Y&R Transcript Monday 4/13/20
Episode #11838 ~ Victor implements a changing of the guard at Newman Enterprises; Nate ups his game; Nick and Phyllis' getaway takes a surprising turn.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Nick: That is exactly what i want, is to have someone I care so much about that I will do anything for them. Isn't that what you want?
Adam: I promised you that i will publish the article online, but I can't do it.
Alyssa: Why not?
Adam: Your piece, it -- it deserves more. That piece -- it belongs at a major national magazine.
Victoria: I don't mean to bother you, but I believe we have some people in common.
Alyssa: Really? I know friends of yours?
Victoria: Well, you may know them, but make no mistake -- they are not your friends.
Victoria: Victoria newman.
Alyssa: Newman? Adam's sister.
Victoria: Half-sister. I understand that you're working with my brother on something.
Alyssa: I don't know what you've heard, but I'm not really at liberty to discuss it.
Victoria: Well, I already know everything. I'm afraid that you're the one who's in the dark.
Alyssa: What are you talking about?
Victoria: Whatever promises adam has made to you are false, and whatever he's told you is a lie.
Adam: Picked up a bottle of your favorite tequila. How 'bout a toast... to the changing of the guard and a new era for newman enterprises?
Victor: No, thank you.
Adam: Okay. Suit yourself.
Victor: This is no cause for celebration, son, so get this over with, okay?
Billy: Hi. I'm just gonna head to the bar.
Nate: You know I would have asked you out if you hadn't beat me to it.
Amanda: Really?
Nate: Of course. You were just quick on the draw.
Amanda: So I win.
Nate: I think we both win. But it was a nice surprise.
Amanda: Well, I have to admit, phyllis was the one who helped me muster up the courage. She was very, very encouraging.
Nate: So was elena on my end, and, uh, she was not so subtle about it.
Amanda: Well, it is nice to know that people other than you and I think that this would be a good thing.
Nate: Yeah. I'm glad we're all on the same page, hmm?
[ Chuckles ]
Amanda: And it's not even like it's a blind date because we know each other pretty well.
Nate: But there's knowing somebody, and there's knowing somebody.
Amanda: Very true.
Nate: I just mean this feels different... like something new.
Phyllis: Okay.
Nick: Here we are again.
Phyllis: Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Nick: You know, we can't solve every problem by having sex.
Phyllis: Exactly. We cannot.
Nick: What do you mean, exactly?
Phyllis: Well, I just think that --
Nick: No, no, no, no, no. 'Cause... we had a conversation -- remember? -- About us committing to each other, and... you're acting like that never happened and you know what we're doing, and I'm wondering, you know, what would happen if we were facing a serious problem, like what rey and sharon are.
Phyllis: I want to talk now. I think that, um...
[ Sighs ] I think sex clouds our judgment.
Nick: I disagree. My I.Q. Feels actually 10 points higher since the last time we slept together.
Phyllis: Um, I'm serious.
Nick: Yeah.
Phyllis: I-I just think, "what if that's it?" I mean, all these years, what if we just have a very strong physical attraction to each other and that's all it is?
Nick: No, it's not. So talk to me. Tell me. What's going on? Hi, you made it!
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Billy: Didn't think you'd still be here.
Lily: Uh, yeah. Same.
Billy: What are you working on?
Lily: The serialized fiction platform we want traci to run.
Billy: You still think it's a good idea to start a brand-new platform instead of just acquiring one?
Lily: Well, I'm looking at all the options so that we can make the most cost-effective decision.
Billy: You're sharing too much information with the software engineer.
Lily: Okay. I don't need you to stand over my shoulder and tell me how to do my job, so --
Billy: And, also, don't you think that we should talk about this before we start bringing in outside people?
Lily: I am gathering information so that you and i can have an informed conversation, and I can't do that with you yakking in my ear.
Billy: Well, that's too bad for you, because I am ready to yak away.
Lily: [ Sighs ] Why are you here?
Victor: These are the deals that you need to attend to immediately -- two on the east coast, one in switzerland.
Adam: Got it.
Victor: Go through them thoroughly, alright?
Adam: I will.
Victor: Make sure that your department heads are in on this, alright?
Adam: Believe it or not, I've done this job before. I know how to do it. It's not rocket science.
[ Sighs ]
Victor: Now, you know that your father has built this company from the ground up. What you don't know is what it feels like to create something that lasts. All you know is how to destroy and steal things.
Adam: You see yourself as the noble entrepreneur, you know, generating jobs, and a wealthy embodiment of the american dream.
Victor: That's right.
Adam: Except you're leaving out all the dirty dealings you did to get on top, so the picture you paint leaves out a lot, just like the murder you committed. And, speaking of paintings, I decided that I'd change up the decor a bit.
Victor: Ah. Well... your office now, so you do as you want.
Adam: That's right. It is mine. And you were never gonna give it to me unconditionally without strings attached to you. So I had to take it. That's what you would have done. Doesn't it deserve a little congratulations, a little acknowledgment? Alright, fine. I will take my congrats in the form of an ironclad contract that prevents you from firing me in the future. I had it sent over to your lawyers.
Victor: I'll have them take a look at it. Are we finished?
Adam: Almost. I would like to know how you're going to explain that I'm the new C.E.O.
Victor: I'll frame it as a family decision.
Adam: It's perfect. Speaking of family, how did nick take the news?
Phyllis: I'm just thinking that you're just gonna... tire of wherever this is and you're gonna leave... and it -- it will be, uh, right after I let my guard down and open up to you.
Nick: I already told you that's not gonna happen.
Phyllis: Yeah, but you don't know if it's not gonna happen because we don't have a time machine to predict the future. We do know about the past, however, and I think that that's why summer is putting up flares, right? We've hurt each other enough to last a lifetime. I just don't think my heart can withstand being hurt by you again.
Nick: Just so you know, I don't take this lightly. I'm as invested in this as you are.
Phyllis: Okay. I'm -- I -- uh, I mean, I -- I mean what I said. I meant it. It would -- that was not easy for me to say.
Nick: I know.
Phyllis: Okay, because i think that you think that sometimes I'm just real tough and I can just bounce back after I fall down, and that's true, but -- but this -- this...
[ Sighs ] ...Is big and scary.
Nick: I don't know what else I can do or say to prove to you that I'm in this for the long haul.
Phyllis: You know what? I'll know when I hear it.
Nick: Whoa, whoa. What's that? Are you just gonna lock us in here?
Phyllis: Yeah. I'm gonna lock us in, and we're just gonna talk and we're just gonna sit here and we're gonna talk ourselves silly and communicate about our relationship. How 'bout that? We're gonna do that, and, um, then at the end, we'll know whether we should do this or not.
Nick: So, just lots of talking?
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. Lots of talking.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Alright, cool.
Phyllis: Really?
Nick: Yeah. Challenge accepted.
Phyllis: Yeah? You can't touch me.
[ Chuckles ]
Nick: Hands to ourselves. Chicago!
Nick: You afraid?
Phyllis: I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. I am...cautious. And that's because I'm smart.
Nick: You don't have to be.
Phyllis: I don't have to be smart?
Nick: You don't have to be cautious.
Phyllis: Oh. Well, I do. Come on. I just said -- that was not easy for me to say to you. I do feel better. I feel relieved. I just always feel relaxed around you, and I can get out of my bunker mentally, and... I can be who I really am. I don't have to fight, and i don't have to have to worry about being...
Nick: A warrior?
Phyllis: Is that what you think I am?
Nick: Don't you? Look... I really like being the guy who you feel like you can be yourself the most with.
Phyllis: Uh... I like that you like being that guy. I think you can read my mind.
Nick: And right now you're thinking...
Phyllis: That I need food.
Nick: Yeah. I'm starving.
Phyllis: Uh, do you want mexican? Do you want to order mexican food? And I'll take a shower.
Nick: See? We're already thinking alike.
Phyllis: Are we?
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Victoria: Adam had no intention of getting your story published because he didn't want the truth to come out.
Alyssa: I-I don't understand. He was devastated by what his father had -- what your father had -- done. He wanted him to suffer the consequences.
Victoria: I'm not surprised you would think that, but lying comes naturally to adam. He wanted you to do all of the legwork and dig up the evidence that he was looking for so that he could buy that story and then bury it.
Alyssa: Why? To protect victor?
Victoria: No, the opposite, actually. So he could use that information to blackmail my father into making him C.E.O. Of newman enterprises.
Alyssa: C.E.O. Of your family company?
Victoria: He used that information to take my job. That's why I wanted to talk to you, because, as you can see, I'm deeply invested in this, as well.
Victor: Nicholas has not been informed as of yet about your new position, but I will speak to him shortly.
Adam: Oh, I wish I could be there for that -- you know, the angry meltdowns, the meaningless threats. You know, he likes to punch things, so I'd keep him away from the portrait.
Victor: [ Chuckles ] It's all a joke to you, isn't it?
Adam: No, of course not. It's not a joke. But it is a game. Isn't it?
Victoria: No, son, it isn'T.
Adam: Mm.
Victor: It's my legacy, my family.
Adam: I think you have postponed telling nick because he'll ask uncomfortable questions, like why put me in charge now? And I hope you have thought long and hard how you're gonna answer that, 'cause it's definitely not gonna be the truth. But what I do know is that I'm sure you'll do whatever it takes to make sure that you protect yourself and what you've done. I mean, god forbid your kids find out what they've assumed all these years that you're capable of unspeakable things. Abby -- well, I'm sure you haven't even given thought to what she would feel about this, 'cause you never do. She learned that a long time ago -- to lower her expectations when it comes to you. And nick -- he's never even wanted anything to do with newman. You had to threaten to give me the job just to have him come in- here and fill in for victoria. And speaking of victoria --
Victor: Victoria's a brilliant girl. She's very hardworking.
Adam: [ Sighs ] And she's loyal... to a fault. She was content on being here under your terms, to live in your shadow. And she knew if she did anything to color outside the lines, anything you disapproved of, you would've yanked that job away from her.
Victor: You know, victoria once threw a letter opener right into that portrait there.
Adam: Mm.
Victor: She is tougher than you think she is.
Adam: Afterwards, she clearly forgave you... for whatever you did to make her upset. Okay? Not me. I'm not gonna let things slide to stay in your good graces. And you know what? That's why I belong in that chair. I know it, and you know it. So why don't we just drop the whole cool-and-detached act? Sweetheart can you please finish your breakfast
[ Water running ]
Nick: So much for keeping our hands to ourselves.
Phyllis: That was a stupid idea.
Nick: So stupid.
Amanda: You are the first person who is not constantly eyeing me with suspicion.
Nate: Well, we're all presumed innocent, right?
Amanda: In theory, yes, but not always in practice. So I appreciate you looking beyond other people's opinions and getting to know me for yourself.
Nate: Well, that's the least I can do. And I felt like I just scraped the surface.
Amanda: Well, I felt like i had to be guarded when I first got to town, for obvious reasons.
Nate: Mm.
Amanda: But those reasons are gone now, so... ask me anything.
Nate: Mm. Okay. Uh... well, I know you're a highly educated lawyer with an impressive record.
Amanda: Mm-hmm.
Nate: I know you really connected with jared in part because you also...
Amanda: Went through the foster-care system, yes.
Nate: Is that something you feel comfortable talking about?
Amanda: Uh, well, it's not something that I usually talk about on a first date, um, but, yeah, I don't mind. Um, I was given up when I was an infant, so that's all I've ever really known -- moving from family to family.
Nate: That must have been hard.
Amanda: Not really. I didn't know any different. But I do think that it has affected me.
Nate: Mm.
Amanda: I'm pretty sure that's where I get my ambition. I've always known that I'm on my own. So you know where I get my drive.
Nate: [ Chuckles ]
Amanda: What about you? I heard you went to some fancy boarding school in england.
Nate: [ Laughs ] Well, uh, my upbringing is a little more complicated than that.
Amanda: Mm-hmm.
Nate: I was, uh, born here in genoa city. My dad died when he was young -- hit by a car.
Amanda: I am so sorry.
Nate: No, it's okay. My mom's amazing. She's a doctor, too. I think I get my, um, intellectual curiosity from her as well as my interest in medicine.
Amanda: I take it she no longer lives in town?
Nate: Oh, she works for doctors without borders now.
Amanda: Oh. Wow.
Nate: [ Chuckles ]
Amanda: That's amazing. So, I guess that that's where you get your desire to help people from, too.
Nate: I also have a couple of the greatest father figures. My stepfather, malcolm, is a world-class photographer and perhaps the coolest man on the planet.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ]
Nate: My, uh, uncle neil is the best role model a guy could have. I figure as long as I'm trying to emulate them, I'm doing okay.
Amanda: Ugh. You're making this family thing sound pretty good.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] Without them, I don't know where I would be. That's why I'm so impressed that you're completely self-made.
Amanda: Well, I had some help along the way -- teachers and professors who encouraged me. And I had an amazing mentor when I started my law career.
Nate: I'm sure they saw what I see -- that you're something special.
Amanda: Okay. Um... next question. What would people be surprised to learn about you?
Nate: Oh, we're -- we're doing that?
Amanda: We're doing that.
Nate: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: I'm here to work, too.
Lily: Uh-huh.
Billy: Traci hasn't let us know if she wants to work with us yet, so I've been thinking about other acquisitions. Have you... looked into hashtag yet?
Lily: No. It has not been my top priority.
Billy: So, my ideas are second-tier priority? Is that it?
Lily: No.
Billy: You think your ideas are better than mine?
Lily: Okay. Can you please stop with this? I'm really trying to concentrate right now.
Billy: So am I. And the reason why I think
hashtag is a good buy is because it's a news organization that is growing an audience, and I would like to scoop it up before someone else does.
Lily: Okay. I will look at it first thing in the morning.
Billy: Thank you. I've also been looking into an entertainment platform that will counterbalance our, uh, think-piece journalism.
Lily: No, that sector is our long-term goal. That's too expensive for our launch.
Billy: Well, I think we should have multiple properties in order to hedge our bets.
Lily: Hedge our bets? Really? Sorry. Wh-where did billy go?
Billy: I am right here, and I'm thinking strategically. In order to be a successful company, we need to make sure that we have our hands in the cookie jar and they all work together, so...
Lily: Can you please stop talking for one minute?
Billy: Yes.
Lily: Okay, good. I think it's time that we get something straight, partner.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]
[ Laughs ] You've still got it!
Nick: Back atcha.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] You could take pepe out of the roadhouse but not the roadhouse out of pepe!
Nick: Not just the roadhouse.
Phyllis: I like that we got married there. I like that we eloped even though it wasn't legal.
Nick: It was one of our best ideas ever.
Phyllis: I know -- our best ideas.
Nick: You know, uh, what you said earlier about... always being able to be yourself around me?
Phyllis: Yes.
Nick: I just want you to know I feel the same way. I mean... it's not always easy being the guy that everybody can count on -- you know, the responsible one. I mean, it's absolutely the guy I want to be.
Phyllis: You can't be the guy wearing the white hat all the time. It's tough, right?
Nick: Well, with you... I don't have to think about anything -- just kind of let myself go... relax into it. It's free and easy. Does that make sense?
Phyllis: Yeah. It's perfect sense.
Nick: It means a lot to me now.
Phyllis: Because we're older and wiser?
Nick: Well, we are definitely --
Phyllis: Don't finish that.
Nick: Better than ever?
Phyllis: Better than ever.
Nick: Okay.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] I'm really surprised. Well, I'm not surprised. But... you haven't gotten tired of me yet, after all these years?
Nick: Not yet.
[ Both chuckle ]
Phyllis: Time will tell.
Nick: I mean, let's see. It's early, right?
Phyllis: Who is it?
Nick: Ugh. It's my dad. He needs to talk.
Phyllis: Okay. You can go if you need to.
Nick: I'm not going anywhere. I'm sorry. I know this must be hard for you to hear, but... can you please tell me more about your conversations with adam?
Alyssa: I mean, it all started organically, or -- or so I thought. He had some suspicions about what happened in kansas regarding our fathers' deaths. I mean, we both felt like we needed to follow up on them to find out the truth. I thought we felt the same disillusionment about what our fathers might have done.
Victoria: It's emotional manipulation. It's one of adam's specialties.
Alyssa: [ Scoffs ] I had no reason not to trust him. He was my childhood friend. You're saying he used our history against me?
Victoria: Adam has his eye on the prize. Everything else be damned.
Alyssa: [ Scoffs ] I can't believe I fell for it. I'm a reporter. It's my job to know when people are lying to me.
Victoria: Well, you were at a disadvantage. My brother is a master at using whatever leverage he has.
Alyssa: At some point, I felt something wasn't right, but i ignored it.
Victoria: When was this?
Alyssa: He asked me to give him my evidence so that whoever was gonna publish the article could fact-check it. Oh, my god. I just came from talking with him and chelsea, and they were --
Victoria: Do you think that chelsea knows everything?
Alyssa: Yeah. They had this little routine, but she's in on it.
Victoria: What did they say?
Alyssa: That they were seeking out bigger publications than we originally talked about to give the story more exposure.
Victoria: Oh, I see. Well, that's a stall tactic to put you off and to buy them more time. But we're not gonna give them more time. We're gonna make a move.
Adam: I'll admit victoria did have a good run. She was a loyal soldier. She definitely put up with her share of crap from you. But as soon as I made the decision I wanted the top job, it was...inevitable.
Victor: So, what do you want me to do -- say, "job well done, I'm proud of you" -- what?
Adam: I've outgrown my need for that.
Victor: You've got to know that I'm doing this for the stability of my company. Has that ever even been in consideration for you?
Adam: Of course it is.
Victor: Because I don't get that feeling from you. I don't think you have thought this through. Some things you haven't considered.
Adam: Like what? What haven't I considered? Lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose.
Lily: I know why you're here. It's because you're bored and you're restless and you have nobody waiting for you at home.
Billy: Ouch.
Lily: Well, you know, maybe you have to deal with that reality -- at home, though, not the office, where I'm trying to work.
Billy: I'm trying to work, too. This is me working. You should just get used to it.
Lily: You know, you do have your own office.
Billy: Yeah, but who am gonna bounce ideas off of? Excuse me.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] How have you gotten away with this for so long?
Billy: I'm effective, and some people find me charming.
Lily: Sorry. Which people?
Billy: Same people that appreciate my vision and my putting. You should get on board.
Lily: Uh, yeah. Your putting stinks.
Billy: We just started this division. The worst thing we could do is put it in neutral right now. We need to tell the industry that we are players. We are creating buzz. We need to get them thinking about what we're gonna do next.
Lily: [ Chuckles ] Oh, my god. You sound like one of those grungy guys at a startup where they have foosball tables and skate ramps.
Billy: I might be slightly too old for the skate ramp.
Lily: Slightly? Really?
Billy: But the foosball table -- that's a great idea. What do you think? Conference room?
Lily: Yeah. Not in a million years.
Billy: Fine, but your intended insult backfired. The good startups -- they have an eye on the future. They have a vision. That is what we need to have. We can't just be details and practicalities.
Lily: Details and practicalities are what make every business successful.
Billy: The vision leads the way.
Lily: Well, execution makes it a reality.
Billy: What are you gonna execute without vision?
Lily: Without execution, your vision dies.
Amanda: You were on the olympic swim team?
Nate: Not quite. I was invited to the trials, but I wanted to focus more on medical school.
Amanda: You are starting to make me sound like an underachiever.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] Okay. I'm gonna move on to a topic full of possible land mines...
Amanda: Uh-oh.
Nate: ...Music.
Amanda: [ Inhales deeply ]
Nate: Who's someone you can listen to and never get tired of?
Amanda: Rihanna.
Nate: Ooh. Good answer.
Amanda: You?
Nate: Neil was a huge fan of jazz, so he passed that along to me. I can listen to coltrane and miles on a loop.
Amanda: Mm. Nothing wrong with that.
Nate: Mm. Mm. Uh, favorite place to vacay?
Amanda: London.
Nate: For a scenic view, mountains or beach?
Amanda: Mm... you go first.
Nate: Let's go at the same time.
Amanda: Okay. 1, 2, 3.
Nate: Mountains.
Amanda: Beach.
Nate: [ Chuckles ] Okay. Okay. That's okay. It's not a deal-breaker.
Amanda: Agreed. We can work it out over cocktails...
Nate: [ Chuckles ]
Amanda: ...On the beach.
Nate: Oh-oh-oh. Um, okay. Favorite food?
Amanda: Oh, that would have to be a toss-up between sushi and key lime pie.
Nate: Mm.
Amanda: Yes, and I have been known to combine the two in the same meal, even though it's very weird.
[ Both chuckle ]
Nate: Yeah.
Amanda: What about you?
Nate: Porterhouse steak, rare, of course, with a side of garlic butter potatoes.
Amanda: Very specific.
Nate: What can I say? I know exactly what I like. So, I think I'll stump you with this one. What's the most spontaneous, reckless thing you've ever done?
Amanda: That would have to be dating ripley. He was another lawyer, and he was dynamic and charming, and i prided myself on being able to read people -- looking at what they're not saying to see what was lurking beneath the surface. With him, I got it all wrong. And I am so sorry. Uh...
Nate: No, no, no, no, no. It's -- it's okay.
Amanda: I think he just makes me second-guess my judgment, so it makes it a little difficult to jump into anything new.
Nate: Yeah. I-I get it. And we're not jumping into anything. We're taking it slow.
Amanda: Thank you. So, why don't we, you know, get out of here and go and do something fun?
Nate: Yeah, yeah. Let's do it.
Amanda: Okay.
Adam: Well, tell me, what do you think I haven't considered?
Victor: Have you asked yourself... what this might mean to my time with your mother in kansas?
Adam: [ Chuckles softly ]
Victor: I loved your mother, you know. How do you think she would feel about what you're doing right now, hmm? You... the son she was so proud of.
Adam: There really is no level to which you won't stoop. I mean, bringing up my mother to make me feel guilty. For what -- for holding you accountable for your actions? That is why we were here. This is what led to this -- you. Okay? Whatever. I thought that you'd be more gracious in defeat this time. I don't know why. You know, who cares? All that matters is I got what I wanted, right? 'Cause you and me, we're exactly the same -- all about the results... and the bottom line.
Victor: Enjoy your time in that chair, okay? I just realized... you don't know me at all.
Nick: I think I'm reading your mind again.
Phyllis: What am I thinking?
Adam: Let's see. You're thinking, uh... you're wondering if what we're feeling is real. But you're also... worried about the risks we're taking and you want to know how I feel about it.
Phyllis: Mm. Nope.
[ Both chuckle ] I'm kidding. You could be a mind-reader.
Nick: You know, I'M... as comfortable with you as anyone in this world. I mean, we're connected and in sync, but...
Phyllis: But... you're afraid I'm gonna do something to screw it up, do something self-serving?
Nick: Well... you know, you always... you know, need to protect yourself. I always kind of thought it was about... your dad and the kind of guy was. You know, he stole people's life savings for a living, and you couldn't trust him, so you didn't feel like you could trust anyone.
Phyllis: My dad? Well, I mean... maybe that... uh... that sort of gives me an instinct for self-preservation, yeah, but, I mean... I would think that you'd feel the same way. Right? I mean, don't you feel the need to protect yourself?
Nick: Yeah, I have that same instinct... 'cause we have broken each other's trust so many times in the past.
Phyllis: And each other's hearts.
Nick: And I'm not gonna give in to that. There's too much good here. And I know you as well as you know yourself. But I keep discovering more. You keep finding ways to surprise me... like how gracious you were with sharon. I mean, that was amazing. And how you figured out how to talk to summer about it...
Phyllis: Sharon has cancer. How did you expect me to act?
Nick: Hey, come on. I have things to say, okay?
Phyllis: Okay.
Nick: And I need to get it off my chest, so you need to be quiet and let me talk, 'cause that's the way this works.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Okay.
Nate: So, what would you like to do -- head to the grand phoenix for a game of pool?
Amanda: Or bowling.
Nate: I never would have guessed you were a bowler.
Amanda: We live in wisconsin. You have to be able to bowl at least a 150 or you are shunned from polite society.
Nate: I bowled a 288 one time.
Amanda: Oh, come on. Seriously?
Nate: No.
[ Both laugh ]
Amanda: I was gonna say, "you can't be good at everything." That was, um...nice.
Nate: Very nice.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ]
Nate: Shall we?
Lily: We need to capitalize on our strengths.
Billy: And build our roles around them.
Lily: Yes. Like, you're annoying, but you can see the next thing around the corner.
Billy: Right, and you're equally annoying, and you bring those things to life.
Lily: You know what? This could work if we keep thinking like this.
Billy: If we keep complementg each o and I like where this is going.
Lily: Yeah. Me, too.
Alyssa: I don't know what moves we can make. I can't take the article anywhere else because --
Victoria: Adam had you sign an N.D.A.?
Alyssa: Yeah.
Victoria: Of course.
Alyssa: [ Sighs ] All I want to do right now is go confront that bastard.
Victoria: No, no, no. That's the last thing you should do. Promise me that you'll sit tight, and I'll get back to you.
Alyssa: [ Sighs ] What are you gonna do?
Victoria: I'll fill you in later, but right now, just let me handle it.
Nick: I want this. I want you. And it's not just... the chemistry... or the sex, which is pretty good.
Phyllis: Yeah, it's very good.
Nick: It's the whole thing -- the whole beautiful, complicated, maddening package. I mean, we can't just be friends with benefits or be casually dating like there isn't anything on the line, because there is. I tried living without you. I tried getting over you, and i don't want to do it. My life is infinitely better with you in it. And I wouldn't be taking this... huge step if there was something deep and powerful backing it up. It's that thing that's always been there between us.
Phyllis: So, what are you saying?
Nick: I'm saying... that I am 100%... all-in. And if you can't hear that, you haven't been listening.
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