Y&R Transcript Friday 8/28/20

Y&R Transcript Friday 8/28/20


Episode #11860 ~ Lola and Kyle share a charged moment; Phyllis smells success.

Provided By Suzanne

[ Whistling ] Oh, did I just make too much noise? Is mother still asleep?

Traci: No, no, no, no. It's okay. She's up, and her nurse is in with her.

Jack: Good.

[ Keys clatter ]

Traci: Jack, are you just getting home?

Lola: Oh, how sweet. You ordered breakfast.

Theo: Yeah, room service brought it up while you were in the shower. I wasn't sure what you'd like, so I ordered a few different things.

Lola: Well, it seems to me you're pretty good at knowing what I like, so... no, no, no, no, no. No going back to bed. I have to get to work.

Theo: I was hoping we could eat together, talk a little?

Lola: Is something wrong?

Theo: I hope not. I know this was the first time that you spent the night with anyone other than kyle. I just -- I just want to make sure that you're okay.

Lola: This wasn't an impulsive move, theo. I've been wanting this for a while, and it more than exceeded my expectations. It means a lot that you're concerned, but just don't be. You know what would be really great, is if you could help me find my bra?

Theo: [ Chuckles ]

Kyle: Were you able to reschedule your conference call about the transition with the bay street people? Summer? Problem?

Summer: What? No, no. Sorry. It's, um -- no, it's a house. I signed up for alerts whenever something new comes on the market, and this one really has potential.

Mariah: Seriously? You guys are launching the search for your new love pad on lola's turf?

Summer: I don't really see how this any of your business.

Kyle: That was not our intention.

Mariah: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: I checked about lola when we first came in. She's not here this morning.

Mariah: Good. Then she won't overhear you, like I just did.

Summer: Or lola just doesn't eavesdrop like some people do.

Kyle: I can't live in a hotel forever. Time to find a place that feels like home.

Mariah: Yeah, for the couple, though, whose dreams all came true, I think that you could spare a thought every now and then about the person who got crushed in all of this.

Kyle: Mariah, come on. Be fair. The last thing we want to do is rub it in.

Mariah: I know you mean that.

Phyllis: Can you call the florist and get those amazing orchids? Yes, those, please. I want them in every single treatment room in the spa. Okay. Thank you.

Nick: Orchids, huh? Must be one classy joint.

Phyllis: Hi, you.

Nick: Hey yourself.

Phyllis: How's your morning going?

Nick: Oh, uh, just a thrill a minute, you know? Dropped off christian at school, and, uh...yeah, here I am.

Phyllis: Well, I'm about to inject some more excitement into your life.

Nick: Does this have something to do with that text you sent me saying you have some big news?

Phyllis: Yes! And it got even bigger after i sent that message.

Nick: Whoa. This must be very impressive if you wanted to see me in person.

Phyllis: I do. You won't believe what's happening to me.

[ Sighs ]

Nick: This is some serious buildup.

Phyllis: [ Laughs ] Who has time for wrinkles?

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Nick: Are all those...

Phyllis: Yes. Yes, confirmed memberships for the grand phoenix escape club.

Nick: How did you get that many women to sign up already?

Phyllis: Um, well, I gave away all those free experiences, right? And they just wanted more.

Nick: That part I get. But you have more enrollees on that list than you had guests that night.

Phyllis: I know -- 'cause that is the genius of me. I told everybody to just keep it confidential, and of course the word got out.

Nick: Because you leaked it?

Phyllis: Shh. Yeah.

[ Chuckles ] Of course I leaked it. But, I mean, that's the thing. Everybody wants to be part of something exclusive. And I'm being inundated by calls, and I'm just telling them, one per one, "well, i mean, maybe we have some room for you. We'll let one more in."

Nick: [ Chuckles ] You devil.

[ Both laugh ]

Phyllis: I'm so excited. I mean, this is incredible, nick. Really, this may be my most inspired business creation, and that's saying a lot.

Nick: And there's that modesty we all know and love.

Phyllis: Well, why do I have to be modest when I'm great? I mean, it's great -- and flawlessly executed.

Nick: True.

Phyllis: And I have you to thank for that.

Nick: What?

Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]

Nick: Somebody helped you?

Phyllis: Thank you. I couldn't have done this without you.

Nick: I am pretty charming.

Phyllis: And sexy. And modest.

Nick: Mm...

Phyllis: Yeah, and you're proving my point.

Nick: I am?

Phyllis: Yeah, with your... hotness and sexiness and smile and everything else, I'm putty in your hands.

Nick: Maybe we are in too public a place to test out your theory.

Phyllis: Mm. Do you want to follow me? Do you? I'm just... going upstairs.

Traci: Did I ask?

Jack: No, you sounded curious, though.

Traci: [ Chuckling ] Well, when you do the walk of shame in your own living room --

Jack: For the record, I was video-chatting with a colleague in another time zone, brainstorming ideas for assimilating newman products into our existing lines. And I was so full of ideas when I hung up, I decided I'd get them all down while they were still in my brain, and I fell asleep at the desk.

Traci: You don't say.

Jack: I can see by the gleam in your eye you still think I'm shining you on. Sadly, I really was up half the night at jabot.

Traci: [ Laughing ] Okay, okay, okay, I believe you. I am just giving you a hard time.

Jack: Which I richly deserve most of the time.

Traci: No comment. I'm glad, though, to see you so happy and energized, no matter what the reason.

Jack: Yeah, I kind of like it, too.

Traci: I'm a little surprised that you're throwing yourself into work, especially after mother's message to you.

Jack: You know what? Mother's message really got to me. Seeing those old home movies of me and mother the day they brought me home from the hospital. Dad's words about finding love really hit home.

Traci: I know they did.

Jack: So I want to assure you I will never make my life all about work again. I am going to find balance in my life if it kills me.

Mariah: Hey there.

Lola: Mariah, hi. What's up?

Mariah: Well, I asked the waiter if you were here, and i was surprised because I didn't see you walk in.

Lola: Oh, I walked in through the back a couple minutes ago. I had a late start to my morning.

Mariah: Mm. Hot date last night?

Lola: Something like that.

Mariah: Really?

Lola: He got the job he was after at chanccomm -- director of talent. And it's a way better fit for him than jabot.

Mariah: Wow. No kidding.

Lola: Yeah. He was super excited, so we were out late celebrating.

Mariah: Good for him. I hope it works out.

Lola: I think you mean that.

Mariah: [ Chuckling ] Yes, of course I do. And it's no wonder you overslept. Theo is a real night owl. So, uh, what time did you get home?

Lola: Uh...

Mariah: Oh.

Lola: [ Chuckles ]

Mariah: Ohhhh.

Lola: I -- okay, please don't say anything. And please don't say anything to me, either, because I already know how you feel about theo and I together as a couple.

Mariah: Yeah. No judgment. I swear. I swear.

Lola: Thank you. [ Chuckles ]

Mariah: Besides, it doesn't really matter what I feel about you guys taking that next step. It just matters how you feel about it.

Summer: Mm. Don't worry. I won't look.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] You can look at it. Mariah was just asking us to be sensitive to lola's feelings.

Summer: Okay, but it's not like we made some big announcement or asked lola to cater our housewarming party. I got an alert on my phone. I can't really control that. And like lola said, she's fine with us moving on with our lives.

Kyle: I remember.

Summer: What? What is it?

Kyle: [ Sighs ] Yes, lola took the high road, didn't give us grief when she had every right to because that's who she is.

Summer: Geez. Someone should give her a medal for sainthood.

Kyle: I'm just saying, even though she seems fine on the outside doesn't mean that she's still not hurting. She believed in our marriage, in "forever," and I -- I took that away from her.

Summer: Look, if anybody understands what lola's going through right now, it's me. I'm not trying to blow it off. I'm just saying, it's not really mariah's business to stick her nose in it. It just seems like she's coming up with an excuse to come down on us.

Kyle: Or maybe because she and lola are close, she has a better sense than we do about where lola is right now.

Summer: Okay, maybe. But at the same time, lola's moving on with theo.

Kyle: Who is not worthy of her at all.

Summer: Okay, yeah, pretty much anybody deserves better than theo, but lola can make her own decisions about who she dates.

Kyle: Maybe because she's spending so much time with someone who represents everything she despises is a sign that she's not okay.

Summer: Okay, theo is a jerk and a flake, sure, but hanging out with him is not a cry for help. I mean, I dated him for a while.

Kyle: Okay, maybe I'm being irrational about the guy. But lola's proud. It's not like she's gonna throw a pity party here in front of us. And if her friends are asking us to tone it down in public about the future talk, I'm going to listen.

Summer: Yeah. No, I get it. A little discretion won't kill us.

Mariah: Well, I don't want the gory details. Trust me.

Lola: Good, 'cause you're not getting them.

Mariah: I just want to know if you're okay.

Lola: Yeah, I'm fine. It was so much fun.

Mariah: It was so much fun? Huh.

Lola: What?

Mariah: I don't know. I'm sorry. It just... it doesn't sound like you.

Lola: I admit sex is a different experience when it's not with someone you're committed to. Not that I don't care about theo.

Mariah: No, I -- I get it. You know, when you're getting to know somebody new, the trust is just not there yet.

Lola: Which in my case was misplaced.

Mariah: Well, I just hope that theo didn't pressure you into doing anything that --

Lola: No, not at all. I mean, he was the one holding back, actually. Seriously. He wanted it to be my call, and it was.

Mariah: But only now you regret it?

Lola: I wouldn't say that. I mean, I wanted it. I enjoyed it.

Mariah: Oka-- wow!

Lola: [ Chuckles ]

Mariah: Full stop! Tmi!

[ Both laugh ]

Lola: Okay, the issue, even if there is an issue -- and if there is -- it's microscopic. And it's not theo or anything that he did wrong. It's me. You know, I know that people do this kind of thing all the time, have casual sex. And it's fine. And I know that. And it's healthy and it's good and --

Mariah: Yeah, you should keep going, and maybe you'll convince yourself.

Lola: Okay, so you're gonna bust my chops now?

Mariah: No, no, I'm not. I promise. I just... I have more experience than you. Okay? And what I've learned in the battlefield when it comes to hooking up -- something can feel good without feeling right. And if it doesn't feel right, well, then you really need to look at that.

Lola: Well, you make it sound really simple, but it's not that simple.

Mariah: What's complicated about it?

Lola: I mean, I want to be the kind of woman who knows what she wants and goes for it. I guess I just need a little bit more practice before going to bed with a guy that I'm not committed to for the first time feels normal, natural. Whatever. I mean, theo's only my second guy, you know?

Mariah: I know. But this isn't an attitude you can just cultivate overnight. And when I say "you," I mean you -- lola rosales.

Lola: Yeah. I understand what you're saying. Right now it just feels like I'm playing a part, you know? But that's gonna change. I-I hope it does.

Mariah: Have you talked to theo about any of this?

Lola: No. If I told him that I was freaking out, he would so freak out.

Mariah: Yeah, but it's not freaking out if you want to slow things down or slam on the brakes completely. Just because you sleep with somebody once doesn't mean that you still can't say no in the future. It is always your call.

Lola: [ Breathes deeply ]

Phyllis: So, you know, it's really sweet of you, uh, to take time out of your really busy day to help me celebrate my success.

Nick: Your success? What about that pretty speech where you said, you know, you owed all your success to me?

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, yeah. Well, that was just to get you to come up here so, you know, we could do things.

Nick: I fall for that every time.

Phyllis: Of course you do. Hey, listen, um... joking aside, I really want -- I want to thank you for everything that you did regarding the escape club, I mean, not just driving all over town and giving out invitations to all of those women who really didn't want to come and convincing them to do so, but... thank you for believing in me and not giving up on me. That means more to me than -- than I could say. Alright, everyone, we made it.

Jack: Theo! What a surprise!

Theo: Hey. I, uh, just paid dina a visit. Wanted to fill her in on everything that's been happening with me. I hope that's okay.

Jack: You're always welcome here, and thank you for following through on your promise to visit.

Theo: I like talking with her, especially when I have good news to share.

Jack: Any good news you could share with me?

Theo: Billy hired me. I'm chanccomm's new director of talent.

Jack: That is fantastic. I am thrilled for you.

Theo: Thank you, jack.

Jack: This is a real opportunity to make a name for yourself there.

Theo: That's the plan.

Jack: So, how did you find your grandmother when you talked to her?

Theo: She seemed... content.

Jack: "Content." Well, we'll accept "content."

Theo: I dominated the conversation, but I got the feeling that she picked up on more than what you might have thought.

Jack: You know what? I'm not surprised. The other day, she very cleverly got her feelings across to us.

Theo: What'd she do?

Jack: Well, it's a long story. Essentially, she left a hint that led us to an old home movie that she's held onto all these years. She and traci and I sat and watched it, and in it, my father left a message. He talked about the great gift that finding love is, that it's more important than anything. It's what matters most, more than success, more than careers.

Theo: Sounds about right.

Jack: Anyway, I thought my mother was leaving me a message, and I took it to heart.

Theo: No, I think it's a good message for all of us. Listen, jack, I don't mean to rush out, but there's somewhere I need to be.

Jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go. Go. Do what you need to do.

Theo: I'll see you later?

Jack: Yeah.

Theo: Great.

Jack: Thanks for stopping by!

Theo: Thank you!

[ Door closes ]

Phyllis: Oh. This is great. [ Gasps ]

Nick: What?

Phyllis: Somebody wants to join the escape club. Ooh, somebody with a lot of money.

[ Gasps ] They bought the biggest package. Okay. Oh, this is terrific. Oh, this is gonna be fun creating escapes for this woman.

Nick: Nice.

Phyllis: I don't have to stay within budget. Yeah, I know. Real nice, right?

Nick: Hey, out of curiosity, did my mom sign up?

Phyllis: Um... I'm not at liberty to say. We're very discreet about our members.

Nick: I guess I could just ask my mom myself.

Phyllis: Or you could do that. Uh, however, I will say there is nobody in the world who needs pampering and escape more than the wife of victor newman. That's for sure. Or his kids or his kids' girlfriend or his grandkids.

Nick: Yeah, you speak no lies.

Phyllis: I speak no lies! I mean, but I was kind of having fun, and I don't think that you're joking.

Nick: I'm not.

Phyllis: What happened?

Nick: Me and my dad got into it against last night.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] What did adam do?

Nick: He's on another one of his, uh, disappearing acts.

Phyllis: That's what he does.

Nick: Yeah. I'm guessing I don't need to tell you how that's playing out.

Phyllis: No, 'cause I -- I know. I actually know. 'Cause victor is probably concerned to the point of obsession over adam, right? Where he should be working on mending his relationship with you or with his daughter, victoria, his daughter, who earned the ceo position at newman enterprises without blackmail.

Nick: Yeah, that was the gist.

Phyllis: And did he listen to you at all? Did he listen to you and say, "wow, hmm, maybe I'll work on becoming a better man"? Or did he just tear into you? When are you gonna realize that your relationship with your father can never be repaired?

Summer: Mariah. Um...I just want to let you know that kyle and I heard what you had to say, and, uh, believe it or not, we are all on the same side. We all want to help lola get through this with as little pain as possible, so we will be more discreet, okay?

Mariah: Good. It's the least you could do... the very least.

Summer: Okay, mariah, you are so determined to hold a grudge against me, and I get it -- you were really rooting for kyle and lola. Your two close friends being in a relationship was very convenient for you, but I'm sorry. You're just gonna have to hang out with them separately from now on.

Mariah: Summer, this has nothing to do with me.

Summer: Are you sure? Because you've been very invested in their relationship. You were the one that encouraged them to just ignore their issues and commit to one another.

Mariah: I'm sorry. Are you insinuating that what happened is my responsibility?

Summer: Kyle and lola made their own choices, but I am sure having their mutual bestie cheerleading them on had an influence.

Mariah: I just want kyle and lola both to be happy. And I've accepted that for kyle that means being in a relationship with you. But for lola, that means not throwing your relationship in her face.

Summer: I said I get it. No more discussions of house hunting while we're here.

Lola: [ Sighing ]

[ Sighs ]

Mariah: [ Sighs ]

Kyle: Lola. Hi. How are you?

Lola: Good. I hear that you're house-hunting. I just assumed all bladder leak pads felt the same.

"The young and the restless"

will continue. Is this the world's best sandwich?

Nick: Look, I've tried being his ally. I've tried yelling and screaming. I've tried turning my back on him and completely shutting him off, but it just doesn't work. And for all the people out there telling me dad is mellowing with age, I got some news for them.

Phyllis: You need cut him off. Just cut him off again.

Nick: It only works...

Phyllis: I'm sayin'.

Nick: ...For a little while, and then something happens. Some crisis comes up, and then mom gets all fired up about how the family is splintering. And then I feel obligated, and i get sucked right back in.

Phyllis: Well, of course you do, and, listen, it affects me, too. I mean, you know how I feel about him. I care about you. I care about you and I -- I just see this emotional meat grinder and it's really upsetting to me. You should be more like abby. Oh, my god, what did I just say? What?

Nick: What? Abby? Like our abby, the one you can't stand to be in the same room with, your fierce business rival? That abby?

Phyllis: Yeah. I mean, listen, there's very little that I admire about abby. You know that. But I -- I do admire how she's been able to create her own life.

Nick: I mean, yeah, it's great for abby. But she and I have very different temperaments.

Phyllis: What about sharon? I mean, you've voiced your concerns about sharon and me and summer. You don't want us caught in the crossfire.

Nick: What's your point?

Phyllis: Well, my point is you're so proactive about protecting everybody else that you care about. Why wouldn't you do that with yourself? I mean, you're so worried about everybody else's heart breaking. Who's gonna mend your heart when victor breaks it?

Kyle: How did you hear?

Lola: I overheard. They didn't know that I did. You know, it's fine. I would really appreciate it if you could stop looking at me like I'm going to crumble into tiny pieces. Why shouldn't you want to move in together? I should have been expecting that.

Kyle: Lola, nobody thinks you're going to fall apart.

Lola: Could have fooled me.

Kyle: Summer and I are just trying not to be complete jerks about this. Maybe we shouldn't come here anymore.

Lola: That's ridiculous, kyle. I mean, we're adults. We can all handle the situation.

Kyle: Tell me what I can do to make it easier.

Lola: Easier for you? I guess that's not a fair question to ask you. Being sure of your feelings isn't your strongest suit.

Kyle: I deserve that.

Lola: You know what? I don't want to argue. And I don't want to be upset. You didn't set out to hurt me. You should move in with summer. I mean, you love her. You always have. And it would just be so much easier for all of us if it was just out in the open. That way, you know, we can both move on. I mean, I -- I am, just not the same way that you are. I'm not rushing into anything serious, just having a little fun.

Mariah: Hey. Whoa. Uh, hold off for a second.

Theo: What?

Mariah: Well, you're here for lola, right? Well, she's talking to kyle. And I think it's a conversation that's long overdue.

Theo: What's going on?

Mariah: Summer let slip that she and kyle are looking for a place together, and I think it caught lola off guard.

Theo: Well, that's kinda strange. I mean, kyle and summer are practically living together now. And they have been since the night he moved out. I...

Mariah: Yeah, but sometimes it takes a while for your heart to catch up to what your head has known for a long time. You know, things have been moving pretty fast.

Theo: Did she say anything about, uh...

Mariah: About what?

Theo: Nothing. (Sharon) smoking caused my throat cancer.

Lola: I don't need or want an update every time that you and summer reach a new milestone, for sure not when you get engaged, which I assume is gonna happen any second now.

Kyle: We haven't talked about that.

Lola: I don't care.

Kyle: Okay! Okay. Message received. No more walking on eggshells or trying to give you fair warning. We'll just be.

Lola: I have to go. Excuse me.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Lola: Hey, you.

Theo: Hey.

Summer: What are you doing here?

Theo: I was hungry.

Lola: Like hell. I left you to eat that room-service breakfast all by yourself.

Theo: Alright. I confess -- I may have missed you just a smidge.

Lola: [ Chuckles ]

Kyle: I tried to apologize. It only made things worse.

Mariah: Well, I'm glad that you showed her that you still care. As much as lola tries to act like it doesn't matter to her, you were her first love, kyle. She needs to know that it meant something to you, as well.

Kyle: Got it.

Theo: So, you and kyle.

Lola: Um, he's carrying around a lot of guilt, but i told him he doesn't have to on my account. Um, but you know what? I have to get back to work, so if you're gonna stick around, maybe I'll come out and visit you when I can.

Jack: I wish I knew what was going through her mind.

[ Keys clacking ] I mean, what was she thinking when she saw all of us scrambling, trying to figure out what bixley or bixby was, watching us discover that it was about an old home movie that dad made, and then watching us search high and low, finally finding the cannister halfway around the world. Was she frustrated? Was she excited? Was she angry? Was she...

Traci: Jack, I think all we can be sure of is what we see. And she was moved when she watched that film.

Jack: She wasn't the only one. Seeing mother and dad that happy, hearing dad's message of love. You haven't ever asked yourself what dad would think if he saw his three children now? Come on. We're all happy. We're all successful. We're all missing something very important in our lives.

Traci: [ Chuckling ] Speak for yourself.

Jack: You know what? I'm sorry. You're right. I will speak for myself. I've made a decision. I'm not gonna settle anymore. I'm going to have everything my mother and father wanted for me and more.

Lola: [ Sighs ]

Theo: Careful. Those things are sharp. And we both know what happens to me at the sight of blood.

Lola: Theo, I can't talk right now.

Theo: Breakfast rush is over. It's not that busy out there. Sure you can't spare a few minutes?

Lola: If the subject is kyle, I've had my fill.

Theo: That's cool. Not my favorite subject, either. Although at some point, we should talk about him.

Lola: Let's not and say that we did.

Theo: You know, you don't have to be afraid to tell me what you're feeling.

Lola: I'm not afraid.

Theo: What I'm saying is, you can be straight with me. I can take it, even if that means that you were wrong and last night had way more to do with a rebound than you thought.

Lola: Is that what you think of me -- that I am the kind of person who would have sex with you for such a crappy reason?

Theo: I know how much you loved kyle, and I would understand if --

Lola: Wow. Well, it's good to know that i have your blessing to be an immature, selfish, and manipulative user. You know, thank you for being so honest about how you see me.

Theo: That's not what I'm saying at all.

Lola: I have a restaurant to run. I'll text you later. Hey, it's me...your skin.

Summer: You know, I had no idea that she was listening. I feel terrible about it.

Kyle: She was gonna find out eventually. I know you meant well. See anything you like?

Summer: Mm, no, not really. I mean, this one is just -- the layout isn't gonna work for us. It has one den, and it's really tiny. And if we both want to have our own offices at home or at least share one big one -- I mean, unless we want to commandeer the family space into an office, which honestly doesn't really thrill me.

Kyle: No, no, no, no. You're right. We need to be able to close the door on work at a certain point and just enjoy our lives.

Summer: That's kind of how i feel.

Kyle: Maybe it's time we find a real estate agent. They know what's coming on the market before it's even listed.

Summer: You know what? Actually, scratch that. I have an even better idea. Come on. I'm gonna tell you on the way to the office.

Theo: Well, why don't I take off, give you a chance to calm down? I don't think I'm the one that you're mad at anyway.

Lola: Stop trying to tell me how I feel.

Theo: Fine. Okay. When you're ready to talk, you know where to find me.

Lola: Don't hold your breath.

Theo: [ Sighs ]

[ Bowls clattering ]

Phyllis: Listen, if I thought you and your father had a great relationship, I'd say, "do whatever you can to mend it," but you don'T. I don't know if you ever have.

Nick: I hear you, and I'm not saying you're wrong. I know what it does to you and my kids when I get caught up in some of my dad's games. But I can't help it, alright? I can't turn my back on the people I care about who need me.

Phyllis: Who needs you regarding this? Who? Victoria? Victoria knows how to handle your dad. She's proven it, okay? So, who else? Sharon? I mean, sharon will always be vulnerable to adam, but she has rey. And she has a lot of other people who will help her. So, your mom? No. Your mom knew what she was getting into when she decided to become mrs. Victor newman for, what, uh, the 16th time? There's no one, nick, that you need throw yourself on a grenade for. There is no one.

Nick: I suppose you're right.

Phyllis: You know, I could think of a lot of other things that you can be exerting your time and energy on right now besides talking about your dad.

[ Both chuckle ]

Nick: Did you have any other activity in particular that you were looking to do?

Phyllis: [ Laughs ] Yeah. Do you want to come over here and kiss me?

Traci: Jack, all daddy ever really wanted for his children was for us to be happy. I don't think you have to make any big changes in your life based on what you heard in an old family movie.

Jack: Traci, those words resonated for me. I honestly think mother was trying to send me -- send us a message.

Traci: Well, maybe they resonated with you because they reflect what you were already thinking.

Jack: Perhaps. I've had an incredible life. Are there regrets? Do I wish I could do a few things over if I could? Yeah, I-I do, but... I've got to stop blaming dina for my mistakes. The choices she made never prevented me from getting the love I'm meant to have.

Traci: At some point, we have to be responsible for the choices that we've made in our personal life. And -- I don't know -- for me, I'm feeling pretty good about where I am right now. But listening to you talk, it sounds like you don't feel the same way.

Jack: I meant what I said. I have had an incredible life. I am just more alone now than i ever wanted to be. Look, I've loved, I've lost, I've loved again, and lived to tell about it. But something tells me it ain't over yet. Something tells me the best is yet to come.

Traci: [ Inhales sharply ]

Jack: [ Breathes deeply ]

Next week on "the young and the restless"...

Noah: My mom's in crisis. This isn't trivial. It's cancer, life and death. She needs all of her strength to focus on the fight. Why would you want to distract from that?

Nate: You don't know your blood type, do you?

Amanda: "B" negative.

Nate: I knew someone else with that same blood type.

Kyle: There's something we want to tell you.

Phyllis: Ugh, you're engaged.

Nick: Are you pregnant?

Phyllis: Or both?

[ Sighs ]

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