Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/8/20
Episode #11836 ~ Jack challenges Kyle and Theo, while Jill extends a rare olive branch.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Nate: Consider it a date.
Amanda: I will.
Theo: You entitled jerk. I belong here every bit as much as you do.
Dina: John! Stuart! No!
Jack: I made it very clear to both of you. I wanted my mother to live in peace and comfort in the time she had left. We're gonna pick this up tomorrow at jabot where we're gonna bring this to an end once and for all.
Lily: I sense an argument coming on. Who's going to get this office, and who's going to get the one next door?
Traci: Hello?
Lily: Hello? Hey! Traci.
Traci: Hello! Is this the office of the new co-head of chancellor communications?
Lily: Oh, yeah. Well, today, it's the new chief of spreadsheets, which is very fun.
Traci: [ Laughing ] Oh!
Lily: Hello!
Traci: Hello. Well, you were born to be in charge.
Lily: Aww! What is this?
Traci: Oh, this is just a little, um, office-warming basket I brought you. It's got some snacks and some little accessories for your office.
Lily: Amazing. Thank you. So sweet.
Traci: Oh! How's it going? I know that billy can be a little bit of a challenge.
Lily: Uh, you know...
[ Sighs ] He's fine. I can handle him.
Traci: Awesome. So, it was okay that I kind of pushed you into saying yes? It's not the worst advice I've ever given?
Lily: I don't think you can give bad advice. Can you?
Traci: Oh, my gosh, you would be surprised.
[ Laughs ]
Traci: No, no. You were right. This is exactly what I needed.
Traci: Oh, I'm so glad. Because you deserved to be happy. And I know that your whole team of guardian angels -- your parents and colleen... they're all so happy for you and your accomplishments.
Lily: Thank you. I miss them every day.
Traci: But they're here even though you can't see them.
Lily: Hey. What's wrong?
Traci: Sorry.
Lily: No, traci.& Come on. I mean, look, you're always there for me. It's my turn. What's going on with you?
Summer: Hey! Oh! Someone's a little jumpy.
Kyle: Can you blame me?
Summer: Got your text, but I was in a meeting. So your dad called you?
Kyle: He e-mailed. Wants to see theo and me here at the office.
Summer: That's a good sign. I mean, maybe he's calmed down.
Kyle: Eh, you didn't see his face. It was like I betrayed him.
Summer: Okay, kyle, you were protecting your grandmother. Theo was using dina to score brownie points with lola, and i think that now he's had a good night's sleep. Your dad will realize that you're not the one to blame.
Kyle: I promised him i wouldn't cause her any stress, and I... turned around and did just that. Look, there's no excuse for what I've done. I deserve to pay a price.
Lola: I'm guessing by how stressed you look that you aren't feeling any better than you were when you called me last night.
Theo: [ Sighs ] You know, I actually feel even worse. You know, all I can think about is how much I let down both dina and jack. I should have taken your advice and left the abbott house when kyle showed up.
Lola: So, where do things stand now?
Theo: Oh, I figure I should keep my distance from kyle, so I'm telecommuting while i wait to hear when jack wants to meet. And by meet, I mean let kyle and me have it, which we both deserve.
Lola: Theo, you screwed up, but now you have a chance to make things right.
Theo: If it's not too late.
Lola: Jack has had some time to cool down. Hopefully, he will be way more willing to accept your apology today.
Theo: And what if he's not?
Lola: Then you find a way to make him understand how sorry you are. Use the powers of persuasion that you use on me. Don't give up.
[ Cellphone chimes ] Let me guess -- jack?
Theo: Time to learn my fate. I'll see you soon.
Kyle: My dad's on his way. We're about to find out if theo and I pushed him too far.
Elena: [ Sighs ] Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Nate: I was wondering what happened to you.
Elena: Well, it was a crazy day at memorial. How are things here?
Nate: They've slowed down now, but we saw almost as many people as we did opening day. All the details are there.
Elena: Great. Okay. Wait, are you leaving?
Nate: I am.
Elena: I thought we were gonna catch up.
Nate: I'm running late. Sorry.
Elena: What, do you have a hot date? Nate?
Nate: Don't make this a big deal.
Elena: You do. Who's the lucky lady?
Jill: Thanks to chance, I had the best night's sleep I've had in weeks.
Devon: Yeah? I'm just happy that this is all over with.
Jill: Yep.
Devon: And there she is. Amanda. Hey.
Amanda: Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.
Devon: No, no, no. It's okay. Don't -- don't apologize. You -- you won't interrupt us. We were just sharing some good news.
Amanda: Really? What are you celebrating?
Devon: The downfall of colin atkinson.
Jill: Yeah. Chance found him. He's in custody.
Amanda: He's arrested? That's -- that's amazing.
Devon: Right?
Amanda: Oh, my gosh, I'm so happy for you. I'm stunned.
Devon: Thanks.
Jill: Well, you're not half as stunned as I am at the two of you. It wasn't very long ago that you turned up on his doorstep and set this whole con job in motion. The two of you couldn't stand to be in the same room with each other, and look at you now. You're like best friends. It really is something.
Devon: This is not the time, jill.
Jill: Actually, it is. There are some things I want to say to you, amanda.
Jack: Thank you both for not keeping me waiting. Sit down.
Kyle: Dad, I want to apologize again, but I've learned my lesson.
Theo: Listen, I should have called.
Jack: You know what, I'm not interested in your apologies. You're supposed to be family. I will allow that a certain amount of limited antagonism is probably natural given how theo came into our lives. But this routine has grown tired, and I will not allow your toxicity to bring down this family or this company.
Kyle: Hold on. I take jabot very seriously, and I care about our family.
Jack: Please. Grown men walk away before making the situation worse. Grown men do not put their grandmothers in the line of fire. It's a good thing I walked in when I did. Who knows what would have happened if I hadn't?
Jack: Well, you know what? Actions have consequences. Get ready to face yours.
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Traci: [ Sighs deeply ] I came over here to congratulate you, and look what I did. I made it all about me.
Lily: No, you didn'T. I'm making it all about you. I mean, something has upset you, clearly. I know that dina just moved back into the abbott house. So, did something happen?
Traci: Mm. It's not just one thing. And, don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for the time that I get to have with my mother, but... it is so difficult. Lily... half of the time, she doesn't recognize our own home. She doesn't know what decade she is in. She doesn't even recognize us.
Lily: My god. That must be so painful.
Traci: It is. And I just wish -- I wish someone would have warned me when it was happening, that the last lucid conversation I had with my mother was going to be...
Lily: The last one, I know.
Traci: Yes.
Lily: I know.
Traci: I know you get it, honey. So I'm scrambling around trying to make the most of the time that mother has left. But there's a ticking clock. The moments drag on while we're trying to take care of her. And yet the days fly by, and I can't keep a hold of them. They just -- it's going so fast. There's just not enough time.
Lily: I know.
Traci: [ Sighs ] There's so much left unsaid. I don't know how a person makes peace with that.
Lily: I mean, I think you just -- you do, you know? And you have billy and -- and ashley and jack to lean on. I mean, they also say that art can be good therapy, you know? Maybe you can focus on a new book.
Traci: [ Laughs ] Yes. Thank you. Um, I just don't see how I can even concentrate on a book right now. My -- my publisher is putting all kinds of pressure on me, but...
[ Sighs ] God, I can't even focus on my own life. How can I focus on fictional characters?
[ Laughs ]
Lily: I'm so sorry that you're going through this.
Traci: Oh, thank you, sweetie. And you know what? I do feel so much better -- I do, having talked to you. Thank you.
Lily: Yeah. Of course. And whenever you want to talk, I'm your girl, okay?
Traci: [ Laughs ] Okay.
Lily: Okay.
Billy: I just had a brainstorm, and -- hey.
Traci: Hi, sweetie.
Billy: Hey.
Traci: Hi.
Billy: What's wrong? And don't lie to me because you're not good at it.
Traci: I'm not. Don't worry. I -- I just was feeling sad about mother, and I just needed a good cry, and lily gave it to me.
[ Laughs ] It's fine.
Billy: Is there anything i can do?
Traci: No. Actually, wait a minute. There is. You can come to dinner at the house this week.
Billy: Done.
Lily: Great. Jack will be so excited.
Billy: He's still taking dina's prognosis pretty hard.
Traci: Among other things.
Billy: What other things?
Traci: [ Sighs ] You know, you abbott men...
[ Laughs ] I love every single one of you, but every once in a while, you make people want to just --
[ Cellphone rings ] Oh. Excuse me. Let's see. I'm expecting -- yes. I'm so sorry. I have to take this. It's my publisher.
Lily: Okay, no problem.
Traci: Madeline? Yes.
Billy: Should I be worried?
Lily: No. I mean, even though she wears her heart on her sleeve, she's very strong.
Billy: Yeah, she is. I just wish there was more I can do.
Lily: Well, I think there is, actually.
Billy: What?
Lily: Remember what I told you that I want to talk to traci about getting involved with chancellor communications?
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Lily: Well, I'm going to fill you in, because I think this would be the perfect time to bring your sister on board.
Kyle: Whatever you're thinking, dad.. we can work something out.
Jack: Did I say this was a negotiation?
Kyle: No, you didn'T. I screwed up.
Theo: We screwed up. We both acknowledge that. I was up all night thinking about how freaked out dina was.
Jack: So now you're in agreement.
Theo: We learned our lesson. We're gonna find a way to get along.
Jack: Oh, where have I heard that before? Oh, that's right. From you. You looked me square in the eye and told me you would make every effort. Well, I guess you're not a man of your word. So why should I believe anything you say to me right now? And then, of course, there's my son. This aggression, this pettiness is beneath a chief executive officer, which makes me wonder if you're right for the job.
Kyle: Dad... last night I showed poor judgment. I love my grandmother, and i should have been thinking about her well-being instead of my issues with theo. But that was personal. It has nothing to do with my ability to run this company.
Jack: This is a family company, kyle. You can't separate the two.
Kyle: You're right. And I promise you, I'm going to be better -- and I know words are hollow. You're a man of action. So that's what I'm gonna give you -- action. From here on out, I'm devoting every ounce of my energy to this company, and I will never allow my personal issues with theo to become a distraction at jabot or with the rest of our family.
Theo: I'm with kyle.
Jack: Well, you can both prove to me that you are serious by giving your undivided attention to your next assignment.
Kyle: Of course.
Theo: Name it.
Jack: First things first. Jabot is about to go through a major transitional period.
Kyle: What's changing?
Jack: Everything's changing. Everything.
Elena: Tell me who it is. Is it amanda?
Nate: Maybe.
Elena: [ Gasps ] It is! Wow, it's about time.
Nate: Really?
Elena: Yes, really. I'm the one who told you you need to get a life.
Nate: Actually, she asked me out.
Elena: Well, good for her.
Nate: Okay, I've been interested for a while, but she made it clear she wasn't up for dating anyone. So I left the ball in her court,
Elena: And she finally served it back.
Nate: It's just dinner.
Elena: Whatever you say.
Nate: And if I'm late meeting her, there probably won't be a second date.
Elena: Okay, okay, but wait. One more thing. Just because I know you and i don't want you to screw this up before it gets off the ground.
Devon: We just got good news, jill. We don't need to ruin it.
Amanda: It's okay, devon. I can handle this. And I already know what's coming. Let's see... you don't like me. You don't trust me. You're not entirely convinced that I wasn't in on colin's scheme from the beginning. And you are going to keep a very close eye on me. Am I in the ballpark?
Jill: You're not quite as intuitive as you think you are, you know. And I am not quite as predictable. I mean, don't get me wrong, I could take all of the rage I feel about colin out on you,
Devon: All right, let's not do that here, though.
Jill: No. No. Relax, devon. I'm not gonna do it here or anywhere in the foreseeable future. The thing is, I want to erase colin atkinson from my life. Okay? So I am proposing a truce. You and I were both deceived by him. I see that now. And I really hope that you'll accept my apology.
Amanda: Thank you, and I do. I'm sure it's not going to be as easy to get over colin's betrayal.
Jill: Just for the record, I can get out for anything that life throws at me. Anything. Have a good night, you two.
Devon: You, too. Wow, that's -- I can't believe that jill abbott apologized to you. I didn't see that coming at all.
Amanda: Yeah, me either. This is already a good meeting, and I don't even know what it's about yet. So, why did you want to see me?
Devon: Uh, well, I wanted to see you because I have a proposition for you.
Kyle: Do these changes that you both involve staffing?
Jack: Oh, it's about a lot more than that. This is about going back to the beginning.
Theo: The beginning of what?
Jack: The beginning of jabot, the reason my father founded this company -- his legacy, a legacy we have allowed to become smothered by branching out and overextending.
Kyle: I thought the expansion was a good thing.
Jack: My father created a dynasty under one basic premise -- that elegance, beauty, and self-confidence could be achieved through cosmetics. Look, expanding our fashion line made sense when we were trying to fill a void when ashley took control of our patents. Now that my beauty and jabot have merged, jabot collective is only getting in the way.
Kyle: After all the effort we've put in? The line is starting to build a real following.
Theo: It's insane, but it makes sense. Why not focus 100% of your energy on the product that made you who you are today? Otherwise, you're spread too thin.
Jack: Sounds like theo's starting to catch on.
Kyle: I get your point, dad, but what you're talking about is an entire rebranding. What does ashley say?
Jack: She's totally on board. It's simply a matter of announcing it.
Kyle: Which could be a pr disaster. I can't even imagine how marketing will handle this.
Jack: Marketing will not be responsible.
Kyle: Well, who else would steer rebranding?
Jack: One of you.
Theo: Wait, what?
Jack: That is the task. To prove that you are serious about jabot, you have seven days to come up with a plan to rebrand.
Theo: A week?
Jack: That's right. In one week, you will come with your individual proposals, and i will decide which one of them impresses me enough to let you lead the charge.
Kyle: Okay. I'm in.
Theo: I've already got a couple of ideas.
Jack: Good. You don't want to disappoint me again, gentlemen.
Jack: So unless there are any questions, I'll, uh, see you both in a week.
Theo: Uh, thank you for this opportunity. Seriously. I know this doesn't come along every day, and I won't take it for granted.
Jack: I hope you don'T.
Kyle: Hey. Dad? Got a sec to talk in private?
Jack: Yeah. What's up?
Kyle: I just want you to know I'm going to do everything I can to make you proud. And thank you for letting what happened with dina go. I just want to make sure we're good.
Jack: Focus on the task, kyle. Anything else will be a distraction you can't afford.
Kyle: Wait. Are you still mad?
Jack: Good luck, son.
Summer: Hey. How'd it go? What did jack say?
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Devon: So, I would like to retain your legal services.
Amanda: Is this for a personal matter?
Devon: Yes, it is. I want you to handle everything legal with the new clinic. Are you interested?
Amanda: Uh, very. And a little confused since you have a high-powered legal team at hamilton-winters.
Devon: I know I do, but I -- I don't want to use them. I want to use you.
Amanda: Why? Because, like I said, this is very personal to me. There's nothing more personal than my work with new hope. And I think it's the same for you. I see how you are with jared, I see how engaged you are, and you're exactly the kind of person that I want on my team.
Amanda: Uh, I'm flattered.
Devon: Doesn't sound like it's a yes, though.
Amanda: [ Sighs ] I'm gonna have to think about it, but I really -- I have to run right now. I do look forward to further discussion, though, okay?
Devon: Okay. That's fine. I'm sure you have a busy schedule.
Amanda: Okay. Okay. I'm just going to tell you what's next on my schedule since you're going to find out anyway. I am meeting nate.
Devon: All right.
Amanda: And we have plans
Devon: You guys have plans. All right, I don't know what you want me to --
Amanda: It's a date.
Devon: Oh.
Amanda: I -- I wanted to get back to some semblance of normal, and dating seemed...
Devon: Seemed normal?
Amanda: Like a good first start. Um, I don't -- I don't know -- I don't know what I'm doing. It's been a really long time since I've done this.
Devon: I understand. That's fine. That's just enjoy yourself. Have a good time.
Amanda: Yeah. Okay. Thanks.
Devon: Yeah.
Nate: Elena, I really need to go.
Elena: Okay, then I'll make this quick. Amanda sinclair is obviously a force of nature. She's fierce, she's self-sufficient, and she has nerves of steel. But I think she uses that as an armor to protect the most vulnerable parts of her.
Nate: You're looking out for her.
Elena: I'm looking out for both of you. The girl's been through hell. So take it slow.
Nate: I have no expectations. Just hoping we'll both enjoy ourselves.
Elena: Have the best time, nate.
Nate: The slowest time.
Elena: [ Chuckles ]
Lily: Well? It's great, right?
Billy: I love it.
Lily: You love it?
Billy: It's a great idea.
Lily: I know! I think it's so good.
Billy: [ Clears throat ]
Traci: Sorry, sorry. That woman won't take no for an answer. Well, what's going on with the two of you?
Lily: We are just talking business.
Lily: Mm-hmm.
Traci: Good.
Lily: And we wanted to run something by you.
Traci: Really? You want my opinion? Well, that's great. I'm all ears.
Billy: Oh, we want more than your ears. A lot more. Ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete,
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Jill: Jack!
Jack: Hi, jill.
Jill: "Hi, jill?" I've been shrieking your name for the last two blocks. Why are you ignoring me?
Jack: Sorry, my mind's been a million miles away. You could blow up a building, I wouldn't notice it. Since when have I ever hesitated to insult you? Would I start now?
Jill: Well, that's a fair point. I am on my way to st. Tropez. I've got to speak at a woman's conference. I am due at the salon.
Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You were just telling me you were screaming my name for blocks.
Jill: Buy me coffee!
Jack: Times are really that hard?
Jill: Oh, you ass. We're celebrating. Colin is in jail. I have filed for divorce.
Jack: Good for you.
Jill: Lord, I expected a little more of reaction.
Jack: I told you, I have a lot on my mind.
Jill: Oh, is it dina?
Jack: Fortunately not. No, it's kyle and theo. The war of the cousins rages on, and now that they've dragged dina into it, too.
Jill: Ah, the impetuousness of youth.
Jack: I cannot have my mother around this. I can'T. So I pulled out the big guns. I challenge them to prove to me that they were worth my time at jabot. Enough is enough.
Jill: I take it back. Coffee's on me. Two black coffees, please.
Summer: A competition? I did not see that coming.
Kyle: Mm. That makes two of us.
Summer: Wait, so what happens if you don't win? Is jack going to fire you?
Kyle: No, it's not about the job. It's about something more important, the respect of my father.
Theo: I know what you're thinking. I brought this on myself.
Lola: No, kyle is just as much at fault as you are.
Theo: You know, I should have known I couldn't talk or charm my way out of this. You know what, and, frankly, jack deserves better. I mean, he's been so good to me, you know, reaching out and, you know, treating me like family.
Lola: Because you are like family, which is why he's giving you this opportunity to prove yourself.
Theo: And I don't want to disappoint him, because even though having kyle for a boss drives me crazy... I love my job at jabot. And I want to show jack I have what it takes, that I can make just as big an impact on the company as anyone with the last name abbott. I'm just afraid this competition is gonna end up with me getting tossed out on my ass.
Summer: Okay, well, let's get to work.
Kyle: Whoa, whoa. Wait. I'm a little nervous about this.
Summer: What? Are you kidding me? Kyle, come on. You've got the experience. You -- you know every department like the back your hand, and I know that you're creative. And you're jack's son on top of it, so... why are you doubting yourself?
Kyle: I have home court advantage. But something tells me this isn't a done deal. Not even close.
Lola: You and kyle are competing for an assignment. Your job isn't on the line.
Theo: No, but if I -- if i don't win, if I don't come up with an idea with an undeniable impact, jack's gonna lose even more respect for me.
Lola: Theo, no matter what the outcome is, I'm sure he will appreciate your hard work on the project.
Theo: No. This is a test of my ability to do something major at jabot, to be a leader. If I come up short, I'll be off the fast track. I mean, how long will I be able to contribute moving forward? And how long will it be before I get the "maybe this isn't the best fit for you" speech? And then I'm back on the outside looking in. And I'm not just talking about work. I'm talking about with my newfound family, the only living relatives I have.
Lola: Okay. [ Clears throat ] Let's imagine that this scenario is a possibility. Use it as a motivation to create a great idea.
Theo: But even if I come up with a next-level genius pitch, it still might not be enough. The deck is stacked against me because even though jack is ticked at kyle right now, he's still his beloved son and co-ceo, the one he is grooming to be his successor. Man, this competition is already over.
Kyle: He's my dad. When is he going to start believing in me. And theo -- I know he's gonna try something underhanded. Look, I know. I know I'm being paranoid.
Summer: No. You're right. Theo will do anything to win. But he doesn't have your secret weapon -- me.
Jack: You think I'm a failure as a father?
Jack: No, I would give you an a-plus as a father. You did the right thing -- for theo, for kyle, for jabot, and for yourself. You needed to take charge.
Jack: Eh, I appreciate the vote of confidence and your willingness to listen to me vent.
Jill: Well, I hope you keep me updated on this contest that you've devised. I'm really interested to see how it turns out. And now since the main source of drama in my life is behind bars, I have to live vicariously.
Jack: What? You're going to st. Tropez. That's gonna be fun. I wish I could do that.
Jill: You could do it. Come with me.
Jack: What?
Jill: No, seriously. I mean, I have the conference, but I got a lot of downtime. There'd be excursions. Oh, and fine dining, massages...
Jack: Naps by the pool.
Jill: I'll add it to the list.
Jack: Oh, it sounds like heaven. I can't leave dina right now. I can'T. I've got to keep an eye on theo and kyle, as well, and... no, I think you're gonna have to enjoy it for both of us.
Jill: I won't let you down.
[ Both chuckle ]
Lola: You need to forget about kyle. Concentrate on the work. Do not psych yourself out.
Theo: You really think I could do this?
Lola: Yes, and so does jack. Otherwise, he wouldn't have given you this opportunity. In my experience, jack is a very fair man. So he will judge your pitches purely on their merits.
Theo: You know, as much as i hate to admit it, kyle is really smart, and he's spent most of his career working at jabot, so he knows everything about the company. He's gonna be tough to beat.
Lola: But not impossible. You are still in this.
Summer: You need to fight fire with fire. Anything that theo does is not going to be enough.
Kyle: How can you be so sure?
Summer: Because... it's him against the two of us.
Lola: You want this? You have to earn this. Life doesn't just hand you victories, but you, theo, you're used to making your own way. So dig deeper because you are just as smart and creative as kyle is. You have it in you to be amazing. So believe in your abilities. Because I do.
Theo: You have no idea how much that means to me. You give one hell of a pep talk.
Lola: Mm. My pleasure. Now get to work.
Kyle: So the two of us are in this now.
Summer: There is nothing that we can't accomplish together, which is why you're gonna win.
Traci: Serialized fiction?
Lily: Well, serialized online fiction. So it's still a novel, just in different packaging. You would release, like, bite-sized chapters every few days.
Billy: Target ya with mystery, sci-fi, romance...
Lily: Mm-hmm. All the most popular genres. And, you know, we can even set up message boards where readers can chat with other fans about the latest chapter.
Billy: A couple of start-ups have already experience with it, and the numbers have already been great.
Traci: Do you want me to write these books?
Billy: Uh, no. We want you to run the whole thing.
Traci: What?
Billy: Yes. Hire the talent. Oversee the editors and the web designers, the whole thing.
Lily: Mm-hmm, and we would love to publish your next best-seller. By, I mean, having a platform like this, you can reach a whole new audience.
Traci: But I've never done anything like this. Why would you think about me?
Billy: Because you know good writing and you know talent. And you keep the abbott family in line, so you can run anything.
Traci: [ Laughing ] Oh! I was telling lily, I just don't know if I can think about work at a time like this.
Billy: We totally understand that you want to spend as much time with dina as possible. And this is just getting off the ground, so we won't need you full-time.
Lily: Yeah, I mean, you can work from home and make your own hours. And this can also help you channel your creativity and your emotions. And as far as managing experience, I mean, we could hire a dozen mbas, but we don't want this to feel corporate. You know, we want this to have soul, to have a heart.
Billy: And no one has a bigger heart than you.
Traci: Oh! This is so flattering, but...
Lily: Okay, remember what you told me about this job? You said I should focus on the possibilities and not the negatives. And you were right.
Billy: So, what do you say? Are you in? To help you through the current health situation
Elena: And, remember, don't take those pills in an empty stomach. Okay, bye.
Devon: 100 ccs of thai curry noodles, stat.
Elena: Hey. What are you doing here?
Devon: I was just thinking about my favorite person and her favorite meal. This a bad time?
Elena: Nope, you're the only person here.
Devon: Really?
Elena: Yes, and I am so glad that you are here. And you brought me lunch, but I also have some gossip.
Devon: Let me guess. Is it about amanda and nate?
Elena: You already know?
Devon: Yeah.
Elena: Ugh!
Devon: She told me about it.
Elena: When? Oh, you talked to her about the clinic. Is she gonna represent us?
Devon: She's thinking about it.
Elena: Hmm. Devon...
Devon: Yeah?
Elena: A patient could come in.
Devon: Oh, that's good. Let them come in. I don't want to talk about them anymore, anyway. I want to talk about you and your day and the rest of your life.
Elena: Oh, is that it?
Devon: Maybe.
Elena: [ Chuckles ]
Nate: Damn.
Amanda: Back at you.
Nate: Shall we?
Jill: Oh, my god. I've got to be at the salon in 10 minutes.
Jack: Go, go, go, go. Listen, when you get back, I'll return the favor.
Jill: What favor?
Jack: I'll buy the drinks, and you can tell me about st. Tropez. Show me your tan lines.
Jill: Oh, that would be nice.
Jack: Have a safe trip.
Jill: I intend to, and I'll call you when I get back, okay?
Traci: You two know how to pitch a job.
Lily: So... is it a yes?
Traci: It is a maybe. As tempting as this offer is, I just don't know if I can commit to it.
Billy: What do we got to do to get you to say yes?
Traci: Give me some time. There's just so much to consider, billy.
Lily: No, no, no. We understand, and we look forward to hearing from you when you're ready.
Traci: No matter what i decide, I just want to tell you, this has been so flattering, and thank you so much for making me feel so good.
Lily: Oh, of course. We love you.
Traci: Oh! [ Laughs ] Love you, too, sweetheart. And I will see you at dinner... mwah! ...And dinner this week, okay?
Billy: Wouldn't miss it for the world.
Traci: Okay. Bye.
Lily: Bye.
[ Sighs ] So, what do you think?
Billy: I've never known my sister to make a bad decision, and I could see the light in her eye. I feel good about it.
Lily: Yeah, me too. And I think when she thinks that through and realizes that the position won't take away time from dina, I think she'll say yes.
Billy: You really are full of good ideas. Not only starting fiction division, but getting my sister to run it way.
Lily: Why, thank you. And I'm glad that you're as excited about as I am.
Billy: Look at us in total agreement.
Lily: Oh, no, no, no. That -- that was a one time thing.
Billy: Make it a two-time thing. Come on, hit me.
Lily: No. Don't push your luck, okay? We have business to discuss.
Billy: Well, it was fun while it lasted. What do you got for me?
Lola: Here's your order.
Summer: Oh, I didn't expect the chef to bring out my order personally.
Lola: Mm, are you sure you weren't hoping that we would cross paths?
Summer: No. Why would I do that?
Lola: Well, I assume kyle told you about jack's challenge?
Summer: I didn't know that
you knew. But that's actually a relief. So maybe you can talk some sense into theo before he embarrasses himself, maybe persuade him to bow our gracefully.
Lola: [ Inhales sharply ] Wow, you're already running defense for kyle.
Summer: This is just a little friendly advice since theo does seem to listen to you. Theo is ready to show jack how good he really is.
Summer: And you support that?
Theo: I support him, just like you support kyle. Understand?
Kyle: Don't mind me. Left my sunglasses.
Theo: Didn't see them. Eh, you sure? I'll look over here.
Theo: You sure you aren't trying to look at what I'm working on because I'm already brainstorming ideas.
Kyle: I don't need to spy on you, I've got this thing nailed down tight. See, I got an ace up my sleeve.
Theo: Well, if you say so.
Kyle: I know so. Because you may be blood, but you're not part of our family history, and you don't understand what made you jabot what it is.
Theo: I have a fresh vision. I see what this can be in the future. That's what counts in the end, right?
Kyle: Found them. We'll find out what count soon enough.
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