Y&R Transcript Monday 8/10/20
Episode #11846 ~ Billy strikes a nerve with Victor and Nikki; Mariah opens up to Lily as they interview the residents of Genoa City.
Provided By Suzanne
[ Footsteps approaching ]Billy: I woke up with a crazy idea -- not crazy, per se -- more intriguing.
Lily: Today's the rededication at chancellor park.
Billy: That's right. That's right. It's the anniversary of the statue that jill commissioned in katherine's honor. Yeah, my mom really wanted to be here for this. It's driving her nuts that she can't be. You know, she and nikki really went at each other over this piece of art.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, of course they did. Uh, okay, so, I want us to do in-depth coverage for one of our online platforms, you know, talk to the big players in town and see what they've been up to since the last event, what their hopes and dreams are for the future, you know, that kind of thing, like a love letter to katherine and the town.
Billy: Perfect. I think it's great. Now we just need the perfect interviewer.
Lily: Okay. Who do you have in mind?
Lily: So, nikki, what would your dear friend katherine chancellor say about the state of genoa city right now?
Nikki: Oh, well, um, i imagine she would feel the same about the town as she always did -- amused, horrified, cautiously optimistic.
Lily: "Horrified"? Really?
Nikki: Nostalgia is lovely, but genoa city has never been a sleepy little town. Katherine would have been the first to say so. And nothing has really made it any calmer since she passed.
Announcer: Welcome to the newman enterprises gala: The 50th anniversary tribute, a celebration of an empire and its illustrious founder, victor newman.
Victoria: Please.
Billy: What are you doing? Vick? Vick! You okay?
Victoria: [ Gasps ]
[ Breathing heavily ]
Nikki: Darling, I hope you can feel all the people who are thinking about you. We love you, and we want you to come back to us.
Nikki: You look... not great.
Victor: Sweetheart, you look wonderful.
Victoria: Shut up, nick.
Victor: Okay? We are so happy that you're back with us now.
Nikki: You just know that katherine is watching from her perch, gasping, shaking her head. But who can blame her? It's genoa city.
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Nick: The strongest, bravest, most hopeful woman I've ever met.
Mariah: Just to be clear, we're talking about sharon newman.
Nick: [ Chuckles ] Sorry. Uh, do you want me to start over?
Lily: No, no. Go on. You're doing great.
Nick: Sharon is an example for all of us. She faces an obstacle, and she takes it head on. You know, she's a warrior. She doesn't see herself like that, but she definitely is.
Sharon: [ Breathes deeply ] I have cancer.
Nick: Some words and phrases just knock you sideways.
Sharon: Just in case, god forbid, something goes wrong tomorrow --
Nick: Hey, nothing's gonna go wrong tomorrow.
Sharon: No, I know, but... if it does, I need you to take care of faith and noah for me. I know noah's a grown man, but he's not likely to reach out, so I need you to step up in case he needs someone to lean on. And faith --
Nick: Sharon, we don't have to do this.
Sharon: I know. I do. I do. Just make sure faith knows how proud I am of her.
Nick: Of course sharon has a lot of family support and friends, like rey rosales. He's been by her side through all of it. You know, he's a cop, he's seen a lot, but living through something like this firsthand takes a different kind of strength.
Sharon: I don't want this inside of me anymore!
Rey: I know. I know. I know. We knew that there was gonna be surgery. That's just -- that's just the next step. Th-there's so much that the doctors can do for you.
Sharon: [ Breathes deeply ]
Rey: Okay.
Sharon: [ Exhales heavily ] I want it gone.
Rey: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Rey: I know, baby. I know. I know, baby. I know.
Sharon: How lucky am I? I look around this room, and i can't imagine a better group of people to get me through this.
Rey: We are team sharon. And our mission is to be whatever and wherever your mother needs us to be, at any time, under any circumstance, until we are on the other side of this thing.
Mariah: Team sharon.
Nick: Team sharon.
Rey: Team sharon.
Faith: Team mom.
Sharon: [ Giggles ]
Mariah: I know it sounds childish and stupid, but... it's not fair. This -- this thing -- it -- it's an attack, and it's mental. It's emotional. It's physical. And I know firsthand how hard sharon fights for the people she loves, and now she has to fight for herself. And we have to fight for her, even if we feel helpless.
Faith: She looks so sick lately and gets tired so fast. Sometimes when I look at her, I just get so scared.
Mariah: I know.
Faith: I can't even hear the word without wanting to hide. Every time I hear it, everything inside me just falls apart.
Mariah: I know. Come here.
Sharon: When I had my pre-surgical appointment, they had me sign a healthcare proxy form.
Mariah: What is that?
Sharon: It's in the event that something should go wrong tomorrow and I'm not able to make my wishes known or make my own decisions, I -- I want you to speak for me. And you know what's in my heart. You know what I would want.
Mariah: I can'T.
Sharon: You have to. There's no one else I can trust more than you.
Mariah: Okay.
Sharon: I love you.
Mariah: I love you back.
Rey: You know what? This is gonna make a great picture.
Mariah: Oh, picture time.
Rey: One for the photo album.
Sharon: Picture time. Okay.
Rey: Big smiles, everybody. Let's go. Ready? Three, two, one.
Lily: That was really beautiful. Sharon should really hear that. It's the kind of thing that makes treatment just a little more bearable.
Mariah: Of course. You get it.
Lily: I do. And let me just say, you know, as a mom, I mean, all the fight that I had in me was for the twins. So you are an integral part of her treatment. I mean, you all give her the strength to win this battle.
Mariah: Thank you. I think I needed this.
This is hal.
Lily: So, victoria newman, you are katherine chancellor's goddaughter. This must be a very special moment for you.
Victoria: Well, I was very lucky to have katherine in my life, lucky to have role models like her and my mother. They were strong women, strong leaders.
Lily: And what do you think katherine would think of your ascension to the newman throne?
Victoria: Well, I think that katherine of all people knew that it was never easy. You had to fight for respect, and you have to fight for what you know is right. She also knew that any success in the newman kingdom came from endless newman drama.
Victoria: What kind of garbage is this?
Adam: All you need to know is my stepfather, cliff, died in an accident when I was a boy.
Victoria: Yeah, I remember.
Adam: Except it wasn't an accident after all. Cliff got himself into a debt with a local loan shark, and an attempt to scare him away spiraled out of control, and he ended up dead. And a few years later, the man responsible came after my mother, and victor found out, and he had the man killed, and then he covered it up.
Victoria: And we're supposed to believe all of this, coming from you?
Adam: It's all there, black and white... written by the dead man's daughter, no less. It's a story that's just waiting to be published. And that piece never has to see the light of day. I own the story, and I can bury the story, as long as I get what I want. And what I want is this -- all of this.
Victoria: Katherine never ran from a fight. And she was not afraid to get dirty.
Victoria: What is the real reason that you're not fighting adam on this? Is it because you want to see him sitting in that chair instead of me? Your son, just as ruthless as you are?
Victor: He think he's as ruthless as I am. He isn't even close. Now, I promise you, you will sit behind that desk again before you know it. But, meanwhile, I ask you to abide by my wishes.
Victoria: I really think that you're confusing loyalty with something else. Maybe I am, too. That ends tonight.
Lily: And with all the machinations, do you have any resentments towards your father?
Victoria: My focus right now is on the forward motion of newman enterprises.
Victoria: I know you want me to still think of adam as my little brother, but it's impossible for me to feel anything but threatened by adam. And I'm tired of relying on other people to keep me safe. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to protect our family and myself and newman enterprises, and I'm not gonna make any apologies for it.
Victor: Alright. You can have your ceo title back. You're right. You've earned it.
Victoria: Thank you.
Victor: But what you have lost is my respect.
Victoria: Well, I can live with that.
Lily: So, your daughter, victoria newman, shared some of her story of her rise in power within the family company.
Nikki: Well, I do hope this hasn't become less of a tribute to katherine and more of an exposé into the newman family.
Lily: [ Chuckling ] No. Uh, people are opening up. They're sharing their thoughts and feelings, so I'm just following the thread. So, if there's anything that you want to put into conte--
Nikki: Thank you.
Lily: Hey.
Billy: That looked a little frosty at the end.
Lily: Yeah, and me without my parka.
Billy: Newmans -- gotta love 'em...or not. My vote is not.
Nikki: These claims of adam, how much can they hurt us?
Victor: He did his homework. He hired a reporter who happens to be the daughter of the murdered man. She wrote a damn good article about incongruities of the investigation at the time, laying it all at my feet.
Nikki: But none of it is true.
Victor: No, none of it is true. I had nothing to do with the death of A.J. Montalvo, nothing.
Victor: Sweetheart, you need to let me handle this on my own, alright?
Nikki: But you're not handling it, at least not as far as I can see. Now, if adam has concocted a pack of lies, why don't you call him on it and shut him down?
Victor: Sweetheart, I'm asking you to --
Nikki: Instead, you are handing him the keys to the kingdom. I want to know why!
Victor: I am asking you to drop it, please. I did what I had to do. That's all. End of story.
Victor: Hi, sweetheart. I had them play your favorite piece of music. What's the matter?
Sharon: It's billy. It feels like he's planning something, a deep dive into newman family business.
Victor: We'll see about that.
Victor: What are you doing here today? How dare you ambush my family.
Billy: Considering that adam was in at newman, then suddenly out again, I'm assuming that the nerve that I struck has something to do with him.
Victor: You're dealing with filth. You live in the muck, don't you? Don't you slander my family.
Billy: It's not slander if it's true.
Victor: Heed my warning, billy boy.
Victor: You killed alyssa's father. It was you all along. A.J. Montalvo was sent to prison. While in prison, he nursed his anger toward cliff and indirectly toward your mother. When he was out of prison, he went straight to the farm. No matter how brave your mother wanted to be... she was scared. You were there. You came out of hiding, and you tackled him. And you did that to protect your mother.
Adam: Well done. Please give whoever concocted that story my regards.
Billy: Well, that is an interesting wardrobe choice for a memorial.
Adam: Not today, billy.
Billy: Oh, are you not here for katherine's tribute?
Adam: I came for a run.
Billy: Your family's here -- victor, nikki, victoria. They were all gracious enough to speak to us on camera. Maybe you would like to add a few sound bites? And then you can go sit with your family. We can get a couple family photos?
Adam: I don't think you're listening.
Billy: It may seem that way, but, believe me, I am taking everything in, like the way your father reacted when your name came up. Seems to me that there's more going on with you being booted from newman and victoria getting the crown back. Huh? Would you like to speak about that? This last go-around was in record time, so what'd you do to piss off dear old dad so badly?
Adam: Let me make this clear. I'm done wasting my time with you and everybody like you, okay? This whole town -- half the people are filled with poison, and you help spread it with lies and innuendo, okay? You're pathetic.
Billy: [ Chuckling ] Oh. Me? Well, what about you? You're capable of nothing but destruction. At the end of the day, you will be a sad little man left all alone.
Chelsea: Everything right now, it -- it just feel so... right.
Adam: [ Exhales sharply ]
Chelsea: [ Giggles ] Oh, my god.
Adam: Chelsea lawson... will you marry me? Chelsea, if -- if you're having some doubts, I completely understand. I just -- I wanted -- I just -- I wanted you to know.
Chelsea: In my heart, I've always felt like your wife, and... part of me always still was your wife. So, yeah. Yes. Yes, adam newman, I will marry you.
Adam: [ Chuckles ]
Chelsea: [ Giggles ]
Adam: And now we finally have everything that we want. We are at the top of the food chain. We're at the top of the world, baby. And nothing is going to stop us now.
[ Glasses clink ]
Adam: First off, dad fired me.
Chelsea: What?
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: No. He wouldn't dare. Victor knows that there would be consequences. He knows that you have this evidence tying him to A.J.'S murder. What are you talking about?
Adam: Victor is not concerned about that anymore. Seems he and victoria have put their heads together to come up with a cover story, one that explains away his involvement and pins the crime on somebody else.
Chelsea: I don't understand. Did -- did they -- they bribe someone to confess?
Adam: No. No, they think they found the perfect fall guy.
Chelsea: Who?
Adam: Me.
Lily: So, I assume you spoke with adam? How ugly was it?
Billy: I didn't get punched.
Lily: Oh, the bar's that low, huh? That's good to know.
Billy: You know my limitations. That's what makes us such a good team.
Jill: Leadership demands that you weigh all your options before you make a decision. You have to know when to take a risk and when to pull back. This is why I would really like you to work alongside someone.
Billy: Who?
[ Door opens and closes ]
[ Footsteps approaching ]
Jill: Meet your new partner.
Lily: Hi, billy.
Billy: This is the first time I'm hearing this, so...
Lily: Yeah, and I would need a lot more information on how this would work.
Jill: Of course you would. Now, here, you would both be equal in every single way, and i would leave it up to the two of you to divvy up the workload.
Billy: We have no idea if we would even work together, mother.
Lily: Yeah. Exactly.
Jill: Well, then start talking, okay? Because...either both of you are in or neither one of you is. And don't take too long.
Lily: What do you think? Can we make this work?
Billy: I honestly don't know.
Lily: [ Laughs ] Um, okay, well, for me, starting a division means getting all the essential pieces into place.
Billy: Yeah, or we overplan it and we paint ourselves into a corner. I think it's best to keep things loose and let the company grow organically.
Lily: That sounds like a very fancy way of saying chaotic and disorganized, which is a recipe for disaster.
Billy: Well, I came here to accept a job, only to find out that it was more like a forced partnership, so I'm not sure that's the best way to start a new venture.
Jill: So that's a no.
Billy: Lily and I are not going to agree on everything, but I don't mind that because I like a good battle as long as we stay on the same side. Starting this division is gonna be like going to war. And I can't think of anyone that I'd rather be in the trenches with other than lily.
Lily: One thing is annoying me, though.
Billy: Adam's face?
Lily: No. You and I are equal partners at chanccomm, and it's insulting that people just assume that you're the one in control.
Billy: You don't think it's insulting that people assume that I'm just gonna drive it into the ground?
Lily: No. It all is. But we have to prove them wrong, you know, on both fronts. I mean, I have your back, billy, but you need to have mine. Oh, excuse me. Devon. Hey. Hey.
Devon: Hey.
Lily: Okay, warning -- I come with a camera.
Devon: Oh. Do I need to be scared?
Lily: No, no, no, no. I'm just -- I'm covering the event for chanccomm. So, do you mind?
Devon: Oh, of course not.
Lily: Yeah?
Devon: Yeah, yeah, what do you want to know?
Lily: Alright. Okay, so, today is an emotional day for a lot of people, but you especially. You are paying tribute to your grandmother, katherine chancellor. So, if you could tell her anything, what would it be?
Devon: [ Sighs ] Oh, boy. Um... I mean, I'm -- I'm sure she already knows everything there is to know, just like she always did. Um...but she -- she would definitely have something to say about every last thing that's gone down. That's for sure.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Devon: I mean, you know, katherine was -- was certainly no-nonsense, but she could always find the humor and the bright side of things.
Lily: Yeah, it's a handy trick, being able to find the light in the darkness.
Devon: Yeah, it is. It's, uh -- it's something that I learned from this sister of mine, to always stay focused on the good things.
Lily: And especially with the year that you've had.
Devon: Yeah, well, you too. We're just past the year mark of losing our father.
Lily: Yeah. And it's still very hard.
Devon: Yeah. Every single day it is. Uh, I, uh, thought I lost my inheritance, then got it back. I, um -- I found someone to love, though, and, uh, new ways to give back 'cause life is what we put into it.
Devon: New hope? It's the affordable housing that fell by the wayside when you launched dark horse, right?
Nick: Yeah. [ Sighs ] Sorry I let that happen. Uh... but I'm trying to do something to recapture that momentum and that -- that magic.
Devon: Where do I sign up for it?
Elena: [ Sighs ] So, we have been taking turns seeing patients and signing for packages.
Nate: And interviewing staff.
Devon: Nice.
Elena: It's been overwhelming, but in a really good way.
Devon: Well, hey, I really appreciate you guys handling everything you've been handling.
Nate: Hey, you can take a bow, too. This would just be a nice idea if you hadn't put in the money and the know-how, you know, worked your connections, cleared away the red tape to make this a reality.
Devon: Well, I think we all have a lot to be happy about today, huh?
Devon: It's funny. I'm thinking of katherine's motto. She would always say, "I'm gonna live until I die." It's true. It's just, living takes on so many different forms. It took me a while, but I -- i think that I realized why she left me her estate. And it's 'cause my mission has been to give and to keep giving until there's nothing else. And the best part of that is when you can surround yourself, too, with people who feel the same way.
Devon: Ever since you showed up, I've been on the attack and I've been demanding that you leave town, you know, looking for reasons to confront you, and I would tell myself I was justified because of your connection to katherine's will, but it was a little more complicated than that. Everyone around me was able to see what was going on. So I assumed you did, too.
Amanda: I'm sorry. I don't know what you mean.
Devon: I mean that my reaction to you wasn't just about the will. It was about how much you look like hilary, and it frustrated me at first. I got a little obsessive about it.
Amanda: I don't know how to respond to that.
Devon: You don't have to say a word. I -- I want to say that I'm sorry.
Lily: So far, you are the newest resident to genoa city, which I think gives you a unique perspective. I mean, you didn't know katherine chancellor at all, and yet you're here today anyway.
Amanda: Well, in a sense, I -- I have katherine to thank for this new phase in my life. A dispute regarding her estate is what brought me to town.
Lily: Which I know that you did not receive the warmest welcome, and I myself regret that.
Amanda: I wasn't exactly focused on making nice when i got to genoa city. But I stayed. I built friendships, got an incredible job.
Lily: Yes, I heard about that. You're the in-house counsel for our very own chanccomm.
Amanda: I am. It wasn't easy starting over. But it was worth it. And I feel like I am putting down roots, and it's something that I've never done before.
Lily: And I understand there might be a new man in your life?
Amanda: Yes. There might be. And he just might be pretty amazing.
Amanda: For me, the worst part was just the uncertainty, never knowing when I would be uprooted, where I was going to land next, but... I was lucky, you know? I got it easy compared to a lot of kids. But I just saw so many people get taken advantage of because they couldn't advocate for themselves. That's why I became a lawyer. I made the decision that no one was ever going to take advantage of me ever again.
Nate: I never would have guessed you were a bowler.
Amanda: We live in wisconsin. You have to be able to bowl at least a 150 or you are shunned from polite society.
Nate: I bowled a 288 one time.
Amanda: Oh, come on. Seriously?
Nate: No.
[ Both laugh ]
Amanda: I was gonna say, "you can't be good at everything."
Amanda: And now that great guy is waiting for me. So, um, I assume that you're getting releases for these interviews soon?
Lily: Yes, full consent. You have my word.
Amanda: Okay. I'll see you in the office.
Lily: Alright. Bye.
Billy: Just curious -- was amanda on the clock for that?
Lily: Shouldn't you be checking your phone or getting coffee somewhere?
Jack: Ah, well, hello there. What are you two up to?
Billy: Uh, chanccomm is doing a video piece on the anniversary of the dedication, a human-interest story focusing on warm feelings and aspirations.
Jack: When he talks like that, I find it hard to trust him.
Lily: I know. See? This is why he's not allowed to interview anyone. Speaking of which, would you like to say a few words about katherine or the day?
Jack: I think I could manage a handful, sure.
Lily: Great. Alright.
Jack: Ah.
Lily: Go ahead.
Jack: Katherine chancellor was an indomitable force. She was...an honor to know, a joy to be around, a pleasure to watch in action. And we should all be so lucky as to have her level of perseverance. She lived life so fully, embraced it so deeply, right till the very end.
Lily: And I'm sure it has you thinking about your own mother, katherine's dear friend dina mergeron. She's strong, stylish, driven.
Jack: Yeah, she was all that and more many years ago. She hasn't been as fortunate as katherine, I'm sorry to say.
Jack: I've been thinking about this for a while, and i know it's taking on a lot, but --
Traci: I think I know where this is going, and I agree with you 100%.
Ashley: It's time for our mother to come back home. I wanted more from my copd medicine,
Jack: I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Th-this is all about katherine.
Lily: No, but it's also about the people in her life, the ones that she loved and who loved her in return. I mean, you know that katherine would lend an ear or a shoulder if she could.
Billy: And dina never shied away from the public. I'd think she would appreciate the fact that someone was talking about it, jack.
Ashley: Can we get you anything?
Traci: Yeah. Would you like me to read to you? Ooh, I know -- why don't we watch a movie? Anything you want.
Jack: Mother?
Dina: Jack?
Jack: Y-yes, it's me.
Dina: Ooh.
Jack: And tracy and ashley and I are thrilled to have you home. Is there anything we can get for you?
Dina: Jack.
Jack: You name it, it's yours.
Ashley: "I pushed my husband and children away and kept them away because I didn't have what it took to be a mother. Oh, I tried for a while -- a token effort meant more to impress my friends at the club."
Traci: Oh, my goodness.
Ashley: "But not hard enough.
[ Voice breaking ] Then I left my family altogether. I made excuses. I didn't understand the difference between being selfish and becoming self-sufficient."
Traci: "But, somehow, my kids grew up to be smart, healthy, and mostly happy functioning adults."
[ Laughs ] "I regard that as nothing short of a miracle. I wish I could take credit for the phenomenal people they've become. But I cannot. I had nothing to do with it."
[ Breathes deeply ] "What can I say about jackie and ashley?"
[ Chuckles ]
Jack: "They're headstrong dynamos, ready to run companies just like their mother. But they've managed to be loving, present parents, as well." Most of the time. "And traci, the s--" "and traci, the sweet baby of the family with a heart as big as the moon. I feel I let her down perhaps most of all. Traci was so young when mommy vanished from her life."
Traci: [ Sighs, chuckles ]
Jack: "And as the years went on, I did nothing to make up for it -- just the opposite. I couldn't bring myself to get on the plane and..."
[ Voice breaking ] "...And attend her dear colleen's funeral."
Traci: [ Crying ]
Jack: [ Crying ] "The tears of shame in my eyes as I write this -- my absence was truly unforgivable."
[ All crying ]
Ashley: "It's hardest of all to face traci. Looking into those big, expressive, warm eyes of hers, I can't but know help how deeply I wounded her."
Traci: Ohh. Ohh.
[ Crying ]
Ashley: "Regret isn't a word I've used often. I've never been big on apologies, either. And that attitude has cost me dearly."
Traci: [ Clears throat ] "I should have gone to my kids long ago and begged their forgiveness. I was too afraid of their recriminations. And now I fear we'll never have the chance to fully reconcile. And for that, I am profoundly sorry."
Jack: We all face obstacles. We all have to live with our choices, with our actions, and so many other things we can't control. One of the things I learned from katherine was resilience. Hiding from a problem will not make it go away. No, you have to take whatever life gives you head on. You get smarter, you get stronger, and hopefully more grateful in times of peace. One of you knows what I mean. I hope the other gets there. As for the future of our fair city, who knows? Whatever lies ahead for genoa city, though, is sure to be unexpected and probably explosive. Did you know the source of odor in your home...
Elena: It's such a beautiful park. And there's always another story about your grandmother I hadn't heard before.
Devon: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, no, it was good. It was good. It's just a reminder of how connected we are, you know?
Elena: Do you think your grandmother would approve of me? Or of us?
Devon: I think that she's the one that sent you to me 'cause she's bossy like that.
[ Both laugh ] That's what I think.
Elena: Or maybe my mother sent you to me. You ever think about that?
Devon: I -- that could be. That could be. [ Chuckles ] However it happened, though, I'm grateful that it did 'cause this second, right here, we're on the verge of something great, honey. I can feel it.
Billy: The stories in this town, the people -- it just spills out of them. If it's not their words, it's their eyes or their expressions. They just give it away.
Lily: Yeah, one might call them open-hearted and generous.
Billy: You saw that with victor today. There's something going on with the transfer of power at newman. Adam screwed up somehow.
Lily: Billy, you promised that you would not use chanccomm to carry out some vendetta against victor and the newmans.
Billy: If they drop information in my lap, lily, it's not my fault.
Lily: Okay, so you didn't twist the knife to get something on adam?
Billy: We're a team. We are. Chanccomm will be what we make it together. And I am not gonna screw this up.
Nikki: Victor? It was lovely, wasn't it?
Victor: It was good to feel close to katherine again.
Nikki: Are you alright?
Victor: I feel a chill in the air. I think a storm is coming.
Ashley: Yeah, I just got out of a meeting. I wanted to check on mother. How is she?
Jack: She got very emotional, very agitated. Suddenly, she turns to me and says "bixley."
Ashley: "Bixley"? What does that mean?
Amanda: A friend helped me realize that there is more to life than work. Good surprise?
Nate: Very good surprise.
Billy: I'm assuming the reason you're here is because of the story that you told me.
Victoria: Well, since we spoke, the story has changed.
Billy: You have my full attention.
Victoria: Close the door.
Chelsea: You actually expect us to believe adam killed A.J. Montalvo when he was 11 years old?
Victor: You wanted the truth? That's what it is.
Chelsea: The fact still remains there's no one to corroborate your story.
Victor: Yes, there is.
Sharon: Adam, what are you doing here?
Adam: Sharon, I need your help.
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