as selfish as it was, is because you understand me... like no one else does. And I would like to think that that works both ways -- that we... understand each other.
Sharon: But I'm supposed to be professional and help you.
Adam: Well, look. Here I am. I'm fine, see? You have fixed me.
Sharon: Oh, go on. Stop.
Adam: No. Look, you have nothing be ashamed of... and you have nothing to apologize for, okay?
Sharon: Okay.
Adam: So just...take it easy. You have been there for me, so let me be there for you.
Sharon: I really thought that, um... I could handle anything -- anything that the doctors told me -- but this just really knocked the wind out of me.
Adam: It's okay. Just -- just rest, okay?
Sharon: But being here... with you...
Adam: I know. - Bedtime!! - Bedtime.
Chance: I do understand why you're hesitating to see adam.
Chelsea: I don't know what he's gonna do... or how he's gonna act. I just don't want to make things worse for him, chance.
Chance: Can I be honest with you, chelsea?
Chelsea: Of course you can.
Chance: When I got to the motel, th-there was something in adam's eyes, in his demeanor, the way he talked, the way he moved, and --
Chelsea: What do you mean?
Chance: There was a sense of recklessness... danger... and I've seen it in him before, when we were in vegas. Right now adam is like a coiled spring and the slightest touch could just make him explode. What I'm trying to say is that, right now, he's in a state of mind that... worries me... especially when he -- he's searching for answers and he's looking --
[ Sighs ] I'm afraid he's looking for someone to blame.
Chelsea: Are you suggesting adam would put you in jeopardy?
Chance: Chelsea, no.
Chelsea: Because as good of a friend as you've been to him, he's been very loyal to you. And he has kept a secret that's protected you both.
Chance: Which is something that I will never forget, and that's why I'm here as his friend.
Chelsea: I appreciate that. And I appreciate the information, and I trust that you'll keep this to yourself?
Chance: Of course. You have my word.
Chelsea: Thank you, chance, for everything.
[ Sighs ]
Chance: Chelsea... I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about adam, that this could all go south in the state of mind that he's in right now. As his fiancée and the mother of his child... you should be worried, too. Hi sabrina!
Nick: So, what are you up to?
Victoria: Who says I'm up to anything?
Nick: Me. Nobody knows you as well as I do. There's something up your sleeve, and, obviously, it has something to do with dad and adam.
Victoria: It doesn't concern you.
Nick: Actually, it does if it's gonna cause more problems in the family.
Victoria: These are not your problems, nick.
Nick: Vick...
Victoria: Nicholas, you're the one who has always wanted to take your own road, and I respect that. I even envy the fact that you can walk in and out of all of the newman family insanity and i always feel like I'm stuck right in the middle of it. So let's just call this my own personal declaration of independence. I-I just don't feel like I-i need dad's forgiveness or his approval. If anything, he should be asking for mine.
Nick: So, you're not gonna tell me more?
Victoria: If anything happens, you'll be one of the first people to know.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Okay. Be careful.
Victoria: I always am. Give my regards to phyllis.
Victor: Thank you for understanding, my love.
Nikki: I wouldn't be much of a partner if I couldn't be honest about how I felt. I know it's hurtful. I would give anything to be wrong about adam.
Victor: And I'm sorry.
Nikki: For what?
Victor: Sorry about what i said... about adam not being your flesh and blood.
Nikki: I just hate to see you blaming yourself.
Victor: I know.
Nikki: I do wish things could be different.
Victor: I'm afraid the clock cannot be turned back, can it? Adam... hates me for the choices I've made, and he'll be full of resentment from now on. Who the hell knows what that'll mean for us moving forward?
Mariah: [ Sighs ] Please don't be doing anything stupid.
[ Knock on door ]
[ Knock on door ]
Chelsea: Adam, it's me. I know you wanted to be alone, but please listen to me. I understand if you don't want to open the door, so... just hear me out.
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