Y&R Transcript Friday 9/4/20
Episode #11865 ~ Nick defends his relationship with Phyllis; Chance covers for Adam; Devon comes clean with Elena.
Provided By Suzanne
Nick: Hey.Phyllis: [ Gasps ] Hey!
Nick: What's up?
Phyllis: Um... I'm working on something big.
Nick: What is it?
Phyllis: I can't tell you. Until it works out and happens. It's a game changer.
Chance: [ Chuckles ] Paul just invited us to lunch tomorrow, with him and christine.
Abby: Wow. He really wants you on the force, doesn't he?
Chance: He's working at it pretty hard.
Abby: You think? Why else would he want to go on a double date?
Chance: Don't turn around.
Abby: Why not?
Chance: Just don'T.
Abby: I thought you got rid of her.
Chance: Hmm. I thought so, too.
Abby: Then why is she here? Why is she following you?
Amanda: I thought we made a deal, billy. We weren't getting involved. What happened to that?
Billy: How is this getting involved?
Amanda: You overstepped.
Billy: By giving you my opinion, 'cause that's all it was, okay? You could have told me that the dna swab was for something else.
Amanda: You mean lie to you?
Billy: No. Tell me it's none of my business. Instead you confided in me about wanting to find out if hilary was your sister, like a friend would do. And I expressed concern, like a friend would do.
Amanda: It's a little more complicated than that.
Billy: I don't see how.
Amanda: Then let me explain it to you. Expressing your opinion is fine. But you took it a step further. You tried to make this about the man that I'm dating, and that is not okay. If I choose to find out if I had a sister, that is my call. That is not nate's, and it is definitely not yours.
Elena: What are you looking at?
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Elena: Hello? Devon?
Devon: I'm sorry. What was that?
Elena: Was my story that boring? Or is there something on your mind?
Devon: No, it wasn't you.
Elena: Something wrong?
Devon: No, but I wasn't completely forthcoming when you asked me what I was looking at on my phone.
Elena: Okay.
[ Clears throat ] So, you were looking at a picture of hilary. It's perfectly natural that you would be thinking about her. You don't have to hide that from me.
Devon: It's more than that.
Elena: Okay.
Devon: Amanda asked me if i would help her figure out if her resemblance to hilary is more than just a coincidence.
Amanda: For the record, nate is not manipulating me into doing this. What possible motive would he have? He has been nothing but supportive. And, yeah, he realizes that this is a pretty big step and I might be a little emotional about it.
Billy: I got no beef with nate. And if it came across that way, again, I apologize.
Amanda: Good. Thank you.
Billy: But I would like to know where that leaves us. Are we friends? Colleagues? Let's put a name on it, whatever you choose, because right now i have no idea.
Amanda: I like working with you, billy, and I consider you a friend. But those days of you and me confessing our secrets over drinks at the empty glass lounge, they're over. We can't bring that into this workplace, billy.
Billy: Message received.
Amanda: And if that's really true, I'm glad. Because I can't be your answer, billy. Things between us need to stay professional.
Lily: So, is this negotiation settled, or do I need to weigh in?
Nick: Bigger than the escape club?
Phyllis: Just as big. But a little more important.
Nick: How many questions do I get?
Phyllis: As many as you want. But I'm not gonna tell you. It'll jinx it.
Nick: I didn't know you were so superstitious.
Phyllis: Yes, you do know I'm superstitious. I mean, my life is crazy. Up and down and all around, and
[Exhales deeply] I don't take anything for granted.
Nick: Are you sure I can't charm it out of you?
Phyllis: Um, you can anything out me.
Nick: Anything?
Phyllis: Anything.
Nick: Well, then we could, uh...
Phyllis: Oh. Yeah, yeah, we could. But, uh, I can't right now. I have to go back to work.
Abby: So, what do we do now?
Chance: I'm still figuring that out.
Abby: Do you think she knows what happened with you and adam in vegas?
Chance: No. If she had anything solid, she wouldn't be sniffing around.
Abby: Even so, we should just lay low for a while. We could go to hawaii.
Chance: You think that's far enough away?
Abby: I'll book us some flights.
Chance: Hold on, sweetheart.
Abby: Why, you think she'd follow us?
Chance: I'm not sure what alyssa's up to, but I intend to find out.
Abby: Okay, what are you doing?
Chance: Trust me.
Abby: Chance.
Chance: Hello, alyssa.
Alyssa: Hmm. Hello, mr. Chancellor. Alright, everyone, we made it.
Noah: Summer and kyle.
Nick: Back together. They seem solid as a rock.
Noah: [ Chuckles ] You really believe that?
Nick: They do, which is far more important than anything i can say to them.
Noah: Yeah, it seems like, uh, everyone in this family is insisting on revisiting their past.
Nick: We can talk about phyllis if you want.
Noah: Actually, no. I think we need to talk about mom. So, she had a surprise visitor today.
Nick: Don't tell me it was adam.
Noah: Oh, I wish I could.
Nick: I warned him to stay away from her. So has rey. But he refuses to listen to the message. He won't put anyone else's feelings or wants above his own. So, what did he want? What was his excuse this time.
Noah: He wanted to see mom. I told him he needed to leave.
Nick: I'm sure that went over well.
Noah: You know, actually adam excepted the fact that he couldn't just show up whenever he wanted to. Not that I believed him.
Nick: You shouldn'T.
Noah: Mom isn't pushing him away. In fact, she insisted on seeing him.
Nick: Noah, your mother has a huge heart. People like adam like to take advantage of her. You know, he doesn't care how it's impacting her recovery. He only cares about what she can do for him.
Noah: So, what can we do, dad? How do we stop him?
Alyssa: Quite frankly, I'm a little surprised you could spare the time to have a drink with me. You were such a hurry to blow me off the last time we met.
Chance: And I apologize for that. Abby and I, we had a prior engagement, and, well, you know how those things go.
Alyssa: Of course.
Chance: I meant no offense.
Alyssa: None taken, then.
Chance: I'm glad we got that out of the way.
Alyssa: I am, too, mr. Chancellor.
Chance: Please. Call me chance. Everyone else does.
Alyssa: [ Chuckles ] Chance... now that we're being friendly, maybe you can tell me if anything's come back to you about, uh, a certain missing guy in las vegas.
Chance: You're a good reporter.
Alyssa: I like to think so.
Chance: And you don't think that I've given you the full story?
Alyssa: Not even close.
Chance: Well, this may surprise, alyssa, but you're right. O have a confession to make. I haven't been completely honest with you.
Amanda: Yes, everything is settled, lily. I just wanted to make sure that we are on the same page before i left on my trip.
Lily: Okay. How about you?
> Billy: What amanda says goes. I'm good with it.
Lily: Uh, well, not to add more to your plate, but we have some contracts I'd like you to look at while you're gone.
Amanda: Of course. That's not a problem.
Lily: And we don't have to sign off on anything until you get back. I just want to get your take on it first.
Amanda: That's what you pay me for.
Lily: Great. Well, thank you, amanda, and bon voyage.
Billy: And, uh, good luck, not that you'll need it. Knock 'em dead.
Amanda: I'll do my best. Bye, billy.
Billy: Bye. Okay. Let me have it.
Lily: Am -- am I supposed to say something?
Billy: That conversation you walked in on, was a direct contradiction to what I said about keeping things professional with amanda.
Lily: Oh, yeah. Well...
Billy: I wasn't just blowing smoke, lily.
Lily: [ Exhales sharply ] Okay. Then prove it.
Elena: I can't say I'm surprised. I mean, every since she came to town, it's been in the back of everyone's mind. But why is she suddenly so interested in finding the truth now?
Devon: I think having this new medical evidence has just made it impossible for her to keep going, wondering if she's related to her or not.
Elena: I didn't know it was on her mind at all. She's always been so emphatic that she has no interest in hillary.
Devon: I know. I know. Maybe she felt obligated to take that stance, given the circumstances that brought her to town.
Elena: And you don't think this is a similar situation to what happened with katherine's will, do you? Like, amanda trying to get a portion of hilary's estate?
Devon: No. I don't -- I don't believe that at all. I-I could see the emotion in amanda's eyes when she was asking for help. It came from a real place, which I've experienced myself. You know, that desperate need to what to know where you come from. There were years where I had a lot of questions about the man that I thought was my biological dad, and not being at all.
Elena: [ Exhales sharply ] Sorry. Can you please forget I asked you that?
Devon: You don't have to be sorry. It's a fair question.
Elena: No, it's not fair at all. I don't think amanda's trying to take any money from anyone. I mean, she's proven herself to everyone, including myself. I don't even know why I would think of her that way.
Devon: This is a lot. It's a whole lot that I just dumped on your plate all at once. I get it. It's making my mind go in a thousand different directions, too, especially wondering how hilary would feel about all this.
Elena: You mean her having a sister?
Devon: Yeah, she -- she had a really tough time when she lost her mom. And her father was never in the picture. So I know her life would have been very different if she grew up with a sibling. Probably would have been a lot easier. And for amanda, of course, that would have made a huge impact, finding out that she has a sister, 'cause for the first time in her life, she would have had real family.
Elena: So you've thought about how this would affect amanda, too.
Devon: Well, I mean, yeah, it's hard not to -- to, you know, imagine being in her shoes, 'cause I was, growing up in foster care and finding out I was a chancellor as an adult.
Elena: So you can't help but be empathetic to her.
Devon: Listen, her situation might be completely different than mine. She might not be related to hilary at all. We don't know. This is all just speculation.
Elena: But a lot of solid evidence.
Devon: How are you feeling about it all?
Elena: Honestly?
[ Clears throat ] A little overwhelmed.
Devon: Me too.
Elena: Yeah, I mean, if all this is true, this is a big deal, devon, especially for you. You might even feel like you have a part of hilary back.
Devon: That's not why I want to do this.
Elena: I'm just telling you how I feel. I want to be honest with you.
Devon: I understand. I appreciate that. But I'm gonna be honest with you, and I want you to hear me when I say this. I would not be like before, with me obsessing over hilary, pushing you away. Listen, you're the best thing in my life, and we've come way too far and built something way too solid to ever let anything get in the way again. I mean that. So I want you to tell me the truth. If you don't me to help amanda, that's fine. You can just say it. I had shingles. Horrible. A young thing like me?
Billy: Amanda and I have a history. I've never denied that. And what happened was, she misconstrued something I said, a friendly comment, but it's all good. We figured it out.
Lily: And that's all it was?
Billy: Beginning, middle, end of the story.
Lily: Billy, you promised me there would be no issue with you working with amanda here.
Billy: Oh, come on. What do you want me to do? You want me to start dating somebody else to prove to you that it's not an issue with amanda?
Lily: Oh, please, that's silly.
Billy: Okay, you know what? That's what I'll do. I'm gonna get on a dating app right now.
Lily: Okay, no, stop. I believe you, okay? Conversation's over.
Billy: Okay. App. Hey.
Amanda: Nate. Hi. Thanks for stopping by.
Nate: I wasn't gonna let you ave without saying goodbye.
Amanda: I have that dna sample for you. I had it in my hand. Where the hell did you put it, amanda?
Nate: Are you alright?
Amanda: Yes. No.
[ Door closes ] Yes. I had a rough day at work. And, um, I'm over it now.
Nate: I can see that. What happened?
Amanda: Oh, it's just billy. Billy being billy. Sticking his nose into something that was clearly none of his business.
Nate: Judging by your mood, you've made him regret it.
Amanda: I reminded him that we are colleagues now and he needs to behave accordingly. Anyway, he backed off. Everything's fine. There it is. And I still cannot believe that a tiny dab of saliva is gonna answer questions that I've had my whole life.
Nate: So I'm guessing this means devon's on board with this. Did he give you something with hilary's dna?
Amanda: He hasn't made up his mind yet.
Nate: Why not? It's a pretty straightforward "yes" or "no" question.
Amanda: I think that my request may have hit him a little harder than I had expected.
Nate: This is my fault.
Amanda: What's your fault? I don't -- I don't understand.
Nate: I was being too optimistic about this when i thought devon wouldn't have an issue with this, that enough time had passed since hilary was gone, that he'd be able to deal with it. I was wrong.
Amanda: Nate -- nate, he didn't say no.
Nate: If he were okay with it, he would have said yes immediately.
Amanda: Not necessarily, okay? I caught him off guard. He said that he needed a little bit of time to think about what hilary would have wanted.
Nate: That's not a good sign.
Amanda: Why not? I think it makes perfect sense.
Nate: Given devon's history, this could be a problem.
Amanda: I swear, nate, he was not upset that I asked.
Nate: I'm sure he understood you wanted to find out. But you weren't there when hilary passed. Or the year after, when devon fell so far into his grief, i was afraid he would never come out of it again. We can't push him, amanda. I know how badly you want this, but if devon decides this is just too much for him, then I'm sorry I got your hopes up. But you may never get those questions answered.
Alyssa: So, what did you keep from me the first time we spoke?
Chance: I assume you know i used to be a federal agent, right?
Alyssa: I've seen your cv.
Chance: Well, it turns out the missing man was peripherally involved in a money-laundering operation that I was investigating.
Alyssa: What sort of operation?
Chance: I'm afraid I can't reveal that.
Alyssa: And why not?
Chance: The investigation is ongoing.
Alyssa: Well, that's convenient.
Chance: And yet still true.
[ Hurried footsteps approach ]
Phyllis: Hey.
[ Sighs ] I've been trying to get ahold of you. I've been calling you.
Abby: Not now, phyllis.
Phyllis: No, now is precisely the time to talk about our future or, um, better yet, my future, which may not include you. What has you so concerned about, uh, your super stud over there? It's my 9:12 no-days-off migraine medicine.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Nick: I wish I could tell you how to stop adam from interfering in people's lives. I mean, we've all tried. But the thing is, the harder you push adam to try and talk him out of something, the harder he pushes back.
Noah: I just don't understand why she puts up with his crap.
Nick: They have a very complicated history.
Noah: Yeah, I know. And that's exactly where it needs to stay -- in the past.
Nick: Yeah, I agree. Alright? But the short answer is your mom simply wants to help adam.
Noah: There's no other therapist in genoa city?
Nick: Adam feels like the only person who can give him the answers he needs is your mother.
Noah: I mean, is this even legit, or is it just another one of adam's cons?
Nick: No.- Adam definitely needs help. I'm not gonna deny that.
Noah: So, what happened to him?
Nick: It doesn't matter. Just know that your mom is the last person who should be trying to fix adam.
Noah: Well, if -- if nobody else can do anything to stop him, I will.
Nick: Alright, just hold on.
Noah: I'm not afraid of adam.
Nick: Yeah, I know. I know you're not. But there are other people's feelings here you need to consider. Your mom's, mine.
Noah: Yours?
Nick: Yeah. I do not want my son caught in the line of fire. Son, adam's a snake. And he doesn't fight fair. And it never ends well.
Billy: Hmm. So many options. So many questions. It's a good thing online dating was around back in the day or we would have never hooked up.
Lily: Hooked up? Really?
Billy: It's a figure of speech.
Lily: I told you that is not necessary.
Billy: No, I am all in now. Ah! Here's a good question. If a friend was gonna describe you in three words, what would they say?
Lily: Um... pain in the ass?
Billy: That's four.
Lily: That is four.
Billy: I'm gonna with "bold," "bodacious"...
Lily: Okay, billy.
Billy: Yes?
Lily: Listen. This is ridiculous. Billy abbott does not need a dating service.
Billy: No, no, I think you're right. I am sick and tired of cuddling with my chinese takeout containers. Plus, it was your idea to stop playing hero with amanda. Oh, that's actually good. I should put that in my profile. "Want a hero? Swipe left on this guy."
Lily: Okay, can we -- can you stop, please? Can we get back to work?
Billy: Lily, you're turning into a buzzkill. You are. You're literally just walking around, stealing everyone's fun. In fact, that's what I'm gonna call you now -- "the enemy of fun."
Lily: Okay, you know what? You're not fooling anybody, because I know exactly how you're feeling right now, and it is anything but fun.
Abby: Phyllis?
Phyllis: Abby?
Abby: Just mind your own business, okay?
Phyllis: You seem really concerned about their conversation. That's all.
Abby: Once again, you're dead wrong.
Phyllis: Am I?
Abby: That woman is just a former security client of chance's, and they are catching up.
Phyllis: It's a really intense conversation for two people who are catching up.
Abby: You know what? You asked the question. I answered it. Are you happy now?
Chance: Well, now I'm curious.
Alyssa: Mm-hmm.
Chance: How'd you come across this story in the first place?
Alyssa: It just sort of fell in my lap.
Chance: I'm sure you're being far too modest.
Alyssa: Oh?
Chance: I'm curious how the story of a missing man in las vegas just falls into the lap of a kansas newspaper reporter.
Alyssa: You've done your research, too, I see.
Chance: Force of habit.
Alyssa: Do you always check up on people that you've just run into, or am I the exception?
Chance: I needed to know who and what I was dealing with here. Working as a federal agent, you can't always tell the good guys from the bad.
Alyssa: Indeed you can'T. And while we're on that subject, how come you left your government job anyway?
Chance: Change of scenery.
Alyssa: Is that the only reason?
Chance: Pretty much.
Alyssa: So you left your high-profile government job for security work in genoa city?
Chance: This is my home. But I'm sure you already knew that.
Alyssa: The timing seems interesting.
Chance: And you still haven't answered my question, about why a kansas newspaper would be covering a story on a missing man in las vegas. It's a bit out of your jurisdiction, don't you think?
Alyssa: I couldn't help but wonder what adam had been doing all these years. Quite a lot, as it turns out.
Chance: So this is personal.
Alyssa: All my stories become personal, especially when they're as mysterious as this one.
Chance: I wish you the best of luck.
Alyssa: That's all you've got?
Chance: I've told you everything that I know. Good luck.
Noah: You know, I'm starting to feel like I made a mistake, going back to london after grandpa's anniversary party.
Nick: Come on, man.
Noah: Seriously, dad. Look, mom's going through all this pain and exhaustion, and I'm thousands of miles away, fiddling with art and my pictures, and -- what I should be doing is camping out on the front porch, making sure that adam stays away for good.
Nick: Do you remember what your mom told you when you left?
Noah: Yeah, I know.
Nick: She wanted you to live your life to its fullest. She hasn't changed her mind about that, and neither have I. And that fiddling you're talking about, that is what makes you special. It's why we're so proud of you. Your mom lit up when she heard about your new art exhibit in san francisco. The last thing she would ever want to feel is that she is holding you back in some way.
Noah: It's -- you guys are doing all the heavy lifting. Mariah and faith with mom all the time, and I'm just --
Nick: You're doing what you're supposed to be doing. What your mom wants you to do. Noah, don't worry about things here. We've got it covered. We're all gonna man the barricades and make sure we do the best we can to keep adam out of her life for good.
Noah: Okay. I'm just praying mom gets some good news.
Billy: Do you think I'm not having fun? I think you should speak for yourself. I'm having a blast.
Lily: I know. So you keep insisting over and over and over again.
Billy: Oh, so you don't believe me.
Lily: [ Sighs ]
Lily: It's not an accusation, billy. It's recognition. Look, I've been where you are, and I know that it's awful. But when I ended things with cane, I was ready to swear off relationships forever. And I actually meant it.
Billy: What about that guy upstate? Wasn't that a relationship?
Lily: No. Not really. And the only reason why it lasted as it did is because it was long distance.
Billy: Okay. Well, I got a great idea. Why don't you grab your phone, create a profile, and we can both have some pain-free, online dating fun.
Lily: It's impossible to completely avoid pain. I mean, life is moving forward, and that comes with emotional risks.
Billy: Not if you play it right.
Lily: If I actually thought that you meant that, I would feel sorry for you. Look, I do want to share my life with someone again. You know, someone to hold me close and who knows me well. And I really believe deep down that you want that, too. And that you think it's worth the risk.
Nate: I hope you don't think I'm trying to discourage you from finding out if you and hilary are related, especially since I'm the one came up with the idea in the first place. I'm just saying you might have to do it without devon.
Amanda: I understand, nate. He's your cousin. You love him. You want to protect him.
Nate: I want to do right by both of you. If devon turns you down, I'll help you figure out other options.
Amanda: I don't suppose that there may be a sample of hilary's dna at the hospital? Maybe some blood work or...
Nate: After all this time, it's highly unlikely.
Amanda: So I'm going to need devon's help. But I promise you, if he says no, I will respect that. I will never bring it up again.
Nate: He's in a difficult position. Hilary is always gonna have a piece of his heart.
Amanda: And I obviously wasn't here, but I can imagine how hard it was for him to lose her.
Nate: Not only hilary. But their unborn child.
Amanda: Oh...my... god. Uh...
Nate: He...married her on her deathbed... at the hospital... knowing she wasn't gonna make it. And then he had to watch her just slip away. It was tragic.
Amanda: And now I am asking him to bring it all back up again. I should have went about this so differently. I mean, meeting him at a restaurant and casually asking for hilary's dna, I...
[ Exhales deeply ]
Nate: I was the one who should have given it more thought. I watched devon grieve for so long. His suffering got more intense over time. It messed with his head, his career, even his relationship with elena. For a while, I was worried he'd never be able to heal. Even though he's in a better place, I realize his wounds haven't disappeared.
Amanda: Nate... I want you to know that... I'm very sensitive to devon's pain and his grief. I would never force him to give up a piece of hilary, especially just to test some theory that could be proven false. But he said something to me when we talked that makes me feel like there must be a connection.
Nate: What's that?
Amanda: When I went into the system, I was only a newborn. So they had no way of knowing the actual day that I was born.
Nate: Mm-hmm.
Amanda: So they kind of pulled a date out of thin air and called it my birthday. Well, hilary's birthday and mine are only a day apart.
Elena: I thought about what you said, and I think there's something that I need to tell you.
Devon: Okay.
Elena: I can't be the person who tells you not to do this. This has to be between you and amanda.
Devon: Alright. I-I appreciate you being honest, but I really do want you to weigh in on this 'cause you've had my back for day one, when amanda showed up in town, and, you know, you have a stake in this, too.
Elena: Okay, do you think you maybe owe amanda something because of how we treated her when she first got to town?
Devon: She sure didn't deserve how we were.
Elena: Okay, so then would this be, like, making amends in a way?
Devon: I... I didn't think of it like that. But, I mean, more than anything, I want to try and figure out what hilary would want me to do, and that's what I told amanda.
Elena: And how did she respond?
Devon: She said she understands, but I know she wanted me to give her a real answer.
Elena: If hilary's preference is the deciding factor, then i don't understand why you need my opinion.
Devon: 'Cause, well, you're the person that I love, so, you know, I want you to have a say in this decision.
Elena: [ Exhales sharply ] Okay. If hilary were here, what would she say? What would she want you to do?
Devon: I don't know. That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out. I don't know if what she would have done while she was alive is the same as what she'd want me to do now.
Elena: Okay, well, what you've told me about hilary, i think I have an idea of what she would want, but hilary's not here, and it's really not my place, devon.
Devon: I understand. I do. And from everything you've said to me, I think that I know where you stand.
Elena: I mean, I know you have some of hilary's belongings and those would, of course, have traces of her dna. And without those things, i think it would be really difficult, if not impossible, for amanda to find the answer she's looking for. But, again, hilary can't make you do this and neither can I. I think you have to follow your heart. So what is it telling you to do?
It's been 75 years
Billy: Well, thanks for the pep talk. And let me just be clear for a second. I do think that you should take another shot at the big brass ring. Because you deserve it.
Lily: Ah! And you?
Billy: No. No, nellie. Not the same thing.
Lily: Why not?
Billy: Because with cane, the suffering that you felt was because of his mistakes. But me, 99% of the time was my fault. I was the reason why my relationships blew up, and i think it's a moral and civic duty to not enter into any meaningful romantic relationships.
Lily: You are so full of it.
Billy: Why would you say that?
Lily: Because I can tell, under all that bluster and cynicism, there's a big, warm, mushy heart in there that's just ready to fall in love again.
Billy: Mm, nope. Nothing but the call of a lone wolf on the prowl.
Lily: Oh, my god.
Billy: [ Howling ]
Lily: You know what?
[ Chuckles ] I give up. It's fine. You know what? No romance for you. No relationships. Whatever.
Billy: Great. Now that we figured that out, can we go get something to eat. This wolf is hungry.
Lily: Yeah, why not?
Nate: I don't know what to say
Amanda: And without proof...
Nate: Amanda, I-I wish there was more I could do.
Amanda: Nate, no. You have done so much. You're looking out for your cousin. You're looking out for me. And I am so grateful for helping me face those questions that i have been asking my whole life. You know, who I am, where I came from. I'm finally ready to go on this journey... no matter where it leads. Actually, speaking of journeys, I got to catch my flight.
Nate: I'll drive you to the airport.
Amanda: No, it's fine. I already ordered a car. I'll be back soon.
Nate: Not soon enough.
Amanda: You know, when I get back, there may be something else waiting for me. If devon does donate hilary's dna, I might have a whole new family history.
Devon: I don't know. I really -- I really don't know what to do about amanda's request.
Elena: Then don't do anything. She just sprung this on you. You should take time to process it. And I hope you realize it's perfectly okay if the answer is no.
Devon: Thank you.
Elena: I didn't do anything.
Devon: You did, though. You really did. You give me clarity. You give me support. And you show me love every single day. I don't know what I'd do without you.
Elena: Well, I love you.
Devon: I love you more. You want me to get you a refill?
Elena: [ Exhales sharply ] Yeah.
Devon: Yeah?
Elena: That would be great.
Devon: [ Smooches ]
Elena: [ Sighs ]
Noah: So, let's talk about your life now, dad.
Nick: Okay.
Noah: A lot's changed.
Nick: Does this have anything to do with that good-looking redhead you ran into earlier?
Noah: Uhh! You and phyllis -- again? Wow. Should I be concerned?
Nick: About what?
Noah: I mean, the to of you tend to get a little crazy.
Nick: Yeah. I appreciate your concern, but this time around I think phyllis and I have gotten all the "crazy" out of our systems.
Noah: I hope so. Just keep your guard up. Crazy tends to pop back up again when you least expect it.
Nick: [ Chuckles ] True. But from now on, phyllis and I are gonna be crazy in the best possible way.
Abby: So? Did you handle it?
Chance: I'm not sure.
Abby: What do you mean?
Chance: Alyssa -- she's tenacious. She's not gonna give up.
Abby: [ Exhales raggedly ]
Next week on "the young and the restless"...
Phyllis: What is it?
Nick: It's from rey.
Devon: I have thought a lot about what hilary would want, and I'm pretty sure that... she'd want me to give you this.
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