Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/1/20

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/1/20


Episode #11862 ~ Nikki gives Chelsea a warning; Lola asserts her independence; Victor goes out on a limb to help Adam.

Provided By Suzanne

Sharon: Hey. What's all this?

Mariah: Oh, just a few things.

Sharon: It looks like a lot of things.

Mariah: Yeah, well, you know, maybe I went a little bit overboard, but, uh, I wanted to make sure that you had everything you need. So I got some new pillows, a throw blanket. And, oh, would you like a cup of freshly brewed herbal tea?

Sharon: That sounds amazing, and I really appreciate all of this pampering, but I actually feel pretty good right now.

Mariah: That's awesome. That's great. Um, how good? Are you feeling, like, cardio-class good? No? But not, like, woozy, right?

Sharon: Okay, don't take this the wrong way, because I love you, but you're coming on a little strong here. What's going on?

Mariah: Well, I'm trying to figure out how hard I can let you have it for putting adam's recovery before your own.

Adam: Well, look who it is. Dear old dad riding in like the cavalry. I assume chelsea called you.

Chelsea: I didn't call him, but I welcome him if he's here to help.

Adam: Hmm. Help a killer like me? I mean, that's not a good idea. You know, we know how that turned out.

Chelsea: Adam, you are not a cold-blooded murderer. I know that. Victor knows it, too.

Adam: You're wrong. My father knows exactly who I am. He's known it since I was 11 years old. He's watched it -- the darkness manifest and metastasize in me over all those years. Hell, I almost killed him not that long ago.

Chelsea: You switched his medication. You didn't mean to kill him.

Adam: That's what I told myself, too. That was my story. But looking back, what I know now, what I have inside me, who's to say I didn't want you gone?

Theo: Lola.

Lola: Now is not a good time to talk.

Theo: I won't stay. But...I didn't like how we left things earlier. And, well, it's hard for me to apologize the way that I want to over text. So I'm here to deliver it in person. I'm sorry.

Summer: Mnh-mnh. We need to keep some distance tonight.

Kyle: Why?

Summer: Because we need to come up with a strategy, so no distractions and no pda.

Kyle: Oh, a hello kiss is pda?

Summer: Yes. It's a distraction, and we need to come up with a plan of attack before we get blown to smithereens before this thing even gets off the ground.

Kyle: War analogies -- it's not like we're going into battle.

Summer: Of course we are, and we need to act like it.

Kyle: Okay, then. What's our strategy?

Summer: Okay. Uh, well, I think that we need to deal with these factions separately. So we have battalion a and battalion B. The question is, who we gonna attack first?

Kyle: Hmm. Depends. Who is battalion a? Your mom or your dad?

Nick: Hey.

Phyllis: Hey, baby. Which one do you like better? This one? This one? Which one?

Nick: You look amazing in either one.

Phyllis: Oh, right.

Nick: I'm not an amateur. I learned a long time ago you don't answer that question.

Phyllis: You're so smart. But, obvi, it's the first one.

Nick: Obviously.

Phyllis: Right.

Nick: What are you so stressed out about? We're just hanging out with kyle and summer.

Phyllis: I don't know. It's my hotel, it's the lobby. The grand phoenix. I am the "grand" in grand phoenix.

Nick: I'm thinking you're looking pretty damn grand in what you're in right now.

Phyllis: Really? Less is more?

Nick: Definitely. You know, maybe we should tell them we're gonna be a little late.

Phyllis: They can wait. Right? Is skincare from around the world better than olay?

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Kyle: Hey, hang on. I know that breaking the big news will probably be met with some pushback, so...

Summer: Right. Okay. Which is why just have to absorb and, um, pivot if we have to.

Kyle: We can handle it.

Summer: Yeah. Except my dad will be the one who needs the most convincing.

Kyle: I think I made some progress with him the other day.

Summer: Really? Well, let's hope that's true.

Kyle: I'm still probably not his idea of the perfect guy for you, but it's gonna be okay once they see how sure we are.

Summer: Yeah, you're right. We have been through so much together. We are ready for this. I mean, god knows that we learned our lessons a lot younger than my parents did, so all we have to do is just hang tough, stick together, and, hey, at the end of the day, we always have our love to fall back on. Okay. Well, where are they?

Phyllis: Oh, my gosh. We got to hurry.

Nick: I'm tired. You wore me out.

Phyllis: Well, I hope i relieved some stress so you're not that hard on kyle.

Nick: Look, it's just drinks and some small talk, right?

Phyllis: Mm. I mean, as far as I know, yeah.

Nick: You know, actually, kyle and I had a pretty honest conversation the other day.

Phyllis: Oh, did you? How'd that go?

Nick: I said some things.

Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] "Some things."

Nick: But more importantly, he said all the right things.

Phyllis: I just have to ask, do you think he's in this for the long haul this time?

Nick: I think he knows he's lucky to have what he has. And if he didn't know that before the talk, he knows it now. I don't think he's gonna risk hurting summer by pushing things too far, too fast.

Chelsea: I can't listen to you talk like this. You're not a monster.

Adam: You're in denial, like I was.

Chelsea: No, I see you clearly. More clearly than anyone.

Adam: Okay, from the minute i killed A.J., I was no longer an innocent kid. I became something else.

Chelsea: Adam, please.

Adam: No, chelsea. You're not hearing me.

Victor: That's enough. Okay?

Adam: I don't know what you thought you could accomplish by coming here, dad, but just go home.

Victor: Son, I'm gonna go anywhere. And, chelsea, would you kindly take connor out to the ranch? I'd like to spend some time alone with my son.

Adam: Fine. If he wants to have it out with me, I'll give him what he wants.

Chelsea: I'm not sure i should leave you two alone. Plus, it's too late to bring connor to the ranch.

Victor: You and connor can stay the night.

Adam: The last thing connor needs is to overhear any of this.

Chelsea: Fine. I'll go. But I'm not giving up on this conversation. I'm not giving up on you.

Sharon: Did rey tell you about our trip to kansas?

Mariah: Yeah, he did.

Sharon: I wish he hadn't done that. And it's nothing for you to worry about.

Mariah: No, I'm glad he did. I mean, what if had decided to stop by late last night and i found the place empty? I would have totally freaked out.

Sharon: Right. Well, I can understand. That would be upsetting, and i know that you're very concerned about me. But you know what? It was an emergency, so I had no choice.

Mariah: For adam. It was adam's emergency.

Sharon: Yes.

Mariah: Is there any greater emergency than your health right now?

Sharon: I am listening to my doctors, okay? I'm doing everything necessary for a full recovery. But that doesn't mean I just turn my back on my life and all the people who I care about.

Mariah: You care about adam.

Sharon: You know what I mean.

Mariah: No, I know where that leads...

Sharon: What? Go ahead. Say it.

Mariah: No. Forget I said anything. I don't want to pile any more stress on you.

Sharon: Well, holding it in can make it worse. It'll just make you worry more, so tell me what's on your mind, and don't coddle me.

Mariah: [ Sighs ] Things can get very toxic between you and adam. That dynamic existed long before the cancer. And adam already cost you your relationship with rey once before.

Sharon: Did rey say something about adam coming between us again or that he doesn't trust me?

Mariah: No. Rey is too good of a guy to say anything like that at a time like this, even if it's what he's thinking about. Rey is too worried about taking care of you to worry about himself.

Sharon: I-I don't want rey to worry about adam, though i realize that's inevitable, given the circumstances.

Mariah: Then let me say what everyone is thinking. Rey is crazy about you. You two have an amazing thing going on, so please, please, don't let adam's latest issues screw it up.

Sharon: Okay. I hear you.

Mariah: Yeah?

Sharon: Yeah. Listen. I'm not gonna lose rey over this.

Mariah: Okay.

Sharon: So thank you. Thank you for talking it out and being honest with me. Uh, I'm gonna have to kick you out now because I just have some things to do.

Mariah: Alright. Well, do you need help with anything?

Sharon: Um, no. I got it. Thanks for all of your love and support.

Mariah: I love you. And whether you like it or not, I am going to be checking in again to make sure those, uh, blankets and pillows are holding up alright.

Sharon: I would expect nothing less.

Mariah: I love you.

[ Door closes ] Never run dry of...

Theo: I'm sorry that I put you on the spot about kyle, especially after the amazing night that we spent together. Look, I should have just taken you at your word, not tried to read any ulterior motives into the situation.

Lola: It's no big deal. As far as I'm concerned, everything's the way that it needs to be. We've all moved on. So why dwell on the past and what didn't work?

Theo: Exactly. And, uh, I'm not one to stew over regrets, and I know you're not either. So... we're cool?

Lola: Yeah. Sure. I just -- I got to get back to work.

Theo: Of course. I get it. And I'm hungry. So, uh, I'm gonna get a table.

Lola: [ Sighs ] Hey. What's wrong? Are you okay?

Mariah: Uh, yeah. I just wanted to make sure you were okay after, you know, that little sideshow earlier about kyle and summer shacking up.

Lola: Right. You know what? I feel like I've spent most of my time these days talking about summer and kyle, so I would just rather not get sucked into another conversation about them and their future plans. So moving on...

Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Okay. Got it. Moving on. But there is actually something else I wanted to talk to you about.

Lola: Sure.

Mariah: It's about your brother and my mom.

Summer: Are my parents actually standing us up? And they're worried about us being irresponsible.

Kyle: I'm sure everybody will be here soon.

Summer: Oh, yeah, wait. Where's your dad? It's not like him to be late.

Kyle: He's probably caught up at work.

Summer: I was so concerned about my parents that we didn't even talk about how we think your dad is gonna react to this.

[ Footsteps approach ]

[ Indistinct whispering ] I don't think that they were held up at work.

Kyle: It doesn't look that way.

Nick: Sorry. Running a little behind schedule.

Summer: Mm. Busy meeting?

Nick: Uh...

Kyle: It's no problem.

Nick: Thank you, kyle.

Phyllis: Okay. So, your father and I are excited and intrigued.

Summer: Well, uh, let's -- let's order some drinks.

Kyle: Yes! Lots of drinks.

Adam: You're not afraid to be in the same room as me now that we both know what I'm capable of?

Victor: Son, there's only one scared man in this room... and it's unfounded, and I'm gonna prove it to you.

Adam: God, you just -- you really do see yourself as the calvary in this scenario. I'm surprised you're not riding in on a white steed from the stables, which would have been just as laughable as you trying to reach out to me.

Victor: I don't want to see my boy suffer. No father wants to see that.

Adam: Just -- just stop. Stop trying to play the hero, 'cause you're not. You're deluding yourself. And if you're looking for gratitude from me for what you did back then, you're not gonna get it.

Victor: This is not for me. This is about you.

Adam: It is always about you. The great victor newman. By absolving me, you absolve yourself.

Victor: You're wrong.

Adam: No.

Victor: It is not what I'm trying to do.

Adam: By making A.J.'S death look like an accident, you weren't a savior. It makes you complicit. You didn't save me, dad. You ruined me. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Mariah: Sharon's heart is too big for her own good. She's determined to help adam.

Lola: What does that mean for my brother?

Mariah: I honestly think that there isn't any romantic motive in what she's doing, but that guy is a magnet for disaster. And I don't want her getting sucked in to his life again, because she has got enough on her plate already, you know?

Lola: No, I get it. I saw a similar thing happen with my parents. It wasn't the same situation, you know, but my mom had a weak spot for my dad, and no matter how bad he treated her, I mean, she just couldn't day no to him, so yeah. This makes me really worry about rey.

Mariah: Look, sharon is a giver, and ray knows that more than anybody else. It's probably one of the things that he loves most about her. It's just sharon gets it in her head that she is the only person who can save adam.

Lola: I just hope she doesn't go down the same path my mom did... because trying to change my dad only robbed her of years of her life, and it was just wishful thinking.

Mariah: I really hope that's not what's happening, that she's not trying to wish adam into a healthy, normal, not-evil person, because that is never going to happen. You know, I wouldn't underestimate rey. He's a fighter. And he does love sharon too much to lose her.

Mariah: Amen to that. I mean, he's been incredible throughout sharon's treatment. Well, how is the, uh, theo situation going?

Lola: [ Sighs ] You know, he may have been more right about something than i wanted to admit.

Victor: You know that I take full responsibility for the choices I made that fateful night. But under no circumstances did i think those choices would ruin your life.

Adam: Of course they did. If you hadn't have covered up my crime, I would have been forced to face what I did. I would have gotten help. Maybe I wouldn't still have this darkness inside of me, because i would have learned right from wrong. You know, I would have dealt with the consequences. And I can't help but wonder if the scenario was handled differently, maybe I wouldn't have done all the horrible things I've done in my life. But the thing that tortures me now is I will never know the answer to that question.

Victor: What happened that night was a very traumatic event. You were trying to protect your mother. You killed A.J. Montalvo accidentally. You had no evil in your heart. Both your mother and I knew that.

Adam: You are still lying.

Chelsea: Hey.

Nikki: Oh, chelsea. Um, I wasn't expecting you.

Chelsea: Yeah, sorry. Uh, I brought connor. He's in the game room. Um, victor didn't have the chance to tell you he invited us to spend the night. I hope that's okay. He's still at the penthouse with adam. They wanted to be alone, so...

Nikki: Oh dear.

Chelsea: Yeah. I'm not sure if you know how messy things have gotten for adam, if you're up to date on that, but --

Nikki: Oh, I'm sure I have a pretty good idea. I hope victor can straighten him out.

Chelsea: Well, I'm not sure it's something that one conversation can resolve. It seems adam is just as angry at victor as he is at himself right now.

Nikki: Well, I hope this one night doesn't lead to two.

Chelsea: No. No, it's just one night.

Nikki: Good. Good, because one can turn into 2, into 20, and distance doesn't always make the heart grow fonder, so I would hate to see it lead the end of you and adam.

Summer: Do you want a beer, dad?

Nick: Sure.

Summer: Okay. Um... oh, it looks like you added some new cocktails to your menu, mom. What is a rosemary-cano?

Phyllis: It's campari and vermouth, with a rosemary sprig and a touch of "you guys are acting too casual." What's going on?

Summer: Okay. Uh, you're very suspicious. I just thought it would be nice to get everyone together. That's all.

Nick: Because you love spending time with us?

Summer: I do.

Phyllis: Okay, spill it. Spill it. You have something to say. Just say it.

Kyle: Okay, um, yes. There's something we want to tell you.

Phyllis: Oh, you're engaged.

Nick: Are you pregnant?

Phyllis: Or both?

[ Sighs ]

"The young and the restless"

will continue. (Lucky) uh-oh the magic's disappearing!

Adam: You know, I remember that day now. You know, hearing you talk to my mother. You're warning her to keep an& eye on me. You were worried I might hurt somebody else -- or worse.

Victor: That's not what we were worried about at all. Your mother and I were concerned how you as an 11-year-old boy would deal with a traumatic event like that. We weren't concerned about you committing another one.

Adam: I don't buy that. No, I-I know what i was capable of. I know what I am capable of, and that's what you've known all along.

Victor: Okay. If that is how you think... you have a choice. I mean, perhaps your mother and I should have made you deal with that event after it happened, but we didn'T. We didn't think it was the right thing to do, but you now have a choice to seek help yourself. I'm serious.

Adam: I'm just -- I'm done with this conversation, dad.

Victor: My boy, think about it. You have a son of your own. You have to deal with this.

Adam: Look, I know what i need to do, okay? I don't need you to tell me what I need to do.

Victor: Alright.

Kyle: Okay, everyone. Let's just all take a breath.

Summer: Yeah, sheesh. I mean, come on, guys. I think you need to slow your roll.

Nick: Maybe you two need to slow your roll.

Summer: Okay, uh, there is no ring on my finger, and there is no baby on the way, okay?

Nick: That is what every father wants to hear.

Phyllis: Grandmother. Grandmother. Okay, listen. You guys want to tell us something. Just go ahead and tell us, please.

Summer: Okay, fine. Um... the reason that we broughtou here today is because we wanted to tell that we are... moving in together.

Phyllis: You're moving in together? Okay. I expected something heavier and hastier. You really upped the expectations here

Summer: Right, and, hey, it's a lot less intense than that, so...

Phyllis: Well played. Well played, my daughter. Well played. Okay, well, um, I see the maturity in taking this smaller step. I see that, and, you know, your dad and I just want you to be happy. You know that. It's not a baby or marriage.

Nick: I have concerns. What's the status of your divorce?

Kyle: It's in the works and will hopefully be final soon.

Nick: Great. Easy. We table this conversation until that day happens. Hopefully it's very soon.

Kyle: It's just paperwork.

Nick: Is it, kyle? Is it just paperwork? You know what? I'm gonna get a drink at the bar.

[ Footsteps depart ]

Summer: Okay. Okay. Come on, dad. Talk to me.

Nick: Look, I very politely excused myself from the conversation. You know, all things considered, I'm proud of myself. I, you know, I handled it well.

Summer: Okay. I will give you that.

Nick: Look, you're a grown woman. I don't make your choices for you anymore. It's your life. Well, I appreciate your semi-open-mindedness, especially because, um, that's not everything. There's more. (Geri) I have copd.

Kyle: Thanks for the support, phyllis. I really appreciate it.

Phyllis: No, no. No. I'm not supporting you. I support my daughter.

Kyle: Ouch.

Phyllis: Although I do think it's a good idea that the two of you are moving in together. That way, summer can keep track of you.

Kyle: I'm not sure why you're implying.

Phyllis: You're not? I'll explain it to you. If you were to, for example, um, be tempted to visit your ex, summer would know.

Kyle: That's not gonna happen, because summer is the only woman I want in my life, the only woman I even think about, which is why we're moving in together.

Phyllis: It's good to know, because let me tell you, if you screw my daughter over again, I'm gonna come up with a new cocktail here at the hotel called the kyle abbott. It will be the weakest drink we have.

Nick: Are you trying to give your old man a heart attack? Alright. You know what? Just -- just lay it on me.

Summer: Okay. Um, well, it's not a bad thing. In fact, it could be a really great thing and also a way to, you know, get certain things back on track. Um, when kyle and I were thinking about where we might want to live.

Nick: You would like to live in the house that I was originally going to give you the first time you and kyle were together.

Summer: I mean, it makes sense, doesn't it? I know that you just started building it and that you're planning on selling it when it's done, but, hey, why sell it to strangers when you can sell it to me and kyle? We are going to fill it with so much love and happiness.

Nick: I'm sorry. It -- it's just -- it's hard for me to be as excited about your reconciliation with kyle as you are.

Summer: Look, I know that we're gonna have to prove some things to you still. Um, and I heard about your talk with kyle the other day. I know that you are just looking out for me.

Nick: I just can't stand the idea of you getting your heart broken again.

Summer: Well, obviously, i don't want that, either. And neither of us are gonna have to worry about that, because it's not going to happen. And I actually agree with you. I do think it's important that kyle gets his divorce finalized, and it's going to happen. Lola is not fighting it. In fact, she's moved on herself.

Nick: So you keep saying.

Summer: It's true, dad. And, come on, can't you see how happy I am lately? I mean, look at me. This is because of kyle.

Lola: How was it?

Theo: Awesome. And not what I ordered.

Lola: I know. It's something new, something I've never tried before. Sorry calamari with an apology aioli sauce.

Theo: [ Chuckles ]

Lola: I overreacted earlier. Because you weren't entirely wrong. You were just trying to be sensitive to my feelings, and I was trying to pretend like they didn't exist.

Theo: So you do have some issues with the whole kyle situation.

Lola: You know, I just never had an ex-husband -- an almost ex-husband -- and I think it's just going to take a little getting used to for me.

Theo: I understand, and don't worry. I have a thick skin. You can tell me what you're feeling -- sad, confused, angry.

Lola: Yeah. But what if I just don't know what I'm feeling? Or if it keeps changing? Like, one minute I'm totally over everything that happened. And the next, I'm mentally reviewing the entire year of my life, wondering when kyle decided that our marriage was a mistake.

Theo: We can figure it out together. I mean, come on. I've complained to you about kyle how many times? I owe you.

Lola: Yeah, but what if it turns out that I'm really mad? I don't want to take it out on you. I mean, that's not fair.

Theo: Well, if you need a place to vent, I can take it.

Lola: Okay. Thank you.

Chelsea: You seem almost gleeful -- predicting the end of adam and me.

Nikki: No, I wasn't predicting.

Chelsea: I feel awful about hurting nick. You know that. But I thought that we had found some common ground or at least a way to be civil.

[ Sighs ] If that's not the case, nikki, i am so tired. I don't have it in me to fight with you right now, so I will just take connor to the club tonight instead. It's fine.

Nikki: Wait. Wait. Connor will be more comfortable here. You should stay.

Chelsea: Thank you. For adam and I and even victor, our main concern is just protecting connor. We're trying to keep him unaware of this huge bombshell that his father is trying to cope with. It's just gotten really hard and very overwhelming.

Nikki: I know. I understand. I'm sorry. I-I know you're just doing what you think is best as a mother, but like I said to victor, there's only so much you can do to save a child from the world, or himself.

Sharon: I'm so relieved to see you're alright.

Adam: Is that what it looks like? Because I'm not.

Sharon: Tell me what's going on. Why weren't you returning my calls?

Adam: Oh, I think, uh, i think I might be done answering everyone's calls.

Sharon: What does that mean?

Adam: [ Sighs ] I'm considering leaving genoa city. And this time, I won't be found.

Sharon: That's -- that's a mistake. Y-you're just having a knee-jerk reaction to memories coming back.

Adam: No, leaving is the best thing that I could do for chelsea and connor.

Sharon: Is it? Was it the last time you left for vegas?

Adam: Yes. That was the right instinct. I need to spare connor from his horrific father. They don't need me in their life. I'm never gonna be the guy that they need me to be.

Sharon: You don't believe that. You know, last time you left, it was worse for everyone. If you do that right now to connor, it will be worse for him. And chelsea and you. You know what? You can run away, but you can't run away from yourself. Wherever you go, you're still gonna have your same thoughts and fears.

Adam: Thank you. Thank you for what you did. I know what it took for you to do that. But you need to focus on yourself. You need to focus on your own recovery.

Sharon: Actually, I agree with you about that. I came to the same conclusion. So I've brought you a list of other therapists who aren't personally involved with you. I mean... involved with your situation.

Adam: I don't need it. I know everything there is to know about myself. So... I guess it's time to say goodbye.

I'm leah and that's

me long before

Kyle: How'd it go?

Summer: I don't know. Well, I turned on all my daughterly charm, but I am not sure I got through to him.

Phyllis: Well, I'll talk to him. Eventually he'll come around.

Kyle: I'm not so sure about that.

Phyllis: So, does anyone want food?

Nick: [ Exhales deeply ] Yeah, I-I do. But first, let me, um, let me say something. Uh, at the end of the time, love is what it's all about. And you two do seem very happy. I know there's no guarantees in life, and when you're fortunate enough to find happiness, then you have to grab on to it. So when the house is finished -- congratulations -- you and kyle have a place to live.

Summer: Dad... thank you.

Mariah: Mom? Mom, are you here? Mom? You didn'T. Did you?

Nikki: Sorry.

Victor: Well, now, I didn't expect the two of you to still be up.

Nikki: Oh, we were just talking.

Victor: Okay.

Chelsea: We had a nice, unexpected conversation.

Victor: Good.

Chelsea: So, what happened with adam?

Victor: I don't have good news to report.

Chelsea: You couldn't get through to him?

Victor: Mnh-mnh. But we can't give up trying, you know?

Chelsea: I'll go home first thing in the morning, and I will keep trying, over and over again. I won't let him go down like this.

Victor: That's what he wants. He wants us to give up on him. But we must not let that happen. Adam needs our help now more than ever.

Sharon: I can't let you decide that leaving is the answer.

Adam: You don't have a choice, sharon.

Sharon: I don't believe that there's a toxic darkness inside of you or that you hurt everyone you touch.

Adam: Sharon, I've hurt you. Over and over.

Sharon: We've hurt each other. Does that make me dark and toxic, too?

Adam: No. No, sharon. You are good.

Sharon: So are you. I can make you see that. I can -- I can help you see that you are the good and loving father that connor needs.

Adam: You need to focus on yourself. Come on. You know that that is the right thing to do.

Sharon: You know what? Helping you would help me. If I could just help you keep your family together, it would give me that extra bit of motivation that I need to win this battle that I'm fighting. Chelsea loves you. Even victor believes in you. And connor needs you. You know, we can't all be wrong. Give me this chance. Just one last chance.

Adam: I don't deserve saving, sharon.

Sharon: Let me prove it that you do.

Adam: Okay. Okay.

Sharon: This...

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