Y&R Transcript Monday 4/20/20

Y&R Transcript Monday 4/20/20


 Episode #11842 ~ 

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Theo: Are you still up for helping me with this kyle thing?

Kendra: Absolutely.

Kyle: So you think she's a spy?

Summer: I do.

Kyle: Do you think the rat will take the cheese?

Summer: Mm, I am counting on it.

Kyle: Mm.

[ Smooching ]

Summer: [ Breathing heavily ]

Kyle: [ Chuckles ]

Summer: [ Exhaling sharply ] How do you feel?

Kyle: Somewhere between "you're killing me"... and "you're incredible."

[ Smooches ]

Summer: Good.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Summer: Today's your big day, huh?

Kyle: [ Sighs ] Is it?

[ Laughs ] Yeah. I thought you were supposed to be diverting my attention.

Summer: I was. But now -- now it's time to get your head in the game.

Kyle: [ Groans ] You really think theo would use kendra to spy on me?

Summer: Well, we'll soon find out, won't we?

Kyle: [ Sighs ] Yeah, but to go as far as, you know...

Summer: I know, but desperate people, they do diabolical things.

Kyle: Think he took the bait?

Summer: You know what? It doesn't matter if he did or not because you are gonna come out of this the winner.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Theo: Lola, seriously? Wishing me "luck"? Wish me a chocolate cake. Wish me a sports car. Wish me a long life, but I got this. I got nerves of steel. All I need is a killer pitch and you in my corner. Two for two. Yeah, I'll tell you all about it when you get back. And thanks for calling. It means a lot. Me too. Talk soon.

Jack: Hey. We have some time before the presentations.

Theo: Yeah, I thought I'd get in here early and get warmed up.

Jack: Well, good for you. You'll do fine.

Theo: Even though I'm going up against kyle?

Jack: This is not a popularity contest, theo. We're trying to decide which presentation is best for jabot.

Theo: Any words of advice you want to pass along?

Jack: Sure. Be yourself. Do your best. You'll be fine. I have all the faith in the world in you.

Amanda: Good morning, dr. Hastings.

Nate: Well, well, well. What, uh, brings you to our humble clinic this morning? A smile like that, I'd say you're in perfect health.

Amanda: Well, actually, my heart just skipped a beat.

Nate: Is that so? Uh, it just so happens I have a special prescription for that particular situation.

Amanda: You don't say.

Nate: We should do lunch after my shift.

Amanda: Sounds enticing.

Nate: Mm.

Elena: Hey, brace yourself. We've got an emergency on the way.

Lily: Okay, do not tell me I'm hallucinating. I just had the most amazing meeting with an award-winning writer.

Billy: That's great.

Lily: I know. It's like I feel like this is finally real, you know? People are sitting up and paying attention. And we've barely even started.

Billy: Yeah, it's a good feeling.

Lily: How are things with you?

Billy: Everything's fine. Why are you asking?

Lily: I don't know. You seem kind of distracted. Is the honeymoon over? You found out I leave my socks on the floor and now you want out? Is that what it is?

Billy: [ Sighs ] No, it's nothing like that.

Lily: Okay. Then what? 'Cause you know it's against the rules to ghost your partner, right?

Billy: I wasn't ghosting.

Lily: You weren't? You didn't return my calls, my texts, nothing.

Billy: I didn't mean to offend, lily. I'm trying to do you a favor.

[ Guitar chord plays ]

Tessa: Hey, that's great. Okay. Try again.

[ Guitar chord plays ] Hey, that's perfect. Just learn a few more chords, and you'll be playing back-up for me in no time.

Faith: Okay, I'll hold you to that.

Tessa: Uh...alright, well, you keep practicing. I just need to save some flowers.

Mariah: No, I'm -- I'm fine, really. I'll be okay once sharon gets home. Hey, you're back.

Nick: How'd your pre-surgical appointment go?

Sharon: It was fine. They gave me some soap I'm supposed to use tonight when I shower.

Faith: We have soap.

Sharon: Yeah, but this stuff is special. It's supposed to cut down on the risk of infection after surgery.

Rey: Yeah. And no food after 8:00 tonight.

Sharon: Mm-hmm. No makeup, no nail polish, no jewelry.

Faith: Wow.

Mariah: That's a lot.

Sharon: Yeah, there were a few other things I wanted to get done beforehand, but...

Mariah: Is there anything that we can do?

Sharon: You guys, get over yourselves. I'm the one who's going under the knife. You all look like you've been given a death sentence. I love you. I'm so glad you're all here. But anybody who wants to turn this into a pity party, there's the door. You're free to go.

Seresto, seresto, seresto.

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Elena: We need to prep an exam room.

Amanda: What's the emergency?

Elena: 4-year-old male took his first trip up the slide and fell. His mother's bringing him in.

Nate: How'd you find him?

Elena: I saw him fall, gave his mother our card, and told her that I'd run ahead and get things ready.

Nate: You were passing by the playground?

Elena: Yeah. I was on my morning run.

Amanda: Well, he was really lucky that you were there.

Elena: Yeah.

Amanda: I'm gonna get out of here, let you two do your job.

Nate: Okay. I'll, uh, call you when we're finished.

Amanda: Okay. Take your time. I fought long and hard for you to keep that medical license. Put it to good use.

Nate: [ Chuckles ] I will.

Amanda: Elena.

[ Door closes ]

Nate: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: He was great. He had wonderful ideas. His résumé was obviously killer. Of course we have to vet him, but it looks like we might have found our new chief content officer.

Lily: Okay. I'm -- I'm glad things went well.

Billy: Yeah.

Lily: But earlier you said you were doing me a favor by avoiding me?

Billy: I don't want you to get caught up in the insanity of it.

Lily: Yeah, you're right, 'cause I love so much when somebody who's supposed to be my partner lies to me to protect me.

Billy: I'm sorry.

Lily: Okay, stop being a jerk and tell me what's going on.

Billy: Okay.

[ Sighs ] Someone came to me with a story that could put chancellor communications in the spotlight, that could make us a powerhouse.

Lily: Well, that's great. I mean, you didn't tell me this immediately because why?

Billy: Because I'm trying to figure out if my personal feelings are clouding my judgment...because this could potentially take down an empire and give me a nice big slice of revenge.

Sharon: I'm just not into having a pity party, so...

Mariah: Okay. What kind of party do you want to have?

Faith: Uh, costume?

Mariah: Pizza?

Nate: Toga?

Tessa: Tea?

Sharon: All of the above?

Rey: Really?

Sharon: Yeah. Why not? I'm kind of interested to see what sort of party you guys can throw together last minute.

Mariah: Wow, that -- that sounds like a dare.

Rey: Sounded like a dare to me.

Mariah: Yeah.

Tessa: Wait. So, who's on food?

Nick: Uh, I'll call society.

Mariah: Okay. Uh, faith, what do you want to be on?

Faith: Um, assorted games, soon to be determined. How about you?

Mariah: Decorations.

Nick: Good call.

Tessa: Well, I'll be on music 'cause I have the perfect playlist.

Sharon: Okay, what are we waiting for? I want to dance.

Rey: You heard the lady. Put on something we can dance to.

Sharon: Yeah!

[ Up-tempo music plays ] Ooh!

[ Indistinct singing ]

Kyle: You're in here bright and early.

Theo: Well, I mean, it's not every morning I go head-to-head with the co-ceo of jabot.

Kyle: Really? Because that's what it's felt like ever since you started.

Theo: Can't stand a little competition?

Kyle: Competition I like. It's, uh, the way you keep trying to undermine me.

Theo: You're the boss. You've got all the power here.

Kyle: If that were the case, we wouldn't be having this contest.

Theo: You sound nervous.

Kyle: No, not really. I'm confident I've come up with something great.

Theo: Huh.

Kyle: What about you? Feeling good about your pitch?

Theo: Oh, I think I nailed it.

Kyle: Can't wait to see what you came up with.

Theo: You know, you almost sound sincere.

Summer: Alright, well, why don't you two shake hands before you fight to the death, okay?

Jack: Well, what an auspicious start to our presentations. Let's dive right in, shall we?

Theo: Wait. Summer's staying?

Summer: I'm just here for support.

Theo: Hey, don't sell yourself short. I'm sure you were sweating in the trenches right alongside your ceo boyfriend.

Kyle: I thought it was prudent to use all the resources at my disposal, much like you may have used other employees to help you research, et cetera, right?

Jack: So, who's gonna go first? Shall we flip a coin?

Theo: Well, if it's all the same to you, I've got my presentation all set up and ready to go. Mind if I start?

Jack: Kyle, objections?

Kyle: None from me.

Theo: Thanks, buddy. Jabot -- back 2 basics.

Mariah: Alright, you're up. Go, go, go.

Tessa: No, wait for me!

Faith: [ Chuckles ] You good?

Tessa: Okay, go.

Faith: Okay. Um...okay.

[ Imitating victor ] "It's known as zugzwang chess, where every move you make puts you at a disadvantage, when your back is against the wall. If you're crafty enough, it doesn't have to be your demise."

Mariah: Oh, wait. I know. I know.

Faith: Who am I?

Mariah: Winston churchill.

Faith: You're the absolute worst. No.

Mariah: What?!

Sharon: I know!

Faith: Who am I?

Sharon: Could it be victor?

Faith: Yes! Point goes to mom.

Mariah: Of course.

Nick: I am gonna tell dad what you're doing.

Faith: Oh, no, no, no, no, absolutely not. You guys are all sworn to secrecy. That impression of grandpa never leaves this room.&

Sharon: No problem.

Tessa: Alright, rey, you're next.

Sharon: Yeah!

Rey: Alright, alright. Prepare to be dazzled.

Faith: Ooh!

Mariah: Who do we got?

Rey: Who do we got? Who do we got? Here goes nothing.

Sharon: Uh, yeah, I heard about the changing of the guard at newman.

Nick: Nothing for you to worry about.

Sharon: Must have been a seismic shift.

Nick: Must have been.

Sharon: Okay. Got it. None of my business. Moving on.

Nick: [ Chuckles ] How about faith's impression of dad? He's gonna love that.

Sharon: I'm not so sure.

Nick: Are you kidding me? She could be the next great actress.

Sharon: She could be anything she sets her mind to. And on that note, nick...

Nick: Yeah?

Sharon: Just in case, god forbid, something goes wrong tomorrow --

Nick: Hey, nothing's gonna go wrong tomorrow.

Sharon: No, I know, but... if it does, I need you to take care of faith and noah for me. I know noah's a grown man, but he's not likely to reach out, so I need you to step up in case he needs someone to lean on. And faith --

Nick: Sharon, we don't have to do this.

Sharo: I know. I do. I do. Just make sure faith knows how proud I am of her. Unless she does something despicable, and then hammer it in how disappointed I would be.

Nick: Okay. No problem.

Sharon: And never let her lose that brilliant smile and that eternal optimism.

Nick: I'm gonna make sure she has an amazing life. But you don't have to worry about it. You're gonna be there for every moment of.

Sharon: [ Chuckles ]

Nate: Congratulations, dr. Dawson.

Elena: Oh, it was a simple case, no serious injuries. It's not like I saved his life or anything.

Nate: On the contrary. Did you see the way that kid looked at you? Like you were a brand-new superhero.

Elena: [ Chuckling ] Oh, stop.

Nate: He found out that his new favorite doctor founded the very clinic that took all the pain away. And his mother? Forget about it. She got the chance to see a physician without a four-hour wait and a hospital bill.

Elena: Well, it was a good day, and I am happy to be spreading those around. And with the support of you and devon, we'll be spreading around even more.

Nate: Nothing more rewarding than volunteering my time here.

Elena: Yeah? Not even your date with amanda?

Nate: Oh, boy, here we go. Alright, alright. Get it out your system.

Elena: How was it?

Nate: [ Sighs ] It was good.

Elena: He says with a smile that could light up the room. That's good. A man of your caliber deserves to be with a woman as dynamic as you are.

Nate: Okay, let's not rush this into overdrive. It was a first date.

Elena: Oh, please. You guys have been hovering around each other for months. The date just made it official.

Nate: Oh, yeah? I didn't realize there were rules of engagement.

Elena: [ Chuckles ] I am so happy for you. G.C.'S most eligible bachelor is off the market, ladies.

[ Chuckles ]

Theo: And the slogan "back 2 basics" signifies jabot's renewed focus on its core products. It's clear, succinct, and drives the message home to our long-term customers. And, uh, that's about it. Any questions?

Jack: More than you can imagine.

Theo: What? Is something funny? Am I missing something?

Kyle: I thought your pitch was amazing.

Theo: What, are you worried your pitch won't stand out now?

Kyle: No, no. We have two very different, distinct approaches. But I'd like to hear what my father thinks before I get started. Dad, did theo's presentation spark anything with you?

Jack: Theo, I'd like to know where this concept came from.

Theo: Good old inspiration, intuition, and creativity. I thought about what the jabot brand means to people. It's something they can count on, something that's been with them all of their lives. It's a classic. I take it you liked it?

Jack: It was, uh, unexpected.

Theo: Thank you.

Jack: But not unique and not yours.

Theo: Of course it's mine.

Kyle: Theo, just stop. You're embarrassing yourself, and you're insulting my father.

Theo: [ Stammering ]

Jack: It's mine, theo, my pitch almost word for word, a pitch I made 15 years ago in this room. Did you really think I wouldn't notice? Skin sin no.17.

Amanda: So, that little boy -- tell me what happened.

Nate: Uh, no broken bones, a couple cuts, contusions. We just patched him up and sent him home.

Amanda: Well, he was lucky to have such a talented doctor& nearby, someone who wasn't gonna cost him an arm and a leg. See what I did there?

Nate: Yeah. Keep your day job.

[ Both chuckle ] Speaking of --

Amanda: No, no, no. No shoptalk for me.

Nate: Alright, then what shall we do?

Amanda: Hmm. Maybe some backgammon? Or bowling? Or we can head over to the pool table and play a friendly game of 8-ball.

Nate: Yeah. Why don't we do something where you haven't already crushed me?

Amanda: Okay. Then give me a minute. Let me think. Um, we have to find something where you would have a fighting chance of beating me.

Nate: [ Laughs ] Very funny. I am sure there's something out there.

Amanda: Well, I think we're gonna need a few more dates to figure it out.

[ Both chuckle ]

Nate: You know, uh, elena asked me how our first date went, which she said wasn't truly a first date since we've been hanging out for months.

Amanda: That's true. And it's been really nice.

Nate: Yeah?

Amanda: When we first met, i was entrenched in everything that had come before, everything that went down with ripley and...

Nate: Yeah. Must be a relief, knowing he can't hurt you anymore.

Amanda: Yeah. But someone who likes living on the edge -- he taught me about seizing your freedom, screaming it from the rooftops, actually. But I think his lesson was lost on me at the time. But now that my life is truly my own again, you better watch out because I'm gonna seize it all.

Lily: Do you have anything in writing yet?

Billy: No, of course not. I mean, we're still in the developmental stage. We don't even have an operational news site yet.

Lily: Okay. And where is this story coming from? Is it a reliable source?

Billy: The most reliable -- victoria.

Lily: Okay. Did she give you any specifics?

Billy: No. Just a tantalizing taste. And let me tell you, she is out for blood.

Lily: Well, whose blood? I mean, I'm guessing since she's not ceo at newman, it must be victor or adam'S.

Billy: Both maybe. I don't know. I would take any combination of the above.

Lily: And if you publish this story, then you're back on her good side.

Billy: Look, I know what you're thinking -- I'm already reverting down the path that you already called me out on once already. Truth is, I can't help it. I think about this and I think of all the possibilities I have to be the good guy again, a hero, and maybe even take down a rival at the same time. But that's it. You know. And I have not stopped thinking about it ever since victoria told me that she wants to take the both of them out. And you know me. I have a tendency to go big sometimes. So, if you want to read me the riot act, you go right ahead. I'm ready for it. It wouldn't be the first time somebody ripped me a new one for pushing the boundaries too far.

Lily: Do you think that you're the only one who's had to deal with your own personal demons? 'Cause I've dealt with mine, and I don't scare so easily anymore.

Billy: Good.

Lily: The only demons that scare me are the ones from that horror movie that you made me watch. Remember that? [ Chuckles ]

Billy: That was a very long time ago. Why do you still remember that?

Lily: Because it's burned into my memory.

Billy: Well, you were screaming bloody murder.

Lily: Well, good. I'm glad you remember that. Because if you do anything without running it by me or thinking it through, I will make that scream sound like a whisper.

Jack: You want to offer a defense for your actions?

Theo: I didn't realize I was on trial here.

Jack: I'm giving you a chance to explain yourself. You just pitched me my presentation. Is this a coincidence?

Theo: [ Sighs ] Kyle and summer set me up. If you want to put the blame somewhere, that's where it belongs.

Kyle: Yes. We laid the bait. But you took it of your own free will.

Theo: Okay. You pushed me.

Kyle: Nobody forced you to cannibalize someone else's work and try to pass it off as your own. You logged into summer's account. You took what you thought was my work and pretended it was yours. Nobody forced your hand. You made that choice to go down that road.

Jack: Alright, slow down. I want to know what happened.

Kyle: Theo got kendra to be his mole. She was spying on me so she could give him information about my pitch.

Summer: So we decided to turn the tables on him.

Kyle: Actually, it was summer's idea.

Summer: We found your old presentation, and we moved a copy of it onto the marketing server.

Kyle: We made sure kendra overheard us talking about it, made it sound like it was the pitch kyle was working on.

Summer: And lo and behold, theo just pitched it to you and then lied about where he got the idea.

Theo: Okay, can we stop acting like I'm the first guy ever to use someone else's work as inspiration? Or that I'm the first abbott to take a shortcut? It happens.

Summer: Uh, no. It's cheating, and it's dishonest.

Theo: I read the abbott family history. I know that everyone has done something shady at one time or the other.

Jack: That was your takeaway from traci's book? Not the lessons we learned, but a how-to book on cheating? If that's the case, you missed the point, and I feel sorry for you.

Theo: It's one of the things I admire about the abbotts. Everybody gets a second chance, an opportunity to redeem themselves. You know, a comeback can be a beautiful thing, and I promise you that next time --

Jack: Next time? Will there be a next time? Kyle?

Kyle: What are you saying?

Jack: You're my co-ceo. What happens next? Does theo get a second chance?

It's totally normal

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

[ Soft guitar music playing ]

Mariah: Alright, here you go.

Sharon: Thank you. Hey, I need to talk to you.

Mariah: Okay.

Sharon: When I had my pre-surgical appointment, they had me sign a healthcare proxy form.

Mariah: What is that?

Sharon: It's in the event that something should go wrong tomorrow and I'm not able to make my wishes known or make my own decisions, I -- I want you to speak for me.

Mariah: Nothing's gonna go wrong.

Sharon: No, I know that. This is just in case, you know. And you know what's in my heart. You know what I would want. I know this sounds scary, but --

Mariah: I can'T.

Sharon: You have to. I -- there's no one else I can trust more than you.

Mariah: What about nick?

Sharon: Given our history, it's too complex.

Mariah: Rey?

Sharon: You. Okay?

Mariah: Okay.

Sharon: I love you.

Mariah: I love you back.

Sharon: And you know what? Nothing thing is gonna go wrong. This surgery is so not a big deal. In fact, I'm planning on sleeping through whole thing.

[ Both laugh ]

[ Guitar music continues ]

Theo: Oh, this is great. Congratulations, kyle. Winner by default. No big surprise there.

Kyle: What was surprising is that you walked right into our trap. I always knew you were unethical, but I at least thought you'd be savvier than that. Hell, part of me was hoping you were checking out the competition to make sure it was nothing like your idea.

Theo: I didn't think it was that big of a deal. Back when I was an agent --

Kyle: I don't care what's acceptable in the influencer biz. You crossed a line, and that's not the way we do things here at jabot.

Theo: But we're family.

Kyle: Yeah. That got you through the door. But honesty, integrity, accountability, and creativity -- those are the things that matter here.

Theo: Lesson learned. It'll never happen again.

Kyle: You're right. It won'T. Because you're fired.

Theo: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. Yeah. Good one. I mean, you're kidding, right?

Kyle: You can leave on your own, or we can have security escort you to the exit.

Theo: Jack, are you really okay with this?

Jack: My co-ceo is accustomed to making difficult decisions. I stand by him on this one.

Theo: Well, I guess there's nothing left to say then.

[ Door closes ]

Billy: Thank you for getting me to take a step back.

Lily: Well, I have raised teenagers, you know, so I'm pretty good at convincing people to do things while making them think it was their brilliant idea.

Billy: You should have your own podcast.

Lily: [ Laughs ]

Billy: And before you say no -- before you say no, think about it, okay? You can help our media empire. You can talk to people. You can give them advice. You can help the helpless.

Lily: No.

Billy: Women, children, kids. Come on.

Lily: No, no, no. I don't want to.

Billy: It'd be great for you. It'd be great for our company.

Lily: No, never --

Billy: It'd be an extension of all the things that you worked on coming out of prison.

Lily: No, I don't want to -- listen, it's a great idea, okay, for somebody else, but I don't want to be in the public eye. I really don'T. I will reserve my unique brand of straight-shooting truth-talking for my family and friends. So, you're welcome, okay? Just be happy.

[ Both laugh ] Oh. [ Gasps ] I guess my cousin's date with amanda went so well, they're already on their second.

Billy: Well, isn't that something.

Lily: Oh! This is your chance.

Billy: My chance to what?

Lily: To convince her that you are fully on board with her working at chancellor communications, okay? Convince her to take the job while I catch up with nate, okay?

Billy: Lily --

Lily: Uh, nate! Nate! Hey! Amanda, hi. [ Chuckles ] Hello. I swear -- I swear I'm not stalking you.

Amanda: Mm, if I didn't know better.

Lily: Why don't you guys join us?

Nate: Oh, we wouldn't want to interrupt.

Lily: No. Come on. We insist, really. Yeah? No, this is amazing luck, me running into you like this.

Nate: Yeah? Uh, is there something going on I don't know about?

Lily: Oh, amanda didn't tell you?

Nate: Tell me what?

Lily: Come on. You're not keeping our job offer a secret, are you?

Amanda: I received a very generous job offer from chancellor communications to come on as their attorney, but nothing is final yet.

Nate: What's holding you back?

Amanda: Um, I just -- you know, I needed some time to think.

Lily: Which is why I've decided to enlist my partner with convincing you that chancellor is the place to be.

Amanda: Okay, that's --

Lily: So, you know what? We're gonna be right over here, okay? Billy, do not stop until she gives in. You don't mind if he borrows her, right? Alright, tell her that we need her on our side, okay? Come on. This way.

Billy: [ Sighs ] So...

Amanda: Small world.

Billy: Too small sometimes. dental insurance. Many employers don't offer it. Medicare doesn't include it. And people who work for themselves often don't consider it. But with humana, you can still have it. Starting at just $17 a month. That's less than sixty cents a day. Call humana now at the number on your screen for a free quote. With a humana dental plan, you'll get 100% coverage for in-network preventive care such as oral exams, cleanings and x-rays. Plus, you'll save on fillings, crowns and other dental procedures. And you can't be turned down because of age or pre-existing conditions. With a large network of dentists and specialists, and a variety of affordable plans, you're sure to find one to fit your family's needs and budget. Plus humana has vision plans, too, with coverage for exams, eye glasses and more. How much could you save? There's a quick, easy way to find out. Call humana now at the number on your screen for a free quote, and discover the coverage you need, at a price that will make you smile.

Billy: As you know, chancellor communications is just getting started, but we need someone to keep us grounded, to try and help us navigate the legal minefields, as well as keep every single one of our contracts air-tight. Lily is your biggest supporter. She would love to have you on board.

Amanda: What do you want, billy?

Billy: I'm not against it.

Amanda: Mm. But are you for it?

Billy: We have been through a lot in a short amount of time.

Amanda: We have.

Billy: And we've ended up on the other end as coffee buddies. So if we start working together, that sets up a whole different circumstance.

Amanda: Well, I doubt that this job is gonna require much one-on-one meetings. There's e-mails. There's texts.

Billy: Yeah. No complications there.

Amanda: None at all. As long as you're amenable, so am I.

Billy: Oh, I am nothing but amenable.

Amanda: Good. Then congratulations to both of us...after you meet a few additional demands.

Billy: Wow. That was quick. All of a sudden, it's a hostage negotiation.

Amanda: Well, if you want the best, it's gonna cost you.

Billy: And you are the best.

Amanda: See? We're agreeing already.

Nate: It was either have a nice, non-competitive lunch, or she was gonna trounce me at some other sport.

Lily: Oh. Well, I guess you've finally met your match.

Nate: And this is where you shoot me down, tell me I'm making a mistake, how wrong it is to date someone who looks so much --

Lily: Oh, come on. No, not at all. I mean, I can tell that you really, really, really like her.

Nate: Would you stop?

Lily: Oh, you love it.

[ Laughs ]

Nate: Does this mean we have your approval?

Lily: Listen. Of course. I mean, if amanda makes you happy, then I'm happy for you. And speaking of smiles, do we have a lawyer?

Amanda: You have the best. I've accepted your offer.

Lily: Oh!

Amanda: As soon as we smooth out a few minor details.

Billy: Nothing you'll object to.

Lily: Alright. Well, terrific. Welcome aboard, amanda.

Amanda: The pleasure's all mine.

Lily: [ Laughs ]

Kyle: We frame the whole pivot back to cosmetics as us listen to our customers. It's all about empowerment. We send the message that jabot is their company as much as ours. What do you think?

Jack: Riveting. Absolutely fantastic. Fresh, financially feasible, fun. You covered all the bases. You looked in every direction. I loved it.

Kyle: I couldn't have done it without summer.

Jack: You've always made a terrific team. The love you bring to jabot shows up in all of your work. I cannot wait to see what you do for this company next. Congratulations.

[ Chuckles ] And you -- congratulations. Nice work.

Kyle: So, you gonna use my pitch?

Jack: Absolutely.

Kyle: You're not just choosing it because theo screwed up and took himself out the competition?

Jack: I would never do that. I chose it because you did an incredible job.

Kyle: Thanks, dad. Yeah! We did it.

Summer: Told ya.

Kyle: This is monumental.

Summer: Ooh. Alright, so, what do we do now?

Kyle: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Faith: Oh, another good-luck text?

Mariah: How many do we have so far?

Sharon: Let's see. I've got noah, lola, nikki, jack, victoria, and everyone from my online support group.

Mariah: Well, if you give me your phone, I can make a list and send out thank-yous.

Sharon: Oh.

[ Door closes ]

Mariah: Oh, wow.

Rey: Looks like somebody sent over a gift basket.

Mariah: Holy cow.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh.

Mariah: Uh, let me see. It is from... phyllis.

Sharon: [ Gasps ] What?

Mariah: Yeah.

Sharon: Is it ticking?

Tessa: Well, if it is explosive, it is the sweetest-smelling bomb ever.

Sharon: Um, actually, it is a bomb.

Mariah: Yeah, there are bath bombs and moisturizers, a yoga gift certificate, and a spa treatment at the grand phoenix.

Faith: Oh, and look at that little pillow.

Sharon: Yeah. This is so that I can still wear my seatbelt. And let's see. There's some fuzzy socks. And look at this, this wrap. Oh, my gosh.

Mariah: That's nice.

Sharon: I love it.

Rey: That's nice. Everything you never knew you needed.

Sharon: Yeah, this is the nicest thing she's ever done for me. I guess it's proof phyllis does have a heart.

Nick: That she does.

Faith: I guess this might be the perfect time to ask. Since I've done my homework for tomorrow and beyond, do you think I could maybe take the day off school?

Sharon: I'm gonna leave that to your father.

Nick: Well, whether she's at school or here, she's gonna be doing the same thing, which is texting all day long, wanting to know what's going on, so...

Faith: So, is that a yes?

Nick: You can skip school.

Faith: Yes!

Mariah: You can hang out with me all day.

Sharon: Get over here.

Rey: Okay, everybody -- you know what? This is gonna make a great picture.

Mariah: Oh, picture time.

Rey: One for the photo album.

Sharon: Picture time. Okay.

Rey: Big smiles, everybody. Let's go. Ready? Three, two, one.

[ Camera shutter clicks ] For most patients that have

[ Cork pops ]

Summer: Hoo-hoo!

[ Both laugh ]

Kyle: Ooh.

Summer: Ooh. Day-drinking vintage champagne. Man, I could get used to this.

Kyle: Stick with me, kid.

Summer: That's the plan.

[ Glasses clink ]

Kyle: Mmm. Everything tastes better with success, don't you think?

Summer: Well, they do say that victory is nothing unless you have someone to share it with.

Kyle: Mm.

Summer: Which makes me wonder what theo's doing right about now.

Kyle: He tried to cheat and lie his way to the top. He brought it on himself, summer. You know that. Do not pity him. He got what he deserves.

[ Glasses clink ]

Theo: I thought I was being smart. I'd win jack over and kyle would be forced to come up with something new on the fly. But it turns out I was an idiot. I wish you had known me back in new york. I was the guy with the midas touch, threw the hottest parties, knew the most beautiful people, had the most revolutionary ideas. You would've liked me, I think. And then when jack issued this challenge, I told myself that i was enough like you that I could win. But then, instead of rising to the occasion, I panicked, reverted to my worst instinct. I screwed myself out of a job and, worst of all... maybe a family.

[ Door closes ]

Sharon: [ Sighs ]

Rey: What do you think?

Sharon: Well, that party was a lot more fun than I expected. You know, it took my mind off of tomorrow for a little while.

Rey: Yeah?

Sharon: Now...

Rey: You just wish you were on the other side of that surgery?

Sharon: Yeah. A few days from now, after they check my lymph nodes and they come out cancer-free and I go back to living my life.

Rey: You're getting ahead of yourself again.

Sharon: Yeah, I know. Just a few more miserable days.

Rey: We're gonna get there. We've gone this far. Just a few more steps.

Sharon: Promise?

Rey: I promise.

Amanda: What shall we drink to?

Nate: Here's to me.

Amanda: To you?

Nate: So you agree.

Amanda: [ Laughs ] I thought that we would drink to my new job.

Nate: [ Sighs ] Okay. To your legal skills and impeccable taste in doctors.

Amanda: [ Laughs ]

[ Glasses clink ]

Lily: A toast.

Billy: We're celebrating?

Lily: Yes, we are celebrating. To hiring the best lawyer in town. May she keep our competitors at bay and keep us in compliance with business regulations, right?

Billy: Hear, hear.

Lily: Hear, hear.

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