Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/16/20

Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/16/20


Episode #11841 ~ Victor comes clean with Nikki.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Chance: Impersonating phyllis to get access to her safe deposit box is no small feat, but if you get caught --

Abby: I'm not gonna get caught. And I am sick of phyllis gloating about damning evidence that she has on you and adam.

Rey: Every minute we get to spend together is a gift.

Sharon: You can't take one second for granted.

Victoria: Adam claims to have discovered a nasty skeleton in dad's closet, and he's decided to use it to get his way.

Nick: Dad gave up just like that? Why?

Victoria: I don't know. I wish I did, but he doesn't want to get into it, not even with mm.

Victor: I did what I had to do. That's all. End of story.

Nikki: Victor, exactly what happened in kansas all those years ago?

Victor: These are for you.

Nikki: Well, thank you, but...

Victor: I know they don't make up for what happened earlier, okay? I understand that. It's just an expression of my love for you.

Nikki: I went down to the tack house while you were gone, but victoria and the kids weren't there.

Victor: Well, they probably went to have dinner.

Nikki: If they did, it's probably because she wanted to put some distance between her and us.

Victor: Huh.

Nikki: And I'm sure her phone is blowing up with reporters wanting her to comment on you replacing her with adam. It's such a humiliating position for her to be in.

Victor: We'll get past it. I'll reinstate victoria as soon as I can.

Nikki: How are you going to do that? Isn't adam making you sign a contract that will prevent you from firing him?

Victor: Sweetheart, contracts don't mean a damn thing to me, okay? They're there to be broken. Besides that, I haven't signed anything yet.

Nikki: Please tell me you have have spoken to nicholas.

Victor: He's not answering my calls.

Nikki: [ Sighs ] Because he knows what has happened already. Victor, for the life of me, i cannot understand how you can do this to our family.

Mariah: So, adam is in as C.E.O., And victoria is out.

Tessa: I don't get it. I don't get it at all.

Mariah: You're not the only one.

Tessa: Victoria was devoted to that job, and nick was covering for her while she was recovering, and adam...

Mariah: Is adam. So I'm guessing there's probably something very rotten at the bottom of this.

Tessa: Hmm.

Mariah: And, normally, i wouldn't care at all because newmans are gonna newman, but I'm worried about how the news is gonna affect sharon. I mean, her surgery's in a couple days, and I just don't want her getting sucked into any adam drama.

Tessa: Do we know if she's heard about it yet?

Mariah: Not as far as I know, and adam doesn't know about her diagnosis, either.

Tessa: Is she going to tell him?

Mariah: I don't know. That's entirely up to her. But as far as I'm concerned, less adam means more peace and quiet, which is exactly what sharon needs right now.

Tessa: Yeah, but the C.E.O. Stuff is all over the news. I mean, she's bound to find out about it sooner or later.

Mariah: Not necessarily.

Rey: How was your day?

Sharon: Good. Uh, let's see. Jack stopped by crimson lights. We had a little chat.

Rey: How are you feeling? Worn out?

Sharon: I'm feeling pretty good, considering. You know, the effects of the chemo are wearing off, and these few days I have before surgery might be as good as it gets for a little while.

Rey: Well, if that's the case, maybe we should make the most of it.

Sharon: Oh. What did you have in mind?

Rey: A little romance.

Sharon: [ Gasps ] I could be up for that. What were you thinking?

Rey: You just leave that up to me.

Phyllis: Hey, traci. What are you doing here?

Traci: Hi, phyllis.

Phyllis: Is everything okay at home?

Traci: Yes. We're very glad to have dina at home with us. But what we've realized is that we need to take care of ourselves while we're taking care of her, so jack talked me into coming here for a little r&R.

Phyllis: I love that. That's a great idea. We'll take care of you.

Traci: Thank you.

Phyllis: We have a really great spa. You know what? Better yet, I'm gonna send a massage therapist up to your room. You could do hot stone or shiatsu, deep tissue, whatever you want.

Traci: That sounds amazing! I think I will take you up on that!

Phyllis: Alright.

Traci: Thank you.

Phyllis: Sure. Can, um, we send, uh, our best massage therapist up to room 406, please? Thank you. Hi. Are you okay? I listened to your message. I know you're upset.

Nick: I've calmed down some, but I'm still furious when i think about what adam's done, but I should have seen it coming. He's been too quiet, too well-behaved.

Phyllis: You know he's wanted that C.E.O. Position for a really long time.

Nick: I was really hoping chelsea would have a positive influence on him. I could not have been more wrong about that.

Phyllis: Um, you know those two are treacherous together. You know that. I mean, the part that I don't really get is why would your father betray victoria like this? She's been so loyal to him. There's an explanation for that.

Phyllis: What is it?

Nick: I can't tell you what it is until you promise me you'll keep it to yourself.

Phyllis: Okay. I will.

Nick: I'm serious, phyllis. I need to know I can trust you.

Phyllis: Well, you can.

Nick: It's about my dad's past and some dirt adam has on him. But you cannot use what I'm about to tell you against my father.

Phyllis: Okay. How dirty is the dirt? I'm just kidding. I care about you way more than i hate your father, so tell me -- what did he do... and how is adam using it? Real strawberries.

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Mariah: So, I promised rey that we would stay with faith tonight so he can whisk sharon away on a very romantic evening and away from anything that's happening at the main house.

Tessa: Oh, wow. Rey is just --

Mariah: I know. I know.

[ Chuckles ]

Abby: Hey, girls!

Mariah: Hi!

Tessa: Hi!

Abby: Welcome back! Congratulations on the tour.

Tessa: Oh, thank you! It was really fun, but I'm very glad to be home.

Mariah: We were just talking about adam taking over as C.E.O. Do you know what happened?

Abby: I don'T. I, uh, have been out of the loop lately. I tried calling victoria, but i haven't heard back yet.

Mariah: It's got to be devastating for her, I mean, especially on the heels of her breakup with billy and the attack. She's just putting her life back together.

Abby: Yeah, I-it's really awful. Um...will you excuse me for a second?

Chance: Hi.

Abby: Hey. Um, did you hear about adam?

Chance: Yeah, I did.

Abby: Did you know he was planning?

Chance: What? No. I can't imagine how he pulled it off.

Abby: It's just really bizarre, because my dad's company is like one of his children, and for him to hand it over to adam without a fight -- it means something is very wrong.

Phyllis: So, you think that your father killed this guy A.J. To protect hope?

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: Mnh.

Nick: What?

Phyllis: I don't buy it.

Nick: Why not?

Phyllis: Because -- psh! -- He's victor newman. He's gonna fly to kansas to go head to head with -- with a loan shark? That'S...beneath him. Even though he wants to protect his family, I just don't think he'd do it.

Nick: What if he went to confront him and things went bad? It could've been self-defense.

Phyllis: Yeah, but, still, it's self-defense. Why would he hide it? I mean, it'd be justified. And, apparently, everybody in town didn't like this guy. They'd say that he had it coming to him.

Nick: Then we're back to square one. Why is dad caving to adam's demands?

Phyllis: It's your father's tendency to forgive adam of anything. It's also his tendency to pit his kids against each other. You may never get an answer. You don't really need it. You just need to stop it.

Nick: It's easier said than done. Adam seems to have the leverage here, and he's using it.

Phyllis: I may have leverage of my own.

Nick: What, something from back in the day when you two were running dark horse together?

Phyllis: No, not exactly.

Nick: Then what?

Phyllis: I have to run an errand.

Nick: Where?

Phyllis: Uh, I don't want to tell you.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Listen to me. No, no, no. Listen to me. If you have damaging information about adam that I can use, of course I want to hear it. But I do not want you getting caught up in the middle of this.

Phyllis: I'm not going to. I'm not gonna do anything crazy. I'm gonna give you some information, possibly, and then it's on you. You can do whatever you want with it.

Nick: What kind of information?

Phyllis: I'll talk to you later.

Victor: Just so that you know, I have no intention of letting victoria down. I will rectify the situation, okay? Unfortunately, this is all taking a little longer than i thought it would.

Nikki: Well, even if you do rectify it eventually, have you thought about what this has done to her in the meantime?

Victor: [ Exhales sharply ] You know... maybe it's actually best for her. This gives her some more time to recuperate from her injuries.

Nikki: Victor, I don't think you have a full grasp on what this has done to her. She is going through a terrible time. She needs our undying support. But instead, you're reinforcing all the doubts she's ever had about her ability and about your faith in her.

Victor: Sweetheart, I'm doing this for the sake of my family. That's all.

Nikki: Victoria's not family?

Victor: She's not the only one to consider, alright? The story of A.J. Montalvo must never, ever see the light of day.

Nikki: I understand that that could be damaging to you. Are you putting your own self-interest ahead of others?

Victor: That's the last thing I'm doing. Well, then why won't you tell me what really happened, victor? I mean, just the two of us in private, because it's obvious that you are holding something back. Darling, you know we're always stronger when we're united. You still don't trust me... after all these years? Okay. I guess I have my answer. (Christine) my son really had to

Rey: Compliments of the house.

Sharon: Aww, how lovely.

Rey: Because our room isn't quite ready yet.

Sharon: Oh. That's fine. I'm happy right here. You know, this is bringing back memories...

Rey: Mm.

Sharon: ...Of the night we officially got back together.

Rey: Halloween. You know, when you're feeling up to it, we should plan a real vacation.

Sharon: That would be nice. You know, I just remembered this is the week that I promised faith we would take her to the beach for her spring break from boarding school. But then I got diagnosed and everything changed.

Rey: We are gonna get there eventually, maybe to celebrate when your treatment's done.

Sharon: I have no idea when that's gonna be.

Rey: Doesn't matter. If it's in the fall, we can take a nice, long road trip to new england, look at the leaves. Or if it's in the winter, we will go skiing.

Sharon: Well, you're full of ideas.

Rey: I have a lifetime's worth, because you and I are going to have a very long, happy future together... and many, many more nights like this.

Abby: What?

Chance: I'm impressed.

Abby: By?

Chance: By you... engaging with your customers, showing them a light, fun evening... when I know you're concerned about what's going on with your family.

Abby: It's upsetting. But if they're not gonna bring me into the fold, then I'm not going to worry and obsess over it.

Chance: You're really okay being on the outside?

Abby: Yeah. I really am. I-I learned my lesson the last time. My father faked his death, I got caught up in the situation, and I really regret that. So I'm just gonna keep living my life.

Chance: That's good to hear.

Abby: If my father needs me, he knows I will be there for him, but until then...

Chance: Victor is lucky to have you. If I was to someone to be in my corner, I'd choose you.

Abby: Go on.

Chance: You're calm in a crisis. You're quick on your feet. You're cool under fire. You know... you'd be good at undercover work.

Abby: Ooh! I'll keep that in mind as plan "B."

Chance: Yeah?

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: I'm happy for abby.

Tessa: Hmm. Aww. Yeah, they seem good together. Yeah.

Mariah: You know, she was a good friend to me while you were gone. She talked me off a few ledges. We even went out dancing once.

Tessa: Oh! Dancing? Did you, uh, go the matchbox?

Mariah: Uh... uh, yeah. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have -- I shouldn't have brought that up.

Tessa: No, no, it's okay. I wasn't accusing you of anything. We're -- we're past what happened.

Mariah: You're sure?

Tessa: Yes. But I am not gonna lie. I'm pretty happy that lindsay is working at the matchbox full-time again and not here.

Mariah: Yeah. The fewe awkward run-ins, the better... not that what happened was lindsay's fault at all. I-I take full responsibility for what happened.

Tessa: Hey. You don't have to explain. We're good.

Traci: Oh, jack, thank you so much for the shaker of cosmos. You -- you shouldn't have, but I'm really glad you did. Yes. Everything here is perfect. I'm relaxing. I'm recharging. How's dina? Good! Okay. Well, then I'm gonna go because I have a massage any minute now.

[ Chuckles ] Thanks again. Love you. Bye. Ahh. Yum. Okay.

Victor: I wasn't sure I was gonna see you tonight.

Nick: We're not putting it off any longer. We need to talk. Look, this isn't my first rodeo...

Chance: So, what would you like to do when you get off work? Want to go see a movie?

Abby: Ooh, I've been dying to see that new mystery.

Phyllis: No need. I'll tell you who did it. It was you and your boy scout boyfriend. Wow. That's a great cover when you want to break the law, isn't it?

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Chance: Phyllis, what are you going on about?

Phyllis: Ou know what I'm going on about.

Abby: Okay. I know that if you don't calm down, I'm gonna have you escorted off the premises and it'll be the highlight of my evening.

Phyllis: Um, did you really think that I wasn't gonna notice that that was you under that tacky, tacky orange wig? Yeah. Uh, I went to go get my flash drive out of my security deposit box, and -- wow! -- I was robbed. And after I raised holy hell with the bank management, they showed me video footage of woman impersonating me, um, forging my name -- forging my name. She had a fake I.D. And everything. My guess is that was your part of the operation, the fake I.D.

Abby: Okay. Enough of these wild accusations. Phyllis, you have no proof, and it sounds like the evidence that you did have incriminating chance and adam is gone, so why don't you just admit you've been outplayed and let it go?

Phyllis: I have been outplayed. You are 100% correct.

[ Sighs ]

Abby: Okay, that was too easy.

Chance: Way too easy.

Sharon: [ Gasps ]

Rey: Mm?

Sharon: Wow!

Rey: Huh?

Sharon: Do I hear ocean waves?

Rey: Sort of. Sound machine. I know how disappointed you were that we had to postpone our trip to the beach, so I thought I'd give you a taste of things to come. Imagine it's a little place by the shore.

Sharon: Aww.

Rey: [ Chuckles ]

Sharon: This is...amazing.

Rey: Wild salmon for dinner.

Sharon: When did you have time to arrange all this?

Rey: You know, I got to give phyllis credit. I made the request, and she made it happen.

Sharon: Ah. Phyllis's reaction to my diagnosis has been unexpectedly sweet...

Rey: Mm.

Sharon: ...For as sweet as phyllis can be. Anyway, I feel so blessed to have so much support and love around me for the meals and the pep talks.

Rey: Mm. Team sharon is the best, but... I'm glad it's just the two of us tonight.

Sharon: Me, too.

Rey: We can just... forget about the rest of the world and... focus on each other.

Sharon: Sounds perfect.

Victor: I trust you saw adam's interview?

Nick: It was hard to miss.

Victor: Mm. Sorry you found out that way. I wanted to tell you myself.

Nick: What, that you're being blackmailed for murder? I talked to vick.

Victor: Mm.

Nick: Adam, too.

Victor: And you believe their version of events?

Nick: I don't know what to believe, dad. But if you didn't do what they're saying you did, why are you giving in to adam's demands?

Victor: Son, you have got to trust that I know what I'm doing, okay?

Nick: Yeah. There was a time where that would have been enough, where your words would just put us right into line, but those days are gone, dad.

Victor: I'm protecting my family. You know that I would give my life to protect you and your sister.

Nick: We know that.

Victor: Okay.

Nick: But we also know you make mistakes, particularly where adam is concerned, like bringing him back to genoa city. That was a mistake. Forgiving him for tampering with your medication, letting him go when we finally had a chance to get rid of him for good was a huge mistake. And now the whole family's paying the price for that, not just you, so, no, I will not be letting you handle this alone.

Victor: Meaning what?

Nick: You're just gonna have to wait and see.

Victor: Oh, wait a minute, son. I'm warning you, do not go after adam alone.

Nick: Not a great feeling, is it, being kept in the dark? Welcome to the other side.

Your migraine strikes,

and the struggle is real.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Phyllis: Let me ask you something. All the evidence against adam -- that's destroyed?

Chance: That's a fair guess to say that...whoever stole your flash drive destroyed it.

Phyllis: Ohh. That's a shame.

Abby: Why is that?

Phyllis: Because I was going to give that to nick to use against adam because he is going after your father and your sister.

Abby: Yeah, right. Like you would ever come to victor's rescue.

Phyllis: I'm not coming to victor's rescue. I'm not a fan of victor. It's for nick. And I don't think it's right that adam ousted victoria out of a job she was so good at -- something that nick was trying to keep alive while she was recuperating.

Abby: So, you're trying to score points with nick?

Phyllis: No! I'm trying to protect your family. That's what I'm trying to do. But because you had to protect your boy scout boyfriend here, all you did was clear a path for adam to launch a brand-new vicious attack against the newmans. Brilliant move, abby. Brilliant move.

Mariah: Oh, god. Don't you have anything better to do than interrupt our meal?

Theo: You are gonna feel bad about that less-than-warm greeting when you find out why i came over.

Tessa: Oh.

Mariah: Okay. Why?

Theo: To wish you well. I'm glad to see you two back together. Lola was worried, but I knew you'd work things out.

Mariah: You did, huh?

Tessa: Well, he's a real whiz and knowing what women want.

Mariah: [ Chortles ]

Theo: I deserve that. If I, uh, never formally apologized for our little misunderstanding while I was working at power and... got a little flirtatious, then allow me to say now... I'm sorry.

Tessa: Okay. Thanks.

Theo: [ Chuckles ] And congratulations on the whole "teriah" thing going viral. I mean, that is a gift from the social-media gods. I mean, mariah, you probably weren't thinking strategically when you made that on-stage apology to tessa, but it was brilliant brand-building.

Mariah: Did you just take a left turn from magnanimous gesture into hidden agenda cove?

Theo: All I'm saying is if you play your cards right, you could turn this free publicity into something more. I've been monitoring both of your follower accounts, and both of you are reaching numbers to attract sponsors.

Mariah: I hope you're not suggesting that we monetize our relationship.

Theo: Well, I -- when you say it like that, it sounds crass.

Mariah: Yeah.

Tessa: Uh-huh.

Mariah: Yeah, it sure does.

Theo: But the fact is, if properly nurtured by an experienced social-media professional, this could be beneficial to tessa's career and both of your bank accounts.

Tessa: You know what? He makes a good point.

Mariah: Mm.

Tessa: You know what? I should ask tanner. Maybe he knows someone who can manage something like that for us.

Mariah: That is a good idea.

Tessa: Yeah!

Theo: Ouch.

Mariah: Look, even if we wanted to promote our love story, which we never, ever would, theo, we certainly wouldn't hire you to do it because you don't know anything about love. You're a cynic. It's kind of like hiring the grinch to promote christmas.

Traci: Thank you, shea, so much. I had no idea how much I needed a massage. Bye.

[ Sighs ] Mm.

[ Chuckles ] Ah. Okay.

Victor: Son...

[ Breathes deeply ] I'm not playing games. You must not get involved in the situation.

Nick: Why do you insist on handling this alone?

Victor: Because that's the way it has to be.

Nick: [ Scoffs ] You know, the last time adam went on the attack, we all pulled together to fight him off, alright? We all risked a lot to do that. I didn't tell summer or chelsea what you were doing. You were faking your own death. Hell, vick went to prison for you. She got arrested for murder. So why are you suddenly treating us like we can't be trusted with the truth?

Victor: Son, I understand your point, but you must understand that this is a very different situation. It requires the utmost discretion.

Nick: Alright. Obviously, I'm not gonna convince you otherwise. But if you insist on dealing with this alone, you can't be surprised if we do the same.

Victor: I'm asking you... don't get involved. And you tell your sister -- warn her -- not to delve into the story that adam concocted. It is very dangerous. Is that clear?

Nick: Why? Why is it dangerous? Because A.J. Got murdered and the real killer's out there on the loose? Do you know who did this, dad?

Victor: I can't tell you.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Then you must know how infuriating that is, right? You know what? Let me give you some advice. You want to shut out me and vick? Go ahead. But do not do this to mom. She's your partner. She is the most loyal person in the world to you. And whatever you think you're accomplishing by treating her like this, it can't possibly be worth what you're losing in the process.

Seresto, seresto, seresto.

Sharon: You know, when i close my eyes and listen to the waves and smell these flowers, I can almost believe that I'm at the beach.

Rey: Mm. That was the idea -- our own mini vacation.

Sharon: Mm. Or was it... an escape from reality?

Rey: What do you mean?

Sharon: Were you trying to keep me from hearing the news about adam?

Rey: So much for clever plan. How do you feel about him becoming C.E.O.?

Sharon: Honestly, I'm indignant on victoria's behalf. She's worked so hard to overcome her injuries to get back to the job that she loves, only to have it taken away from her.

Rey: So, you're worried about victoria? That's it?

Sharon: Pretty much. I mean, yeah, I'd like to give victor a piece of my mind for putting victoria through hell, but...if you're asking me if i want to talk to adam about this, the answer is no.

Rey: Mm-hmm. You know, I figured as much. It was just, uh --

Sharon: It was just you were worried that you might risk me getting worked up.

Rey: Yeah. Well, that's -- that's only part of the truth. Your daughters and I didn't want you having any distractions, but... the truth of the matter is... I want you all to myself. No offense to your wonderful girls.

Sharon: I really like having time alone with you, too. You know, I appreciate the effort that you put into trying to protect me from news about newman. I'm so grateful to have you. Thank you for loving me.

Rey: I couldn't stop if i tried.

Theo: I don't know where you got the idea that I don't believe in love.

Mariah: Your relationships.

Tessa: In your words and actions.

Mariah: Just, like, you -- like, the very being of you at a cellular level.

Tessa: Yeah. Yeah.

Theo: Well, you guys are wrong. It just goes to show you don't know me at all.

Mariah: Mm. You know, i really wish that we had the time to get to know the real theo, but the thing is we got that -- well, I've got, like, a roo--

Tessa: I got to go to the dmv.

Mariah: Root canal, so, you know, that's that. But I hear you've been hanging out with lola a lot. Does she get to see the real you?

Theo: I hope so. Anyway, you know... I was mostly kidding about the "teriah" thing. You know, I've got my hands full at jabot.

Mariah: Oh, yes. I heard.

Theo: Heard what?

Mariah: Well, that you've been goading kyle and jack got fed up with it. Kyle told me about it.

Tessa: Mm. That sounds like what happened at power.

Mariah: Yes, it does, but you know what? He hasn't gotten fired from jabot -- yet -- although he and kyle are on a crash collision course.

Theo: [ Sighs ] It's gonna be fine. We're both putting together plans to rebrand the company. That is all.

Mariah: And they're presenting them both to jack tomorrow.

Tessa: Ooh. Sounds like pressure.

Mariah: Yeah. I actually don't know why you're hanging out here. Shouldn't you be at the office?

Theo: Well, inspiration comes from many places.

Tessa: Oh, you're still looking for inspiration, huh? Ooh.

Theo: Listening to you judging me is giving me all sorts of ideas.

Mariah: I hope so, because from what it sounds like, this is your last chance to impress your uncle jack.

Abby: Did you really destroy that flash drive?

Chance: I've never really been in the habit of holding on to incriminating evidence.

Abby: I have an idea. What you destroyed was a conversation between you and adam. So what if you drew him into another conversation about what happened in vegas and recorded that?

Chance: I thought you said you didn't want to get involved in the drama at newman.

Abby: That was before. That was before I realized that there may be something I can do to help victoria. So, please, what do you say?

Chance: I don't know.

Abby: Come on. This is the perfect solution.

Chance: Sweetheart, I don't feel comfortable setting a trap for adam. He saved my life.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Nikki: Nicholas didn't stay very long.

Victor: It's a very frustrating situation for everyone.

[ Breathes deeply ]

Nikki: Well, things are going to get worse before they get better, if they do get better. Victor, have you considered that the family may never recover from the decisions you're making right now?

Victor: If you knew what happened in kansas... you would understand why I had to do what I did.

Nikki: And I want to understand. Please just tell me.

Victor: If I do, there's no going back.

Nikki: That's alright. I need to know.

Victor: [ Breathes deeply ] Alright. I'll tell you everything. (Asaad) since my mother got cancer from smoking,

Mariah: We have to go meet faith, and I'm sure you have to get back to work. Good luck with the pitch.

Theo: Don't need luck. I've got everything I need right up here. Just need to pick the idea that jack will like best.

Mariah: You know, kyle seems pretty confident, as well.

Theo: Yeah, well, I'm not surprised. He's been working at jabot a lot longer than I have, and his dad is judging the competition, so...

Mariah: Well, it sounds like you're lining up a lot of excuses in case you lose.

Theo: I have no intention of losing.

Mariah: That's a good attitude, you know, 'cause without all the glory and the dreams of jabot... what do you really have?

Theo: Didn't you say you had somewhere to be?

Mariah: Come on.

Abby: Bye. See you later. Mwah! Bye. Love you.

Chance: Are you still up for that movie?

Abby: Uh, you know what? I-I'm kind of beat, so I think I'm just gonna go home and get some rest.

Chance: Okay.

Abby: Yeah.

Chance: I'll give you a call tomorrow.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Rey: What do you want to do now? You want to go to the hot tub?

Sharon: Mm... I have a better idea.

Rey: Mm. I like this idea.

Sharon: Well, good, because... it might be the last time that we can be together before... things change.

Rey: You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen... and you always will be.

Sharon: I want to remember everything about this night.

Phyllis: Ohh.

Nick: [ Exhales sharply ]

Phyllis: Mission not accomplished. I'm sorry.

Nick: It's okay.

Phyllis: I ran in to some complications. Uh, I did not have access to information that I thought I had.

Nick: Don't worry about it. Part of me is actually relieved.

Phyllis: Why?

Nick: Because I know how you get when you're on a mission. And the last thing I want is for you to put yourself in the line of fire between my dad and adam.

Phyllis: That's so sweet.

Nick: How sweet is it?

Phyllis: Very sweet.

Nikki: I don't know what to say. You've been keeping this horrible secret all these years.

Victor: Do you understand now why I reacted to adam's threats the way I did?

Nikki: Of course. I mean, there was no other way.

Victor: And, my baby, you understand why this story must never become public.

Nikki: [ Sighs ] It's just so overwhelming. I don't know what I expected you to say, but it wasn't this.

Victor: [ Sighs ] Are you sorry I told you?

Nikki: No, of course not. Now that I know... we'll find our way through it together.

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