Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/2/20
Episode #11863 ~ Nate makes a shocking discovery; Chance receives a surprise visitor; Victoria mixes business with pleasure.
Provided By Suzanne
Victoria: This should be your first priority. No, I'm aware. I realize that you're a reliable employee, but if you're incapable of handling the new workload and if you cannot adjust to the changes, then i will find someone who can. Great. I expect to hear from you by the end of the day. Mom. You're early.
Nikki: Hi, darling. I hope you're in a good mood, because you're about to be put to the test.
Amanda: Good morning.
Billy: If it isn't our fearless counsel.
Amanda: I e-mailed you something you need to see.
Billy: Yeah? Sounds serious.
Amanda: It doesn't have to be.
Billy: Okay. What am I looking at here.
Amanda: After our last meeting with lily, I thought it prudent to draft a general memo.
Billy: Okay.
Amanda: Those are guidelines to be watchful for when crafting stories and content for the company.
Billy: [ Exhales deeply ] Okay.
Amanda: I think it would be prudent for you to pass it along to all producers and writers so we're all on the same page, no misunderstandings.
Billy: Prudent. Great. Right. So you want me to pass this down the line. Um, why do I get the feeling that you came up with these rules and regulations...
Amanda: Guidelines.
Billy: ...Specifically for me?
Amanda: Part of my job as in-house counsel is to protect this company.&
Billy: From litigation? Or from me?
Amanda: Why can't it be both?
Chance: How am I supposed to get any work done when you're such a beautiful distraction?
Abby: Mm. Consider me incentive for keeping your meeting short.
Chance: You are bad.
Abby: I can't wait to show you how bad I can be.
Chance: But I'm one of the good guys.
Abby: The best. Pencil me in for your post-meeting distraction.
Chance: You can count on it. You'll be here when I'm finished?
Abby: Right here.
Chance: Do me a favor. Try and stay out of trouble.
Abby: Mm.
[ Footsteps depart ] Oh.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Phone pings ] Did you know that your clothes can actually attract pet hair?
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Amanda: You don't have to take this so personally, billy.
Billy: Oh, I don't want people to say that I'm not following the rules. So I will send this code of conduct down the line. And to be sure of how serious I'm taking this, I'm gonna print it and hang it on the wall -- right there so I never miss it. What do you say? You like that?
Amanda: Alright, billy. You have a good day.
Billy: Hey, hold on. I'm just playing. I like rules.
Amanda: [ Scoffs ] You don't say.
Billy: I like rules. I do. So you're gonna think that I don'T. You're gonna think that they stifle my creativity or they restrain me somehow, but the beautiful thing, when I do cross the line, you're gonna be there to have my back, for the greater good of the company, of course.
Amanda: Yes, that is my job.
Billy: And I should say i have a certain fondness for the edge. It's where all the fun happens.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ] You think I don't know that? I sat across from you night after night, listening to your entire life story. I sat with you at the edge of a building while you screamed from the top of your lungs.
Billy: You screamed, too. It still boggles my mind that you didn't run for the hills five minutes after meeting me.
Amanda: Yeah, me too.
Billy: Well, something went right 'cause you're still here.
Amanda: Lucky for you i didn't hightail it away from you. Otherwise you would have been stuck with this buttoned-up lawyer, no sense of humor, who makes you toe the line.
Billy: Oh, would have been awful. Deadly, actually. Well, I guess some things work out in the end.
Amanda: I guess. Well, if there's nothing else, um, there are some things that i have to, um, tend to. So I'll be out of the office for a little while. If you need me, just
[Clicks tongue]
Billy: Where you heading... if you don't mind me asking?
Amanda: Nate is organizing a blood drive at the clinic, so I'm gonna go and make a donation.
Billy: Well, that's downright virtuous of you.
Amanda: Just doing my part.
Billy: I'll take you.
Amanda: Um, no, that won't be necessary.
Billy: Oh, come on. It's the least I can do for a job well done. And we can go over all these new rules and regulations, one by one, in excruciating detail. You might even be able to come up with a new one.
Amanda: I have a feeling I'm gonna be doing a lot of that around here.
Chance: That had to be the& shortest meeting in history. Just had to tell the client what's going on with the case. What's wrong?
Abby: You left your phone behind, and paul sent you a message. I was just gonna take a picture and leave it for you. I promise I wasn't snooping.
Chance: That's fine. I don't have anything to hide from you. What's the message say?
Abby: He said he wants you to call him.
Chance: And what's wrong with that? I can't be friends with paul?
Abby: Well, you can be friends with whomever you want to be friends with. It's just -- are you in some kind of trouble?
Chance: You're the one that's trouble, dear. Not me.
Abby: What does he want?
Chance: I don't know. It could be anything. The last time I talked to paul, he just wanted to check and see how the security company was doing. I'm sure he just wants to touch base.
Abby: I think it's more than that.
Chance: What makes you think that?
Abby: Look at the message. The wording.
Chance: [ Sighs ] "We need to talk. Get back to me asap." I don't see the problem.
Abby: [ Sighs ] I see a man -- the chief of police -- who wants you to make yourself available to him immediately.
Chance: Okay. What is it you think paul wants?
Abby: Maybe he learned about what happened in vegas.
Victoria: Hi, dan. How are you?
Dan: Great. No complaints.
Victoria: How's new york.
Dan: Same as it ever was.
Nikki: Well, now, tell us, what have you been so busy doing that you haven't had time to visit us? Victor always treasured your sage advice.
Victoria: Not to mention those 9-figure loans that you could whip up when mergers and acquisitions were on the table.
Dan: Yes. Those were good times. Which is why I'm reaching out, actually. Victoria, you have the financial world buzzing with all big moves you've made.
Victoria: Yeah, well, that's what happens when you shake things up.
Dan: So it is. But the good news is, it's probably not late to undo all the damage you've done. You're clearly someone who takes care of yourself.
Amanda: Uh, thank you for bringing me, billy, but you don't have to stay. I don't mind.
Amanda: I can make it back to the office on my own.
Nate: Amanda. Good to see you.
Amanda: Hi, nate. Um, billy -- he just gave me a lift -- but he is leaving, right, billy?
Billy: Yes, right after i make my donation. You don't mind if I go first, do you, so I can get back to the office and distribute the guidelines?
Amanda: Be my guest.
Nate: The more the merrier.
Nate: Well, you know, it's the least I can do after what you did to save katie from that bee sting.
Nate: I'm glad everything worked out.
Billy: Yeah, so am I. And, of course, I could write a check, but, you know, giving blood actually the potential to save a life.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ] We are glad that you are giving blood, billy.
Nate: Ready?
Billy: Ready.
Dan: We're all friends here, right? All on the same team. So there's no harm in telling the truth. It's what your father always wanted. Demanded. And I'm sure it's no different with you.
Victoria: Oh, I'm a big fan of the truth, but in this case, it's your opinion that you're offering, and there's a world of difference.
Dan: So there is. Nevertheless, I want you to know I have believed in you from day one. Your business acumen, your ability to take calculated risks, your optimism -- all very good characteristics. You know, I remember sitting with victor late into the night talking about you... over tequila and cigars. Ruminating over what a great and brilliant leader you'd make some day.
Victoria: Oh, and here we are.
Dan: Indeed. But even the greatest C.E.O.S make mistakes.
Nikki: Well, that's where we will have to disagree, dan. I'm confident that all the changes victoria has made are for the best.
Dan: Well, come now, nikki. That remains to be seen.
Nikki: Well, victor always says it's a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time to see results.
Victoria: The deals are finalized, so this conversation is moot.
Dan: Oh, your father hired the sharpest attorneys that the ivy league could offer. I'm sure it would take no time at all for them to fix what you've done.
Victoria: There's nothing to fix.
Dan: Your father diversified this company to keep it strong, despite any economic fluctuations that might occur, so it could weather any storm.
Victoria: I've made newman leaner and meaner.
Dan: And vulnerable. You have a lot of people working under you, victoria, and you need their support in order to execute your plan. Now, I've known many of them for years, and I've heard things.
Nikki: What kinds of things?
Dan: Oh, let's just call it "rumblings of discontent." You need to keep those worker bees happy, victoria, because without them, you have nothing.
Victoria: You know, that sounds an awful lot like a threat, dan.
Chance: [ Scoffs ] What makes you think that paul knows anything about vegas?
Abby: Look at the message. It's direct. It's to the point. There's no, "hey, chance. How you been? Give me a call when you get a minute." He doesn't ask about your company. He means business.
Chance: Sweetheart, that's paul. Warm and cuddly he is not. He's the type of guy that gets straight to the point. He doesn't waste his time with pleasantries.
Abby: I don't know.
Chance: [ Chuckles ] His messages to christine, I'm sure, are equally gruff.
Abby: I know you're just saying that to make me feel better.
Chance: I promise you this isn't about vegas.
Abby: You sound pretty darned sure of yourself.
Chance: There's only one way to find out.
Abby: You gonna call him back?
Chance: No. I'm gonna pay him a visit.
Abby: Okay, that sounds a little risky.
Chance: What's life without a little risk?
Abby: Promise me if the interrogation goes south that you'll --
Chance: Sweetheart, it's not an interrogation.
Abby: That you'll call me.
Chance: Everything's gonna be fine. Okay?
Abby: Okay.
Chance: Good. I'll be back soon. But if I'm not, put together some money for bail, just in case.
Abby: Hysterical.
Chance: I know. I'm a laugh riot.
Abby: You're insufferable and reckless.
Chance: And you need to loosen up. Maybe we can work on that when i get back.
Abby: Promises, promises.
Chance: And I keep my promises.
[ Footsteps depart ]
Abby: [ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ] Back off!
Billy: You know, I got to say, nate, it's, uh, very clear that you love the work that you do here at the clinic.
Nate: Yeah, I get the, um, satisfaction of helping people, becoming part of the fabric of the community, and it cuts down on the amount of people relying on the E.R. For care that they can get here.
Billy: Yeah, no, uh, you and elena really created something special here.
Nate: And in a small place like this, kids and their parents know they've got 100% of our attention.
Billy: Yeah. Yeah, I know. Katie thinks you're a superhero. She hasn't stopped talking about you yet.
Nate: Yeah, it's always a plus when our patients walk out of here feeling better than when they came in. But, of course, uh, medicine isn't an absolute. Sometimes there's nothing you can do to save someone, no matter how hard you try.
Abby: Of course society can hold a party that size. What date were you looking at? Okay. You know what? Um, can I have my event manager give you a call? Great. Thank you so much for calling. So, you made bail without me.
Chance: You sound disappointed.
Abby: Mm. I was wanting to see what you looked like in handcuffs.
Chance: Well, if it's up to paul, I'm be carrying those handcuffs, not wearing them.
Abby: What does that mean?
Chance: He wants to hire me.
Abby: As what?
Chance: A detective for gcpd.
Abby: And why would he think you'd be interested in doing that? He supported you when you started your security firm.
Chance: A senior detective has just retired. And rey rosales -- he's decreased his workload, and paul, he's in a jam. He needs somebody that can start now and hit the ground running.
Abby: What did he say when you turned him down?
Chance: I haven't given him an answer. Yet.
Abby: I mean, you can't possibly be considering it. I mean, even if you wanted to, there's what happened in vegas and that stint we pulled, breaking into phyllis' safe-deposit box.
Chance: Exactly what are you saying?
Abby: I'm just saying that paul never would offer you the job, I mean, if he had known about your...
Chance: Criminal past?
Abby: [ Sighs ] I was gonna go easier on you, but yes.
Chance: Ouch.
Abby: Look, just when you turn him down, make sure that you do it easily. Don't raise any red flags.
Chance: Yeah. Um, about that....
Abby: You're not actually considering saying yes, are you?
Nikki: That sounded like a threat to me, too, victoria.
Dan: Threatening you? Me? What kind of man do you think I am?
Victoria: I'm beginning to wonder.
Dan: You know what newman means to me.
Victoria: Yeah, millions, I'm sure.
Dan: It's true. My fortunes have been tied to your father's for many years.
Victoria: Change can be very difficult. My father wasn't fully behind me selling off some of those divisions, but he came around. Was that because he wanted to look like the good guy and send in his attack dog to get me to change my mind?
Dan: Look, let's not get off track here.
Victoria: Fine. Then stick to the point. What is it that you wanted to speak to me about, dan?
Dan: To deliver a message.
Victoria: Message received. And now it's my turn. There's new leadership at newman enterprises, and I am not sorry if that makes you feel threatened about your position.
Dan: You won't be able to ignore all the people who are uncomfortable with the way you're running things.
Victoria: They know where the door is.
Dan: You're tarnishing your father's legacy.
Victoria: This conversation is over.
Nikki: Good for you. I'm glad you put him in his place. What does he think he is, giving you unsolicited advice on how to run your own company? I cannot wait to tell your father about this.
Victoria: No. Don'T. Not yet.
Nikki: Why not?
Victoria: Because I want to see if dan brings dad up to speed on this.
Nikki: Oh, I'm sure he'll think it's his place to do so.
Victoria: You don't think that dan is doing dad's dirty work for him?
Nikki: There was a time when that could have happened, but i don't think your father would do that now.
Victoria: Oh, he wouldn't? Kids can change minds
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Amanda: How'd it go?
Billy: Quick, painless. He even gave me a cupcake. I wish everything was that easy.
Amanda: Well, I am so glad that you enjoyed your experience.
Billy: Thank you very much. You're up next. It's time to prove lawyers bleed the same red as everyone else.
Amanda: Don't you need to be getting back to work?
Billy: Yes. Yes, yes. No -- no rest for the weary. So good luck in there.
Amanda: I don't need it.
Billy: Oh, slam. I'll see you back at the grindstone.
[ Door closes ]
Nate: Now, before we get started, I'll need some basic information.
Amanda: Amanda sinclair. Current residence, grand phoenix hotel. Birthday -- a lady never tells.
Nate: Have you been diagnosed with malaria in the past three years?
Amanda: I have never been anywhere interesting enough for that to be a possibility.
Nate: Hmm. So for future reference, would you like to get some more stamps on that passport?
Amanda: I would love to see more of the world, but I did get a new job, so it might be a while before I can take a vacation.
Nate: What are your top destinations?
Amanda: I've answered enough of your questions. I think a turnabout is fair play.
Nate: [ Exhales sharply ] You want to cross-examine me?
[ Chuckles ] Okay. Just be gentle.
Amanda: Oh, says the man about to stick me with a needle.
Nate: Mm. Touché.
Amanda: I overheard earlier you talking about not being able to work miracles all the time. I sensed a bit of sadness in your voice.
Nate: It goes with the job. I was just thinking about some patients I lost, which I do a lot. Uh, carolyn and hilary and, uh -- yes, but, uh, let's get back to the task at hand. You might be the miracle worker whose blood saves someone's life today.
Amanda: That's why I'm here. Let's do it.
Nate: One more question. You don't know your blood type, do you?
Amanda: Actually, I do, only because it's one of the rare ones.
Nate: Okay, what is it?
Amanda: B-negative.
Nate: You sure about that?
Amanda: Yes. Why?
Nate: It's just that I knew someone else with that same blood type.
Amanda: Well, you are a doctor. I'm sure you've met plenty of people with a rare blood type.
Nate: Yes, but this isn't just -- never mind. Uh, a doctor shouldn't be, uh, discussing medical history about his former patients.
Amanda: There must be a reason why you brought it up.
Nate: Uh... I don't want to get you upset.
Amanda: Now I am dying to know. Whatever it is, just -- just tell me, please.
Nate: It's hilary curtis.
Amanda: No. No, no, no, no. I -- I know what you're thinking, but no. It's just -- no.
Abby: I want answers. Now.
Chance: I love it when you get like this.
Abby: You're not actually thinking of taking this job at the police department?
Chance: [ Exhales deeply ] I'm a lawman at heart. You know that.
Abby: I know a lot about you.
Chance: The vegas thing. Yeah. That is atypical for me.
Abby: And it's a huge red mark against you. I mean, if anyone finds out...
Chance: I have done a lot of things that I work to forget about every day.
Abby: And you did those things when you were a federal agent. That's different.
Chance: I'm not trying to rationalize anything. I stand by the decisions that i made in vegas. Is it what I wanted? No. What happened, happened. Some things are unavoidable. That whole thing [Sighs] Picked up the pace, and it took on a life of its own. And before I knew it, there was nothing I could do to stop it. Look, the past is the past. Paul, he's given me a chance to do something important. To give back, to do good.
Abby: And you're doing that with your security company. I mean, you are just getting it off the ground. It has so much potential. That -- that is where you belong.
Chance: Wow. You really don't want me to take this job.
Abby: That's not it exactly.
Chance: Talk to me.
Abby: Look, I am never gonna tell you what to do with your life. That is not my place.
Chance: Abby, I value your opinion, and I want to hear it.
Abby: It's just you -- you worked so hard to strike out on your own. I feel like you're giving up too soon.
Chance: Is that all?
Abby: There is one more thing.
[ Sighs look, and I don't want you to take this the wrong way, because I trust -- I really do -- it's just [Sighs] I don't want to have to worry about you every time you walk out the door, about your safety. I mean, you'll be putting your life in danger every day.
Chance: That's what I do. That's what I love.
Abby: Can't you love something else?
Chance: I learned quickly that running a security company is not where my heart is right now. I'm not using most of the skills that I spent years perfecting. I like being out there, solving crimes, helping people, protecting them. Every day is different. I enjoy not knowing what's going to happen next. I like the danger. It's exciting.
Abby: You're an adrenaline junkie.
Chance: I guess I am.
Abby: Putting your life at risk.
Chance: Making the world a better place. And, paul, he's giving me a way to get back to what makes me happy. And I have to admit, it's pretty damn tempting.
Billy: What am I looking at?
Theo: Some writers I think would be a good fit.
Billy: Okay, I know him. Like him. Love her. She does really great work. This guy I could get to know a little bit better. This one, nunh-unh.
Enfant terrible.
Theo: You're familiar?
Billy: Yeah. I mean, I love reading his stuff, but he doesn't just push the envelope. He burns it.
Theo: Okay, but that is the kind of writing that will get us noticed.
Billy: Yeah, I don't know about that.
Theo: Alright, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought we wanted to stir the pot. Get people talking about our content.
Billy: Yeah.
Theo: Prove that we're not about being run of the mill, playing it safe.
Billy: No, I hear you. I mean, I was a meeting when we talked about this very thing a few days ago.
Theo: So you're saying you get to push the envelope but I can't?
Billy: What I'm saying is there are limits for both of us. But since I am the one that calls the shots, I have the right to push those limits as much as possible when the mood strikes. When migraine strikes,
Chance: I want this job, abby. That's what I'm supposed to be doing with my life. The more I think about it, the more I want it.
Abby: I guess that is the guy I fell for -- jumping out of the ceiling, catching the bad guy.
Chance: I must admit there's a certain satisfaction that goes along with doing a job you're good at.
Abby: As if you need the ego boost.
Chance: Maybe not. So... what does this mean for us?
Abby: If you want the job at the gcpd... then I want it for you.
Chance: Yeah?
Abby: Yeah.
[ Chuckles ]
Chance: Hi.
Alyssa: Hi.
Chance: Can I help you?
Alyssa: I'm sorry to interrupt, but, uh, are you chance chancellor?
Chance: Yes. Sorry. Do I know you?
Alyssa: No, uh, but we have someone in common. Adam newman.
Nikki: I know that your father fully supports your decisions.
Victoria: I don't know.
Nikki: Look, if he had any reservations, he would talk to you about them face-to-face.
Victoria: Maybe.
Nikki: You need a little break. I think you need to clear your head, and I have an idea.
Victoria: Mom, I'm fine. I've dealt with bullies before. Dan is no different.
Nikki: What if I were to tell you that I've been keeping a secret?
Victoria: I don't know. What's it about?
Nikki: Well, it's something extraordinary at the grand phoenix. Technically, I'm breaking the rules by even telling you, but i think that you need to know about it.
Victoria: Well, then I have to hear.
Nikki: It's called the escape club. It's very exclusive. You book a room, and it's like they read your mind, because, while you're there, you get a customized experience based completely on your own personal tastes. I was at the launch party.
Victoria: Oh, yes, i remember. I was busy with the kids that night.
Nikki: Well, it was incredible. I hate to admit it, but phyllis has really come up with an astonishing idea. I think you'd really like it.
Victoria: Thanks, but my life is astonishing enough at present.
Nikki: Well, darling, please think about it, because this job can take a toll. I really think the escape club could be exactly what you need.
Theo: You'll have to forgive me. I'm dina's grandson. Breaking the rules is part of my dna.
Billy: I know whereof you speak, my friend.
Theo: But you have my word. I'll tone it down.
Billy: Well, not all the way. I mean, you're here because you bring talent that knows how to cross the line. We need that wild child aesthetic, but we also need someone that is patient and, uh, understanding, if you know what I mean. Someone that allows us to start fires but keeps us from being burned.
Theo: You're talking about amanda.
Billy: It's important that we have someone with insight that knows who we are and what we're trying to build here.
Theo: She gives lawyers a good name.
Billy: Yeah, she does. Just the other day, she helped me navigate a high-risk, high-reward opportunity, and she, uh, showed me how to walk the line without crossing it.
Theo: Well, it sounds like your work relationship is pretty perfect.
Billy: Almost.
Nate: You got to admit, you having the same blood type as hilary is an incredible coincidence, if that's what it is.
Amanda: What else could it be?
Nate: Amanda, you're one of the brightest women I know. Look at the facts.
Amanda: You have no idea how difficult it was just looking like her, and now this?
Nate: It has to make you wonder.
Amanda: I'm not related to her.
Nate: Explain the uncanny resemblance. The fact that you don't know your family background and you grew up in foster care, and now you share the same rare blood type. I mean, what are the chances?
Amanda: It's weird. Okay? I-I get it. I -- I don't know what else to say. Ever since I came to town, it has been stares and whispers and speculations and accusations.
Nate: The only person who matters is you. There are ways to find out if this is a coincidence or something more. But you'd have to want to first. Are you still at risk for a heart attack or stroke?
Chance: So, you know adam?
Alyssa: Yeah, we're, uh, very old friends.
Chance: Yeah, from where?
Alyssa: Well, I grew up in kansas. Matter of fact, I knew him back when his name was victor.
Abby: Wow. You two go way back. Um, I'm abby newman. I'm adam's half-sister.
Alyssa: Nice to meet you.
Abby: So, what brings you to genoa city? You looking for adam?
Alyssa: Actually, I'm looking for you.
Chance: Me?
Alyssa: Mm-hmm.
Chance: Do I get to know why?
Alyssa: [ Chuckles ] I'm sor-- I jumped the gun. Sorry. Let me -- let me back up and start at the beginning. I'm a journalist, and I wanted to ask you some questions about the time you and adam spent together in las vegas.
Chance: Um, I'm sorry. What's your story about?
Alyssa: I'm looking into a missing-person's case, and i think you know something about it.
Chance: Missing person? I'm sorry. I-I don't think that I do. Sweetheart, if we don't get moving, we're gonna be late.
Abby: Yeah, uh, we -- we really should be going.
Chance: I'm sorry that i couldn't have been more help. I wish you the best of luck on your story.
Abby: It's nice to have met you.
Chance: Take care.
Alyssa: Hmm.
Theo: Champagne for one? Bold choice. Not something you se every day, but it does make a statement.
Victoria: I'm so pleased you approve.
Theo: If you'd like some company to help celebrate and put a dent in the bottle, I wouldn't say no.
Victoria: Theo, are you hitting on me?
Theo: Just chatting. Networking. I don't know if you've heard, but I'm working at chanccomm with billy.
Victoria: Oh. Congratulations.
Theo: And I know you're the reason it's already a major player in the media game.
Victoria: "Director of talent." It's very impressive. Well, since this is purely a business conversation, why don't you join me?
Theo: Victoria, now it sounds like you're hitting on me.
Victoria: [ Chuckles ]
Amanda: I wish I could do this all over again. I never would have come here to donate blood, and my life would have gone on the way it always has.
Nate: It still can, if that's what you want.
Amanda: Who am I kidding? It will eat away at me until i find the truth.
Nate: So you want to move forward?
Amanda: Why not? It's probably just a big mistake. Maybe I misremembered my blood type. That's possible, right?
Nate: Anything's possible.
Amanda: So, where do we start? Birth records? Do I do one of those dna tests, the online ones where I just swab my cheek and then I'm a leaf in someone's family tree?
Nate: Well, if you really want to do this right, I'd say you --
Amanda: I would need something with hilary's dna. How am I gonna get that? It's not like I can just go and ask devon, "hey, um, is there any chance that you kept one of hilary's old hairbrushes so i can use it and find out if we're related?" Do you have any idea how traumatizing that would be for him?
Nate: If you want to move forward, I'd say speak to devon first. Let him know. And if not, it's your life. It's your secret, if that's the way you want to handle it.
Amanda: I came here to donate blood.
Nate: Okay, so let's do it.
Amanda: And when we're finished with that... we have to get to work... and find out the truth.
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