Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/23/20
Episode #11845 ~
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Lily: Do we have a lawyer?
Amanda: You have the best. I've accepted your offer.
Theo: I just stopped by to drop off my security badge. I'll, uh, make it quick so you both can get back to celebrating me getting fired.
Victor: I didn't want you to know. But now you have to be told. It was you, son. You killed alyssa's father. It was you all along.
Adam: You weren't gonna let me take your precious company without a fight, so you conjure up this ridiculous story of an 11-year-old me killing aj montalvo. I mean, this is low.
Victor: I wish it weren't true.
Adam: This is low, even for you.
Nikki: So... when you told adam about the truth of aj's death, did it trigger any memories for him?
Victor: The story is buried too deep. He accused me of concocting this whole thing to protect mysel when, the reality is, he's frightened.
Nikki: I'm sorry. I know how painful that must've been for you to hear.
Victor: I hold you partly responsible for this, sweetheart.
Nikki: How so?
Victor: How so? You asked me to trust you with the truth. Once I gave it to you, you ran right to victoria, told her everything.
Nikki: I had to tell her that so that she would understand what a mistake would be to act on her own.
Victor: How naive can you be? She hates her brother. She hates adam with a passion. By telling her this information, you gave her a weapon.
Nikki: She didn't use it. She did not tell adam.
Victor: She dangled enough information in front of him so he came running straight to me.
Nikki: [ Sighs ]
Victor: By telling her that, you gave her a chance to back me into a corner. You really did. You're responsible.
Victoria: How did your talk with dad go?
Adam: How do you think it went?
Victoria: Oh, he told you, didn't he?
Mariah: I think that is everything. Oh! Wait, wait, wait. Uh, salad dressing. Do you mind throwing in, like, two of each kind? Because I don't know if people are gonna be sitting down to eat all at once or they're just gonna be grazing. And, uh, I would like to pay now. That way, whoever picks up the order tomorrow morning can just pick up the order and go. And, um, uh, reheating instructions. I'm definitely gonna need those. Thank you.
Theo: Hope you remember the spinach empanadas. My favorite. And, also, the mango fritters are always a hit. Assuming I'm invited to whatever shindig you're planning.
Mariah: Yeah, it's a private gathering, keyword "private."
Theo: Oh. I guess kyle almost put you in charge of the party he's throwing to celebrate firing me.
Mariah: What are you talking about?
Theo: Well, I guess you haven't heard the news yet. Plong story short, I gave kyle all the ammunition he needed to get rid of me.
Mariah: Well, usually in any other scenario, I would make a biting remark about you losing yet another job, but... I have more important things to worry about, and the world doesn't revolve around you, so...
Theo: Well... sorry to bother you. Excuse me.
Billy: That's lily. Her last meeting ran over, so she's gonna be a few minutes.
Amanda: Oh, okay.
Billy: Don't worry, we'll finish up in time to get you do whatever you have planned next.
Amanda: My calendar is clear. I look forward to hearing all about your acquisition strategy in great detail. Unless you have another commitment.
Billy: No, no. No, uh, this job is taking up all my time right now.
Amanda: I happened to see you and victoria together a few days ago. You seemed fairly civil.
Billy: Well, you probably saw us talking about her brother's coup at newman.
I heard the news about adam. I had no idea that it was the family business equivalent of a hostile takeover.
Billy: It was hostile.
Amanda: And I'm sure that victoria being out of commission all of those weeks didn't help.
Billy: I wouldn't worry about victoria. I get the impression she's about to stage a comeback. And when she does, adam's not going to know what hit him.
Victoria: It's not a lie, adam.
Adam: You must think that I'm totally naive. Dad was looking for a way to neutralize me so he didn't have to sign a contract making it impossible for him to fire me. And you -- you wanted to be the queen of newman again, so the two of you put your heads together to pin the crime he committed on me.
Victoria: It happened exactly the way that dad said it did. And you know what, deep down inside, I know you know it's true.
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Billy: Thank you.
Amanda: You seem to relish the idea of victoria putting her brother in his place.
Billy: Big time.
Amanda: So I take it that you and adam have history of your own?
Billy: Yeah, we do, and it's not pretty. But we probably shouldn't go there.
Amanda: You're right. We're supposed to be talking about business, not our personal lives.&
Lily: Hello. Hi. Sorry I'm late. I apologize.
Billy: It's okay. We're just getting started. You want to order anything before we do?
Lily: Uh, no, thanks. I'm good.
Amanda: So, we'll just dive right in.
Lily: Okay.
Mariah: Hey. I'm sorry about being short with you earlier.
Theo: It's cool.
Mariah: Thank you for saying that, but no... no, it's really not. Uh, it sounds like you're having a crappy day. I don't want to add to it. I'm not having the best day myself, so...
Theo: Problems at home?
Mariah: Not with tessa, if that's what you mean.
Theo: Good, because I'm still rooting for the two of you to live happily ever after. Even though I have reluctantly accepted that you won't let me turn your relationship into the social media sensation it could be.
Mariah: That's very big of you.
Theo: But if things are copacetic with your girlfriend, what's got you down?
Mariah: Uh... I just am not the most patient person, and when things stress me out. Anything can set me off, especially if it's not about me. Actually, specifically if it's not about me. 'Cause then I can't control it. There's nothing I can do to fix it. And so I just have to let things play out and hope for the best, which is completely against my nature.
Theo: There seems to be a lot of that going around.
Mariah: What do you mean?
Theo: Lola's been worry about something going on with her brother... lola's brother who's dating your mom. Is sharon okay?
Theo: She will be.
Nikki: Enlighten me, victor. How did you see all of this working out had I not interfered?
Victor: Well, I was in the process of dismantling adam's leverage. I totally alyssa to kill the whole damn story. I would have gotten rid of all of it. It's all blown up because of you. Who knows what adam will do with all that information?
Nikki: You have a point. I mean, he could have done something terrible, like trying to take christian away from nicholas or tampering with your medication, manufacturing evidence to put victoria in jail over attempted murder -- these are just the things he's done in the last year. I could go back further.
Victor: Sweetheart, you've made your point, thank you.
Nikki: But are you hearing it? Adam is constantly attacking our family with this sense of entitlement, as if you owe him something. You have allowed him to come at us time and time again, victor, with no consequences. It has become a very dangerous pattern, and I have to wonder where it will all end.
Adam: [ Sighs ] That is just what it all comes down to for you, isn't it, victoria? It's who gets to sit in daddy's chair.
Victoria: You've started all this by trying to steal that chair from me. So what does that say about you?
Adam: Point taken. And, yes, in retrospect, it was a mistake to not accept the job from victor after he offered it to me, after tracking me down in vegas. Hey, if he had given it to me, he wouldn't have given it to you, and I would have saved yourself all that heartbreak from losing it. So, for that, I do owe you an apology, and for that alone.
Victoria: Oh, please. Dad just wanted you to come and work for the company. He was never going to give you full control.
Adam: He told me I was the only one who could truly follow in his footsteps.
Victoria: Oh... adam! You know you've always been the one most desperate to win dad's respect, and now we all know why. Because, deep down, you know you're not worthy of it.
Adam: Go to hell, victoria.
Feel the clarity of new
Nikki: Turning over control of your life's work, alienating your other children, allowing adam to believe that you're a murderer -- victor, it's too much. It's got to to stop.
Victor: Sweetheart, that is not your decision to make. You should have left it up to me, okay?
Nikki: Oh, and then you would have continued to enable his behavior? How often have you sworn to protect this family? Adam's not the only one in it, you know.
Victor: I have protected my family, not just adam, all right? Nicholas still has his son, victoria will soon be C.E.O. Again.
Nikki: And I still have my husband, in spite of the fact that adam tried to kill you. Remember that?
Victor: It's an old story.
Nikki: Maybe for you. I just don't understand. Do you think that if you forgive adam often enough and give him unconditional love, that he will suddenly just be healed and whole? That's a nice fantasy, but if that were possible, it would have happened long before now.
Victor: I don't know how you can say that. Look at your own history.
Nikki: Oh, I was wondering when you were gonna bring that up.
Victor: Well, it's the truth, sweetheart, okay? I'm not saying that to hurt you.
Nikki: You think I should have empathy for adam because i accidentally killed my childhood friend and buried the memory of it until I was an adult. I know!
Victor: Think about it. There's a parallel. You weren't responsible for that. No one holds you responsible for that. The adults in your life were responsible. The same thing applies to adam.
Nikki: Listen... my heart goes out to that damaged child, of course. But I suspect that that is who you still see when you look in adam's eyes, and he is not that person anymore. He is a predator. He is dangerous. And if you can't face that, you're in as much denial as he is.
Theo: I don't need details. That's -- that's your business. I guess it's been going on for a while?
Mariah: That's fair to say.
Theo: That time I razzed you about getting tanner watts to hire you in new york -- you said you didn't want to leave town on account of your mother. At the time, I assumed it was just an excuse not to put yourself out there.
Mariah: It's easier to let you think that.
Theo: Well, whatever is going on, it sounds like you made the right call sticking close to home.
Mariah: I'm sure my mom wishes there were moments that I was phoning it in from back east. When people hover, she tends to get overwhelmed. And I have this wonderful knack of saying the worst thing at the worst possible time.
Theo: Well, I bet you agonize over that stuff way more than sharon does. None of it matters in the end.
Mariah: You don't think so?
Theo: I remember when my mom was sick. She'd get ticked off at the smallest thing. I couldn't do anything in the way that she wanted -- laundry, loading the dishwasher. Putting too much peanut butter on her toast. But she wasn't mad at me, just that her world was turned upside down. Her kid was taking care of her instead of the other way around. Near the end, she told me how much he meant to her that I came home. I wouldn't trade that time with her for anything. Anyway... I'm sure sharon is glad that you've been close by.
Mariah: I hope so. You know, my relationship with my mom is very similar to you and the abbotts. I didn't meet her until I was an adult, and I didn't even know that we were related at first.
Theo: I would have never guessed that. You seem so close.
Mariah: Took a long time to get that way. Mostly because I was an awful, awful human being. But she didn't give up on me. And, eventually, I absorbed some of her decency and goodness through osmosis.
Theo: Well, it sounds like you had the long lost relative jackpot.
Mariah: Yeah. I just -- I didn't get a childhood with her, you know, and I thought that we would have decades to make up for it. And what if I don't?
Theo: Try not to think that way. Your attitude is the one thing that you can control, and though you'll probably dismiss this as me putting too much stock in the wisdom of wellness influencers... I do think staying optimistic can make a difference.
Mariah: That is actually something that we agree on. I'm doing my best to stay upbeat and positive from my mom right now.
Theo: You're probably the one person in her life who can make her laugh, even when she feels like hell.
Mariah: I try.
Theo: Well, keep it up, mariah. You're doing great.
Chelsea: Oh, good. You're home. The shower was a hit. I actually just got back a little while ago. Chloe and kevin were so cute, and they were so excited about this baby. I think everyone had a really nice time, especially bella and connor. I told him he could, you know, watch the movie he was watching, and we'd pick him up later, which is good. I thought we could have some alone time, adult conversation I'm dying to hear about your day.
It's totally normal
Billy: We haven't actually come up with a mission statement.
Lily: No, but if I had to summarize our overall philosophy in terms of companies we want to acquire, then I would say attention is new currency and I think time is our most valuable resource. So I think wherever people are most engaged online is where chancellor communications needs to be.
Amanda: Well, that's a pretty broad spectrum.
Billy: It is, but one that works for us. We have a wide mandate and deep pockets.
Lily: And we want to be inescapable. You know, wherever you go online, we want to be there. We want to have our hands in everything.
Amanda: So you are starting out small with bite-sized goals like global domination.
Billy: Would you expect anything less from a company that I'm co-C.E.O. Of?
Amanda: Well, it is an improvement on your race car driving.
Billy: Ah, but same thrill. Fewer accidents. Sorry, uh, race cars?
Amanda: Um, inside joke.
Billy: Do you think that we officially need a mission statement?
Amanda: Start-ups won't expect that.
Billy: And what about more established companies?
Amanda: Well, how big and how corporate are we talking?
Mariah: Here you go.
Theo: What's this?
Mariah: This is a thank-you for being so nice about my mom earlier. Especially when you have your own problems to deal with.
Theo: I appreciate it.
Mariah: So, do you want to talk about what happened at jabot?
Theo: I won't bore you with my sad tale of professional self-sabotage.
Mariah: Well, how about this, what if I declared this space right here a judgment-free zone, just for tonight? Would you want to talk about it then?
Theo: Pull up a chair.
Victoria: I just saw adam. I know you told him the truth. It was the right thing to do.
Victor: It was the last thing I wanted to do. You hung me out to dry. Don't you think telling him that was cruel?
Victoria: Excuse me? Cruel?
Victor: Yes.
Victoria: He's the one who set this in motion. I just let him know that this wasn't gonna end well for him.
Victor: You're enjoying this, aren't you?
Victoria: Am I glad that he's not getting away with blackmailing you? Yes, I am.
Victor: He is not gonna blackmail me.
Victoria: Well, it's too late, dad. He's done it. Only I'm the one paying the price.
[ Sighs ]
Victor: I was going to honor my commitment to you, to reinstate you as C.E.O. There's no need to shatter your brother's life.
Victoria: If you expect me to apologize for defending what is rightfully mine, you are going to be waiting a very long time.
Chelsea: Whew! I am ready to relax and put my feet up. Or I'll open us up a bottle of wine. Or should I wait for dinner? What'd you get us?
Adam: [ Sighs deeply ]
[ Scoffs ] That's right. I was supposed to get takeout. I totally forgot.
Chelsea: Oh, that's okay. That's fine. Esther actually sent me home with a bunch of leftovers, so I'll make us a couple plates.
Adam: Chelsea.
Chelsea: Hey. What's going on? Did something happen at work?
Adam: I -- I don't even know where to start.
Chelsea: Adam. Something is wrong.
Adam: First off, dad fired me.
Chelsea: What?
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: No. He wouldn't dare. Victor knows that there would be consequences. He knows that you have this evidence tying him to aj's murder. What are you talking about?
Adam: Victor is not concerned about that anymore. Seems he and victoria have put their heads together to come up with a cover story, one that explains away his involvement and pins the crime on somebody else.
Chelsea: I don't understand. Did they bribe someone to confess?
Adam: No. No, they think they found the perfect fall guy.
Chelsea: Who?
Adam: Me. When our daughter and her kids moved in with us...
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Mariah: For you to go through all of that trouble to plagiarize a pitch -- I mean, why? Not that I think that you're above doing something sneaky and underhanded.
Theo: Okay. What happened to my judgment-free zone?
Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Sorry. I'm sorry. I just don't understand why you would feel the need to cheat. You worked for me at power. I know that you know how to handle a marketing campaign. That and social media -- I mean, that's your lane.
Theo: Thanks.
Mariah: So why didn't you just come up with a pitch of your own?
Theo: I choked. I don't know why. Usually I'm overflowing with ideas. I can't get them down fast enough. But this time -- brain freeze.
Mariah: Maybe you were scared to compete with kyle.
Theo: Oh, come on. All kyle and I do is compete.
Mariah: Yeah, no, I know, you guys are rivals, but that's mostly in your professional life. And you guys are the only two people keeping score. For jack to have to choose between the two of you professionally, I mean, that's got to be pretty unnerving.
Theo: Yeah, that probably had something to do with it. You know, I felt like kyle already had a built-in leg up because he was jack's kid. And, in the midst my freak-out, I convinced myself that his fancy business degree was more than just a piece of paper, that when he said he was gonna win because he had worked at jabot for years, that he was right, that I was never going to accomplish something as good as him.
Mariah: So instead you decided to sweet talk kyle's assistant into being your spy.
Theo: [ Sighs ] You know, I can't even get mad at kyle and summer for setting me up. No one forced me to steal work and pass it off as my own.
Mariah: Well, I'm a big proponent of silver linings. You know, maybe -- maybe jabot wasn't the right fit for you. Maybe this gives you an opportunity to find someplace where you really fit in.
Theo: You know, the same thing occurred to me. I'm just not sure I'll be able to find my ideal gig in genoa city.
Mariah: Why? Because we're not as susceptible as sophisticated new yorkers to the charm that's oozing from your pores?
Theo: No, it's just like you said the other night. What's really left for me here?
Mariah: I didn't -- I didn't mean to be so flip about that. You have family here, and I think I underestimated how much that actually meant to you.
Theo: Well, thank you for keeping an open mind.
Mariah: That was our deal here in this space.
Theo: Still, it surprises me, knowing you and kyle are such good buds.
Mariah: Oh, my perspective is colored by the fact that I used to be a truly awful person. I mean, morally, ethically, just -- just terrible.
Theo: Really? I never would've guessed that.
Mariah: Sure you would have. Yeah, you're right, I would have.
Mariah: Well, it's just safe to say that we are morally ambiguous people who take a little bit longer to get our act together. That being said, if you hurt lola, ever...
Theo: Oh! Dead man walking. Got it.
Victoria: When you reinstate me as ceo at newman, it will be because I've earned it, dad. I have done a damned good job of leading that company. No one is more qualified or experienced or better suited for that position. And, unlike adam, I wouldn't have it any other way. I have dealt with adam, sweetheart. I'm just disappointed in the way you handled the situation, that's all.
Victoria: Disappointed? Because I believed you when you told me from the very beginning that you swore you didn't kill that guy?
Victor: I appreciate your support as much as there was of it.
Victoria: But you wish that -- that it would go further. No, you wish that I would just continue accepting that I'm collateral damage in this continual struggle against you and adam, and I'll just be kept in the dark about everything.
Victor: There was no need for you to know everything, just that you would be taking care of.
Victoria: I'm not looking to be taken care of. I run newman enterprises. It was my job to fight off this threat to the company. And you should have empowered me to do so, not tie my hands.
Victor: Right there is the reason why I kept this a secret from you. I didn't want to use this information as a weapon against your brother.
Victoria: Oh, so what?
Victor: Sweetheart, what happened to him was tragic. Okay? The memories he kept out of his mind, I mean, they are powerful enough to destroy his life. Don't you grasp that?
Adam: Now victor's saying he didn't even get to kansas until after aj was dead. He's saying mom was freaking out, she didn't know who else to call, so victor flew down and took charge. He came up with a plausible explanation and bribed the coroner to go along with what he said. And since aj wasn't a beloved figure, it didn't take much.
Chelsea: And you -- you don't remember any of this?
Adam: Chelsea, do you not see what my father is doing? He's taking the facts that we can prove, he's taking the evidence and the witnesses that we have, and now he has created a whole new series of events to wrap around this. He's putting a whole new spin on it. And, in this version, victor newman comes flying in on his private jet to save the day like some damn hero, whereas i am the violent, impulsive killer with psychological issues from way back.
Chelsea: He did not say that.
Adam: He didn't have to. I mean, my god, what kind of man would goad his own son into believing something like that about himself?
Chelsea: I can't fathom it. I mean, even coming from victor.
Adam: I just -- I cannot believe that he would do this to me, that he would take it this far.
Chelsea: I know. I can't believe it, either. I just -- I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry this is happening.
Amanda: Um, the platform that you're building for serialized fiction -- how will that be structured?
Billy: Right now, our plan is to have my sister traci, who's a novelist, head up that division.
Lily: Well, assuming she says yes.
Billy: I think that's a given. She wouldn't want to say no to her baby brother.
Lily: Explains so much.
Billy: Mm.
Amanda: So traci would be your director for it?
Billy: Yeah. And just to be clear, besides being the C.E.O. Of jabot for a brief stint -- and when I say brief, I mean, blink and you'd miss it -- she really has no corporate experience to speak of.
Amanda: That can still be risky, especially since she will be reporting to the baby brother that she can't say no to. That might not be the best dynamic for chancellor or your relationship.
Billy: I hear what you're saying, and I would say even though traci chose a different career path than the rest of the abbotts, she has been around the family company her entire life. I think she knows what she's getting into, and I would also say that lily and I are both confident in her skills set for the job.
Lily: Yeah, we haven't worked out the details of the business model because we want traci to have input on that.
Amanda: Got it. Now, next, I'm curious about your digital magazine. Do you intend to maintain its current focus?
Billy: I would say, yeah, that's the plan.
Lily: Yeah, we want to keep it fun, have celebrity stories and lots of interviews, photos.
Billy: Apolitical, non-controversial.
Lily: Yeah. We don't want to upset anyone or get sued.
Billy: At least not with that division. And, of course, I know getting sued would cut into your overtime.
Amanda: You will not hear any complaints from me. The more peaceful my world can be, the better.
Mariah: Good luck on the job hunt.
Theo: Thank you. I appreciate the shoulder.
Mariah: Well, we all need one sometimes.
Amanda: Here's another question for you -- gaming influencers? Is that a real thing?
Lily: Oh, yeah, yeah. It's huge. I mean, some of these gamers have millions of followers.
Amanda: Wow. I had no idea.
Billy: Yeah. Lily has teenage twins who are college freshmen, so she's plugged in.
Lily: [ Chuckles ]
Amanda: Okay. Well, it appears that all of chancellor communications' proposed divisions are geared towards a younger audience with the exception of the 24-hour news channel.
Billy: That is our one more traditional outlet. Of course, we plan to supplement that with a new news platform geared towards a younger demographic, because, as we all know, that's where they get most of the information, on social media.
Victoria: Dad, I know you want me to still think of adam as my little brother, part of the family, and... you want me to think that he's capable of redemption, but... so much has happened. He's hurt so many people that i love, including you.
Victor: Well, don't use me as an excuse.
Victor: It's not an excuse to say that you share a lot of the responsibility for how things have turned out.
[ Sighs ] It's impossible for me to feel anything but threatened by adam. And I'm tired of relying on other people to keep me safe. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to protect our family and myself and newman enterprises, and I'm not gonna make any apologies for it.
Victor: All right. You can have your ceo title back. You can run the company. You're right, you've earned it.
Victoria: Thank you.
Victor: But what you have lost is my respect.
Victoria: Well, I can live with that.
Chelsea: Chamomile.
Adam: Soothe me? Good luck with that. But thank you for trying.
Chelsea: You're welcome. I just -- I can't fathom that victor would say something so awful to you. And, I mean, why now? After he already named you C.E.O., Why would he not bring this to your attention when you brought him that evidence? It doesn't make any sense.
Adam: Because it took him and victoria this long to come up with this disgusting so-called explanation.
Chelsea: I mean, that can't be the reason victor gave you.
Adam: He told me that if i didn't force the issue, he would have taken this secret to the grave, just like my mother, and that is the one part of this that I will never forgive, that he would drag her into this, that he would try to poison the memories of my mother. And does he expect me to believe, ever since that moment, my mother thought of me as some brutal, enraged killer?
Chelsea: Of course not. I mean, you never felt any hint of that, right?
Adam: No! Never.
Chelsea: So, from what you're telling me, it seems like victor didn't say you did this out of malice. You did this to protect hope.
Adam: What are you saying?
Chelsea: No, I just don't want you to put your own spin on things. I mean, it's just odd. If victor was trying to frame you, why he you wouldn't try to expose you as being some cold-blooded killer.
Adam: Because he's just trying to come up with something to make his story seem more plausible. He's trying to come up with an explanation of why I can't remember something that is impossible to forget.
Chelsea: Well, what can you remember about that time?
Adam: I don't know. Can you remember everything that happened in your life when you were 11?
Chelsea: No. No, of course not. I mean, at least not in much detail. I was on the grift with anita at the time... in and out of school, skipping out on leases, moving a lot, usually in the middle of the night. But do I remember addresses or names of books I read or names of people we swindled? No. Mnh-mnh.
Adam: Then why would you ever ask me that? I mean, is some part of you thinking this might be true?
Amanda: So that covers all of my questions. Do you have any for me?
Lily: Uh, no. I don't think so.
Billy: No. At the moment, I'm good.
Lily: Yeah.
Amanda: Okay.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Lily: Oh! Excuse me. Oh, sorry, it's charlie. I have to take this.
Amanda: Okay. No problem.
Lily: Hey, sweetie. How'd your weekend go?
Billy: Okay. What do you think about our approach? Honest opinion.
Amanda: Pursuing a younger demographic makes a lot of sense. Develop that brand loyalty early, you have a customer for life.
Billy: Yeah, I think in retail products, that would be the case.
Amanda: Not so with media?
Billy: I think, with this industry, the key is to be nimble, to see what's coming six months ahead and to get in on its development. Things happen and they change like that, especially with a younger demographic.
Amanda: So, instead of fighting that, you're planning for it.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Amanda: You keep looking for what's going to be cool six months from now instead of piling on once it's trending.
Billy: Exactly. Chancellor needs to be able to adapt across all platforms to build those capabilities into the system.
Chelsea: I'm just trying to figure out how to help you get through this... what our next steps should be, and...
[ Sighs ] To be honest, I'm just a little shocked that this is all happening.
Adam: Mm. Well, that makes two of us.
Chelsea: I mean, does -- does victor expect you to just walk away from newman? After this whole press release, all these interviews... how would he explain that? You really think he's just gonna release this story?
Adam: Oh, well, you didn't see the look on victoria's face. If he didn't do it, she was gonna do it. And she wants payback. And there are no limits to which she won't go to get it.
Adam: Oh, my god. If connor were to hear about this...
Chelsea: No. Don't even think about that, adam. We won't allow that to happen.
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