Y&R Transcript Monday 8/24/20
Episode #11856 ~ Adam enters dangerous territory with Sharon; a crisis brings Victoria and Billy together.
Provided By Suzanne
Adam: [ Inhaling sharply ]
Chelsea: I didn't mean to wake you.
Adam: Oh, no, no, it's fine. I have to get up anyway.
Adam: [ Inhaling sharply ]
[ Door creaks, closes ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Exhales sharply ]
Chelsea: I didn't mean to wake you.
Adam: Oh, no, no, it's fine. I have to get up anyway. I got to take connor to school. Is he ready?
Chelsea: I just dropped him off.
Adam: Is it that late?
[ Sighs ] Why'd you let me sleep so long?
Chelsea: Because you needed it. You were pacing all night, adam. You're -- you're exhausted. You need rest.
Adam: Yes, I know, but every time I close my eyes, I just keep trying to repeat all the mental exercises that sharon walked me through yesterday, and I'm just trying to remember anything.
Chelsea: And you will. It's just gonna take time.
Adam: How much time, chelsea?
Chelsea: I don't have that answer for you, but this is the sort of thing you can't rush, you know?
Adam: You're right. I know. Patience has never been my thing.
Chelsea: Really?
Adam: [ Chuckles ] Look, I don't want to keep obsessing about this. You and connor -- you deserve 100% of me, and I am going to get there. I promise.
Chelsea: I know you are. Why don't you try to go back to sleep? You're gonna be okay.
Adam: I love you.
Chelsea: I love you, too.
Rey: So, how we feeling this morning?
Sharon: Well, that was a nice surprise this morning -- breakfast in bed.
Rey: I figured I should pamper you as much as I can. You're getting so strong. Pretty soon, you won't need anybody to take care of you.
Sharon: Well, you can take care of me as long as you want.
Rey: Good. So, what's on the agenda for today?
Sharon: Um, absolutely nothing. Mariah brought me the book that I've been dying to read. Tessa's going to pick up faith from school, so I'm just going to...relax.
Rey: Ah, that's what I love to hear. And I can pick up dinner on my way home from work.
Sharon: Oh, well, you don't have to do that, rey. There's so much food in the house.
Rey: I want you to take the whole day off. You be a lady of leisure for a change. It'll be good for you.
Sharon: Well, you better be careful with that. I could get used to it.
Rey: I just don't want you working so hard. And yesterday was, uh --
Sharon: Oh, I know. I know. I overdid it. Adam was so close to a breakthrough.
Rey: Yeah, well, you worry about adam, but I worry about you. So promise me.
Sharon: I won't move off of that couch.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] What?
Amanda: I was just thinking that it's such a lovely way to start the morning -- nice breakfast, stimulating conversation, the whole rest of the day to look forward to.
[ Both laugh ]
Nate: In other words, you're not used to getting up this early.
Amanda: Oh, how do you constantly do this?
Nate: I'm a doctor. They train us to function without any sleep. Elena and I also have the first shift at the clinic today.
Amanda: Mm.
Nate: And I am already late.
[ Chuckles ] Can I, uh, walk you out?
Amanda: Actually, no. I -- I have some chancellor communication work that I have to get a head start on, so you go ahead.
Nate: They got you putting in a lot of hours on this new acquisition, don't they?
Amanda: Yeah. It's nothing I can't handle.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] I have no doubt you can handle anything, amanda. But let me give you the same advice people have been giving me my whole life. There's time for work, but there's also time for play.
Amanda: Yeah, I get it. And so do billy and lily.
Nate: Yeah?
Amanda: Yeah. They're totally fine with me taking some personal time. In fact, billy took the whole day off to spend with his kids.
Nate: So he won't be in today at all?
Amanda: Nope. Just me and all of this work.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] Well, I will let you get started then.
Devon: Hey. Is nate in yet?
Elena: Uh, he just texted me, and he's on his way.
Devon: That's too bad. I was gonna ask if he wouldn't mind covering your shifts this weekend so we could get away for a couple days.
Elena: [ Gasps ] I would absolutely love that.
Devon: Yeah.
Elena: I think I can find someone else to cover. I mean, nate's here so much already. I'd hate to take advantage.
Devon: I don't think there's much chance of that. He loves it here. He always tells me how it makes him feel like one of those small-town doctors that sleep above the office.
Elena: [ Chuckles ]
Devon: Which isn't a bad idea, actually. We should put a cot in the storage room so he can catch up on sleep sometimes.
Elena: I know you're kidding.
Devon: I... yeah, you know, maybe.
Elena: [ Laughs ] Because if you are in the mood to invest more into this place, I have a long list of suggestions.
Devon: Oh, you do?
Elena: I do.
Devon: Well, I can't wait to hear them all night.
Elena: Ooh.
Billy: You look unscathed.
Victoria: Thanks?
Billy: I thought maybe there'd be some fallout from your press conference yesterday.
Victoria: Yes, my father has made his displeasure quite clear.
Billy: You think he's gonna retaliate?
Victoria: If he does, I'll be prepared. I appointed a new coo -- my mother.
Billy: Well, now, that is a boss move.
Victoria: Yeah. I thought so.
Billy: Newman women are formidable.
Victoria: Including our daughter. You know, kindergarten has turned katie into a little overachiever. She was disappointed that there's no school today because it's a teacher development day.
Billy: Yeah, she mentioned that last night when she was at my place. It must be your genes 'cause i always loved a day off of school.
Victoria: Well, I tried to sell her on the fact that she was gonna have a wonderful time with hannah today, but she wasn't buying it.
Billy: Well, it sounds like she could use some more daddy-daughter time. How about I go pick her up right now?
Victoria: Don't you have to work?
Billy: Are you saying it's not a good thing that I want to spend time with katie?
Victoria: No, it's just that chanccomm just acquired newman's media vision. I would think that you have a hundred things that you have to take care of.
Billy: Yeah, well, I'm not gonna apologize for wanting to spend time with my daughter, but if you want to make it an excuse to show that I'm irresponsible or something, you can go right ahead.
Hope: Get out of my house!
A.J.: Not until I get my money.
Adam: [ Breathing heavily ]
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Nate: Hey, hey.
Elena: Hey.
Nate: Sorry I'm late.
Elena: Actually, you're just in time to take over with mr. Frazier.
Nate: Is there a problem?
Elena: No. Since you've seen him before, he wanted to wait for you instead of starting over with a new doctor. I gave him a preliminary exam.
Nate: Oh, thanks.
Elena: So, how was amanda this morning?
Nate: You know, she -- how do you know I was with amanda?
Elena: [ Chuckles ] Because I'm a physician, nate, and we are blessed with finely tuned powers of observation, like picking up on that smile of yours.
Nate: We had breakfast together.
Elena: Okay.
Nate: That's all.
Elena: Did I say anything? Mr. Frazier's in room two.
[ Laughs ]
Devon: You know, if you would have come work for me instead of chancellor communications, you wouldn't be drowning in all that paperwork right now.
Amanda: Well, this is what happens when you buy several companies on the same day.
Devon: No, I heard. Lily filled me in after victoria's press conference. You acquired newman media. That's pretty exciting.
Amanda: Yeah, and it's pretty overwhelming, too. I have a whole box of files at the office, and that is my afternoon fun.
Devon: Oh, well, lily told me that you've hit the ground running, so I'm sure you can handle whatever they throw at you.
Amanda: Thank you, devon. I appreciate that.
Devon: Yeah, of course. It's not like I don't have any family skin in the game. You're working with my sister, and my grandma used to own chancellor. I know she would love everything that's going on there right now, though.
Amanda: Yeah?
Devon: Yeah, she always loved to, uh -- to shake things up and take people by surprise.
Amanda: Yeah, well, we are definitely doing that.
[ Both chuckle ]
Devon: You know what else she would love?
Amanda: No. What?
Devon: You.
Amanda: Me?
Devon: Yeah.
Amanda: Why would you say that?
Devon: I have a feeling she would. I think she would love how tenacious you are. She'd respect that.
Amanda: Well, I will take that as a compliment.
Devon: Well, you should 'cause it is one.
Rey: Alrighty, I am all cleaned up and heading off to work. Do you need anything before i take off?
Sharon: [ Sighs ]
Rey: Ah. You know, I could call in, tell them I need the day off.
Sharon: As much as I would love for you to stay here, um, you know, it's just -- paul has already been so understanding about, you know, me and you needing to take so much time to be here and --
Rey: And -- and I'm going to work.
Sharon: Good. It's just, you know, hey, we don't want the bad guys to think they can get away with anything, right? And, you know, your work is important.
Rey: And so is yours. And I understand why you want to help adam.
Sharon: But you're glad we don't have another appointment today.
Rey: Only because you were so tired from your session yesterday. I'm always gonna prioritize your well-being over his.
Sharon: I mean, I was a little wiped out. But you know what? I slept really well. And I feel good today.
Rey: Still, I'm glad you're taking the day off. So, promise me that you will not leave that couch until I get home.
Sharon: Promise.
A.J.: You've got a house. You've got a kid. All I'm saying is bad things can happen.
Adam: [ Gasps ]
[ Breathing heavily ]
Chelsea: Hey. Did you have a bad dream?
Adam: No. No, it wasn't a dream. It was, um -- it was a memory. It was voices. It's -- it's happening, chelsea. It's coming back to me.
Chelsea: Okay, okay. What did you remember?
Adam: Uh, I don't want to talk about it yet.
Chelsea: Alright, no -- no pressure. No pressure. But isn't that a good sign, that your memories are coming back to you here at home?
Adam: I don't know. I don't know. I'm not sure of anything right now.
[ Sighs ]
Chelsea: You just have to trust that everything will come back to you eventually. Your subconscious will give you the answers you need when you're ready.
Adam: I can't count on that.
Chelsea: Adam, what are you doing?
Adam: I have to see sharon.
[ Exhales heavily ]
[ Door closes ]
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
[ Knock on door ]
Adam: Look, I-I-I hate barging in like this, okay? But you had to know. Hey, my memories are coming back, sharon, okay? Not -- not all of it. It's just -- it's just voices. It's phrases, and everything is out of order, but it was A.J.'S voice that I heard. I know that for sure.
Sharon: So -- just slow down. I want you to start from the beginning.
Adam: Okay.
[ Sighs ] I had a bad night last night, okay? I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about it. And every time that my mind would try to remember that day, what happened, it would shut down. And this morning, when I finally drifted off, I could hear A.J.'S voice threatening my mother as clearly as if I was right there in the room with him.
Sharon: You're sure it was specifically his voice you heard?
Adam: I had met A.J. Before. It was alyssa's dad. It was definitely him.
Sharon: Okay. And what happened then?
Adam: I woke up. And I felt...
[ Sighs ] I can't even explain how I felt.
Sharon: Alright. Just try. Try.
Adam: It was tense. My heart was racing. And it felt like... it felt like something terrible was gonna happen and that i couldn't bear to look at it, okay?
Sharon: Adam? Are you okay?
Adam: [ Exhales sharply ] My head hurts.
Sharon: Okay, look, just try to relax.
Adam: Oh, god, I can't relax, sharon, okay? My memories -- they're right there. They were right there, alright? I have to know. I have to pull back the curtain.
Sharon: I know. I know, but --
Adam: Please will you help me do that?
Rey: Hey.
Chelsea: Hi, rey. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me.
Rey: Yeah. It's not a problem. My shift doesn't start for a little bit... though I was surprised that you contacted me.
Chelsea: There aren't many people I can talk to about what's going on.
Rey: You mean with adam?
Chelsea: Hardly anybody knows the whole story. I'm not even sure how much you know.
Rey: Adam is sharon's patient. What they talk about is strictly off limits, and, uh, I respect that.
Chelsea: Of course. Yeah. I do, too.
Rey: All she said is that adam's trying to resolve some issues from his past.
Chelsea: Can I be honest with you, rey?
Rey: Uh, yeah, sure. Go ahead.
Chelsea: I'm not entirely comfortable with this arrangement between adam and sharon. And I have a feeling you're not, either.
Amanda: If you're here for breakfast, why don't you pull up a chair, come join me?
Devon: Yeah, I guess I'm still waiting on my meeting, if you don't mind.
Amanda: No, of course not.
Devon: Although I don't want to, uh -- I don't want to be the reason that lily chews you out for being late.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ] No, that would never happen. Lily is amazing to work with. In fact, your sister is great in general.
Devon: I know. She's the best. She is. She's -- she's smart and dedicated and a little bit feisty.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ] I've met feisty lily.
Devon: Yeah? So you know. You know. I'm just happy that she's back home working 'cause it reminds me of when were all together at hamilton-winters, when it was her and myself and neil.
Amanda: You miss those days, don't you?
Devon: Yeah. Eah, I do, a lot. I do. And it's -- one of the best things about opening up the clinic is I get to work alongside elena and my cousin.
Amanda: Well, I know that nate loves it.
Devon: Does he?
Amanda: Yeah, it's practically all he talks about.
[ Both laugh ]
Devon: Well, that's good. He's doing some fantastic work there, but I hope it's not interfering with his social life too much.
Amanda: No, no, I don't think so.
Devon: So, is everything good with you guys?
[ Cellphone ringing ]
Victoria: Hi, billy. Look, what I said earlier I didn't mean.
Billy: I'm in the park with katie, vick, and she just got stung by a bee.
Victoria: Oh. Well, what? Is she okay?
Billy: I'm not sure. She's having some difficulty breathing. I think she might be having an allergic reaction. I'm taking her over to new hope clinic now.
Victoria: I-I'll meet you there. (Vo) it's yoplaitime!
Devon: Hey, I'm sorry. I hope I didn't put my foot in my mouth bringing up nate.
Amanda: No. No, it's fine.
Devon: Are you sure? Are you guys even still seeing each other?
Amanda: Yeah, yeah, we are. I've just -- it's still very new.
Devon: Gotcha. Gotcha. You're just not sure where things are headed yet.
Amanda: Is anyone ever sure where things are headed?
Devon: Ah. Yeah. No. I guess you're right.
Amanda: Um... uh, it looks like I'm the one that put my foot in it. Devon, I'm -- I'm sorry.
Devon: Don't be sorry. You're fine.
Amanda: You lost your wife suddenly and tragically. And the last thing that I would ever want to do is remind you of hilary.
Devon: Okay.
[ Both laugh ] I-I don't think that's possible, but...
Amanda: Ah, I guess you're right.
[ Both laugh ]
Devon: It's fine.
Amanda: Yep. Nope. Pretty dumb thing to say. Yep.
Devon: No, no, it's -- it's fine. I've gotten used to you and your face, so it doesn't bother me anymore.
Amanda: Okay, well, that's good. So now at least we can be friends.
Devon: Yeah. Yeah, for sure, especially since you're seeing my cousin. You know, we're obviously gonna be around each other a lot more often.
Amanda: Yep.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] How's katie? Where is she?
Billy: Uh, she's in with nate and elena.
Victoria: [ Exhales heavily ] When you called me, I just thought the worst. I mean, we didn't even know she was allergic.
Billy: Yeah, well, she's never been stung before. But, uh, the doctor said that her breathing is back to normal and she should be fine.
Victoria: [ Exhales heavily ] Thank you, billy. How did you even know to bring her here? I mean, thank goodness this place is so close to the park.
Billy: Amanda mentioned it at some point. I don't know.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Where -- where -- what room is she in?
Billy: She's down the hall.
[ Sighs ]
Rey: To answer your question, chelsea, yes, I do have concerns about sharon taking on a client right now.
Chelsea: Not just any client.
Rey: I wouldn't feel any differently if it was somebody else.
Chelsea: Really? Her history with adam doesn't bother you at all?
Rey: Yeah, well, I trust sharon. Is there any reason why you don't trust your fiancé?
Chelsea: [ Stammers ] Therapists are supposed to be objective. That's why they prefer to have patients that are complete strangers. But adam thinks he can only open up to somebody he knows. It's just a bad judgment call.
Rey: Well, sharon agrees with adam. She feels that she is uniquely capable to get through to him.
Chelsea: Yet you said you'd rather she not be taking on new clients right now.
Rey: Because my sole concern is sharon's health. As you know, sharon is getting treatment for her cancer. And after yesterday's session, she was completely drained.
Chelsea: Well, see? That's what I'm saying. It's too much. It's too much on her. She shouldn't be putting adam's needs ahead of her own.
Rey: I've told her how i feel, but she feels it's important to help adam. So, despite my doubts, I'm being supportive.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I appreciate what sharon is doing. But I don't think she understands what's been set in motion here.
Rey: What do you mean?
Chelsea: I mean, this morning adam was having all sorts of flashbacks, and he bolted out the door. I didn't know if I did the right thing. I mean, I didn't stop him from heading over there.
Rey: Over where?
Chelsea: To sharon'S. He's with her right now.
Adam: I know that this is a lot to ask, sharon, and I would understand if you asked me to leave right now. I just -- I don't know who else I can talk to about this.
Sharon: Let's go back to the house in kansas.
Adam: [ Sighs ] Thank you.
Sharon: Last time we spoke, you drew me a vivid picture of the sights and smells of your mother's kitchen.
Adam: Yes, yes, those I can remember perfectly.
Sharon: Okay, good. Picture yourself on the front porch. What do you see there?
Adam: [ Exhales heavily ] I see a porch swing and a welcome mat and that old door knocker we always had to nail back into place.
Sharon: Okay. And I want you to open the door, step inside, look around, and tell me what's there.
Adam: I see...the coat rack and the umbrella stand. It's right next to the bench where I would sit down and i would take off my boots on rainy days. And there's a black-and-white photo of my grandparents above that.
Sharon: Where would we go next?
Adam: The dining room.
Sharon: Alright. We're in the dining room. What do you see?
Adam: I see the table.
Sharon: Describe it.
Adam: It -- it has a lace tablecloth, and there's a bowl of fruit on t-- wait. Wait.
Sharon: Adam? What are you seeing?
Adam: Wait, there's something there.
Sharon: Where?
Adam: Under the table.
Sharon: What is it?
Adam: It's me. I'm st
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Victoria: Well, nate says that katie can go home.
Billy: Great. Good.
[ Clears throat ]
Victoria: He's giving us a prescription for one of those epinephrine auto-injectors so it if it happens again, we'll be prepared.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: Oh, katie's gonna love that. You know how she hates getting shots.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: Are you okay?
Billy: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
Victoria: I don't think so.
Billy: [ Sighs ] She couldn't breathe, vick. I just kept telling her that she was gonna be fine, but I-i didn't, um... she just -- she couldn't -- she wasn't breathing.
Rey: You're sure adam was gonna go see sharon?
Chelsea: That's what he told me.
Rey: I wanted sharon to rest today.
Victoria: See? Now you can tell how disruptive it is, sharon working with adam. And I'm sure sharon has the best of intentions. I mean, she was a tremendous help to us with connor, but...
Rey: You think she's just in over her head with this? Is that it?
Victoria: I think sharon and adam tend to lose perspective where the other one is concerned.
Rey: [ Breathes deeply ]
Chelsea: If someone is in trouble, the other one tries to reach out, and...it's not good for either one of them.
Rey: I think I can guess what you're referring to. When sharon was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, she leaned on adam, and that put a lot of strain on your relationship during that time. So, yeah, I'm well aware of the history.
Chelsea: It's pretty amazing, how open she is with you.
Rey: Yeah, well, we tell each other everything. That was the deal when we got back together -- no secrets.
Chelsea: Yeah, yeah. It's the same for adam and me.
Rey: Then there shouldn't be any problems.
Chelsea: I'm just saying, we have to keep an eye on the situation. We don't want the people we love getting mixed up in the same dangerous cycle. And this isn't coming from jealousy or insecurity. This is coming from concern.
Sharon: Adam, I want you to keep breathing and stay calm. I'm right here with you.
Adam: I'm watching him now.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Sharon: Who are you watching?
Adam: A.J. Is there.
[ Indistinct arguing ]
Sharon: What is he doing?
Adam: He's standing too close to my mom. He's -- he's threatening her. He's demanding money, but -- but she won't give it to him. I can tell that she's scared, though. I can hear it in her voice.
Sharon: How does that make you feel?
Adam: [ Sighs heavily ] It makes me sick. I want to yell at him, but I -- I can't move. I'm frozen.
Sharon: Okay. What happens next?
A.J.: It would be a shame if something were to happen to your boy.
Hope: Don't you dare threaten my son.
A.J.: Or what? When I come back tonight, i expect to be paid, or else bad things are gonna happen.
Hope: Get out!
Adam: My mom walked away from A.J., And that's when A.J. Headed for the door. And I finally got out from where I was hiding. And I was mad. I was so mad. Leave my mother alone!
Young adam: You leave my mother alone!
Adam: Leave her alone. Leave her alone! Leave her alone!!
Sharon: Adam, alright. Stay with it, okay? Stay in the moment. Stay with me.
Adam: I got to get out of here.
Sharon: No, adam.
Adam: I got to --
Sharon: Okay, don't leave. Please, adam. Adam?
[ Sighs ]
Sharon: Adam, it's me. When you get this message, please call and tell me where you are. Wherever that is, I will come to you.
[ Knock on door ] Why did you knock?
Rey: I was just talking to chelsea. She told me that adam came over here, and I didn't want to interrupt if you guys were in the middle of your session.
Sharon: Oh, yeah. He -- he left a little while ago.
Rey: And you're shaking. What happened?
Sharon: Rey, you know I can't discuss these details with you.
Rey: Sharon, I am not asking for specifics. I just -- I want to know why you're so upset.
Sharon: When adam left, he was in a bad place, and I'm just really concerned about him. And I know. I know. You told me to take it easy today, and I was doing that. Adam just showed up.
Rey: Look, look, I'm not looking for you to explain, alright? I just -- look, believe it or not, I think I can identify with what you're feeling.
Sharon: You do?
Rey: Yes. It's like when I'm working a case. I want to solve it so badly for the victims and the family. I don't want to let anybody down, but -- but, sharon, if i get too close to it, if i end up trying to take on all that grief and pain and make it my own, it becomes too much. And I am not helping anyone, least of all myself.
Sharon: I understand what you're saying. And I don't disagree with you.
Rey: Adam isn't alone, sharon. He's got chelsea, who, for some strange reason, adores him. Now, you've done your part. Let her take care of him.
Chelsea: Adam? Adam? Adam, are you home?
Devon: Alright, my colleague is on their way, so I should probably let you get back to work.
Amanda: Well, thank you for keeping me company.
Devon: Yeah, absolutely. And, again, I hope I didn't make you too uncomfortable bringing up your relationship with nate.
Amanda: See, that's just it. Neither of us is sure that it's even a relationship yet.
Devon: I -- I understand, and it's none of my business -- or anybody else's, for that matter.
Amanda: This is a really small town, huh?
Devon: You're not used to that, are you?
Amanda: Mnh-mnh. No. I mean, I'm -- I've always been a really private person, and after ripley, even more so.
Devon: I understand, but just to warn you, that might change now that you're dating genoa city's most eligible bachelor.
Amanda: Mm. Shouldn't that be you, devon? I mean, you're the billionaire.
Devon: Well, I'm taken. I'm -- I'm happily taken.
Billy: Katie never left my side, vick.
Victoria: No, I know. I'm sure you were keeping a very close eye on her.
Billy: I just thought you were gonna blame me for it, you know, just use it as another example of me being irresponsible or reckless.
Victoria: It was nobody's fault, with the possible exception of the bee.
Billy: If I would have went to work this morning, I wouldn't have played hooky, then katie would be at home and she would be fine.
Victoria: You never have to apologize for spending time with the kids.
Billy: Really?
Victoria: Yeah. I suppose I was just surprised that you could rearrange your schedule on the fly. Maybe I was even a little envious.
Billy: And I guess I just assumed that you were gonna criticize me.
Victoria: Well, that's understandable, given how harsh I've been with you over the past few months, accusing you of caring more about having an adrenaline rush than the family. That wasn't fair. It wasn't true.
Billy: I live for those kids.
Victoria: I know. So do I. Driving over here, I was so scared, I promised god that i would give up anything if he would make sure my little girl was safe. I think maybe I've already made good on that bargain.
Billy: Why do you say that?
Victoria: Well, somehow, without me realizing it, I've -- I've given up being mad at you.
Billy: Whoa. I did not expect that to come out of your mouth. I mean, when you sold a piece of newman to chanccomm, I just assumed that you were more mad at victor than me, but I thought you were always gonna be mad at me. I thought that's just the way it was gonna be.
Victoria: So did I.
Billy: I mean, I've done my best to try and be respectful of your wishes. But I haven't done anything to earn your forgiveness besides taking care of katie, which is my job, so...
Victoria: Agreed.
Billy: What changed?
Victoria: You know, well, my schedule's just been so packed. It's been hard for me to nurture this rage with the kind of energy and attention that it requires.
Billy: Mm. It's a lot of upkeep.
Victoria: You know, billy, it's been really hard for me to let go of how I thought we could be. I had pictured us like my parents, eventually figuring things out and growing old together. I guess I sort of felt cheated.
Billy: Vick, I never --
Victoria: That's not me trying to pile on the guilt. That's me just saying that I'm beginning to accept who we are instead of who I thought we could be. You came into my life to give me johnny and katie and to help me raise these two kids to be the really incredible people that they are. And for you and for that, I feel very grateful right now.
Amanda: Devon?
Devon: Yeah?
Amanda: Um, it's really good to see you happy.
Devon: Well, thank you.
Amanda: Especially after everything that colin put you through with my unwitting assistance.
Devon: No, it's -- we're -- we're past that. It's water under the bridge.
Amanda: Yeah, I am all for that.
Devon: [ Chuckles ] And, you know, what I have with elena is what I want for nate 'cause he's been through a lot of heartbreak in his life, which is why he focuses so much on work, which is not a bad thing. Work is great. It just shouldn't be everything.
Amanda: Yeah, I have the same tendencies myself.
Devon: Well, let me tell you, there is a lightness in nate that I haven't seen since I've known him. There's just this -- this pep in his step and a big smile on his face all the time. And I know that you're the one to thank for that. So, thank you. See you.
Nate: So, who's next?
Elena: Looks like we've got a break in the action.
Nate: Well, it's bound to pick up again around lunchtime, so we better take a break ourselves.
Elena: [ Chuckles ] You know, every time I walk in here, it amazes me at how fast this all came together.
Nate: Thanks to you.
Elena: Me?
Nate: You're the one who thought of it.
Elena: [ Chuckles ] Well, it would have been just that -- a thought -- if it weren't for you.
Nate: Come on.
Elena: Seriously, nate. I mean, you're the one who's worked the most hours. You recruited most of the volunteers. And you sweet-talked most of the donors out of their money.
Nate: Okay, you're making it sound like I'm conning them. I'm just telling them the truth, that there's nothing in the world that makes you feel better than lifting people up.
Elena: And they know you mean it because you walk the talk.
Nate: That settles it. I think we should commission a statue of moi and put it right near the front door.
Elena: [ Chuckles ] No, i think for our next charitable project, we'll just clone you.
Nate: Ah, I think we're at least a couple of years away from that being medically possible.
Elena: All I'm saying is, there are not enough people in the world like you.
Sharon: Okay, well, thank you for stopping by and checking in on me. You can go back to work now.
Rey: And you're gonna go back to your book?
Sharon: Yeah. My book. That's the plan. I mean, unless I hear from adam, and then --
Rey: Right. I know. And you're gonna... you're gonna do what you got to do.
Sharon: [ Sighs ]
[ Knock on door ]
[ Sighs ]
Chelsea: Is adam still here?
Sharon: No, chelsea. He left a little while ago.
Chelsea: Well, he didn't come home, and he's not answering my texts, so I have no idea where he is.
Sharon: I'm trying to get a hold of him, too.
Chelsea: Why? Did something happen during your session?
Sharon: [ Sighs ] I would need adam's authorization to discuss that with you.
Chelsea: We can't get adam's authorization, sharon, because we can't find him. So the fact that you're looking for him worries me. Obviously, things didn't go well here today. So, what happened? Did he retrieve more memories? Is he upset?
Sharon: Look, if adam does return my call, I will encourage him to be in touch with you.
Chelsea: This is not okay. This is not okay. This is exactly what I said was going to happen. Adam can't be digging up these memories. It's not good for him. It's too much for him. And you -- you insisted. You said that he needed this as some sort of therapy, as some sort of guidance. Meanwhile, he's out there. He could be having a mental breakdown. You don't even know where he is, sharon.
Rey: Okay, okay! That's enough, alright? Sharon's not responsible for keeping track of adam, so back off.
Chelsea: Fine. I'll find him myself.
Sharon: Oh, um, when you do, would you please let me know that he's okay?
Chelsea: You're just as scared as I am. You know this is spinning out of control.
[ Door slams ]
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