Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/15/20

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/15/20


Episode #11840 ~ Jack comforts Sharon; Summer and Kyle put a plan in motion.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Jack: You have seven days to come up with a plan to rebrand.

Theo: A week?

Jack: That's right. In one week, you will come with your individual proposals, and i will decide which one of them impresses me enough to let you lead the charge.

Summer: Theo will do anything to win but he doesn't have your secret weapon -- me.

Chelsea: Putting you in this job is a small price for victor to pay, considering the alternative.

Nick: You won't get away this.

Adam: I already did.

Sharon: They're going to do a lymph node biopsy at the same time and make sure the cancer hasn't spread.

Sharon: Oh, I can handle that.

Mariah: Oh, that's okay. I got it.

Sharon: No, I'm more than capable of refilling the flower vases.

Mariah: No, I know you are, but I got a groove going on here, so why don't you just sit back and relax?

Sharon: I don't want to sit back and --

Mariah: Hey.

Sharon: Mariah.

Mariah: No, mom, it's fine. I'm almost finished.

Sharon: Would you, damn it, just please let me do it?

Mariah: Whoa!

[ Vase shatters ]

Nick: Trying to kill the man wasn't enough. Now you got to cook up this bogus murder charge to hang over dad's head?

Adam: You don't know what you're talking about.

Nick: I know you. This is right out of your playbook.

Adam: This is no game, brother. The facts speak for themselves.

Nick: As if anyone would believe this ridiculous tale you're spinning contains any facts.

Adam: Think about it, nick. Do you really think that I would be in this office right now if it weren't true? You think pops would just cave when I brought him the story? He caved for one reason -- because he is a murderer.

Nick: You're a sick bastard.

Adam: Nick...back off.

Nick: You're never gonna be happy, are you? You got chelsea. You got your son. You got more money than you can ever spend. But you want more, so you take, you take, and then you take some more. But it's not enough, and it's never gonna be enough until you leave this family with nothing 'cause that's all you care about. It's all you will ever care about.

Adam: And what are you gonna do? Are you gonna hit me now?

Nick: Oh, I might.

Adam: And what's that gonna prove, nick -- that dad's innocent?

[ Sighs ] God, you are a fraud. Do you know that?

Nick: Don't push me, boy.

Adam: No, you do everything you can to stand apart from this family, and then you try to ride in as the great avenger when it suits you. So, please, take your phony outrage somewhere else, nick.

Nick: You son of a bitch!

Chelsea: Stop! Stop this right now.

Traci: Hi.

Jack: Hey.

Traci: Is everything okay?

Jack: Yeah, I just heard a noise coming out of dina's room.

Traci: Oh, I'll get it. I'll get it.

Jack: That's okay. I --

Traci: No, no, no, no. I'll go check.

Jack: [ Exhales heavily ]

[ Groans ]

Traci: I just poked my head in. She's sleeping soundly.

Jack: Oh. So now I'm imagining things.

Traci: No, no. I do the same thing. The slightest sound, and I'm up like a shot. How you doing?

Jack: I'm doing great. I'm just trying to get some work done.

Traci: You look a little tired.

Jack: Well, thank you. I could say the same about you.

Traci: Well, I am not running a huge cosmetics company and worrying about mother like you are.

Jack: No, you're worrying about mother and writing best-selling novels. I think we're even.

Traci: [ Sighs ] Well, she seemed like she was doing better this morning.

Jack: Yeah, she did seem more alert, didn't she?

Traci: Yeah. I was wondering if maybe kyle or theo stopped by to see her. That always cheers her --

Jack: No, kyle and theo will not be stopping by.

Traci: Oh.

Jack: They are very busy. Believe me.

Traci: Oh, that sounds serious.

Jack: It is. The stakes have never been higher.

Kyle: Hey, hey.

Summer: Hey.

Kyle: [ Smooches ] Your assistant told me you'd be here.

Summer: Yeah, I had a meeting with my team, and I told them that they'd have to handle things today while I helped you with your pitch for jack.

Kyle: Oh, you did that for me?

Summer: Well, technically i did it for jabot because i believe that you are the best person for this job.

Kyle: Ah, you might be a little biased.

Summer: I'm definitely biased, but I believe in you. Anyway, it never hurt to have another set of eyes and ears to look things over.

Kyle: Mm, especially your beautiful eyes.

Summer: Mm. And what about my ears?

Kyle: Oh, yeah, they're cute, too.

Summer: Ah.

Kyle: Um...

Summer: What? Oh. No, I don't think lola's around. I haven't seen her since I got here.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] You sure?

Summer: Okay, the last thing I want to do is throw our romance in lola's face, especially since she's been so classy and decent with everything.

Kyle: Just to confirm -- the coast is clear?

Summer: Crystal.

Kyle: Well, in that case...

Summer: Alright, you ready go slay some dragons?

Kyle: With you in my corner, I can't miss.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Lola: Hi. I was just about to check in. What? Run that by me again.

Theo: [ Sighs ]

[ Knock on door ] Come in. Oh, hey, kendra. What's up?

Kendra: Kyle just texted. He and summer are reserving the boardroom.

Theo: Ah. Which means I'm gonna have to go find someplace else to work. Okay, well, I'll be working out of society for the rest of the day. In the meantime... are you still up for helping me with this kyle thing?

Kendra: Absolutely.

Theo: Well, then I have an assignment for you.

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provided by... my cholesterol is borderline.

Nick: Did you know about this?

Chelsea: About victor? Yes, I knew.

Nick: And you just hopped right on board?

Adam: Leave chelsea out of this, nick.

Nick: I ain't talking to you! I asked you a question.

Adam: She doesn't have to answer it.

Chelsea: It's okay. I don't mind.

Adam: We don't owe him an explanation. He's not in charge of anything, especially around here.

Nick: Yeah, what are you gonna do? You want to call security? You better get a lot of guys in here.

Adam: Oh, I don't need them to throw you out of here, nick.

Nick: Try it, please.

Chelsea: Stop it. Stop it. Please stop. Nick, that is not gonna solve anything, okay? He's telling the truth.

Nick: I don't believe either one of you.

Chelsea: Okay, fine. You don't have to, okay? You can scream some more. You can punch the wall if you want to. But at the end of the day, adam is still gonna be in charge.

Nick: And that justifies what he's done?

Chelsea: Yes. You should be thanking him, not threatening to hit him.

Nick: Are you kidding me?

Chelsea: Do you know what would happen if this story went public? Victor would be put in prison.

Nick: So, what? You want my gratitude as a reward for blackmailing dad?

Chelsea: Come on, nick. Don't be so naive. Everything about this place is transactional. Far worse things have happened in this office.

Nick: And in your mind, that justifies what he's doing?

Chelsea: Adam belongs in the chair. It doesn't matter to me how he got there. It is irrelevant.

Nick: I can't believe this. You really have changed, or maybe I'm seeing who you are for the first time.

Chelsea: Is that really what you think?

Nick: What I think is there's a lot of ugly in this. And you joining adam on the dark side is one sad part of it.

Chelsea: You are allowed to be angry about what you think adam did wrong. But you better be grateful for what he's done right.

Kyle: I've got some definite ideas about how we can re-brand the cosmetics line. It's sort of a -- kendra. Hi. Thanks. We appreciate, uh, you organizing the room.

Summer: Whee.

Kyle: Uh, what are you doing?

Kendra: I assumed you'd want me to take notes.

Kyle: Uh, normally we would, um, but not today. We should be fine on our own.

[ Door closes ]

Kyle: Ready to dive in?

Summer: Sure. Let's get started.

[ Keys clacking ]

Theo: Hey. I've missed you.

Lola: Hi. I've missed you, too.

[ Smooches ]

Theo: Hope you don't mind me setting up to work here. I've got a ton left to do on this pitch, and there isn't gonna be a good vibe around jabot today for obvious reasons.

Lola: Theo, that's fine. You can stay here as long as you want. I just have to --

Theo: You know, you gave me such a great pep talk the other day about not assuming kyle was a lock to win, even if he uses the daddy card. I figured I could use some more of that positive energy.

Lola: Theo --

Theo: And, look, I know that you have the lunch rush coming up, so I promise not to get in your way. Well, not too much anyway.

Lola: Theo!

Theo: Yeah?

Lola: I have to leave.

Theo: Uh, where you going?

Lola: Miami. There is an issue with the construction of my new restaurant, and I have to be there to straighten things out.

Theo: Don't you have people there handling that stuff for you?

Lola: I do, but this is something that I have to take care of myself.

Theo: When do you have to go?

Lola: If I can get organized fast enough, this afternoon.

Theo: That soon?

Lola: I'm afraid so. I'm so sorry.

Theo: What are you talking about? Sorry for what?

Lola: For not being here for you.

Theo: No, no, no, no. Lola, lola, stop. You have nothing to apologize for. You go and do what you need to do, and I will go and do what i need to do. And when we meet back up again, it'll be good news all around.

Lola: Are you sure you're not disappointed?

Theo: No, not at all. My pitch is actually in really great shape. Just a few more tweaks, and i will be ready to go.

Lola: Well, you're gonna knock it out of the park.

Theo: Guaranteed. What makes a sauce, rag ?

Traci: Jack... do you ever wonder what mother's thinking, what she's dreaming about? I do all the time. I sometimes sit by the bed and watch her sleep, and if she gets a little restless, I'll squeeze her hand and I'll say, "mother, you're safe. It's alright." And sometimes she gets this really sweet little smile on her face. And I say, "what are you doing, dina? And who's in there with you?" Is that silly? It's silly, huh?

Jack: No, it's not one bit silly. Not one bit.

Traci: We did the right thing, didn't we, bringing her home?

Jack: We absolutely did the right thing.

Traci: Okay. And even though it's hard sometimes, you know, this is the best place for her, here with her family.

Jack: I don't have one moment of regret.

Traci: Okay, okay, good.

[ Sniffles, chuckles ] And we can't let ourselves crash and burn either, right?

Jack: No. I was reading about caregiver fatigue just this morning.

Traci: Ah. And it amazes me. How is it that you've avoided it? Jack, you have so much on your plate. I mean, earlier you were implying that running jabot was equally as demanding as writing a book, and that's just not the truth. You have so much responsibility.

Jack: Is part of your concern that you won't be able to strike a balance in looking after mother and taking this job billy's offered you?

Traci: I didn't even know that he had told you.

Jack: Sounds like a pretty amazing opportunity.

Traci: [ Sighs ] It is.

[ Chuckles ] Did he have you come over here to lobby me to agree?

Jack: No, no, no, no, I'm not trying to convince you of anything.& I'm just saying, if it's something you want to do, i think you'd be great at it. I also think it might give you a little peace of mind worrying about something other than mother.

Traci: Maybe. But, jack, I'm just so used to working alone when I write my books, and I don't have any practical management experience. I just think entering the business world would be such a huge leap.

Jack: Dina went from being a stay-at-home mother to being a business titan. I think you can go from being a successful novelist to running an online fiction platform.

Traci: I am nothing like our mother.

Jack: You have her energy. You have her creativity. You have her drive... without all the ugly parts.

Traci: Oh, come on. I am far from perfect. In fact, sometimes when I am taking care of her, I just want to scream with frustration.

Jack: Yeah, I know something about that. It's hard on everybody.

Jack: Yeah. Which is why we all have to keep an even keel.

Traci: Yes, we do, and it's why, now that I'm home, I want you to go out, have some fun.

Jack: Fun? What's that?

Traci: [ Chuckles ] Jack, I'm serious. Look, you've been watching mther all day, and it's my turn.

Jack: I'm fine. Thank you. I'm fine.

Traci: I mean it. Go get some air. Go to a movie or go to the gym. Come on.

Jack: A gym, a movie. Oh, the infinite possibilities.

Traci: Okay, I am kicking you out.

Jack: I'll only do this if you'll allow me to return the favor tonight.

Traci: Okay. That's a deal. But for now, get going.

Jack: Well, how can I turn down such a lovely invitation?

Traci: [ Laughs ]

Jack: I'll see you later.

Traci: See you later.

[ Sighs ]

Mariah: I'm so, so, so sorry.

Sharon: No, please don't apologize.

Mariah: No, I-I don't know why I have to be so stubborn. You wanted to arrange the flowers. I should have just let you arrange the damn flowers. Instead, I had to go and make it a competition.

Sharon: Mariah, stop. You are the last person who should be apologizing. I should be apologizing. I am so, so sorry. You know, when I found out that I needed the surgery, i agreed -- we all agreed -- to have everybody pitch in and make things a little bit easier on me. And you were just doing what you promised. I don't know why -- I just got worked up.

Mariah: Well, why?

Sharon: I-I don't know. I-I don't know why I feel the way I do one moment to the next lately. You know, I'm -- I'm so grateful for your support, for everybody's support. And your help has just been an amazing gift to me. But it's -- it's also a reminder that I do need help. You know, I can't do everything for myself anymore. And so sometimes I just try to grab at things to try to find some tiny bit of control I can take over my life. I might hold on to -- I don't know -- some dumb things, try to convince myself that I'm not helpless.

Mariah: Hey. You're not helpless. You're the strongest woman i know.

Sharon: Well, I don't feel that way. And that's why I just insisted on refilling the flower vase myself, even though what you were doing was just so lovely and so perfect. And I'm so happy that I have such a lovely and perfect daughter. And I know I'm very confusing and -- and -- and full of contradictions. I-I wish I knew how to fix it. I-I guess this is just who I am right now.

Mariah: Well, your lovely and perfect daughter thinks that you are pretty perfect, as well. I love you and your contradictions. I love all of you. But can I ask you a big favor?

Sharon: Sure.

Mariah: Next time, just dump the flowers on my head, and then I'll get the hint, like, immediately. I promise. [ Chuckles ]

Sharon: [ Chuckles ]

Nick: You know, if it's all the same to you, I will not be giving adam credit for anything, least of all pushing his own sister out of a job she loves and legitimately earned.

Adam: It was handed to her, nick, so please stop rewriting history.

Nick: Vick started in that mailroom as a teenager. Yes, her last name has given her some advantages in life, but she spent decades there, moving up the ranks, proving to our father that she was a worthy successor. And he told her no so many times. Well, what did vick do? Did she resort to blackmail like you? Hell, no. She worked her damn tail off and made him change his mind.

Adam: Then she's a sucker for constantly working hard to win the approval of a man who repeatedly disrespected her.

Nick: That's typical, typical that you think someone doing something the right way and honestly is a sign of weakness.

Adam: No. No. I'm just not gonna genuflect to a man who got away with murder.

Nick: We're talking about the same man who helped you get away with your crimes, right? Like tampering with his medication?

Adam: Are we finished here? Have you gotten it all out of your system?

Nick: You know, I'm not surprised. Nothing you do disappoints me. But I guess I can start saying the same about you.

Adam: Hey, I told you to leave chelsea out of this, nick.

Chelsea: It's okay. Let him speak his mind.

Nick: You want to love this guy, cool. You want to fight for him, go for it. But it's not really just about the two of you, is it, chelsea? What about connor?

Adam: Oh, don't even go there, nick.

Nick: Why not? Seems like anyone and everything is fair play in your world. Do you really want this guy to be a role model for your son?

Adam: Nick.

Nick: After what he's done to his own father and to his sister? You want your boy turning out like him?

Mom used to say "go out and play"

Theo: Hey. Uh, did you book your flight?

Lola: I did. I've got just enough time to swing by the apartment and pack a bag.

Theo: I can drive you the airport.

Lola: Thank you. But aren't you on a deadline?

Theo: Oh, so you think I'm gonna need every second I can grab to knock down old king kyle?

Lola: I have complete confidence in you.

Theo: Well, that makes one and a half us.

Lola: Come on, theo. You could walk into that boardroom tomorrow, wing something, and have them eating out of your hand.

Theo: You see? That's what I need.

Lola: No. What you need to sit down, dig deep, and know that you're good enough to pull this off. Make sense?

Theo: Ah, it does when you say it.

[ Chuckles ]

Lola: Well, I've got to run.

Theo: Well, good luck in miami.

Lola: Thank you.

Theo: And let me know if there's anything I can do to help?

Lola: Just be here when I get back.

Theo: Turns out I don't like any other restaurants in town, so I have no choice. You're stuck with me.

Lola: Bye.

Theo: [ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Kyle: So, I've been noodling around this idea I'm calling "jabot classics."

Summer: Mm.

Kyle: Here's the pitch.

Summer: Okay.

[ Door opens ]

Kendra: I thought you could use some refills.

Kyle: Uh, sure.

Kendra: [ Sighs ]

Summer: Hey, kendra, um, my phone died. Can I borrow yours? I just have to search something.

Kendra: [ Sighs ] You can'T. My battery's dead, too.

Summer: Mm.

[ Door closes ]

Kyle: Here. You can use mine.

Summer: I don't need a phone.

Kyle: But you just asked --

Summer: Kendra. I don't think we can trust her.

Chelsea: To answer your question, I think adam is an amazing father.

Adam: You don't have to defend me to him. And you know what? You don't get to trash chelsea as a mother, either.

Nick: That's not what I'm doing. I'm just questioning some of her really solid choices.

Adam: You don't have a right to do that, either, okay? Keep chelsea out of this. You come after me all you want. You understand?

Nick: What are you gonna do?

Adam: [ Sighs ]

Nick: See, make no mistake. I will come after you. Vick belongs in that chair, not you, and if dad's not gonna fight for...then I will.

Adam: Wait a minute. You need to hear this 'cause you could end up hurting people that you claim to love. Everything that I told victor is the truth. Everything, nick.

Nick: It's all lies.

Adam: Mnh. I did not want to believe it, either. But if you actually look at the evidence, there is no other conclusion. Victor newman killed that man. And, yeah, he did it to protect my mother, but the point is, he did it.

Nick: You know, if you had any credibility at all, I might give you the benefit of the doubt. But you don'T. And you never will with me.

[ Door opens ]

Adam: [ Sighs ]

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Mariah: [ Gasps ] If it isn't jack abbott in the wild foraging for coffee.

Jack: Is that your subtle way of telling me I haven't been showing my face around here enough lately? Your daughter is calling me out for not being a regular enough customer.

Sharon: Well, I'm sure you've got a lot keeping you busy, jack, so what can I get you?

Jack: Just your lovely company. It was a lovely day out there. I decided to go for a walk in the park. And I walked and I walked... and I walked and I somehow found myself here.

Sharon: Sounds like a man who just needed to clear his head.

Jack: Yeah. We brought dina home.

Sharon: How is she?

Jack: As well as can be expected, though it's difficult.

Sharon: I'm sorry. So, how's work?

Jack: Work is difficult, as well, inspired by my family, of cour-- oh. How do you do this?

Sharon: What?

Jack: Get me talking about myself when my express purpose for coming here was to ask how my old friend was doing?

Sharon: Old friend...

Jack: Well, we were certainly a lot more than that once, but, yeah, an old cherished friend. How are you?

Sharon: I'm -- I'm fine.

Jack: Are you really?

Sharon: Okay, um... the chemo wasn't working, so now I'm going to be having surgery sooner than I expected.

Jack: Not the news you wanted to hear.

Sharon: It's been hovering over me like a dark cloud. And whenever I find a few minutes to forget about it, the cloud comes on back and says, "hey, don't forget about me!"

Jack: It'll be okay.

Sharon: That's the hope.

Jack: I didn't say it as a question. I said it is a statement. It will be okay. Cancer took on the wrong person. Cancer had no idea what kind of fight it was in for.

Theo: [ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

Kyle: What's your problem with kendra?

Summer: It's just a weird vibe I'm getting from her lately.

Kyle: Explain.

Summer: Okay. Well, how about the way that she just tried to stick around after we told her that she could go? Or the hovering? I swear I saw her trying to sneak some looks at our notes.

Kyle: You don't know that for sure.

Summer: Okay, fine. What about the phone bit? Kendra got a text, and as soon as I asked to see her phone, she practically jumped out of her skin.

Kyle: So you think she's a spy?

Summer: I do.

Kyle: For theo?

Summer: Who else?

Kyle: Why would he take that chance?

Summer: Because I think that theo is feeling overwhelmed. He's flailing around, desperate for ideas. And since he doesn't have any, he's gonna just borrow ours.

Kyle: Well, if that's his plan, it didn't work. So, fine, let him walk into the meeting with jack empty-handed.

Summer: That'll be too easy for him. You know theo. He's just gonna use a "dog ate my homework" excuse, and jack is gonna let him off the hook.

Kyle: That's not giving my dad much credit.

Summer: I think that your dad feels sorry for him, and theo is gonna use that. You know I'm right.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] So, what do we do now?

Summer: We bait the trap.

[ Keys clacking ] See where I'm going with this?

Kyle: You wouldn'T.

Summer: Oh, I would.

Chelsea: Are you alright?

Adam: I'm good.

Chelsea: I hope you don't mind that I got involved.

Adam: No. I was very proud of you.

Chelsea: Well, I don't want to make it look like you can't fight your own battles.

[ Both chuckle ]

Adam: We fight our battles together. And I'm very grateful to have you on my side.

Chelsea: Always.

Adam: Still, though, it couldn't have been easy to go at nick like that, given how close you two were not that long ago.

Chelsea: I've made my choice, adam. I chose you. Nick will never see what I see in you.

[ Sighs ] None of them will. They can't imagine how hard it was for you to realize what your father was capable of, the pain it caused you to realize what you had to do.

Adam: You do get it, don't you?

Chelsea: I do. But I have to be honest. It concerns me, the toll it's taken on you. I mean, I see it. I see it, and it worries me.

Adam: No, look, I can handle whatever they throw at me. What? Are you losing faith in me?

Chelsea: No, never. Never. Of course not. But I'm allowed to worry about the man I love.

Feel the clarity of new

Kyle: No, no, no, don't get rid of that one.

Summer: Okay. Um...what about this section right here?

Kyle: Keep that one, but get rid of all the rest.

Summer: Okay.

[ Key clacks ]

Summer: Done.

Kyle: I think we got it.

Summer: Yep.

Kyle: So, what's next?

Summer: Follow my lead.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. Uh, kendra, would you come here, please? Alright, we are all done in here. Um, so, I put everything that we worked on in my folder on the server, so you can access it anytime before our pitch tomorrow just by logging in.

Kyle: Perfect.

Summer: I think we nailed it, don't you?

Kyle: Mm. Grand slam.

Summer: Oh, jack is gonna be over the moon!

Kyle: [ Chuckles ]

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

Sharon: Oh, hey!

Nick: Sorry, I didn't -- I didn't see you.

Sharon: Well, obviously.

Nick: How's it going? How you feeling?

Sharon: Oh, I'm -- I'm fine.

Nick: Good. I'm glad to --

Jack: Nick! Hey. Good to see you.

Nick: Oh, you too.

Jack: You got a minute?

Nick: Yeah. What's up, jack?

Jack: Nothing at all, to tell you the truth.

Nick: I thought you --

Jack: I just got the feeling that you and I were trying to accomplish the same thing -- to keep our own problems away from sharon. For what it's worth, I failed miserably earlier.

Nick: Sorry I wasn't there to bail you out, too.

Jack: Yeah. Pretty amazing woman.

Nick: Yeah. The cancer's weighing on her, though.

Jack: Yeah, all the more reason we should keep our problems to ourselves. I assume yours has to do with adam. I heard about the, uh, changing of the guard at newman.

Nick: It was more like a palace coup.

Jack: Wait. Wh-- what you mean? What happened?

Nick: Let's just say adam's rise to power was done in the most adam way possible.

Adam: No, you're right. This has all been a little overwhelming. I've had most of my life to get used to who my father is and what he's capable of.

Chelsea: That doesn't make it any easier.

Adam: [ Sighs ] I know what you're thinking, okay? I'm not that man anymore.

Chelsea: Which man?

Adam: The man that used to think like father, like son, that all of victor's worst qualities got passed down to me. Okay? I am my own man. And I think that that's a man that our son can be proud of.

Chelsea: What do you say we get out of here?

Adam: And where should we go?

Chelsea: Oh, let's pick up connor. We'll go to the arcade or the movies or -- it's a beautiful day outside. We'll go to the park. It doesn't matter, as long as it's the three of us.

Adam: You know, that sounds like the best idea I have heard in a very long time. Cookies and breyers.

[ Keys clacking ]

Kyle: So, do you think the rat will take the cheese?

Summer: Mm, I am counting on it.

Kyle: Mm. Then here's to you, theo...

Summer: Mm.

Kyle: ...For always being yourself.

Summer: Oh, yes. Alright, let's get started on the real pitch now.

Kyle: Let's get to it.

Summer: It's gonna be a long night.

Kyle: Mm. Works for me.

Summer: Alright, and by tomorrow, we're gonna find out just how desperate theo really is.

Jack: You do know I am friends with both you and adam.

Nick: Not asking you to choose sides.

Jack: No, no, I just want you to know I hope whatever it is, the two of you can work your way through it.

Nick: I wouldn't be too optimistic about that.

Jack: I want to believe there's hope because I have my own situation with theo and kyle. No matter what I do or say, the two of them cannot seem to get along, and now I've had to force the issue and...

[ Sighs ] It's affecting everything -- my family, my relationship with kyle, my mother.

Nick: Your sanity, too, I imagine.

Jack: Yeah, what little is left of that. I just don't have the time or the patience to play games anymore. Life is too short. You hang in there, okay?

Nick: [ Sighs ] You too. Hey, it's me. Um...I need to talk to you, phyllis. I need to talk to my dad, too, but you first, so call me. It's important.

Chelsea: Connor?

Adam: Oh, he's probably up with the sitter.

Chelsea: [ Exhales heavily ]

Adam: Chelsea... I hope I've told you lately how much I love you.

Chelsea: You've done better than that. You've shown me.

Chelsea: Mmm.

Adam: Connor! Come on down here, bud!

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Next week on

"the young and the restless"...

Theo: It'll never happen again.

Kyle: You're right. It won'T. Because you're fired.

Amanda: Well, if you want the best, it's gonna cost you.

Billy: And you are the best.

Amanda: See? We're agreeing already.

Victor: If you knew what happened in kansas, you would understand why I had to do what I did.

Nikki: Please just tell me.

Victor: If I do, there's no going back.

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