Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/27/20

Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/27/20


Episode #11859 ~ Chelsea makes a shocking discovery in Kansas; Lily challenges Billy's work ethic.

Provided By and Proofread By Suzanne

Victor: [ Breathes deeply ] Hi, Sharon. This is Victor. Uh, you have not informed me yet as to whether you found Adam and how he is doing. I need to know, alright? So please call me as soon as you can.

Chelsea: I know. I know. This is super last-minute, and I'm sorry, but I promise I'll make it up to you. Well, I don't know how long I'll be in Kansas. Just tell Connor... [ Sighs ] Just tell Connor I will call him tonight, okay, and that there's nothing to worry about. Everything's gonna be just fine.

Adam: I could see it. I could see him on the floor, dead, and I did it. It was me. I killed him.

Sharon: Adam, let's go. Let's get out of here and go someplace we can talk.

Adam: No, no. No.

Sharon: Yes, Adam.

Adam: This -- this is why i came here, Sharon. And I'm not leaving here until I know everything. Everything.

Elena: I heard you went on another date with Amanda.

Nate: Uh-huh.

Elena: So, what is this now? Your second? Third?

Nate: I don't know if you can call getting coffee a date.

Elena: You know what I mean.

Nate: Not really.

Elena: Well, it's not just about where you go. It's about how much time you want to spend with each other, where you see things going, how you feel.

Nate: How I feel?

Elena: Yeah.

Nate: If you want to know the truth, Elena, how I feel right now is that you're asking an awful lot of questions about my personal life.

Lily: Yeah, no, the writer sounds very promising. So, I'll tell you what -- um, i will talk it over with Billy, and I'll get back to you later today. Okay, great. Bye. Hello. Good morning.

Amanda: Good morning. Looks like you have your hands full.

Lily: Yeah. Bringing on the Newman media division has been quite challenging, to say the least.

Amanda: Yeah, you don't have to tell me. I brought a few more contracts for you and Billy to sign. Is he around?

Lily: Uh, no, he's actually in a meeting, but I don't know with who. So I'm guessing it's with Theo

Amanda: Theo? He hasn't even started yet.

Lily: No, but that's not gonna stop Billy from giving him his own particular vision of ChancComm's future.

Amanda: [ Laughs ] Sounds like Billy. Okay, I'll come back.

Lily: Actually, no. Why don't you stick around? And then you and I can talk.

Amanda: Okay. About what?

Lily: About Billy.

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: Hey, Billy.

Billy: How's Katie?

Victoria: Oh, she's fine, no lingering effects from the beesting.

Billy: Good. So, what's this meeting about?

Victoria: Business. Yours, to be exact.

Billy: Oh, the ever-growing Chancellor Communications? You have another piece of Newman you want to sell me?

Victoria: No, I'll be holding onto my company's core divisions. But as a matter of fact, the reason that I'm here is to give your little venture a boost.

Billy: What do you got in mind?

Victoria: Something that will immediately guarantee more eyes on ChancComm's news site. I would even go so far to say that it might make you famous.

Billy: Does this have anything to do with the story that you teased me with a few weeks ago?

Victoria: It does.

Billy: The one I sensed was about Adam or Victor?

Victoria: It has to do with both of them. And it doesn't get any bigger than this, Billy.

Billy: Well, you have my attention.

Victoria: Good. Then today's your lucky day.

Nick: Hey, Dad.

Victor: Hi, son.

Nick: Everything alright?

Victor: [ Sighs ] Nope. Adam just took off, and, uh, we don't know where to exactly. He is, uh... in a very bad state.

Nick: Adam's gonna get through this. He always does. He'll turn up once he's figured out a way to use this trauma to his advantage.

Victor: You make it sound as if this is a game to him.

Nick: It is a game. It's the same game you have been playing with him his entire life.

Victor: I don't get you. He just learned that he killed someone when he was 11 years old. He's reeling from that.

Nick: Which you decided to keep secret from everyone, including Adam, which of course made things worse.

Victor: What do you mean, "made things worse"? I was trying to protect him. What are you talking about?

Nick: You seem to want to protect Adam no matter what he does. You've protected him his whole life. You make excuses for him. You've given him a pass. Even after he tried to kill you, you stood by him. I don't feel sorry for him at all. Now, I do feel sorry for Victoria.

Victor: Why? She's got everything she wanted.

Nick: After being shoved aside so many times for Adam's benefit, she finally had enough. She got sick of it and staked her own claim. She sold off pieces of your company to let you know she's in charge, she's earned this, and she's not gonna be pushed aside anymore. I say good for Vick.

Billy: So, this reporter, A.J.'s daughter --

Victoria: Alyssa.

Billy: She was hired to write an exposé about Victor naming him the killer?

Victoria: But Adam offered to bury the story if Dad put him in charge of Newman, which of course Dad did.

Billy: Why didn't he just tell Adam the truth? Why remove you as CEO even if it's temporary?

Victoria: I don't know, Billy. I've asked myself that question a thousand times. And Dad claims that he was protecting Adam, and maybe that was partly true, but I think he assumed that I would forgive him because I always have.

Billy: And so you're not only proving that he's wrong, but you're proving you can hold a grudge just as well as he can.

Victoria: I'm just standing up for myself. That's all.

Billy: Well, remind me to send your father a gift basket. If he didn't take advantage of you, ChancComm wouldn't be the proud new owner of Newman's media division.

Victoria: Adam was the one who started all of this when he decided that he was willing to screw over me and my dad to get what he wanted.

Billy: Well, what's a little blackmail among family, right?

Victoria: Well, unfortunately for Adam, the real story turns out to be much worse for him.

Billy: Vick, how does an 11-year-old kid kill a man like that and then just bury the memory?

Victoria: Or so he claims.

Billy: So, you don't believe him? I mean, come on. It's not that different. I tried to mow Adam down awhile back and just blacked it out.

Victoria: Why would anyone trust Adam or my father? There was only one eyewitness that Adam had -- his mother. His blind mother.

Billy: And how she's dead. [ Sighs ] Vick... wow.

Victoria: Yeah. I know.

Billy: I mean, you told me this was big. I didn't think it was this big. [ Sighs ] So, this reporter -- Alyssa -- she claims to know the whole story?

Victoria: She left town because she doesn't want anything to do with it or with us.

Billy: You told me there was already evidence of a cover-up.

Victoria: Yes, Billy, but my dad might have already found a way to make that go away. So you're gonna have to dig a little deeper, and you're gonna have to be extremely careful with how you tell the story because you know my father.

Billy: Yeah, yeah.

Victoria: He sees an opening or senses a weakness --

Billy: I know. I've seen this movie before. Let me ask you a question. Why are you bringing this to me?

Victoria: Because it would be good for business... for both of our businesses. And... and I know that you're really good at this sort of thing.

Billy: Well, I'll take that as a compliment. Is that a compliment?

Victoria: Yes, it is, Billy. But I'm also counting on you to be very discreet.

Billy: I won't breathe a word of this to anyone, but, Vick, when the story comes out, it's not gonna be hard to connect the dots between you and me. And your father is going to think that you are the source, whether he has evidence of it or not.

Victoria: I can live with that, as long as you focus on Adam and what he did.

Billy: There will be some blowback on Victor. That's inevitable. Wow. I can't believe how far you two have drifted apart.

Victoria: I have to do whatever I can to protect myself. I can't count on anyone else.

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: I am done trusting my father to have my back. I clung to that hope for too long, and I had to let it go.

Billy: Well, let me just say that I realize how difficult this must be for you. I mean, I was never a big fan of your father, but I know that he was always your hero.

Victoria: Yeah, he was. But you know what they say about people's heroes -- they eventually disappoint you. After I sold those Newman divisions to Chancellor and Jabot, I expected people to think that my father was gonna flip out. But there was also another possibility -- that he would see it as undeniable proof that I belong in the CEO chair and that I know what I'm doing and that I have the goods to lead the company into the future without him. But that didn't happen. And now I -- I'm getting signals from the old guard that they want my father to handle it and to handle me. So this is my way of dealing with my competition.

Adam: It was all right there in front of me. A.J. was threatening my mother.

A.J.: It would be a shame if something were to happen to your boy.

Adam: And the terror -- I could see it on her face. I could hear it in her voice.

Hope: Don't you dare threaten my son.

Adam: And that's when I knew. That's when I knew that I had to act. I couldn't take it anymore, so i came out from where I was hiding.

Young Adam: Leave my mother alone!

Adam: And then he turned back. And I could see the look on his face. It was like a sick, ugly smile. It was almost a taunt, a dare, as he said...

A.J.: What are you gonna do about it, kid?

Adam: God. [ Laughs ] God, I wanted to wipe that smug look off his face. But I was frozen. I just stared at him.

Sharon: Adam, you were an 11-year-old boy. You were terrified.

Adam: No, Sharon. It wasn't fear. I realize that now. It was rage. It was an overwhelming anger that was directed at A.J. Montalvo. I wanted to crush the guy. I wanted him dead.

Elena: You're not mad at me, are you, 'cause I asked about Amanda?

Nate: No, I'm not mad at you.

Elena: Okay. Then are you...irritated?

Nate: Maybe a little.

Elena: Well, why? We work together. We're friends. I mean, it's natural that i would be curious about something new in your life. That's what friends do. They talk. They share. Like, for instance, you asking Amanda out. And then work got in the way and then she tracked you down at the clinic and --

Nate: Hang on. Hang on. Hang on.

Elena: What?

Nate: You been grilling Amanda about this, too?

Elena: I take exception to the word "grilling."

Nate: So, how do you know all this?

Elena: Because we ran into each other and got to talking.

Nate: About me, obviously.

Elena: Not 100% of the time.

Nate: So, what was it? 50%? 75%?

Elena: Oh, my gosh, why are you acting like our whole --

Nate: Like it's all my business? [ Sighs ]

Elena: I'm sorry.

Nate: Nah, nah. It's -- it's just me and my, you know...

Elena: Your stuff?

Nate: We're just casually dating right now, Elena. I like it, and I'm assuming she does, too. But I don't want to start putting labels on things.

Elena: And I get that. But it's not like I was jumping to you two walking down the aisle anytime soon. We were just talking like friends, you know, girl talk.

Nate: But you do know me, Elena. You also know my history, and I'm a little sensitive about the subject of "happily ever after." So, am I having a good time with Amanda? Yes. Would I someday like to have a solid relationship again? Absolutely. I want something as good as what you and Devon have.

Amanda: You know, Lily, if anyone was an expert on Billy Abbott, I figured it was you.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] Well, yes, I mean, Billy and I have had our own adventures. But, no, I was just wondering your opinion on what you think of the dynamic that he brings to the company.

Amanda: Oh. [ Chuckles ] You mean the "mad visionary" thing, always testing the limit to see see how much he can get away with? Yeah. I've met that guy.

Lily: [ Laughs ] Yeah, 'cause you guys were close, right?

Amanda: Wait a minute. Are we still talking about business or something else? Did Billy say something?

Lily: Well, he just said that you were kind of like a sounding board for him during a difficult time in his life.

Amanda: As he was for me.

Lily: So then you were close friends.

Amanda: I wouldn't say that we were that close. But we were friends, yes. And if you're imagining that there was anything else going on, you're dead wrong.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] I'm not trying to interrogate you, Amanda.

Amanda: Well, it does kind of feel like the third degree.

Lily: Then, listen, I apologize, okay? I just was wondering if it's gonna be a problem for you having to work with him and vice versa.

Amanda: Well, if it was gonna be a problem for me, I wouldn't have taken the job. Does that answer your question?

Lily: I just felt that it needed to be said.

Amanda: And now it's been said. [ Sighs ] Listen, Lily, you don't know me very well. But when I take a job, it is my first and only priority. Any connection that I may have had with Billy in the past -- it stays there, as far as I'm concerned. I respect this place. I also respect you. And I will never do anything to jeopardize or compromise what we are trying to build here.

Lily: Thank you. And thank you for being honest.

Amanda: It's the only way I roll.

Lily: And, Amanda, listen, the feeling is mutual, okay? I have a lot of respect for you. And I am so happy that you're here to help us with this new acquisition. But, you know, we can't afford to make any mistakes. And we can't over-reach while we're still trying to get up and running.

Amanda: Which brings us back to Billy.

Lily: We need Billy's drive, and we need his creativity and everything else that comes along with it.

Amanda: But we want to minimize the excesses.

Lily: Exactly. Yes.

Amanda: So you want me to, what, spy on Billy?

Lily: No, not spy. [ Laughs ]

Billy: Hey. I'm glad you're both here. Listen, I have something big. Actually, scratch that. It's huge.

Lily: Okay. What is it?

Billy: We have just been handed a story that is going to drive traffic to our news site and blow it up. And right in the middle of it is Victor Newman, his prodigal son, Adam, and they are both about to go down big.

Adam: I wanted him to stop, okay? I wanted A.J. Montalvo never to come back here again, and I made sure that he never would. I did that.

Sharon: Okay, it's good that you're remembering. But I don't want to hear you judging yourself.

Adam: But I was an 11-year-old --

Sharon: You were an 11-year-old boy who was doing whatever he could to protect his mother.

Adam: But he's dead, Sharon. He's dead! And I didn't feel horrified after. I didn't feel any remorse. I was glad that I had done it. I remember that part, too.

Sharon: Okay, well, you were also a child who, in the heat of the moment, you were relieved that your mother was okay. And afterwards, your mind blocked it out for a long time to protect you from what would have been an unbearable guilt.

Adam: And how can you be so certain about that?

Sharon: I know you.

Adam: Yes. Yeah. Yeah, you know me, and you know all the terrible things that I've done. And me being a cold-blooded murder as a kid -- I mean, that really is in character, isn't it?

Sharon: You always regret your mistakes. And in this case, your remorse has been delayed by decade, so it's coming onto you extra hard.

Adam: It's awful. Now I understand why you discouraged me from pushing myself to try to remember too quickly.

Sharon: But you were determined, so you did it.

Adam: Mm.

Sharon: You should be proud of yourself.

Adam: I don't think I'll be proud of anything again.

Sharon: You will be. You're gonna get through this because now that everything is out in the open, you can just deal with it directly.

Adam: Mnh. [ Exhales heavily ]

Sharon: This exhausted you, didn't it?

Adam: Yes. I'm tired. Okay? I'm very tired.

Sharon: Alright, well, try to rest.

Adam: I just -- I don't know if I can.

Sharon: I'll help you.

Adam: Well, um... will you stay?

Sharon: I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere.

Lily: So, Adam killed someone when he was a boy?

Billy: And Victor covered it up this entire time, which just goes to prove how far he'll go to protect his son and the Newman family name.

Lily: But it was self-defense, right? It's because he was defending his mother?

Billy: Well, that's Victor's story. I mean, he's also claiming that Adam doesn't remember anything, but who knows if that's true? Neither one of them are really known for their honesty. The point is, Victor didn't go to the police. He didn't get the kid help like a normal parent would. He sat on this, hoping that it would go away, but it didn't, and now the story's ours.

Amanda: How did you hear about this, Billy?

Billy: Excuse me?

Amanda: The story. Where did it come from?

Billy: A reliable source.

Amanda: Okay. But who?

Billy: I can't give you that information.

Amanda: If we are gonna run an explosive story like this, we're gonna need to know everything. Your source will be protected, but we're gonna have to vet everyone and everything.

Lily: Wait. It's Victoria, right? This is the story that we talked about a couple weeks ago, the one that she was promising you?

Billy: We need to keep her out of this.

Lily: How are we gonna keep her out of it? She's your ex. And any smear against Victor or Adam would naturally connect to her, not to mention that by you damaging Adam's name, now you're this big hero in her eyes.

Billy: Now, hold on a second. That's not what this is about, Lily.

Lily: That's exactly how Victor is going to spin it.

Billy: Why are you backing down on this?

Lily: I'm not backing down. I just don't want Victor and his army of lawyers to sue us into oblivion.

Billy: Okay, listen, we have the biggest story of the year, okay? It's ours right now. We have a huge company, a big family name. There's a killing and a cover-up. What's the problem? This is gonna make us. This is not a time to play it safe.

Lily: "Play it safe"? Okay. Fine. Do you have any proof?

Billy: [ Sighs ] Well, Victoria thinks that Victor may have destroyed it.

Lily: [ Laughs ] Okay, so you want to take Victor Newman down based off of his estranged daughter's fairy tale? You want to risk this company to publish a story based off of a rumor?

Billy: The evidence is there. We just have to do a little digging.

Lily: Oh, my god. You are unbelievable.

Amanda: Okay, may I say something?

Billy: Yeah, please.

Lily: Yes, please. You are the voice of reason.

Amanda: I think there may be a way for us to run the story without setting us up for a lawsuit.

Billy: That's exactly what I was thinking.

Amanda: But Lily is right. You're gonna need proof to back up these allegations or proof that the evidence was deliberately destroyed. Otherwise, we'd be basing everything on innuendos, and that will give Victor the ammunition he needs to come after us.

Billy: I'll find the proof.

Lily: Good. And until then, we have nothing else to talk about. So I'm gonna get some fresh air.

Billy: Thank you.

Amanda: I didn't do anything.

Billy: Well, I mean, you came in at the right moment.

Amanda: You do realize that Lily didn't give you the go-ahead to move forward with the story, right?

Billy: Yes, but she didn't squash it, so for that I am grateful to you.

Amanda: All I did was give my objective legal opinion. It was not an endorsement of an idea that I find ethically questionable.

Billy: What's unethical about it?

Amanda: Oh, come on, Billy. The conflicts of interest here could fill a stadium. And I'm concerned. I'm concerned that you are gonna take a risk that I'm not going to be able to mitigate.

Billy: Okay. Bottom line is, the door's open, all right? Thanks to you. So, I say we celebrate. [Clicks tongue} Let's go get a drink.

Amanda: And what would we be celebrating?

Billy: Your incredible problem-solving skills, for a start.

Amanda: Thank you, but, um, that's what my paycheck's for. Besides, um, I think you have a lot of work to do.  And I'm not talking about the story.

Young Adam: [Breathing heavily]

A.J.: You like it, don't you, boy?

Adam: [Crying] No.

A.J.: I always knew you had it in you... that killer instinct.

Adam: [Gasps]

Hope: It's okay, my baby.  It's all over now. Everything's going to be okay.

Nick: You lent Sharon your jet, so she could fly to Kansas to track Adam down. Why would you do that?

Victor: Because she seems to be the only person to get through to him right now.

Nick: She shouldn't be traveling this soon after her surgery.

Victor: She has to see him.

Nick: If she has a setback in her recovery, it's gonna be on you.  Her needs should come first right now.

Victor: Let me ask you something.  Are you forgetting that Adam is your brother?

Nick: [Scoffs] You know, I don't give a damn that Adam is trying to get help because he certainly needs it.  But it doesn't have to be Sharon.  There's lots of therapists out there who can help him.

Victor: But he feels comfortable with her.

Nick: Yeah, well, it's a very Adam thing to do, to try and use Sharon's big heart or their history or risk her recovery to his advantage.  Where is the empathy? Adam doesn't have any.  He's never had any. Now, maybe that's just the way he was born, Dad.  Or maybe because of what happened to him when he was a kid. He got damaged in some way.  But trust me when I say this -- Adam is gonna be just fine.  Adam's not even the one you should be worried about right now.

Amanda: Hey.

Nate: Hey yourself. You taking time from all that work at ChancComm to hang with me is a pleasant surprise.

Amanda: No more surprise than you taking a break from the clinic.

Nate: Point taken.  So, how is it over there, now that you guys have acquired Newman Media?

Amanda: There is just never a dull moment, I mean, especially with Billy in the mix. This guy is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Nate: I-I know that's how he liked to live his personal life, but does he actually bring that attitude into the office?

Amanda: [Laughs] This morning was a perfect example.  Billy charges in with this huge story he wants to run on the news site.  I can't give you any of the details, but just know that it involves unsubstantiated claims about people who have armies of attorneys and unlimited resources.

Nate: And Billy wants to run it anyway.

Amanda: All he sees are the headlines. I guess he figures things like proof and substantiation will just work itself out.

Nate: And where is Lily in all of this?

Amanda: Ah, she's on the fence.  You know, she sees the pitfalls, but she can't deny the enticement.

Nate: Sounds risky.

Amanda:  Yeah, but that's just it -- although it's an ethical quagmire -- if this story checks out, it can put ChancComm on the map.  Like, it is that big.

Nate: Yes, but from what I'm hearing, the fall is, too, if he doesn't have his facts right.  You know what they say about gamblers, don't you?  The only thing they love as much as playing and winning is playing and losing.

Amanda: And that is Billy Abbott. [Chuckles] Sometimes I feel like he is this evil genius, and it is my job to just figure out how to make his ideas work, which I hope that I do.  And then he looks over at me with that big grin, and I just feel like... the evil genius enabler, you know?  Anyways, enough about him, you know?  How's your day?

Nate: The guy really gets under your skin, doesn't he?

Billy: You still mad at me?

Lily: I was not mad. I was making a point.

Billy: Amanda said she'd sign off on the story as long as I get the proof.

Lily: Billy, we need real proof, okay? Unimpeachable, holds-up-in-court kind of proof.  And even then, it might not be enough.

Billy: What does that mean?

Lily: It means this story is way too personal for you.

Billy: Yeah, I caught that crack you made about me showboating for Victoria. Kind of a cheap shot.

Lily: This is not just about Victoria. Your animosity towards Victor and Adam can make this seem like a vendetta and completely ruin ChancComm's credibility. So I'm gonna be hard-core about this.  You do not post a syllable of this piece unless I sign off on it.

Billy: Good.  Fine with me.

Lily: And the fact that I'm considering this does not give you free reign.

Billy: Yeah, I heard you first time, Lily. My mom said we both have veto power, and I respect that.

Lily: Good. I hope so. 'Cause I do not want to get sued over you making this company your personal poker table, especially when your opponents are the Newmans. I have serious reservations.

Billy: Well, those reservations will disappear when you see how big this story's going to be.

Adam: [Gasps, grunts]

Sharon: Adam. Hey, I'm here.

Adam: [Breathing heavily] A- A.J. -- he was in this room. A.J. was in this room.

Sharon: No, no, no. That was a dream.

Adam: No.

Sharon: He can't hurt you.

Adam: He was in this room.

Sharon: You're okay. You're safe now.

Adam: [Sighs]

Sharon: Look, I-- I can only imagine how overwhelming this must for you.  Those memories were locked inside your mind for a long time. And it's a lot.

Adam: [Exhales heavily]

Sharon: But...you're not alone.  I'm with you, all the way through.

Adam: I'm, um... I'm thirsty.

Sharon: Hey. You have support.  There are people who care about you.

Adam: Thank you.

Chelsea: Look like it's all working out, exactly as you planned.

Amanda: I wouldn't say that Billy gets under my skin.

Nate: It's just an observation.

Amanda: I have mixed feelings about the guy. I appreciate his talents and his creativity, but sometimes I think that he uses that as an excuse to take things to the extreme.  I just feel like he is constantly trying to push the limits, and it is exhausting when you're the one who's always trying to put on the brakes.

Nate: I'm guessing it can be pretty exhilarating, too.

Amanda: Sometimes.

Nate: High risk, high reward?

Amanda: On steroids. [Chuckles] But you know what? That's the way that Billy wants to live his life.  That's not the way that I want to live mine.  And neither does Lily. And her career is on the line here, too, not to mention all of the people that they employ.  I just wish he would be like --

Nate: More like everybody else.

Amanda: Yeah. You know, maybe they should have put "Billy Abbott safety net" in my job description.

Nate: [Chuckles]

Amanda: But I knew what he was like going in.  So maybe there is a part of me that thrives on being the enemy of reckless behavior.

Nate: I know it's a lot of pressure, Amanda, but it's also a big compliment... because it sounds like Billy needs you.

Sharon: When I got here, I found Adam on the floor.  He was reliving the events of that night when he was a boy.

Chelsea: Why didn't you tell me where you were going?

Sharon: I knew that it was gonna be a fragile situation --

Chelsea: Oh, you know what? Spare me the therapy-speak, Sharon.  You want to be Adam's savior. You want to be the one that he-- he turns to. The one who really understands him.

Sharon: That's not true or fair.

Chelsea: Isn't it, though? [Exhales sharply] Face it, Sharon -- you still can't let go of him.

Sharon: Okay, um... I can understand why you'd want to use me to take out your frustrations, but, um, I think we need to focus on Adam.  He's just had a tremendous breakthough, and regardless of what you think my motives are, I suggest we focus on that.

Victor: Is it Victoria you want me to pay more attention to? Or is it you?

Nick: It's Connor, Dad.  Connor is the one who stands to get hurt the most in all this.

Victor: You don't think your mother and I are aware of how much protection that boy needs right now?  We're doing everything to protect him.

Nick:  Well, that may not be enough, Dad.  Chelsea is the reason Connor has this united family he has always wanted -- because Chelsea accepts Adam for exactly who he is.  She is the best thing that has ever happened to him, and she knew the consequences when she decided to reconcile with him.  Dad, Connor is the one who is going to suffer if Adam decides to stay in Kansas or run off and disappear again, or blow his life up in any other way. So, no, you don't need to focus on Victoria or me.  You just keep your attention on Adam.

Victor: I'm getting the feeling that you think I'm playing favorites. I am not, okay?  I don't love any one of you more than the other.  But I'm very protective of Adam because I was there the night he killed A.J. Montalvo.  He was an 11-year-old boy.  He was scared, to the point where he suppressed that memory for decades.  I helped him do that, to protect him.  I did for him what I would have done for any of you.  Don't you see that?

Billy: Since you brought up the poker table, let's make a bet.

Lily: Ah, you're not allowed to gamble.

Billy: Oh, come on.  It's not a wager, it's just a friendly competition.  If this Adam and Victor story is as big as I think it's gonna be, I win. 

Lily: And if you don't? What do I win if you can't prove the story?

Billy: My undying respect and admiration.

Lily: Oh, I thought I already had that.

Billy: You do.  Look, we're in this together, okay?  And I promise you I will do everything I need to do to back up this story so you feel good about it.

Lily: Alright.  I'm gonna hold you to it.

Nate: Sounds like you and Billy have figured out how to complement one another.  You're a team, like me and Elena.

Amanda: Yeah. I guess we are.

Elena: [Sighs] Hey, Devon. It's me. No message. Just wanted to tell you I was thinking about you. 

Victor: Son, you have children. You know how this goes.  When one of them is in crisis, you pay more attention to them.

Nick: [Sighs] I know, Dad.  You have been there for me more times than I can count.

Victor: Well, thank you.

Nick: But with Adam, it's different.  It always has been. You know that.

Victor: I don't see it that way.

Nick: There have been so many issues in his life, and it all started with how you handled him killing a man when he was a kid.

Victor: But it wasn't only I that made that decision. It was his mother, as well.

Nick: With your considerable guidance and influence.  You got exactly what you wanted, the way you always do.

Victor: You know something? I'll bet if it were you, son, you would do the same thing for him.

Nick: No, I wouldn't have. But I bet Adam would have. And I guess that's why, of all your children, he's the one you truly connect with.

Victor: That's absurd.

Sharon: What Adam needs to know now is that there are people on his side who understand what he's going through.

Chelsea: Yeah, right, and by that, you mean yourself.

Sharon: I mean... everyone, Chelsea. Everyone who cares about him.

Chelsea: Okay. Alright, Sharon.

Sharon: No, Chelsea, listen. I--I was not trying to shut you out. I--I was just--

Chelsea: Hey. I came as soon as I heard you were in Kansas.  Sharon told me everything, but I'm here.  I'm here now.

Adam: Chelsea...

Chelsea: Let's go home.  You've done enough.

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