Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/9/20
Episode #11837 ~ Sharon awaits important news; Phyllis puts the brakes on Abby's new project.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Abby: Whatever impact the construction of my new hotel has on the bookings at this one, it really doesn't concern me.
Alyssa: My father wasn't a killer, but yours definitely is.
Adam: Victor surrendered. I am now the official ceo of newman enterprises.
Sharon: We've always known that I was gonna have surgery... but because the drugs didn't work, it'll happen sooner and... it might be more invasive.
Sharon: Hey, nick. Um, I was just about to close early, but, um, it's good to see you, so take a seat.
Nick: Thanks.
Rey: Sit.
Nick: What's going on? Sharon get any news from her doctor?
Rey: No, nothing yet. She's got an appointment scheduled, so we'll know something soon. But we're just trying to stay positive till then.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] You know what? I'm just gonna do it.
Nick: Do what?
Sharon: Call dr. Blakely. The waiting is driving me crazy. I need to know now.
Rey: Maybe that's not a good idea. Why don't you just wait till you get home?
Sharon: [ Sighs ] Hi. This is sharon newman. Is the doctor available? Yes, you can tell her I need some answers. No. I'll hold.
Abby: Can I help you?
Code enforcement officer for the city.
Abby: Uh, what can I do for you, officer?
Play by the rules. I'm shutting you down.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Alyssa: I want to see adam.
Chelsea: Oh, you know, I'm afraid he's not here right now.
Alyssa: Where is he? And why is he letting his father get away with murder?
Adam: Excuse me. Can I buy you a drink? Might be fun to toast to the new boss.
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Sharon: I hate being in limbo.
Rey: I know.
Sharon: All I do is wait. You know, if they could just tell me something, anything.
Rey: It's just a few more minutes, babe.
Sharon: Yeah. And then I'll have to wait some more for something else. The waiting is making feel like I'm going crazy.
Rey: You're not.
Sharon: If they could just tell me, you know, what I'm up against, you know, what comes next and when.
Rey: And give you control of your life again.
Sharon: Yeah. You know, if I need to have a mastectomy, I need to know now. All they have to do is open a file and click on a button and read me the results.
Sharon: Oh, yes. Hi. I'm here. Um...okay, I know that this isn't how things are normally done, but I-I don't need to hear the news in person. In fact, I-I'm much more comfortable hearing it while I'm here, surrounded by people who i care about in -- in a familiar place. So, my support team is here, and we are ready for what's next, so, please, you've got to tell me -- what's gonna happen?
Adam: Not in the mood to buy the boss a drink? Okay, well, the drinks are on me then.
Victoria: You're not my boss, and you never will be.
Adam: Yeah. Just like I thought I'd never be ceo of newman again. But I kept that dream alive, and here I am. And let that be a lesson to you -- never say never. And if there should come a time when you change your mind and you want to come back and you want to work for me, I'd love to talk to you about that.
Victoria: Could I get my check, please?
Adam: Really, I wish that you had stayed on. I'm sure that I could have found another position that's more suitable for your...skill set.
Victoria: I really don't want to be there when you tank the company.
Adam: Mm. Well, that's not going to happen. I'm gonna lead newman to record profits.
Victoria: Well, good. Then you better get to work because I've already cleaned out my desk.
Adam: Mm. That's good because I intend to obliterate everything you did at newman. Once I'm really comfortable, it'll be like you never existed.
Victoria: I shudder to think what's gonna happen to the company now that there's somebody devoid of ethics in charge.
Adam: Listen, victoria. I know that you are disappointed, but sooner or later you're just gonna have to admit that I've always been dad's true heir apparent.
Chelsea: Adam had to step out for a bit, but... this is a surprise. We thought you were back home in kansas.
Alyssa: Oh, I'm sure. That would've made things more convenient.
Chelsea: Yeah, he's been really busy.
Alyssa: Where? Doing what?
Chelsea: Uh, I'm not really sure --
Alyssa: 'Cause I'd like to know what could take precedence over learning his father's a murderer.
Chelsea: What would you have had him do?
Alyssa: He promised to publish my exposé, and I want to know why that hasn't happened.
Chelsea: Gee, you know, i don't really know all the details, but I'm sure adam's on top of it.
Alyssa: He said all he needed to do was give it to the editor of that website he owns a stake in.
Chelsea: Alyssa, I'm sre you understand how difficult this is, breaking a story like this. I mean, when you're going after a man as wealthy and powerful and legendary as victor newman, you really need to make sure this story is bulletproof. You really need to fact-check every single detail.
Alyssa: I stand behind every word I wrote, every bit of evidence I've collected.
Chelsea: No, of course! Of course you do, yes, as you should. But it still needs to be run through a neutral party. So we're operating out of an abundance of caution, so... that's it.
Alyssa: [ Chuckles ]
Chelsea: Okay?
Abby: Okay, so, we -- we are, uh -- we are both intelligent people with jobs to do, and i think if we sat down and discussed what the issues are and how to fix them, we could be back to work in an hour. What do you say?
You're missing some work permits. They're code violations.
Abby: No, no, no. See, that is impossible because my lawyer and my contractors -- they assured me that everything was in order.
Good luck.
Abby: You really think you can derail my plans?
Phyllis: Excuse me?
Abby: It's not gonna happen, phyllis. I'm gonna build my hotel, whether you like it or not.
It's totally normal
Adam: I mean, think of it like this. Nick has refused to be a part of newman over and over again. Abby...
[ Chuckling ] Well, I mean, let's be honest. It's abby. But good for her, you know? She's got the restaurant and the hotel. And then there's you. And I know that you believe you're dad's rightful heir.
Victoria: "Victor-ia."
Adam: Yes, but I am the true "victor." See what I did there?
Victoria: You chose to call yourself adam. You insulted our father and his legacy.
Adam: And you think I'm not worthy?
Victoria: Unstable, unreliable, treacherous, all of the above.
Adam: You know, I am more like our father than any of you.
Victoria: You know no one believes you except for you.
Adam: It really touched me, the way you stood by our father. Despite all the evidence against him, you will stay loyal to him no matter how many times you go down. He's very lucky to have your blind devotion.
Victoria: Well, as usual, you've misjudged me. But don't worry. I'm never going down again.
[ Cellphone ringing ] Hello?
[ Sighs ] No. I'll handle it.
Rey: So, what did your doctor say?
Sharon: She wants to stick to the original plan.
Rey: Lumpectomy?
Sharon: Yeah.
Rey: Okay.
Sharon: So they're going to do a lymph node biopsy at the same time and make sure the cancer hasn't spread.
Nick: How do you feel about the news?
Sharon: I'm relieved. Um, this isn't the worst-case scenario. So, now I know what comes next, even if it is a big step. I can focus on that.
Rey: Yeah, and getting past it.
Sharon: Exactly. So...this is good news. It's good.
Nick: So, what is next?
Sharon: Well, she's gonna e-mail a pre-surgery prep list, and I just have to make all the arrangements and take a week off from my life.
Rey: Well, you -- you want some help? We got you covered.
[ Fingers snap ] Right over here.
Nick: We called in the reinforcements.
Sharon: What?
[ Gasps ] My babies!
Tessa: We're here.
Sharon: Ooh!
Mariah: For whatever you need.
Faith: We love you so much.
Sharon: I love you.
Phyllis: Oh, I'd forgotten how quiet it is here without all that noisy construction going on across the street.
Abby: Because you made a bogus report to the city.
Phyllis: That's only temporary.
Abby: You're not even denying this.
Phyllis: Well, no. Abby, I'm trying to help you, not hurt you.
Abby: Okay, how is stopping the construction of my hotel being helpful?
Phyllis: Well, it seems like some of your workers were trying to cut corners. Yeah. I mean, you want this done right. I mean, you want your hotel built to last, right?
Abby: Whereas you don't want it to be built at all.
Phyllis: Well, it doesn't matter what I want. It's out of my control. Um, here's a piece of advice.
Abby: Oh, I don't want it, and I don't need it.
Phyllis: Make sure that all your permits are in order. I mean, this whole stop-work order -- I mean, this is temporary. It could take months. But the last thing you want is to be caught in a lengthy court battle.
Abby: You really are amazing.
Phyllis: Thank you. I'm gonna be the best thing that happened to that hotel of yours, okay? And take it from me -- get all your permits in order. Stay on top of your crew. The last thing you want is to get hit with another inspection. That could delay you for months. You're welcome.
Billy: You're going to want to get in on this early because once it starts rolling, it's not gonna stop and you're gonna be wishing that you listened to me. Uh...something came up. Let me -- let me call you back. Everything okay?
Victoria: Not even close. What part of our last discussion made you feel like you could pull something like this?
I'm leah and that's
me long before
Mariah: Well, I knew you would get good news.
Faith: Big time. It's great.
Mariah: So, how long are you gonna be out of commission for?
Sharon: Um, about a week.
Tessa: Oh, that's not long at all.
Rey: Well, just to be safe, maybe we should schedule coverage here for two. You come back strong.
Sharon: Two weeks it is.
Nick: Coffee has come a long way since I was co-owner of this place, but I can handle the business end of crimson lights.
Tessa: What if mariah and i are in charge of getting faith to and from school?
Faith: Yeah.
Tessa: I call morning shift.
Faith: Double yes. No offense, but you don't hit your stride till early afternoon.
Mariah: That's fair.
[ Laughter ]
Rey: Lola's volunteered to cook.
Sharon: Oh, I like the idea of that.
Mariah: Well, in that case, if you want anybody to join you for a family dinner, we're in.
Rey: And I will be the all-important cleanup hitter. Just tell me where you want me, coach.
Faith: I'm good to water plants, take out the trash, clean. Of course, there is an expiration date on that offer as soon as you get back on your feet.
Sharon: [ Chuckles ] Alright. We'll negotiate the terms of your release at a later time.
Faith: And as an added feature, I'll even clear the dishes and yell at the dishwasher the same way you do when the soap thingie won't pop out the way it should.
Sharon: [ Chuckles ]
[ Cellphones chime ]
Mariah: All right, guys, that is the sound of the new group chat I just started. So, when we have a date for surgery, team sharon will go into full effect. We have got nick on crimson lights, faith on housekeeping, tessa and me on faith duty, lola on food, and rey -- mr. Everything.
Sharon: That's what he is -- mr. Everything.
Alyssa: Do you know what it's been like for me since my father died? To live with all of these secrets? A mother who refused to speak his name, people whispering when I went by?
Chelsea: That must have been awful. Please, um, have a seat. Please.
Alyssa: This was a story i never wanted to write -- the god-awful truth about my father. But I did it. He wasn't just a loan shark. He had sunk so much lower than that, and I'd finally gotten everything out into the light and found proof that victor's the reason that he died. And now I feel like adam is just trying to shove it back into the dark. Why is he doing this to me?
Chelsea: Um, I-I know what it's like to have a father like yours.
Alyssa: Oh. Was your dad murdered, or was he a killer?
Chelsea: Neither. But he had no problem breaking the law if it suited him. Lied to me more times than i can count.
Alyssa: I'm sorry.
Chelsea: I know it's not the same thing, but we both have an unsavory family history, so can I give you a little bit of advice? Just focus on moving forward, you know? Find -- look, find new things that bring you joy, that -- that are positive. Focus on your next big project.
Alyssa: So, I'm just supposed to abandon all the work that I've done, pretend nothing happened? I'm a journalist. It's my job to seek the truth and report it, not shy away.
Chelsea: Adam and I have a lot of contacts. When you find the next big thing, we'd be glad to introduce you to some people, help you, you know, blaze your new path. And, listen, if you need any money or --
Alyssa: Wait. Really? You'd bribe me? You want to tell me what's really going on here?
Billy: I could recite our last conversation verbatim. You made a bunch of demands, and as far as I'm concerned, I've listened to every single one of them. We haven't seen much of each other, and besides a few co-parenting issues, we've actually kept her distance. So why don't you just go ahead and tell me what you think I've done?
Victoria: Hannah called me.
Billy: And?
Victoria: She told me that you're too busy to take the kids today.
Billy: Vick, it's not like i don't want to see the kids --
Victoria: You can't just cancel last minute. This is not planet billy. People are counting on you to keep your word.
Billy: Okay, look, I got my hands full here. That's it.
Victoria: And you called hannah instead of me because?
Billy: Because I didn't want to bother you because I figured you'd have a lot on your plate with going back to newman.
Victoria: [ Sighs ]
Billy: Vick, what's going on? Something's bothering you. What is it?
Victoria: I suppose you're gonna find out soon enough.
Billy: Find out what?
Victoria: I'm out.
Billy: What do you mean? Out of what?
Victoria: Newman enterprises, the job that I have prepared for my entire life.
Billy: Who is in?
Victoria: Adam... effective immediately.
Adam: [ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ]
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Nick: Mr. Everything.
Rey: [ Chuckles ]
Nick: How you holding up? Everything cool?
Rey: The last thing sharon needs is to worry about me right now.
Nick: Listen, bud, when this whole thing started, I told you, if you ever need to talk, let me know.
Rey: Uh...alright. It's like this. Sharon and I both put on these brave faces for each other. But I know she's scared. Hell, I am terrified, too. And, uh, we try to stay positive. We talk about the future, but the truth is we don't have a clue what the future holds.
Nick: Nobody does, man.
Rey: Yeah, but this is different. The chemo didn't work out the way we were counting on it.
Nick: Are you worried for sharon or for yourself?
Rey: What -- what are you asking me, if I'm thinking about leaving her?
Nick: No. Rey, no. I'm just trying to get you to talk to me.
Rey: Sharon is so much more than the sum of the parts. She's, uh... she's goodness personified. She makes me want to be a better man. No, no, I am not going anywhere without her. We have too much to do, too many plans. I just... I hate watching her go through something like this.
Nick: Well, I've seen the strength she gets from just one look from you. This is hard on everyone, alright? I told you -- if you need anything, you just gotta send out a signal. Kind of like the bat signal, but like a rey signal.
Rey: [ Laughs ]
Nick: And I don't know what that's gonna look like, but if you figured out, I will come running. We'll go play some pool, grab a beer, whatever you want.
Rey: You know, I know I was resistant at first when you asked, but, uh, I think I might actually take you up on that this time.
Nick: I look forward to that. Now, I got to get out of here. There's something I gotta do, and it's best if sharon doesn't know what it is.
Rey: Ah, you up to something?
Nick: Just something that sharon doesn't need to know about right now.
Rey: Alright.
Billy: How the hell does adam end up in charge?
Victoria: He lays low, and then he shows his true evil colors so he can get what he wants.
Billy: So, why does your father let him get away with it?
Victoria: I don't know. Maybe he didn't have a choice.
Billy: Oh, come on. There's always a choice... unless there's something going on with those two that we don't know about, which then begs the question -- what did adam do that your father would betray you like that?
Victoria: It doesn't matter.
Billy: Yes, it does matter, vick. It matters a whole hell of a lot. That is your job, and you worked damn hard to get it.
Victoria: There's nothing i can do.
Billy: Of course there is. Don't let them get away with it,
Victoria: Them?
Billy: Yes. Adam and victor. Don't let them play with your life like that. It's time they got what they deserve, especially your father. It's time for revenge.
Victoria: Billy --
Billy: No, it's time for payback -- and not the karmic kind. The kind that knocks him down a peg. It's time he suffered the consequences of his actions.
Victoria: This is not your fight. It's mine. I decide who gets caught in the cross hairs. I make the calls here, not you.
Billy: I really hope you don't think I would try to bribe you. I would never do that.
Alyssa: Really? 'Cause that's sure what it sounded like.
Chelsea: No, you just -- you seem stressed, and you're far from home. I just want to help you.
Alyssa: I don't need your charity. And I wasn't writing that story for money or fame.
Chelsea: Why did you write it?
Alyssa: Because the truth is important to me. Because when I became a reporter, I pledged to myself and the public that I would be truthful and ethical and accountable for what I wrote. I wrote that story at a great emotional cost, possibly even putting a target on my back for calling one of the country's biggest moguls a murderer.
Adam: Alyssa. This is a surprise. Everything alright?
Alyssa: No. As a matter of fact, far from it.
Adam: Well, we're all friends here. I'm sure whatever it is, we can get to the bottom of it. Right, chelsea?
Chelsea: Yeah. It's actually my fault.
[ Chuckles ] It's embarrassing, but it's my fault. I was telling alyssa that we'd love to help her out, you know, introduce her to some friends that can help her spread her wings...
Adam: Mm.
Chelsea: ...At least until the piece is published or she decides there's something else she wants to do.
Adam: And -- and you thought chelsea was --
Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] It's embarrassing.
Adam: No, never, never, nothing like that. Alyssa.
Chelsea: No. No. It was just my -- my clumsy attempt at networking. I thought I would give her options while the piece is being vetted.
Adam: Ah. Of course.
Alyssa: I worked like a dog on that article. I went without sleep. I spent hours tracking down all the players.
Adam: You did a phenomenal job.
Alyssa: You told me it was a done deal and that you'd take care of everything. Now I feel like you're trying to kill it before it hits press. Why?
Chelsea: I told alyssa about the fact-checking that has to be done, you know, and that it takes more time because victor's men are gonna want to pull it apart word by word.
Alyssa: [ Scoffs ] No. I know when I'm getting the runaround. I want the truth.
Phyllis: Hey, abby. You know, I want to talk about your plans for that monolithic monstrosity you're trying to build across the street.
Abby: [ Laughs ] You're giving me design advice now?
Phyllis: Yeah. I mean, are you sure you want to build a hotel for the living? Because from what I've seen, your hotel has all the charm of -- I don't know -- a haunted mansion.
Abby: You've seen my plans?
Phyllis: Of course. I need to know what the competition is doing. Don't you want to build a hotel that -- I don't know -- sparks joy instead of abject terror? And I see you have your plans in your hand. Let's take a look.
Abby: Like I would ever take your advice.
Phyllis: Oh, nick. Hi.
Nick: Hey.
Phyllis: Nick could be a tie-breaker.
Nick: No, I'm not breaking anything between you two.
Abby: Well, after everything this woman's put you through, wouldn't you immediately side with your sister over your ex? No. No, no, no, no, no, no. Please, please don't tell me that you guys are back together.
Billy: You know we're on the same page, don't you?
Victoria: I know. You're against my father and adam. That's hardly a surprise, and it's definitely not the point.
Billy: Then enlighten me.
Victoria: I just -- I don't need your opinion, and I don't need your righteous indignation. I want you out of my life. I can do this on my own.
Billy: Okay. I hear you loud and clear.
Victoria: Good. Good!
Billy: Okay. It's just gonna take me a minute because I'm used to fighting side by side with you.
Victoria: Well, then you need to break that habit, and you need to do it now.
Billy: Vick, I didn't mean to offend you --
Victoria: You know, it's because of you that I realized I don't need to rely on anyone but myself. I can fight this battle. And I can win it on my own.
Billy: [ Sighs ]
Adam: Alyssa, will you please have a seat?
Alyssa: [ Sighs ]
Adam: Look... you have nothing to worry about.
Alyssa: How is that possible? Are you destroying the nondisclosure agreement, returning all the evidence i handed over to you? You promised me.
Adam: [ Sighs ] You're right. I did. I gave you my word. And I should just tell you now that I don't have any intention of keeping it.
Alyssa: Because you're protecting victor?
Adam: No. I am protecting you from yourself. And, yes, I promised you that i would publish the article online, but I can't do it.
Chelsea: Adam --
Alyssa: Why not?
Adam: Because your piece -- it -- it deserves more. It deserves a bigger platform, a wider audience. That piece -- it belongs at a major national magazine.
Alyssa: I-I mean, I never dreamed that it could even...
Adam: That's why you got me, right? To think big. That's actually where I was this morning. I was meeting with some connections, chasing down a few contacts.
Alyssa: Well, why didn't you just tell me?
Adam: [ Chuckles ] I didn't want to jinx it.
Alyssa: I mean [Chuckles] A byline in a well-known magazine would be... wow. But no more secrets. I want to be kept in the loop.
Adam: You -- you have my word. It's gonna get everything that it deserves, okay? So, I promise that we will talk very soon.
Alyssa: Thanks.
Adam: Of course.
[ Sighs heavily ] You were incredible.
Chelsea: How much of what you said was true?
Adam: [ Sighs ]
Chelsea: Oh, she's never gonna let this go. You know that, don't you?
Tessa: You know, not to brag or anything, but I did become somewhat of a goddess with that cranky cappuccino maker when i was a barista here.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ]
Sharon: Well, it wasn't all smooth sailing, was it? And I don't just mean with the coffee.
Tessa: True. But you surround yourself with good people and good things start to happen and it changes you forever.
Sharon: We've both come a long way.
Faith: Do you mind if I steal mom for a minute? I'm gonna have a fresh-from-the-oven cookie with your name on it.
Sharon: Only if we share it.
Faith: I thought you'd never ask.
Mariah: You are so amazing.
Tessa: Mm.
Mariah: When I think about how close I came to losing you --
Tessa: No. The only thing that matters is now.
Mariah: Yeah, that's exactly what I'm scared of -- the now. You know, my mom is getting surgery, and she's bouncing around like everything is fine, but I know inside she's got to be terrified. And I'm just not very good at that.
Tessa: You seem to be managing very well.
Mariah: On the outside. But on the inside, I'm thinking about every dark outcome.
Tessa: I can tell you one thing about every possible scenario you can dream up.
Mariah: Oh, really?
Tessa: Mm-hmm.
Mariah: You can tell the future?
Tessa: Yeah. I will be there through every single one of them. Fast-forward to the end, there's tessa. Freeze-frame in the middle, tessa. Rewind for every good part --
Mariah: Ah. Tessa?
Tessa: Mm-hmm. See? You're getting it -- 'cause that's the one thing you can always count on. I will always be here, and I'm always yours.
Mariah: That is literally the nicest thing that anybody's ever said to me.
Tessa: Well, here's something nicer. Why -- why don't we just make it --
Tessa: But I didn't finish my thought.
Mariah: Yeah, exactly. Look, I can't -- I can't wrap my head around anything else right now, but once we are on the other side of this, when sharon is feeling better and we are feeling grounded, I want to talk about it. I want to hear every detail. I promise.
Tessa: Well, you will 'cause I'm gonna sweep you off your feet.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ] You already have. You know that.
Tessa: Hmm.
Faith: Okay. I, uh, could definitely finish these off myself, but i promised I'd share.
Mariah: Aww.
Tessa: Oh, yeah, share the love, girl.
Mariah: Absolutely.
Faith: Okay. Cookie toast. Make a wish. Alright.
[ Laughs ]
Mariah: Mmm.
Rey: What's going on behind those pretty eyes of yours?
Sharon: I don't think I've ever been more terrified or overwhelmed in my entire life, but I look around and I see a lot of good things happening. Life goes on.
Rey: Every day we are on this earth, every minute we get to spend together is a gift.
Sharon: We can't take one second for granted.
Rey: Mnh-mnh. That is why I'm going to take more time off work after your surgery. Lola makes this great cuban chicken soup that's gonna make you stronger. Then we're gonna take a long drive. We're gonna go up to the lake, spend the day on a boat -- mm-hmm -- and look up at the stars. We are gonna do this, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Don't even try to fight me.
Sharon: No, I'm gonna save my fight for one thing and one thing only.
Abby: Since neither of you are saying anything or denying it, I'm guessing that I'm right. You're really giving this another go?
Phyllis: I know you want to protect your brother, and it's lovely, abby, but...
Abby: Okay, phyllis, stop talking. There's nothing you can say that's gonna change my mind or your future. Wow, nick, I know this story by heart. I thought you did, too.
Nick: I'd like to think I'm past the point where I have to justify any of my actions.
Abby: Well, I would love to stay and talk some sense into you, but I have to go deal with the repercussions of your zany girlfriend's latest tour de force.
Nick: What happened?
Abby: Sabotage, but nothing i can't handle. Hope I can say the same for you, nick.
Nick: Sabotage?
Phyllis: Oh, "sabotage." She'd being dramatic. She wants your sympathy.
Nick: She seemed pretty upset.
Phyllis: It's business. Of course she is. You're not successful if you don't have a rival. You didn't come here to talk about abby, did you?
Nick: No, I didn'T.
Phyllis: I think I know why you came here. You want to go to somewhere private?
Adam: Well, I had no idea what I was walking into when i came home. Should have known that you were handling it.
Chelsea: [ Exhales heavily ] Barely.
Adam: You were perfect. You said all the right things to keep alyssa in line.
Chelsea: Oof. I just can't shake this feeling I've done something wrong.
Adam: Well, you followed your instincts.
Chelsea: I was able to press the pause button, but I wasn't able to stop her, adam. This article of hers -- it's her baby.
Adam: I know.
Chelsea: She's gonna keep asking questions and pushing for its publication. She's not gonna stop digging until she finds the truth.
Adam: I know.
[ Sighs ] And -- and I hate that it's come to this, but there's no other way out. You know that.
Chelsea: You really think she'll let it go?
Adam: I don't know. Dangle some money and the promise of fame.
Chelsea: But she was your friend.
Adam: Yeah, who had become a liability...an obstacle. But thanks to your quick thinking, we have moved past that, and now we finally have everything that we want. We are at the top of the food chain. We're at the top of the world, baby. And nothing is going to stop us now.
[ Glasses clinks ]
Victoria: Excuse me. I don't mean to bother you, but I believe we have some people in common.
Alyssa: Really? I know friends of yours?
Victoria: Well, you may know them, but, make no mistake, they are not your friends.
Chelsea: I know we should be celebrating, but something about all this has me on edge.
[ Cellphone chimes ] Is that alyssa?
Adam: It's victor.
Chelsea: What now?
Adam: He wants to meet at the office.
Chelsea: Time for the passing of the torch?
Adam: [ Sighs ] Quite possibly.
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