Y&R Transcript Monday 8/17/20

Y&R Transcript Monday 8/17/20


Episode #11851 ~ Victor and Chelsea strategize to help Adam; Abby gives Chance a reality check; Sharon sets boundaries.

Provided By Suzanne

[ Footsteps descending staircase ]

Chelsea: Adam? Hey, um... I was gonna go pick up connor at the ranch if you want to join me?

Adam: I'm -- I'm not ready to face victor.

Chelsea: I understand. Your world just got turned upside down, but

[Exhales deeply] Today's a new day and there's nothing we can't handle as long as we're together. You just have to have a little faith... in yourself and us.

Adam: So, what do you have planned today?

Chelsea: Well, connor was mentioning a movie he wanted to go to, so I was actually gonna ask jeni to take him so we could spend some time alone together and relax or talk or whatever you want.

Adam: Yeah. Sure. Later. I, um, I'm actually gonna go out, too. I just want to try to get my head together.

Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah, do whatever you got to do. I'll see you soon.

[ Door closes ]

Phyllis: Hey, partner! Hey! How you doing? Beautiful day outside, isn't it? It is beautiful in here, as well.

[ Exhales deeply ] So serene and peaceful without all that loathsome noise pollution going on. Bookings are up 30%.

Abby: No need to keep the pretense, phyllis.

Phyllis: Pretense?

Abby: I know you're responsible for turning my construction site into an archaeology dig.

Phyllis: Oh, don't worry. One day that will be a hotel.

Abby: All I can say is... well played.

Phyllis: Thank you, I think.

Abby: You're welcome. You can enjoy your victory while it lasts, because it won't last long.

Victor: Have a seat. Chelsea.

Chelsea: I spoke with connor earlier. He sounded like he really enjoyed his overnight visit.

Victor: [ Chuckles ] Nikki and I love having him here, you know?

Chelsea: I really appreciate it. Where is he?

Victor: Well, he's done at the stables because one of my mares gave birth to a foal, and he's just fascinated by it.

Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] He loves animals.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Chelsea: [ Exhales deeply ] Well, I will go grab him, and we'll be on our way.

Victor: Before you do, um, kindly tell me how adam is handling everything.

Chelsea: Well, um, he didn't sleep much last night. I think he's still in shock.

Victor: I tried to call him a few times, but he never returned the call.

Chelsea: Adam's overwhelmed. He needs time. I mean, what he learned, that would be a lot for anyone.

Victor: Make sure you tell him that his father's thinking about him, okay?

Chelsea: I will. I'll let him know, but I think for right now, victor, he needs a little space from you. But I promise, no matter what, I'm gonna help him get through this.

Victor: Alright.

Rey: [ Sighs ] What do you want?

Sharon: Rey, let him in, please.

Adam: Look, I didn't mean to intrude. I texted sharon earlier and she said it was okay to come by.

Sharon: Um, I just came down to tell you that adam stopped by yesterday hoping to get my help with something, but I never got a chance to hear him out. Nick came in and practically threw adam out, so...I'd just like to finish our talk.

Rey: Well, I'll give you two some privacy.

Adam: Thank you. Don't overstay your welcome.

[ Door closes ]

Sharon: I'm sorry about yesterday.

Adam: No, look. Forget about it. Nick...

Sharon: Yeah, um, he overreacted. Nick's been very protective of me lately, but you were just looking for some support.

Adam: I don't -- I don't care about any of that, sharon. Okay? I care about you. That's why I'm here. (Vo) it's a satisfying crunch.

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Adam: Look, I feel like I'm the one that owes you an apology.

Sharon: For what?

Adam: I shouldn't have shown up here out of the blue like that. Okay, I was just too caught up in my own problems, and I didn't realize that you weren't up for a big discussion.

Sharon: It's okay.

Adam: Sharon, that's very gracious, but I should have backed off when you said you weren't up to it, and I have been kicking myself for not realizing that you weren't feeling well. I know, sharon. I know about the cancer and the surgery. Nick told me.

Sharon: I assumed he might. No, it -- it's fine. I probably -- no, I would have told you anyway had we finished our conversation yesterday.

Adam: What do the doctors say?

Sharon: Well, the lesion has been removed, and... I get chemo and -- and radiation in about a month or so.

Adam: So this has been going on for a while... and I had no idea 'cause I was just -- I was too wrapped up in my own life.

Sharon: You know, I-I made the choice just to tell a few select people. I was just trying to keep things as simple as possible.

Adam: Well, you did what was -- what was right for you. And the way I showed up here yesterday, demanding help, nick had no choice but to tell me, so...

Sharon: Um [Sniffles] Nick -- I -- you know, I, um, it's fine. I'm fine that he told you. Like I said, I probably -- i would have told you if we had finished our conversation yesterday, and, honestly, now that I've been in treatment for a while, I -- I'm more comfortable talking about it.

Adam: Well, look, whatever i can do, sharon...

Sharon: I appreciate that. You know what? I have the best oncologist, and I'm taking really good care of myself. I have so many people to lean on. I've covered the bases -- twice over.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] Good.

Sharon: I have everything i need to beat this. So let's -- let's talk about you. Let's talk about what you need, the -- the reason that you -- you reached out to me. Wh-- how can I help?

Rey: Hey, nick.

Nick: Hey. Uh, how's sharon today? Is she doing any better.

Rey: Uh, she's still tired. A little sore, but she's doing okay, considering.

Nick: Well, it looks like something's going on with you. What's up?

Rey: I just left sharon at the house with adam.

Nick: Really? He came back? I told him to stay the hell away from her. I even told him about sharon's cancer, thinking that it might get through to him.

Rey: Yeah, well, it didn'T. I wish I had hustled out of the house like you did. But sharon said she wanted to talk to him, said he needed her help with something.

Nick: I told her not to waste her time with him. I guess I didn't do a very good job of convincing her.

Rey: You know, I really thought that guy was out of our lives for good. I mean, we've seen him here and there, but sharon hasn't spent time with him in months. Not since she stopped working with connor. She's -- she's barely mentioned his name.

Nick: Well, that's the thing with adam. You think he's gone for good. He always comes back.

Victoria: Good morning. I bet I was the last person you were expecting to hear from. Well, I was hoping that we could get together. As soon as possible. Who has time for wrinkles?

Phyllis: You know, I'm no expert, but, uh, from what I've heard, you know, situations like you have, um, you know, with the dinosaur bones --

Abby: Mastodons aren't dinosaurs. They're mammals.

Phyllis: Thank you, bill nye. But from what I've heard, is, um, it's gonna be a while until you see a bulldozer on that land.

Abby: Time flies.

Phyllis: Yeah, it does fly. We should check in with your 14,000-year-old pal over there.

Abby: You know what? I'm just gonna sit back and wait for you to do what you're best at.

Phyllis: Winning?

Abby: Self-destructing. Yeah, it's inevitable. And when this place crashes and burns and you can't make your payments anymore, I'm just gonna swoop right in and take over.

Phyllis: Yeah, I bet you are. Let me tell you something. I'm gonna make so much money from my new venture -- so much money -- and I'm gonna be able to pay you off before the scheduled time, okay?

Abby: And what venture is that?

Phyllis: Oh, that's for me to know and you to find out, with the rest of the world, when I am ready to tell the world and you.

[ Sighs ] That's why you're a silent partner. Not silent enough for me.

Abby: Ah, aren't you the clever one?

Phyllis: Oh, I believe we already established that. Why don't you go find your boyfriend before you don't have a boyfriend to find anymore?

Abby: I think I will. Hey, you.

Chance: Hey, yourself.

Abby: How was your meeting? Was it a big success?

Chance: It went really well. I have a new client.

Abby: That's great. Why don't you seem more excited?

Chance: I am. I just have a lot on my mind right now.

Abby: Okay. Like what?

Chance: The C.E.O. Switch at newman. Do you have any idea why victoria's back in and adam's out?

Abby: No, and it is just best to steer clear of that drama. Why? Oh, yeah. Don't say it's because you're worried about adam. Chance?

Chance: You said not to say it.

Adam: Please forget that i bothered you. You have enough going on, sharon, and you need to focus on getting well.

Sharon: Wait, I-I wouldn't have asked you to come here if i didn't feel up to it. Please, sit down.

Adam: I just, um... I-I don't want to --

Sharon: Look, I assumed you reached out to me, not only as a friend, but because you wanted my professional input. I may not be as energetic these days, but I'm capable of doing what I was trained to do.

Adam: I don't doubt that, sharon, but just given what you're going through, I don'T...

Sharon: Well, y-- look, I don't want to argue about this, okay? Just -- talk to me. Let me see if I can be of some use. I can see that you're really struggling.

Adam: Oh, it's, um, it's been rough.

Sharon: I could see the agony in your eyes when you talked about killing that man when you were a boy, and victor covering it up. Uh, nick filled in some of the blanks for me, including that you don't have any memory of what happened. Is that true?

Adam: Yes.

Sharon: I remember you saying that you're questioning everything about who you are. Let's start there.

Victor: I've got to tell you that I appreciate what you said to me yesterday, when you thanked me for protecting adam.

Chelsea: I've known you a long time, victor. I've seen you function with all your kids. I know you work really hard to be a good father. I know that when the unthinkable happened, you flew to kansas. You did everything in your power to prevent your child's life from being ruined. I know you did that out of love. I know that for certain.

Victor: You know, he was a very sensitive boy. His mother, hope, and I tried everything in our power to shield him from knowing the truth.

Chelsea: You did the best you could for as long as you could.

Victor: I wish my family could see it that way. But I certainly am glad that you and I are on the same side.

Chelsea: Yeah. Absolutely. We both want what's best for adam.

Victor: You know, I'm getting to an age where I reflect upon my life, and I have some regrets. One of my biggest regrets was to give in to hope's desire to raise that boy on that farm in kansas. But I couldn't be there. He grew up without a father. And I honestly think he suffers from that -- during part of his life, not having your dad around. It's not my doing, though. I couldn't talk her out of it. She didn't want to stay in genoa city. So that's one of my major regrets,& I must tell you, honestly.

[ Door opens ]

Jack: Shiobhan told me to come on in.

Victoria: Well, thanks for making time in your schedule on such short notice.

Jack: Are you kidding? I get a call from the new C.E.O. Of newman enterprises requesting my presence -- it's the most interesting thing that's happened all day. And the most intriguing. - Oh. - What's going on?

Jack: So, tell me about victor's portrait.

Victoria: Adam had it moved to the boardroom.

Jack: I see. And you haven't had time to ask someone to put it back in its place of honor.

Victoria: You know, there are more pressing things on my to-do list.

Jack: I see. So, newman's P.R. Engine is working overtime.

Victoria: Oh, yes. It's been a whirlwind.

Jack: Yeah. How are they shaping it? Um, we recovered more quickly than expected, so adam graciously stepped down, and it's back to business as usual?

Victoria: That was the gist.

Jack: I am delighted you are feeling better, victoria. Delighted you are up to the task. There is no way I'm ever going to believe that adam graciously stepped down after just a handful of days in power. So what's going on with you two and victor?

Victoria: That information is on a need-to-know basis. Now, shall we have a seat?

Rey: Sharon's her own person. It's up to her who she wants to have in her life. But adam -- he's the reason we broke up last time. She couldn't stay away from the guy, couldn't see how toxic he was.

Nick: Well, she did the right thing, right? I mean, she ended things with him. She ended up with the right guy.

Rey: Look, I'm not jealous. What sharon and I have is solid. But my concern is, is that whatever adam needs, she won't be able to say no. She'll invite your brother back into her life, at a time when she needs to focus on her own well-being.

Adam: This isn't like before when my memory was erased, when I was living as spider in vegas. You know, I had no idea what my real name was. I had no recollection of who I'd been. Whole years had disappeared. It may sound weird, but coping with that was almost easier than finding out I lost this one night -- this life-altering moment when I caused a man's death.

Sharon: When you were a little boy, trying to protect your mom from a dangerous ex-con.

Adam: Well, that's what victor and george said.

Victoria: George?

Adam: He worked, uh, on the farm. He -- he worked for my mom, and, uh, I've known him forever. And I didn't believe any of this until he confirmed it. But, you know, who -- who knows what actually happened? None of them were actually there in the moment. They just heard the story from my mom. You know, so, why did I do it? Was I just trying to get the bastard away from her? Did I want to inflict as much pain as possible? Or did I -- did I want him dead and gone... forever?

Sharon: I understand why you would ask these questions, but i think you need to take a step back. Tell me about the time after the incident, when you came out of your blackout or your fugue state or whatever you want to call it. Do you recall anything... unusual?

Adam: Yeah. There was one strange thing. We didn't go to mr. Montalvo's funeral. His daughter alyssa was one of my closest friends. And in a small town like that, where everyone knows each other --

Sharon: That seemed strange to you, right? Yes, that makes sense. Okay. Did hope ever give you a reason why you didn't go to the service?

Adam: Well, if she did, I-i had no idea. I wouldn't know about it. If she made up some excuse, i just would have taken it at face value. Although when this all came up, I thought it was because, uh, victor was in town for a trip, but now him being in kansas has a completely different significance.

Sharon: Did anything else back then seem unusual to you?

Adam: No, not at all. Mom was her same, wonderful self. I was the same happy kid. I mean, at least I thought I was. I just hate not knowing the truth. You know, um, chelsea thinks I'd be better off not remembering.

Sharon: Well, I can why she would think that.

Adam: [ Exhales deeply ] What do you think, sharon?

Do you remember your first kiss?

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Jack: Alright. I'll stop digging for details. Promise me, though, that the days of the rotating C.E.O. Are over. I can tell you from personal experience that kind of turmoil takes a real toll on a family business.

Victoria: You are right. You are right. Everyone needs to know that newman is back on solid ground.

Jack: So, what are your plans as C.E.O.?

Victoria: That's a great question. My top priority is to restore confidence in the company, and i plan to lead newman into the next decade with a very strong vision. That being said, there's something that I'd like to run by you, and it's not just because I deeply respect your business acumen, but it's because you're a trusted friend.

Jack: Well, that's quite a wind-up. What's the pitch?

Nick: Look, I'm with you, man. Adam is the last person I want sharon to be around.

Rey: Sharon's trying to be strong. I mean, she is strong. She just -- she doesn't have a lot of stamina right now. And adam is completely self-centered.

Nick: You think he'll take advantage of her?

Rey: A scorpion asks a frog if he'll take her on her back across a river. Stop me if you've heard this one before.

Nick: Yeah. Halfway across, the scorpion stings the frog. The frog asks, "why?" The scorpion says, "it's who I am. It's in my nature. I can't help myself."

Rey: I wonder if sharon's familiar with the fable.

Nick: A big reason why sharon wanted top be a therapist is because she has a huge heart. She loves helping people. There was a time when adam was a very big part of her life, and she is always gonna want to be there for him. I just hope she stops and thinks about what she's asking of herself -- and you.

Rey: I hope so, too.

Nick: So, what's your next move?

Rey: Well, I'm gonna head back to sharon's, see how she feels, if there's anything she needs, and I'll take my cues from her.

Nick: It's impressive. I don't think I'd have that much self-control.

Rey: Yeah, well, I don't want to badger her or ask her too many questions. Hopefully when we do talk about adam, I'll be put more at ease.

Nick: Yeah. Fingers crossed.

Adam: So, do you agree with chelsea that I would be better off just letting all this go?

Sharon: No. I don'T. The only way that you're gonna heal from this is to remember everything that happened the night that A.J. Was killed, I mean, if you're gonna come to terms with this. Otherwise, this is just gonna keep eating away at you.

Adam: That's exactly how I feel, too. I need to drag these memories into the light. Do you think that you could help me do that?

Sharon: Well, there are no guarantees.

Adam: Well, I realize that.

Sharon: Well, yesterday i told you that I don't have experience working with people who can't remember traumatic childhood experiences. But I've been in therapy myself and recovered repressed memories. Plus, I know the technique from getting my degree. And I'm well-versed in your history.

Adam: Obviously.

Sharon: So that'll save us some time.

Adam: Hmm. So, are you willing to be my therapist?

Sharon: I'm willing to try. Why don't we just have a few sessions and, you know, see if you're making progress, or, if not, I can always recommend another practitioner.

Adam: And whether us working together is impacting your health, because that has got to come first.

Sharon: Of course.

Adam: I, uh, I trust you to be discreet, sharon. And I just, really, would rather not mention this chelsea right now. I mean, at least until we see if something productive comes of it.

Sharon: Oh, no. That, I cannot agree to.

Adam: Why not? I mean, I thought therapy sessions, they were supposed to be confidential.

Sharon: Well, of course, and I would never share anything you tell me with chelsea or with anybody else, for that matter. But... ethically speaking... there's a lot of history between the three of us. So I don't think it would be a good idea to keep her in the dark, just like it wouldn't be a good idea for me to keep this from rey. I need to tell him that you and I are gonna be meeting together in a professional manner. And, you know, if that doesn't work for you, again, I'd be happy to recommend another practitioner.

Adam: Look, a man is dead because of my actions. It's not something that I would feel comfortable to a stranger about, sharon.

Sharon: Okay. Well, think about it. You know, if you're willing to be open with chelsea and allow me to do the same with rey, then I'd be ready to get to work right away.

Adam: I'll give it some thought, alright? Look, thank you for your time. You need to get some rest, alright?

Sharon: I will.

Chelsea: You know, victor, I've made so many mistakes with connor. I mean, there's a whole list of things I would change.

Victor: He's loved by both his parents, and I can't begin to tell you how important that is for the rest of his life. You know, he -- he's gonna be something. He's an extraordinary boy. So from now on, let's look forward, okay?

Chelsea: Well, that's what i said to adam. I told him what happened when he was 11 years old should be left there. It should be locked away in the past. He should concentrate on the person he is today, becoming the man he wants to be.

Victor: Right, and you keep on telling him that. There's no sense in looking back on all the mistakes we've made. It's useless. It's a waste of time. Move forward. Okay? After my dvt blood clot...

Nick: Hey.

Phyllis: Hey! Oh, I'm glad you could make it.

Nick: Yeah, I'm sorry i couldn't get here sooner. I was, uh, tied up.

Phyllis: Tied up? Really? Is that a euphemism for drama at newman enterprises musical chairs in your father's office?

Nick: [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Want to talk about it?

Nick: I would rather talk about anything but that.

Phyllis: [ Exhales deeply ]

Nick: Did you need anything in particular from me?

Phyllis: Um... not really. But I guess my timing's really good, because you obviously need a diversion and I need a break.

Nick: Hmm. Rough morning?

Phyllis: No, not really. I just -- I'm trying to figure out what women want. What do women want? I mean, it's driving me crazy.

Nick: Care to elaborate?

Phyllis: Well, uh, I mean, what would be the perfect escape day for a woman? Do you have any ideas?

Nick: Is this a test?

Phyllis: No. It's not a test. It's just something I'm working on. It's really important. So if you have any great creative ideas, just throw them my way.

Nick: I think I can do way better than that.

Abby: Problem?

Chance: I've texted adam several times. He hasn't gotten back to me.

Abby: Honestly, I don't think it would be the worst thing ever if you didn't hear back from him, like, ever again.

Chance: I know that adam isn't your favorite person. I just wish it wasn't such a sore point between us.

Abby: I'm sorry. I don't want that, either. We should be able to talk to each other about anything.

Chance: [ Clicks tongue ] When he and I were in vegas, i saw a whole nother side of adam. When I needed him, he was there for me. He saved my life.

Abby: So you've said.

Chance: Look, I know that he and I aren't close.

Abby: You don't even hang out. But if he needs a friend, I owe him at least that much.

Abby: I appreciate your sense of loyalty.

Chance: Even though you feel it's misplaced?

Abby: That person that you knew in vegas, the one who had your back... he didn't know he was adam newman. And as soon as he remembered, he reverted back to form. And I'm not saying that there's no good in him, but he shows that of himself to very few people. Chelsea, connor. Sometimes my uncle jack and sharon. That's about it. The man that you knew out west, that person doesn't exist anymore. And I wish that you would accept that for your own sake.

Chelsea: You're back already?

Adam: Yeah. Where's connor? I dropped him off with the sitter. They're gonna go to lunch and go check out that movie.

Adam: Well, that took quite a while.

Chelsea: Well, there's a new baby horse at the ranch, so connor was enthralled. Plus, I, um -- I was talking to your dad a little bit.

Adam: Hmm. About me, I presume.

Chelsea: He got emotional. He's worried bout you.

Adam: Yeah, I know. I listened to his messages.

Chelsea: But I -- I'm not trying to push anything, I swear. I actually told him he shouldn't expect a response from you. I'm just trying to let you know what I observed.

Adam: Well, thank you.

Chelsea: Anyway, I told you this day was gonna be about us spending time together, so what do you want to do? You want to stay in? You want to go out? You name it.

Adam: Um, actually, I need to tell you where I was earlier.

Chelsea: I thought you went for a walk to clear your head, get some time alone.

Adam: No, not exactly. I went to see sharon.

Nick: I mean, I don't want to too my own horn, but I have some experience, you know, about knowing what women want.

Phyllis: I mean, duh, that's why I asked you. So, what are your words of wisdom?

Nick: No words. I don't want to tell you. I'm gonna show you. I have a plan for the perfect escape.

Phyllis: You'd do that for me?

Nick: Why wouldn't I? Something tells me I'm gonna enjoy it as much as you are. So, why don't you come up to your suite a little later and prepare to have your mind blown?

Abby: You know me. I speak my mind. But you should do want you feel is right. And if you want to keep reaching out to adam, I promise I won't judge.

Chance: You've given me a lot to think about. I think what I'll do is just wait, see if adam gets back to me, and we'll take it from there.

Abby: Good plan.

Chance: One thing I do know for certain -- I appreciate you looking out for me.

Sharon: Rey?

Rey: Hey, there.

Sharon: Hey, yourself. I guess I dozed off.

Rey: Well, it's good. That's what you need now. You want me to help you up the stairs so you can sleep in your own bed?

Sharon: No. I don't want to sleep anymore.

Rey: Alright. Um, I'll get you something from the kitchen.

Sharon: No. Thanks. Stay. I'm sure you're wondering what happened since you left.

Rey: Yeah, well, I can wait until you're ready to fill me in.

Sharon: I'm ready now. We need to talk about my conversation with adam.

Adam: I explained to her what I am going through, and I asked her to work with me -- as a therapist -- and to help me recover the memories from that night. So, I hope that you can understand.

Chelsea: I understand that pursuing this would be one of the biggest mistakes you have ever made.

Jack: Wow.

[ Chuckles ] I was intrigued before you told me what you had in mind. Now...

Victoria: Well?

Jack: This is totally unexpected. I am -- I am very impressed.

Victoria: I want to announce my return in a big way -- something with real impact.

Jack: Mission accomplished.

Victoria: Does that mean you're on board?

Jack: Of course it is. I'd be crazy to turn down a mutually beneficial arrangement like this.

Victoria: Then I will proceed as planned.

Jack: Exciting times ahead.

Victoria: You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to this.

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